Jewelry with stones is now at the peak of popularity. Gemstones are rare minerals that have a beautiful appearance. They decorate jewelry, collect them, and use them as talismans. Natural stones are a symbol of hardness, success, strength, beauty and wealth.

What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones?

Everyone knows that there are precious and semi-precious stones, but few know how they differ from each other. The division into precious and semi-precious is very fluid and arbitrary. The very name “precious” sounds something special. And “semi-precious” seems to mean something less.
Minerologists divide all stones according to their chemical composition or physical properties. Jewelers are guided by the aesthetics and value of the stone. In addition, a stone of the same type, but of different quality, will differ significantly in cost.
There were cases when a gem suddenly lost its “preciousness”. Amethyst is close in its play of light, transparency and purity to rubies, emeralds and sapphires, from which it differs almost only in color. Amethyst was considered a precious stone until huge deposits of quality amethyst were discovered in Brazil. This discovery sharply reduced the value of the stone and moved it into the “ranks” of semi-precious stones.

Jewelry with precious stones
Precious stones include: diamond, alexandrite, aquamarine, ruby, sapphire, emerald, garnet, amethyst, peridot.

Jewelry with semi-precious stones
Semi-precious stones include: quartz, carnelian, agate, jasper, aventurine, opal, jade, malachite, turquoise, onyx, topaz.

Jewelry with stones of organic origin.
Such stones include: pearls, coral, amber, mother-of-pearl.

What does the color of the stones symbolize?

Very often, women are guided by the color of the stone when choosing jewelry.

Jewelry with white stones emphasizes the perfection of its owner. Such stones develop hard work and a sense of freedom in a person;
Stones of red shades symbolize energy, passion, movement. Such stones activate people’s energy and love of life;
Orange-colored stones symbolize beauty, grace, and artistry. Jewelry made from these stones develops a sense of beauty in a person;
Green stones symbolize the integrity of the individual. Owners of such stones are reasonable and patient;
Stones blue are symbols logical thinking. These stones contribute to the development in a person of such qualities as intuition and practicality;
Stones purple- a symbol of mystery, magic, mysticism;
Purple stones are a symbol of will, thought;
Stones of brownish shades symbolize peace, reliability, stability;
Black stones symbolize the beginning and the end.

Symbolism of precious stones

Agate - longevity and health, strength, energy, success, protects against the evil eye and poisons.

Aquamarine - courage, bravery, prosperity, stone of lovers; protects marital happiness and promotes well-being.

Diamond - innocence, hardness, courage, pride, loyalty, love, material success, brings happiness.

Amethyst - sincerity, piety, protects against drunkenness, restrains passions, true love, widow's stone as a symbol of devotion to the deceased spouse.

Turquoise - courage, prosperity, luck, stone of happiness; according to some sources it symbolizes whim, and a change in color threatens adultery.

Rock crystal - happiness in love, fidelity, protects from bad dreams.

Pomegranate - strength, loyalty, cheers the heart.

Pearls are tears of melancholy, protect against the torment of unrequited love, purity, prosperity, longevity.

Emerald - success, love, brings happiness and joy, wisdom, composure.

Coral - protects from the evil eye, protects from lightning.

Lapis lazuli - luck, success, love, courage, prosperity, healing stone, promotes recovery

Moonstone - inspiration, hope, longevity, helps overcome love obstacles, wealth, brings good luck to players.

Malachite - increases spiritual strength, fulfillment of desires.

Opal - friendship, tender love, hope, pure thoughts, friendship.

Onyx is the stone of leaders.

Ruby - ardent love, reciprocity in feelings, invulnerability, devotion, fidelity, longevity, strength, dignity, beauty.

Sapphire - fidelity, chastity and modesty, clarity of thought, divine favor, brings happiness in love, protects a woman from slander, peace, happiness, justice.

Topaz - strength, wisdom, pacifies anger, promotes friendship, devotion, firmness of faith.

Tourmaline - friendship, amorousness, desire, hope, brings recognition, strengthens creativity, pink tourmaline - symbol tender love.

Chrysolite - wins the sympathy of others.

Amber - happiness, health, the bearer of victory, protects against evil spells and the evil eye.

The most important thing in choosing products with stones is harmony. There is no need to chase the fashion and status of the stone. It is important that the stone is liked by its owner, matches the wardrobe and completes the look. Stones that truly suit a person are believed to bring good luck and happiness.

If you like minimalist works, this is the best movie to start with. Most of the time we see the main character Fontaine (Francois Leterrier) in solitary confinement. He communicates with prisoners and gradually makes his way to freedom.

As with all of Bresson's films, his favorite cinematic theories are reflected here: many of the roles are played by non-professional actors, there is a heavy emphasis on background sound and the information it conveys, and there is no musical accompaniment until the grand finale. Like other French films about prisoners, Condemned to Death Escaped contains an allegory of human suffering and the thirst for freedom. At the same time, there is a sense of anxious anticipation in the film, in which the film can compete with best works Alfred Hitchcock.

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For many years, the painting was highly valued for its existential and spiritual aspects: human loneliness, the fragility of relationships between people, divine mercy. Recently, the political aspect of the film has come to the fore as a reflection of Bresson's involvement in the Resistance movement. This gave the whole picture, with its inherent themes of dependence and “mental anguish,” a social topicality. EM.

The Wizard of Oz received high praise for the director's work - for the professionalism of Victor Fleming. Although in fact it was a triumph of production - Mervyn Le Roy managed to bring together all the various components of what was by no means the easiest filming.

Nearly all of Howard Hawks's work deals with camaraderie in dangerous professions (and especially aviation), such as 1930s action films like The Morning Patrol and The Crowd Roars. Subsequently, Hawks would make films in a similar spirit, To Have or to Have Not, Rio Bravo and Eldorado. The characters of the characters in the film are contradictory - sometimes we see a flash of good behavior among rude guys, sometimes cynicism hiding underneath sincere sentimentality.

In this article:

There is a wide variety of minerals in the world that differ from each other in characteristics, features, and properties. Depending on this, they are divided into precious and semi-precious stones. Each has its own unique beauty and value. Over the years, humanity has discovered more and more specimens and deposits, found uses for them, and given them names. In order to extract stones, you have to do a lot of work, because they are found in volcanic rocks, seas, islands, and mountains. Hard-to-find stones are even more valuable.

Precious and semi-precious

The division of stones into precious and semi-precious is quite arbitrary. IN different countries The qualifications of the stones are different. Both are valuable minerals. They differ in strength, mining conditions, rarity, quality, and chemical composition.

Gems: Garnet group

Precious stones have the following characteristics:

  • rarely found;
  • beauty of color, transparency, play of light;
  • light scattering;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • high hardness and strength, so that jewelry can be worn for many years.

In beauty, semi-precious stones are in no way inferior to precious stones; they are also beautiful.

Stones vary in price, precious minerals are more expensive on the world market. Jewelers value aesthetics and the ability to process stones, because it is the craftsmen who make real masterpieces from stones.

Today we have learned to do artificial stones, and they do it so skillfully that it is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones.

Classification of stones

Gems include ornamental stones, mountain, colored, semi-precious and precious.

Precious stones have properties that consist of many advantages. The classification of precious stones is divided into several lists.

  1. The first group of gems includes: ruby, alexandrite, emerald, diamond, spinel, sapphire, euclase, chrysoberyl.
  2. The second list includes: topaz, beryl, heliodor, sparrowite, tourmaline, aquamarine, zircon, amethyst, opal, phenacite, hyacinth.
  3. The third group includes: amber, carnelian, turquoise, jet, rauchtopaz, rhinestone.

There are legends and beliefs about precious stones; they have magical and medicinal properties, which help people find happiness, health, love, wisdom, strength.

Among the semi-precious stones of red shades, jasper, some varieties of garnet, pyrope, almandine, carnelian, rhodonite, and kunzite are popular.

Semi-precious stones

Among the blue, light blue semiprecious stones one can distinguish tanzanite, lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, and turquoise.

Purple shades of semi-precious stones include quartz and charoite. They have amazing color and shine.

Among green stones, luxurious malachite can easily be called first. Heliotrope combines green and red colors. Shades of green are saturated in stones such as olivine, epidote, andradite and many others.

Citrine, amber, and hyacinth have bright yellow shades. Black stones have always possessed magic and mystery, and these include: agate, jasper, amber, onyx, morion, melanite.

Among precious and semi-precious stones, jewelers most often use rubies, diamonds, topazes, emeralds, sapphires, alexandrites, rock crystal, and opals. They are easy to process and can be cut. You can use them to make luxurious jewelry with an original design.

Ornamental stones are used to create luxurious jewelry, as well as for interior decoration, decorative elements, creating masterpieces of art, artistic carvings, and souvenirs. These include agate, jasper, lapis lazuli, jade, malachite, hematite, onyx, amber and many others. They are distinguished by their rich color, pattern, rarity and complexity of processing. Thanks to their ornaments and designs, they are an excellent material for decoration; they are used to make unique vases, figurines, mosaics, etc.

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What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones?

Specialists in various fields classify jewelry stones according to various characteristics: chemical composition, parameters of the crystal lattice structure, size, and others. Therefore, any classification reflects a subjective view, and the very division of stones into precious and semi-precious is very arbitrary.

One of the first scientifically based classifications was proposed by the German scientist K. Kluge in 1860. He divided jewelry into two groups and five classes: truly precious and semi-precious stones.

The first group included:
diamond, corundum, chrysoberyl, spinel;
zircon, beryl, topaz, tourmaline, garnet, precious opal;
cordierite, vesuvian, chrysolite, axinite, kpanite, staurolite, andalusite, chastolite, epidote, turquoise.

To the second:
quartz, chalcedony, feldspars, obsidian, lapis lazuli, diopside, fluorite, amber;
jadeite, jade, serpentine, agalmatolite, satin spar, marble, selenite, alabaster, malachite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, hematite.

Today, precious stones include: diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, opal, jadeite, spinel, topaz, aquamarine, tourmaline and amethyst.

Gemstones are generally rare and have properties such as transparency, brilliance, color, refraction and dispersion. Their market value depends not only on the merits of the stone itself, but also on fashion trends.

A distinctive feature of ornamental stones is their decorative coloring. These include translucent and opaque minerals, often with colored inclusions. Their value is determined by their rarity and individual properties.

Fashion and stones: what jewelry is in trend today?

It is customary to roughly divide jewelry stones into precious and semi-precious. But any natural stone is an extraordinary creation of nature. It takes millions of years before a crystal is formed that can be used as jewelry. The artist-jeweler can only choose a worthy frame that does not distract attention from the natural beauty of the gem. This decoration is unique because there is not a single identical stone in the world.

Each natural stone has its own history of origin, because minerals can be formed in different ways. For example, colored varieties of quartz - amethysts, citrines, prasiolites, smoky quartz- are formed from hydrothermal solutions. Chrysolite and colorless quartz are born from fire-liquid melts in the bowels of the earth. But most natural stones are metamorphic minerals. They are formed in the deep layers of the earth's crust during the recrystallization of other minerals under the influence of high pressures and high temperatures. In the process of growth, they are subject to pressure and cracking, changes in chemical composition, become saturated with color and grow - a millimeter per century, retaining within themselves all the features of geological life.

Only a few gemstones are completely pure. You can often find pure rock crystal, topaz, and citrine in nature. Much less common are red garnets and amethysts. And pure emeralds and pink tourmalines are almost never found. Inclusions are frozen milestones in the history of the formation of a mineral and identifying features of the stone. According to gemologists, intensive mining natural stones in the past, their number in the world decreases every year, thereby making them more valuable and rare.

The main task of the specialists of the Russian Jeweler company is to create exclusive collections that are different from all others. The choice was made in favor of original, unique jewelry models that are worthy of true connoisseurs of beauty and individuality.

The Russian Jeweler salon, located at 4 Gogol Street, has the most widely available limited collections of jewelry made from natural stones of all colors. Contrary to general opinion, such works of jewelry can be purchased at a fairly affordable price and you can choose the unique stone that suits you.

Sales consultants at Russian Jeweler salons will provide you with complete information about all jewelry and help you create a harmonious image taking into account your wishes.

Gift for boss, colleague or friend: is jewelry appropriate? Yes!

Not a single celebration, be it professional holiday or birthday loved one, is not complete without the most pleasant part - gifts.

Choosing a gift for your boss or business partner is not an easy task. After all, you want to pleasantly surprise the recipient of the gift, and at the same time it is important to follow the rules of etiquette. On the eve of Boss's Day (October 16) and Accountant's Day (November 21), the Shining jewelry salon presents a collection of desirable and appropriate gifts made by the Altmaster creative workshop.

Worthy gifts from the Empire collection: document covers, wallets, business card holders. Business accessories made of leather and decorated with national symbols in silver will emphasize the status of the owner.

It is appropriate to present a luxury diary to a business partner as a token of gratitude for their cooperation. This is a true work of art, where every nuance is taken into account - from the luxurious paper, gilded along the edges, to the exquisite leather binding, decorated with the silver coat of arms of Russia.

If you are looking for an amazing gift for the person who has everything, choose a gift from an unusual collection of damasks, framed in leather cases with silver plaques. The set includes shot glasses.

From a series of VIP gifts special attention knives deserve self made, made from Damascus steel by Zlatoust craftsmen. A unique design is manually applied to the product by etching, nickel plating, gilding or blackening. The handles of collectible knives are made of natural wood of valuable species and can be complemented with leather. Each knife has a certificate.

How to distinguish natural semi-precious and precious stones from imitations - fakes.

As you know, progress brings not only advantages, but also disadvantages to a person’s daily life. People have learned to counterfeit both semi-precious and precious stones, and now we will try to figure out how to distinguish a natural stone from a fake.


All imitations made of glass seem warmer to the touch, unlike real stone. If the stone is not set in the frame, you need to hold it with tweezers (so as not to heat it with your hands) and touch it with the tip of your tongue - the stone should be cold. There are no synthetic aquamarines on the jewelry market. The imitations sold under this name are actually bare spinel or glass.


When examining a diamond with the naked eye or with a tenfold loupe, it must be taken into account that it is processed in such a way that almost all the light entering the stone through the crown is completely reflected from its back faces, as if from a series of mirrors. Therefore, if you look at the light through a cut diamond, only the luminous point in the stone will be visible. In addition, if you look through a diamond in a ring placed on your finger, it is impossible to see your finger through it.

The chemist Klaproth determined that a drop of hydrochloric acid has no effect on diamond, but leaves a cloudy stain on zircon.

Diamond leaves scratches on the surface of glass, as well as on the polished surface of other stones. By placing a cut diamond firmly against the surface of the sample with its edge, you will notice that the diamond “clings” to it, leaving a visible scratch that does not disappear if rubbed with a wet finger. For such a test, choose the least noticeable place.

To distinguish diamond from spinel and synthetic sapphire, stones are dipped into a colorless liquid with a refractive index close to that of spinel and sapphire (methylene iodide or monophthlene monobromide). Spinel and sapphire simply will not be visible in the liquid, but the diamond will shine brightly. A similar, but less distinct effect of the “disappearance” of a fake diamond is given by plain water and glycerin. In the same way, simpler and cheaper diamond imitations are distinguished - lead-rich crystal glass.

The method for obtaining this mineral was based on the idea of ​​converting graphite into diamond. Back at the end of the 17th century. I. Newton suggested that diamond, the hardest mineral, should burn. The Florence Academy of Sciences donated a diamond crystal for the experiment. It turned out that before burning, the diamond turned into graphite at a temperature of 110 ° C. Scientists have decided that the reverse transformation into diamond is also possible. Artificial diamonds Many scientists have tried to get it. But there was no success while the work was carried out without knowledge of the laws of synthesis. To imitate diamond, colorless zircon, synthetic rutik, strontium titanite, synthetic colorless spinel, and synthetic colorless sapphire are used.


Garnets are among the precious stones that have the power of magnetic attraction. Some other stones are also determined by their magnetism. To do this, the stone (pre-weighed) is placed on a tall plug (to separate it from the metal pan of the scale), which is placed on the pan. Once the scales are balanced, a small horseshoe magnet is slowly brought towards the stone until it almost touches the surface of the stone.

If the mineral has noticeable magnetism, then the balance will be disrupted when the magnet is 10-12 mm from the stone. Record the minimum weight that is “held” by the magnet. The difference between them in true weight will characterize the attraction of the stone to the magnet.


Characteristic features of synthetic stones are twisted veils.

For many years, synthetic emeralds were made only in the laboratory of Carroll Chatham, a chemist from San Francisco. Now emeralds are produced on an industrial scale by a number of companies, and the methods for producing synthetic emeralds are constantly being improved, so that synthetic emeralds are practically indistinguishable from natural ones.


Quartz can be distinguished from glass by touching the stone and glass with the tip of your tongue. Quartz is much cooler.


This is the first gemstone that began to be produced on an industrial basis on a large scale at the beginning of the 20th century. According to recent reports, the production volume of synthetic rubies has reached one million carats. Artificial rubies are used for jewelry, and the difference in prices between natural and synthetic rubies is very large.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that clean, densely colored large ones are extremely rare in nature. This fact alone casts doubt on the natural origin of the large ruby.


If a stone is immersed in a liquid with a certain refractive index, the following color distribution can be observed in it: in a synthetic stone there are always curved, differently colored stripes, in a natural stone the stripes are straight and are located parallel to one or more faces.


It is extremely easy to polish and can sometimes be identified by touch by its characteristic “slipperiness”. Synthetic corundum of various shades of pink is used to imitate pink topaz. However, it looks too good to be real.


Real rock crystal is always cool to the touch.


No stone, with the exception of opal and diamond, can be identified as easily as zircon. With the naked eye or with a simple magnifying glass. Its special shine, somewhat reminiscent of diamond and at the same time greasy or resinous, combined with a characteristic color scheme, often makes it possible to recognize the stone at first sight. Using a magnifying glass, when observing through the top of the stone, you can see the worn edges of the faces.


Natural amber is electrified by friction, however, some imitations (made of plastic) are also electrified. But if there is no electrification, it is an obvious fake. The following method for identifying imitations of amber is very effective. If you draw a strip along the surface of the amber with the blade of a knife, it will give small crumbs, and the imitation will produce curled shavings.

Unlike synthetic materials, amber is easily ground into powder. Amber will float in a salt solution (10 level teaspoons of table salt per glass of water), and imitations, except polystyrene, will sink. After checking, the product should be thoroughly rinsed in running water to prevent the formation of a salt crust.


Crystals made from crushed turquoise with glue are difficult to distinguish from real ones. And only over time do the fakes acquire a dirty tint.


The secret of pearl cultivation was discovered in China, and the fishery flourished there for seven centuries. In 1890, the Japanese adopted the experience of pearl cultivation and created an entire industry. The Japanese were one of the last to develop the cultivation of pearls without a nucleus, in which a piece of mantle tissue from another mollusk is inserted into cuts in the mantle of a mollusk. Pearls grow quickly and the yield is high. If the mollusk, after removing the pearls from it, is returned to the sea, pearls can be obtained from it again. These pearls are also called cultured pearls.

Since 1956, the pearl farming industry began to develop in Australia. The word "pearl" without definitions is allowed to be used only for natural pearls. Large pearls are considered collectible and are sold separately at a higher price. 70% of pearls are sold in the form of beads.


Synthetic spinel entered the market in the 1920s. Spinel is easily confused with amethyst, chrysoberyl, garnet, ruby, sapphire, and topaz. But experts distinguish it very simply - by the absence of bifracture.

Synthetic stones with a good reputation can, like precious stones, appreciate in value and become in demand, and rare specimens can even become collector's items. In general, we can conclude that synthetic gems can peacefully coexist with natural ones, rather complement each other than compete. Several types of artificial gemstones enter the modern jewelry market.

Synthesized (grown) precious stones; synthesized crystals of compounds of the group of rare earth elements that do not occur in nature, for example cubic zirconia (imitation diamond); imitation of precious stones made from famous glass, which are mainly used in costume jewelry and are easily distinguished from precious stones by their low hardness; as well as doublets - composite gemstones glued together from two different minerals.