Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov (Turkmen: Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhammedow) is a Turkmen statesman, since 2007 - the second president of Turkmenistan.


Born on June 29, 1957 in the village of Babarap, Geok-Tepinsky district, Ashgabat region, Turkmen SSR.

In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Turkmen State Medical Institute, then graduated from graduate school. Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor specializing in “Social hygiene and healthcare organization”. He began his career in 1980 as a dentist.

1990-1995 - Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Turkmen State Medical Institute.

1995-1997 - Director of the Dental Center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.

Since 1997 - Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.

Since 2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan (Niyazov himself was the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan). In November 2006, he represented Turkmenistan at the CIS summit in Minsk.

Long before the death of S. A. Niyazov, rumors were spread in the press according to which Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov was the illegitimate son of Turkmenbashi. The reliability of this information is questioned, since the age difference between them is only 17 years.

After Niyazov’s death, he headed the funeral commission and, by decision of the State Security Council, became acting president. In accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, Ovezgeldy Ataev, the chairman of the Mejlis, was supposed to head it, but a criminal case was suddenly opened against him.

On December 26, at a meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty (People's Council), he received the unanimous support of 2,507 delegates of the country's highest authority as a candidate for the presidency of Turkmenistan.

He won the presidential elections on February 11, 2007 with a result of 89.23% and became the second president of Turkmenistan.

On the morning of February 14, 2007, the Central Election Commission of Turkmenistan announced the name of the winner, and immediately after this the inauguration of the new president began. Berdymukhammedov was presented with a presidential certificate and a distinctive sign in the form of a gold chain with an octagonal emblem. The new president walked along a white carpet, symbolizing a bright path. He was presented with a sachak - bread wrapped in a tablecloth, a quiver of arrows, the Koran and the Rukhnama.

On April 23, 2007, he came on an official visit to Moscow and held a meeting with Putin, during which gas contracts, cooperation in the field of medicine and education, and the foreign policy orientation of the new Turkmen authorities were discussed.

Election promises

Berdymukhammedov promises to make the Internet accessible to residents of Turkmenistan (currently only 1% of the population uses the Internet, many objectionable sites are blocked.) In his televised speech, Berdymukhammedov said:

“I believe that the international Internet network and the latest communication technologies should be available to every citizen”

This promise has already been fulfilled. On February 17, 2007, two modern Internet cafes began operating in Ashgabat. An hour of Internet use costs just under 4 euros. As the Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan reported, in the near future there will be 15 Internet cafes in Ashgabat, and they will also appear in velayats (regional centers). Students and employees of all higher educational institutions and research institutes, as well as readers of the Central Scientific Library of Turkmenistan have free access to the Internet. ,

He also promised to reform the education system, returning schools to the provinces that had been abolished by Niyazov, and increasing the duration of education in secondary schools (from nine to ten years) and universities (from four to five years).
Berdymukhammedov intends to increase pensions, which were reduced by almost 20 percent in 2006. On June 12, 2007, the Resolutions “On the activities of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan” and “On the improvement of the scientific system of Turkmenistan” were adopted, creating the Academy of Sciences, the Higher Attestation Committee and the Science and Technology Foundation of Turkmenistan.

With his first decree, Berdymukhammedov returned ten years of education to schools. Uniforms for higher education students were also abolished, and the traditional dresses used as school uniforms for girls were replaced with dark green, European-style dresses with aprons.

He also made some changes in state symbols and rituals, which are interpreted as a limitation of Niyazov’s personality cult: his name was removed first from the text of the oath, and then from the anthem of Turkmenistan and replaced with the word “president” (thus we are talking not only about the current president , that is, about Berdymukhammedov, but also about all future presidents, without exalting a specific person).

Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov refused the mass celebration of his birthday, canceled the mandatory concerts dedicated to his visits to various regions of the country, as well as the oath of allegiance to the president, which was sworn by employees, students and schoolchildren.

On June 29, 2007, on the night of the newly elected president’s birthday, the TV channels’ logo in the form of an image of a golden bust of Turkmenbashi disappeared from Turkmen television programs. Reports from Russian news services that this happened on July 6 were almost a week behind the facts.

Order "Watan" ("Watan" - "Motherland") (2007)
Order "Galkynysh" ("Galkynysh" - "Renaissance")
Order "Prezidentiň Ýyldyzy" ("President Yyldyzy" - "Star of the President")
Order of the President of Turkmenistan “Garaşsyz Türkmenistana bolan beýik soýgusi üçin” (“Garaşsyz of Turkmenistan bolan beyik soygusi uchin” - “For great love to Independent Turkmenistan")
Medal “Watana bolan soýgusi üçin” (“Watana bolan soygusi uchin” - “For love of the Motherland”)
Medal “Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 11 yyllygyna” (“Turkmenistan Garashsyzglygynyn 11 yyllygyna” - “11 years of independence of Turkmenistan”)
Jubilee medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov came to power in 2007. His subordinates call him “arkadag” - patron. In addition, he is the prime minister and commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces. Lawmakers also awarded him the title “Hero of Turkmenistan.” The president is limited only by his own inexperience, lack of independent power, the mentality of the population and Russian influence.

Berdymukhammedov is a complex combination of Soviet bureaucrat, traditional Turkmen tribal elite and intelligence, which, psychologically, fundamentally distinguishes him from his predecessor. Strong family ties and a professional work style suggest that he has the intention of achieving something in Turkmenistan while he is in office and is open to new ideas. However, his incompetence and desire to act gradually indicate that this process will be very long.

Brief biography

Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov was born in 1957 in the village of Babarap, Geok-Tepinsky district, Ashgabat region, Turkmen SSR. The president differs from his predecessor in many ways, especially in origin. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov, whose family was large, conservative, but atheistic, seems to have absorbed traditional family values. His parents were both true to their ethnic Turkmen roots and loyal to the Soviet state. IN official biography, published after taking office, his father is credited with instilling moderation and balance in his son, and encouraging thoughtful decision-making in him.

National traditions are manifested in respectful attitude towards the wife. As is customary in Asian countries, almost nothing is reported about the president’s wife and his children. According to rumors, there are two women in his life - a Russian (possibly a mistress, but this has not been confirmed) and a Turkmen woman. Some argue that their marriage was arranged by agreement, but it is noteworthy that since taking office, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, whose wife is from the Mary region, has appointed many officials from there, as well as from Geok-Dep.

In 1979, he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Turkmen State Medical Institute and began working as a dentist in a rural outpatient clinic. By 1987, Gurbanguly was gradually climbing the career ladder and went to Moscow for 3 years to study therapeutic dentistry. He returned to Ashgabat as a teacher at the Turkmen Medical Institute in 1990. In 1995, he went to work at the Ministry of Health, and two years later he headed it. In April 2001, Berdymukhammedov became deputy prime minister, responsible for education, science and health.

New President

Turkmenistan was left without Saparmurat Niyazov on December 21, 2006. Berdymukhammedov was appointed to act in his capacity by the Security Council. This decision surprised many in the international community as well as in the country itself. There were suggestions that the powerful Turkmen security service preferred a politically weak man. According to rumors circulating among emigrants, Berdymukhammedov is the illegitimate son of Niyazov. This is possible in terms of the age difference, but is considered unlikely.

On February 11, 2007, Berdymukhammedov was elected head of state, receiving almost 90% of the votes. After he took office, the diaspora and many citizens hoped for an easing of the total control that surrounded the former president of Turkmenistan. Some improvements were made: Berdymukhammedov restored pensions abolished by his predecessor, eased restrictions on travel abroad, and restored the 10th grade of secondary school abolished by Niyazov. However, in his first year as head of state, there were no signs that he would carry out real political and economic reforms that could lead to democratization of the country.

At the end of 2007, he replaced some of the portraits of Niyazov, which were a striking feature of Ashgabat, with his own. This gave rise to speculation that new president, imitating his predecessor, began to plant his own cult of personality. In addition, Berdymukhammedov continued Niyazov's ambitious construction projects, including the construction of a new seaport and airport in the city of Turkmenbashi on the Caspian Sea coast. On February 13, 2012, he was elected to a second term amid widespread criticism that the election was marred by fraud.

Impressions of the President

Some of the foreign guests who met the newly elected president, after talking with him, came to the conclusion that he was not as talented as they say. However, his ability to navigate complex subjects may be limited by the quality of reference materials provided to him and his level of familiarity with the topic. Those who worked with Berdymukhammedov when he was health minister say he was a professional communicator, knowledgeable, positive and open to constructive ideas and suggestions, especially in areas such as health and education. There were also times when he, like other Turkmen officials, was for a long time isolated from foreign scientific and technological developments and did not understand the essence of the proposals of non-governmental organizations or aid groups. However, when the leader of the project tried to explain its essence in a more understandable language, the president complained that they were talking to him like a child.

Personal qualities

There were rumors that Berdymukhammedov's son hit a pedestrian while racing his car on the Archabil highway in Ashgabat. The President is still offended by the high-ranking MNS official responsible for the temporary detention of the offender. Although there is no evidence of this, it is unlikely that his son spent much time in prison. Now he lives abroad.

There is also talk of the president's intolerance towards government officials who are insubordinate or less than decent. He reportedly fired two women for whispering and laughing when he entered the room. He requires female civil servants to cover their arms and legs and is not shy about criticizing their clothing choices. Berdymukhammedov has a reputation as a very demanding leader who instills fear in his employees. When he's angry, he kicks and screams, but when he's not with his direct subordinates, he's more reserved.

Also, his personal qualities are evidenced by the fact that the plane of President Niyazov of Turkmenistan was sold to the leader of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. Berdymukhammedov did not want to fly on it - this, they say, is a bad omen.


Berdymukhammedov broke all records by surviving three government crises while serving in the cabinet. In 2003, Niyazov publicly reprimanded him for failing to improve the skills of new doctors and teachers, but he retained his post. In 2004, the former president of Turkmenistan once again publicly criticized him and fined him three months' salary for allowing medical and educational workers to pay arrears, but he again remained in office. They also say that before Niyazov’s death, his personal herd was struck by an epidemic, due to which many livestock died. The veterinarian was jailed, but the president did not strip Berdymukhammedov of his post. There is no explanation or theory about how he managed this, other than the rumor that he is the illegitimate son of Turkmenbashi. Niyazov could have become his father at the age of 17. Most likely, Berdymukhammedov's intellectual abilities and political instincts allowed him to take the necessary steps to maintain his position.

Revival after the "Golden Age"

Officially, Niyazov’s “golden age of Turkmens” has not yet ended (it should cover the entire 21st century). Nevertheless, the government under Berdymukhammedov put forward the slogan “new revival” to characterize the “new” era. True, it is not clear why the country needs to be restored after the “golden age”. As the Turkmen press explained in the early days of Berdymukhammedov's rule, the nation “needs a new revival after the sudden death of Turkmenbashi, the great leader, befell the people. It is required by those who believe that the people are left without their “caring father.” In addition, the practice of restoring the president’s ancestral village, begun by Niyazov, continued under Berdymukhammedov.

Personality cult

As for the replacement of the deified members of the Niyazov family, it seems that the President of Turkmenistan has decided to have mercy on this issue. Only Malikguly, Berdymukhammedov's father, plays an active role in creating a new national idea. Attempts by government ideologists to create a second Gurbansoltan-Eje (the cult name of the Turkmenbashi’s mother) from Berdymukhammedov’s mother failed. In local schools, Niyazov's images were replaced with posters of the new leader of the nation, depicting his life's journey and academic achievements, including a diploma from the Turkmen Medical Institute and a PhD in dentistry from the Moscow Medical Institute.

The president, following in the footsteps of his predecessor, has created his own cult of personality and does not feel any discomfort about this. After his election, the Democratic Party, which supported the concept of one strong ruler, was tasked with creating a new leader. Activists across Turkmenistan began praising the president. Berdymukhammedov's omnipresence is reinforced by his portraits hanging throughout Ashgabat and the rest of the country. Photos of the president are posted on billboards installed at major intersections, in conference rooms of government buildings, and in banquet rooms of government restaurants and hotels. On Turkmenistan Airlines flights, a photo of Berdymukhammedov hangs in the front part of the cabin. There are also his portraits in the local gym where the president practices karate. In June 2010, he presided over the opening ceremony of the central mosque of the city of Mary, which was named in his honor.

Tireless writer

The power of the head of state is versatile - he is the main expert on all issues, from urban planning to medicine. Books by the President of Turkmenistan are published regularly. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov writes about medicinal plants and about the “era of new revival” - the period of his reign.

State television channels show him presiding over government meetings almost every day, where he appears to sternly evaluate the performance of each deputy cabinet minister. He is also often shown riding a horse and playing other sports while inspecting the many new construction projects going on across the country. TV presenters and commentators attribute almost every positive news to “our dear president.” When the first South Korean buses appeared on the streets of Ashgabat, they were marked with the inscription “Gift of the Respected President.”

The achievements, sayings and resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan are often at the center of speeches by Turkmen officials, even if the event has little in common with him.

The limits of narcissism

So far, Berdymukhammedov's self-praise has been somewhat limited. Until recently, he did not erect monuments to himself, like his predecessor, and did not print his image on banknotes. True, in 2015, a giant golden statue of Berdymukhammedov on horseback on top of a marble cliff was erected. Most private homes and restaurants do not have presidential posters. The names of months and days of the week do not bear his name or the names of his relatives, as was the case under Niyazov.

One-man theater

While there are undoubtedly people who have influence over Berdymukhammedov, the government of Turkmenistan - his deputies in the government - are extremely deferential to the president in both open and closed meetings. In many ways, they act as his service personnel. The President of Turkmenistan literally filled himself with himself - from weddings and New Years to everyday activities such as going to the gym. will continue to grow, since Turkmens do not know other models of local government. One sign of Berdymukhammedov's strengthening image as the sole source of power is plans to move some statues of the former president.

Coca-Cola lover

Berdymukhammedov is not as healthy as state media portray him. He suffers from type 2 diabetes and likely associated long-term consequences. Given his weight problems and addiction to Coca-Cola, this diagnosis seems plausible.

The President of Turkmenistan drinks only Coca-Cola in small glass bottles. Every few months, a government official from his administration comes to the plant and randomly selects boxes of sweet water. Coca-Cola accounts for 60% of the company's product sales in Turkmenistan, mainly because the country's president, a dentist by profession, loves this drink.

On last week in Russia, all television channels at once turned into National Geografic with a single two-hour program “Race for the Pike” (with repetitions in all newscasts). Obviously, someone is trying hard to emphasize their masculinity - the best remedy before future elections. However, this “someone” in the world of political alpha males is now officially only the second, because the first is now the President of Turkmenistan.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the current Turkmenbashi and Arkadag (Patron) in one person, set his next record of heroism last week. At military exercises near Ashgabat, Berdimuhamedov showed by personal example how to hit an enemy with a sniper rifle from five meters, frown when throwing a knife at a mock enemy’s hat, and, of course, reload a pistol in the style of Alexander Nevsky. Hero!

But if you think that these are Arkadag’s only superpowers, then shame and twenty years of Turkmen hard labor on your head! Berdimuhamedov is not only the king of the whole world and a role model in the army, but also the ruler of sports. He works out on the gym so enthusiastically and doesn’t even sweat that the entire government, unable to restrain himself (and how can he restrain himself - this is Turkmenistan), rushes to exercise with the same passion.

Arkadag, however, does not need all these pathetic attempts of his plebs - he is above this and is ready to pump himself at any time and without subordinates (but with a television camera and conversations during exercises). Oh, what a bench press he has! What muscles! What a stern, but slightly absent-minded look!

And Arkadag also controls all equipment: from a racing car... some kind of super tank, which automatically dries up after leaving the water (and glows inside under water).

However, as befits any superhero, the bulk of Arkadag’s affairs are far from weapons and aggression. For example, he writes books. If only you knew what kind of books these are! About tea, about horses, about medicinal herbs - a total of 35 items. The only strange thing is that among the books of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov there is not a single collection of tongue twisters.

Even Berdymukhamedov, passing along the road, can open an entire modern village (move over, Gotham!). True, after this the village immediately disappears, but isn’t this evidence of the wonderful essence of Arkadag?!

But Berdymukhamedov's main occupation is his singing. He can sing in any genre. If you want a guitar riff, there will be a riff for you! In the hands of Arkadag, any out-of-tune instrument turns into a cheerful source of music.

If you want a piano, there will be a piano for you. White, but without ballerinas inside (and, apparently, without sound). Arkadag does not accept vulgarity!

If you want a disco, Arkadag can do that too. A great hero who brought the whole country to sing and dance along. Pay attention to the costume and dance moves of Berdymukhamedov himself. This is so brilliant that the lack of a billion views on YouTube and new fashion can only be explained by the machinations of Arkadag’s enemies. Everyone envys the great!

I once asked a Turkmen how the personality cult of Turkmenbashi (the title of Saparmurat Niyazov, translated as “Head of the Turkmens”) differs from the personality cult of Arkadag (the title of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, translated as “Patron”).

You know, we used to have portraits of Turkmenbashi hanging everywhere. They hanged him once and forgot about it. And then, in his old age, he decided to dye his hair black, and they announced to the people that the leader had begun to look younger. Then all the portraits throughout the country were changed. And when Arkadag came, we change the portraits every year. No, he doesn't dye his hair all the time, he just pays very close attention to his photographs. Either it should be against the background of a white carpet, or against the background of a red one. And you need to constantly run around and buy new portraits. Moreover, we buy portraits with our own money. We jokingly call this “the people’s love tax.”

In general, it’s very interesting to watch how people’s minds are blown away by limitless money and impunity. I can still imagine how Turkmenbashi seized power and began erecting golden statues of himself. The man had a difficult childhood (he grew up in an orphanage), and was a party functionary all his life. And so I decided to break away and take revenge on everyone. But Berdimuhamedov seems to come from a family of teachers, he himself is a doctor of medical sciences, a dentist, worked as a doctor all his life, then became the minister of health. It would seem that an educated person could pull the country out of medieval rituals. But several years have passed since Berdymukhamedov sat on the throne, and now, in front of a large crowd of people, a golden monument is unveiled to him, and portraits of Berdymukhamedov are seen on the streets more often than paid parking signs in the center of Moscow.

But let's start in order.

The first president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, ruled the country for more than 30 years. Back in 1985, he became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR, before which he headed the Ashgabat city committee for five years.

When the USSR faltered, Niyazov became chairman of the Supreme Council of the republic, which proclaimed its independence. And already in June 1992, the former party worker was elected president of Turkmenistan. They say it was a completely democratic election with a single candidate and 99.5% of the votes fairly received.

Just a year later, the Mejlis, that is, the parliament, gave Niyazov the title of Turkmenbashi, which meant that from now on he was the head of all Turkmens in the world. Later, the word “Great” was added to the title for credibility. During the reign of Turkmenbashi, titles such as “savior of the nation” and “messenger of Allah” were optional; the commonly used titles (including in the media) were Serdar, or “leader”. In addition, Niyazov, who did not serve in the army, had the rank of marshal and was awarded the title of Hero of Turkmenistan five times. Officials had to kiss him when meeting with Turkmenbashi right hand studded with rings with emeralds and diamonds.

You think these are just titles, but no. The national anthem was changed to match the titles. One Turkmen told me that at school, on the blackboard where the anthem was, one line was always covered with white paint, and either “Turkmenbashi”, or “Great Turkmenbashi”, or something else was manually written there.

In the mid-90s, Niyazov seriously thought about declaring himself Shah, but they say that the elders, as well as the heads of Iran, Russia and Uzbekistan, opposed this. To console himself, Turkmenbashi in 1999 forced the People's Council of the Republic to proclaim him president for life.

To emphasize his greatness, Turkmenbashi ordered the erection of a gigantic 83-meter monument, known as the Arch of Neutrality, in the center of Ashgabat. On top of it was a gilded statue of Niyazov himself, which rotated after the sun.

After the death of Turkmenbashi, the arch was dismantled and moved to the outskirts of the city. Now the statue does not rotate, since otherwise for half the day the golden figure of the leader would have been turned with its back to the capital. Ugly.

In 2000, another giant statue of Turkmenbashi appeared in the Turkmen capital, this time in front of the Independence Monument.

Next to the Independence Monument there is the Avenue of Presidents, where visiting leaders plant pine trees. This is Medvedev's pine, for example.

And here is Yanukovych's pine.

In total, 14,000 statues and busts of Turkmenbashi appeared in the country over a couple of decades. Their number began to decrease only with Berdymukhamedov coming to power. But even now there are a lot of statues.

Golden Turkmenbashi sits near the entrance to the local KGB, his profile adorns the buildings of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Press. And here is his statue in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.

Another statue stands in the park of the 10th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan in the very center of Ashgabat.

The city of Turkmenbashi (formerly Krasnovodsk) and the peak of the Great Turkmenbashi (Ayribaba peak, the highest peak of the Koytendag ridge) were named after Niyazov. All the streets of Turkmen cities bore the names and titles of either Turkmenbashi himself or his relatives. The rest were either numbered, had unrelated names (for example, Neutral Turkmenistan Street), or were named after two or three historical figures.

All offices of officials, auditoriums, production facilities and lobbies were to have portraits of the leader. Of course, the bright face of Turkmenbashi looked at his subjects from the banknotes of the national currency.

Vodka "Serdar" (leader) and eau de toilette"Turkmenbashi", produced in France. It seems that the aroma was chosen by Niyazov himself.

Personalized cognac

Niyazov decided to place his Akhal-Teke horse named Yanardag in the center of the coat of arms of Turkmenistan. After the death of Turkmenbashi, his heir ordered the horse to be replaced with his own.

Deciding that all this was not enough, Turkmenbashi wrote a great work, which he called “Rukhnama”. Niyazov himself called it “the main book of the Turkmen people” and a “guide book.”

"Rukhnama" was first published in 2001, but in five years it was translated into more than 40 languages ​​of the world, and its total circulation exceeded 1 million copies. To study the book, a separate subject was introduced in schools and universities across the country; knowledge of the Rukhnama was tested in entrance exams, as well as when hiring.

In 2002, the month of September in Turkmenistan was renamed Ruhnama, and in 2005, construction began on the university named after. Ruhnama. But a year later Niyazov died, and this plan could not be implemented. But in Ashgabat they managed to erect a monument to the Rukhnama.

Few people believe that Turkmenbashi himself wrote the “holy book”: it is believed that this is the work of literary blacks. However, it is no longer possible to prove this. Turkmenbashi's heir, Berdimuhamedov, partially debunked the cult of the Ruhnama, but instead pleased his subjects with works of his own composition.

By the way, not only September received the current name. Niyazov renamed the whole year, not forgetting either himself (January began to be called “Turkmenbashi”), or his mother: in Turkmenistan it is now the month of Gurbansoltan-edje, and not April at all.

The Turkmen even had a joke: “Come to Turkmenbashi (city) to Turkmenbashi (month) along Turkmenbashi (street) to Turkmenbashi (hotel).”

The cult of Niyazov’s mother is part of the cult of Turkmenbashi himself. First of all, with light hand President, his parents became Heroes of Turkmenistan. The national Turkmen bread Chorek was named after Gurbansoltan-eje. In addition, instead of the goddess Themis, it was Turkmenbashi’s mother who began to personify Justice.

In Ashgabat, of course, there were monuments to Gurbansoltan-eje and the leader’s father Atamurat Niyazov, but in 2014 they were dismantled.

In 2004, in the town of Kipchak, where Niyazov was born, the Turkmenbashi Rukhy Mosque was built, at that time the largest single-domed mosque in the world. On the walls of the mosque there was a place for quotes from the Ruhnama.

A mausoleum was prudently built next to the mosque, in the corners of which Niyazov’s father, mother and two brothers were buried, and Turkmenbashi himself was buried in the central sarcophagus in 2006.

After Niyazov's death, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov (who, according to widespread rumors, is his illegitimate son) became the president of Turkmenistan. Since the beginning of his reign, Berdymukhamedov has been trying to replace Niyazov’s personality cult with a personality cult of himself.

But golden statues of Turkmenbashi still stand outside most government buildings. Berdymukhamedov has not yet decided to remove them.

Two years after the start of Berdymukhamedov’s presidency, one of the officials reported that from all over the country there were “numerous wishes from citizens, enterprise teams, institutions and public organizations with a proposal to award the president the title of Hero of Turkmenistan.”

The local media wrote that “these words... were greeted by those present at the government meeting with standing, stormy, incessant applause.”

Berdimuhamedov became embarrassed and said that he was too young for the highest rank in the country:

I’m still young, I’m ready to work a little more so that you can then give me such a high rating.

The Council of Elders of Turkmenistan obediently delayed and awarded him the title of Hero of Turkmenistan only two years later. Berdimuhamedov has four more Hero titles left to catch up with Turkmenbashi in terms of the number of top awards.

To ensure that the new president does not lag behind Turkmenbashi in other respects, his loyal subjects came up with the title “Arkadag”, which means “Patron”. It was awarded to Berdymukhamedov at a military parade in 2010.

Journalists from the Turkmen editorial office of Radio Liberty, in the words of an unnamed blogger, tell how this happened:

A large detachment of Turkmen military, marching past Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, stopped and turned to face him, and they all selflessly knelt before him. Perhaps this was supposed to symbolize the nation kneeling before its Patron (Arkadag). It is interesting that at the parade, after the passage of the military, the servile horsemen brought an Akhal-Teke horse to the podium with the “Patron of the Turkmens” and several times tried to force him to kneel in front of him, but they did not succeed. Either the horse turned out to be a thoroughbred, or they didn’t explain to him who was in front of him.

But the government website “Turkmexpo” stated that “stopping in front of the central stand, the handsome horse bowed before the leader of the nation in a graceful bow.”

There are still few monuments to Berdymukhamedov; the campaign for their mass installation is just beginning.

But Arkadag uses the latest achievements of progress and loves to place his portraits on multimedia screens along the streets. Usually he is depicted either against the background of a light carpet or against the background of a waving flag.

But sometimes he just walks the green carpet towards a brighter future. Here, for the sake of credibility, the main attractions of Ashgabat were placed behind Berdymukhamedov’s back.

In the main newspaper of the country “Neutral Turkmenistan”, writer Gozel Shagulyeva published “A Song of Joy in honor of awarding the esteemed President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the high title “Person of the Year - 2010”” (this title was awarded to him by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania, and many are at a loss , why did he do it). This is what it said:

First of all, I want to say the main thing: I am happy because I am an eyewitness to the great deeds of the great era of the Great Son. I am happy because I consider it my duty to glorify the days of the Renaissance of my country, filled with great deeds, the glory of which spread throughout the world.

The internationally recognized Arkadag, our stronghold, support, hope, reviving with its responsive heart the ancient Silk Road of the Turkmen people, today has turned its Fatherland into a peacekeeping center.<...>

When I see how the grandiose plans of our esteemed President are being implemented, when I listen to his historical speeches, I cannot hold back tears of happiness and pride from excitement. And bright tears roll down my cheeks - like droplets of my inspiration. When great words merge with great deeds, a real miracle occurs that can amaze our consciousness.

Arkadag welcomes you, traveler.

Sometimes you can see the continuity of generations: the golden statue of Turkmenbashi obscures the portrait of Berdymukhamedov.

In 2013, Berdymukhamedov attended the races on the occasion of the Akhal-Teke horse holiday. He wanted to take part in the race himself, and the panel of judges included him in the “Mentor Race”. He rode on his own horse named Berkarar and, unexpectedly for everyone, took first place. The only thing that marred the jubilation of the crowd was the unexpected fall of Berkarar and his rider immediately after the finish.

For a few seconds, the people were numb, but then security guards, security officers and ministers rushed to Berdymukhamedov, who was lying motionless. He was taken away in an ambulance, and spectators waited tensely for about an hour for news. At the end of the event, the president, alive and almost unharmed, nevertheless appeared in public and even talked with the offending horse:

At the end, Berkarar was taken out onto the treadmill. The leader of Turkmenistan, known for his love of horses, tried to kiss the horse, but it recoiled. The President did not retreat, pulling his horse towards him again. The horse was forgiven. The crowd cheered.

As the event ended, exit security began sifting through the crowd. Those who had cameras were taken to a room under the stands and were urged to erase all videos and photographs. To ensure that no one could hide the memory cards, student volunteers monitored the crowd. In addition, foreign citizens and journalists were present at the event: their laptops, tablets and phones were confiscated at the airport. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan reported that several dozen people were then arrested for attempting to take “prohibited materials” abroad.

Be that as it may, winning the race brought the president $11.05 million. He promised to transfer them to the state association “Turkmen Horses”. By the way, the horses that took second and third place also belonged to Berdymukhamedov.

The President participates not only in horse racing, but also in auto racing. He also invariably wins them and even sets records. Usually such events are described like this:

To the thunderous applause of the spectators in the stands, the leader of the nation enters the track. The cars take off and immediately pick up high speed, quickly covering the distance.... But number seven [under which Berdymukhamedov usually races, because 7 is his favorite number] no longer leaves a chance for the opponent.<...>As is known, having been fond of driving cars since childhood, the leader of the nation has established himself as a high-class racing driver. Showing a high level of management sports car, the pilot won a landslide victory... number seven - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov!

In general, Berdymukhamedov does not miss an opportunity to demonstrate to his subjects that he is in excellent athletic shape.

Berdymukhamedov also loves everything gold. Including gardening equipment. Here is a golden watering can.

And this is a golden car. It is clear that he is a difficult person.

Berdymukhamedov also writes books. He called one of them “A good name is imperishable” and dedicated it to his grandfather Berdymukhamed Annayev, who was a teacher. There are other works entitled “Turkmenistan - a country of healthy and highly spiritual people”, “Ahal-Teke horse is our pride and glory”, “Flight of heavenly horses” and “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan”. On the initiative of the president, in 2009, copies of the Rukhnama written by Turkmenbashi were confiscated from Turkmen schools. In exchange, Berdymukhamedov's books are brought there.

In 2016, two new books were published at once: “The Source of Wisdom” (a collection of Turkmen proverbs and sayings) and “Tea – Medicine and Inspiration.” Usually Berdymukhamedov presents his new items to their deputy prime ministers and heads of ministries, and they respond by bowing to him from the waist and placing the gift to his forehead.

Berdimuhamedov loves to portray himself against the background of the people, against the background of children and/or elders. There are a lot of portraits where he goes somewhere, young and cheerful, and leads people.

A classic photograph of the leader against the backdrop of a light carpet. This is exactly the standard portrait that almost everyone in Turkmenistan has.

Whenever possible, the portrait is hung directly on the carpet. The frame, of course, must be gold.

This is the ticket office of an entertainment complex with a Ferris wheel. Here Arkadag meets everyone again against the backdrop of children.

Absolutely everyone hangs portraits. They hang at airports, train stations, many administrative buildings and, of course, in the offices of government and other companies. This is, for example, the MTS office. Arkadag is adjacent to the flag and coat of arms of Turkmenistan.

At the hotel.

This is what the stand looked like at one of the exhibitions of our KamAZ. All companies must equip their stand with a portrait of Berdymukhamedov against the background of a carpet, otherwise, they say, things will not go well in the country.

Every year, government agencies and enterprises must update portraits of the president. The country has a special commission that orders, evaluates and approves new portraits. They are different for different institutions: for hospital portraits, Berdymukhamedov is photographed in a white coat, for military departments and intelligence services - in a brown uniform and with a serious face, and for the facades of buildings, the president is photographed in a suit and with his hand raised in greeting. Organizations must purchase portraits at their own expense. For example, last year school teachers bought presidential portraits for their classes for 33 manats (about 650 rubles).

In general, the universal worship of Turkmenbashi is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but the personality cult of his successor continues to grow stronger. Recently Berdymukhamedov decided to erect a monument to himself.

Here it is! The Arkadag monument is a lifetime equestrian monument to Berdymukhamedov. Reminds me of Peter I of St. Petersburg, only bigger)

They opened it like this.

The authorities presented fundraising for the monument as voluntary. But according to journalists from “Chronicles of Turkmenistan”, in fact, the money needed for its construction was simply withheld from the salaries of people in the civil service. According to the plan, the monument was supposed to outshine the famous Arch of Neutrality with the golden figure of Turkmenbashi on top, which had been moved to the outskirts of the city several years earlier.

The period of Berdymukhamedov's first presidential term was called the Great Renaissance. The period of the second term was declared the Age of Power and Happiness.

Good luck to you, dear friends. We'll continue tomorrow.

The logic of decisions made by the country's leadership, and in some states the political system, is largely determined by the personality of the main leader. the site continues to talk about the biographies, families and hobbies of the leaders of the post-Soviet republics. Previous articles were devoted to the chapters of Uzbekistan. Today the material is about the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Myalikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov.

Son of a communist

The future holder of the title Arkadag (“patron”) was born in 1957 in the village of Babarap, fifty kilometers from Ashgabat, into an intelligent family of school teachers. The leader of Turkmenistan is proud of his parents; he periodically appears with them at public events. In Turkmenistan, military units, streets and squares are named in honor of Arkadag’s grandfather and father; their detailed biographies were published several years ago. From the books you can find out that the president's grandfather Berdimuhamed Annayev was a rural teacher and school director during the Great Patriotic War fought with the rank of corporal, for labor activity was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. The father of President Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov is a historian by training, worked at school, then made a career as an employee correctional institutions, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the internal service, worked in the apparatus of the Ministry of Fruit and Vegetable Farming of the Turkmen SSR. In the book “Loyal Son of the Motherland,” it is especially noted that the president’s father was a candidate member of the CPSU, was on the commission for preparing holidays in the party committee of the Ministry, and participated in various party and Komsomol meetings.

After graduating from school, the future leader decided to devote himself to healing people. At the age of 23, he graduated from the dental faculty of the Turkmen State Medical Institute and began working as a dentist in rural and urban clinics. In 1987, he went to Moscow for graduate school, and three years later he defended his thesis on the topic “Features of the clinic and pathogenesis of major dental diseases in children born to multiparous women.” Returning home, the future leader of the republic continued to treat patients’ teeth, at the same time deepened his knowledge and gradually became an associate professor, and then the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. In 2007, when he had already taken the presidency, it was announced that Berdymukhamedov would be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in Medicine.

At the age of 40 he was appointed Minister of Health. This fact, as well as the fact that in the future he was not subject to numerous purges in the government, gave rise to various gossip. Allegedly, the rapid rise was facilitated by the fact that Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is actually the illegitimate son of the former President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov. Moreover, the external similarity between the former and current leaders is striking. If we hypothetically present this version as true, it turns out that the current leader was born when Niyazov was only 17 years old.


The president has many relatives, but very little is known about what they do. Some information can be gleaned from a memo from employees of the US Embassy in Ashgabat for State Department employees in Washington, which was published by the Wikileaks portal. It follows from the document that the Turkmen leader has two daughters and a son, Serdar. The eldest daughter Guljahon lives in London and is married to Ilasgeldy Amanov, a representative of the Turkmen State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources in the UK. The youngest Gulshan lives in Paris and is married to Derya Atabaev, an employee of the Turkmen embassy in France; the couple has a villa on the Cote d'Azur. American diplomats also wrote that, according to rumors, Berdymukhamedov has an unofficial Russian wife named Marina, who previously worked as a nurse in the same dental clinic where the head of state worked. Marina, as well as her 22-year-old daughter with the president, according to American embassy workers, lived in London during the period of writing the note in 2010.

More information about son Serdar, born in 1981. In 2001, he received an engineering degree from the Turkmen Agricultural University and since then has become a doctor of science, a member of parliament, a lieutenant colonel, an honored trainer of the country, and in March 2018 he was appointed deputy minister of foreign affairs. Serdar has a wife, three daughters and a son.

Gurbanguly was the only son of his parents, but he has five sisters. Some of them occupy positions of responsibility, for example Gulnabat heads the national organization of the Red Crescent.

Recently, his grandson Kerimguly, the son of his eldest daughter Guljakhon, has often appeared in public with the president. In the summer, Turkmen television showed how the head of state and his grandson performed a rap of their own composition.

All that is known about the president’s wife is that her name is Ogulgerek, and she is the same age as her husband. Sometimes Berdymukhamedov appears in public with his wife, but extremely rarely; she does not give interviews. Arkadag does not like to let others into his family life. But he himself has recently been present at almost every wedding photography in the country: since 2013, all newlyweds have been required to take a photo in the registry office in front of a portrait of the president


The President of Turkmenistan has many diverse interests. His list of hobbies also includes sports, which he has been involved in since childhood. At the age of 15, the future leader of the nation became the champion of Ashgabat in freestyle wrestling, and a year later - the champion of the republic in shooting. Now he has many sports titles in various international sports associations and federations, personally participates in horse racing and auto racing, and watches football competitions with interest.

Another area of ​​interest is music. The head of state plays the guitar, accordion, keyboards and drums, and composes songs in various genres, from pop and pop to rap. He also loves to sing, both songs of his own composition and those of other authors. This year, the president congratulated the women of the republic on March 8, performing Igor Sarukhanov’s song “Kara-kum”.

Berdymukhamedov also loves to invent and assemble equipment. State television recently showed how the president personally designed and then built a racing car from his own drawings.

But the biggest hobby of the leader of Turkmenistan is writing books, which are translated into many languages ​​of the world by a special staff of translators. Berdimuhamedov wrote volumes, including on the importance of sports, the need to get an education, the benefits of drinking tea, the beauty of music and nature, the importance of water for the national economy, horse breeding, and spiritual self-improvement. The encyclopedic collection in 9 volumes “Medicinal Herbs of Turkmenistan” is recommended for use by all medical institutions of the republic. His latest opus, published in 2018, is called “The Teachings of Arkadag - the basis of health and inspiration.”