You don’t have to have special abilities to realize which specific hair color is the most common. It's quite easy to go outside and look around - most people wear black locks. But do you understand what the rarest hair color in the world is?

Do you understand what hair color is the rarest?

According to objective statistics, you can rarely meet people with natural reddish curls. There are only one percent of the total population of the planet. Following them are those who wear blond hair - about 2 percent.

We will talk specifically about people with an unusual tone of curls in this article. Naturally, if you are interested in a detailed description of how to get this or that rare color scheme, it will not be here. But you will learn a lot of fascinating things about rare hair colors.

Reddish curls

Interestingly, in ancient times, all red-haired people were considered comrades-in-arms of the black forces, and therefore they were threatened with an unenviable fate. During the Inquisition, you could even end your days at the stake. Now, fortunately, everything is not so sad.

In the photo: reddish curls are the rarest in the world!

Direct your attention. This tone is reflected in a person’s character. As psychologists say, such people have an explosive and sparkling nature, which allows them to stand out not only because of their unusual hairstyle.

If we talk specifically about women, then they:

  • they immediately attract and repel guys;
  • are unsurpassed manipulators;
  • they can “twist” the stronger sex as they please.

Direct your attention. In Old Rome, people with reddish hair were considered the darlings of fate, to whom wealth fell from heaven. Therefore, the poor Romans tried to acquire for themselves slaves with such a tone of curls, believing that they would contribute to the recruitment of funds.

What does science say?

Reddish hair is the “fault” of a recessive gene

As scientists say, the first red-haired people appeared about forty thousand years ago.

But now they occur very rarely for one common reason:

  • this gene is not only extremely rare, but also recessive;
  • therefore it is not passed on by inheritance;
  • In addition, such genes are in most cases transmitted in pairs, which is an explanation of why people with this color are often left-handed.

Quite recently, scientists who studied this paradox confirmed that after one century there is not a single person left on earth with reddish hair acquired at birth.

What do the legends say?

There are a huge number of legends in the world about people with this hairstyle.

For example, a Scottish belief says:

  • fairies became a prerequisite for the emergence of such people;
  • the fairies themselves were from the underground;
  • but their hair was fiery.

Muslims have their own old tale, according to which:

  • Allah made the jinn;
  • flame was used to create them;
  • but the genies turned out to be unworthy to live on the surface of the earth, and therefore were exiled underground;
  • after which Allah made people from clay;
  • but one day the genie seduced the lady and, as a result of their love, a man with a reddish hairstyle appeared.

Direct your attention. Not many people know the fact that Adolf Hitler considered red-haired people to be unclean people who have genetic differences. To prevent them from being born again, a decree was issued prohibiting them from creating marital unions.

Blonde curls

The second very rare hair tone is blond. There are very few natural blondes and blonds in the world, and most of them come from Scandinavian countries.

Natural snow-white color is very rare

Although now it is not so difficult to meet a person with blond hair, this justifies the development of the cosmetics industry:

  • back in 1867, the first coloring compositions were made that made it possible to achieve this color;
  • The French were the discoverers of this consistency;
  • The first lady to artificially lighten her hair was the wife of Napoleon III.

Dye will help you become blonde

Direct your attention. Now you can change the color with your own hands without any hassle. There is a large selection of different paints on store shelves, and their prices range from indescribably low to exorbitant. If you have never bleached your hair before, then the first procedure should be carried out in a salon, completed by the hands of an experienced professional.

Features of blonde people

People whom nature has endowed with a pure snow-white color have a number of characteristics. Although they are inconspicuous, they cannot be ignored.

For example, as studies have shown, wearers of snow-white hairstyles have thicker strands than people with other curl colors:

  • there are more than 100 fifty thousand hairs on the head;
  • In this way, nature protects the scalp from the negative and unsafe effects of ultraviolet rays.

Blondes have certain hairstyles and personalities

Direct your attention. In relation to blonds and blondes, studies were carried out identical to those that were done in relation to red-haired people. According to the conclusion of these research work, last child with pure snow-white, natural hair color will be born in Finland in about two hundred years.

Psychologists have identified specific character traits of those with blond hair.

As research and observations have shown, they are in the overwhelming majority:

  • peace-loving;
  • indescribably resilient;
  • not vindictive;
  • not envious;
  • not grumpy.

But all the funny stories and incredible stories about the intellectual capabilities of fair-haired people, especially ladies, have nothing to do with reality.

Funny stories about the intellectual capabilities of blondes are far from reality

It is also necessary to note the extraordinary sensitivity:

  • skin, which leads to burning even after a short stay in the sun;
  • nervous system, indescribably very susceptible to stress.

Direct your attention. Do you understand that the most popular blonde in the world, who is Marilyn Monroe, essentially constantly lightened her curls? Her natural hair color was brown.

At the end

If nature has gifted you with curls of a natural reddish or blond tone, you can safely consider yourself a unique person. And certainly do not try to recolor your hair - this way you will lose the originality given to you, for which many are ready to sell their souls (see also the article “Redish hair dye: the brightness of the look forever from the best manufacturers”).

Additionally, the video in this article will provide you with fascinating information on the topic discussed.

According to statistics, the most common hair color is dark in all shades, from black to chestnut and dark blond. But only 1% of the planet's population has natural red hair. Therefore, without exaggeration, this color can be called the rarest. As well as light, by the way. As Nikolai Baskov’s famous song says, you rarely see natural blondes. There are only 2% of them on Earth.


In ancient times, all those with or without red hair were considered witches and sorcerers. And during the Holy Inquisition, women with red hair were subjected to severe persecution. Even now, many see some mystical secret in the owners of this rare color.

This color even influences the character of its owners. Red-haired people, regardless of gender, have an explosive character and sparkling nature.

During the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, who, as you know, was very concerned about the purity of the race, forbade red-haired people to marry so that children with “deviations” would not be born. Not so long ago, scientists hypothesized that in 100-150 years the red color will not only become rare, but will completely disappear from the face of the earth.

Blonde and features of blonde people

This is another rare color. Few people can boast that their hair has light shade of natural origin. The majority of blondes and blondes, who were endowed with such an unusual color by nature itself, live in Scandinavian countries.

They first learned to imitate this rare hair color chemically in 1867. The French became innovators in the fashion industry. And the first woman to decide on artificial lightening was the wife of Napoleon III.

Blondes have twice as much hair as everyone else. There are about 150,000 hairs on their heads. This is due to the fact that nature has tried in this way to protect the delicate skin of blondes and blondes from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Scientists suggest that the last child with such a rare color will be born in Finland in 2202.

By nature, blondes and blondes are very friendly and cheerful. Among people with this hair color, vindictive, envious or grumpy people are very rare. As for the many anecdotes and myths about the stupidity and stupidity of the owners of this unusual hair color, this is absolutely not true.

It is known that owners of this color also have very sensitive skin, which instantly burns in the sun. These people also have sensitive nervous system and are highly susceptible to stress.

Marilyn Monroe was considered the most famous blonde in the world. However, as it turned out later, the gorgeous blonde diva regularly lightened her curls chemically. But in fact, her hair was light brown.

Nutrition and shade

By the way, the “extinction” of natural blondes and blondes is also facilitated by the consumption of food products saturated with preservatives, fats and sugar, which leads to increased hair pigmentation.

People with such an unusual color, on the contrary, need to consume fish as much as possible, especially sea fish, due to the high content of phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega family.

Recently, doctors from the World Health Organization have refuted all hypotheses that blondes and blondes will disappear from the face of the earth. Yes, their number will definitely decrease, but you can’t even think about completely disappearing. Despite the fact that the gene inherited from Neanderthals blonde hair is recessive, it is inherited much more often than, for example, the red gene.


1. Each hair consists of 14 different elements, including gold.

2. Anticipation of sex makes hair grow faster.

3.Human hair can be used as a food additive. L-Cysteine, which is found in hair, is added to dough for baking bread and other baked goods.

4. Healthy hair capable when wet stretch 30 percent from the initial length.

5. Every day we we lose about 40-150 hairs.

6. A head of hair can withstand weight 12 tons or 2 African elephants.

7. Hair is the most common material evidence. The cross section of your hair can tell you what race or nationality you are.

In people of Asian descent round shape hair

People of African descent have very flat hair.

Europeans have oval hair

Gender is the only feature that cannot be determined by hair.

7. Keeps hair information about what is in your blood, including minerals and drugs.

8. The only part of the hair that is not dead is inside the scalp.

Hair color

9. Only 2 percent world population are blondes.

10. Dark color hair is the most common in the world.

11. Red is the rarest hair color, which affects 1 percent of people in the world. 13 percent of Scots have red hair. This is the largest percentage in the world.

12. According to surveys, women are perceived differently according to their hair color. In this case: blondes are considered funny and flirtatious, brunettes- smart and serious, and redheads– strong.

13. Additionally, blonde hair is one of the most expensive, costing around $1,600 per 100 grams.

Hair growth

14. Haircut does not affect hair growth.

15. Women's hair grows slower than men's.

16. Hair - second fastest growing tissue in the human body after the bone marrow.

17. Hair grows faster in warm weather.

18. Hair lives from 2 to 7 years. The average life cycle of hair is 5.5 years.

19. Hair consists of 50 percent carbon, 20 percent oxygen, 17 percent nitrogen, 6 percent hydrogen and 5 percent sulfur.

20. On average on a person's head 100,000 hairs. Blondes have about 146,000, dark-haired people have 110,000, people with chestnut color hair -100,000, and for redheads - 86,000 hair.

21. There are 5 million hair follicles on the human body. They are formed when the child is still in the womb at the age of 5 months.

22. Hair covers the entire body, excluding soles of feet, palms of hands, mucous membranes and lips.

Hair beauty

23. The word "shampoo" comes from the word "champa", which is translated from Hindi as "to rub, to massage".

24. Women spend about $780 a year on hair products.

25. On average, women spend about 1 hour and 53 minutes washing, drying and styling their hair per week. By the age of 65 they will spend about 7 months of their life on their hair.

26. People think you're going bald when you lose 50 percent of your hair.

27. Gray hair appears in 13 days after stress, shock or aging.

28. Men spend on average on shaving hair around 5 months of life.

29. If you never shave your beard, it will grow up to 9 meters in your entire life.

Hair loss

30. Frequent washing heads does not lead to more hair loss.

31. Combing is less damaging to hair than brushing.

32. Thyroid problems and iron deficiency are reversible causes of hair loss.

33. Hormonal imbalance and diets may lead to temporary hair loss.

34. More than 50 percent of men will begin to experience male pattern baldness by the age of 50. About 40 percent of women will experience female pattern (hereditary) hair loss when they reach menopause.

41. Africans and Europeans are more prone to baldness than Asians.

42. Representatives of the Caucasian race begin Go gray on average at 34 years old, while Africans and Asians at 47 years old.

Hairstyle history

43. In Ancient Greece light brown hair was associated with prostitution.

44. During the Renaissance, it was fashionable to pluck hair along the growth line to make the forehead appear larger.

45. In 1705 Peter introduced beard tax to get closer to the West.

46. ​​In the Victorian era, pendants were made and jewelry made from the hair of the dead close people.

47. The ancient Egyptians were the first to remove unwanted body hair.

48.V Ancient Rome women dyed their hair blonde using pigeon manure.

49. During the Renaissance, women in Venice dyed their hair light brown using horse urine.

50. The ancient Greeks believed that redheads turn into vampires after death.

It turns out that hair can tell a lot about a person, for example, where he comes from and what he eats. Hair can even tell a story bad habits and predict diseases.

In terms of density per square centimeter, human hair is practically no different from the “clothing” of chimpanzees. “If you take a magnifying glass and look at your body, you will find many subtle pale hairs,” explains Washington DC dermatologist Dr. Eric Kamorsky, “which is why it creates a visual illusion that our skin is clear. Meanwhile, the calculation shows that we are hairy, like primates.”

As for visible hair on the head, blondes and blonds have the highest density - an average of 146 thousand, followed by burning brunettes and brunettes - about 110 thousand each, followed by people with brown hair, with an average of less than one hundred thousand strands.

However, all these calculations are very approximate, since with the same genetic basis, people can live in different conditions, which in turn affect the rate of hair loss.

The natural color of the strands depends on the melanin (pigment) contained in the hair. It is found in two types - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is dominant. Thanks to him, people have hair from dark brown to blue black. If there is very little eumelanin, then the curls are light, and their owners are called blond.
Pheomelanin is dominant in red hair and is rare. In conspiracy theory publications, red-haired people are considered a hybrid of humanoids who came to our world from the outside to rule humanity. The authors of such articles refer to the fact that there are very few “redheads” in percentage terms, about 3%, but they occupy key positions in politics and economics.

Coffee with milk

Light hair tone is usually found among the British, Germans, Poles, Russians and Swedes, that is, among representatives of the Caucasian race. But in Africa and in the southern hemisphere in general, it is almost impossible to meet fair-haired people among the aborigines. The exceptions are the natives of New Guinea and the inhabitants of some Pacific islands.
Their curly, straw-colored hair with a reddish tint is associated with a different gene than that of Europeans. More precisely, we are talking about a genetic mutation that affects amino acid patterns. Such people are said to be susceptible to rufos syndrome and are albinos. And their eyes are not blue, but brown.

Gray jewelry

A person turns gray over the years. It is generally accepted that this occurs due to old age or worries. Meanwhile, the main cause of gray hair is the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of hair follicles and weakening of pigmentation. Red hair usually turns sandy with age and only then quickly turns white.

Many peoples associated gray hair with life experiences. That is why in Victorian era young English women wore jewelry made from gray hair dead mothers and grandmothers, “in order to protect themselves from stupidity and naivety.”

Hair color from a doctors point of view

It is believed that blondes are perceived by most men as sexually attractive. And there is some truth in this, since fair-haired women have higher estrogen levels than other representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, blondes, compared to redheads or brunettes, are more susceptible to macular degeneration, which leads to vision damage. This is why they often wear glasses.

In turn, red-haired women are less sensitive to painkillers. Thus, studies by English dentists published in the British Medical Journal show that anesthesia for them requires 20% more medications. As for brunettes, they are more prone to a tumor disease - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In addition, their liver metabolizes nicotine more efficiently, making them more likely to be tobacco addicts.

Non-standard application

When an oil spill occurred in San Francisco in 2007, a group of volunteers used nets containing human hair collected from salons and barbershops to clean up a local beach. The initiator of this idea, Phil McCroru, claims that this is how otters were saved after an environmental disaster in 1989.

It turns out that curls are an excellent oil absorbent. After this incident, environmentalists demanded that the tankers carry huge mats with human hair. However, experts were skeptical about this idea. However, those who professionally grow oyster mushrooms have long been adding human hair to the compost to absorb technical fats. But the most original idea proposed by the Chinese company Hongshuai, which used amino acids derived from human hair to produce its soy sauces, while competitors obtained this product from soy and wheat.

They love blondes, not blondes

Recently a social scandal erupted in the UK. Its foundation was laid by the publication of the international business newspaper Financial Times. It turns out that of the 500 managers of the London Stock Exchange, only 5% percent were blond, while in England 25 percent of the population is blond. But the redheads, who are only one percent, were as much as six percent in the management of the exchange. Numerous surveys have shown that just as much as they love blondes, they have a negative attitude towards blondes. The fact is that for some reason fair-haired men are considered feminine, and not everyone likes this in England.

The most common hair color is dark, it can have many tones and shades. It is quite common to see women with black and dark brown hair. Research shows that there are very few red-haired people on earth, only 1% of the population. In this regard, red and its shades can be considered rare. As for blonde, he can also be given this title; there are few people with a natural light color, only 2%.

Legends about the color red

In ancient times, red-haired people were considered witches and warlocks. During the era of the Holy Inquisition, women with bright curls were under close attention. Red hair color is unique; it has a strong influence on character and fortitude. People with this color have an attractive, hot-tempered, sparkling nature. To this day, it is believed that red hair gives the energy of power and wealth. In ancient times, rich Romans bought slaves with fiery hair, thus attracting good luck to the house. Young beauties with such curls cause delight, they fascinate and at the same time frighten the opposite sex, such girls can dominate and control men. Some sources say that red-haired ladies turn into vampires after death.

The rarest hair color is red, it was discovered about 400 thousand years ago. Experts made a discovery, as a result of which they found out that it arose due to a gene mutation. It is worth noting that the gene for this color is rarely inherited; people who have it are usually left-handed. Among the inhabitants of Scotland you can meet many people with this hair color. Some legends say that bright-haired people were born thanks to underground fairies.

There are many legends about red-haired people. Muslims tend to adhere to the following: Allah created spirits from the fiery tribe and decided to call them Jinn. These spirits often sinned, lied, they were evil and rebellious, Allah decided to punish them and sent them to live in a dungeon. One fine day, a genie seduced a woman by cunning, and it was from their union that people with fiery hair color came into being.

There is another kinder legend regarding this. Some sources report that the first owner of this unique color was a prince whose name was Idon. At the moment of the discovery of Atlantis, Idon was illuminated by the rays of a bright dawn that rose above the new land. The light that soared above the ground gave an unusual and so mysterious hair color. During the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler forbade red-haired people from creating families; he did not want babies with disabilities to be born. Scientists confirm that the rarest hair color is red, some of them claim that it will soon disappear from the face of the earth.

A rare and very unusual color is blond; not everyone can boast of such a natural color. Most natural blondes live in the Scandinavian regions. A light shade of natural origin is very rare. In 1867, specialists learned to create this color artificially; chemical dyes that could turn it into blonde were discovered by the French. The first woman who decided to dye her hair this color was the wife of Napoleon III.

Features of blondes

The main feature of blondes is that they have very thick hair. This is because their hair color is protected from the effects of the sun. Scientists suggest that the last child with such a rare shade will be born in Finland in 2202.

Blondes and blondes have a very soft, flexible and friendly character; it is rare to meet a vindictive and envious blond person. It is known that there are many jokes in the world regarding this hair color, but they are not at all true. Blonde people have hypersensitive skin that can quickly get sunburned. Blondes and blondes have a sensitive nervous system; they are very often exposed to stress. The most popular blonde was Marilyn Monroe, she was naturally light brown in color, but she managed to achieve true blonde through chemical dyeing.

Natural blondes and blonds are gradually dying out, this is due to the fact that they eat unwanted food products that contain dyes, artificial additives, preservatives, and fats. The use of such products has a certain effect on hair color. People who have a fair complexion need to eat as much fish and foods that contain a certain amount of polyunsaturated acids as possible. Some scientists refute the hypothesis regarding the extinction of blondes; their number is decreasing every year, however, there can be no talk of complete disappearance. The gene for blond hair is inherited much less frequently, unlike the gene for red hair.