You quit, what a pity that you quit.
All paths are now open to you.
Now you can lie in bed to your heart's content,
After all, you don’t have to go to work.
We wish you flowers of fragrance
And a million untrodden roads.
Well, good luck in your endeavors
And a wallet full to the brim.

If changes in life are always for the better,
Don't regret anything, there will be happiness in the future.
After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,
You will relax and you will be surprised by your work in a new place.

And we also wish - don’t forget about us,
We will remain friends, so please come visit us.
We wish you happiness, it will be - so you know,
We will congratulate you on your new job soon!

Dear you are our colleague, we respect you very much.
And today, as a team, with slight sadness, we say goodbye.
You were an example for us, good friend and support
Infecting every day with optimism and enthusiasm.
Your kind smile warmed me with warmth.
You leave, guided by a guiding star.
We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.
Don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you are leaving our team,
To rush to new shores.
You leave us alone to work,
And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you unprecedented luck,
To solve effectively and easily
Fates, sometimes difficult tasks
And may you flourish in your new place!

Cool wishes for a colleague upon dismissal

You decided to leave us, well - good luck with everything.
We will have to solve problems here without you.
We will remember you as a whole team.
Your site is tough, it is not for the lazy.
Finally, we wish you happiness,
You can hold him, we know that for sure.
If anything happens, grab it by the tail, hug it, and that’s it,
Warm it on your chest, but look, don’t brag,
It’s better to just share it like that, because that’s how it is
If you start giving it to people, it will come back threefold.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change,
Guiding star, let him lead you through life boldly.
There will be a new job, interesting, cool.
And with a huge salary, to relax in Hawaii.

The management will be kind and will appreciate it according to its merits
And he will be more likely to move up the career ladder.
In general, it’s like this: there’s no need to be sad, you have to keep your nose up,
Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, good riddance!
It’s not for nothing that they say: “The way to dinner is a spoon.”
Looks like you've found a nicer place somewhere?
Don't be angry, it's a joke. We wish you warmly
Peaceful sky, health and, of course, good luck,
A fighting mood and a lot of love to boot.
To live and work with passion and inspiration.
You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will see you off
We have a good trip to you,
Now we have to plow here alone,
But don't forget us!

Come visit more often -
For tea and just like that!
We wish you to find
More new benefits!

Wishes to a colleague upon dismissal in prose

It's always a pity to part with, and especially with good people. You leave, but we stay. You leave not because it’s bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. May you only meet in life good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

Well, the time has come to raise the sails and set off on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will definitely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and only move forward, towards new horizons!

Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause. You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Meet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, true prosperity, and amazing benefits!

Wishes for a retiring colleague in your own words

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best things await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear you. We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to search, move forward, strive for the ideal. May all barriers clear away and all doors open before you. We sincerely wish this for you.

It's very sad to part. We left behind many common working days, successful beginnings, and achievements. We will truly miss you. But we believe that everything will be great for you: a new interesting job, a good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find words for you that will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious, fruitful work. As we see you off, our team wishes you good, indestructible health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and Caucasian longevity!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. This means that unknown horizons await you and, perhaps, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. Let these changes be positive!

Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

It's hard to break up with you. After all, today a mentor and friend, an experienced worker and simply good man. But your desire is the law, and no one can stop you from moving towards a better life. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the lives of each of us.
Good luck in your endeavors,
success ahead.
This is how it is, and not otherwise -
Have a nice trip!

In life, sometimes you have to make difficult, life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them. It’s a pity to leave, but we must hope and believe that all the best is ahead: new prospects, a friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words - the beginning of a new interesting life.
Bring changes into your life
Sometimes it's not easy,
But always be brave in life
And fate will smile again!

We, your colleagues, regret to part with you. You were an example of hard work and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help your fellow workers. Thank you very much from the entire team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you:

Our friendly team expresses gratitude to you.
Let neither thorns nor thunderstorms stand in your way.
As friends for you: fair wind, hello to the clear sun.
We sincerely wish you health and many years to come!

Colleague, congratulations on your dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always looking forward to your visit!

You have a close-knit team
Wishing you nice days,
Wonderful new prospects,
Good colleagues like us!

Looking for congratulations on leaving your job? Come in! On Fani Hani you will find the best selection original congratulations with leaving work. Choose exactly the greeting that you like. Congratulate the person via SMS. Or write the verse on a postcard and give it in person with a gift. Our poems can also be used as a toast at a holiday. After all, they contain the most sincere and original words Congratulations to the people closest to you.


Finally you made up your mind
Old life give an answer
And said goodbye to work,
New life seeing the light.

We wish you success
And achievements along the way.
Lots of happiness, light, laughter
You will definitely find it.

And let leaving work
It will be a great holiday.
And all the troubles and worries
Let them melt away like smoke.


Today you are leaving a friendly team.
Let your departure mean & laquo; to a new breakthrough!
May your career only go up.
And let the salary also rise with it!

Let your new colleagues be greeted well,
It would be easy to work with them.
We will often remember you,
Let's be honest: we will miss you!


Forget work, like a dream,
Nightmarish, wild, unpleasant.
Go quietly to your sweet home,
Embraced by freedom of choice!

We will miss you
There are only a few good people,
Not everyone could understand you,
But the time has come, it's time to say goodbye.


It was very nice to work with you:
Yes, sometimes it's serious, and sometimes it's funny.
You did your job well,
And they carried out all their plans.

Start the working day with a smile
And they also pushed us in our work.
Of course, you worked without being lazy,
Sharing his energy with us.

We wish you a happy rest now,
Well-being so that it is deserved.
Clear sun and blue skies to you,
Love, good luck, joy, miracles!


Everyone has their own path.
And even though you leave our office,
And there is still so much ahead -
And only what you dream about.

It's always so hard to go
From an already familiar place,
But we continue to be friends
At least not together at work.

We are sure that it will only go uphill
Now your business will go
And from income and success
Your head will be spinning.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Reach the peaks, and all at once,
But despite the achievements,
Don't forget old colleagues.

Cool congratulations upon dismissal from work


Today the team is suffering,
And the file cabinet became thinner.
After all, today we are seeing off
A wonderful person.

You employee is simply a miracle:
Smart, responsive, everyone is welcome.
And let it be in the new place
You have the right job.

To have a lot of money and success,
Well, the employees are nice,
More joyful laughter.
What if we always wait back.


Apparently, you're tired of worries?
The news took everyone by surprise
That you are leaving your job...
And a sigh of envy escaped.

We are all tired from work.
We wish we could rest more!
What are you aiming for?
We will miss you.

You are leaving our team.
Well, we tell you, God bless you!
And we wish you only good luck,
After all, there are many opportunities in life.


All worries are off your shoulders,
No reports
You can safely go home
Well, work!

I admit, we don’t feel sorry for you,
It's a shame for myself:
You will forget the sadness
Well, we are envious!


Dismissal from work
This is something new
New place, new people
But no one will judge you.

Colleagues appreciated you in the team,
Always smiling, positive
On new job you won't get lost
We are sure that you will not let us down.

Good luck to you, success in your career,
Shine like a star at a premiere
Develop your skills and abilities
And don’t forget your old colleagues.


Let leaving work
Will be beneficial
Position every year
It just grows.

Let it be in a reliable bank
Your score multiplies
And in a new place
You will be honored.

New colleagues
They will be like friends.
And will support you in everything
Friendly family.

Cool congratulations on leaving work - poetry, prose, SMS


Leaving work... Is there such a holiday?
But this is Russia... And every prankster
He knows that this day can also be celebrated.
After all, every morning, like a sleepy groundhog
No need to go to work now
And live from Monday until Saturday.
Freedom is always freedom in everything
From morning to evening, night and day!


Leaving work is a holiday too!
It needs to be properly celebrated!
And here the culprit is completely unlucky
Forget about a celebration for loved ones!

Breathe and enjoy freedom now -
You start with a clean slate!
Don't think about money or the weather -
Luck will not keep you waiting.


We part, and goodbye
I want to tell me so much
Wish you good luck, prosperity,
Remember everything, don’t forget about us!

Let them appreciate and love you,
Treasure you, as we always do.
They will accept you right away, they will even caress you,
They never scold at all.

Let him be found in the new team
Close, dear soul -
The girl is smart, kind, beautiful,
So that life with her becomes good!


Leaving a job is not easy
After all, you have been related to her with all your heart for a long time.
But, once you change the place you have acquired,
It's probably outdated!

Go ahead, dare, new heights await
And new victories are ahead!
Life is decorated with new beginnings,
You can find happiness in them!


Today you resign from your position,
But this news definitely doesn’t make us any warmer.
After all, many will think again:
Well, why doesn't time go back?

We worked together fine, no doubt
And how we will be now is a secret.
They got used to you and seemed to have grown into you
The whole team, no matter how you look at it.

So may you always be lucky in everything,
And the black cat will bypass your path.
And if you want to come back to us,
Then boldly open the door and come in!

Wishes when leaving work


We'll miss you
After all, you are leaving work,
But we want to wish
Earn twice as much -
Happiness, money and love,
May your choice be correct
So that your dreams can
Everything will come true on the first
There is always a place for you to be
We wish you prosperity
And strengthen your health,
And find your calling
To avoid problems
Sideways, and weren’t looking!
And support for families -
Constantly inspiring!


The order was signed, a decision was made,
You are leaving your home,
Everything happened in an instant,
The staff here is still having a fiesta -
We want to see you off and wish you
Stay in a new place longer
And quickly defeat competitors,
Income grows every year!


Completed works at this place,
Your ship is heading on a new course.
I wish that leaving work,
Didn't cause sadness in your heart.

I wish to find a suitable place,
Where you will supposedly be home.
I hope there will always be luck,
It is right to follow you everywhere.


Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now there is a new life ahead.
You have now become just a pilot
An airplane named "Life".

May it now be faithful, successful
New, currently chosen route.
Let any problems, tasks
They will solve it easily, without confusion!


Completed cases, submitted reports,
And your desk is already empty.
Are you leaving us for another place?
But you managed to do a lot of things.

We are accompanying you kind words
And we will often remember together.
We wish you only prosperity,
And career growth will not keep you waiting!

Poems when leaving work


Freedom, all horizons are open,
Another job is on the way.
I don’t want to lose you as a colleague,
But we know that the best is yet to come.

But this is for the future, and today
We want to celebrate the (strange) departure.
We want to wish you only the best
And sleep for all of us, my friend.


We are very sorry to part, we can’t hide it,
But new doors are opening for you,
Everyone will love you at your new job
Everyone will see you trying.

May only luck accompany you,
Recognition of the team and new friends.
Of course, we wish you happiness in addition,
And many successful and joyful days.


The team deserves love and respect,
Go today, but we know without a doubt
Find something better. And this is without question.
We wish you success in your career of new growth,
We wish you a white and big salary,
So that the work is not dusty, but simple,
So that all the plans set are fulfilled
And everyone would be surprised at your efforts!


Congratulations on your relief!
Your worries went out the door,
Let's celebrate with joy
Your leaving this job!

Don't be sad and don't be sad -
The stage has already been passed,
Quickly gather your courage,
To work & laquo; to your liking!


Everyone has moments in life,
When we are ready to experiment.
And, apparently, your turn has also come,
Leaving work took us by surprise.

Well, now that you have decided, we wish you success,
So that this decision does not become a hindrance
For new achievements and new heights,
You always strive only forward!

Congratulations on your last working day


Another stage has been completed
And new heights are ahead.
After thinking about everything, you took this step -
I wanted to leave my ex’s work.

Well, go for it, all paths are open.
Look only for what you like.
We wish you not to pass by happiness
And so that it doesn’t skid on a bend!


Leaving work is a joy or a misfortune?
It’s not for us to judge all this...
And I just wish you happiness,
Always remember one thing:
That there is family, friends, colleagues.
We will never forget
Our career successes,
We will remember you forever!


You gave your strength to the work,
They honestly deserve a vacation,
Therefore leaving work
Better holidays, Saturdays.

Have a good rest,
Take a walk with your soul,
Get away again
Don't get up for work.


You slammed the door from work and left
And walking with a proud gait
The boss looked away
Wiping away men's tears.

He couldn't hold you
And now he’s biting his elbows
And get all angry at yourself
After all, the genius is gone, he understands...

And a genius in a couple of days
After resting and taking a hot bath,
He will enter any door,
Prove everything with deeds.


You are now a free guy,
You are a free person.
We wish with all our hearts
Relax for a lifetime!

Get creative
Look for new thoughts
So that at a new job
Could shine with ideas!

May you not know loans
Let there be more time
So that in the new team
Grow up to the prize!

Wishes for work colleagues upon dismissal - on leaving work


Our entire friendly team
Accompanying you today
Let there be only positivity on this day,
Warmth and friendship surround you!

We wish you a new life,
Happy, joyful and cool,
So that all plans come true,
And all the problems disappeared!


It's so sad to part with a person,
That in the team he became one of our own, family.
But now we wish you success
And new achievements and perspectives!

Leaving work is a new step:
Let it be as fate wills.
Let fate open its door
For happiness, for health and goodness!


Congratulations on the new round in your life-with-care from my old job. I wish you to lose absolutely nothing, but, on the contrary, to discover new horizons of great ideas and opportunities, new aspirations and prospects. I wish you good luck, positive thinking, confidence and successful implementation of all your plans.


Today we have to say goodbye to you,
We worked side by side for many years,
I really want to ask you to stay,
But life writes a different story for you.

So may luck smile on you,
Health, happiness, new prospects,
Let your optimism remain with you,
Bring only positive things to people!


It was a pleasure to work with you,
It's a pity that you decided to leave us.
But everything has already been decided irrevocably.
We want to wish you good times!

You have new goals, prospects,
Only let success await you ahead.
Believe in yourself, be positive.
Happiness, good luck on your new path.

Wishes for a person leaving work


You are part of the team
It will be difficult without you
But as we say goodbye, we wish you
The new path is easy to follow,

Hundreds of bright achievements
And great prospects.
May it be as friendly
There will be a new team!

We are always glad to see you,
Always remember this!
I wish you happiness, warmth, luck,
Peace, light and goodness!


You are leaving work
There will be new worries
Interests translated into,
To new goals of aspiration!

We are now left alone
We will miss you,
Don't disappear at all
Come visit us sometimes.

We are grateful to you for your work,
We agree in our wishes:
Be happy forever
And definitely healthy!


What a pity that you are leaving today
Our well-coordinated and friendly team,
You constantly radiate joy,
And you give everyone goodness and positivity!

We wish your life to work out
Of bright, very colorful flowers,
So that everything you want happens,
We would like to wish you successful days!


We worked together amicably, fruitfully,
We are sad to part with you, no doubt.
Still, let’s not create dampness,
We will try to see you off together,

Wish you good luck, wish you happiness,
And we also wish not to forget us,
May everything work out well and smoothly for you,
We will meet, and more than once!


Quitting work is very important
Just think, and it seems scary,
But don't be afraid of anything in the world,
Live simply, honestly and easily!

Let the days go by, but the heart does not grow old,
The soul and body are only getting younger,
Now there is no need to rush anywhere,
So try to cherish it!

Let there be guests, joy and smiles,
And a very big fish is caught,
And there will be happiness everywhere and in everything,
And your sweet home will become the warmest!

Original congratulations on leaving work


You employee is simply class!
It's a pity we didn't keep you.
Let him go to a new job
You always rush eagerly.

To have inspiration
And a big car of patience,
Creative impulse everywhere
And a close-knit team.

And the salary, clearly, is more
To drive the new Porsche.
So that the authorities are fair
Encouraged and praised.

So that we are not forgotten
And they visited more often!


The time has come to part with this work and I want to wish you not to regret anything, to leave in your memory vivid memories of your victories, of your achievements. May you have many more interesting and exciting things ahead in which you will be able to show yourself from all your best sides. I wish you good luck, success, self-realization, prosperity and persistent optimism! Congratulations on leaving your job!


A drop of soul remains here,
Friends, comrades and best friends,
And you are all very good too,
And you remain a wonderful friend to us!

We wish that the new team
I loved you, as we love you today,
Your optimism and general positivity,
I imagined you as an avid lover of life!

I wish you success and joy in everything,
And new achievements, inspiration,
Let everything around you be warm and cozy,
Wild blossoms to the soul and heart!


What a pity that it's time to say goodbye
Someday it comes to everyone.
What a pity that there is some reason:
A man is leaving work.

We were all very pleased
Working in one team
We wish this experience
You kept good memories!

We will be glad to meet you
At work, outside of work,
May the strength of spirit be eternal,
Horizons will be open!


There is no more interesting concern,
Why quit your job completely?
There is only a white sheet ahead,
It's so exciting that it's clean.

Don't forget about us
At least visit sometimes.
We wish you all the best.
Changes are a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
The anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you good luck
On a future adventure.

The final day of your work -
With flowers and balloons,
An invaluable worker
We'll see you off on vacation.
And expressing gratitude,
We say thank you,
It's great with you
We all worked.
We won't leave you alone
And we will tease
Support and advice
We sometimes ask!

Finally you made up your mind
Give an answer to the old life
And said goodbye to work,
New life seeing the light.
We wish you success
And achievements along the way.
Lots of happiness, light, laughter
You will definitely find it.
And let leaving work
It will be a great holiday.
And all the troubles and worries
Let them melt away like smoke.

Once this happens,
So so be it.
Who suddenly leaves work -
Don't go to work.
You can lie down in the morning
On the bed and then
Don't rush, don't run away -
Low start and exactly at seven.
It's all a thing of the past
Congratulations on this.
It will be difficult at first
After all, habit is above us.
You will find yourself in someone else
A matter that is important to people.
Yes, and come visit us,
Let's drink tea without any fuss.
Congratulations on making the decision
Our age is complex, not simple.
You were in a hurry to find yourself,
Well, we are here for you!
Let's sum it all up
Sending congratulations!

Today the team is suffering,
And the file cabinet became thinner.
After all, today we are seeing off
The most wonderful person.
You employee is simply a miracle:
Smart, responsive, everyone is welcome.
And let it be in the new place
You have the right job.
So that there is a lot of money and success,
Well, the employees are nice,
More joyful laughter.
What if we always wait back.

Everyone has their own adventures in life,
Why are there reproaches and moralizing?
You beat an employee - a miracle,
Without you, things will honestly be worse.
May you be without sadness on this day
We started living from scratch,
So that the team greets you in good spirits,
And at a new job there is only luck.
That there is a lot of money and success,
So that there are tears only from laughter,
Greet the new day with a smile,
Well, don't forget about us.

Cases completed, reports submitted,
And your work table is already empty.
Are you leaving us for another place?
But you managed to do a lot of things.
We say goodbye to you with kind words
And we will often remember together.
We wish you only prosperity,
And career growth will not keep you waiting!

Mix into one glass
We are joy and sorrow
Are you leaving work?
And we are extremely sorry.
Work book for you
Solemnly presented
Says goodbye today
The team is with you.
We wish you happiness
And for many, many years,
More than once we will
Ask you for advice.

We'll miss you
After all, you are leaving work,
But we want to wish
Earn twice as much -
Happiness, money and love,
May your choice be correct
So that your dreams can
Everything will come true on the first
There is always a place for you to be
We wish you prosperity
And strengthen your health,
And find your calling
To avoid problems
Sideways, and weren’t looking!
And support for families -
Constantly inspiring!

Leaving work - yours
There are pros and cons to this,
Unasked questions
Unfound answers.
We wish you a new job
Become richer and cooler
The fish is looking for where it is deeper,
And man, where is it better?
We wish you career growth,
Take a high position
Always achieve success
Don't forget old colleagues.

It's decided. You're leaving work
The moment of parting has come,
New turns await in life,
Don't let them lead you into a dead end.
Let there be something you love.
Reach all your desires and heights.
You act decisively and boldly
And remember us sometimes.

With leaving work

To my beloved
No more worries
Get up early in the morning
And hurry up from work,
To get some rest.
Congratulations on your dismissal
That is, with an indefinite leave!
There will be changes in favor
For health, that's for sure!

From colleagues and superiors
And no bonuses, no benefits
Couldn't keep you
You quit your job
They preferred to be free.
We understand, valuable personnel
Home and family were chosen,
What is more important, of course,
For those who live lovingly!

Poems about leaving work
So you left work,
Congratulations! You are a hero!
And problems and worries,
Everyone was left behind.
Away from everyday routine,
Running around and bustle,
A gray work picture,
You're free again.
New plans, same as before
Your new path is ahead,
Take hope with you
And don't forget good luck!

As always, I woke up early,
Busy, full of worries,
You whisper something incessantly,
Ahh - probably about banknotes,
I'll come and sit next to you,
I’ll say quietly: “Darling, what are you doing?
Calm down - congratulations
Congratulations on leaving your job!”

I found something to congratulate you on, you say,
And of course I will listen
But won't you connect
All the best with a job abandoned?
Yes, to the human body
There is no explanation in science!
And I’m not surprised - there’s nothing
But congratulations nonetheless.

Congratulations on your dismissal!
Finally decided! Hooray!
You deserve respect for yourself!
And it's time to leave that job,
Where the salary was symbolic,
And absolutely no prospects!
This historical stage has been passed,
A new team awaits ahead!

You told us today
That it's time for us to part.
Have you found a job?
And you won't leave in the morning.
We miss you when we part,
But we are always waiting for you to visit.
Our colleague, we don't know
How can we live without you?

Congratulations on leaving your job,
You are free like a bird in flight
You have already closed the door to the past,
Let the boss cry now.
Let the team miss you -
Without you, all work stalls.
Start your life over again
Just change everything for the better!

You're weighing anchor in the harbor,
Trusting fair winds,
And you go on an open voyage
To as yet unknown shores.
And now, from the entire team
We wish you: “Good luck!”
You're leaving work. Happily!
Remember us with a kind word!

We would like to congratulate you on leaving work
And this is not a mockery at all.
Escaping today's current affairs -
A trip to a new place.
And new things in life are incredibly invigorating,
It’s like starting from scratch and from the beginning.
The tone has increased and with it the appetite,
And the sun rose again.

Cool congratulations to a colleague on his retirement

The team congratulates you
Happy retirement
And offers for rest
Issue you a license.
You rightfully deserve it
These congratulations.
You are an excellent employee.
There is no doubt about it.

The day of farewell has arrived
We sat down together at the table,
To congratulate a colleague
Lots of good wishes!
With a new life, with new happiness,
Less gloomy bad weather,
More joy, movement,
Pension grief!
So that the pension is enough,
And the soul did not lose heart!
On this holiday -
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Congratulations, colleague, on this wonderful and joyful event, on
transition to retirement. I sincerely wish you high prosperity and wonderful
life's opportunities, great plans and achievement of all goals,
family well-being and peace in the home, happy holidays and joy for

You are like a friend, comrade and brother to us,
You are our precious colleague.
And exactly today it’s your turn
Set sail from our shore.
A well-deserved rest has now arrived -
Relax, breathe, have fun,
But remember that our congratulations promised:
Meet with your colleagues more often.

Retirement age is not a problem
Not a worry, not a sadness, not a dilemma,
This is the time to enjoy life to the fullest,
Relax and devote yourself to your dear hobby with all your might.
Congratulations, our colleague, on this hour
And you don’t need to be sad in vain now,
Because there are many important personal matters ahead
Fulfill everything you dreamed of and wanted!

You've already come a long way,
And now I'm retiring
We carry out with a clear conscience
Our dear colleague, Vas.
We wish you good health,
See all the grandchildren more often,
May you on the road of life
There was always success.
So that interest in life does not fade,
The light of discovery beckoned as before,
So that the light of knowledge shows the way
And helped you move on.

We would like to congratulate you with all our hearts!
And wish you happiness at this moment!
We'll tell you straight, don't lie,
You probably won’t find a more experienced colleague.
All these years your experience is enormous,
The working spirit helped us a lot.
And these lines are not a convention at all,
And our sincere, kind congratulations!

We worked together for a long time,
Together we learned wisdom,
You helped me a lot,
I felt sad without you!
You are a good person
Be healthy for a lifetime!
So that your family loves you,
I carried you in my arms!
Rest easy,
But don't forget about us!
Let the pension be for future use,
Our heartfelt congratulations!

You're due today,
Retirement congratulations,
We have composed it for you here,
And we decided to plan
You're about a hundred years old,
So that it won't be easy,
Without rush jobs and blockages,
What do we have at the end of the blocks?
So listen with patience:
You are a special inspiration,
To play sports,
The harvest was admired
Everyone watched the series
Never get sick
To do things with my grandchildren,
And they smiled more often.

Today is an event worth celebrating
After all, the reason is significant, important, big -
Now if you want, you are free like the wind,
And if you don’t mind, keep working!
You earned it through hard work, enough for bread,
And oil, and light, and water...
And if this doesn’t seem enough -
There is always work, and we are always there!
Now, hurry up to accept congratulations,
And set the table and invite friends,
In fact, retirement is like a birthday,
Once a month they will give you a gift in money!

We congratulate our colleague,
He deserved his pension
Her first time today
Finally got it
We wish our colleague
So that the pension grows,
He can do the shopping
Things will go uphill!

Words of gratitude to a colleague upon dismissal

Today I am resigning and leaving our friendly team. My dears
colleagues, thank you for the warm and welcoming atmosphere, for your kind
cooperation, assistance and mutual support. I wish to always remain with you
business, great success, good health and excellent mood.

Always worked diligently
They worked tirelessly
You have become more experienced
Now, it’s worth summarizing:
Your work is impeccable
It's not easy for you to find a replacement,
You have always been humane
Solved complex problems.
Thank you for your service,
For the contribution they made,
We really value your friendship,
And let the best await you ahead!

Sometimes you have to say goodbye
Life is a continuous river,
It's impossible to stay somewhere
For countless centuries.
We've lived together a lot
Both work and everyday troubles.
And it happened to replace each other
I had to, or just bring lunch.
Thank you for your experience and support.
And for the kind glances and warmth.
Let your work be appreciated by your superiors,
And the salary will make your dream come true!

At the farewell hour I want to say,
Colleagues, “Thank you!”
I will remember with love
About our team.
I say goodbye to you as to family,
As with loved ones, relatives,
In trouble and in joy always
You were next to me.
And my dismissal
Don't let friendship get in the way
For you, colleagues, there is a door in the heart
I leave it open.

I’m resigning today and I want to thank you as I leave,
my wonderful colleagues, for your kind smiles, for your sincere
support, for the necessary help and for the brave work together. Good luck
To you, dear ones, prosperity, prosperity and happiness.

Although the roads diverge
This is no longer a reason for sadness,
Even though I quit my job,
But I remember, smiling,
How did you, colleagues, help,
How we managed to chat,
Thank you for those moments
That they were close - one hundred percent
I felt so much with you
Emotions - joy and anxiety,
We shared them at work,
It was great working with you,
I want to say thank you,
For such a warm meeting,
And friendship with you in the team,
Don't let you be sad!

I want to tell you one thing,
After all, this is how life works,
We are hostages of circumstances,
No more litigation needed.
I have to quit
Even if a magnet stuck with your soul
To this work, to the team,
All that's left is to leave gracefully.
I don't blame fate for this,
I thank my colleagues for everything,
I will definitely keep in touch with you
And I will never forget you.

The page has already been turned
Fates are among these walls.
I want you as much as I can
For every day of God
When we worked together
Holding on to one thread
Hug heartily and verbally
And thank you.

I'm resigning, colleagues.
A new round awaits me.
With you my path was only bright,
And the springboard in work is high.
Thank you for all the years
The ones we went through together.
I wish you happiness
In life you have found yours.

You are valuable employees, we wish you success,
May there be a lot of happiness in your everyday life,
May your days be filled with cheerful laughter,
And they will bypass future bad weather in their career.
Thank you for your contribution to the common cause,
You are hardworking, skillful,
Always reach heights
And never be discouraged.

Poems for a woman on retirement

Don't be sad, don't be sad, don't be sad,
Life just took a new turn.
You passed all sorts of obstacles with honor
The past days are a dense cycle.
She managed to get children out of people’s hands,
She nursed her grandchildren and worked all her life.
And you regretted nothing in your life,
You didn't lower your head.
And remember that we are always with you
Invite me to visit you more often
In retirement you will also be a star
Don't forget us in your household affairs.

Well, the time has come for you to take care of yourself,
Beauty salons to visit in the morning,
And shaping workouts after lunch are just right,
And in the evening, so that you can devote time to the theater.
From a schedule so that you don’t get tired,
And we never lost our youthful souls!

Long-awaited pension
The bell rang
Labor ended
Your term in life.
Freedom awaits you:
Children, grandchildren, dacha,
And the heart is at work
For some reason he's crying.
Believe me, pension is
This is just the beginning
Life will show the edges
What didn't you notice?
Will sparkle with colors
And it will fly like a tit,
May you retire
Peace is only a dream.

Retirement age -
Believe me, there is no limit.
After all, there is still plenty
Big and important things.
We wish you actively
Spend your vacation.
Search and develop,
Hope, love.
Let it not be sad
And life is always in full swing.
After all, just for pleasure
You have been given a pension.

You got up early in the morning,
I was in a hurry to get to work.
Now it's time to retire
And behind the worries.
And so that life is not boring
Find a hobby:
Knit, read, sew clothes,
Write poems.
Don't be upset, don't be sad
In the ranks of pensioners.
There are many achievements ahead -
Walk through life boldly!

Well, here are the long-awaited days -
Freedom from work and labor.
Let the troubles go away forever, and you
Now retired, you are now a madam.
Let your loved ones protect you,
How you raised and loved them.
And let the butterflies in your soul flutter -
The time has come for new achievements.

Freedom pension
The door opened for you.
Work experience
You broke records.
Happy first day of freedom
I congratulate you
Life will now begin
You have another one.
Every day is now yours
It will be a day off
Every month of the year -
Calm, vacation.
I wish you
Enjoy life
Let the pension be
A reason for happiness.

Today is an important event
We celebrate together with you,
After all, you are retiring,
We congratulate you on this,
You're still very young,
You have a lot of energy,
Everything will be fine, because in life
Great time has come!

With pension today
I congratulate you
A well-deserved rest
Everyone calls her.
Yes and differently
You can't call her
Your work experience
You can't count it on your fingers.
I wish you
Have a decent rest
In cities and countries
New ones to visit.
So that you through life
I didn't crawl, I flew,
And so that you grow old
I didn't find him at home.

A well-deserved rest has arrived for you,
And let him turn out to be the most desirable.
For comfort and care in the family -
They brought you only happiness and laughter.
So that success crowns your plans,
We wish you inspiration and happiness.
Be healthy, beautiful, loved
So that life is bright and long.

Beautiful congratulations on your retirement

We want to wish you
Don't waste your time,
Move more, communicate more
Yes, and take care of the dacha.
Grandchildren won't let you get bored
The children will visit.
We think it's fun
You will be retired!

In life we ​​often, fussing,
We don't notice much.
We run, always in a hurry,
Sometimes the road is crooked.
It’s not in vain that we’ve been given time,
What is called a pension.
Let it be joyful
Let sadness not break through to you!
Let this time in your life
Will give you a lot of peace,
Relatives will surround you with love,
May the road be long.

You won't go to work in the morning,
Take a risk and withdraw money from the card at the bank,
You’ll buy a ticket and head south.
And you will travel with excitement!
Don't you want to go south? So go to the village.
There's a river nearby, a pond and fishing rods in the barn!
There your own harvest will ripen in the beds,
There are lilies of the valley... And nightingales chirp in May.
Invite all your grandchildren to visit.
Gather your friends quickly and sing songs.
Read, write, walk, call your relatives.
Congratulations on your retirement!

How many unconquered peaks await,
How many opportunities are open to you!
Pension? Is this anthem about you?
Not everyone can cope with your energy.
Let this little bonus of freedom
Gives you a feeling of happiness.
And let all adversity go far away,
Remember, everything in life is in your power!

You are so cheerful and active.
This milestone is positive:
Labor duty fulfilled,
Time to shake off the old days.
Celebrating retirement -
Life will only become more interesting.
There will be more time
For adventure without burden.

The tedious work is left behind,
Extinguish the memory of her like a candle.
Your life is now like an eternal Saturday,
Do everything you can do!
And let your family help you with this,
And don’t let your friends let you get bored.
Congratulations on your retirement, we wish you
Only fate receives gifts!

So the years have flown by,
Like a ringing song,
The time for rest has come,
Finally a pension!
Feel free to pick mushrooms,
Or go fishing
Entertainment for everyone
There is no waste of time.
And also - to gather friends
And have a dance.
Rest now safely
Time to relax!

You've served your time,
Now there’s no shame in resting
It's time to retire,
You can already see her from around the corner.
We wish you to find your rest,
And don’t be bored without work.
We wish you to go to the sea
And everything goes according to plan.
Today the dacha, tomorrow the mountains,
Then a picnic and shopping.
Then theater, opera, ballet
Flowers, outfits, tuxedo.
We wish you not to know the disease,
Visit the grandchildren more often.
Never lose heart
May you always be happy.

I want to congratulate you
Happy start of a new life for you.
Leave everyday work behind,
You discover a different life for yourself.
You can rest more
Go to the theater whenever you want
And often walk with my grandchildren,
And practice hobbies as much as you want.

You worked, you weren’t lazy,
In winter it’s cold, in summer it’s hot.
And now we will tell you -
It's time for a well-deserved rest!
But peace comes only from work,
Not from the life ahead.
Now new worries await you,
A whirlwind of desires in a young life!
We wish you more rest,
Walk in the morning, read in the evening.
Find something you like,
Then melancholy and sadness will disappear into oblivion.

Congratulations! To freedom
It's time to fly away:
Goodbye work
Hello sweet white light.

May you be lucky in every matter,
In any endeavor,
May all goals be conquered
In personal, and in business.

May all your wishes come true,
And let good luck come:
There is experience, love and knowledge -
So, only happiness awaits!

We worked together amicably, fruitfully,
We are sad to part with you, no doubt.
Still, let’s not create dampness,
We will try to see you off together,

Wish you good luck, wish you happiness,
And we also wish not to forget us,
May everything work out well and smoothly for you,
We will meet, and more than once!

Despite the bitterness of parting, congratulations on leaving your job. We wish you a good rest and plunge headlong into new life, in which a lot of interesting, sometimes complex and unusual things await you. We wish you to cope with all the difficulties, find only good things in all changes and enjoy life, no matter what happens. Good luck!

It's a pity to part with you,
You are a great colleague,
Achieve higher goals
We wish now.

There may be a lot of prospects
It will open up to you
And the road always leads
To the most joyful fate!

Let me feel a little sorry today
Why are you leaving us,
Are you leaving work?
A new path is calling now!

May things turn out well
The whole road is for you,
Find your calling
And do your business.

Let everything be in a new career
Only manages five
Only success and perseverance,
At work to shine!

Today the team is suffering,
And the file cabinet became thinner.
After all, today we are seeing off
The most wonderful person.

You employee is simply a miracle:
Smart, responsive, everyone is welcome.
And let it be in the new place
You have the right job.

So that there is a lot of money and success,
Well, the employees are nice,
More joyful laughter.
What if we always wait back.

Looks like you're tired of worries?
The news took everyone by surprise
That you're leaving your job...
And a sigh of envy escaped.

We are all tired from work.
We wish we could rest more!
What are you aiming for?
We will miss you.

You are leaving our team.
Well, well, we tell you - with God!
And we wish you only good luck,
After all, there are many opportunities in life.

Everything ends someday
A new step in life!
May good luck be nearby
And it will open the door to happiness.

Let everything work out as it should,
Don't let the interest fade.
Let success be your reward,
And the path is woven from miracles!

Say goodbye to work
Don't be sad about your colleagues
Smile at the new life
And fly to discoveries!

There will be new successes,
There will be new friends
Only this way, and not otherwise.
Your life will be a fairy tale!

Leaving a job is sad
Or maybe a new path is calling?
Of course it will be different
But who can look ahead?

We wish you new steps
Overcome on your way,
And priceless opportunities for you
Get more in life!

Let there be everything that the heart asks for,
Let there be sun and rays,
That light your way,
To make it easy to pass!

We worked together, we fought together,
We walked shoulder to shoulder through obstacles.
They turned from young students into specialists
They have outdone themselves in the profession.

Today, unfortunately, we are parting.
But we know this is a new stage for you.
We will not be sad, we will smile lovingly,
Let the startup become a successful page.

Let only new heights await in life,
You were able to fully reveal yourself.
The notes formed into a melody of happiness,
The peaks of success are easy to conquer.

May your good luck friend smile on you,
There will be harmony and prosperity in everything in the family.
We will be glad to see you, always, definitely!
Let a stable rise begin in life!