Despite the publication of a series of popular articles for beginner pipe smokers, communication with people who are just beginning to get acquainted with the interesting world of smoking pipes and pipe tobacco shows that there are still many questions left. And today, in the “Blitz” format, we will try to give answers to the most frequently asked questions. Or at least some of them. So, let's go.

What material is better to buy a tube from?

From briar. It is more durable and, as a result, durable. Leave everything else for the time when you have a clear idea of ​​what you need and why. The first pipe should be briar.

How to disassemble a smoking pipe?

To do this, the tube must be cool. Simply remove the mouthpiece by rotating it clockwise. Why clockwise? The fibers in the briar are laid in this direction by the drill, and if we rotate counterclockwise, we can lift them, which can ultimately lead to jamming of the tip. Or it may not, but this is not the case when it’s worth taking the risk.

How often should you clean your smoking pipe?

The pipe is cleaned after each smoking. Before this, it must cool down and only after that the tube can be disassembled.

Do I need to wash my smoking pipe?

In everyday life - no. Sometimes it becomes necessary to clean the tobacco chamber with a damp toothbrush if you are restoring an old smoked pipe. Usually, with regular maintenance, a good cleaning with pipe brushes is sufficient.

How and which side to insert the filter into the smoking pipe?

If we are talking about 9 mm filters with ceramic inserts on both ends, then there is absolutely no difference in which side to insert the filter into the smoking pipe. Insert the filter at either end until it clicks slightly, then assemble the tube by rotating the mouthpiece as described above.

If we are talking about filters with plastic at one of the ends, then such filters, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, are inserted with the plastic end towards the mouthpiece.

How often should you change the filter in your smoking pipe?

The filter is changed when cleaning the pipe after each smoking. You smoke the pipe, let it cool a little, after which you disassemble it and remove the filter.

What to do if the tobacco is dry?

Tobacco can be moistened. Of course, you won’t get back all the delights of the taste, but the tobacco will be quite smokable. Moreover, there is not always a choice, especially if we are talking about those tobacco mixtures that are no longer produced. We will devote a separate video and/or article to the issues of proper humidification of tobacco, if you, friends, consider it necessary.

Is it possible to dry a smoking pipe in the sun?

No. Firstly, sudden and uneven heating of wood can lead to damage or, at a minimum, to shrinkage. Secondly, ebonite mouthpieces fade in the sun, oxidizing. If you dry the bowl in the sun without a mouthpiece, you can get the result when the mouthpiece simply stops being inserted into the tube.

My pipe is changing color. Why and what to do about it?

This is normal and even inevitable. Smooth briar pipes without varnish and a black finish sooner or later become all the same color, impregnated with resins. The lighter and more natural the finish of the tube, the more noticeable the changes in color. But in the end, all smooth pipes, when smoked regularly, become the same, even green and blue, if not varnished.

What should I do if my pipe gets very hot while smoking?

Experiment with packing density to reduce it, and work on the rate of smoking. The pipe should be slightly warm; do not take sharp or deep puffs and do not try to squeeze more smoke out of the pipe. Smoke slowly and calmly, don't worry if the pipe goes out. The same advice applies to cases where the pipe is being smoked with too much moisture.

That's probably all for now. If you think that some issues need to be covered in more detail, write about it in the comments. You can also ask your questions, and we, in turn, will try to answer the most frequent and interesting of them.

The smoking pipe needs to be cleaned. Otherwise it will smell like an ashtray full of cigarette butts. It's unpleasant, isn't it? :)

The smell is of tobacco tar and tobacco condensate, the bitter liquid that is formed when smoking an aromatic pipe. So they get rid of them with the help of a brush. Just as a cotton rag absorbs spilled tea/coffee from the table, a cotton brush absorbs all the stink that is formed when smoking a pipe.

So, brushes are used:

  1. After smoking
  2. While smoking

1. Clean your pipe after smoking

After smoking, the mouthpiece of the smoking pipe must be separated from the stem and rinsed under water to remove these bitter liquids. Not under boiling water, not with soap, not in the dishwasher. Just under warm water. Release the fountains through the mouthpiece. :)
Let's play and that's enough. :)
Now we take the thin part of the brush and brazenly push it into the mouthpiece hole. In and out. In and out. :) Is this a familiar action? :)
So, that’s the only reason we buy brushes. :)))
All! If you did everything right, Your mouthpiece is now clean and smell-free.
Now we take the wood of the tube itself and insert a thick, clean part of the brush into the hole in the pipe. Got it all smeared?! From zarraz! I knew it! :)
Well, okay, what can you do - the brush is dirty. And since it’s already dirty, you need to work with it - back and forth - going in and out. And so 700-800 times. :)
Well okay... 5-10 times, but not 300. :)
All! Now and The tube is clean and not smelly.

Have I forgotten anything?

A! Yes! And the cup?!
There was tobacco burning there! She smells too!

Cleaning the smelly pipe bowl. :)

Take a disposable paper napkin or paper towel or toilet paper(Oh! God! I said it!)
We make a tampon out of it, stick it into the hole (yes, yes, this is already customary) and twist, twist, twist. :)
They wrapped a stinky thing on a piece of paper?!
Throw the dirty paper swab into the trash bin. Or we throw it to a neighbor, just to spite it! :)

Cool! Now our bowl, stem and mouthpiece are clean and non-smelling.

With a deft movement we stick the clean mouthpiece into the clean pipe and set it to rest on the stand.
All! You can give yourself an order for special merits and demand from your wife a well-deserved kind and affectionate word.

2. Clean your pipe while smoking

If you have a pipe with a filter, pass by. This story is not about you. :)
This method is used only with a pipe for direct smoking, because “all the holes are open” and the brush can go right through - the filter does not interfere.

So, we smoke, we smoke, and suddenly: “Yo! What the hell is this? There’s water in the pipe! It’s gurgling, hissing, wheezing. I’ve been deceived! Give me my money back! Damn!”
Calmly! Hide the revolver. No need to shoot. This is fine.
When burned, water is formed. That's how it works. Chemistry!
So, if this water condenses rather than evaporates, it accumulates at the bottom of the tube. The tobacco gets wet from below and begins to squelch in the mouthpiece.
It's easy to get rid of this crap with a brush. He stuck the brush into the mouthpiece without removing it and all that. The deeper, the better. Better right up to the tobacco itself. The brush becomes wet, but the tube becomes dry.
Shaitanama! It worked! :)

Now you know how to use a brush when smoking pipe tobacco in a smoking pipe.
It's amazing how cool you are now! :)

By the way, I didn't say. These brushes are disposable. Paper napkins- Same. :)

That's it!
I showed and told everything. Now buy a box of brushes from me and go ahead and conquer the work of a pipe cleaner.

The main thing in our business is that the pipes do not stink, but smell(is there such a word - “smelled”?)
This is what brushes are for. :)

Geva Artemyan, Kyiv, 2016