Children's matinees are a great way to make friends with children, and also game form instill in them new skills and knowledge. Therefore, games on autumn holiday V kindergarten It’s worth choosing interesting and varied ones. Games are the most interesting part of the matinee for its little participants. Let's consider several options for games for the autumn matinee.

Traditional relay race, stylized with an autumn theme. We will need two large ones autumn leaves for each team. We draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay race: the player takes two sheets of paper, stands on one of them, and places the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and places the first one in front of him. Thus, you need to go the distance from start to finish and vice versa, passing the sheets to the next player. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Autumn beads

Attributes: bright leaves from trees, rowan branches, pine cones, several threads or ropes. This competition is creative. We divide the participants into teams, and each team creates its own beads from the proposed material - leaves, cones, rowan are strung on a rope. A certain time is allotted for the process itself while the musical accompaniment plays. When the beads are ready, the audience votes with applause for each decoration. Usually in such entertainment there are no winners and losers, friendship wins.

Speed ​​coloring book

First you need to print out several coloring pages, depending on how many teams or participants there will be. You will also need pencils or markers. Children must color the pictures within a certain period of time, and it is advisable to do this carefully, so it is better to choose simple coloring books, without small details. Well, since our holiday is autumn, the theme of the coloring pages should be autumn.

Picking apples

This competition can be done either with your eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many apples as possible in the basket. Apples can be drawn on cardboard and cut out, or you can replace them with some objects - cubes, balls, small soft toys.

Bunch of grapes

You will need two sheets of whatman paper, on each of which the tail of a bunch with a leaf is drawn. The kids take turns approaching whatman paper, they are blindfolded and they draw one grape. Each team draws its own bunch, the goal is to draw it as accurately as possible. But this doesn’t always work out, so the game turns out to be fun, and its results are unpredictable.


Relay race with creative elements. We prepare in advance two sheets of whatman paper with drawn silhouettes of cats, pieces of cotton wool, and a glue stick. The guys stand at the start line, the first participant is given a glue stick. On command, the child runs to whatman paper and glues a piece of cotton wool onto the cat to create fur. The winner is the team whose cat is the fluffiest and most prepared for winter.

Catch the ball

The presenter throws the ball to the children in turn; when each child catches the ball, he must name a word that is associated with autumn. The one who could not remember the word is eliminated from the competition.

Collect an apple

We need to prepare several pictures of apples cut into pieces. The kids’ task is to collect a picture with an apple. Whoever collects it faster wins.


Various items are placed in a large box: cubes, toys, beads. These can also be pictures with an autumn theme - leaves, berries, mushrooms. Children are given buckets or baskets, their task is to choose as many specific objects as possible from the box, for example, only cubes, or only pictures with mushrooms.

Run through a puddle

We determine the boundaries of the “puddle” (most often it is a carpet that lies in the middle of the assembly hall), prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddle” and come back. The game is funny if you take the boots several sizes larger than the child’s feet.

Guess what's in the bag

A traditional game for children's parties in kindergarten, including autumn ones. For it you will need a bag and various items associated with autumn: apples, pears, carrots, potatoes, leaves, chestnuts. Instead of real gifts of nature, you can use dummies. Each child puts their hand into the bag, selects one item and guesses by touch what it is. If you guess correctly, you get candy.

Pick a pumpkin from the garden

Another variation of the relay race, this time with a pumpkin. For this you will need two pumpkins of the same size. A team member rolls his pumpkin from start to finish and back, after which he passes it to the next participant. The task can be complicated if you roll the pumpkin only with your feet or push it with some object.

Mushroom pickers

The teams line up in rows. The first child is given a basket of mushrooms (dummies of mushrooms) and he passes it to the next participant, who in turn passes it to the next. So the basket must be passed to the other end of the line and back without losing the mushrooms. If the mushroom falls out, the basket returns to the beginning of the line. Important nuance: children hold the basket with outstretched arms above their heads.

Leaf fall

You will need leaves from trees or cut out of paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids stand near the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. Whoever blows it to the floor faster wins.

Gardeners relay race

Props: hoops, watering cans, models of vegetables and fruits. How the relay race goes: the first child lays out the hoops and digs up the beds, the second child puts a vegetable in each hoop and sows seeds, the third child “waters” the beds with a watering can, the fourth child collects the harvest and puts the vegetables in a basket. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

Funny spiders

For this entertainment you will need several balls of woolen thread. The threads in the balls must be the same length. On command, the participant unwinds the ball of cobweb on the floor along the line, and then winds it back and passes the ball to the next participant. The team that wins it will pass faster relay race

Colored vegetables

We prepare several cards of different colors. Children randomly draw a card from a bag and name a vegetable or fruit. If you get a red card, you need to name a red vegetable, etc.

Or you can hold the same competition, but not with flowers, but with letters - pull letters out of a bag and name the fruits whose name begins with this letter.

Come up with a riddle

It's even more interesting than solving riddles. We show the children cards with pictures of fruits and vegetables or dummies of fruits, and the participants must name their properties, thus coming up with a riddle for this fruit. You can also come up with riddles for autumn natural phenomena, for the word “autumn” itself.

Who lost the leaf?

The presenter shows cards with pictures of leaves, and the children’s task is to guess which tree this leaf is from. The cards can be replaced with real leaves from trees.


Children stand in front of the leader. The leader names vegetables, berries, and fruits one by one. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the children must sit down, and if it is a berry that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their arms above their heads. The last one to sit down or stand up is eliminated. The winner is the one who remains last and does not drop out.

We hope you liked the games listed above for the autumn holiday in kindergarten, and you will take some of them into account.

Progress of the lesson

The hall is designed in the form of a forest clearing. Children enter the hall. Draw the children's attention to how the hall is decorated and to the guests present. The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays

Introductory part:

Educator: Guys, look around. How beautiful! You see, today we have guests. They are very kind and cheerful, they want to see what you and I have learned. Let's say hello to them(welcome guests).

Educator: And now we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. A magic wand will help us with this. We need to follow her with our eyes and say magic words: “1,2, spin around, you’ll immediately find yourself in a fairy tale!”

There is a knock on the door. Kolobok (the eldest child dressed in a kolobok costume) runs in to the cheerful music.


I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I got into the forest, walked,

He bragged and disappeared...

Educator: Children, who is this? What fairy tale have we found ourselves in?

Of course, this is the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Let us “blind” a bun:

Design from paper “Kolobok”.

(The teacher shows the finished sample and asks the children what shape the bun should be, what it looks like, what color?)

The teacher and children recite the poem and rhythmically squeeze a sheet of yellow paper into a ball.

We sculpted Kolobok,

We kneaded the dough slightly

And then they rolled him

They sat me on the window.

He's jumping and jumping from the window

The mischievous man rolled away.

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the bun?

Children: Round.

Educator: Well done. That's right, round. What color is the bun?

Children: Yellow.

Educator : That's right, well done.

Main part:

Educator: The bun jumped up the steps, rolled along the path, and got lost between the trees. And you and I, like little buns, will ride into the forest?

The game “On a Level Path” is played

Children follow the teacher in a flock,The teacher speaks rhythmically, at a certain pace, the following text:

On a smooth path,

Along a level path (children walk at a walk)

Our legs walk - 2 times.

From hummock to hummock - 2 times (jump on two legs, moving slightly forward)

Into the hole - bang. (squat down)

We got out of the hole. (children rise).

Educator: The path of the kolobok was not easy. On the way he met clouds (the teacher shows an image of a cloud and gives the children pieces of cotton wool. The children crumple them and put them against their cheeks).

Educator : What were the clouds like?

Children : Soft, fluffy.

Educator: I met another bun on the way mountains (the teacher shows a picture of mountains and distributes pebbles to the children).

Educator : Children, what were the mountains like?

Children : Hard, strong.

Educator: Oh, a mean cloud has arrived and it began to rain (the teacher shows a picture of rain).

Educator: The rain was like this... (the teacher sprays the children with a spray bottle, the children run away)

Educator : Oh, the rain has stopped, come to me! It's raining again!...What kind of rain was it?

Children : wet, cold.

Educator : Guys, we found ourselves in a fairy meadow. How beautiful it is here. Look who's here? (standing in the clearing bunny , consisting of geometric shapes). The teacher, together with the children, examines the bunny and finds out what geometric shapes the bunny consists of and what color these shapes are.

Educator : Children, let's dance for our bunny?

Dance “Zainka, dance!”

Educator: Guys, the little bun wanted to sing a song to us, but he just had a sore throat. Shall we help him?

General developmental exercises"Kolobok"

are carried out according to the type of logorhythmics (the teacher and children rhythmically pronounce the poem and perform exercises).

I am Kolobok, Kolobok, Kolobok, I.p. hands on the belt, legs together.

I am Kolobok, ruddy side V.: head tilts left and right

Scraped along the bottom of the barrel, I.p. hands down, legs together.

Meten across the barn (2 times) V.: hands up and down

I.p. planted in the stove hands down, legs together.

It’s cold at the window V.: they squat and stand on their toes,

Raising your hands up

I left my grandfather, I.p.

I left my grandmother. V.: walking in place

I left the hare, jumping in place on two legs.

And he left the wolf

Left the bear, put their legs apart, arms to the sides.

He left the clubfoot, bending left and right.

And the fox - ah! - and ate it. Inhale and exhale sharply.

Educator: Wonderful song Kolobok. But we need to continue on our way. We continue our journey through the fairytale forest.

Children line up in a column one after another.

Main types of movements:

  1. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Educator: Guys, spring has already arrived, the snow has melted on the paths and puddles have appeared. Let's jump through the puddles together with the kolobok.

2. Crawling on a bench 20 cm high on all fours.

Educator: Children, look how big the stream is, we can’t just get across it. You need to crawl along the bridge.

Educator: Well done. We continue our journey through the fairytale forest. We went out into a forest clearing, and the Fox hid under a bush. Guys, let's help Kolobok escape from the Fox.

The outdoor game “Fox and Koloboks” is played.

To the music, the children (“koloboki”) run around in all directions, the “fox” sits on a bench. At the end of the music, the “fox” runs out and tries to make the “bun” look dirty. Children run away to a certain place (on chairs) - the “house”. Repeat 2 times.

The final part.

Educator. This is where our journey ends. And who did we meet in the magical forest? Let's remember what figures the bunny consisted of?

Children : (circles, squares, triangles).

Educator What color were these figures?

Children : (red, green, yellow, blue).

Educator: What color is our bun?

Children: (yellow)

Educator: That's right, yellow.

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Let's clap our hands loudly and loudly), and now quietly and quietly (with our fingers). It's time for us to return to the group. To do this, you need to say the magic words again and follow the magic wand with your eyes: “1, 2, spin around, find yourself in the group again!” Let's say goodbye to our guests.

Children: Goodbye.


"Lost Beads"

Program content.

Teach children to focus on the color properties of objects. To form in them the simplest techniques for establishing the identity and differences in color of homogeneous objects.

Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors.

Encourage children to use words in active speech: “fluffy”, “soft”, “round”, “long”, “short”, “many”, “one”, “big”, “small”.

Cultivate responsiveness and goodwill.

Develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills hands

Preliminary work with children.

We teach children to pay attention to color when performing basic actions with toys and objects in everyday life.


Toys – hare, bear, squirrel.

Colored beads.

Mushrooms: red, green, yellow.

Plates: red, green, yellow.

Carrots, a jar of honey.

Organization of the lesson.

The lesson is conducted in a group, where in one of the group areas there is a forest clearing. Toys act as forest animals. The second part of the lesson is held at the table.

Progress of the lesson.

I tell the children:

Everyone sit down next to each other

Let's play together

Prepare your ears, eyes,

Let's start our fairy tale

I went to the forest today

I found some wonderful beads.

- Look how beautiful the colored beads are. And the beads are different colors. What color are the beads? (Children answer; if they find it difficult to answer, I help them).

- Who lost such beautiful beads?

“Now we’ll all go into the forest together and look for the owner.”

On a smooth path, on a smooth path

Our feet are walking, our feet are walking.

Jump over a puddle, jump over a hole.

Boom - they fell. Where have we ended up?

We walked, we walked, we came into a dark forest,

And at the hummock under the bush

The little white bunny is sitting

His tail is shaking.

- Guys, let's show how a bunny's tail trembles. (Exercise “Bunny tail” - moving the tongue left and right).

- Let's call him quietly. Now louder: “Come to us, bunny!” (Children repeat the invitation).

- Let's feel sorry for the bunny, guys: “Don't be afraid, bunny, there is no wolf here. What kind of skin does a bunny have? (Soft, warm, fluffy).”

- What kind of ears does a bunny have? (Long)

- What ponytail? (small, short).

- Now ask the bunny if he has lost his beads. (Children ask). The bunny shakes his head. (No).

- Let's, guys, treat the bunny with carrots, he loves them, and let's continue to look for who lost the beads.

- Let’s go quietly, on tiptoes, here, somewhere a bear lives. And here is the bear. And here is the bear. (We approach the tree where the bear sits.)

- Hello Mishenka the Bear. (Children say hello to the bear. They look at it.)

- What bear? (Thick, soft).

- Who is bigger, the bear or the bunny? (Bear is bigger)

- Look at the bear’s nose.

- Which? (Round, small).

- What is this? (Ears)

-Where is the tail? Let's ask Mishka to show his tail. The bear has a tail.

- Little Bear! But weren't you the one who lost these beads? (Children ask).

- No! (The bear answers)

- Well, guys, let's treat the bear with honey (this is his favorite treat). And let's go further to look for the owner of these beads.

- Goodbye, bear! (Children say goodbye to the bear).

- Oh, guys, who is that sitting on the tree? (Children see a squirrel and greet her.)

- What kind of tail does a squirrel have? Nose? Ears? Eyes? (Children answer the questions; I help if they find it difficult to answer).

- Squirrel, we know a nursery rhyme about you:

A squirrel sits in a cart,

She sells nuts:

Little fox sisters,

Sparrow, titmouse,

Thick-footed bears,

Bunny with a mustache.

(I'll spend finger gymnastics. Children alternately bend their fingers on their left, then right hand).

- Why, squirrel, are you so sad? (I ask the squirrel).

— I lost very beautiful beads (crying).

- Don't cry, squirrel! The guys and I found your beads. Really, kids?

- Yes! (children answer).

The squirrel thanks the children and gives them a basket of mushrooms. But the mushrooms are not simple, but colored. She asks to put them on plates: red mushroom - in a red plate; yellow - to yellow green - to green. At the same time, children say that the mushrooms are small, and one is large.

Children are working at tables, having returned from the “forest” with a squirrel. She praises the kids and promises to come visit the children again.

Children say goodbye to the squirrel.

Evgenia Chikish
Lesson notes on sensory

Abstract final open sensory education classes

in 1st junior group

Subject: “We welcome the doll Dasha as a guest”

Educators: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kolbasina

Chikish Evgeniya Anatolevna

Target: Formation sensory standards and abilities that allow little man fully perceive the world around you.


1. Exercise children in identifying and naming colors (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white); size (big, small); geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle); forms (cube, ball, cone) through visual and tactile examination and comparison.

2. Continue to teach how to group objects according to one of signs: shape, color, size.

3. Develop fine motor skills.

4. Foster curiosity, expand the experience of navigating the environment, enriching children with a variety of sensory impressions.


Doll, sensory tablecloth, funny figures, magic bag(cube, ball, cone, soap bubbles, flat hedgehogs with clothespins, balloons.

Progress of the lesson:

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today, say hello to them.

Let's smile at each other and good mood Let's play.

The teacher knocks on the door and brings in a Dasha doll with a basket.

Masha: Hello children! My name is Dasha. How beautiful and elegant you all are. I really like you. Did you like me? Look at my sundress. What color is it? I also brought a gift for you (tablecloth with geometric shapes).

Educator: Which beautiful tablecloth. Look, it is decorated with geometric shapes. Let's spread it on the table. What are the figures here? (children's answers).

Educator: Katya, find a big red circle. Arkhip, show me a small black square, etc.

Children find the desired figure, show it and name it.

Dasha: Well done, guys! But I didn’t come alone, cheerful figures came with me. They want to play hide and seek with you.

Planar figures in the form of men are displayed on a magnetic board.

Educator: Let's, Dasha, name these figures (square, circle, triangle).

Dasha: Come on, close your eyes (removes one piece).

Game "Who left?"

Educator: Guys, I have gifts for funny people. You have to guess what gift we will give to whom.

The teacher takes out a magic bag with geometric shapes (cube, ball, cone).

Children take out geometric shapes by touch one by one and place them below in accordance with the geometric shapes.

Phys. just a minute.

Educator: And now you and I will play, and Dasha will sit and look at us. I have magical soap bubbles.

Children jump up, catch bubbles, and compare them by size.

Dasha: Listen, it seems like someone is puffing. Do you hear? "Puff-puff-puff". Who is this? This is a hedgehog.

Dasha finds a hedgehog.

Dasha: Guys, look how sad the hedgehog is, what happened? The hedgehog said that his hedgehog friends had lost their needles and were embarrassed to go for a walk.

Educator: Guys, let's give the hedgehogs their needles back (clothespins).

The teacher lays out colored hedgehogs and colored clothespins.

Children complete tasks independently. Hedgehogs thank children for new needles.

Dasha: I really enjoyed your stay, but it’s time to go home. As a parting gift, I want to give you gifts. (colorful balls).

The children name the color of the ball, Dasha hands out the balls and says goodbye to the children.

Svetlana Fadeeva
Summary of a lesson on sensory education for children of the senior group “Along sensory paths”

Summary of a lesson on sensory education in senior group "By sensory paths»

Description of material: Methodological development aimed at development sensory processes in the older group.

Target: Development sensorimotor abilities in children, activate sensory perception, stimulating the visual, auditory, touch, smell and taste analyzers.


1. Summarize and systematize: performances children about basic human feelings (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch); knowledge about geometric forms: circle, square, triangle, oval; differences in size, shape and color.

2. Develop children creativity, motor activity visual, auditory and gustatory perception, cognitive interest, thinking, speech.

Demo material: "noises" with different sounds, colorful circles, counting sticks. tambourine, « wonderful pouch» , task cards (individual)

Methodical techniques: Surprise moments; breathing exercises; didactic game on color perception, forms; educational game with musical instruments on the development of auditory perception; didactic game for the development of taste perception; working with pictures.

1. Organizational part.

Guys, do you like to travel? Today we will have an unusual journey through sensory paths. Will come with us old forest man, he's everything knows the paths in the sensory forest. We will have to go through a lot today and solve many tasks along the way. So, let's go on a fabulous journey.

Music is playing

And here is the first stop.

2 Main part

We’ll sit at a rest stop and solve all the problems.

Did. game: "Recognize the shapes" (invite the children to take the proposed figure out of the bag by touch.)

Did. game “What figures does it consist of?”(you need to determine from the drawing what geometric shapes the object consists of and how many there are)

Did. game: "Collect a garland"(suggest from memory to assemble a garland of multi-colored circles in accordance with the sample)

Did. game "What has changed"(there are 5-6 cards in front of the children, after looking at them and saying what is drawn on them, the teacher asks them to close their eyes and rearranges the cards. Children, opening their eyes, say what has changed)

Breathing exercises "Let's blow on your shoulder". Children stand, arms down, legs slightly apart. Turn your head to the left, make a tube with your lips and blow on your shoulder. Head straight - inhale. Head to the right - exhale (lips like a tube). Head straight - inhale through your nose. Lower your head, chin touching your chest, and again take a calm, slightly deep exhalation. Head straight - inhale through your nose. Raise your face up and blow again through your pursed lips.

Repeat 2-3 times:

Let's blow on your shoulder

Let's think about something else.

The sun is hot on us

It was scorching hot during the day.

Let's blow on our stomachs

How the tube becomes a mouth.

Well, now to the clouds

And let's stop for now.

Then we'll do it all again:

One, two and three, four, five

Did. game "What's first, what's next" (pictures depicting plant growth)

Did. game "Find a Pair"(The children are given "noises" with different sounds. Suggested to find "noise" with the same sound.)

Did. game "Make it out of sticks"(Counting sticks are laid out on the table. The child must form exactly the same figure. The sample remains before the child’s eyes.)

Did. game “Collect as many mushrooms as many times I hit the tambourine”

3. Final part

So we have completed all the tasks of the forester.

What did you like?

- Let's say “I’m doing great today!”, let's pat ourselves on the head. And for the fact that you did everything right, tried Lesovichok left you a treat - cookies "Mushrooms".

Publications on the topic:

“The hedgehogs are lost.” Summary of a lesson on sensory education in the first junior group Lesson on sensory education in 1st junior group. “The hedgehogs got lost” Educator: Kesaeva N.V. MBDOU No. 34 “Bell” Mozdok.

In the second or third year of life, it is necessary to ensure children’s initial acquaintance with color and the accumulation of ideas about colors. For this.

Summary of the final comprehensive lesson “Travel in a Balloon” on environmental education for children of the senior group Goal: To continue to form in children ideas about their country, the main cities of Russia, Mordovia. Activation of the concepts “capital” in children’s speech.

Summary of a lesson on sensory development of children of the first junior group “We have a vegetable garden” Summary of a lesson on sensory development of children first junior group“We have a vegetable garden.” Goal: To form elementary ideas in children.

Summary of a lesson on sensory development of children of the first junior group “Fruits” Summary of a lesson on sensory development of children of the first junior group on the topic: “Fruits” Age: 2-3 Basic educational field: Cognitive.

Shulga Anna Summary of a lesson on sensory development using didactic games for children of the second younger group. Game - guests. Name.