Today, many people spend all their time working and caring for others. And I just want to sit and not rush anywhere, do nothing. I want to do what I love, read my favorite book, draw, be with loved ones. How to find time for the most fundamentally important things that for some reason remain on the margins of your life?

I want!

First of all, decide what exactly you want and what you need it for. When a specific goal is set, ways to achieve it come to mind. If you want to read a book, be sure to choose which one. Do you want romantic evening? Plan the details - music, candles, menu, movie... See how quickly you adjust your schedule to specific tasks. And after that:

Think about what time you feel most energetic and active? Write down all the most difficult things on this watch. This way you will achieve what you want ten times faster than if you try to do something during a decline in activity and in a state of fatigue.
. Think about what others can help you do? This does not mean that everything can be transferred from yourself to loved ones. Organize your tasks wisely. In some ways you will be helped, and in others they will help you.
Combine everything you can. While you're on public transport, you can read a book or listen to an English audio lesson. You can do cleaning with a mask on your face. Talk on the phone or watch TV while doing simple exercises to keep your figure in shape.
If you can, allow yourself “smart technology.” For example, dishwasher and washing machine They will handle things practically without your participation.
Take advantage of the benefits that the 21st century provides. Today it is not necessary to visit dozens of stores. You can order everything you need with a few keystrokes and have it delivered to your home.
It's better to get up earlier than to go to bed later. It’s difficult, but this way the body maintains its performance better.

The key to success is a simple life

Simplify your life. How? The two main components of success are positive ones. Only being on the crest of the wave of his mood and well-being can a person deal with matters as quickly and efficiently as possible. And life in the present moment is an opportunity to concentrate on things that are important right now, without running away and without wasting energy on past or future things. Trite? Yes, crazy! But it also works like two and two. The main thing is to remember that you can do anything - mentally, right now you can even jump onto a cloud and have fun tumbling there or just soak up. Comfortable?

To make it easier:

1. Prioritize. The most important ones, as a rule, are few. Maximum 5. These are those things and related matters that deserve your full attention. They must always be in order, always done. Make a to-do list for the day and week. Put off the non-urgent ones for later, throw away the unnecessary ones.
2. Find those responsibilities that really stress you out. Thinking about which you stop wanting to do anything. All your energy goes into thinking about how hard it is. Give it up, whatever it is. Delegate to others or just throw it away. Take on another responsibility instead that won't drain you emotionally. Instantly you will feel how it has become easier to breathe. Life has become easier.
3. . At first glance, the advice is not directly related to the topic. But, if you have cluttered everything around, then the lion's share of time and effort will constantly be spent on putting it all in order. Fewer things mean less costs for maintaining cleanliness and comfort. Look through every drawer, every shelf, everything, everything, everything. Get rid of unnecessary things. Leave only what you use and what you get aesthetic pleasure from looking at.
4. Always keep your desk tidy! This way you won’t be haunted and distracted from current affairs by the thought that you need to take it apart and tidy it up. Remember to keep your documents on your computer in order.
5. Remember that prevention is better than treatment: it’s easier to maintain cleanliness without creating a mess.
6. Don’t be afraid of not being on time! Just do it.

"Yes" and "no"

Know who to say yes to and who to say no to. This is the last, but not least, piece of advice: if you don’t know how yet, then urgently learn to say “no.” Chatty fellow travelers, colleagues who do not want to do their work, whining acquaintances... In a word, all the “vampires” who suck out your energy and consume your time. If you don't protect your personal time from their attacks, it will never appear.

Good luck! Enjoy life and regular relaxation!

In our age of technological development, the issue of lack of time is becoming more and more acute. Our priorities have changed over time, because if you think about how our great-grandmothers lived, it becomes a little creepy. In their time there were no washing machines or dishwashers, no diapers, no multicookers, or other useful and very “time-free” things. And at the same time they managed to do everything: take care of the house, take care of the family, do handicrafts and spend time for themselves, their beloved. Yes, in our age, many people’s priorities have changed, additional interests have appeared, and women have taken on many other problems and concerns on their shoulders. As a result, the question of how to find time for yourself, your loved one, becomes very relevant.

Who among us has not encountered such a phenomenon as a lack of energy and time? I want to do so many things, learn so many things, figure out so many things... But in reality it turns out that so much effort has been put in, but nothing has really been done, but I no longer have the strength or desire to do anything, and it’s too late, it’s high time go to bed. The woman feels tired, irritable, and her mood deteriorates, which is transmitted to the whole family. What mood a woman has, so will the whole family. A tortured woman is a woman with incorrect priorities, with an incorrect daily routine and who does not receive (does not want to receive) help from loved ones.

The principle of many women - “first I will do this and that, and then, if there is time, I will take care of myself” - is fundamentally wrong. After all, a woman who does not receive inner satisfaction will have nowhere to get inspiration to get things done.

How to make time for yourself -

what needs to be done?

Of course, there is no ideal solution to this issue that suits everyone, because everyone has their own life, their own problems, opportunities and obligations. Let's collect all the possible effective secrets of saving time, and choose which ones are right for you, the main thing is to look at your problems from the outside and act according to a strictly planned plan.

  • Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In the first, list the actions on which you spend energy, in the second, the actions through which you draw energy. Naturally, there will be significantly more points in the first column. Carefully study the list and remove unnecessary ones or delegate tasks from the first column and add additional items to the second. And most importantly, follow the indicated points. In the column where you get your energy, there should be items such as your desired daily routine, healthy procedures for the soul and body, communication with friends, and perhaps even a glass of red wine once a week.
  • Make it a rule don't get discouraged and don't waste your time . Spend your time moving and being as productive as possible so that you can make time for yourself in the evening. By allowing yourself to be lazy and put off important things until later, you run the risk of getting used to such a routine and accumulating a huge cart of unresolved issues.
  • Find someone who will inspire you personal example, practical advice, approval and, of course, constructive criticism. After all, this is what does not allow us to relax, allows us to develop, and not degrade and waste away.
  • Don't let backlogs pile up like a snowball. It’s better to pay little attention to important matters every day - your mood will improve and things will get done in a timely manner. And to clear out the accumulated cases, you will need to expend completely different forces and nerves.
  • Feel free to delegate household responsibilities to your loved ones. Do you really think that you are the only one who can wash the dishes in the house? If you don’t have free time or you just like it when your family helps you, don’t be shy, ask them for help, don’t wait until they figure it out themselves, believe me, if they haven’t figured it out yet, they won’t guess it. A woman who allows herself to help feels the support of loved ones and receives an additional supply of energy.
  • Love what you do , your daily worries. It is very important to get satisfaction from everyday worries. Even if you have to finish work unfinished in the office at home, find a way to set yourself in the right mood. Place a candle and a glass of red wine next to your computer, place your bare feet in a basin of sea sand under the table, or give yourself some other amenity to make work a pleasure, or at least not so disgusting.
  • Try to combine things whenever possible . For example, before preparing dinner, take a couple of minutes to make and apply to your face. homemade mask, and then, during a break or at the end of cooking, wash it off. As a result, you have prepared a delicious fresh food and a refreshed, prettier appearance. Or, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, call people with whom you have not communicated for a long time, but really want to, but you don’t have time for this. So here it is! Has your baby fallen asleep? Don't waste precious minutes, take care of yourself and other important things.
  • Take your lunch break for yourself , go to a hairdresser or beauty salon. This will lift your mood and increase your productivity.
  • Pump yourself up with audiobooks on your favorite topics, trainings and other courses and listen to them while commuting to and from work, walking with a stroller, cooking, gardening, etc. If your brain is “overloaded” and cannot perceive information, but you want to unwind, play a light genre or relaxing music.
  • Limit the duration of “time sinks” , which include TV and computer.
  • Love yourself , learn to say to your dear family “I love you very much, but please, at these hours of such and such days, please free me from such and such matters and responsibilities.”
  • And most importantly - no remorse about the fact that you spent your free time on yourself, your beloved. That your husband is at home, who is also tired, sitting with the children, that you are not all free time spend with your children that the house has not been properly cleaned for a week. By depriving yourself of the pleasures of life and relaxation, you are depriving your family of this. After all, a wife and mother simply must be healthy, cheerful and optimistic about life. Even when spending time on yourself, you can take two roads: the first is to waste your nerves and energy on worries, the second is to abstract yourself and recharge with positive energy for your own pleasure. You have earned the right to take care of yourself a little, because the husband does not need a wife who is fading before his eyes and has given up on herself, and the children do not need a nervous mother who breaks down at them over trifles.

Every hour freed up as a result of these actions, you can spend on yourself, your loved one - having relaxing spa treatments, doing what you love, writing a book, mastering new profession, learn to play musical instrument etc.

Be punctual, then you won’t waste time **Positive psychology of relationships

Lack of time is a common reason for unsatisfactory results. Just a couple more hours and the project would have closed on the 31st without delay, just a couple more minutes and I would have arrived on time for the meeting, just a couple more seconds and the prize would have been secured.

Less obvious consequences of missing deadlines include, and are followed by constant irritability and dissatisfaction.

Once again there is a need to choose a reputation for yourself: exemplary or not so good. And in the end, looking back at the distance traveled in life, a person concludes “babble... vanity and chasing the wind.”

In this case, of course, we can talk about self-sacrifice, they say, family, children, grandchildren, but only selfish people and incompetent dependents live for themselves.

Of course, there is some truth in this, and yet with such extreme views, it will be difficult to get closer to your own noble goals. If we have set worthwhile goals for ourselves and they are actually our own and truly noble, then the question how to find time It’s worth thinking about for yourself right now.

For yourself - is it so bad?

We usually avoid talking openly about our preferences for fear of appearing to think “more about ourselves than we need to think about.” However, if we are honest with ourselves, we assert ourselves every day and sometimes even demand what is rightfully ours.

Let us at least remember where our everyday day begins. With coffee? Nope. From the bathroom? It's also not necessary.

Our day begins from the moment we open our eyes. And at about the same time, various “systems” of the body are launched, ensuring a wakeful state. Within about an hour, he puts himself in order, of course, with our conscious assistance.

At that time, the body has no time for external relationships; it is focused on itself.

In addition to the usual morning procedures, we decorate ourselves not just with attractive clothes, but also various accessories, purchased specifically for yourself.

I know a seventeen-year-old boy who already wears size 42 shoes. And in the future, as he said, he will be ready to buy good shoes by special order. Do you think he is too ambitious and leads an extremist group of egoists?

Have you heard dear friends that bears are somewhat unusual in their choice of priorities in times of famine? For example, a bear, having found something edible, will restore her own strength, and then continue searching for food for her babies.

Otherwise, when she dies, the bear will not take care of her cubs. Doesn't nature itself teach us that not all self-care is called selfishness?

If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, but if you are proud and mock people, then no one but you is to blame for your troubles **King Solomon (CoP)

Acquiring wisdom for yourself is highly encouraged. In general, I’ve never heard of collective wisdom, maybe you know something about it? By the way, the ability to use your time wisely is also considered a sign of wisdom.

How to find time? Wouldn't it be wiser to buy it back?

He who acquires an intelligent heart loves his soul. He who keeps discernment will find good **King Solomon

Actually the question is how to find time sounds a little incorrect. People cannot live outside of time, so there is no need to look for it. It always accompanies us, even when we have not yet started our next day, i.e. didn't open their eyes.

And if you think about it, from the moment of awakening everyone receives 24 hours as a gift. You can count down from the moment you go to bed: “A whole 8 hours of nightly relaxation, and then another 16. Wow beauty.”

But of course we cannot advance these hours or, more simply, save them. That is why in the question how to find time you need to start with realizing its value.

And you need to remember this value not when “everything is lost, boss,” but when you want to watch a 2-hour blockbuster on a weekday evening or, succumbing to emotions, kill half the night to sort things out.

In general, again, no matter how you look at it, we return to the topic of personal issues.

Tell me where you spend your time and money and I will tell you where you will be in a year **Eat the dog

Any successful person will say that for many of them it is placed even above money.

It's time to learn how to manage your time, buying it back from less meaningful activities. And so that these activities know their place, you need to use only two short words “yes” or “no” in your personal routine.

If you correctly pronounce one of them at the right moment and do not replace one with the other after a few minutes, even very serious issues will be resolved many times faster, which will save a lot of time.

Then the question is how to find time by itself, as they say, it will disappear.

Assalamu 'alaikum, dear girls!

Sorry for the break in articles, I’ll tell you below why I was late with publications =)

Today I want talk with you about ourselves, more precisely about how much time every day you give yourself some time. More precisely, self-care. I remember how everything was for me - before I learned to correctly distribute my affairs and responsibilities. I was tired, I was nervous and angry, I could go unkempt for three days in a row, and cosmetics generally lay unclaimed on the shelves for weeks. I have there was no time to get yourself in order.

I was, like many young mothers, obsessed with the child and household chores. And myself... Well, my children will grow up there and I will think about myself. That's what I thought. But now everything is different and I want to help you understand that you also have time!

About me or how to manage a lot and not forget about yourself

Some of you already know me, some even personally. But I will still tell you a little about myself.

My name is Latifa. And I never knew how to be one thing. Each of us many roles: daughters, granddaughters, sisters, girlfriends, students, wives, mothers... But this was always not enough for me, and now I combine many different selves =)

  • I Mother two wonderful children: a son is 4.5 years old, a daughter is barely a year old. And you probably know how much this one role already contains: teacher, cook, cleaner, laundress, teacher, doctor and many, many, many others)))
  • I'm happy wife, already 6 years. It turned out that I also became a tutor for my husband when a few years ago he decided to go to college. And now, when he is preparing for sessions, I am his first assistant and consultant =)
  • I girlfriend, whom you can always turn to for advice or just support. A psychologist by training, he is simply the kind of person who cannot ignore other people’s experiences.
  • I woman, which works I'm on maternity leave))) I'm a copywriter - I write articles for various websites to order. Alhamdulillah, this is a business that I really like - I have always loved writing, and now I can make a pretty good contribution to the family budget)
  • I student, or you can say listener. Because now I’m taking special courses to improve my writing skills via the Internet. And, to be honest, it is this point that most often prevents me from publishing another post on this blog - because studying and completing assignments takes up a lot of time. But now I have found a way out, so, inshallah, the posts will be two or three times a week.
  • I founder text workshop "Blue Whale" and owner of the website I made the site myself, wrote on it myself, and now I’m also doing the content myself. This is where clients come to me now.
  • I owner workshop groups on VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram, where I also regularly post useful articles.
  • I author a small book, and, inshallah, this year I will publish two more similar ones.
  • I creator time planning techniques for Muslim mothers. And inshallah I will tell you about it in all details before the onset of the Holy month of Ramadan.

Are you tired of reading yet? =) I listed all this just so you understand: with two children in his arms, in the absence of outside help (we don’t have relatives who could take the children to stay with them or come help me around the house - it’s just me and my husband) you can do everything what you see on this list. And yes. I find time for myself. How? The secret is proper time planning.

Why and how to plan time

Every day we waste a lot of time. We open our eyes in the morning, it seems that we blinked a couple of times - and it’s already evening. When did the whole day fly by? This is one of the signs of Judgment Day, girls - time flies faster and faster. And we must care not only about this life, but also about Eternal life, remember this.

So that's when time flies so fast It seems to us that we don’t have time to do anything, busy all day, a lot of things to do... But is this so?

Just recently I learned about an interesting technique called “ Chronopad". The point is that as soon as you get out of bed, you start every half hour write in a notepad - what were you doing last 30 minutes. Honestly, you are writing for yourself. And at the end of the day, circle the useful time in green and the wasted time in red. AND analyze. Try it, girls. Sometimes it's an eye opener.

At one time I realized that I think too long - what needs to be done and what to tackle first, in those rare moments when my son fell asleep. While I was thinking, most of his sleep passed and in the end I had to give up everything halfway because he woke up at the wrong time. It made me angry, didn’t allow me to concentrate, and at some moments I thought: I won't do anything at all, the baby will wake up soon anyway. It’s easy to guess that the apartment quickly became overgrown with trash and dust. I had to look for methods for organizing time and life.

I've tried a lot of things. Some methods did not suit me as a mother, others did not suit me as a Muslim. In the end I got it “hybrid” of different recommendations different coaches. And, inshallah, I will share my ideas with you.

Planning time for yourself

You should know that take time for yourself- this is not selfishness, girls. Time for yourself is like fuel for a car, like wood for a fire, electricity for appliances, you know? A woman who is fixated on everyday life ceases to be herself. She becomes irritated, she is not happy with the usual little things, and this state may well develop into depression.

I know, there's no time. But! Believe me, it's enough 15 quiet minutes to get yourself in order. It’s not just about combing your hair and applying cream. Sometimes it’s to calmly drink a cup of tea without being distracted by the children. Take a bath. Read a book. Go out alone. Each has its own.

And here you are algorithm of actions.

  1. Plan your day. Divide it into three parts: morning, afternoon, evening. And after each part, give yourself a rest - exactly 15 minutes. During this time, nothing bad will happen if the kids watch a cartoon, take pots out of the cupboard, or tear an unnecessary magazine to shreds)) But! It is very important that you plan in the evening what exactly you will do in these 15 minutes! Don't be distracted by phone calls, TV and Internet! Enjoy your time!
  2. Make a list what you can do in 15 minutes - for yourself. Something that will really help you regain your peace of mind. Something that will delight you and invigorate you. What you can do if children are around. What you can do while your husband is busy with the kids. You must be armed with your plan and clearly know how exactly you will relax during the day. Try it, you will understand how much you lost.
  3. Make a plan self-care routine for the week and follow it.

For me it usually happens like this:

Monday: face and neck care: masks, scrubs, moisturizing oils and/or self-massage.

Tuesday: hand care: warm bath, nail care, massage, cream

Wednesday: foot care: steaming, nail care, massage, cream

Thursday: body: if possible, wash completely; if not, use body lotion. Well, and one more thing waxing in some places ^_^

Friday: a walk or a visit without children, or reading a book.

Saturday: we go to the bathhouse to visit relatives

Sunday: hair care. After a bath day, in the morning I comb it with a drop of jojoba or aevita oil, sometimes I style it, sometimes I use an iron or, on the contrary, curl it with a curling iron - everything is possible.

This is approximately the plan, and this is only for one 15-minute out of three. Some procedures take longer, I postpone them until my husband is home =)

Try making a similar plan for yourself, set yourself a goal - strictly follow this plan and everything will definitely work out, inshallah.

You deserve it, girls. AND your family is worthy calm, smiling and beaming mother and wife;) Hoping that someone will come and make you happy is useless, everything is only in your hands.

Reluctantly waking up to an alarm clock, frantically getting ready for work, dry breakfast on the run, traffic jams on the way to work, rush hour in the office and more traffic jams, eternal rush, city bustle, annoying weather and gloomy passers-by, permanent state lack of sleep and fatigue, lack of time and energy, headaches... Have you long forgotten when you smiled for no reason, rejoiced at the starry sky, sang in the shower or danced in the rain... Sound familiar, do you recognize yourself?

No time, no money, no opportunities, I can’t afford it - how often do you make excuses to yourself that you can’t start? new life from next Monday?

How to find time for yourself in the rhythm of a big city, and why you need it - says hatha yoga and fitness instructor Victoria Mozhina.

When we are constantly in the whirlpool of things to do, we simply don’t have time to think. We run unknown where and why, without even thinking about life goals, about your true desires and dreams. Every day, hour after hour, we deplete our internal mental, emotional, energetic and physical resources, enter a state of semi-conscious automatism, stop noticing life and its beauty, and become victims of stress, illness and depression.

When we are filled and calm, then most of life's problems, difficulties and unpleasant situations are resolved with ease. We receive in response from the world around us exactly what we transmit to it from our state. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to create your own mood and fill yourself with pleasant emotions and energies, which you can later share - with friends, relatives, colleagues and even random passers-by.

Our brain filters information coming from the world around us, perceiving only what is synchronous with its state. That’s why it’s so important to tune your filter to a wave of calm and high resource state. This kind of adjustment cannot be done in the rhythm of the daily mad rush - for this it is extremely necessary to devote time to yourself.

Even yoga instructors have a rule - the time of personal practice (practice for yourself) should be no less than the time spent with students as a teacher. Otherwise, resource depletion and rapid professional burnout occur. This applies to each of us, in any area of ​​our lives - in work, family, friendship. To share, to give, we must fill ourselves, draw energy, replenish our resource state. Haste and routine drain resources and block creative flow.

Once, during a period when I was actively engaged in business, a crisis came, the ruble exchange rate collapsed, one after another suppliers began to close, sales fell, and the bankruptcy of the company loomed on the horizon - I, already thoroughly exhausted by the crazy pace of life, reduced immunity, lack of sleep and chronic stress, I just couldn’t think of anything better than... to fly away on vacation to Bali.

Just two weeks of morning surfing and evening yoga on the coast gave me such a powerful charge that upon returning, all the problems and difficulties were resolved in a matter of days. And all because the rested brain began to generate creative ideas with incredible efficiency!

Since then, when faced with any “unsolvable” problem, the first thing I do is switch from mental work, allocate time for conscious work with the body (hatha yoga, Thai boxing, swimming, jogging). fresh air, bathhouse), or I don’t do anything at all, I don’t answer calls and messages, I don’t go to the computer, I don’t communicate about work issues. I jokingly call this “time to look down.” Just a few hours of such unity with yourself restores no worse than a week of vacation.

My lifehacks for resource recovery:

  1. Do yoga. Hatha yoga is one of the most powerful, proven and reliable ways to restore and strengthen the connection between the body, mind and emotions, between yourself and the world. By controlling attention through breathing, movement, gaze and bandhas (internal locks), we master concentration and deconcentration techniques, clear our perception of reality and increase daily awareness, as well as improve health and stabilize our mental state.
  2. Start small. Set aside at least 15 minutes twice a day for yoga, meditation, reading books or doing nothing (this is quite a bit, we spend much more time looking at social networks), and an hour at least twice a week.
  3. Start a diary (task planner), even if you are a housewife. And every evening, plan your tasks for the next day. Plan both work and free time. In writing, it will be easier for you to highlight the main tasks, as well as postpone or completely eliminate the secondary ones.
  4. Delegate repetitive, routine tasks and highlight those things that someone else besides you can do. Feel free to give them to others, ask for help. The freed up time is yours (and you don’t need to fill it with new things)!
  5. Combine. Everyone's ability to multitask is different. But there are things you can definitely do together. For example, riding in a car (bus, subway) and listening to an audiobook that you don’t have time to read in paper form. While your car is at the wash, leave your phone number with the staff and take a walk.
  6. Learn to plan your routes correctly, so that you can combine useful things with small joys. For example, going shopping and doing yoga at a nearby studio, or going to the beach at sunset. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?
  7. Follow the regime. Leave work on time (if you have regular working hours, you have the right!). Take breaks to concentrate better. Go to bed on time. Remember that it is better to go to bed before midnight. At this time, sleep intensity is much greater, and immunity is restored. Better get up earlier in the morning and do things that you didn’t have time to do in the evening.
  8. Use the morning for yourself. If you learn to get up at least a little earlier than usual, you can successfully use the precious morning hours for yourself. Some activities are best done when everyone is still asleep and simply cannot disturb you. No one will stop you from going about your business. Even the phone doesn't ring at these hours. You can easily do your morning yoga practice without embarrassing your household. Think about what else you can do in the morning before breakfast and waking up your loved ones.
  9. Learn to say "NO" to anyone and everyone who tries to take your personal time. No to chatty clients, no to boring consultants, no to colleagues dumping their work on you, no to advertising on TV, no to the TV itself, and also to everyone who sits on your neck! You will never be able to find extra time for yourself if you do not protect it from encroachments.
  10. Have regular digital detox days– turn off gadgets, do not open your laptop, do not read news and social media. networks. Put aside your “digital habits” for a while, communicate with loved ones and indulge yourself in activities that you truly enjoy. This will energize you and you will later return to your work more focused.
  11. Think about your “global” life goals and dreams. Write them down. The chosen direction in life will allow you to easily cut off unnecessary things, unnecessary communication and stop wasting time on unimportant matters.
  12. Create a daily ritual. For example, if you have a very large family or small children, then you can get up half an hour earlier, brew a cup of aromatic tea or invigorating pu-erh, and just with foam, listening to your favorite music, evening meditation, morning yogic practice “surya namaskar”. The main thing is that this action is pleasant for you, and you can enjoy the morning silence until the moment when your household wakes up. Over time, this can become your pleasant ritual. Instead of bemoaning the constant lack of personal time, simply build it into your daily schedule. After all, it's not that difficult. Gradually, this approach will become a habit, and you will notice how much happier and healthier you become.

Don't lose yourself in this hectic world, friends! Don’t lose touch with the world and yourself, because we have only one life. And I wish you to live it as consciously and fully as possible!