There are many Simoron-like schools and copies, which only creates more confusion. The Burlans themselves emphasize in their seminars that copies of their system do not belong to them, but exist on the conscience of the authors. On the official website (link above) there is a list of authorized branches in other cities of Ukraine and Russia. Sometimes this situation happens: “The Simoron center, which functioned as a representative office of the Burlanov school (leading XXXXXXX) in the city of XXXXXXX, is closed. The events held under the guise of this center did not correspond to the ideological basis of the Simoron system and were not sanctioned by its authors.” The authors are constantly polishing their system and teaching new exercises, so to become familiar with all this abundance, it is recommended to take training from the Burlans themselves.

For now alone interesting technique, created based on the original Simoron. From it, by the way, one can understand the difference between the original Simoron and its copies - not the fulfillment of a desire, but its exhaustion. Exhaustion of one's internal charge, liberation.

Wish fulfillment

Formulate a problem, dissatisfaction or worrying situation in your head. Feel, perceive this desire or problem in some visual and sensory way. No limits to imagination are allowed.

Example: “A gorilla, limping, with wide eyes, a huge button across its throat, falling on its left leg, with a long elongated neck, it walks like a zombie and moos.”
Or: “A ribbon snake, flat as a scarf, which strains and strains, but cannot reach the cloud with its long tongue in order to lick it.”

Those. formulate the problem and feel with all your being what image it takes. It can be anything, a static image, dynamic. All kinds of sensations in the body, all kinds of fantasies.

Then, we allow this image, this problem to satisfy ourselves. Those. we feel what this image wants, what it strives for, what exactly it wants to achieve, what it wants to become for its satisfaction. Also - no restrictions. And we don’t spend everything in our dreams, not in our heads, but we accompany everything that happens by playing it out with our whole body.

Example: a gorilla wants to become a huge barrel that will roll around and no one will be able to do anything about it.
And the ribbon snake can lick the entire cloud and then turn into lightning. In bright and fast lightning.

We make sure to play everything that comes in this image, accompanying it with bodily movements, and not just in our heads. From the outside it looks very funny when a person begins to squirm and take different poses and make all sorts of grimaces. That's why it's better to do it alone.

Having achieved the desired goal, satisfying a given desire of a given image, we do not stop, but ask the new image what its desire is, what this new image wants. And we do this until there is peace and quiet inside. The last image wants nothing. Satisfaction has happened.

Well, as always, it is advisable not to deceive yourself.

Comment: Desires of various kinds live inside us and want satisfaction. They don't even think of harming us, but they want attention, they want satisfaction, and therefore they attract our attention in every possible way.

All such unsatisfied desires are a huge storehouse of unused energy, unused opportunities.

We call the ways in which these desires attract our attention blows of fate, bad events, but that’s not true at all!

It’s just that desire screams inside: “uh-hey, man! I’m here, look at me. Well, give me at least a chance, just a little of your attention.” And when a person doesn’t hear, what can he do? Attract attention in all ways available to this desire.

And they, i.e. desires, in principle, do not understand that we do not understand them, that we do not hear them.

Questions: This is no longer meditation, this is psychology, the unconscious.

Which interferes with meditation and without removing which meditation will not work.

Brief Simoron Dictionary

Self-overtaking . This general name refers to several Simoron techniques aimed directly at working with problems. IN in a general sense– these are practices, technologies that help bring yourself back to normal. The essence of all these methods can be reduced to one idea - bringing the situation that has arisen to the point of absurdity with an exaggerated good (sweet self-overtaking) or, conversely, a bad ending (bitter self-overtaking). This is done either mentally, or with the help of fellow actors, or with the help of objects that are at hand. There are also options for self-improvement in writing, through drawings, etc. Practice helps you look at a problem from a different angle, find optimal ways out of the situation and cope with the problem.

Nice (Simoronsky image, Hottabych, image of himself or other, Burlash, magical image). An image created after self-overtaking and evoking a feeling of sympathy, acceptance, “purring” or laughter. It is created by the associative method, without any cause-and-effect relationships, and the association must be incredible. The more absurd the association, the more effective the method. Examples of cute guys: green-eyed autopilot chewing the square root of 10; a children's enamel pot blooming with young violets; a flock of curly sugarbirds flying south, etc. The practice of creating cute dogs is one of the basic ones in Simoron. It not only helps to get out of problems, but also perfectly develops imaginative thinking.

DSLR. One of basic techniques, thanks to which a person can see what he looks like from the outside, or show some object what he looks like. You can mirror anything. The Simoron DSLR is often confused with adjustment in NLP. However, despite their external similarity, in essence these technologies are very different.

Route, Simoronskaya Route (Self-Realization Route, Soaring Route, Masters Route, etc.). A state of continuity of the creative process and unity with the outside world. As a side effect of this condition, simoronauts note the unhindered fulfillment of desires - as they arise.

Clear. Represents the abbreviation " I languages WITH Imoronskie". Is one of basic technologies to enter the Route. Yasny is often called the Simoron dance. And they are often confused with the Dances of Universal Peace. Simoron dance (YASNY) is a spontaneous sound-plastic improvisation that awakens hidden creative potential in a person, allowing one to reach a state of continuous co-creation with the surrounding world. Practitioners of simoron often use the term “dancing”. What does it mean to enter the Track with the help of Yasny.

What to do with the cute guy and where is the route?

The essence of almost all Simoron operations is the exhaustion of the gaming mood, satiety with the everyday game, which could drag on for another 100 years, in order to enter another - the Workshop - space for the realization of Natural Genius and Natural impulses. As a result of high-quality work, we find ourselves in another, unknown space, where every action we take from the Route is doomed to success. Looking from there, we can make an inimitable discovery. One of these discoveries is Simoronsky image .

Simoronsky image, handsome , a Simoron recommendation, a masterful recommendation can look funny or quite ordinary at first glance. Behind this image or recommendation there is a certain vibration-frequency of being on the Route. It is not a Route in itself, but is like a signpost showing the path to happiness. A person who receives such a hint is free to choose what to do with it - whether to use the pointer and apply the Simoron image to get out of the problem space, or throw it into the inventory basket of life events, returning to the usual picture of the world.

Features of handling cute guys

An image or recommendation works best when you implement it yourself. It doesn't make much sense to just think about it or imagine it in any way. Possible options: fashion an image out of yourself (dressing up as one), attract your loved ones/friends/sympathizers and “create an image” from them, collect things from the surrounding space at random and create an image from them. It is better to directly implement Simoron’s recommendation the way you “want, like, purr”; its image should not perfectly match it exactly.

Handsome is an invitation to free creativity, so the execution of the Simoron image sometimes requires invention and creativity. For example, Simoronsky advice “Knead the carpet with a springboard.”

  • The bridgehead can be drawn or a suitable substitute can be assigned to its role. A book, a cat, a pen from a pocket - the very first thing that came from the space around. And then knead a very real carpet with it.
  • You can portray this image with an assistant (even with the same cat) in the form of a pantomime, distributing the roles of “carpet” and “springboard” between you and the cat.
  • The image can be sculpted like a sculpture from plasticine dough.
  • You can draw it and hang the painted picture so that your gaze meets it. This will remind you of your Master status.
  • Any Simoron image can be creatively turned into a recommendation and vice versa - a recommendation can be transformed into an image,

After completing the image-recommendation, you can go on with your business, which will add up in the best possible way.
And if you again encounter the same situation or remember and think about your desire, then reproduce your Simoron image again, repeating with your body some remembered movement from it.

An example from the life of the Simoronists

Often Simoron images are quite ordinary. A friend wrote to one simor player, complaining about some problem and asking what he should do. Simoronist worked with his feelings about this letter and at the end of working with himself, he came up with the recommendation “Go and buy crackers.” This is exactly what he wrote to his friend. A few hours later, a friend writes: “What did you do? I went for some crackers, came back, and the problem had already resolved.”

From the Internet

Burlanov's Simoron (real, because Burlan created it) is, IMHO, a stronger thing. Because:

  1. Doesn't use any trances. On the contrary, everything is done with open eyes, in awareness.
  2. Uses the state of emptiness, norms. Actually, the essence of the entire system is the art of creating emptiness and norms. In the head and body. And it is this emptiness that allows us to create what can be called miracles. We call it more simply: “coincidences,” and we are glad that the number of these coincidences among the simoronauts is simply monstrous.
  3. This state of emptiness and norm gives not only emptiness and norm, which in itself is not weak. There is also such an effect as... we call it “awakening the author”... this is something in us (true and deep), which is the author of our life and, apparently, is sleeping. When he (the author) wakes up (from one or another simoronautic action... wakes up for a second...), he manages to turn life around where it needs to go. That’s why there is a saying in Simoron: “The author is always right!” Because, here, I played tricks, played tricks - and changes began, and there is no need to be afraid of them - they are always necessary. And practice shows that yes, it is true.

What you should probably understand about simoron so as not to fall into misconceptions.

All that simoron does is create a norm. Silence. In my head. All. Well, yes, I already wrote about this... And the fact that the process of creating a norm can be fun and this silence itself gives interesting changes in reality - these are side effects of silence. Side effect inner harmony...

Therefore, “to spoil a yacht” is only possible if your optimal path in life (problem-free, happy) passes through owning a yacht and present moment you are troubled by its absence. Then, using the simoron technique, you can return to normal and awaken the author, who will change the realities of your life (and you are normal and will not interfere with your author with fears and other things) so that you will have a yacht.

There is no such thing as "nasimoronit" - it is not in simoron. But it’s probably possible to “dissimulate” (a problem, an illness)... If you have a problem of “lack of money”, then practices will help solve it in the form in which you feel comfortable at the moment and in the amount that you need .

Cimorone. Not all, of course. Some are attracted by the magical side of this matter. But you have to pay for everything. If a person has turned a certain situation in his favor, but has not changed himself, then life will restore balance. Let it be in other areas of life, even later, maybe extended over time, maybe all at once, but it will restore.

Those. Having practiced such magic, after a while a person, under the burden of suddenly arising and unsolvable problems (as one would like), begins to forget about Simoron. Since few people have enough strength and skills to immediately do something serious magically, the consequences are not so strong. But some find the line without crossing which they can use Simoron’s magic. However, the essence of Simoron is not this, but to maintain balance, centeredness, and soaring.

Quite recently, an amazing and, at first glance, seemingly completely illogical book fell into my hands, and in the end, after reading it, I was very pleased and even intrigued.

The title of this book, with esoteric knowledge and practices that are relatively new to me, sounds like " Beginner wizard course. A textbook of luck (Simoron)". Authors: V. Dolokhov, V. Gurangov (Papa and Beard).

As it turned out, these trends are not so new and quite a lot of people are familiar with the ideas presented in this book, and with Simoron practices in general, but few people understand why they work so easily, and indeed “what, where, when.” I will talk about this here in more detail, while trying to explain the pattern of this “phenomenon” and why these techniques can change your reality in principle.

I think, before moving on to the topic itself, it would not be fair not to mention Petru Terentyevich Burlana, who created the Simoron system. He is also the author of his own series of books in this area, but it just so happened that initially I came across the result of the work of Dolokhov and Gurangov. Therefore, their book will be discussed further.

The difference between Simoron and other esoteric movements

One of the most important points in Simoron system - this, unlike many other esoteric trends and knowledge, not just an empty explanation of the universal principles and laws according to which reality “functions”, but a clear interpretation of the technology of influencing the material world and a direct incentive to practical action. That is, having read this or that book with all sorts of esoteric directions, in most cases, we seem to begin to understand all the truths and principles by which the surrounding reality changes. Sometimes even while reading such knowledge, we experience breathtaking positive emotional outbursts (euphoria) - the feeling that this is what I have been looking for for so long, something that will allow me to be the master of my reality. But after reading the book to the end, such euphoria immediately disappears, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness, and the slightest result does not appear in the vast majority of people. And the point here is not at all that these methods do not work, but the following.

Why, unlike Simoron, many other esoteric knowledge do not give tangible results? :

  • Many people immediately forget about everything they have written and return to their former rhythm of life, intending to put into practice everything they read. And in most cases, this is facilitated by the overly detailed principles and techniques presented in these books, which are hidden behind a large number of monotonous pages, where words and expressions that are not understandable to everyone are used, and at the same time veiled in supposedly some kind of greatest wisdom or deep , universal meanings that are far from being revealed to everyone. And all this could be explained with ease and clarity in several main chapters. For example: Why and how it works; What and how most people do; What exactly and how (in detail) the reader needs to do so as not to be scared and see the first results in the near future. But the problem is that in today’s age of consumption, it is practically impossible to publish such a mini-book, since it will most likely resemble a manual rather than a full-fledged book and will not be able to recoup even the slightest part of the money spent on it. That's why authors have to spin around as much as possible, and as a result, a lot important information is forgotten, the rest is mixed into a “porridge” creating the impression that all this is complicated and “not for me.”
    The truth is always so simple that it’s even offensive!

    © V. Palevin "The Recluse and the Six-Fingered"

  • The rest of the people, those who still have the intention of using new knowledge, will most likely struggle a little when they try to apply any of the techniques they have read, but in the end they will simply give up due to completely unconscious and misunderstood statements of esoteric principles , about which we recently read with such zeal (it seems that all the principles by which the surrounding reality is changing are clear, even if you go and start preaching these secret truths to the people, but do something practical that actually realizes some tangible effect in your reality, what is really positive - it turns out that this was not the case: there remains a lot of all kinds of ambiguities, understatements, unawareness, mental blockages and unforeseen difficulties). Indeed, most of these directions contain a lot of different theories and explanations, but not what is really important, what should ultimately affect the layer of your world - the practice itself: what needs to be done, how it should be done, what “misunderstandings” may arise ", what pitfalls there are and the like. Therefore, very often, highly specialized training centers are created on the basis of such esoteric areas. Without them, on your own, it is very, very difficult to achieve certain results. With Simoron, everything is much simpler, and if you also want to enhance the results and sensations, you can attend one of the seminars.
  • There remains only a small percentage of people who are not used to giving up. They seemed to be able to understand something for themselves, and even realized most of the new information and, perhaps, determined what and how to apply it in practice. But it turns out that in order to be able to follow everything learned in theory and practice it in life, you also need to have incredible will, fortitude, extreme awareness, attentiveness, powerful energy, clarity of mind and an irresistible intention to achieve results. And now the question is: how often do you see such people in today’s times of various physiological and mental disorders, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, fears, radiation and much more.
Well, now about the differences:

A) So, the most important thing difference between Simoron techniques and most others- this is as little theory as possible, and as much explanation as possible practical material: what and how to do. And in addition, there are also a bunch of examples demonstrating how successfully these techniques were used by other people, so that everyone could find a situation similar to the one that has developed in his life and thereby be able to understand how to act effectively now (relates directly to the book discussed here, but and outside of it, as for me, Simoron’s technique is more focused on the result).
b) The second important point: the opportunity to influence not only your personal layer of reality, but also to positively influence the eventfulness of the lives of the people around you, their health, mood, material and spiritual well-being. For example, in most other esoteric directions, unless, of course, it is some kind of negative magic and not rare exceptions, it is stated that you cannot consciously influence any changes in the layers of reality of other people. The maximum that you are capable of is to change the result of the manifestation of another person in your world: for example, reduce the number of meetings with some individual unpleasant for you, change your attitude towards any actions that irritate you on his part, thereby reducing the manifestations of these actions relatively you, similar. Simoron techniques, for example, provide the opportunity to change the negative habits of people close to you (people from whom you cannot turn away), influence the improvement of their health, well-being, change positive side their attitude towards themselves and so on.
c) The next point that distinguishes the Simoron technique from all others is to work not so much with your inner worldview (with your thoughts and emotions), as with your projections, your reflections in the outside world, warning signals from the environment.

Simoronist does not concern himself with his personality, he deals with himself exclusively in his projections, in reflection on the external screen.
b) Well, the last one: there must be the most humorous, even paradoxical view of your life and everything that happens to it, without which most aspects of manifestation Simoronsky trace It will simply lose its power. Of course, it is present in almost every method for the conscious transformation of personality and reality, but how to achieve such an effect when all sorts of negative aspects of your existence are pressing from all sides is rarely explained. It’s impossible to simply stop thinking about what worries or frightens you; it’s also not always possible to transfer your attention to something else, but to bring your fears and anxieties to the point of absolute absurdity (which we learn about from Simoron’s techniques) , and then also sincerely smile at them, gives the result of almost complete neutralization of these anxieties in the layer of your reality. All that remains is to continue to “soar” and “absurd” everything around you.

What is Simoron and how does it work?

So, what is Simoron and why does it work?
From the explanation of the main Simoron's principles, we learn that the Simoron trace is present in each of us. This is a manifestation of the One Beginning, the Absolute, Truth, Infinite Creation, Pure Consciousness, Creative Energy, which created us and everything around us. - this is an endless complex of positive universal energies that is located within ourselves without any restrictions. Initially, this trace was given to us in all its infinite quantity, but over time we begin to lose it. This happens due to the fact that we unconsciously prevent the penetration of this life-giving light from ourselves into the surrounding reality, closing the spaces for its penetration by inventing mental packages for ourselves and everything around us, and also blocking its manifestation with our negative thoughts and emotions. We create something of an imbalance. Here's an excerpt from the book:
Simoron or life-giving principle is in each of us. It resembles something like a juggler who takes parts of his personality and throws them from one hand to the other. We transfer our natural, creative selves to each other, and as a result, a productive exchange is formed that contributes to the establishment of life on earth. If the juggler stops throwing and starts taking from one hand to the other, then eventually an imbalance will arise and one of the hands will be empty or less full. Observing disasters, misfortunes, accidents, life problems, we see exactly this picture - too much has been taken from one hand.
That is, our consciousness (our true Self) is filled every second with an incredible amount of positive life-giving energy and we must realize it, manifest it, continue it, radiate it on our external screen, in our layer of the world, transmit it further: we are initially filled with goodness and grace, so we need broadcast them in your world and we will again be filled with them in much larger quantities; prosperity and success have come to us - show it in your life, radiate success and enjoy life, give joy to others, breathe full breasts. But if we begin to look not inside ourselves, but at our reflection in the outside world, the reflection of our soul, in the mirror reflecting our internal sensations and consider it the main source of events, then we will unconsciously lead ourselves into a deep misconception: we need to take “OURSELF” as you can have more, otherwise “ME” won’t be enough; “I” am better, which means “THEY” are no match for me; how can “SOMEONE” do this to “ME”, after all, this is “ME”; You can’t trust “NO ONE” - there are “ONE” deceivers around who want to take away something “MINE”. But what can be “MINE”, who is “I” and who are “THEY”, if life is just a “GENERAL” collective illusion, although for everyone it is purely individual. This is just emptiness, it is no one’s and you can only continue it, develop it, manifest it, give the light coming to you further, thereby expanding it. If you do not do this, then Simoron stops flowing through your cracks, thereby oppressing certain areas of your reality with dark, unpleasant tones. And if that’s the case, then you don’t need this light - creative energy. It stops coming to you because it is unnecessary, because you don’t emit it or use it, it simply burns out without a trace.

If it is not clear to anyone what I am talking about here, then I will try to explain in simple language: you have Simoron, in some understanding this is your infinite soul. She is capable of anything without any limitations. The reality around you is a most detailed reflection of the state of your soul in at the moment in all the little things and “packages”. When the soul rejoices, laughs and has fun, when it creates (uses the energy coming to it), when it creates, thereby manifesting itself in reality/expressing itself, when it gives joy and hope to other people, then the life-giving light will never cease to flow to it act and reality will reflect in detail her positive state. If, on the contrary, the soul is forced to create what it does not like, if it brings only harm and negativity to others, if it is forced to experience fear and anxiety, anger and hatred, greed and pride, if it does not show (does not continue) itself in any way the external world, does not bring something of her own into it, if she is forced only to take without giving anything in return, then the light in her stagnates and does not illuminate the background of the external world, as a result of which it changes to a terrifying level, transforming the original paradise into hell.

When a person, instead of transmitting life-giving energy into a collective hologram ( the world around us), will only take it away, then he will suffer to a much greater extent than the rest of the world around him. The more I identify with myself, the more intently I engage in “self-rescue,” the more I destroy myself and others.

In fact, as has already been written, the world around us is our projection. And it is beneficial for us to broadcast goodness and success, to do good to our own projections and radiate happiness - this is our personal “selfish” interest. What we clog up our internal screen with (our thoughts and emotions) will appear on the external screen - in the layers of reality around us.
This principle of the world order creates an important and very necessary aspect that accurately reflects and warns a person about the danger that unconsciously arises in his inner world. If you experience or consciously fear, then warning signals will be reflected in the outside world in the form of all kinds of bad news, for example, on television. Or perhaps you will pass by strangers and accidentally hear them talking about some worries, fears, dangers, and the like. In general, any negativism that arises within you, according to its emotional coloring, will immediately begin to be reflected a little in the outside world. If a person does not react to such warnings in any way, does not change the course of his thoughts, does not stop suffering or being afraid, does not thank the universe for warnings about a negative change in his mental world, does not stop directing his attention to the negative aspects of life and the like, then these warnings will the signals will only intensify: if before they concerned only the distant layers of reality/people and society, which does not interact directly with a person, now little by little these warnings will begin to penetrate into the immediate personal environment, first reflected by certain problems in people’s lives distant acquaintances, then, if the person still does not react, in relationships with close friends and family, until they completely fill his life, making it unbearable. That is, negative or positive pictures on the external screen, even if they do not directly concern me or my environment, are a warning signal of what may happen to me after some time. If something negative is reflected, then you urgently need to change something in yourself or work through this signal, but if, on the contrary, something positive, then continue in the same spirit, it means you are on the right path.

One of the most significant observations of the Simoronov school is to work with pictures on a second screen, generated by the people themselves, as with warning signals.

From the book:

So, I am personally responsible for what happens in my field of vision. And if the picture outside of me does not correspond to my expectations - something destructive, some kind of misfortune, misfortune - then who could have done it besides me? “There’s no point in blaming the mirror when your face is crooked.” Since I, and only I, did it, then I can fix it. Therefore, the simoronist first of all tries to stop playing the game called “who is to blame?”, which almost all of humanity plays.

Immediately noticing, and then stopping these warnings - this is the main principle of the wizard, the main task of the "Simoronaut".

From the book:

Due to the fact that the world around us is nothing more than a hologram, an illusion that reveals itself depending on the ray of light we emit (Simoron), thereby creating for everyone their own individual layer of the world. What we emit, what we create, will be around us.
At the initial stage of Simoron’s system, elementary methods of correcting the external environment as a mirror reflecting myself, a conscious personality, are mastered. To change any negative manifestation, you need to change your attitude towards it. Simoronauts do this (later I will show how this happens) by correcting a signal coming from outside (negative reflection in the mirror).

I hope that you, at least a little, were able to understand what is meant by the word “Simoron” and now you can safely move on to explaining its basic techniques and principles that explain why in most cases they are so effective.

Simoron's Fundamental Principles

So, in Simoron there are several very important points, without which any techniques you use will simply lose their power or be extremely ineffective. They are taken as a basis, a springboard for further changes in the surrounding reality.

The world is a mirror
Any external manifestations and events are nothing more than incredibly accurate reflections/projections of our inner personality: certain emotions, thoughts, feelings, expectations, patterns of perception. This important principle must be understood once and for all. Otherwise, not only Simoron, but also any other esoteric techniques and practices will not bring you any results.

In any projection (situation) of the external world, even the most negative, there is always a positive moment, an element of creation.
In every destructive phenomenon that you may encounter, you can find a spark of hope, a positive moment in itself, because this spark is created by our own personality, Simoron. Having begun to unknowingly destroy something, in the mental or material world, a person simultaneously leaves a spark of revival and restoration. The Simoronist always tries to find this spark, tries to support in his projections what they have that is positive. He does not correct shortcomings, does not eradicate troubles, but finds everywhere and in everything the element of health, success, prosperity, happiness, joy and confirms them.

In order for Simoronov’s techniques to always work flawlessly, it is imperative to learn how to enter floating state. This state is one of the basic concepts, moreover, it is indescribably important, in Simoron system. Living in such a state is one of the main aspirations of a simoronist. When a person is “soaring”, can problems arise in his life or on his emotional background? negative emotions, requiring his attention? As stated in the book itself, the state of floating is quite difficult to describe, because for each person this state is subjective and individual. But something can still be said: when you soar, you are in harmony with yourself and the whole world around you, nothing should disturb you, you enjoy the world around you and treat life as exciting game. In the book " Beginner wizard course. Luck tutorial"The following metaphor is given, which in principle describes the state of soaring:

Once upon a time as a child I learned to ride a two-wheeled “Veterok” bicycle. I couldn't keep my balance. After driving a couple of meters, the bike, as if enchanted, once again fell on its side, and I flew onto the asphalt, receiving bruises and abrasions.
And then one day I managed to “catch” the balance position, and, desperately wagging the steering wheel, I drove off! Gradually I straightened the bike and felt that the dark blue Mustang was obeying me. It felt like I had become one with him and, with almost no effort to turn the pedals, I was rolling forward. The world around me: the gray asphalt of the sidewalk, and the long shadows from the setting sun, and the lilac bushes, and the old hollow pear tree, and the chirping of birds, and the gentle summer breeze - all this acquired some other, elusive, inexplicable meaning in words. In this new world, and every next moment was unique and absorbed me entirely.
Any other person has also experienced a state of floating many times in his life, when, for example, he learned to walk, dance, draw, swim, and so on and so forth...
In addition, it should be added that in order to keep yourself on the wave of “soaring”, you must first of all not set this task for yourself. After all, waiting for a result is planning, focusing on a destination, that is, premature departure from the soaring orbit. When a person stops planning for a specific result and for the time to achieve it, he also stops limiting the creativity and capabilities of nature, which very often can exceed even our most daring calculations. One of the main aspects of the ability to “soar” is to live here and now, to live in this particular period of time and always remember that you are just playing.

Powerful energy
And one more important point in Simoron’s system, which for some reason is not disclosed in this book, is a powerful energy that must be possessed not only by people who practice anything from esotericism and the like, but also by any other person who wants to be at least to some extent master of your life. After reading the book, you can indirectly understand that the authors and many other people who practice Simoron techniques also practice all kinds of techniques for, but for some reason this important point is not directly mentioned. Perhaps something was written about this in other books by the author V. Dolokhov and V. Gurangov dedicated to the Simoron series, which I will definitely read again, but in this book it is omitted.
Of course, if you learn to be in a state of soaring, then your energy will automatically begin to increase, just because you will stop wasting it on all kinds of experiences, stress, anxieties, fears, tensions and the like. Also, by practicing the Simoron system, you will begin to spiritually nourish your energy potential even more, becoming convinced of your ability to control your world. But quite often, for a number of reasons, all this is not enough.
Energy (I will describe how to raise it to an exorbitant level in THIS ARTICLE) is generally the most fundamental foundation possible. She is the basis of everything. Having a sufficiently strong charge of your spirit, even without all kinds of esoteric practices you will be able to feel how reality begins to obey your will, creative and constructive power will overwhelm everything in your body and mind, and a positive mood and even causeless happiness will not leave you.
My focused advice to you: if you want to categorically change your life, while adding to it many new positive feelings, moments of joy, happiness, etc., then first of all you need to work on your energy. Unfortunately, whether intentionally or not, this point is not always highlighted in such books or on Internet pages. But in vain - many techniques and methods sometimes turn out to be ineffective for some people precisely because this point is ignored.


Read the continuation of this article at the following link: " Simoron techniques and why they work". Where we will dwell in more detail on practice: the four stages of signaling; how to work with signals; why Simoron is so effective; And the techniques themselves.

The technique of wish fulfillment called simoron is a little familiar to you. You’ve already tried some with cabbage, flowerpots, red panties, soda, semolina or with a charger stuck in your wallet. Someone has everything FUCKED, and someone is surprised and indignant, “nothing is happening yet.”

Questions arise: What is the secret of Simoron techniques, why do they work? Are there magical principles in everyday life?

Take a notepad and write down magic recipe for happiness for daily use!

From a psychological point of view, the goal of simoron is to overcome destructive psychological attitudes, usually fueled by the classic teenage inferiority complex. Often, caring relatives with the best intentions explain to their children: “Well, who are you such a bungler, lazy person?” (underline as appropriate). A person grows up hypnotized by these attitudes... And where, pray tell, will happiness come from in his life?

Technique "Minus" - to "plus"

It's time to change something in life! But what? Quit your job, your wife (husband)? Exchange a dog for a cat? Should we move to a place that is still good because we are not there? All of the above is a classic example of the destructive habit of thinking in negative categories. The universe exists thanks to the eternal law of harmony, which states: “Like begets like.”

Let me remind you of one anecdote:

A man is riding on a trolleybus to work, immersed in thoughts: “The wife drank, the children are imbeciles, the boss is a bastard...”, and an angel behind him writes down and thinks: “What self-sacrifice! And every day he orders the same thing!”

How not to waste your happiness?

The technology for success is extremely simple. It consists of three main components:

  1. wish
  2. positive
  3. action

If you don’t like something in life, immediately ask yourself a question: "What do I want?". And formulate your request not as a complaint, but as a positive statement!

In the morning we woke up and, lying with our eyes closed, we immediately performed the ritual: “Today is a joyful day for me, three miracles will happen to me.” Snap your fingers right hand: “I allow it!” We snap the fingers of our left hand: “I cancel all obstacles!”

Let’s not be lazy – we repeat the ritual every day.

At first, the miracles will be small: the transport arrived on time, the weather is pleasant, the colleagues are smiling. Noticed small miracle- thank the Universe mentally and ask: “How can this get better?”

Your soul will tune in to the positive, you will begin to broadcast it into space, and space will begin to reflect the positive back to its source - you!

Is loneliness a torment? Pardon me, do you even like men?

If you think about why you are still single and answer this question honestly, the answer will surprise you. As a rule, a woman feels that “nobody needs” her. And if you explore your immediate surroundings, you will find that there are many people who simply need you. Another thing is that they are not suitable for you!

What to do?

Change minus to plus! From this moment, we tune in to ours: we determine for ourselves what qualities your chosen one should have, and attract masculine energy and love into our life:

“My beloved man is a great conversationalist, an excellent owner, a generous provider, a reliable friend, a wonderful lover, I adore him!”

The fact that your betrothed has not yet reached you does not mean that he does not exist in nature. He is there, just a little busy. The task is to match the declared qualities yourself. After all, like attracts like - remember? Be patient and practice self-improvement!

All women are like women, and I am a fairy!

Who are you - an offended and disappointed depressed person? From now on, we rename ourselves: beloved, happy, lucky, beautiful, adored, delightful, energetic, successful. And no one says that being a sorceress is easy. Even the simplest technologies only work when they are actively used.

In order for the red braid to grow to the waist, it is not enough to buy a comb, you need to comb the braid regularly with this comb!

So, let’s scratch, dear ones, scratch, apply the magical techniques of simoron in practice, scratch our happiness along the silken sides, and it grows, personal, huge, sugary! And I almost forgot, learn it right.

That’s the whole secret of how Simoron’s techniques work! Have you recorded it? Are you ready to start?

Simoron (one of the directions is OxHumoron) is an exclusively Russian invention, which every day is gaining more and more popularity throughout the world. The school of wizards "Simoron" was founded at the end of the twentieth century by Peter and Petra Burlan, who gained many followers.

What is Simoron? Some people think that this is just a set of techniques for realizing desires. The respected Wikipedia by all of us calls Simoron a school of gaming psychotraining. There is an opinion that simoron is directly related to esotericism. Most likely, simoron is a way of thinking, a life position. And the main thing in simoron is a positive worldview. A person is open to the world, and the world always comes to meet him, helping to fulfill his cherished desires. What does the word "simoron" mean? Even the founders of the Simoron movement find it difficult to answer this question, declaring that “Simoron” is nothing more than a simple set of sounds, and inviting each of us to fill this set of sounds with meaning independently, to our own taste.

Simoron techniques and rituals are any absurd action performed by a wizard in order to realize his desires. The Simoron ritual is always improvisation, always a game, a comparison of incomparable phenomena and concepts. For people with standard, stereotyped thinking, the description of Simoron rituals evokes an unambiguous reaction: “What nonsense!” “Yes, this is nonsense!” - Simoron's followers joyfully confirm: the more absurd the wizard's action, the faster his wish will come true, and this has been proven by practice! But don’t rush to write every wizard crazy: we won’t drag a five-year-old child into a madhouse who puts sand into molds with a scoop and claims that it’s a cake. All wizards are people with an absolutely healthy psyche, because they are aware that Simoron techniques are just a game, and the rules of the game are invented by the wizard himself, in the process of the “action” itself. To perform Simoron rituals, you do not need to have any superpowers, you do not need to be a psychic, and no special training is required. The magician lies in every person, and simoron always works for everyone, provided the right attitude and competent formulation of desire.

The state of hovering is a state necessary for performing Simoron rituals. In a state of soaring, a person feels that wings are growing behind his back, in other words, “it’s breathtaking!” We are in a state of soaring when we are happy, when we are having fun, when we are giving birth. interesting ideas. The impetus for the state of soaring can be your favorite music, a happy memory, good news, even reading jokes and watching humorous programs. Anyone can enter this state; it’s not difficult at all. In short, vaping is bliss!

The State of Splenia or the State of Pleasant Laziness is the wizard’s favorite state. This is peace, smooth good mood, calm confidence in one’s abilities is a worthy alternative to the constant hassle and desire to bang one’s head against a closed door, which one suffers from modern society. While a person with standard thinking “fights on the barricades” for any little thing, pouring “sweat and blood” on it, the wizard finds open door and takes what he wants for free.

Self-overtaking is a famous Simoron ritual, which allows you to invest in the “business” exactly the number of units of mental energy that is necessary to realize a desire in a minimum period of time. It is human nature to dream, every now and then returning in thoughts to one’s own desire. During the time that we spend on empty dreams, constantly tormented by doubts and disbelief in the possibility of realizing our desires, a lot of energy is wasted. But the desire remains a dream. Self-overtaking allows us to avoid this. The ritual can be performed anywhere and at any time. Wizards distinguish between sweet and bitter self-overtaking. Sweet self-overtaking consists in the fact that we mentally scroll through the entire scenario of the realization of our desire - either silently or out loud - and bring the situation to the point of absurdity. For example, when ordering money, we don’t stop at a suitcase with banknotes (“I have enough to live on!”), but make it out of money paper boats and we launch them into the Mediterranean Sea, sitting on board our own yacht on the way to our summer residence somewhere in Italy - that’s how much money I have, there’s nowhere to put it! And they are caught with a net by crabs and jellyfish in blue scarves. When self-overtaking there are and should not be any prohibitions, no restrictions! We dream until we get bored. For some it takes five minutes, for others ten, for others an hour, no one is rushing us. We must be so “fed up” with our desire that we no longer want to mentally return to it. It is at that moment when we feel that we are tired of dealing with this nonsense that we remember the very last image that arose in our head. You can sketch it: such a drawing will be called “SIM-PAT” or, affectionately, “cute guy”.

Bitter self-overtaking is carried out on the principle of sweet self-overtaking, but for a completely different reason. If a person is afraid of something, if he is regularly tormented by fears and doubts, then unpleasant thoughts constantly creep into his head. Living under constant stress is not magical, but nervous system simply destructive. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that with our fears we unwittingly lay down the “sufferer and loser” program for ourselves. After all, thought is material, and we can unwittingly attract negativity into our lives. To get rid of your own fears, bitter self-overtaking is used. We, in the same way as in the first case, mentally scroll through the scenario of events, but this time we are immersed in own fears and - again - we bring the situation to the point of absurdity, so that the terrible becomes funny. This is a very important point: if we scroll through a negative scenario, but do not fix some final image (funny and meaningless), then the risk of attracting troubles into our lives is very high. And if we settled on something ridiculous, funny, but not at all scary, this means that we jumped out of an unpleasant situation, and events will no longer develop according to the bad scenario that lived for so long in our frightened imagination.

A cute guy, or rather, SIM-PAT (Simoronian patent for making a wish come true) is a fancy drawing or image that we draw after finishing self-overtaking. The cute guy symbolizes the Simoron route - that shortest path, along which the Universe will lead us on the path to the realization of desires, bypassing the scenario that would be offered to us in ordinary reality. We don’t have to draw a cute guy; any image can be suggested to us by the surrounding reality - a random melody, a fragment of a phrase, the aroma of perfume or the smell of some food. Experienced wizards often do without a cute guy, but beginners need one. Any object that somehow resembles cuteness can be a sign of encouragement to the wizard, showing that he is going in the right direction.

Signs of support, fireflies, TAKs - these are clues that the wizard regularly encounters on his way. An object or drawing that resembles the “cute” created by the wizard is not necessarily a sign of support. Any good news, any beautiful melody, etc., etc. can become your firefly. There is no need to specifically look for signs of support: they pop up on their own in unexpected places and at unexpected times.

The “Cowards on the Chandelier” ritual is a widely known and very easy to use universal Simoron ritual. You need to formulate your intention and throw your panties on the chandelier. The time the panties were on the chandelier and further actions- at the discretion of the wizard. Ideally, panties should be red.

The slipper ritual is one of the most powerful magical rituals for attracting suitors and changing your personal life for the better. It is brilliantly described in several books by L. Moussa, but in brief its essence is as follows: Buy new men's slippers (the quality of the slippers matters, the size is optional, the color and style are any), let them stand in the hallway for three days. Do not wear it or let anyone wear it. Three days later, put the slippers on your hands, open the front door, turn them with your toes towards the apartment, stamp them three times and say: “The betrothed-mummer (description of the desired betrothed) appear!” (Or other wording at the discretion of the sorceress). It is further recommended to carry slippers with you to places where people of the opposite sex gather. Male wizards who want to arrange their personal lives are recommended to purchase women's slippers. Any improvisation is welcome.

The number 27 is considered a magical number by all followers of the simoron system. No one will give an exact answer why the number 27 was chosen. But to the question: “When?” any wizard will answer without hesitation: “In 27,” without naming the units of measurement. 27 minutes, 27 seconds, 27 days, 27 cutlets eaten, 27 flies caught... For those who like to find an explanation for any phenomenon, there is a version of the origin of the number 27. In Russian folklore, as in the folklore of many other nations, great importance is attached to the number 3 And if the number 3 is also raised to the third power? We get exactly the number twenty-seven!

PKM and VKM – a familiar picture of the world and a magical picture of the world. PCM is commonplace, everyday reality and standard thinking. VKM is a parallel reality in which miracles happen. Absurdity, combinations of incongruous things and the use of objects for other purposes are welcome! Finding yourself in a magical reality is very simple - jump from a stool, step over an imaginary line, take the elevator... or perform any other action at the discretion of the wizard. The main thing is to decide for yourself that at the moment we are moving into a magical reality!