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History of the holiday
New Year

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It's hard to find a person who doesn't love New Year. WITH early childhood New Year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning.

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Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from?
The history of this wonderful holiday dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower Nile valley, civilization was first born at the end of the 4th millennium BC. It was here, according to scientists, that the New Year began to be celebrated for the first time (in the third millennium).

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During excavations of ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which was written: “The beginning of the new year.” IN Ancient Egypt The New Year was celebrated when the Nile River was in flood (around the end of September). The Nile flood was very important because... Only thanks to him did grain grow in the dry desert. On New Year's Day, statues of the god Amun, his wife the sky goddess Mut and his son, the moon god Khonsu, were placed in a boat. The boat sailed along the Nile for a month, which was accompanied by singing, dancing and fun. The statues were then brought back into the temple.
Amon Khonsou Mut
Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Rome
For a long time, the Romans celebrated the New Year in early March, until Julius Caesar introduced new calendar(currently called Julian). Thus, the first day of January became the date of the New Year. The month of January was named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was supposedly turned back to the past year, the other - forward to the new one. The New Year's holiday was called "Kalends". During the holiday, people decorated their houses and gave each other gifts and coins with the image of the two-faced Janus; slaves and their owners ate and were merry together. The Romans gave gifts to the emperor. At first this happened voluntarily, but over time the emperors began to demand gifts for the New Year.
Two-Faced Janus

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The Celts, the inhabitants of Gaul (the territory of modern France and part of England) celebrated the New Year at the end of October. The holiday was called Samhain from “summer's end” (end of summer). On New Year's Day, the Celts decorated their homes with mistletoe to drive out ghosts. They believed that it was on New Year's Day that the spirits of the dead came to the living.
Celtic New Year
The Celts inherited many Roman traditions, including the requirement New Year's gifts from subjects. Usually they gave jewelry and gold. Centuries later, thanks to this tradition, Queen Elizabeth I amassed a huge collection of embroidered and bejeweled gloves.

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New Year in Rus'
In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1. In the 14th century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. The last time the New Year was celebrated on September 1 in Rus' with royal pomp was in 1698. Giving everyone an apple, the king called everyone brother and congratulated them on the New Year and new happiness. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, with a special decree, ordered that “from now on, summers should be counted” from January 1: “Since in Russia they count the New Year differently, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from the first January.

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...And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults shouldn’t indulge in drunkenness and massacres – there are enough other days for that.”

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This is how the New Year came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights, bonfires (which Peter ordered to be arranged at night from January 1 to 7 by lighting tar barrels), the creaking of snow in the cold, winter children's fun - sleds, skis, skates, snow women, Santa Claus, gifts...

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It must be said that the new New Year’s customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another holiday, Christmastide. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, mummers' tricks, sleigh rides, midnight fortune telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the ritual of celebrating the New Year.

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Christmas tree is an essential attribute winter holidays- also arrived in Russia along with Peter’s reforms. However, the “stranger” who arrived, although not immediately, took root firmly in the Russian soil - as if she had always grown here: from the branches that decorated the houses, a luxurious tree in festive decoration grew.

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By the middle of the 19th century, the winter beauty had become familiar to city dwellers, although in the villages such an “ancient folk custom” was not yet known. But this tree was not yet a New Year's tree - it was called a Christmas tree and was decorated with toys, delicacies intended as gifts for guests, and candles, and the top of it was crowned with an eight-pointed Christmas star - silver or gold. In Russian Orthodoxy, a tradition arose of decorating churches with coniferous branches on Christmastide (from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany); the tree itself became a prototype of the tree of paradise with the fruits of knowledge and the Tree of the Cross, and evergreen pine needles became a symbol of immortality. However, not everyone remembered the symbolic side, and adults at Christmas parties sometimes behaved worse than children...

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The prototype of the modern Santa Claus was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Myra. It was very kind person, and after his death Nicholas was declared a saint for his good deeds. But in the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of St. Nicholas Church were outraged. The story made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of veneration and worship of Christians from around the world.
In the Middle Ages, a custom was established: On St. Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, just as the Saint did. After the introduction of the new calendar, the Saint began to come to children at Christmas, and only then on New Year. In England and America, this good Saint is called Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas).
Father Frost

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The ancestor of our dear Father Frost is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, Moroz, Studenets. More often, Frost preferred to have fun crunching snowballs, knocking on the walls of houses, making travelers shiver from the cold (he especially loved to freeze those sitting in a sleigh, wrapped in a fur coat, and those who ran on foot or waved an ax were not easy for Frost) . This is how Frost appears in the literature of the 19th century. - “Red Nose Frost” by Nekrasov and old man Moroz in “The Snow Maiden” by Ostrovsky.
When Russia began to celebrate the New Year, an old grandfather with a beard and wearing felt boots began to appear in houses. But then Santa Claus was not cheerful and good-natured. He had a bag in one hand and a stick in the other. He gave gifts, of course, but only to the smart and obedient children, the rest got a good beating with a stick. But the years passed, and Santa Claus grew older and kinder, stopped handing out blows, and simply intimidated naughty children with scary fairy tales.

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The traditional Santa Claus costume also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted wearing a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children.

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But at the end of the 19th century he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. What is he like now? A bit harsh looking. He wears a long fur coat and a high hat, with a beard, and in his hands he holds a staff and a bag of gifts. And they call him “grandfather” for a reason, but because he has a granddaughter.
Only our Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden,” which he created based on folk tale about a girl sculpted from snow and melted by warm sun rays. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl) dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism. Her headdress is an eight-rayed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

New Year has become traditional holiday for all people on earth. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning. The custom of celebrating the New Year was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) at least 25 centuries ago. All agricultural work began at the end of March, after the water in the Tigris and Euphrates arrived. The onset of the victory of the bright god Marduk over the forces of destruction and death was celebrated for as many as 12 days with processions, carnivals and masquerades. At this time, it was forbidden to work, punish, or hold court. Cuneiform clay tablets tell that these were days of “unbridled freedom, when the entire world order was turned upside down. The slave turned into a master.” The word itselfCARNIVAL, by the way, translated from Babylonian means “ship-sea” and this is probably not accidental, because there are many rituals New Year's holiday was associated with the imaginary voyage of the god Marduk along the Euphrates. On one of the days, the mysteries depicted the battle of Marduk against the monster of the goddess of chaos Tiamat (resembling a dragon, snake, lizard). The Jews who were in Babylonian captivity during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar borrowed this story and included it in the Bible. This myth is the origin of the Christian legend about St. George defeating the dragon (You see! Even St. George the Victorious has something to do with the celebration of the New Year!). Then, the tradition of New Year's celebration, born in Babylon, passed on to the Greeks, and through them to the peoples of Western Europe.



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How people of all latitudes celebrate the New Year

To share the joy of celebrating the New Year with thousands of other people. We will talk about how the New Year is celebrated in the capitals of different countries

London A modern, diverse metropolis. During the New Year's season, the gray streets of London are transformed and shine in all their splendor. The culmination of New Year's Eve is an unforgettable fireworks display on the water from the Ferris wheel

New Year's Eve in Paris means, above all, amazing food and stylishly decorated streets. An ideal celebration place for lovers and romantics. Parisians treat New Year's Eve in a special way. Here you will not only be served a delicious dinner, but also entertained. The classic option is the festive procession on the Champs Elysees Paris

ROME In the “eternal city” of Rome, celebrating the New Year also has its own characteristics. Classical music plays on the streets, and the traditional dinner usually consists of fish dishes (fasting is observed). Although lately, you can hear and taste everything your heart desires.

Unforgettable experiences also await you in Berlin. The Germans are famous for their love of Christmas lighting. Starting from mid-November, the streets turn into something like a Christmas fairy tale. The main event on December 31 is fireworks and a festive concert at the Brandenburg Gate. Berlin

For lovers of carefree and long-lasting fun, we can recommend celebrating the New Year in Madrid. The main action takes place at the “gate of the sun” (Puerta del Sol), where at midnight, with each stroke of the clock, a grape is eaten for good luck and good fortune. Madrid

If for you the New Year is, first of all, a truly festive dinner, then the direct road leads to Brussels. Belgian cuisine in general can be defined as "gourmet". Most of the "star" chefs from all over the world undergo training in Belgium Brussels

Australia Australia celebrate the New Year. A peculiarity of the Australian New Year's celebration is the virtual absence of such celebrations immediately after midnight. Australians wake up at 5–6 am, regardless of weekends or holidays, and go to bed no later than ten pm. So New Year's midnight is an exception in itself. But by 00.10 everyone is already in bed.

Mongolia In Mongolia, the New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so it is characterized by sports competitions, tests of dexterity and courage. Even Santa Claus comes to them dressed as a cattle breeder

Ireland In Ireland, on the evening of New Year's Eve, everyone opens the doors of their houses. Anyone who wishes can enter any house and will be a welcome guest: he will be received with great joy, seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world.” The next day everyone celebrates the holiday at home. At half past twelve, the Irish go out to the illuminated and festively decorated central city square.

India Very beautiful rituals of celebrating the New Year in India. There people decorate themselves with pink, red, white flowers. Hindus have their own rules for giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are brought to this tray.

Amsterdam For residents of the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, the main New Year's event is the appearance of the local Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, in the city port. The guest arrives in the country by sea, through Rotterdam, and a meeting is organized for him in the tiny fishing village of Monnikendam not only by ordinary citizens, but also by city authorities, including the mayor of the capital.

Iran In Iran, the New Year is celebrated on March 21st. There, people plant wheat grains in small pots several weeks before New Year. By the New Year they emerge - this symbolizes the beginning of spring and the New Year.

Burma In Burma, the New Year comes at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with the so-called “water festival,” when people pour water on each other when they meet. The tradition of pouring water is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.

China It is very beautiful during the New Year celebrations in China. The whole country looks like a big glowing ball. And this happens because during the festive procession that flows through the streets of China on New Year's Eve, people light a lot of lanterns. This is done in order to light your way into the New Year. Since they believe that N. is surrounded by evil spirits and evil spirits, they scare them away with the help of firecrackers and fireworks.

Vietnam New Year is celebrated at night. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets. Several families gather around them and cook special rice delicacies over the coals. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven, because the New Year is a holiday of friendship.

Austria New Year's Eve- almost the only opportunity of the year to play the fool. this evening, both young and old buy tin figurines, which are melted in a spoon, over a candle fire, and then poured into a special small plate: according to the shape that the tin will take, they judge what awaits the owner of the figurine in the coming year. God forbid it turns out to be the number 13! But the sun or a pointed hat are great!

Japan On the New Year's Eve in December, the Japanese send to relatives, friends and acquaintances greeting cards- "nengadze". This custom is almost ritual in nature: if a Japanese person sends a postcard to someone at least once, then he must congratulate this person for the rest of his life! Children are taught at school how to write a congratulation correctly.

Russia In Russia, the New Year began to be celebrated by decree of Peter the Great on January 1, 1700. Previously, the beginning of the new year was celebrated on September 1. This holiday with a Christmas tree (although under Peter the Great the Christmas tree was not decorated, but paws and twigs), decorations, and carnivals were very much loved by the Russian people. Now this is one of our favorite holidays. Did you know that in the past, other trees were decorated instead of the Christmas tree? These were cherries specially grown in tubs. But the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is also great, over 2000 years old.

Russia Previously, people believed that all trees were endowed with good powers, that good spirits lived in them. And by hanging treats and gifts on the trees, they tried to appease these spirits. Well, the evergreen spruce occupied a special place among all the trees. She was the sacred center, the “world tree,” symbolizing life itself and a new rebirth from darkness and gloom.

Let the New Year surprise you again with good luck and prospects! All the days that come will be happy! Let things go smoothly and let there be hobbies! Lives with joy in your soul, with a cheerful mood!

Thank you for your attention

Presentation “Where did the New Year come from?” for children preschool age 5-6 years.

If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday? (New Year)

For a long time, the Russian people got used to the Decree of Tsar Peter 1. It was especially difficult to get used to the Christmas tree. The superstitious people did not want to decorate their house with spruce, because it was believed that this tree brought misfortune. But you cannot disobey the king. The decree must be carried out. And they began to put Christmas trees on the street and on the roofs of houses. For more than 300 years, our country has been celebrating the New Year on January 1, and the most important decoration of the holiday is a Christmas tree decorated with your favorite toys.

The first Christmas tree decorations were mostly edible. The Christmas tree was decorated with sweets, nuts and fruits. In addition, there were the necessary symbolic decorations: a star on the top as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, gingerbread cookies and bread - as a symbol of communion, and in the 16th century. the tree was even decorated with roses, as a sign of veneration of the Virgin Mary.

Christmas trees are placed everywhere, both on the street and at home. Decorated with many different wonderful, sparkling decorations. Garlands, tinsel, toys, beads and flashing lights.

Near the Christmas tree they sing, dance, dance in circles, read poetry, and most importantly, the gifts that appear under the beautiful Christmas tree. And there is no limit to happiness! This is what New Year is!

I. Chernitskaya

"Christmas tree"

What a wonderful tree, how elegant, how beautiful. The branches rustle faintly, the bright beads shine, and the toys sway - flags, stars, firecrackers. Here the lights lit up on it, How many tiny lights! And, decorating the top, there shines, as always, a very bright, large, five-winged star.

The main Christmas tree of our country stands on Red Square in Moscow.

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“Presentation “Where did the New Year come from?” for preschool children 5-6 years old."

If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday?

It took a long time for the Russian people to get used to

to the Decree of Tsar Peter 1. Especially

It was hard to get used to the Christmas tree.

The superstitious people didn’t want to

decorate your house with spruce, because

it was believed that this was a tree

brought misfortune. But you can't

disobey the king. A decree is necessary

perform. And they began to put up Christmas trees

on the street and on the roofs of houses.

and the most important decoration of the holiday is a Christmas tree decorated with your favorite toys.

The first Christmas tree decorations were mostly edible. The Christmas tree was decorated with sweets, nuts and fruits. In addition, there were the necessary symbolic decorations: a star on the top as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, gingerbread cookies and bread - as a symbol of communion, and in the 16th century. the tree was even decorated with roses, as a sign of veneration of the Virgin Mary.

Christmas trees are placed everywhere, both on the street and at home.

Decorated with many different wonderful,

Sparkling jewelry. Garlands, tinsel,

Toys, beads and flashing lights.

Near the Christmas tree they sing, dance, dance in circles, read poetry, and most importantly gifts that

appear under the beautiful Christmas tree. And there is no limit to happiness! This is what New Year is!

I. Chernitskaya

Christmas tree"

What a wonderful Christmas tree, how elegant, how beautiful. The branches rustle faintly, the bright beads shine, and the toys sway - flags, stars, firecrackers. Here the lights lit up on it, How many tiny lights! And, decorating the top, there shines, as always, a very bright, large, five-winged star.

The main Christmas tree of our country stands

On Red Square in Moscow.

Tatiana Kostyuchenkova
Presentation “History of New Year celebrations”

Hello dear teachers! Just recently we celebrated the magical New Year holiday. This holiday which miraculously connects the past, present and future. The New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique. At this time, we try to be wizards, good fairies for children and our family and friends. But few of our children know the origin of this holiday, simple names of Santa Clauses in different countries and his assistants. I would like to introduce you to my presentation for children 6-7 years old"History of New Year celebrations".

Target: expand children’s knowledge, learn history the emergence of Father Frost, Snowman, Snow Maiden.

Tasks: to form interest, develop children’s imagination, cultivate respect for folk traditions.

A. Usachev

Where does New Year come from?

Is New Year falling from the sky?

Or is it coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake

On some star

Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?

Frost in his beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep, or into the hollow of the squirrel.

Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:

The clock strikes twelve.

And from nowhere

New Year is coming to us!

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Information for conversations with children and for preparing events “Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.” Part 1[The whole planet loves the cheerful New Year celebration. People of all countries are happy about it, everyone is preparing for it, everyone is celebrating it. But not all at the same time.

Information for conversations with children and for preparing events “Traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.” Part 2 We continue our New Year's trip around the world. And this time we will start it with the country " rising sun"… "There,.

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Pedagogical project “Snowman: the history of the emergence of the symbol of winter and the New Year” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 8 “Ogonyok” PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT “SNOWMAN: HISTORY OF ORIGIN.

Presentation for children 4–5 years old “Signs of the approaching New Year” (middle group) The presented work is characterized by the presence of a variety of animation effects, which are designed to focus attention on the most important ones.

New Year's Scenario New Year's party for junior group. “Our Southern Friends” Main characters: Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Monkey and others.