There is no limit to a child's activity. He likes to jump, run, race on a scooter, skateboard or bicycle. But all this fun, if careless, can easily lead to sad consequences. Therefore, to avoid any injuries, it is very important for parents to take care of the correct choice of wheeled vehicles. Considering that the variety of bicycles on the modern market can confuse even a trained specialist, the question is how to choose children's bike becomes more relevant than ever. In this publication we will try to provide comprehensive instructions on this matter.

You should teach your child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle no earlier than three years of age. It is during this period that the child will not have any problems with falls, and therefore with injuries, and the chosen bike will correspond to the level of his physical fitness.

When choosing one option or another, take into account not only personal design preferences, but above all, professional advice and technical parameters. Among the most important points is that the dimensions of the bicycle correspond to the height of the child.

All children's bicycles are classified into several types, taking into account the size of the wheels that are installed on them. Each size (12, 16, 20 and 24 inches) uses a different type of bicycle frame. In some cases (this applies to different manufacturers), bicycles with identical wheel sizes are equipped with frames of different lengths. But the difference will be minimal, within a couple of inches.

Important! When choosing one or another bicycle model, we take into account the height of our child. This is the most important parameter. His age is also important, so you can read ours, in which we have taken into account all possible nuances.

Bicycle for a child from three to five years old

As a rule, children's bicycles with 12-inch wheels are optimal for 3-5 year old children, whose height varies from 85 to 110 cm. Such bicycles are vehicles with a simple single-speed design. Almost all of them are equipped with additional safety wheels that help maintain the baby’s balance and are screwed to the main rear wheel.

It is very important not to raise the wheels above the surface level, because in this case the emphasis will be placed on one of the wheels. As a result, the child will ride incorrectly, in an inclined position. Besides, it's dangerous. It’s so easy to lose your balance and fall, turning your bike over. Once the child has mastered the bike, the wheels can be easily removed.

When buying a bicycle for a 3-5 year old child, pay attention to the mandatory presence of foam rubber protection on the steering wheel (in order to soften the impact on the steering wheel). In addition, the saddle should be soft and durable, rubberized. The handlebars and saddle should be adjustable. This will make the bike last longer.

How to choose the right bike for a child from 4 to 6 years old

Bicycles with 16" wheels are equipped with a 9" frame. This is the best option for a child from four to seven years old, whose height ranges from 100 to 125 cm. Such vehicles are not equipped with speed switches, but have rear foot brake and front manual brake systems. At their core, such bicycles do not differ from the previous category in their functionality or design, only slightly in size.

But, nevertheless, they are more stable, and their shock-absorbing characteristics are better due to large wheels. Accordingly, on such a bike it is not difficult to overcome uneven roads outside the asphalt. Make sure you have fall protection - a bicycle helmet, knee and elbow pads, and a bell.

Bicycles for children 6-9 years old

Bicycles with 20-inch wheels are the best option for a child of six to nine years old, whose height varies from 115 to 135 centimeters. As a rule, such a vehicle is equipped with several gears. The package may include shock-absorbing forks, which makes the structure softer, as well as a basket and a rear-view mirror.

It is important that in such a bicycle the saddle and handlebars are adjustable, and the chain has special protection. Be sure to pay attention to the pedals. They must be tenacious and reliable, preferably made of metal. At this age, the presence of special protective equipment remains relevant.

Bicycles for teenagers

Bicycles with 24-inch wheels and a 13-inch frame are intended for children from eight to twelve years old, whose height varies from 125 to 150 cm. Such vehicles are multi-speed devices, usually equipped with suspension forks and disc brakes.

In fact, due to their operational and technical parameters, they resemble smaller, compact copies of bicycles for adults. Please note that the family of bicycles with 24-inch wheels includes specialized models, full-fledged mountain bikes.

In addition, there are bicycles for teenagers on sale with 26-inch wheels and a 14-inch frame. They are intended for children whose height is 135-160 cm.

But, in principle, from the age of twelve, a child can be transferred to an adult bicycle. Of course, such a vehicle must be equipped with a relatively low frame. But after two years, at 14, you can buy an adult full-size bicycle.

There are some differences in bikes designed for girls and boys. And we are talking here not only about the design and the chosen color schemes. As a rule, this type of transport for girls is a lightweight version, made of aluminum alloys with a low top bar. While for boys, more reliable steel frames are used. There are also differences in the design of the saddle. Many models for teenagers have a 24-mode switch for speeds, as well as various types of braking systems.

Types of bicycles for children and teenagers

In addition to the classification by wheel diameter, another popular gradation is based on the type of bicycle. The following categories are distinguished:

  • Road;
  • Mountain;
  • Tourist;
  • Urban;
  • Folding;
  • Track.

Additional options

Height and age are important components that influence the final choice. But other parameters should also be taken into account. Among these, the following attract special attention:

  1. Chain. In a bicycle for a child, the chain must be covered with a lid. This is important for safety.
  2. Saddle and handlebar height. Make sure that such parameters are carefully adjusted. Do not forget that the child should not touch the ground with either heels or toes, but only with the entire foot. Otherwise, during emergency braking, he will simply fall and get hurt. Under no circumstances should you buy a bike to grow into. After all, such an ill-considered decision may well lead to unpleasant injuries. You can use the following formula: divide the child’s height in centimeters by 2.5 and again by 2.54 (inches in cm).
  3. Speed ​​modes. For children under ten years of age, experts do not recommend buying bicycles equipped with the functionality of switching speed modes. After all, a child of this age group will not yet be able to independently monitor the situation on the road and regulate speed at the same time.
  4. Hand brake. It is better to buy a children's bicycle with a handle (vehicles equipped with a hand brake) when your baby's hands are strong enough and he can physically stop very quickly. Testing hand strength is quite simple. To do this, ask your baby to squeeze a soda can. Your decision will depend on whether or not he can cope with such a task.
  5. Structure weight. This indicator depends directly on the material that was used in the manufacture of the vehicle. Aluminum bicycles are considered the lightest, and steel bicycles are the heaviest.
  6. Additional accessories. It is important that a child’s bicycle includes fenders, reflectors, and headlights that protect against dirt that flies from under the wheels. In addition, you can additionally buy a special helmet. If desired, such a vehicle can be equipped with a trunk - a rear seat.

Balance bikes: bicycles for the little ones

This unique model is designed specifically for the youngest cyclists. Its main difference is the absence of pedals. And the purpose is to teach the child to maintain balance. You can buy this model for a baby who is one year old. After all, in order to use such a vehicle, it is not necessary to have confident walking skills. The most important thing is to be able to keep your back straight.

How to choose a bike for a child: main conclusions

Select a bicycle for your child according to height and weight, take into account his individual wishes, it is better to do this in specialized stores. This way you can ensure your right to warranty service. In addition, it is extremely important to select non-global famous brand, but take into account where, in what country the parts were manufactured. If, when buying a bicycle, you carefully study the technical nuances, then such a vehicle will ultimately bring only pleasure.

In addition, parents will not have to worry about the safety of their child. However, be sure to check if your child remembers the basic rules of safe driving. This is very important, because the purchase should bring only joy and exclude the possibility of any injuries or troubles.

Every parent wants to make their baby truly cheerful, happy and physically developed. For this purpose they buy various toys and transport. In such cases, the question often arises of how to choose a bicycle for a child so that injuries are minimal, and convenience and benefits are maximized.

At what age can you ride a bike?

In order to answer parents’ questions about which bike to choose and at what age to start training, you should focus on the child’s physical data, his height and capabilities. For the youngest children, there is a movement when the legs just stand on the pedals and make movements without making much effort. At this time, muscles develop, the foot is formed and the child learns to ride.

Closer to the age of three, the child can already pedal on his own, and from four to five years old - on two-wheeled ones. To do this, the transport should not be heavy in weight and easy to drive, but it should be chosen according to the height of the child. Some models also have a handle for parents (sometimes sold separately) so that you can control the speed and help you cross the road.

Before putting a child on a bicycle, parents should:

  • talk about ;
  • teach to cross the road;
  • the baby must know the word “STOP” and respond to it.

The stores offer a huge variety of equipment, which dazzles not only adults, but also children. When purchasing a vehicle, parents should choose a bicycle based on the age and preferences of the child. For the youngest athletes, purchase stable models with additional removable side wheels, but older children will no longer need them.

The most important guidelines when buying a bicycle for any age should be:

  • wheel diameter;
  • material of construction;
  • transport weight;
  • frame length;
  • adjustable height;
  • brake.

Bicycle wheel diameter by age

When answering the question about what diameter of bicycle wheels to choose for a child, it must be said that it depends on the baby’s height. In order to purchase the right model for your young athlete, you will need to calculate:

  • Divide the full height of the baby by 2.5;
  • Divide the resulting number again by 2.54 (convert centimeters to inches).

For example, the baby’s height is 110 cm, then 110:2.5:2.54 and we get 17.3”. It follows that you need to purchase a model with wheels from 16 to 18 inches. Children's transport has sizes from 10 to 24”. Even before choosing a bicycle for your child, pay attention to the length of the frame. The most optimal option is considered this way: the distance from the fingertips of the future athlete to the elbow should be equal to the segment from the front point of the seat to the steering wheel.

How to choose a bike according to a child’s height?

If you don’t know how to choose a size based on your child’s height, then pay attention to his age, because all models are calculated on certain data:

  • from 2 to 4 years old, the baby is up to 100 cm tall; 12-inch wheels are suitable for him;
  • from 4 to 6 years old, the baby’s height is approximately 116 cm, take 16”;
  • from 5 to 8 years old, the child reaches 130 cm, 20” wheels are suitable for him;
  • from 7 to 13 years old, children are taller than 130 cm, so the bicycle must have 24-inch wheels;
  • For children over 12 years old, parents should choose adult models with a diameter of 26".

If you are thinking about how to choose the size of a bicycle for a child, then depending on the purpose for which you are purchasing the vehicle, you should pay attention to the model:

  1. Bicycle stroller– suitable as an alternative to a stroller for summer walks. It should have a protective awning (from rain and sun), footrests, a seat with a backrest, seat belts, and choose stable and wide wheels with rubber tires.
  2. Classic bike– must have a comfortable and non-slip saddle with a rim that is adjustable in height. Install a bell or horn on the steering wheel; it is advisable to also have a limiter that protects the baby from impacts when turning.
  3. Mixed type– can combine the first two options. First, the child rides with the parent's handle, and then pedals independently.

How to choose a two-wheeled bicycle for a child?

You can’t buy a children’s two-wheeled bicycle “to grow into”; it should be comfortable from the very beginning. There are several rules that will help you decide on a model:

  1. The child’s leg at the bottom of the pedal can be almost completely straightened, but at the top point it should not touch the steering wheel.
  2. The entire foot should be on the pedal, not just the heel or toe.
  3. If your athlete places both feet on the ground, there should be at least 10 cm of clearance between him and the frame.
  4. Pay attention to the weight of the bicycle; the child must be able to carry it in and out on his own.
  5. The chain on transport must have a cover that will not allow clothes to get into it.
  6. The steering wheel can be adjusted in height and should be comfortable when driving. Pay attention to its angle of rotation so that if it falls, it does not injure the baby.
  7. Speed ​​​​transmissions are suitable for children over 10 years old; earlier this function will be superfluous, because it can distract attention from the road.

If you are faced with the question of how to choose the right bike for your child, then pay attention to:

  • the material from which it is made;
  • brake quality;
  • company;
  • place of sale;
  • guarantee.

Before choosing a bicycle for a child, it would be a good idea to ask him what model he wants and discuss all the details immediately with the seller. Don't forget to purchase protection for driving vehicles. In addition to the call, it includes:

  • helmet;
  • LED beacons;
  • special gloves;
  • elbow and knee pads;
  • reflectors;
  • flashlight;
  • flask stand.

Which bike frame material is better?

The weight of children's transport depends on its design, so the material of the bicycle frame is one of the main factors when choosing. Very often, domestic manufacturers produce steel models, and foreign ones produce aluminum ones. The weight in the second case will be several times lighter, and the base itself is considered more reliable, but in the first option it will be more affordable price.

What are the best brakes on a bicycle?

There are 2 types of bicycle brakes: front (manual) and traditional rear (foot). In the first case, the baby stops the vehicle using a special device located on the steering wheel. This option requires conscious action and effort, so children from 10 years old can use it. It is very easy to check whether a child is ready or not for this device: ask him to squeeze a tin can (empty) with one hand.

If the baby can easily bend the container, then he is ready for a manual device, otherwise you should turn your attention to the rear brake. This option is simpler: it allows you to concentrate on maintaining your balance on the road, and the vehicle stops instantly. The main thing is that it should always be corrected, and if necessary, lubricated.

Which brand of bicycle should I choose for my child?

You need to buy children's transport in sports or children's stores. When deciding which bike to choose for your child, focus on manufacturers who specialize in a specific age. The best of them are:

  1. For children from one to 3 years old, Merida Spider, Geoby, Sun Baby are suitable.
  2. For kids from 4 to 6 years old you can choose Giant Animator, Azimut, Profi Trike.
  3. For children from 7 to 9 years old, manufacturers such as SCOOL XXlite, Giant Bella, Tilly Explorer are suitable.
  4. Teenagers can choose more modernized companies, for example, STARK Trusty, Giant XTC, Format.

What is childhood without a bicycle? I think you remember how you rode around the yard on a bike, let your friends ride, or, on the contrary, waited in line to also pedal?

Or how you rode along the paths of the park with a friend or girlfriend? And now you are wondering whether to buy a bicycle for your child? Great idea!

What are the benefits of a bicycle for a baby?

The benefits of a bicycle for a child are difficult to overestimate. Physical activity on fresh air- this is the main value in the eyes of parents. Cycling trains the muscles of the legs, back and arms, and develops the vestibular system.

But cycling is also an opportunity to communicate with peers, make new friends, learn something new... It seems like we should take it!

What types of children's bicycles are there?

Children's bicycles can be very different. Starting from “transport” for the little ones and ending with very respectable models for teenagers:

  • three-wheeled - for children who are just transferring from strollers to an independent mode of transport;
  • four-wheeled - for children aged 4-5 who are starting to learn how to ride a bicycle; the additional two rear wheels can later be removed;

  • two-wheeled - there are also a lot of options here - from quite simple models for beginners to quite “advanced” with several speeds and other sports functions.

Choosing the right one: what do you need to consider?

How to make the right choice? Considering that a bicycle is still not a toy, but a serious sports equipment movement, the process of its selection is a responsible matter.

And the point is not so much about buying a good thing, but about the fact that a responsible approach to choice will ensure the safety of the child.

Suitable for height and age

The most important thing when choosing a bike is to choose one that is suitable for your height and weight. So, when buying a bike for your child, be sure to take into account the diameter of the wheels and the length of the frame.

There are certain rules according to which these indicators directly depend on growth.

Wheel height selection

To make the right choice, you need to use special size matching tables. The table below shows the child's age, height and corresponding wheel diameter and frame length.

So, for example, a 3-year-old child needs a bicycle with wheels smaller than 12 inches, 4-6 years old need 12-inch wheels, 7-9 years old need 20-inch wheels, and 10-13 years old need 24-inch wheels.

For older children, it is quite possible to purchase adult bicycles with large 26-inch wheels.

Determining the length of the frame

The length of the bicycle frame is also of great importance when choosing. There are tables showing the rules for selecting a bike by height. Using them is very simple - you just need to select the column that corresponds to the child’s height.

Frame length is indicated in inches, centimeters and symbols accepted by the manufacturer. So you can easily find the indicator you need.

However, let us remember that each person is individual. The table will only give you a rough idea of ​​what sizes you need to pay attention to. That's why the best option will “try on” the bike before purchasing.

Rules for trying on a bike in a store

As we have already said, before buying you need to “try on” the bike for your baby. So it is not advisable to buy it as a surprise, without a child.

How to make the right choice?

  1. Have your child rest his elbow on the front of the seat. Your fingertips should touch the steering wheel.
  2. Put your child on a bike. Sitting in the saddle, the child should rest his entire leg straight on the pedal, which is in the lower position. Teach - not with your toes or toes, but with the middle of your foot.
  3. Place your child on the floor with the bike between his legs. In this position, the frame should be at a distance of 10 cm from the crotch.
  4. Make sure your child's back is in the correct position. If the handlebars are mounted too low, there is a lot of stress on your back.

Experts will explain in more detail the principle of fitting and choosing a bicycle:

Bicycle chain

Children's bicycles have their own characteristics. In particular, the chain must be protected from clothing parts getting into it.

Steering wheel lock

In addition, pay attention to whether there is a lock that prevents the steering wheel from turning completely around its axis. If it is not present, the child may hit himself in the chest with the steering wheel or get his leg caught between the frame or wheel while turning.

Brake system.

Children's bicycles must have a foot brake. That is, braking is achieved by sharply pressing the pedals in reverse side. A hand brake is considered dangerous for children, so it is not installed on children’s bicycles.

We take into account features, details and nuances

Model weight

When choosing a children's bike, weigh it. Weight depends on the material from which the frame is made. Aluminum will be lighter. On the one hand, of course, the child is not riding the bike, but vice versa.

On the other hand, the iron horse will have to be carried into the house, into the elevator, and dragged up the stairs. And if the child is still small, then you will be the one to drag. Choose for yourself.


For a child, a specific brand is not very important; after all, you are not purchasing a device to participate in the Olympics. But you still need to buy it in a specialized store, and not in Children's world and especially not on the market.

Tip: Check the brand name online. By the way, a bike purchased in a specialized store will have a warranty.

Do not take the bike disassembled

Yes, yes, there are also models designed for self-assembly. This will not cause any difficulties for the master, but are you sure that mom and dad will assemble everything correctly?

Don't be tempted by the idea of ​​taking a bike for growth

Of course, the model you choose should have the ability to raise the saddle and handlebars. But the child must sit correctly and fully reach the pedals. Otherwise, either the bike will simply wait in the garage or on the balcony for its time, or the child may get injured. Don't take risks!

Try to find a compromise between your opinion about safety and the child's wishes.

You want your child to ride his bike, be strong and healthy, and not whine and try to avoid going for a walk. The child should like the bike. If possible, choose the model that suits you in terms of safety, but in the color and with the accessories that your child likes.

Don't save money!

This is a purchase that you will have to “fork out” for. Yes, very soon your child will grow up and you will have to buy an older model. However, do not forget that by spending money, you invested it in the safety of your child.

Plastic linings on the frame and steering wheel are not the best option

Their shock protection is not very good, and they weigh down the children’s bike quite noticeably. For the child’s comfort, a bicycle should be light.

Important! Don't forget about your baby's safety

Make sure to purchase a special bicycle helmet. Children think that this is very stylish and cool, and you can be calm about their health.

It also makes sense to purchase riding gloves and perhaps knee and elbow protection. In addition, you should definitely buy bicycle lights and reflectors in the store.

News healthy image lifestyle (HLS) is becoming more and more popular every day. You can stick to a healthy lifestyle in different ways: food, refusal bad habits, spiritual development, physically active life. Exercising not only helps you stay fit, but also gives you pleasure. Cycling is such a pleasant and useful pastime. Adults and children, men and women can afford to ride a bicycle. To have a positive effect from cycling and reduce the risk of injury, it is very important to choose and buy the right bike for yourself.

How to choose the right bike?

When choosing a bike you need to consider individual characteristics the person who will use it:

  • age;
  • height;
  • experience;
  • the terrain you will be driving through;
  • affordable price;
  • preferred manufacturer.

How to choose your first bike?

When buying your first bike, you should follow some rules. It is not recommended to make such an important purchase in hypermarkets. In them you run the risk of purchasing a low-quality fake.

You should also not buy the cheapest model. Although such a bike will not break in the first season, it will require increased attention. To determine the optimal price for your first bike, you need to find out the minimum cost of the bike in the store and add about 25% of it. In addition to the cost of the bike itself, you should consider in your budget additional accessories(helmet, pump, first aid kit, water bottle, spare tube).

There is no need to focus on a specific brand or country of origin, since all bicycle elements are manufactured in Asia, and the brand only collects them together. In cases where price does not matter, beginners are advised to choose a mid-level bike.

For those who are planning to ride off-road, a mountain bike is ideal. For driving around the city and long trips, a hybrid bike is more suitable. It is suitable for any road surface.

How to choose a children's bike?

Every parent has wondered how to choose a bicycle for a child? For kids, a stable and easy-to-use three-wheeled bicycle horse is suitable. For children aged 3 to 6 years, there are special models with additional removable safety wheels. Before choosing a teenager’s bike, you need to measure the child’s height and decide on its type (mountain, road, touring, stunt, hybrid).

How to choose a bike for an adult?

When choosing a bicycle, it is necessary to take into account the features of all its components.

For the right choice bike, it is important to pay attention to the frame. Its height should be 10 cm below the waist. Frames are made from a variety of materials, from steel to titanium. The advantage of steel frames is their strength and low cost. Aluminum frames are strong and lightweight, while titanium frames are just as strong but heavy. The quality of frames depends not only on materials, but also on manufacturing technology.

An important element of a bicycle bike is the seat. If the bike itself suits the buyer, but the saddle is not, it can always be replaced.

Depending on the intended area of ​​use of bicycle transport, wheels are selected. For long-distance driving, large-diameter wheels (more than 28 inches) with 32 spokes are suitable, and for mountainous areas - up to 26 inches with 36 spokes.

Shock absorbers are designed to soften vibrations, so they are especially relevant for mountain bikes.

Pay attention to the speed switch. It is installed on the steering wheel and can change speeds using a rotary ring or two levers.

High-quality brakes guarantee safe operation of the bike. It is better to choose hand brakes, because... foot ones are not always convenient to use. Hand brakes are divided into hydraulic and cable brakes.

How to choose a bike for a woman?

When choosing a women's bike, there are also some features. When purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is recommended that the frame be made of aluminum, be of high quality and not the cheapest, since driving performance depends on it.
  2. The dimensions of the frame and the size of the bicycle itself should be chosen taking into account the woman’s height.
  3. The type of clothing in which the lady will ride depends on the level of the frame. For example, a low frame will allow you to ride in a skirt.
  4. The handlebars in a women's bike are narrower, longer and thinner than in a men's bike.
  5. The suspension on a ladies' bike is soft for maximum comfort when moving.
  6. Of course, design plays an important role. Modern models women's bicycles have a sophisticated design the smallest details design. What helps girls choose their original bicycle transport.
  7. It is advisable to buy a two-wheeled vehicle from well-known brands. This ensures the high quality of the product.

How to choose a bike for a man?

Design features of a men's bicycle:

  1. The difference between a men's bike and a women's bike is its weight. The men's model is a little heavier.
  2. Since men pedal more actively, wide and soft seats are not suitable for them. For convenience, narrower seats are used in men's models.
  3. The high frame guarantees the strength and stability of the bike’s structure.
  4. For a comfortable hand position, the steering wheel is made low and wide.
  5. Control elements are manufactured in standard sizes.
  6. The structural features of the male body are taken into account, so elongated connecting rods are produced.

Review of the best bicycle manufacturers

  1. Stels;
  2. Merida;
  3. Cube;
  4. TREK;
  5. Giant;
  6. Specialized;
  7. Schwin;
  8. Author;
  9. Forward.

1. In first place is the Russian manufacturer - Stels. The company has been operating since 1998. In addition to bicycles, this brand produces various motorcycle equipment and spare parts. The 2008 crisis did not have a big impact on the Stels company, and it became the first in terms of bicycle production in Europe. The cost of Stels bicycles varies from 10,500 to 32,500 rubles.

2. In second place is the company - Merida. This is an American manufacturer that has been producing bicycles since 1978. The lineup includes women's, men's, mountain, stunt, children's, city and road bikes. The range of price fluctuations is quite wide, from 16,000 to 350,000 rubles.

3. Third place is occupied by a German company Cube. Russian consumers fell in love with the products of this company for their high quality. The company was founded in 1993 by a student from Germany. Bicycle components are purchased from the Asian market, assembled in Bavaria, and then sold under the German brand. The cost of one bicycle can range from 40,000 to 550,000 rubles.

4. Became fourth in the ranking of bicycle manufacturers Trek, one of the best representatives of the American bicycle industry. Trek products are often found on world champions and Olympic teams. In Russia, Trek did not become very popular due to lack of advertising. You can buy an amateur bicycle of this brand from 20,000 rubles, the price of a professional one will average 100,000 rubles.

5. Rounding out the top five Giant Bicycles Co. Ltd is the largest bicycle manufacturer in the world. Unlike its competitors, the company was opened as a manufacturing company. Currently, Giant produces 55% of its branded bicycles, including Trek and Scott. The price range is designed for consumers with any income level; the cost of a bicycle is from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles.

6.Specialized is one of the largest bicycle manufacturers. It is believed that this company produces bicycles and their components. best quality. She is a major innovator in the cycling industry. The company is not very popular on the Russian market due to the rarity and high cost of its developments, which are virtually unavailable in Russia. Price range from 9,000 to 750,000 rubles.

7.Schwinn is a legend among bicycle companies. Every specialized bike shop considers it their duty to display 1-2 Schwinn cruisers in the hall. The range of bicycles from this company is small, and the prices are above average.

8. Company GT– quite popular. High quality and wide model range allows you to satisfy the desires of any buyer, in almost every corner of the country. The average price of a bicycle is about 40,000 rubles.

9.Author is a Czech brand made from Asian ingredients, the business model is similar to Cube and Stels. Wide range, affordable price and high-quality marketing made these bikes popular in Russia. The cost of a bicycle representative of this company varies from 15,000 to 120,000 rubles.

10. The second representative of the Russian bicycle industry in the ranking is Forward. The company is based on the Perm Bicycle Plant and produces budget bicycles. This increases the availability of goods for consumers (price range from 5,500 to 38,000 rubles), but does not guarantee high quality at all.