Unfortunately in modern world parental example increasingly has a detrimental effect on the personality of the child.
Author wrote: I child psychologist, and at times I get terribly confused. My main problem is the parents of my little clients, who disfigure them themselves. I don’t know whether it’s personally “lucky” for me or, in fact, almost half of the children who are referred to a psychologist by doctors or teachers with suspicion of various disorders (this is how most clients come to me) have the same diagnosis: surrounding adults - idiots.

Case #1

A 4-year-old boy behaves aggressively, throws himself at other children on the playground and offends his younger sister. Already after 10 minutes of communication with his mother and stepfather, everything becomes clear. In the family, even adults do not know the words "excuse me", "please" and "thank you". It is customary for them to communicate with the help of an ora at each other and threats “I’ll hurt you right now.” The most affectionate thing that I said to the child: “Shut up, you bastard!”. And in general, it seems to the child’s stepfather (an aging gopnik who is over 40 according to his passport, and 13–14 years old in his mind) to teach the kid to answer any words of his grandmother: “Shut up, old bitch!” - great witty joke. In general, the boy does not have any disorders, he just looks like his parents.

Case #2

6-year-old girl Sasha speaks of herself in the masculine gender and tries to convince everyone that she is a boy, Sanya. Gender identity disorder? Don't give a damn. It’s just that dad and mom wanted a second son, and from infancy they tell their daughter what a pity that she was not born a boy. To any manifestation of weakness they say: “What are you like a girl ?!” (hello, garage, your child is actually a girl!), and a request to buy beautiful shoes is perceived as a sign that her daughter will grow up to be a prostitute - she already knows this word very well. At the same time, the girls rush about with their older brother like with a written bag: he is a boy. Sasha, of course, has two options: either forever recognize himself as a second-class person, or try to somehow become a first-class person. She chose the latter option. And this is completely normal for a person with a healthy psyche. It's not normal - to spoil a smart and precocious girl's head like that even before school!

Case #3

The first-grader is constantly trying to get into other children's shorts, attaches himself from behind, imitating sexual intercourse, and persuades the girls to dance a striptease. The alarm was sounded by the parents of the girl whom he offered for a chocolate bar, I quote, "to suck his pussy." Increased interest in this topic in such early age can be a symptom of several big problems. Either the child was corrupted, or he has a serious hormonal failure (an adult hormonal set in the child's body), or some problems with the cerebral cortex. However, it turns out that just the father of the child considers it completely normal to watch porn on the computer in the presence of his son: “What's wrong? He's small, he doesn't understand anything. And if he understands, let him grow up as a peasant, gee-gee-gee.

Case #4

A 10-year-old girl literally hates all boys and any hint of intersexual relations. A neighbor on the desk, who said that she was beautiful, ran into a fury and broke his nose. We find out that the whole situation arose because of the girl's mother. This is a single mother. A woman with a stormy but not very happy personal life. A series of "new dads", some of which did not last even three months (and one of them also beat the girl), and "we are like girlfriends, I tell her everything, everything." That is, the mother made her daughter a confidant. From early childhood, a child knows which of his mother’s uncles has problems with potency, who has a jealous wife who watches over her mother at work at the entrance, who is “bad, didn’t even buy a ring,” from whom she had three abortions, and so on. Mom sincerely believes that she is preparing the girl for adulthood. The girl believes that adult life is only endless showdowns with someone's wives, abortions and fake members, and she saw all this in a coffin (and in this case it's hard not to understand her).

Case #5

10 year old boy. Rare case. The mother brought the child with a request: “Do something! He annoys his father." In general, the search for a “magic button” that can be pressed to make the child comfortable is a favorite topic of parents who bring children themselves. In general, the situation is almost classic: dad from time to time finds new love and goes to her, then mother wins him back with borscht and silk robes. For some time the family is idyll, and then everything repeats itself. The gaps are getting shorter, and the child generally “spoils everything” - he treats his dad like a dad, and not like an eastern padishah. Recently - just think! - asked a parent suffering from a hangover to help him solve the problem. The boy was swearing and got such a slap on the back of the head that he flew off to the wall. Answer: “Better, damn it, write out healing pendels to dad!” Of course, this does not fit into the framework of professional ethics, but this is perhaps the main thing that comes to mind in this case.

I will start funny stories about children from real life without entry.

  1. And the first story happened in front of my eyes yesterday on the beach. A 3-year-old boy's circle flew away, but he did not see it, he only saw how someone else's aunt was holding a circle in her hands. And he said in his own language: this is mine!. Aunt gave the circle, and the boy's mother says: "what should I say?". The son thought for a second, and then clearly, loudly with an expression issued: “LOW!”
  2. You can’t just say “no!” to children without explaining the details. They immediately want to check how impossible it is. So Seryozha “checked” why it was impossible to touch the iron swing with your tongue on the street during the frost. Then he learned from his own experience why a light bulb should not be put in his mouth. True, later he argued with his mother: “you can just put it in, but you can’t stick it out,” he said to his mother.
  3. When I was 4-5 years old, I fell ill, and it was decided to leave me at home with my grandmother. But whenever possible, dad ran home for lunch to find out if everything was fine with us, whether we needed to run to the pharmacy, etc. Of course, he also had dinner at home. And so, on one of those days, dad managed not only to eat, but also to take a nap, sitting on an armchair. He slid down so comfortably that his head was at the level of my hands. Of course, I immediately took advantage of this. While granny was busy in the kitchen, thinking that I was under the tutelage of my father, I decided to put things in order on my dad's head. I took out all the best that I had: multi-colored rubber bands, bright hairpins, bows and feathers. All this was immediately fixed and mounted on the head of the pope. And in the end, I remembered the crown! Yes! It was something! Finally, daddy had a great haircut. I remember how happy I was! But then dad woke up, looked at his watch, instantly jumped up, said goodbye to grandma on the go, kissed me on the cheek, and ran to the door. What happened next, I don't know. I don't know how far he got to realize how handsome he is. But the fact that since then he prefers not to lose his vigilance at lunch, that's for sure.
  4. The child saw his mother for the first time fur hat. I looked at it for a long time, and then concluded: “We should have waited for it to grow more.” Mom asked: “Where do hats grow?”. "As where? In shops. I saw it myself,” concluded the kid.
  5. Bought a flashlight. I came home, and it turned out that it did not work, well, like a real man, I began to disassemble it and find out the reason. I went over everything, soldered everything, but in vain. The son came, looked and said that I put the battery wrong, and left. And you know what's the most annoying thing about it? I am an electrician by training.
  6. The son of my friend resolutely tells everything to everyone. He is 4 years old, he has mastered speech and is happy to share his knowledge. But what knowledge does he have at this age? So far, only those that he observes. And therefore, it is worth calling someone, the baby is the first to rush to the phone, and begins to give out family secrets. So the boss of a friend recently found out why the baby’s mother can’t answer the phone now, because she poops. And the whole bus was aware that the mother did not look like her son. It turns out that in the morning he spied how mom bathes. And one detail that the son has in stock, the mother did not have. The kid told everyone about this, arguing that it would be very difficult for a mother to live without this very important detail. He said so: “How does mom write if she has nothing?”. The baby was very distressed, introducing her mother into the paint.
  7. Little Vika never wanted to part with the bottle, even when there was no milk left in the bottle. And so, Vika and her parents arrive at the dacha. Dad unfastens the straps on the daughter's chair, takes her in his arms and puts the baby on the ground. The spectacle that the neighbor's boy sees, and he is about the same age as Vika, 3.5-4 years old: a girl is standing, her legs are wide apart, her eyes are narrowly narrowed (the baby has just woken up) and an empty bottle, which the baby holds tightly to the nipple with her teeth . And then he says, stretching the vowels: "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
  8. Dad reads fairy tales to his son at night. One of the fairy tales about Kolobok. Little Maxim listens attentively, the fairy tale touched him in some way. If until now he was dozing, and it was clear that he was about to fall asleep, then he woke up, interest in his eyes, sleep in not one eye. Dad finished reading the fairy tale with a tragic ending, and says to his son: "Well, now it's time to sleep!". To which the son replies: “Yeah! After such a horror movie, I can’t sleep anymore. ” And then dad broke through: “Well, what are you? The gingerbread man is bread. Everyone eats it." There is even greater horror in the eyes of the child: “And I ate the kolobok!” Mom had to intervene until it came to a world-class tragedy, and the discovery by the baby of the truth that all people are koloboks ...
  9. Kostya is 6 years old, but he already knows how to read and write very well. And so, one day, some serious Kostya returns from the yard, where he was walking with his other Tyoma. Tyoma and his parents have just returned from Europe. Kostya sits down at the table and begins to write something. And then he announces: "I'm coming soon," and wants to run away. Mom barely manages to catch Kitty. And in the hands of the baby is a note written in large letters: PEOPLE GIVE MONEY. I WANT TO THROW THEM IN THE FOUNTAIN IN PARIS. Mom has no words, this is what her son came up with!))
  10. The story is almost like Nosov's. Only, instead of porridge, dumplings. Two little girls, 5 years old, felt too grown up. And while the parents of one of the friends did not come home, they decided to make a surprise and cook dinner for the whole family. They kneaded the dough, deciding to make dumplings. And then they realized that the dumplings needed a filling. And separately also to cook it, well, I didn’t want to at all. Moreover, this was their first culinary experience, so they knew little about the intricacies of dumplings. And then they found the pasta that was left over from lunch. What's wrong stuffing? They rolled the dough in half with grief. It would be necessary to cut out circles from the dough, as my mother does. But somehow both girls did not want to mess with each dumpling separately. And they were satisfied with the version of one dumpling. They put all the pasta on the dough, sealed the edges. In 4 hands they raised a dumpling, lowered it into the largest pot that they found at home. But still, one edge of their work of culinary art was peeking out of the pan, making it difficult to close it. Then the girls pushed him by force. They were not at all embarrassed by the fact that the dumpling had become somehow unsympathetic. They poured water into a pot, covered it with a lid, and turned on the gas. And, in order not to wait for their signature dish to be cooked, we decided to go into the room and play. When my mother arrived, there was a cloud of smoke in the kitchen, the water from the pan boiled away and turned into a waterfall that flowed from the stove. And in the pan there were pasta stuck to the walls and some kind of dough layer. The surprise worked...

Last year, my husband John and I adopted four girls aged 11-16 from a foster family. When they first started visiting us over the weekend, we learned a lot about them, their likes and dislikes, their hopes and faith. How? Often, something in our house came to their mind, and they began to tell stories. We learned about how they ended up in foster family, their first day of school and the events that shaped their personality.

During last year the stories were not very entertaining, but they helped our children understand us and our family culture. These stories connect with us and help our children understand why we are where we are today. Did you share important stories from your life with your children? If not, then here are the ones to start with:

1. The story of your salvation. Your children may think that you have always believed in God, never struggled, or never questioned your need for God in your life. Later, when they have doubts, struggles and questions, they may begin to think that they are the only ones who are “wrong”. Share a story about your journey to faith in Jesus and your commitment to Him. If you become a Christian in young age, share steps of faith you have taken as you have grown up. How has your faith changed and grown over the years?

2. A story about vivid childhood memories. It is difficult for our children to imagine us as children, but it was childhood that shaped us into who we are today. For example, I shared a vivid memory of how, at the age of 5, I went to a friend's birthday party, and my stepfather dropped me out of the car at the wrong house. I didn't know the people living there and they couldn't contact my parents. I ended up walking several miles to my aunt's house with a man from that house I didn't know, and he accompanied me all the way. This story told something about my childhood and it also explains a little about my independence. And in general, this story makes it clear why I am so careful with my own children. It's amazing how much one bright event in my life can tell about me.

3. The story of your love and marriage with your spouse. This is one of the favorite stories that my children are always ready to hear from me and my husband. They love to ask questions about how we first met, our first date, and how our relationship developed. They have already asked my husband dozens of times to tell the story of how he proposed to me. We shared not only those things from our acquaintance that brought us closer, but also shared moments that almost pushed us away from each other. I am learning that our stories help them understand the beginning of my relationship with my husband and provide insight into the state of our marriage today.

4. A story about your biggest regret. This is perhaps the most difficult story I have shared with my children, but it is also very important. For me personally, my biggest regret was that I had an abortion at the age of 15. It's something I'd like to change if I could go back, but it's also a regret that has shaped my life and my decisions since then. It is because of this bad decision that I have devoted a lot of time to helping others make right choice. I helped run a crisis pregnancy center and I am a mentor to teen mothers. Although it hurts to share our regrets with children, it is very important for them to understand how fear and selfishness can lead us to make the wrong choice. It also humbles us. And finally, our vulnerability opens the door for children to come closer to us in the future, when they themselves will be in a state of internal struggle.

5. The story of how you discovered your calling. When did you discover your unique gifts and talents? How did you find your career path? What hobby makes you joyful? Our children are constantly struggling with who they are. They want to be like everyone else, although we understand that their uniqueness will always distinguish them from others. Share stories about how you discovered your purpose in life that will help your children understand who God made them to be.

So, have I convinced you to open up your heart and life? If so, here are a few more little tips to help you:

  1. Make your stories age appropriate for the children. You can add more details over time.
  2. Share the good, the bad and the ugly. Our children already know that we are not perfect. And when we show our vulnerability, it encourages them to do the same.
  3. Don't force your stories on them. If in this moment they don't seem interested - wait for the right time. I have noticed that children are most likely to listen to stories before bed, when the house is quiet and there are no distracting gadgets.
  4. Finally, include God's point of view in the story. Did your decisions cause God to be angry? Share this, but also share about His forgiveness. Can you imagine such a decision of yours, from which God almost jumped for joy? Share this too. Every decision we make affects God in some way. It is also important for our children to understand this.

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All mothers and fathers want their child to achieve the best in life. But children make mistakes, and it is important for parents to teach them not to avoid them, but to show them what to do next. Stories from your life will help children understand that everyone has problems and you will always help if needed.

website shares with readers stories that probably happened in everyone's life. By the way, you can tell your child about the failures and joyful moments of your life even before a similar incident happens to him.

1. You got triples and deuces

Not everyone can be a straight A student. How many such students were in your class? Was everyone else not smart enough and too lazy? Tell your children that sometimes you got bad grade, even when they tried and diligently prepared for the test. The mark in the journal is not the only indicator of knowledge. Instead of shedding tears on the diary, it is better to approach the teacher and ask for an explanation of the mistakes, and then work them out at home. So the information is even better absorbed.

  • What will it give. Child and adolescent psychology expert Daniel Wong advises all parents not to praise the fives to the skies so that the child does not think that you will stop loving him because of the deuce.

2. You had conflicts with your parents

You were scolded, you were forbidden, and you threw tantrums in response. You sulked at your parents and they sulked at you. But you still love each other. Conflicts happen in every team, and therefore in every family.

  • What will it give. The child will understand that there have always been conflicts between parents and children. The problem is not in him and not in you, but in the temporary difference in views on things.

3. You were naughty and you were punished

  • What will it give. Instead of a sense of injustice, the child will gradually come to a sense of responsibility for their actions.

4. You didn't like your looks and experimented.

Teenagers are very sensitive to their appearance. It seems to them that no one will ever love them because of pimples and hair that suddenly appeared in new places. They may ask permission to get pierced and shave their temples, but they are unlikely to admit that they do not like their own reflection in the mirror. Tell your children that you, at their age, were not satisfied with your appearance. You were shy, you were afraid of ridicule. And you created such an eccentric image for yourself, from which it is now both funny and ashamed.

  • What will it give. Such a conversation can save children from sudden urges to get a tattoo or buy expensive but gaudy sneakers.

5. You loved other people

Psychologists confirm that teenagers are very keenly experiencing failed novels. Often, starting to date someone, teenagers cut off ties with friends and classmates. A broken heart can seriously injure your child. Therefore, it is worth reminding him that life does not end there and that he will still have romantic relationships. Share that before you married your mom/dad, you dated other people and broke up. You were hurt, you felt loneliness and injustice, but in the end you found a person who gave you real happiness.

  • What will it give. Your children will know that when they have difficulties in their personal lives, they can turn to you for support and advice.

6. Not all friends stay forever.

Quarrels and disagreements with friends are always unpleasant. Friends may suddenly not invite you to a birthday party, spill a secret, their interests and social circle may change. Tell stories that happened to you and your comrades in childhood, and the child himself will ask: “Why don’t they come to visit us?” This is a great opportunity to explain how and when your paths parted. Friendship is tested by time, and we make many friends when we grow up.

  • What will it give. Such stories will help your child learn about interpersonal relationships and teach them how to deal with their emotions.

7. You've had failures

You are not a perfect person, ideal does not exist at all. And before you achieve anything, you made mistakes. You lost in competitions and competitions, you were out of tune in tests at a music school, you ran away from the stage and stuttered in front of the class. But you were able to achieve the result. The mistakes you made don't affect your life in any way now. They made you smarter and more confident. In addition, they are fun to remember and tell loved ones. Who likes to play computer game where there are no tasks and obstacles? Life without difficulties would also be boring.

What stories do you most often tell your children?

We met my future husband in Yekaterinburg, he is a local, I come from another city. It was not love at first sight, no, we looked at each other for a long time until we decided to start a family. But for this I had to move to him, and I went back to myself. While running, she quit her job, arranging everything required documents A few months passed and it turned out that I was pregnant. My happiness knew no bounds, I literally flew on wings, because my age was running out and I already wanted my baby so much.

The future husband met at the station, by that time I already knew that we would have a daughter! We did not choose the name for long, somehow it just so happened that we both want to call Angelina. But at 22 weeks, something went wrong, my stomach got very sick, bleeding began, toxicosis, I was placed on conservation ... but even medical intervention did not help, I had a regression. I will not dare to describe my condition even now, the first thought was, since my child died, then I have no reason to live!

Our Angelinochka never saw the light, she left us in my stomach, immediately becoming an Angel ... A sea of ​​​​shed tears, words of consolation from relatives - nothing else mattered, because without my daughter the world was not nice to me, a long-awaited meeting it didn't happen...

I didn’t see her, they didn’t show me, but I was sure that she looked like my grandfather, how many times later I saw her in a dream, she came to me and smiled, these small arms and legs, the fragile body of a newborn child, which I I will never be able to press to my chest ... This slightly hairy crown that I will never be able to kiss ...

Life from scratch...

How long my state of insanity and grief lasted, I don’t know, I just remember that gray dull days passed, endless nights in which I fell asleep and woke up with a pillow wet with tears. Doctors said that now you just have to wait, wait for the body to recover after such a shake-up, for this it would take several years. I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t sit on benches in parks, because mothers with strollers passed by and my heart immediately clenched into a ball of pain for the lost child. The whole next year I consoled myself with one hope, the hope that I would soon have a baby, and I would finally be able to pour on her all the love that I could not give to my first daughter!

A year has passed, my husband and I decided on a second conception. I got pregnant quickly, for the first months I took care of myself as best I could, drank vitamins, ate only healthy things, surrounded myself with full attention, was afraid to move the wrong way once again and constantly listened to my tummy, counted the first tremors, everything was in order there.

The first ultrasound ... the second - everything is normal, we have a daughter! When I found out about this on ultrasound, I cried ... My daughter, Angelinochka, no, she can’t be returned, but this, this daughter - I won’t call her that. We will call her Christina - dedicated to Christ, may God hear our prayers and save the life of our child. Days, weeks passed, my baby was supposed to be born on June 27, I counted the minutes ...

But at the 27th week, severe toxicosis again, my heart gasped and sank, I ran to the antenatal clinic to see a doctor, telling her that I had already lost my first child. But the strict aunt-gynecologist just glanced in my direction, like I'm another crazy mother. She measured my stomach, weighed it, listened ... So what if you have toxicosis, everything is in order! I returned home, but my heart was restless, I felt bad both morally and physically, I listened to my stomach all the time and it began to seem to me that my daughter was not moving at all. I could not wait any longer, through connections I contacted the head of one of the local maternity hospitals, and came to see him. Only after describing my symptoms to him, I immediately noticed a shadow on his face and a sharp change. He immediately directed me to an ultrasound in a neighboring office and followed me himself. I saw his focused look at the monitor, followed the reaction and immediately realized that something was wrong again ...

My heart was still beating, but already very weakly, as he later told me, the hope of survival for such a period (incomplete 28 weeks) is very small, my daughter was dying inside me ... In simple words, my placenta stopped feeding the baby and my daughter has been suffering there for a week now. Tears gushed in a hail, through them I heard his words that I urgently need to do a caesarean and he will do this personally. I was not afraid of the operation, I was not afraid of anesthesia and that they would cut me, more than anything in the world I was afraid that I would lose my second child ...

How could I then live with it?

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

Operation. She closed her eyes and fell asleep from anesthesia - she woke up already without a stomach. There was an aching void inside. Somehow she parted her lips and was able to ask if her daughter was alive? She is alive, but very weak, weight 1100 kg, height 34 cm. I again plunged into oblivion, then woke up again from the thought of my daughter. Where is my Kristinochka, my blood, why can't I be there? My daughter was in intensive care, on artificial lung ventilation, the first time I saw her was when I was able to crawl there and I was allowed to look at my own child through the thick glass of the ward. She lay in the incubator all in catheters, tubes, a small lump of blue-burgundy flesh and looked more like a doll than a person. Now my life has turned into one continuous long wait, waiting for a miracle, because the doctors did not give hope and did not give predictions, the child's weight was decreasing, the condition was serious. Every day I sat at the windows of intensive care for several hours, shedding tears and praying to God for a miracle, I was allowed to express my milk and bring it to my daughter, it was poured through the catheter directly into the tiny ventricle, starting with just a few drops. At first she rejected it, but gradually began to learn a little...

I will omit all the details about these days and nights, for me they merged into one, a long two months of recovery in an incubator, a stubborn two months of fighting for the life of our crumbs. She survived! Maybe it was the Lord who heard my prayers, or maybe it was my first Angel who stood up there, in heaven, for her, or maybe my daughter really wanted to live and was able to get out! In June, my daughter somehow gained 2.3 kg, and we were allowed to go home. The husband, when he first saw his daughter, burst into tears ... Do not believe the saying: “Men do not cry!” They cry, they cry! He stood at the maternity hospital, holding a white bundle with our daughter in his hands and wept with happiness ...

We were at home, but endless examinations, examinations, medicines awaited us ...

More than 3 years later

My daughter grew up and pleased me and my husband with her successes! And then we really wanted to have a son. This is how it happens with money in your wallet, when they are not there - they are very necessary, and when they appear - it seems to you not enough. So it is with children, with the advent of the first - after a while you want the second!

No sooner said than done! I am pregnant again, I feel great, my tummy is growing before my eyes, I want to eat and sleep all the time, and not run to work. The baby is due June 23rd. Uzi, Uzi again - we have a boy, as ordered! This pregnancy was different from the first two, the state of constant euphoria did not leave me. But at the same time, there was a worm of doubt and fear for the life of the child inside...

Here it is, another frontier, 27 weeks have passed, the baby kicks more and more and grows every day. But my heart is groaning from bad forebodings, I go to the doctor and demand an ultrasound, they say that everything is normal ...

Two more weeks - they barely last, but I'm still oppressed by the same foreboding. And although the doctors in the antenatal clinic again repeat that everything is fine, I no longer trust anyone! By the 30th week, I can’t stand it and go for another ultrasound for a fee. With the results I go to the doctor. My heart did not deceive me, history repeats itself, and with absolute accuracy ...

I roar again and prepare for the operation, but this time I have a glimmer of hope that this baby is a few weeks older than his sister and should be stronger! Anesthesia, oblivion… I have a state of deja vu… Waking up, I ask again if my son is alive? Alive! But he is very weak, weight 1320 kg, height 36 cm.

The first meeting with my son, and again I spend days and nights at the intensive care windows, looking through thick glass at small arms and legs ... I pray to God for my son’s health, but he is so weak and weakens every day ... His lungs are not developed at all, he suffocates and refuses to breathe ... With artificial stimulation, he is brought back to life, I sob in the ward, because they don’t let me in to see him anymore and they don’t say anything ... Then the doctor comes in and says that there is no hope, he has only a couple of days left, he won’t live to the end weeks ... The heart stops in the chest from these words.

Well, how is it? After all, he is bigger than his daughter, and she survived! Apparently, the girls are stronger in spirit. Only the thought that I already have a beautiful daughter saves me from losing my mind ... I don’t want to give up, I call all the experts I know and don’t know, but everyone, seeing the results of our examinations, only shakes his head and refuses to take on us.

Why is life so unfair? All sorts of alcoholics and drug addicts bear, give birth to healthy children, and then throw them on the streets, useless ... And here you want and expect a child, and every time something goes awry! The week is coming to an end, my hands drop, a miracle does not happen ...

But here is one doctor, he is from the regional hospital, looks at my son and agrees to try to treat, again hope, hope for a miracle and for the golden hands of this man! After a couple of days, the baby feels better, which means that there are still doctors from God in the world!

Yasha - our son is slowly trying to eat and breathe on his own, we are gaining weight and getting better. Two months in an incubator, two long, hard months of fighting for my son's life. And he survived! We were discharged and we are at home, but again endless examinations, examinations, medicines ...

My daughter Kristina is “conditionally” now 4.10 years old, my son Yasha is “conditionally” 10 months old ... they were born on April 17 and 10.