Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten № 2

Lesson notes on


in the second younger group on the topic

“To Mishka’s help!”

Prepared by:

Teacher Kolmakova M.I.

Target: determine the degree of formation of the following skills:

Name and correctly use construction parts;

Be able to arrange the cubes according to the pattern;

Select colors according to the sample;

Develop fine and gross motor skills, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

Cultivate a desire to come to the rescue, to respond emotionally to someone’s request;

Cultivate accuracy and precision when reproducing a sample;

Develop imagination.


Material: construction sets with blocks of different colors for each child, a toy bear and a Masha doll.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Oh, guys, be quiet, be quiet, I hear something strange:

Someone is running here to us, someone is rushing here to us!

Educator: You will find out who will come to us by guessing my riddle:

Wakes up in the spring, and in winter to the howl of a blizzard

Sleeping in a snowy den!

Children: Bear!

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: The bear sleeps in winter; its home is called a “den”.

(A toy bear appears.)

Educator: Children, Mishka is sad today. Let's ask him what happened?

“Mishka’s request”:

The bear is very upset

Mishkin's house fell apart!

Shall we help him?

Can we build a house?

Educator: What can you build a house for Misha from?

Children: From bricks, boards, branches, etc.

Educator: True, but in our group we have neither bricks nor boards. What to do?

(The teacher leads the children to the idea of ​​​​building a house from cubes. The children consider the diagram for building a house).

Educator: Mishka decided to build a house like this!

(The teacher and the children examine the sample and repeat the names of the building parts).

Educator: What color blocks did he choose?

(Children call).

Educator: Guys, Misha doesn’t know where to start construction: from above or from below? Let's experiment. Tell me, is it possible to start building a house from the roof? Why?

(Children's answers).

Physical education minute:

We got up, we need to rest, shake our fingers!

Get up, hands up, move your fingers,

This is how little bunnies move their ears!

We sneak quietly on our toes, like foxes wandering through a forest!

The wolf looks around, and we will turn our heads!

Now let’s sit down quietly, quietly, as if in a mouse hole!

(Children build a house according to the proposed model).

Educator: Do you think Mishka liked our houses? Why?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Teddy bear in new home invites guests. Who do you think is in a hurry to visit the bear?

(Children's answers).

(Masha appears, the children and Mishka greet her.)

Lesson summary:

Educator: Did you like helping Mishka?(Children's answers).

What did you like and remember most? And now it's time to say goodbye to Masha and the Bear.(Children's answers).

What words are customary to say when breaking up? Let's tell them to Mishka and Masha.(Children's answers).

Abstract of GCD for design

in the second junior group

Topic: " Let's build a truck"

Age group: second junior group

Number of children: joint activities (subgroup number - 10 children)

Stage of mastering children's design: recognition of activities (initial ideas about the possibilities of a constructive material, interest in design, the formation of experience in playing with a design.

Target: consolidation of the skills to create simple models of real objects from building materials.

Educational– Introduce children to the simplest model cars;

Strengthen the ability to identify its main parts in an object, determine their purpose and structure;

Developmental- Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination;

Educational – Cultivate neatness

Improve collective relationships between children through construction.

Type of children's design: technical (from the builder).

Children's design form:(design based on sample)

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, artistic – aesthetic development, speech development, cognitive development.

Providing classes: wooden construction set for each child, laptop.

Preliminary work: observing transport on the street, talking on the topic “Transport”, looking at the album “Transport”, reading A. Barto’s poem “Truck”,

Joint activity plan

1. Creation problematic situation

2. Discussion of the problem situation (examination of the design and discussion of the work sequence)

3. Joint activity to build a machine (based on a sample)

4. Conversation about activities

Progress of joint activities


Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

Motivational - indicative, organizational

(The teacher plays a song about a car on the computer)

Guys, what is this song about?

What is a car?


What types of cars are there?

Would you like to invent a car for yourself?

How can we make a car?

Would you like to build a car?

You will find out what kind of car we will build by solving the riddle.

It is big and very heavy.
He is used to carrying loads.
What kind of car is this?
Everyone knows -


And today, each of you will build a truck.

What do we need to build a truck?

(The children listened to the song and went to the computer)

About the car.

A car is transport.

Cars, trucks.

Draw, sculpt, build.




I invite you to grab a box of construction toys and find a comfortable spot.

What parts does the truck have?

That's right, and the truck also has a platform and a radiator.

Where do we start building a car?

What parts can we build wheels from?

Find these parts in your box.

We need to put a platform on the wheels.

What part will we take for this?

We will place the plate on the wheels with the wide, long side. This will be the platform that holds the main part of the machine.

Well done! What part of the machine do we need to build next?

What part do we need?

CUBE - this will be our radiator. We will place it on the edge of the platform

What do we need to build now?

What detail do we need?

do you need it now?

We place the small brick with its narrow, long side close to the cube.

This will be the cabin, and to make the body we will need a medium brick. With the narrow, long side, we place the brick on the platform.

Our car is a truck, ready.

(children find a convenient place to build)

Naming the parts of the car: cabin, body, wheels

From the wheels.




Small brick.

Reflective-evaluative stage

We got it truck?

Did we encounter any difficulties during construction?

What can we use our truck for?

For transportation of goods.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child development center kindergarten "Ship"

Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category Vostryakova E.N. Udomlya


Develop in children the ability to build a simple floor: install supports (exactly one against the other)


  1. Cultivate a desire to build buildings.
  2. Arouse children's interest in activities with wooden building materials.
  3. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions posed.
  4. Improve constructive skills.


Illustration of kindergarten gates, cars of different sizes, gate diagrams

Dispenser: three small bricks, one long brick, two high bars. The demo is the same.

Stage 1: motivational.

  • The goal of the teacher at this stage of the educational activity is to motivate children to engage in play activities; develop emotional responsiveness and cognitive activity.

The goal that children should set for themselves is to build gates for cars.

Song animation plays "Beep beep" , cars come to visit the children. Develop emotional responsiveness.

Children enter group room, greet guests and sit on chairs next to the teacher.

Guys, look, a lot of cars came to our group today. They are not empty, but loaded with construction parts.

  • Encourage children to think independently, encourage children with positive comments "Clever girl" - for girls, "Well done" - for boys.

Stage 2 based on personal experience children (children survey):

Pedagogical goal: To activate children’s personal experience, their ability to recognize and name construction parts.

The goal that children must achieve: Remember and name construction parts.


Let's see what construction parts are in our cars.

What is this? (brick)

What can you build with bricks? (house, path)

And when you went to kindergarten in the morning, you saw the gate. They are beautiful and wide. (showing the gate)

What do you think the gates are for? (come in, go out)

Do you want to learn how to build gates? (Yes)

Stage 3 is the main one.

Pedagogical goal: To develop in children the ability to build a simple floor: install supports (exactly one against the other) and carefully place the crossbars on them. To develop in children the ability to analyze a sample building.

The goal that the children set: Build a gate.

The teacher gives simple explanations. All the details are different, they differ from each other either in shape, or in color or in size.

  • Introduction and examination (examination and identification of sensory features of building parts)

Watch me build the gate (show)

I will build the supports from bricks, placing them opposite each other like this. I will also build the crossbar from small bricks. I place it on the supports with the wide side.

  • Demonstration of the phased construction of gates.

Have we got a gate?

What kind of cars do you think can get through such a gate, small or large cars?

Guys. Small cars can pass through these gates.

Look. How I drew this gate. (shown on the diagram)

Now you can build the gate yourself.

Let's imagine. That we got into our cars and went to a construction site to build gates. But before our cars go we need to pump up the tires. (Imitation) and start the engines (Imitation).

  • At this stage, NOD relieves muscle tension.

Note: Children work at tables.

Well done, what a beautiful gate you have created. Now take the car and drive it through your gate. Did it work? (Children's answers).

Stage 4: consolidating the experience gained on new material.

Pedagogical goal: To consolidate the experience gained by children using new material.

Goal for children to set: Build a big gate.

Guys, I also brought you big cars. Tell me, can this car drive through your gate? (Children try).

  • Create a problem situation, Encourage children to think independently.

The teacher opens the screen, showing the large gate.

Look how I built it. This gate has a support, a crossbar, and we will build it from other building parts. The supports are made of bars, the crossbar is made of long bricks.

I suggest you build the same gates for large cars. Come, take big cars and build big gates for them.

  • At this stage, children's activities are independent activities.

Did your cars pass through the gate? Did you get the same gate as mine?

  • At this stage, GCD compares your construction with the model.

Stage 5 – final:

Pedagogical goal: Aim at generalizing the experience gained and applying it in the game.

The goal that the children set is to play with the cars now, and tomorrow to build gates for other cars.

Guys, tell me, what did you build today? (Children's answers). Did you enjoy building? (Yes).

Well done, what a beautiful and durable gate you have created. We will still play with you tomorrow, we will definitely build more gates for other cars. Now let's invite the cars to stay in our group and you can play with them. (Children agree).

Animation starts and children play with the buildings.

Topic: Design. Design training in junior groups I and II.

1. The concept of design.

2. Types of construction materials used in kindergarten.

3.Teaching objectives in junior groups I and II.

1. Title constructive activity comes from the Latin word construction.

By children's design we mean the creation of toys and buildings from various materials(paper, cardboard, wood, special construction kits and construction sets). In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activities of an adult. Adult activities are characterized by:

ü practical purpose of structures,

ü preliminary thinking, creating a plan,

ü selection of materials, work techniques, external design,

ü determines the sequence of work.

All this is outlined in children's design. Children's construction can be figurative (the child creates a structure, but does not play with it) and technical (not necessarily a detailed structure, but has the essentials for play).

Children's buildings and crafts are used for practical use: for playing, decorating a Christmas tree, a group, a gift for mom, etc.

In the process of purposeful learning to design, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education; the ability to analyze objects in the surrounding world, independence of thinking, creativity, artistic taste develops, valuable personality qualities are formed (dedication, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to establish business relations etc.), which is important for learning at school. Observation and spatial imagination develops.

2. The type of material determines the type of design.

ü Construction from building material(geometric bodies).

The thematic set “City”, “Railway Station” is used in the lesson. There should be more material in terms of elements and quantity so that children can select what they need. Storage…

Large(floor) material can be hollow or solid wood. Can be themed “Port”, “City”.

There should be small and large toys to play with.

Outside of class we use plastic, metal, ceramic construction sets; large-sized modules; designing three-dimensional forms from a flat plastic construction set; construction from constructors having different ways fastenings

ü Natural material:

Sand, snow, water from the 2nd junior group,

Twigs, bark, leaves, cones, acorns, maple seeds with middle group.

ü Construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, polystyrene foam, foam rubber (manual labor) from the middle group. These materials can be used alone or in combination with each other.

When creating crafts, additional materials and equipment are used: plasticine, paper, matches, synthetic glue, PVA; - knife, awl, scissors, needle.

3. Learning objectives in junior group 1

A. Introduce children to building materials - cubes and bricks, plates, prisms, and distinguish between them. Construct buildings by combining them.

B. Place parts horizontally, make simple overlaps, close off the space.

C. Learn to find similarities between buildings and familiar objects from the surrounding life.

Learning objectives in the 2nd junior group(design of building materials).

A. Teach children not only to distinguish, but also to name the main building parts: cube, brick, plate, prism.

B. Learn to place parts horizontally and vertically, close to each other and at a certain distance from each other. Construct simple buildings as shown by the teacher and play with them. Combine buildings according to the plot.

C. Lead children to identify the spatial characteristics of buildings (high - low, long - short, wide - narrow).

D. Cultivate interest in constructive activities, the desire to complete the construction begun.

E. Continue teaching children to disassemble their buildings and put the parts in a box.

F. Continue to introduce the properties of sand (molding three-dimensional objects), snow (snow pies, cakes, gingerbread). Make simple figures from snow: mushroom, snowman, bear, tumbler.

4.Completing the program in junior groups I and II.

IN 1st junior group Children make 8-10 buildings during the year: paths, turrets, houses, a chair, a table, a sofa, a bed, a ladder, a house, a tram.

In the first lessons, they construct what was in the previous group, then:

furniture in various versions and in various combinations , a tower with a bird house made of 3-4 cubes, a ladder, a slide, a garage, a tram.

2nd junior group.

The first 3-4 lessons consolidate what we have completed in junior group 1, then:

Fence for animals, gates (options) superstructure in height, width.

You should compare the new design with the previous one, establish the differences and similarities between them, explain how to lengthen or enlarge the building.

A house for a doll, a tower with a flag, a car, furniture for a doll, beds for 3 bears.

5.Methods and techniques of teaching in junior groups I and II.

IN 1st junior group classes start with 4-6 children, constantly increasing the number of children, from the 2nd half of the year with the entire subgroup.

2nd junior group.

Education is based on information-receptive and reproductive methods.

The teacher demonstrates sample. We are considering sample

· generally,

· we highlight the parts that make up the object (walls, ceilings, roof),

· shape of parts and their spatial arrangement in relation to to each other,

· highlight the individual details of these parts (the roof consists of prisms).

The purpose of sample analysis is to follow the pattern exactly and use the knowledge gained in independent construction.

We use various options buildings - a reproductive method combined with a heuristic one.

Full demonstration and explanation.

Playing off the building mandatory upon completion of the image. The toy encourages building and it should correspond to the size of the parts and every child should have it. After playing, the children disassemble the structure and group it on the table.

Using d/games: “What is missing”, “ Wonderful pouch»,

poems, nursery rhymes, songs, familiar fairy tales.

In the 1st junior group we give the exact amount of material, in the 2nd junior group we offer to choose the necessary parts from a larger quantity.

The teacher makes sure that the children follow the model, helps with advice, questions, and sometimes practical actions.

At the end of the lesson, analyzing the buildings, we pay attention to the correctness and accuracy, the process itself (how the children examined the sample, selected the material).

middle group.

1.1.Training objectives.

1.2.Completing the program.

1.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

2.1.Training objectives.

2.2.Completing the program.

2.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

1. Construction from building material.

Learning Objectives:

A. Learn to distinguish, name and correctly use new parts - prism, bar, cylinder, plate, taking into account their basic structural properties (size, stability, shape).

B. Learn to analyze buildings: identify the main parts, distinguish them by size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other, their functional purpose.

C. Learn to build on a named topic, familiar to them, according to the conditions and according to their own plan, planning the sequence of construction, selecting parts in advance according to shape, size, stability; forming generalized ideas about various subjects.

D. Master the technical skills of construction: placing bricks on edge with corners to each other, closing the space, proportioning objects to each other.

1.2.Completing the program.

The first 2-3 lessons repeat the topics of the 2nd junior group with some complication of the program.

Construction of gates (wide, narrow, high).

Furniture, garage, bridge, tram, bus, trolleybus, truck.

There are several lessons on each topic.

First sample lesson, the following is transforming the sample according to the conditions, further – come up with your own design, relying on the building material available to them.

Each topic can be represented by several gradually more complex structures.

From the 2nd half of the year we offer classes by design.

1.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

We use teaching methods of the information-receptive method.

Direct looking at surrounding objects, illustrations, Let's clarify their practical purpose.

Inspection of a sample building. Establishes a correspondence between an object and its image in a building. We involve children in analyzing what the building consists of, their practical purpose, and what parts the parts are made from.

The techniques used in the lesson depend on the task:

Design according to conditions(no sample is given), only the topic and conditions that the building must meet are named. Children solve their problems independently. (Method?)

Come up with a design M.B. bridge. First, we talk about the structure: the main parts, what parts the parts are made of. We suggest looking at the available material and deciding what parts will be used for construction. (Method?)

Design by Design: before class, we distribute the material on tables in forms, next to various toys. The teacher finds out who wants to build what, offers to tell how, from what material, in what sequence. (Method?)

This is how generalized methods of constructing certain objects are formed.

2. Construction from paper, natural and waste material.

2.1.Training objectives.

A. Learn to fold rectangular sheets of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners, ironing the fold line; glue to the main part of the part (to the house - windows, doors, etc.).

B. Learn the method of dividing a rectangle into four parts by bending a narrow strip along the dotted line (a cube or bar that is hollow on both sides).

C. Involve children in making crafts from natural material(bark, branches, cones, leaves, nut shells), using plasticine to hold the parts together.

D. Reveal the rich possibilities of natural material and the advisability of its use in various crafts. Find similarities between individual objects (cone-torso).

E. Learn to glue toys from ready-made parts of waste material, select the necessary parts, and accurately glue one to another.

F. To develop the ability to examine an object, the ability to work systematically and consistently, to bring what is started to the end, to develop an eye and clarity of hand movements.

2.2.Completing the program.

2.2.1. In the first lesson, the teacher shows several objects made of paper ( house, basket, album). He explains that various toys can be made from paper and why.

Episode 1 We learn to fold paper in half according to the teacher’s demonstration and explanation, this is how we make album.

Episode 2. We learn to divide a rectangle into four parts by bending a narrow strip along the dotted line (a cube or bar that is hollow on both sides). To produce on the basis of a cube and a bar houses, cars, furniture etc.

2.2.2. We learn how to make crafts from natural materials. First, we look at ready-made crafts and demonstrate how they can be used. During production, we match the color of plasticine to the color of the material.

A hat of leaves, a boat, a bird, mushrooms, a little forest.

Activities alternate between designing from building materials, paper, natural and waste materials.

During the walk, children continue to build with sand and snow, using additional materials.

2.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

We use teaching methods:

ü didactic sample;

ü full demonstration and explanation, since children do not have work skills. The explanation must be clear, concise and clear. As the skill is acquired, the explanation may be less detailed; we discuss the manufacturing sequence with the children.

When complex design, requiring a number of actions: folding, gluing, cutting, then you need Explain in detail and show the execution sequence.

If the craft is simple, then the teacher shows a sample as an example, examines And does not explain the progress of the craft.

At the end of the year you can organize paper design activity according to plan. The day before he organizes an exhibition of familiar paper crafts. Before

During the lesson, he suggests selecting the necessary parts (rectangle, square, circle, strip of soft cardboard) from those prepared in advance and laid out on a free table. During the lesson, he guides the children’s activities (advice, questions, sometimes practical actions), and checks that the children follow the plan exactly. When analyzing works, we note creativity, accuracy, and correct execution. You can play with the craft if it is dry. We do collective works “Train”, “Houses on our street”, i.e. We unite individual works with a single plot.

Crafts made from natural and waste materials perform only after preliminary examination of objects in the surrounding life and by showing and explaining the teacher. In class the finished product is being considered toy and the similarity with the real object is emphasized. Helps children during the process advice, partial showing.

When making crafts from waste material, we use co-creation technique.

We also use the following techniques in classes:

ü Examination of illustrations;

ü Gaming techniques;

ü Reading poems, riddles, nursery rhymes.

Preliminary preparation of materials for design activities from building materials, paper, natural and waste materials takes a lot of time. Children should be involved in the upcoming activity, taught how to prepare material, and develop their imagination and creativity.

Topic: Design training in senior group.

1. Construction from building material.

1.1.Training objectives.

1.2.Completing the program.

1.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

2. Construction from paper, natural and waste materials.

2.1.Training objectives.

2.2.Completing the program.

2.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

1. Construction from building material.

1.1.Training objectives.

A. Learn to analyze samples of finished structures, objects, and identify characteristic features. Establish the dependence of the design on its purpose.

B. Be able to identify the main stages of creating a structure and independently plan its production

C. Learn to build according to a verbal description, on a proposed topic, according to conditions, according to drawings, photographs, drawings.

D. Develop constructive skills: connecting several planes into one, making buildings strong, distributing a complex structure in height.

E. Continue to introduce new parts and their properties: plates of various shapes and sizes, a bar, a cylinder, a cone. Learn to replace some parts with others. Construct collective buildings.

1.2.Completing the program.

In lesson 1 we suggest building custom truck(illustrations, photographs, toys).

A truck for its cargo, i.e. according to condition. Illustrations of 6-8 cars.

Garage for 2 different sized cars.

Bridge – we propose to transform the building according to different conditions: steep slopes, gentle slopes.

Build a variety of bridges according to your design(teamwork of three bridges for each subgroup).

D/garden. Children-architects , 3 people draw, drawing building project for 5 minutes, then build according to the drawing, previously reviewed with all the children and the teacher. And so on.

Children make buildings on tables, on the floor, and play with them. Buildings are saved as long as they are needed in games.

Gradual creation of buildings of 1 subject in class according to the model And showing the teacher, execution without sample, then according to condition contribute to the assimilation of a new way of action, make this method is generalized. Children can use it in various situations.

1.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

Basic teaching methods - information-receptive, reproductive, research and heuristic. Using these methods, the teacher develops independence in children.

Using examination of a sample building or image in a photograph or drawing solves individual design problems.

Verbal teaching techniques contribute to the formation of activity and independence.

We teach the ability to vary details, replace some parts with others. To do this, the teacher distributes various construction sets at one table - the children independently solve constructive problems.

If the building is significantly different, then the teacher gives detailed demonstration and explanation.

Children will be able to develop their own ideas if the teacher teaches tell how they imagine the future construction.

Analyzing children's buildings, we emphasize that the design of the same object can be different depending on the building material and the methods of connecting individual elements.

2. Construction from paper, natural and waste materials.

2.1.Training objectives.

A. Continue to improve children’s ability to fold a sheet of paper in half, in quarters, in different directions, smoothing out the folds. Learn to fold thick square paper into 16 equal parts, diagonally clearly aligning the sides and corners; fold the circle along its diameter and glue it into a cone.

B. Learn to work according to a pattern and a simple drawing, using scissors to score and cut along the contour. Understand the designations in the drawing: solid line - cut, broken (dotted) - fold, shading - spreading with glue. Know the names of the lines.

C. Learn to make crafts from matchboxes and toothpaste boxes through various combinations and connections. Use foam rubber and polystyrene foam in accordance with the intended design and properties of these materials.

D. Continue to learn how to use natural materials when making various crafts, master the skills of joining using glue and matches.

E. Improve children’s ability to plan their activities, work purposefully, showing independence, initiative, and creativity.

2.2.Completing the program.

In the first lessons, we consolidate and repeat the ability to fold paper in half, into four parts: album, bus.

Learning objectives are implemented in a series of lessons. In each series we design toys with the same shape.

1 - episode. Working with the pattern: find the main and additional parts of the toy on the pattern, lay out and glue the toy parts on the pattern, and then make cuts and glue the pattern.

Flashlight three-sided, flashlight four-sided.

2 – series. Toys can be made from a box with a square bottom. Get acquainted with the pattern - the unfolding of the box, understand the designations of the lines on it. Box, basket, pyramid, fairy house.

3 – series. Let's introduce a rectangular box in the form of a bar. We learn to work according to a pattern. Sofa, crib, TV.

4 – series. We make crafts from paper, matchboxes, and toothpaste boxes. We use stencils for the wheels. We show how to glue matchboxes, how to glue them, how to glue wheels. Trolley, bus, trolleybus, furniture.

At the end of the series we conduct teamwork on the theme "Street".

5 – episode. Teach children to divide a square sheet into 16 small squares. Several classes are assigned, with subsequent complication of craft designs in each one. Basket, garage, house.

Episode 6. We teach children to fold a circle of paper along its diameter, glue a cone and cut along the contour. Matryoshka in long dress, hare, fox, cat.

Make cylindrical toys. Cheburashka, pig, bear.

We combine them into plot compositions.

7 – episode. Fold square shapes diagonally, matching the sides and corners. Bird, butterfly.

8 – episode. Fold paper in different directions (origami) for games in the air and on the water. Boom, plane, boat, steamship, etc..

Construction from waste material: foam rubber, polystyrene foam. We introduce the properties of materials and teach how to transform the original form.

Snowman, matryoshka, tumbler, chicken.

We use different natural material(….) for making crafts.

The subjects of crafts are varied: Little Red Riding Hood, old forest man, ballerina, matryoshka, squirrel, bunny etc. To connect parts we use matches, sticks, and glue. The teacher uses a knife and awl in preparation.

We combine the figures into a plot using different bases: mushrooms, saw cuts, slices, bark, various mosses.

A bird according to a pattern, poultry according to a pattern, etc.

Such cycles of lessons contribute to the formation in children of generalized methods of construction, which children can then independently and creatively use in games.

2.3.Methods and techniques of teaching.

In paper construction we use the following techniques:

ü Examination of the finished sample;

ü Demonstration and explanation of the sequence of the craft and the option - step-by-step demonstration;

ü Questions for children in order to draw on existing experience.

New way actions: the teacher gives a craft with a simple design, then gives showing and explaining, and in subsequent classes - ready-made sample, examination and questions for children.

We also use the following techniques in construction from natural materials:

ü Exhibition of didactic samples upcoming work;

ü Manufacturing according to the didactic model, We ask: What parts is the craft made from? What material? What other material can be used?;

ü Schematic sketches of crafts made from natural materials. In the first lesson, the teacher shows how to make sketches, then teaches children to sketch the making of crafts using a ready-made schematic drawing and to make according to the sketch;

ü Plan - a diagram of the step-by-step production of crafts from natural materials.

Introduction to the game situation:

Children! Many guests came to visit you today. They want to see how you have grown, how you are doing, how great you are! Let's say hello to them and give our smiles to each other and our guests.

(the teacher has a beautiful box in his hands, inside there is a toy based on the plot of a fairy tale, he stands up and says):

Children! I walked along the path and found a beautiful box. And the box is not simple, it’s magical - that’s what it is! I wonder what's in it? (trying open but she doesn't opens) Maybe a fairy tale?

The fairy tale is hidden in a riddle.

Well, try to guess.

If true there will be a solution

The fairy tale will come to us again!

(the teacher begins to ask riddles).

1. A small ball is fumbling under the bench (mouse).

(box opens, and the teacher takes out a mouse toy and puts it on the table).

2. In the summer you will find it in the swamp. Green frog, who is it? (frog).

3. He rushes without looking back, only his heels sparkle. Quickly guess who it is? (bunny).

4. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf).

5. Cunning cheat, red head. The fluffy tail is beautiful! What's her name? (fox).

6. In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (bear).

Well done, kids! We solved all the riddles, that's how many toys the magic box gave us!

Guys, who guessed which fairy tale these animals are from? That's right, Teremok!

And now we'll all play together

In an open field there is a tower

Was neither low nor high

Various animals lived there,

We lived together and didn’t bother

There's a mouse there

And the frog

With a little fox friend

Gray wolf - teeth click

They knew a lot about friendship.

But I came across a tower

Teddy Bear

He crushed the tower

With your huge paw.

The animals were very scared

We ran away quickly

And then we got together again

To build new mansion.

But before we build, we’ll prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics

Knock, knock with a hammer!

Friends are building a new house!

The roof is big - like this!

The walls are big - like that!

Friends build all day long!

Building a house is not at all lazy.

They will invite guests

It will be more fun in the house!

Children, let’s help the animals make a new little house.

And in the magic box there are magic details.

Let's take a look and name them.

What is this part called?

We will build a tower from these parts.

Now I will show you how to build it.

My building consists of walls, a roof and, and I will also decorate it with a lantern. What parts does my house consist of? Who will tell you how to build a house, what to do first, and what to do next.

What kind of mansion did we get? (Small). What color is the flashlight in the window? Make the red flashlight light up in the window.

Well done guys! What beautiful little houses we have made!

We didn't play today

We will become builders.

We learned a lot

And not a bit tired.

The animals also didn’t waste any time; they built themselves a new little house, bigger than the previous one. There are so many windows in the new little house, they are all different in shape and size, this is where they will live.

Children, we need to help every animal find its window.

Asks generalizing questions. Sums it up. Thanks and praises children.

The residents of the tower thank us for our help and give us figurines with their image.