If you turn to the pantry folk wisdom, which we inherited from our ancestors, then there we will find a number of beautiful proverbs about trees. For example, “The roots of the tree are strong.” The implication is that when a tree has roots, it also has strength. It is known that, unlike trees with a weak root system, a tree with strong roots successfully survives in unfavorable conditions - during hurricanes and snowfalls, severe frosts and wind.

From the roots, juices flow into the trunk and crown of the tree, which allow it to grow in breadth and height, to strive with its crown towards the sun, and no one can stop it from doing this. The ancestors said about this: “No matter how you bend a tree, it keeps growing.”

Thanks to the roots, seeds and fruits ripen on trees, from which, when they fall into good soil, they grow new life- shoots of young trees. Obviously, a log without roots and crown or an incorrectly planted tree cannot “give birth” to other trees. Because: “Do not plant a tree with its roots up.”
Any tree begins its life from a seed that falls into the soil. Moreover, the smallest seed initially contains all the detailed information about the future large tree. Moreover, as the seed is, so is the tree. That’s why they said, “Oranges will not be born from aspen trees.”

The last saying also applies in a figurative sense to the genus, within which all family relationships can be figuratively represented in the form of a large branched Tree. Pedigree (genealogical) trees are built using this type. More accurately, this idea is conveyed by the proverb: “Like a tree, like a wedge; like the father, like the son.” Or “like the womb, so are the babies.” There is nothing to add here.

Our ancestors also said: “Where one cannot cope alone, the family will support there.” And this was an immutable truth, since in Rus' all relatives were always vaccinated from an early age, and mutual assistance and mutual assistance were highly valued. The father and mother stood to the death for their children, the brother, without sparing his belly, stood for his brothers and sisters... That’s why they added: “A Russian man cannot live without relatives.” Or “A family in a heap - not even a cloud is scary.” Relatives always came to the rescue in any trouble, without this it was impossible to survive. Then the expression “all for one and one for all” was not pronounced for the sake of a catchphrase, but had a very specific content that was obligatory for all relatives.

There was special respect for parents and the elderly. It was said: “Whoever honors his parents does not perish forever.” Or: “If your parents are alive, honor them, if they are dead, remember them.” Without the blessing of representatives of older generations, not a single serious business began. I remember: “Parental blessing does not sink in water, and does not burn in fire.”

It was rightly noted by the ancestors: “The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower.” Moreover: “The family pot is always boiling.” That is why great importance was attached to the fact that harmony and mutual understanding reigned in the clan and family. Many proverbs have come down to us on this matter. Here is one of them: “Harmony and harmony are a treasure in the family.” Or “The family agrees, and things are going great.” It was emphasized: “Hints and reproaches are family vices.”

About good spouses They said: “A good wife’s samovar shines, but a good husband’s wife glows.” Or: “Husband and wife are one soul.”

They reminded my husband: “You have three friends: father, yes mother, yes faithful wife" That’s why you need to value your wife: “Don’t play the harp for your wife: after playing, you can’t hang it on the wall.” They said about the husband: “The bird is strong with its wings, the wife is red with her husband.” Or: “With a dear husband, even winter is not cold.” Moreover: “Beyond the bridge the grass is green, behind good husband the wife is getting younger." The main thing is: “Simple, but mine, a hero, but a stranger.”

They said about the wife: “The wife, like a swan bird, brought out a string of children.” Or: “From bad wife When you get old, good things make you younger.” And they concluded wisely: “With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is double.”

The mutual complementarity of men and women in the family was noted: “The husband is the head, and the wife is the heart.” Or: “Without a husband there is no head, and without a wife there is no arms.” Moreover, the husband was advised: “Teach your wife without children, and teach your children without people.”

In the household and society, spouses also have different roles: “A woman and a cat in the hut, a man and a dog in the yard.”

They always remembered about children: “With children there is soda, but without children there is grave.” Or: “Little children, how often are the stars: they shine and bring joy on a dark night.” They wisely noted: “He who has many children is not forgotten by God.”

Behind each of these sayings is the ancient culture of family-tribal relations that previously existed in the Slavic lands. This culture was based on the deepest knowledge of God, the Universe, society and people. The time has come to revive what is useful but forgotten...

Lazarev S.V.


103 sayings, proverbs and sayings about family and family “Know your land... yourself, your family, your people, your land - and you will see the path in life. The path on which your abilities will be most fully revealed. You will give it a continuation, having blazed a path, from which your descendants have already moved into life. And so will you." G. Skovoroda “Life builds bridges from generation to generation, Without roots, a garden cannot bloom, Without aspiration, a boat does not float, Without roots, all living things dry up. “Pedigree memory is a rather unique phenomenon. He was sung in songs, spoken in poems, legends, and especially immortalized in proverbs and sayings. And, perhaps, there is no area in the life of the Ukrainian people that is not reflected in sparkling and wise popular expressions. Proverbs and sayings are a significant part of the culture of the people, their treasure, which they have owned since ancient times and which enriches new generations. These pearls of folk wisdom rarely simply state a fact; they recommend or warn, approve or condemn, teach or extol. They are characterized not only by observation and life experience, but also by expressiveness, humor, irony, common sense . So family ties and relationships in Ukrainian culture have always been accompanied by “pearls” of oral folk art, passed down from generation to generation: “A strong family - a strong state” “What a family - so am I” “Even though relatives quarrel, they do not shy away from each other “Honor your father and mother, then everything will go smoothly for you everywhere” “Without a family and clan, there is no nation, no people” The proverb: “Adjust yours, don’t alienate yours from your family,” says the main thing regarding your roots - no matter what you have not reached the peaks - always remember where and what kind of family you come from, and do not shy away from your past, which is your history. In popular speech there are also such statements that speak of the unknown origin of a person, loneliness - “Without family and tribe,” they said about a person who was without a family. “The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower” “A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree” “A man without a family is like a tree without fruit” “Without a clan, even from a bridge into the water” “You may not know your parents, but your family exists regardless of your knowledge or ignorance. You can move away from your relatives, break off all relations with them, but you have no right to claim that you don’t have these relatives” (Diana Setterfield “The Thirteenth Tale”) We often come across popular sayings about the value of education, respect for the parents who raised you, “they put them on their feet,” although not biological ones, because a family is a relationship not only by blood: “The father is not the one who gave birth, but what he prepared” “Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised (raised )" “It’s not the father they were born with, but the one who brought it to mind.” In Ukraine, families with many children have long been revered: “Many children in a family are God’s grace.” This proverb speaks of a large, friendly and hardworking family, which has prosperity, mutual respect and mutual assistance - the highest values ​​in the family. And about those who had one or two, they said: “Where Odinets is the end of the family, where seven are happiness for everyone.” “One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are just a son!” A large family is a great value. Life is vibrant in such families, traditions flourish, elders are respected and respected. “A tree is held together by its roots, but a person is held together by its family.” Few people know that in ancient times it was obligatory to know by name your pedigree up to the fifth or even seventh generation. The memory of one's ancestors was a natural need. It was a duty to adhere to one’s family, to protect family heirlooms and traditions, and to pass them on to future generations. Those who refused or neglected historical memory were disparagingly called “people without a tribe.” “If you forget the path to home, which you trampled straight as a child, and your mother, and your family, and the winged word, then you have become a soulless stranger. "(R. Bratunya) Every person and every nation has its own shrines. A portrait on the wall of a grandfather and grandmother is not just a tribute to tradition, it is a memory of those who made history, from whom it is worth taking an example. Today, almost all photos are stored on electronic media; once upon a time, you went into your grandmother’s hut and there was the whole history of the family in the photographs that were hung on the walls, on the cabinets and in the trellis. Grandfathers and grandmothers are living wisdom, the unwritten history of our family, the experience inherited from them remains a golden asset for life. Often our grandparents are the very creators of legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings. “You will forget thousands of things,” wrote Ivan Franko, “in life, but don’t forget those moments when your dear mother or grandmother told you stories until you die.” “Feed your grandfather on the stove, because you will be there yourself” “Honor your father and God - you will be dear everywhere” “Bye grandfather, sweat and bread” “Bye women, sweat and advice” “For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul ""A smart child in his father's scroll" "As parents treat their parents, so will children treat them" "Youth is rich in the wisdom of parents" Just as a tree rests on its roots, so each clan rests on its oldest members, since they are the ones who have great experience life and helping young people. There are many popular proverbs and sayings about a strong, strong family in which they support each other, a family hearth, a nest to which you always want to return: “There is no translation in our family” “A strong family - grief cries!” “It’s always red summer on the stove” - the house is always warm and cozy. “Native Penates” is an outdated expression meaning home, home. “To your family even through water” “Like a dear mother, so does a white shirt” “It’s not the manger that goes to the horses, but the horses to the manger” “Every bird knows its nest” “It’s own house has its own roof; your father is your own joy” “Your home is not your enemy, when you come, it will accept you” “Our family is good for its fruit” “Love for the Motherland begins with the family” (F. Bacon) “Anything can happen in a family, and happiness can happen” (Boris Trushkin) Since childhood, we were taught by our parents, and they were taught by our grandparents: “This finger is grandfather, This finger is my grandmother, This finger is my father, This finger is my mother, And this finger is me!” And these are all my relatives!” Even then, using the example of a baby’s small hand, they formed the image of a family and its integrity. Tolstoy L.N. wrote: "Everything happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” “Happy is the one who is happy at home.” There are statements in folk art about family that reflect rather ironic relationships: “There is no race without a freak.” The cognate “freak” indicates that there were cases when representatives of the clan were completely different from the rest of its members, in particular we are talking about the difference in moral attitudes. “Tenth Water on Jelly” is about very distant or even dubious relatives. “Such a relative is like the devil’s uncle to a goat” “Don’t waste your time with a bad family” “As for such a family, it’s better to get off the bridge into the water” “The family is big, but there’s nowhere to have lunch.” Quite often it turns out this way family relationships, although there is a big family, there is no love and friendship. Each individual family lives on its own and is not related to relatives. “When there are a lot of relatives, you have had dinner seven times, or have never eaten” “An unhappy family, like a disaster” “Children have high thresholds, but at least relatives had even higher thresholds” “A large family, but nowhere to bow down” “So many relatives that only bast shoes” “Relatives until midday, but when the sun goes down, the devil himself won’t find it!” - Another interpretation is “when trouble comes to the house - and there is no one to help.” "At good times- brothers and brothers, and when they are bad, there is no family” “There is no good in an unfriendly family” “There are many of our own, but when we had to drown ourselves, there is no one to grab hold of” “Relatives are only on a rainy day” “The family is large, but the relative no" Very much in folklore There are statements about the similarity of parents and children, the similarity of children to their parents in actions, character, and abilities. After all, it is the family that is the unit of love and warmth for a child, giving him an idea of ​​kindness, morality, and culture of behavior. Therefore, people say: “What an oak, such a wedge, what a father, such a son.” “What a tree, such its flowers; like the parents, like the children” “The father is a fisherman, so the children look into the water” “What a bush, like a twig, like a father, like a child” “Like a mother and father, like a child” “From a crooked tree - crooked and shadow” “Like fiber, like linen” “Like dam, like mill; what a father, such a son” “What a potion, such a seed” “A moose produces elk calves, and a pig produces piglets” “Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy” “What kind is the fruit” “Children need more role models than criticism” (J. Joubert) We often come across the relationship between parents and children who do not respect their roots in folk sayings and proverbs: “Good children are a crown for parents, and evil children are the end” “Small children give a headache, but big children give a headache” “Good children listen to kind words, but bad ones are not afraid of sticks” “Good children will stand on their feet” , and the evil ones will knock you down” “One father would rather feed ten children than ten children of one father” “Honor your father and mother - everything will be smooth for you everywhere” Elderly people are afraid of loneliness, so the following words come from their lips, they talk about children, who, like birds, will fly away from their parents’ house and forget their father and mother: “Children, children, it’s good to be with you in the summer, but to mourn in the winter!” “A daughter is like a swallow: she chirps, chirps and flies.” A family is a small state that has its own laws, rights and responsibilities, traditions that are passed on from generation to generation, and values. “The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state” (Dovlatov). People say about good relationships in a family: “Life is good there, where one sows and reaps together.” “Why is there a treasure when there is harmony in the family?” friendly family and in the cold it’s warm” “Everyone is big in his family” “In the family the porridge is thicker” “Where there is peace and harmony, there is God’s grace” “At the common table the food tastes better” “The family is strong in structure” “If there is a family, there will be dinner ""If he doesn't, then the father will get it, if he doesn't, then the mother will get it" "A son in a family is a support, and a daughter is an adornment" "The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good" (Sukhomlinsky) "Family - that’s what’s most important, that’s what makes my heart beat” (Philip Gregory “The Other Boleyn Girl”) No matter what age and status a person is, where he lives and what views he follows, he needs a family. First in the one where he is born and grows, then in the one he creates and where he raises his children. Trust, care, support - this is what this word is associated with. What is the secret of the “small cell of society”? To some extent this can be understood by studying statements about the family that were heard in different times among different peoples. Wise sayings about family are particularly profound. Consider, for example, the witty remark of the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, in which he advises parents and mothers to “save the tears of their children so that they can shed them on their father’s grave.” After all, indeed, the more cordial, fair and tender we treat children, the more sincere their sadness will be when we leave. Politician Brad Henry said very accurately about the family: “She has the power to inspire us to exploits and console us when we suddenly stumble.” For the French pilot and writer Antoine Saint-Exupéry, the miracle was that “the home is capable of invisibly creating layers of tenderness in the heart, where, like the waters of a spring, dreams are born.” Family, clan - is the main support, “pillars” for the formation of us as individuals. We must appreciate and remember this, and glory to our ancestors for valuable advice and instructions on creating a family hearth and maintaining it, which they immortalized in these sayings, proverbs, sayings.

The tree grows and blooms, While the root gives life. Likewise, the Family Tree is stronger because it remembers the roots.” V. Helm Photo presentation “My Family Tree” by Maya Gromtseva, a 5th grade student at secondary school No. 19 in Vologda. Family tree. It’s a pity that there are no records of the ancestors. Family tree to restore. There are no names of the departed on the green branches, But who I know needs to be preserved! And I write names and dates with love, So that descendants know about their roots. Maybe someday they will remember me, And they will read a poem about our tree. Statements of great people The gift of our ancestors is our life, preserving the good memory of them is our gratitude. Harun of Agatsar For those who do not remember their kinship, they have nowhere to return. Neyah. Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. A.S. Pushkin It is not only possible, but also necessary, to be proud of the glory of your ancestors; not to respect it is shameful cowardice. A.S. Pushkin It’s good to be proud of your ancestry, but it’s better if your family is proud of you. Silovan Ramishvili. The roots of the family tree are deep, I dream of knowing more about them. Those times were far away, I would like them to remember them longer. Great-great-grandfather Sergei (born 12.09) and great-great-grandmother Claudia (19.11.) Novozhilovs. Natives of the Vytegorsky district of the Vologda region. I believe that everyone is obliged to remember everything and know their own family. Maybe this will lead the people to the age of indifference one day. My great-grandmother Rufina Sergeevna (born August 24, 1930. Native of the Vytegorsky district) and great-grandfather Erin Vladimir Vladimirovich (born in Petrozavodsk). Keep the fire of your native hearth, And do not covet the fires of others. Our ancestors lived by this law, And bequeathed to us through the centuries: “Keep the fire of your native hearth!” Great-great-grandmother Elena Erina, a native of Petrozavodsk. Born 05/06/1912 and great-grandfather Vladimir Erin Great-great-grandfather Philip Pershin, a native of the village of Pesye, Kaduysky district, Vologda region. Great-great-grandmother Iraida died when my great-grandfather Vasya was 14 years old. Great-great-grandfather Philip raised five children alone. My great-great-grandmother Velikonida Vladimirovna 1899-1955) and my great-great-grandfather Vasily Semichev. Natives of the Cherepovets region. My great-grandmother Nina Vasilievna Pershina (10/13/1926-02/09/2011) and my great-grandfather Vasily Filippovich Pershin (04/4/1924-12/20/1990) My grandmother Erina (Pershina) Olga Vasilievna (born 04/24/1955) and Erin’s grandfather Vladimir Vladimirovich (born 03/28/1953) My uncle Andrei Vladimirovich Erin (born 02/12/1977), aunt Alexandra Vladimirovna Erina (11/18/1992), mother Nadezhda Vladimirovna Devyatykh (Erina) (born 09/12/1975) ) We have a large, friendly and strong family: Dad, Mom, Denis, Katya, Pasha, Sonya, Taya, me! My little sister Taechka (born 10/11/2011) My little sister Sonechka (born 09/30/2009) My brother Pavlik (01/29/2006) My older sister Katya (born 04/23/1997) My older brother Denis (07/08/1995) This is me, Maya (born 04/29/2001) In our family we know for sure: That everyone lives in our hearts. Friends! We ask and beg you, Do not forget your “great-grandfathers”! And we only want to say one thing: “Let your children know them too!” My family tree Thank you for your attention!

If we turn to the storehouse of folk wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors, then there we will find a number of beautiful proverbs about trees. For example, “The roots of the tree are strong.” The implication is that when a tree has roots, it also has strength. It is known that, unlike trees with a weak root system, a tree with strong roots successfully survives in unfavorable conditions - during hurricanes and snowfalls, severe frosts and wind.

From the roots, juices flow into the trunk and crown of the tree, which allow it to grow in breadth and height, to strive with its crown towards the sun, and no one can stop it from doing this. The ancestors said about this: “No matter how you bend a tree, it keeps growing.”

Thanks to the roots, seeds and fruits ripen on the trees, from which, when they fall into good soil, new life grows - shoots of young trees. Obviously, a log without roots and crown or an incorrectly planted tree cannot “give birth” to other trees. Because: “Do not plant a tree with its roots up.”

Any tree begins its life from a seed that falls into the soil. Moreover, the smallest seed initially contains all the detailed information about the future large tree. Moreover, as the seed is, so is the tree. That’s why they said, “Oranges will not be born from aspen trees.”

The last saying also applies in a figurative sense to the genus, within which all family relationships can be figuratively represented in the form of a large branched Tree. Pedigree (genealogical) trees are built using this type. More accurately, this idea is conveyed by the proverb: “Like a tree, like a wedge; like the father, like the son.” Or “like the womb, so are the babies.” There is nothing to add here.

Our ancestors also said: “Where one cannot cope alone, the family will support there.” And this was an immutable truth, since in Rus' all relatives were always vaccinated from an early age, and mutual assistance and mutual assistance were highly valued. The father and mother stood to the death for their children, the brother, without sparing his belly, stood for his brothers and sisters... That’s why they added: “A Russian man cannot live without relatives.” Or “A family in a heap - not even a cloud is scary.” Relatives always came to the rescue in any trouble, without this it was impossible to survive. Then the expression “all for one and one for all” was not pronounced for the sake of a catchphrase, but had a very specific content that was obligatory for all relatives.

There was special respect for parents and the elderly. It was said: “Whoever honors his parents does not perish forever.” Or: “If your parents are alive, honor them, if they are dead, remember them.” Without the blessing of representatives of older generations, not a single serious business began. I remember: “Parental blessing does not sink in water, and does not burn in fire.”

It was rightly noted by the ancestors: “The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower.” Moreover: “The family pot is always boiling.” That is why great importance was attached to the fact that harmony and mutual understanding reigned in the clan and family. Many proverbs have come down to us on this matter. Here is one of them: “Harmony and harmony are a treasure in the family.” Or “The family agrees, and things are going great.” It was emphasized: “Hints and reproaches are family vices.”

They said about good spouses: “A good wife’s samovar shines, but a good husband’s wife glows.” Or: “Husband and wife are one soul.”

They reminded the husband: “You have three friends: your father, your mother, and your faithful wife.” That’s why you need to value your wife: “Don’t play the harp for your wife: after playing, you can’t hang it on the wall.” They said about the husband: “The bird is strong with its wings, the wife is red with her husband.” Or: “With a dear husband, even winter is not cold.” Moreover: “Beyond the bridge the grass turns green, behind a good husband the wife grows younger.” The main thing is: “Simple, but mine, a hero, but a stranger.”

They said about the wife: “The wife, like a swan bird, brought out a string of children.” Or: “A bad wife will make you old, a good wife will make you younger.” And they concluded wisely: “With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is double.”

The mutual complementarity of men and women in the family was noted: “The husband is the head, and the wife is the heart.” Or: “Without a husband there is no head, and without a wife there is no arms.” Moreover, the husband was advised: “Teach your wife without children, and teach your children without people.”

In the household and society, spouses also have different roles: “A woman and a cat in the hut, a man and a dog in the yard.”

They always remembered about children: “With children there is soda, but without children there is grave.” Or: “Little children, how often are the stars: they shine and bring joy on a dark night.” They wisely noted: “He who has many children is not forgotten by God.”

Behind each of these sayings is the ancient culture of family-tribal relations that previously existed in the Slavic lands. This culture was based on the deepest knowledge of God, the Universe, society and people. The time has come to revive what is useful but forgotten...

“Know your land... yourself, your family, your people, your land - and you will see the path in life. The path on which your abilities will be most fully revealed. You will give it a continuation, having blazed a path, from which your descendants have already moved into life. And so will you."

G. Skovoroda

“Life builds bridges from generation to generation,

Without roots, a garden cannot bloom,

Without aspiration, the boat does not float

Without roots, all living things dry up. »

(Words from the song “Juice of the Earth” by Nina Matvienko and Raisa Kirichenko)

Genealogical memory is a rather unique phenomenon in Ukrainian life. He was sung in songs, spoken of in poems, legends, and especially immortalized in proverbs and sayings. And, perhaps, there is no area in the life of the Ukrainian people that is not reflected in sparkling and wise popular expressions.

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings are a significant part of the culture of the people, their treasure, which they have owned since ancient times and which enriches new generations. These pearls of folk wisdom rarely simply state a fact; they recommend or warn, approve or condemn, teach or extol. They are characterized not only by observation and life experience, but also by expressiveness, humor, irony, and common sense. So family ties and relationships in Ukrainian culture have always been accompanied by “pearls” of oral folk art, passed down from generation to generation:

“A strong family is a strong state”

“What a family, so am I”

“Even though relatives quarrel, they don’t shy away from each other”

“Honor your father and mother, then everything will be smooth for you”

“Without family and clan, there is no nation, no people”

In the proverb: “Get yours straight, don’t alienate yours from birth”, - it says about the main thing, as for your roots - no matter what heights you reach - always remember where and what kind of family you come from, and do not shy away from your past, which is your history.

In popular speech there are also such statements that speak about the unknown origin of man, loneliness - "Without family or tribe",” they said about a man who was without a family.

“The earth without water is dead, a man without a family is a barren flower”

"A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree"

“A man without a family is like a tree without fruit”

“Without gender, even from a bridge into the water”

“You may not know your parents, but your family exists regardless of your knowledge or ignorance. You can move away from your relatives, break off all relations with them, but you have no right to claim that you don’t have these relatives” (Diana Setterfield “The Thirteenth Tale”)

We often come across popular sayings about the value of education, respect for parents, who raised you, “put you on your feet,” although not biological ones, because family is not only kinship by blood:

“The Father is not the one who begot, but what he prepared”

“Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised (raised)”

“It’s not the father who was born, but the one who brought it to mind”

In Ukraine, families with many children have long been revered:

“Many children in a family are God’s grace”. This proverb speaks of a large, friendly and hardworking family, which has prosperity, mutual respect and mutual assistance - the highest values ​​in the family. And about those who had one or two - they said:

“Where Odinets is the end of the family, where there are seven – happiness for everyone”

“One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are just a son!”

A large family is a great value. Life is vibrant in such families, traditions flourish, elders are respected and respected.

“A tree is held together by its roots, but a person is held together by its family”

Few people know that in ancient times it was obligatory to know by name your pedigree up to the fifth or even seventh generation. The memory of one's ancestors was a natural need. It was a duty to stick to one’s clan, protect family heirlooms, traditions, and pass them on to future generations. Those who refused or neglected historical memory were disparagingly called “people without a tribe.”

“If you forget the path to the house,

Which one was trampled directly by children,

And your mother, and your clan, and the winged word,

This means you have become a soulless stranger. »

(R. Bratunya)

Every person and every nation has its own shrines. A portrait on the wall of grandparents is not just a tribute to tradition, it is a memory of those who made history, from whom it is worth taking an example. Today, almost all photos are stored on electronic media; once upon a time, you went into your grandmother’s hut and there was the whole history of the family in the photographs that were hung on the walls, on the cabinets and in the trellis. Grandfathers and grandmothers are living wisdom, the unwritten history of our family, the experience inherited from them remains a golden asset for life. Often our grandparents are the very creators of legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings.

"Thousands of things“,” wrote Ivan Franko, “you will forget in life, but don’t forget those moments when your dear mother or grandmother told you stories until death.”

“Feed your grandfather on the stove, because you will be there yourself”

“Honor your father and God - you will be cherished everywhere”

“Bye grandfather, sweat and bread”

“Bye women, sweat and advice”

“For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.”

"A Smart Child in His Father's Scroll"

“As parents treat their parents, so will their children treat them.”

“Youth are rich in the wisdom of their parents”

Just as a tree rests on its roots, so does each clan rest on its oldest members, since they are the ones who have extensive life experience and help the young.

There are many popular proverbs and sayings about a strong, strong family in which they support each other, a family hearth, a nest to which you always want to return:

“There is no translation in our family”

“A strong family—grief cries!”

“It’s always red summer on the stove”- home is always warm and cozy.

"Native Penates"- an outdated expression meaning home, hearth.

“To your family, even through water”

“Like your own mother, so is your white shirt”

“It’s not the manger that goes to the horses, it’s the horses that go to the manger.”

“Every bird knows its nest”

“Your home has your own roof; your father is your own joy"

“Your home is not an enemy; when you come, it will accept you”

“Our race is good for fruit”

“Love for the Motherland begins with family”(F. Bacon)

“Anything can happen in a family, and so can happiness.”(Boris Trushkin)

Since childhood, we were taught by our parents, and they were taught by our grandparents:

“This finger is grandpa,

This one is my grandmother

This finger is my father

This one is my mother

And this finger is me!

And these are all my relatives!”

Even then, using the example of a baby’s small hand, they formed the image of a family and its integrity.

Tolstoy L.N. wrote: “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” “Happy is the one who is happy at home.”

There are statements about family in folk art that reflect rather ironic relationships:

"There is no race without a freak". The cognate “freak” indicates that there were cases when representatives of the clan were completely different from the rest of its members, in particular, we are talking about the difference in moral attitudes.

"Tenth water on jelly"- about very distant or even dubious relatives.

“Such a relative as the devil is a goat’s uncle”

“Don’t waste your time with a bad family”

“As for this kind of person, it’s better to get off the bridge and into the water.”

“The family is big, but there’s nowhere to have lunch.” Quite often, this is how family relationships develop, although it is a large family, but there is no love and friendship. Each individual family lives on its own and is not related to relatives.

“When there are a lot of relatives, you have dined seven times, or have not eaten even once”

"Unhappy family, like trouble"

“Children have high thresholds, but at least relatives had even higher thresholds”

“Big family, but nowhere to bow down”

“So many relatives that there are only bast shoes”

“Relatives until midday, but when the sun goes down, the devil himself won’t find them!”— Another interpretation “When trouble comes to the house, there is no one to help.”

“In good times there are brothers and brothers, but in bad times there is no family.”

“There is no good in an unfriendly family”

“There are a lot of our own, but when we had to drown ourselves, there was no one to grab hold of”

"Relatives only on a rainy day"

“The family is large, but there is no relative”

There are a lot of statements in folklore about the similarity of parents and children, the similarity of children to their parents in actions, character, and abilities. After all, it is the family that is the unit of love and warmth for a child, giving him an idea of ​​kindness, morality, and culture of behavior. That's why people say:

“What an oak, such a wedge, such a father, such a son”

“What a tree, such are its flowers; like parents, like children"

“The father is a fisherman, and the children look into the water”

“Like a bush, like a twig, like a father, like a child”

“Like mother and father, so is the child”

"From a crooked tree - crooked and shadow"

“Like the fiber, like the fabric”

“What a dam, such a mill; what a father, such a son"

“Like a potion, like a seed”

“A moose produces elk calves, and a pig produces piglets.”

“Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy”

“As is the kind, so is the fruit”

“Children need a role model more than criticism.”(J.Joubert)

We often come across relationships between parents and children who do not respect their roots in folk sayings and proverbs:

“Good children are a crown for parents, and evil children are the end”

“Small children give you a headache, but big children give you a heart ache”

“Good children will listen to kind words, but bad children are not afraid of the stick.”

“Good children will put you on their feet, but evil ones will knock you down”

“One father would rather feed ten children than ten children of one father.”

“Honor your father and mother - everything will go smoothly for you everywhere”

Elderly people are afraid of loneliness, so the following words come from their lips, they talk about children who, like birds, will fly away from their parents’ house and forget their father and mother:

“Children, children, it’s good to be with you in the summer, but to be with you in the winter is to grieve!”

“A daughter is like a swallow: she chirps, chirps and flies.”

A family is a small state that has its own laws, rights and responsibilities, traditions that are passed on from generation to generation, and values. “The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state"(Dovlatov). People say about good family relationships:

“Life is good there, where one sows and reaps together”

“Why a treasure when there is harmony in the family”

“It’s warm in a friendly family and in the cold”

“Everyone is big in his family”

“The porridge is thicker in the family”

“Where there is peace and harmony, there is God’s grace”

“Food tastes better at a shared table”

"The family is strong"

“If there is a family, there will be lunch”

“If he doesn’t, then the father will get it, if he doesn’t, then the mother will get it.”

“A son is a support in a family, and a daughter is an adornment”

“The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good”(Sukhomlinsky)

“Family is the most important thing, that’s what makes my heart beat.”(Philip Gregory, The Other Boleyn Girl)

No matter what age and status a person is, no matter where he lives and what views he follows, he needs a family. First in the one where he is born and grows, then in the one he creates and where he raises his children. Trust, care, support - this is what this word is associated with. What is the secret of the “small cell of society”? To some extent, this can be understood by studying statements about the family that were heard at different times among different peoples. Wise sayings about family are especially profound. Consider, for example, the witty remark of the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, in which he advises parents and mothers “save the tears of your children so that they can shed them on their father’s grave”. After all, indeed, the more cordial, fair and tender we treat children, the more sincere their sadness will be when we leave. Politician Brad Henry said very accurately about the family: “She has the power to inspire us to great deeds and console us when we suddenly stumble.”. For the French pilot and writer Antoine Saint-Exupéry, the miracle was that “a home is capable of invisibly creating layers of tenderness in the heart, where, like the waters of a spring, dreams are born.”

Family, clan - is the main support, “pillars” for the development of us as individuals. We must appreciate and remember this, and glory to our ancestors for valuable advice and instructions on creating a family hearth and maintaining it, which they immortalized in these sayings, proverbs, sayings.

“...What does a child need?

The house is beautiful, white.

And, like a bright image,

Mom's look is kind,

And dear father

Hear a kind word.

It would also be nice to have

And sister and brother..."

Lyudmila Koval ©


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