New Year is undoubtedly the favorite holiday of all children and adults. In English, New Year is translated as:

New Year[New Year] – New Year
Holiday [holiday] - holiday
To look forward to [that bow forward that] - wait impatiently
New Year's Day [New Years Day] - January 1
New Year's Eve [New Year's Eve] - December 31

New Year is my favorite holiday of the year, I am always looking forward to it looking forward.

For the New Year, everyone decorates the Christmas tree and waits for Santa Claus, who will arrive on a sleigh with reindeers and bring many gifts:

Santa Claus [Santa Clos] - Santa Claus, Father Frost
sleigh [sleigh] - sleigh
reindeer [reindiar] - reindeer
christmas tree [Christmas three] - Christmas tree
christmas-tree decorations [Christmas three decorations] - Christmas tree decorations;
fireplace [fire place] - fireplace
mistletoe [miseltoy] - mistletoe (traditional home decoration for Christmas)
present [present] - gift

While I and my mother were decorating a Christmas tree near a fireplace, I thought that I saw Santa Clause in the sleigh with reindeers, but my mother said to me, that it was just a big cloud Krasmas three niar e fireplace, ay sot tet ay so Santa Clos in the slate viz raindears bat may maser sed tu mi, tet it voz just e big cloud] – When my mother and I were decorating the Christmas tree near the fireplace, I saw Santa Claus in a sleigh with reindeer but mom told me it was just a big cloud.

There is usually a lot of snow at Christmas time, everything is covered festive table(the main dish is turkey, of course), they hang stockings for gifts by the fireplace and set off fireworks. Christmas is translated into English as:

Christmas [Christmas] – Christmas
snowfall [snowfall] - snowfall
christmas stocking [krismas stockings] - stocking for Christmas gifts for children;
christmas cracker [krismas cracker] - firecracker;
christmas card [krismas card] - Christmas card
chimney [chimney] – chimney, stove

This Christmas we had a beautiful snowfall, my father bought eight christmas crackers and we hang lots of christmas stockings by the chimney [Zis Christmas V head e beauty full snowfall fi phaser bot eight Christmas crackers and V hang lot of Christmas stockings by the chimney] - This Christmas there was a beautiful snowfall, my dad bought eight Christmas crackers and we hung a lot of stockings for Christmas gifts near the stove.

mince pie [mince pie] - sweet pie with filling (raisins, almonds);
christmas pudding [Christmas pudding] - Brit. Christmas pudding with candied fruits and spices;
christmas cake [Christmas cake] - Christmas cake (fruit);
turkey [graters] - turkey;
candy cane [candy cane] - a lollipop in the form of a stick;
eggnog [eggnog] - a drink based on beaten eggs with the addition of milk, cognac or rum, sugar, spices

Mary cocked turkey and mince pie for the Christmas table, and also she gave her son a candy cane and her husband an eggnog – Mary prepared turkey and sweet pie for the Christmas table, and she also gave her son a candy cane and her husband a Christmas drink.

Happy New Year greetings in English

The most common and simple congratulations Happy New Year is the phrase Happy New year! [happy New Year] – Happy New Year! And in the case when it is necessary to indicate to whom exactly the congratulations are addressed, a construction with the preposition to is added, for example: Happy New year to you! – [happy new year] Happy New Year to you!

Usually, wishes are added to the congratulations. According to their structure, they can be divided into two groups:

Wishes starting with the phrase I wish you - [ay vish yu] I wish you, after which the wishes are listed.

For example: I wish you success in your career, positive emotions and a fortune! – [ay vish yu saxes in yo karie, positive emotions and e fochen] I wish you success in your career, positive emotions and a happy destiny!

These congratulations specifically indicate who they come from. It is worth noting that if a group of people, rather than one person, wishes Happy New Year, it is necessary to say We wish you - [wish yu] we wish you.

Wishes starting with the phrase Let the new year bring you - [let the new year bring you] may the new year bring you, after which the wishes are also listed.

For example: Let the New Year bring you only bright discoveries, interesting ideas and pleasant sensations! – [let the new year bringing you only bright discovery, entertaining ideas and pleasing sensations] may the new year bring you only bright discoveries, interesting ideas and pleasant sensations!

These wishes do not imply the person from whom the congratulation comes.

As a rule, congratulations are followed by gratitude from the person who was congratulated. You can express gratitude using phrases such as Thank you very much! – [senk yu very much] thank you very much! or Thanks a lot! – [sanks e lot] thank you very much!

Dialogue example:
- Happy New year to you! I wish you many happy days, creative victories and incredible emotions!
- Thank you very much! Happy New year too! Let the new year bring you happiness, prosperity and success!
- Thanks a lot!

New Year Celebration in Russia

New Year in Russia is the most awaited, beautiful and fabulous holiday. Every year, Russians celebrate it on the night of December 31 to January 1. Already at the beginning of December in all cities of Russia streets are decorated with colored lights and lanterns, huge, green Christmas trees are being installed, which shine from a variety of colored light bulbs and Christmas tree decorations. Shop windows are decorated with Christmas lights. Everything around is soaked with magic and it seems as if you were caught in a fairy tale.

It is customary to celebrate New Year in Russia with family. People are carefully preparing for this holiday, and adults and children are looking forward to it. Fir-trees are set up and decorated in apartments and houses, everyone gives presents to each other, many guests are invited, and festive tables are laid with various treats. At 12 o"clock at night, when the Kremlin chimes on Red Square in Moscow begin to beat the last minute of the outgoing year, everyone makes wishes for the next year and raises their glasses of champagne. At this last minute of the year ended , the President of Russia congratulates all Russians on the New Year. As soon as the chimes beat off the last blows, volleys of holiday fireworks and salute begin to explode from everywhere. The night sky is lit up with bright, colorful flashes. congratulate each other on the New Year in coming, wish for the fulfillment of desire and all the best in the New Year.

Children are especially waiting for this holiday, as they believe that Santa Claus will come to them on a magical New Year"s Eve and put gifts under the Christmas tree, which they asked him in their letters to him. Celebration of the New Year brings people together and gives them joyful efforts and cheerful mood. Also, this New Year's holiday gives people hope for a happy and peaceful life.


New Year in Russia is the most long-awaited, beautiful and fabulous holiday. Every year Russians celebrate it on the night from December 31 to January 1. Already at the beginning of December, in all cities of Russia, the streets are decorated with colored lights and lanterns, huge, green Christmas trees are installed, which glow from many multi-colored light bulbs and Christmas tree decorations. Shop windows are decorated with New Year's garlands. Everything around seems to be saturated with magic and it seems as if you are in a fairy tale.

In Russia, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with family. People carefully prepare for this holiday, both adults and children look forward to it. In apartments and houses, Christmas trees are installed and decorated, everyone gives each other gifts, many guests are invited, festive tables are set with various treats. At 12 o'clock at night, when the Kremlin chimes on Red Square in Moscow begin to chime the last minute of the passing year, everyone makes wishes for the next year and raises their glasses of champagne. At this last minute of the completed year, the President of Russia congratulates all Russians on the New Coming Year. As soon as the chimes have struck the last beats, volleys of festive fireworks and fireworks begin to explode from everywhere. The night sky is illuminated with bright, colorful flares. People congratulate each other on the New Year, wish fulfillment and all the best in the New Year.

Children especially look forward to this holiday, because they believe that in a magical New Year's Eve Santa Claus will come to them and put under the tree the gifts that they asked him for in their letters to him. Celebrating the New Year brings people together and gives them joyful chores and a cheerful mood. Also, this New Year's holiday gives people hope for a happy and peaceful life.

On English.

New Year's Day

My name is Catherine. I'm 12 years old. In our family’s favorite holiday is New Year’s Eve. In late December, the streets, parks, plazas dress in festive attire. Through the streets and squares stretched garlands colored lanterns. Everyone is preparing for the New Year. And in the main square set a huge tree. We are beginning to prepare for the holiday. On Christmas fairs buy each other gifts, Christmas decorations and tinsel. December 30, we set an artificial tree, and I myself dress up her for the holiday, hang toys, garlands. December 31 I help my mother to cook a festive table on arrival. New Year's Eve always seems to me a magical and unforgettable. At midnight, after the president’s speech on television, begin to beat the chimes. We congratulate each other a happy new year and make a wish, and then exchange gifts. When I was little, then found the gifts under the tree and thought that they brought me Santa Claus. And even though I’m an adult, and I do not believe that there is a Santa Claus, but New Year’s Eve want to be in a fairy tale, and to believe in miracles. The New Year brings a lot of joy and fun. Every time I look forward to this holiday.

Translation into Russian.

New Year

My name is Ekaterina. I am 12 years old. In our family, New Year is considered the most favorite holiday. At the end of December, streets, parks, and squares are dressed in festive attire. Garlands of multi-colored lanterns stretched across the squares and streets. Everyone is preparing for the New Year. And a huge Christmas tree is installed on the main square. We are starting to prepare for the holiday. At New Year's fairs we buy each other gifts, Christmas tree decorations and tinsel. December 30th we install artificial Christmas tree and I dress her up for the holiday myself, hang up toys and garlands. On December 31, I help my mother prepare the festive table for the arrival of guests. New Year's Eve always seems magical and unforgettable to me. At midnight, after the president's speech on television, the chimes begin to strike. We wish each other a Happy New Year and make a wish, and then exchange gifts. When I was little, I would find gifts under the tree and think that Santa Claus had brought them to me. And even though I’m already an adult and don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to be in a fairy tale and believe in a miracle. New Year brings a lot of joy and fun. I look forward to this holiday every time.

New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. It is especially loved by little children. People do not go to work on that day, and children do not go to school. This holiday is considered to be a family holiday. It is usually celebrated at home among the members of the family.

People decorate their houses and usually have a fir-tree which stands in the corner of the room. Those fir-trees are very beautiful. The presents are usually put under these trees. Our parents prepare for this holiday well. They buy a New Year tree, decorate it, buy a lot of tasty food and drinks.

At twelve o’clock in the night people can see the president on TV which addresses them with traditional words of congratulation. At this time people are sitting at the tables to their holiday dinner and enjoy it in a good company. Young people usually organize a dance party and have a lot of fun. Some of them go out into the streets and the squares. The next day friends usually come to wish a Happy New Year to all the members of the family.

The New Year of our life has begun. Everyone hopes it will really be happy.

New Year in our country

New Year is a big holiday in our country. Everyone really likes him. It is especially loved by young children. People don't go to work on this day, and children don't go to school. This holiday is considered a family holiday. It is usually celebrated at home among family members.

People decorate their houses and, as a rule, place a fir tree that stands in the corner of the room. These spruces are very beautiful. Gifts are usually placed under these trees. Our parents are diligently preparing for this holiday. They buy a New Year tree, decorate it, and buy a lot of delicious food and drinks.

At midnight, people can see the President on television greeting them with traditional words of congratulations. At this time, people sit at tables for a festive dinner and enjoy it in good company. Young people usually organize dances and a lot of fun. Some of them overlook streets and squares. The next day, friends usually come to wish a Happy New Year to all family members.

The new year of our life has begun. Everyone hopes that he will be truly happy.

My favorite holiday is the New Year. I always celebrate it with my family. Before the holiday we often visit our friends and relatives and give them presents. We often go to the city center to see the beautiful New Year tree on the main square.

We always celebrate New Year at home. A week before the holiday we begin to decorate our house with lights and garlands. We also put up a New Year tree and decorate it with balls, cones, icicles and other toys, tinsel and lights. Under the tree we usually put statues of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. We put New Year presents there too.

On the 31st of December we always cook salads. My mother usually roasts meat and boils potatoes. She always bakes our favorite Napoleon cake. We watch New Year programs and films on TV.

At about ten o'clock we all sit down at the table and have a meal. Just before midnight we light sparklers and my father opens a bottle of champagne. We watch the president’s speech on TV, and then while the clock is striking midnight, we make wishes and drink champagne. After that we go to the balcony to watch fireworks.

When we come back into the room we open our presents. I usually get a lot of presents for the New Year. And I always try to give presents to my parents, grandparents and friends.

My favorite holiday is New Year. I always celebrate it with my family. Before the holiday, we often visit our friends and relatives and give them gifts. We often go to the city center to look at beautiful Christmas tree on the main square.

We always celebrate New Year at home. A week before the holiday, we begin to decorate our house with lights and garlands. We also put up a New Year tree and decorate it with balls, cones, icicles and others Christmas decorations, tinsel and garlands. We usually put figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree. We also put New Year's gifts there.

On December 31st we always prepare salads. Mom usually fries meat and boils potatoes. She always bakes our favorite Napoleon cake. We are watching New Year's programs and movies on TV.

Around ten in the evening we all sit down at the table. Just before midnight we turn on the sparklers and Dad opens a bottle of champagne. We watch the president's speech on TV and then make wishes and drink champagne while the clock strikes midnight. After that we go to the balcony and watch the fireworks.

Back in the room, we open our gifts. I usually receive a lot of gifts for New Year. I also always try to give gifts to my parents, grandparents and friends.