Fun games for children early age

Game: “A goat walked along the bridge”


A goat was walking along a bridge. An adult was shaking his knees.

Up - down.

And wagging her tail. The adult turns the child out of

Side to side.

Got caught on the railing. Shakes again.

It landed right in the river, splash! Simulates falling into a hole.

Game: “On a horse”

Target : development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over the bumps, over the bumps, The adult rises sharply and

Along small bushes, drops his knees.

On a young horse

Uphill trick, trick, trick! Adult reaches forward

And on the old nag's legs and rolls the child down them.

From the hill - boom!

Game: "Carousel"

Target : learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

And then, then, then - Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't rush, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually switching to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) The children stop and

The game is over! bow to each other!

Game: "Little Bird"

Target : development of active speech and attention of the child.

Little bird

She flew to us, to us!

Little bird

I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains!

A bird sat on the window,

Sit a little longer

Wait, don't fly away

Game: “Geese are flying”

Target : auditory perception, attention, reaction speed, interaction skills with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

Geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

They're flying! - the children answer and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

The flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - They are flying!

The pikes are flying!

Getting carried away, children often They answer: - They are flying!

And they raise their hands up.

The presenter lightly slaps hands and speaks :

They don't fly! They don't fly!

Game: "Bunny"

Target : development spatial representations(up-down, left-right)

One, two, three, four, five, Toy up and down,

The bunny came out to jump.

He looked around, turned, left, right.

Looked up and down

I went for a run and got scared...

Where are you, bunny, answer me? Hide the toy behind your back.

Game: "Bouncer"

Target : development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

There is a tower in a field. Squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, bam-bam! Jumps up, stretching his arms up.

The jumper is there!

Game: "Sunny bunnies"


Sunny bunnies

They play on the wall

I'll beckon them with my finger,

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it quickly.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!

He ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to point it higher so that the children jump, get it out.

Game: "Tsap"

Target : relieving emotional stress, improving mood.

There were hares on the mountain, leading along the palm

And they shouted - hide your fingers: DAC! "dac" squeeze the baby's hand.

Game: "Cuckoo"

Target : develop imagination, improve mood.

A cuckoo flew past the garden, waving its arms

Pecked all the seedlings, they peck with their hands, on the other hand

And she screamed “ku-ku-mak!” Finger beak

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

Magomedova Umugaivat
Card index “Fun games for young children”

Card index

« Fun games for young children»

Card No. 1

"Magic Palms"


Progress of the game:

Let's clap our hands, clap a little,

Let's clap our hands, clap a little,

Let's clap our hands. Very good! (children clap their hands)

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

and the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance

in little guys.

and the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

and the girls and boys are all sitting straight. (children show flashlights)

Card No. 2

"Pussy - pussy - pussy scat"

Target: Teach your child to respond to his name.

Move: A toy is placed at a distance of 2-3 m from the child. If the child does not walk, an adult leads him by the hand. If he walks, the adult puts him at the support, stands next to the toy, sings a song and beckons the child to come to him. If the child walks well, the adult takes the toy away from the child, "walks" and sings a song to her.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!

Don't sit on the path:

Our (A) (Name) will go

It will fall through the pussy! Bang!

Material: Cat toy

Card No. 3

"Water - water"


Progress of the game:

"Water, water,

Wash my face (children perform washing movements)

To make your eyes sparkle, (children show round eyes)

To make your cheeks blush, (children holding their cheeks)

To make your mouth laugh (children smile)

And the tooth bit (children click their teeth.)

Card No. 4

"Bucket Sun"

Target: exercise to develop a sense of self-movement

Progress of the game:

Bucket sun,

Look out the window! (children show the window)

Sunny, dress up! (children show dress)

Red, show yourself! (children show palms)

Card No. 5

"Because of the forest, because of the mountains".

Target: exercise to develop a sense of self-movement

Progress of the game:

From beyond the forest, from beyond the mountains (children show mountains)

Grandfather Egor is coming (are going)

On a horse myself (depict riding a horse)

Wife on a cow

Children on calves (show horns)

Grandchildren on kids

We drove down from the mountains, lit a fire,

Eating porridge, listening to a fairy tale (children eat porridge)

Card number 6

“The cat went under the bridge”

Target: exercise to develop a sense of self-movement

Progress of the game:

Let's go cat (children stomp)

Under the bridge,

I caught the fish by the tail. (throw a fishing rod)

Either eat it

Should I take it to Olya? (children throw up their hands)

Card No. 7

"Big feet."

Task: an exercise to develop a sense of one’s own movement.

Progress of the game:

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, top, top.

Top, top, top. (stomp hard)

Little feet ran along path:

Top, top, top, top, top, top. (stomp quickly and quietly)

Top, top, top, top, top, top.

Card No. 8

“Like our cat.”

Task: exercise to develop a sense of self-movement

Progress of the game:

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful

Bold eyes

The teeth are white.

How (spread hands) our (hands towards you) cat

The fur coat is very good (turn around, boasting left and right)

How (spread hands) at the cat's (palms like ears above your head) mustache (run your fingers over your upper lip)

Amazing (twist the spirals with your fingers) beauty, (straighten up proudly)

Bold eyes (show eyes with fingers)

The teeth are white. (show a smile with your fingers)

Card No. 9

Game: “A goat walked along the bridge”


A goat was walking along the bridge. An adult was shaking his knees up and down.

And she wagged her tail. The adult turns the child from side to side.

Got caught on the railing. Shakes again.

It landed right in the river, splash! Simulates falling into a hole.

Card number 10

Game: "On a horse"

Target: development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over the bumps, over the bumps, The adult rises sharply and

Along small bushes, drops his knees.

On a young horse

Uphill trick, trick, trick! Adult reaches forward

And on the old nag’s legs and rolls the child down them.

From the hill - boom!

Card No. 11

Game: "Tsap"


There were hares on the mountain, leading along the palm

And they shouted - hide fingers: DAC! "dac" squeeze the baby's hand.

Card number 12

Game: "Carousels"

Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings together children.

Barely, barely, barely Children, holding hands, walk along

The carousel started spinning. circle, gradually accelerating.

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't rush, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually switching to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) The children stop and

The game is over! bow to each other!

Card number 13

Game: "Little Bird"

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Little bird

She flew to us, to us!

Little bird

I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains, I'll give you grains!

A bird sat on the window,

Sit a little longer

Wait, don't fly away

Card number 14

Game: "Geese are flying"

Target: auditory perception, attention, reaction speed, interaction skills with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

Geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

They're flying! - the children answer and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

The flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - They are flying!

The pikes are flying!

Getting carried away, children often answer: - They're flying!

And they raise their hands up.

The presenter lightly slaps hands and speaks:

They don't fly! They don't fly!

Card number 15

Game: "Bouncer"

Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

There is a tower in a field. Squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, bam-bam! Jumps up, stretching his arms up.

The jumper is there!

Card number 16

Game: "Sunny bunnies"

Target: relieving emotional stress, improving mood.

Sunny bunnies

They play on the wall

I'll beckon them with my finger,

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it quickly.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here - to the left, to the left!

He ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to point it higher so that the children jump, get it out.

Card number 17

Game: "Cuckoo"

Target: develop imagination, improve mood.

Pecked all the seedlings, they peck with their hands, on the other hand

And she screamed “ku-ku-mak!” Finger beak

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

7. Fun games, entertainment

Significant influence on the formation of the emotional sphere of a young child, his motor activity and the ability to communicate with adults, and later with peers, are provided by fun games. They are carried out in different periods wakefulness with a subgroup of children, and, if necessary, individually (for example, during the reception of children or in a situation where the child finds it difficult to separate from his mother).

Entertainment - dancing, familiar outdoor games, movements accompanied by reading a funny nursery rhyme, etc. - do not require special learning, are quickly and emotionally perceived by children, encourage physical activity, and lift their spirits.

Sample list funny toys: figures with various imitative actions (pecking, playing musical instruments, swinging, dancing); toys with music and sound effects; toys with color and light effects; figures on wheels and rocking chairs; figures making movements and making sounds (spinning tops, tops); figures jumping, tumbling, performing working movements (sawmills, woodcutters).

For young children, entertainment is provided with a detailed plot, accompanied by the teacher singing or a recording. By dramatizing songs using toys, the teacher involves children in active actions. They greet the characters in the dramatization and clap their hands when they dance. Children are entertained by sounding wind-up toys, figurative and like a musical top.

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Organization of preschool activities educational institution

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Formation pedagogical abilities

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Goal: Formation of positive emotions during the game with peers and the teacher.


1. Develop new knowledge about the world around us.

2. Introducing children to Russians folk nursery rhymes and dancing, original children's songs.

3. Development of basic movements.

4. Development fine motor skills hands

5. Sensory development.

6. Development of communication skills.


Children's chairs (according to the number of participants), toys: bunny, bear, natural material(cones), basket, paths of red and blue, a suitcase with bows in four colors (red, yellow, green, blue), a tape recorder with a recording of “Songs of Friends” (lyricist S. Mikhalkov).

Progress of entertainment

The kids sit on pre-prepared chairs, which stand in a row, one after another (cars), the teacher (driver) sits on the first chair, he holds the steering wheel in his hands.

Educator: Guys, today we are going on a trip to a magical forest. Our train is ready to start moving, I ask everyone to take their seats.

A signal is given and the recording of “Songs of Friends” is started. While the music is playing, children tap their feet. At the end of the recording (one verse is enough), a stop signal is given.

Educator: Attention, stop! I ask everyone to leave the carriages! Well, here we are in the magical forest. Look, there's a path here. (Points to the red track). Let's walk through it and see where we get to. (The children walk one after another along the path; at the end they are greeted by a bunny sitting on a chair).

Educator: Look, guys. Looks like someone lives here. Tell me whose house this is.

Children: Bunny.

Educator: That's right, but our bunny is kind of sad, let's pet the bunny. (Children take turns petting the bunny.)

Educator: look how beautiful his fur is: soft, fluffy, white. Does your bunny like to be petted?

Educator: Let's dance our “Ah yes” dance for the bunny.


A-a-a-ay-yes, ( Children dance in pairs, holding hands, swaying smoothly)


The feet stomped loudly,

But we are not at all tired,

The feet stomped loudly, (Children, holding hands, stamp their feet.)

But we are not at all tired,

Yeees! (Bow to each other).

Educator: Well done, look how the bunny liked our dance. Now he won't be sad. But our little train is already waiting for us, it’s time for us to go, but I suggest giving the bunny a gift. Let's give him a bow. (The teacher takes bows of four colors from the suitcase.) Look, what color is the path leading to the bunny's house?

Children: Red!

Educator: Let’s give him a red bow too. Find him.

(Children pull out a red bow, the teacher ties it around the bunny’s neck).

Goodbye, bunny! (Children say goodbye and go to their “cars”, a signal is given, the recording of “Songs of Friends” is turned on. At the end of the recording, the children leave the “cars”).

Educator: Look, guys, there is already a different path here. What color is it?

Children: Blue.

Educator: That's right, let's see who we'll visit this time.

(Children walk along the blue path and visit the bear cub).

Educator: Look, who are we visiting?

Children: To the bear cub!

Educator: Look what is in the hands of the bear cub.

Children: Basket!

Educator: That's right, our little bear is gathering for some cones. Let's help him collect them.

(Children collect cones, which are laid out in advance by the teacher’s assistant).

Educator: Well done guys, you picked a whole basket of mushrooms. Our little bear smiles and offers to play with him.

The game “Teddy Bear” is played, during which the children repeat the movements after the teacher.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest, (Moving like bears)

Collects cones, sings songs, (Pretend that we are collecting cones)

The cone bounced right into the bear's forehead ( Put your fist to your forehead)

The bear got scared and stomped his foot. (We stomp our feet)

Educator: Well done, let's give the bear a bow so that he too will be beautiful. What color will we choose?

Children: Blue.

(The teacher ties a blue bow to the bear)

Educator: What color bows do we have left?

Children: Green and yellow.

Educator: That's right, let's say goodbye to the bear cub, we'll definitely visit him next time.

The children say goodbye and go to their “cars”, the recording is turned on, after the loss, a signal is given to stop. Children get out of the "cars".

Educator: Look guys, we are back in our kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip?

Educator: I am very glad that you liked it, we will also go on our little train to the magical forest and meet new friends. But that will happen next time. Let's say goodbye to the engine and say "Thank you."

(The children say goodbye and thank the train.)

Children are better perceived when the script involves familiar plots - for example, Russian folk tales. Fairy tales can be previously repeated in class, and the outline of the fairy tale can be inserted into exercises and games that children love in kindergarten.

Holidays in kindergarten based on fairy tales:

  • help consolidate knowledge about forest animals,
  • develop the ability in children to perform basic rhythmic movements: stomp, clap, put their feet on their heels,
  • bring joy.

We are publishing a script for musical entertainment for young children, developed by musical director— Oborina Ekaterina Alkafovna, MBDOU “TsRR-kindergarten No. 161” in the city of Perm.

Scenario of the holiday VESELY TEREMOK

Children and their parents enter the hall, look at it, then sit on the chairs.

Leading: - What good guests came to us, I want to say hello to you. Get your palms ready, we'll clap loudly!

The presenter conducts a musical greeting with the children.

Leading: “And our little ones have nice little hands.” Parents, pat the little ones on the palms!

Exercise “Palm”.

Leading: — Today we are setting off on an interesting journey. We'll go by train.

The locomotive is moving, moving,
Two pipes and a hundred wheels!

Rhythmic exercise “Train”.

Children and parents move around the hall like a train.

Leading: - Look where we ended up? Probably like a fairy tale! Let's sit down and see what happens?!

Children and parents sit in front of the screen. The song “Teremok” plays.


There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Here is a mouse running across a field...
(A mouse appears and moves across the screen.)
She saw the tower and said:


Who lives in the little house?
Who doesn't live in a high place?

Leading: “Nobody answered her, and she began to live and live there alone.” One day a mouse went out for a walk.

The mouse leaves the house, walks, sees children.

Mouse: - Oh, there’s no one in the house, it’s boring to be alone. Oh, there are so many guys here! Hello guys! Let's play hide and seek.

Rhythmic exercise “Hide and Seek”.

Leading: - Here is the green-bellied frog.


I'm a green frog
Kwa-Kwa! Kwa-kwa-kwa!
I'm a cheerful croak!
Kwa-kwa! Kwa-kwa-kwa!
I live in a swamp
I sing my song!
Hello guys!
I really like to play
I suggest you dance!

Rhythmic exercise “We will clap our hands.”

Frog: - I, too, will live in a tower!

The frog disappears.


The frog and the mouse began to live and live,
And a bunny jumps from the forest,
Long-Eared Runner.

The bunny is jumping.


I'm a bunny, not a coward.
Shouldn't you see something tasty in the field?
Juicy, fresh cabbage?
Hello guys.
Our children were stomping
The ribbons were all raised up.

The presenter distributes tapes.


And we'll take the ribbons,
We'll start dancing with them!

Children dance with ribbons.

Hare: - I, too, will live in a tower.


Here they live, they don’t grieve,
And imagine - they are strong friends.
A fox walked along the path,
The whole forest is beautiful!

A fox appears.


I'm a fox with a red tail,
I'll stand closer to the house.
I came to you to have fun,
I brought rattles!

"Game with rattles."


Oh, how fun we played
And not at all tired.
I’ll go live in the house too,
I'll come visit you again.

The fox disappears.


They began to live and live,
Songs to sing and dance!
A top came out of the forest,
Warm a barrel in the sun!

A wolf appears.


I'm a little gray wolf
Gray ponytail and flank!
Hello guys.
I, the top, invite you to the “Chok da Chok” dance.

Dance "Chok da Chok".


I will live in the mansion
I have no one else to be friends with!

The wolf enters the mansion.

Leading: - The animals have a great time in the mansion! Then a bear came out of the forest to look at the tower.