The popularization of sports is reaching the masses more and more every day. Many companies open gyms in office centers; those who do not have such an opportunity pay their employees for subscriptions; Corporate sports are welcome, for example, playing football or hockey (depending on the season); A huge number of people visit fitness clubs and get real pleasure from it.

But it’s not enough to just decide to start playing sports! It is also important to approach this issue wisely. And one of the most important aspects is right choice uniforms for sports. Today we will talk in detail about such a component of equipment as sports shoes. The selection in any sports store is simply huge. A variety of models, designs, colors... So that you don’t get lost in all this diversity, use our checklist!

How to choose the right shoes for sports

The right choice of shoes is the key to the fact that playing sports will benefit and not harm. Therefore, there is no need to chase trends, there is no need to look at others, as in the question. You need to follow several rules.

  1. The choice of shoes should depend on the type of sport. You understand this, right? If you are going to play tennis, you need tennis shoes; if you are going to play basketball, you need basketball shoes; if you are going to run, buy running sneakers. Each sport has its own type of shoe. And if you plan to play several sports, then it is optimal for you to have several pairs of shoes.
  2. Choose shoes by size. In sports, more than anywhere else, it is important that shoes fit snugly on your feet, otherwise you risk encountering troubles such as sprains, dislocations and calluses. It would be optimal to choose shoes with a margin of 3-5 mm: during physical activity, the foot swells a little, increasing in size, so the “extra” half size will allow you to feel comfortable even at the end of the workout.
  3. Don't focus on the brand. Yes, of course, you may well like Adidas sneakers and no others. But if they don’t suit you, then you’ll have to reconsider your preferences in brands. Believe me, your health is worth it.
  4. Consult. And you shouldn’t think that comprehensive advice can only be obtained in an offline store. Vice versa. When placing an order in the online store, you can call or write at any time convenient for you, and receive a comprehensive answer in response to your request. Today, all good online stores have a staff of consultants no less than those located in shopping centers. Only in the first case, the specialist is focused exclusively on you, and in the second, he may be distracted by another customer, a colleague, the need to lift, hang, bring something from the warehouse... Pay your attention to the I Love Football football store, known not only for its wide selection of the most different models sports shoes, but also professionals in their field who help you make the right choice.

The last piece of advice is not related to choice, but is no less important: change your shoes in a timely manner! Sports shoes, no matter how high quality they are, cannot serve you faithfully for ten years. Every pair of shoes has a shock-absorbing layer, and it tends to break down after a while. Outwardly, everything may look unchanged, but your body will begin to hint that something is going wrong. According to research, shoes need to be replaced after 600 (maximum!) kilometers of running and 60 (also maximum!) hours of playing outdoor sports and fitness classes. To avoid getting bored while studying, you can listen to music or even study.

Basically, a person In general, he cannot go a day without shoes. Every day more and more people prefer sports shoes for everyday wear. Exactly sports women's shoes provides safety, comfort, and convenience, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle, love sports and are constantly on the move. During one day, a person is able to take 9 thousand steps, which equates to a load on the legs of several hundred tons.

It is for this reason that our feet are subject to various types of damage. And just the right women's sneakers can reduce this tension and protect your feet.

Convenience and comfort always

Naturally today sneakers worn not only by athletes, but also by all those people who move a lot and lead healthy image life, so this kind of shoes should provide your feet with comfort, convenience and safety. The midsole of the sneaker is molded foam, it is soft and comfortable - this is a passive shock absorber. It’s simply impossible to imagine normal sneakers without it.

How to choose sneakers

Naturally, sneakers should be comfortable from the very first day of their purchase. It is important to choose the right shoe model and size. It is also important to remember that in order not to spoil your feet, women's sneakers can be worn without taking them off for a maximum of 4 hours, then your feet need a break. After lunch, your feet may change a little in the afternoon, so it is best to try on and choose shoes after lunch. Trying on shoes should be done in a standing position, so that the person can feel how the shoes bend when walking, how the toes and heel feel. When choosing special attention It is worth paying attention to the material from which the sneakers will be made. It is desirable that the material allows air to pass through and allow the feet to breathe normally. Designers have gone so far as to learn how to produce women's high-heeled sneakers. They are also light, comfortable and elegant.

Complete shoe care

look after sneakers It’s not at all difficult, but you need to do it regularly every day. In order for sneakers to last a long period and not lose their beautiful appearance, they must be constantly cleaned and washed.

Those women's sneakers that are made from artificial materials can be washed by hand or washed in a washing machine in delicate mode. Naturally, to care for such shoes it is necessary to use special sprays, shampoos, deodorants and impregnations. But if you don’t have such products on hand, you can use plain warm soapy water to wash them. Before you start washing, wash off the sand and soil from your sneakers and only then wash them. If the sneakers are made of textiles, then stains can be removed from them using gasoline.

But leather shoes requires more careful self-care. Their surface must be treated with a special liquid or cream. If leather sneakers get wet, they should be dried away from artificial heat, at room temperature. To prevent such shoes from losing their shape, they must be dried by first placing paper in them. So, the paper will not only help maintain its shape, but will also dry your shoes. naturally no harm.

After women's shoes becomes dry, you need to treat it with a special protective cream, spray or liquid that is suitable for caring for these shoes. If your feet often sweat, in order to maintain a normal and healthy environment inside, women's sneakers must be treated inside with a special antiseptic deodorant. This spray will help eliminate excess unpleasant odors and maintain a healthy foot atmosphere. If you purchased sneakers made of nubuck or suede, then you need to dry them in the same way as leather shoes. Contaminants on them are removed using a special rough brush.

In order for them to retain their color, they must be treated with a special liquid. Naturally, women's shoes, like men's shoes, require special careful care. Only then will you feel great, and your legs will attract admiring male glances.

Almost every sports store offers us wide range sneaker. They vary in manufacturer, cost, color, and functionality. But few people know how to choose sneakers. Therefore, the buyer often finds himself completely at a loss, not knowing what to buy. After all, if you thoughtlessly buy what you liked first, you can be very disappointed soon after the purchase.

To purchase truly high-quality sports shoes, you need to properly prepare for such a purchase by studying the basic criteria for making the right choice. Let's finally find out how to choose the right sneakers.

Sneakers are not walking shoes that can be chosen based only on the “like/dislike” parameter. Sneakers must firmly fix the ankle, withstand heavy loads, and the foot must be comfortable in them.

To choose really comfortable sneakers, it is better to do this in the evening. Not because after work there is more free time and you can leisurely explore the entire assortment, but because by the evening the leg naturally swells (from the day's stress). It is better to choose sneakers that will be a little loose in the morning than those that will be tight and cause discomfort in the evening.

Visual inspection

You should start choosing sneakers by searching for a store. It is better if it is a specialized sports store, since the likelihood of purchasing there quality shoes and getting competent advice is much higher. If you have chosen a store and even liked a pair of shoes, a visual assessment of the model you like is required. It is necessary to critically evaluate the quality of the product:

  • Is there lacing?
  • Are the lines even?
  • Is the glue applied carefully?
  • Is there a strong synthetic smell?
  • Are the size and country of manufacture indicated?
  • Is there a sticker with information about the material from which the outer, inner and sole are made?

If the answers to all these questions are yes, the model can be studied further. But if the answer to even one of the questions is “no,” you should think carefully: the shoes may be “handicraft” production. In this case, the quality of the product is questionable.

More detailed study

If the first inspection of the shoes was successful, you can go deeper. And in the literal sense: check if there is an instep support. It is highly desirable in sneakers because it protects the ankle from premature fatigue. An exception is sneakers for group anaerobic training in the gym.

It is very important that the insole is removable - this will allow you to maintain shoe hygiene. If sports sneakers exude bad smell, they can no longer be used, even if they are otherwise in excellent condition.

The soft edge of the sneaker around the ankle will help avoid chafing and other uncomfortable sensations.

Now you can study the material more carefully. Sneakers for outdoor activities, walking shoes and sports sneakers can be made of leather. And this will only be a plus for them. But sports shoes can also be made of synthetics. True, it won't faux leather as a cheap replacement natural materials- these will be high-tech synthetic sports materials, which sometimes cost more than leather. These materials “breathe”, providing air exchange inside the shoe. These are the materials that make the most comfortable sneakers. If you can’t check the quality of the material “by eye”, you can press for 5 seconds index finger on the toe area. If the hole levels out almost immediately, the material deserves attention.

When choosing sneakers, you should pay attention to the sole. Deep lugging is the hallmark of a sneaker designed for outdoor activities. If the relief is not deep, but thick, these are sneakers for the gym. If there is practically no relief, this is a sign of ordinary walking shoes.

Which sneakers are better depends only on the purpose for which they are needed. But it is important to remember that when buying sneakers for the street, you should give preference to models with reflectors - additional safety measures will not be superfluous.

Seller verification

If the shoes still raise any doubts, it is worth checking them practically. And it’s better to do this in the presence of a sales consultant - he will immediately (and often without realizing it) help you understand whether these are high-quality shoes.
Namely, the shoes need to be bent. In high-quality sports sneakers, the design is such that the sole does not bend lengthwise. This is a mandatory measure to prevent foot injuries.

If, when trying to bend the shoes, fear or doubt appears on the seller’s face, then one of two things is happening: either he is afraid of everything, or the shoes are of poor quality, and as a result of such manipulations the sole will crack.
If the sneakers pass the longitudinal bend test, it’s time to bend them crosswise. The seller’s reaction can also say a lot here. In addition, you should pay attention to the place of the fold: it should not be in the center, but offset towards the fingers. In this case, the leg will be comfortable both when walking and when performing various exercises. And it is quite possible that these shoes will become the most comfortable sneakers.

How to distinguish women's sneakers from men's

Women's sports sneakers differ from men's not only in a more diverse color palette, but also in some other characteristics, such as:

  • Narrower block.
  • Softer cushioning.
  • The heel has extra height to reduce the chance of Achilles tendon injury.
  • The letter “W” in the model designation may indicate that the model is female (respectively, “M” is male).


If the shoes have passed all the tests and seem comfortable, all that remains is to try them on. Why it is better to do this closer to the evening has already been said earlier. What else you need to know about fitting:

The seller will tell you how to choose the right size of sneakers, because only he knows whether it fits size chart generally accepted standards. And then - only by trial and personal feelings. If your feet are in comfortable sneakers that don't rub, don't press, and aren't too loose, this is the right size.

All these are the basic rules of how to choose good sneakers. Guided by them, it will not be difficult to choose sports shoes that will delight you with comfort and durability.

Sports shoes, without a doubt, top the list of popular trends that have become firmly established in modern fashion over the last decade. It would seem that just recently sneakers and sneakers were worn exclusively for sports and walks in nature - today we see them everywhere: on city streets, in restaurants and clubs, and sometimes even in the office and at special events.

Do you want to learn more about how to choose and what to combine sports shoes with? Today we will look at this in more detail.

Men's sports shoes and their varieties

Men's sports shoes are very popular these days, but in order to choose the right pair, it is worth understanding their varieties.


Sneakers are the most popular model of men's sports shoes

Sneakers are comfortable shoes with an ergonomic rubber sole and a fairly massive, often perforated, textile or leather upper. The first models of this type appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and in the mid-1920s they were put into mass production by the German company Adidas, which to this day is one of the world leaders in the production of sports shoes.

For several decades, sneakers were used exclusively for sports, gradually models began to be divided into areas according to sports: separate categories Shoes designed for running, football, basketball, tennis, etc. stood out. Since the late 1970s, sneakers have gradually become part of everyday fashion, and more recently they have firmly established themselves as a full-fledged element of casual style.


Sneakers are a type of sports shoes with flat rubber soles and a smooth upper made of fabric, less often leather. The height of classic sneakers is above the ankle, but low models have gradually gained popularity.

If the history of sneakers is inextricably linked with companies such as Adidas and Nike, then the Chuck Taylor All-Star model from the American brand Converse, which was released back in the 1920s and is still popular in a slightly modernized form, is recognized as a classic sneaker.

Initially, sneakers were also used primarily for sports, and thanks to their lightness and low price, this shoe model quickly spread throughout the world, including the USSR, where canvas sneakers were standardized in GOST. Towards the end of the 20th century, this shoe model became associated with various subcultures, such as skaters. Today, sneakers are a full-fledged element of modern urban fashion.


Sneakers are an integral element of modern street style.

Sneakers are the newest subtype of sports shoes, located between sneakers and sneakers. More massive than sneakers, they, however, cannot be classified as sneakers, since they were originally created not as shoes for sports, but as an element of street style. Sneakers often have a particularly striking design; they are often produced by brands that have not previously worked with sports shoes.


Cleats are the only type of men's sports shoes that are really used only for sports.

Boots these days are called shoes designed exclusively for sports, in order to separate them from sneakers, trainers and sneakers for everyday wear. These models are characterized by the use of the most modern technological elements (special insoles and sole shape, spikes, highly breathable fabrics), and they also often feature bright acid colors and prominent logos of sports brands.

This type of shoe is not intended to be combined with casual wear.

How to choose sports shoes

First of all, you need to decide where exactly you plan to wear your new pair of shoes. For sports or fitness activities, you need sneakers designed for physical activity. It is best to choose these models in specialized sports stores (for example, from brands such as Adidas, Nike, Puma, Reebok, etc.) and pay attention to the design of the sole and the materials used: sneakers should breathe, soften the load on the foot, reduce hit while running.

Sneakers for active recreation, for example, long walks in nature, have less stringent requirements, however, breathable materials are preferable for them, for example, perforated fabric for the summer, or, if we are talking about less favorable climatic conditions, waterproof materials, such as Gore-Tex. It is also better to choose similar shoes in sports stores, but you should pay attention not to the sections for running and sports, but to the sections for active recreation or everyday wear.

If you need a new pair of stylish sneakers or sneakers for every day, the choice is expanding significantly: in addition to directly sports brands, such models are now produced by almost all brands of shoes. Of the manufacturers specializing in sneakers, New Balance enjoys great success; fans of sneakers prefer Converse and Vans. You can often find interesting models in clothing stores: many jeans manufacturers, outerwear or collections casual styles and urban produce sneakers and sneakers to offer the buyer a complete look.

How to combine sports shoes with a casual style

To harmoniously fit sports shoes into casual look, we must remember that such models, unlike some more classic ones, are selected not to match the color of the trousers, but to the colors and style of all clothing.

Bright sneakers can be a great accent to a neutral look, such as sweatpants and a T-shirt or jeans and a sweatshirt.

Sneakers can be combined with a plaid shirt and skinny trousers, jeans with leather jacket, shorts with a bright T-shirt, etc.

Most universal look sports shoes are black or white sneakers that go with absolutely everything, including trench coats, coats and tweed jackets.

It is also important to remember that straight-leg jeans or classic-length trousers are best paired with sneakers or flat-soled sneakers. Bright chunky sneakers with ergonomic soles will look too massive with such clothes; they are better suited for everyday style along with skinny and cropped jeans or sports pants.

How to combine sports shoes with business clothes

For a stylish and bold look, you can pair sports shoes with a business suit. This technique has long been tried by stars who appear in similar sets at any events, right up to the red carpet at the Oscars!

The combination of a formal suit with sports shoes gives the image a zest, but in order not to cross the line of bad taste, you must follow certain rules. Firstly, the model and color of the shoes should be neutral; white sneakers would be the ideal option. Secondly, it is better to make a choice in favor of enough skinny trousers, you can also roll up the legs. In this case, do not forget to use special short socks for sports shoes! One more a win-win option To combine with sneakers, a set of a classic jacket and a white shirt with smooth blue jeans.

Suit with white sneakers – great choice for summer

In conclusion

If you used to wear athletic shoes exclusively for morning runs, consider maybe reconsidering this rule. Sneakers, trainers or sneakers will help you create stylish and at the same time very comfortable looks for every day.

The right athletic shoes can help you improve your performance and avoid injury. When buying a new pair of sneakers, follow certain rules.

Let's go through the list:

— Buy ​​sports shoes in a specialized store. Its employees will friendly and clearly tell you about all the advantages and rules for using a particular model. It will, of course, cost a little more, but it's worth it. Don't regret it, you'll be wearing these sneakers all the time.

- Because your legs get a little bigger after physical activity, try wearing sneakers after a workout or run and at the end of the day.

- Wear the same type of sock you wear during your workout.

— The toes should move freely in the shoes you are trying on.

- Shoes should be comfortable as soon as you put them on. There is no break-in period for sports shoes.

- Take a few steps in new shoes. You should be comfortable.

- Always try to re-lace your sneakers. Starting with the farthest loops, lace crosswise.

— There should be a tight fit of the shoe to the heel. It should not dangle when you walk or run.

— If you train 3 times or more a week, then you should choose special shoes for yourself.

This can be a difficult choice due to the sheer number of types of athletic shoes available. There are many differences in design, material and weight. These variations have been designed to protect feet that face heavy loads in a variety of sports.

There are different categories of sneakers: running, training, and also hiking. In such shoes they go for walks, jogging, and walking. For walking shoes, choose sneakers with comfortable soft soles with good cushioning. The special design balances to create a natural bulge in the sole that can be felt as you walk.

Here are the features of soft running shoes that give you flexibility, control and heel stability, as well as lightness and good traction.

Sneakers for play on the court. Includes tennis shoes, basketball shoes, volleyball shoes. Most of these sports require forward and backward, side to side movements. As a result, sneakers used for on-court play are subject to rough handling. So, the key to finding good gaming shoes is having the right shoe sole.

Shoes for playing on the field. Includes soccer and baseball shoes. The sole of these sneakers is usually spiked or toothed. The spikes and prongs vary depending on the sport. There are replaceable and removable parts. The teeth and spikes are attached to a nylon sole.

Lightweight athletic shoes. Due to the specific needs of track and field athletes, companies produce a variety of running shoes to suit different foot types, gaits, and training styles.

Shoes for special sports. Includes golf, aerobics and cycling shoes.

Sneakers for outdoor sports. These are shoes that are used for recreational activities: hunting, fishing, boating.

Know your sports shoes

If you exercise 3 or more times a week, then specific sports shoes may be necessary. Remember, once a shoe has been through 500 to 800 km of active running and 300 hours of aerobics, the padding in it will already wear out. This is a signal that it's time to buy new sneakers.

Choose, choose

The fitness boom of the last 25 years has led to a strong and rapid production of athletic shoes. A sneaker consumer in the 1960s had only one choice: buy a versatile athletic shoe. Today, consumers can choose from hundreds of brands and styles of sneakers designed for all types of activities.

You probably feel overwhelmed or even confused by the abundance of choices available to you. Especially after manufacturing companies release technologically complex shoes with new designs. Every year advertisements on bulletin boards and on TV offer new features for athletic shoes. But they offer little to no advice on how to choose shoes to fit your feet. Just one brand cannot meet all customer needs, and the latest innovations and high price may not be the best choice.

Tradition suggests that good running shoes should have adequate cushioning. But there are supporters of minimalist running shoes that have almost no cushioning. There is no such data that says which shoes are the best. But if you choose a soft shoe, look at the cushioning of the foot and the stability of the heel. While not a panacea, these qualities in running shoes can help prevent shin injuries, tendinitis, heel pain, and fractures.

Runners should wear shoes with more cushioning. The shoe is designed to provide maximum overall cushioning across the entire foot. Such shoes should also have good heel stability.

Walking shoes

If walking is your favorite sport or a doctor's recommendation to prevent cardiovascular disease, wear light shoes. Pay attention to the extra cushioning in the heel of the shoe and especially in the foot area. This will help reduce heel pain due to diseases - plantar fasciitis, bunions. Burning and pain associated with metatarsalgia are also reduced. Shoes with a rounded sole or bottom balance help transfer weight smoothly from the heel to the toes without requiring the entire foot to exert effort.

These shoes should be lightweight and should have cushioning in the foot area to prevent foot fatigue. It is better to train on a carpeted floor, if possible.

Tennis shoes

If basketball is your sport, choose shoes with hard, thick soles. This gives additional stability during training on the court. It's good to have high-top sneakers for extra support. But this does not mean that the risk of ankle injury or sprain is significantly reduced.

Cross training

Shoes for this sport combine several of the above features so that you can take part in more than one sport. Shoes should be flexible in the forefoot and stable on the sides, as required for aerobics and tennis.

- be sure to read it.

You don't necessarily need a separate pair of sneakers for each sport. Typically, you will need a special type of athletic shoe unless you play a sport more than three times a week. If you've been training for some time without injury, then stick to the shoes you've been wearing. There is no reason to change it anymore.

How to choose sports shoes? (video):

For special problems, special shoes may be needed. Nice shoes may not be good for those who overpronate. If your ankle rolls easily, you will need shoes with a wide heel. Shin problems will require shoes with high cushioning.

Design Features

Sports shoes vary in material and design, as well as in the way they are made. Look inside the sneakers before you buy them. This will help you choose shoes that suit both your feet and your sport.

The design features of the shoe provide a feeling of comfort and help prevent injury:

  • Long-lasting slippage of the shoe is achieved by sewing the sock together like a moccasin, and then gluing it to the sole. This durable method is done to make the shoe flexible and lightweight.
  • The upper of such shoes is sewn with leather or canvas material, reminiscent of ordinary cardboard. A person with flat feet will feel more supported in these shoes with an advanced adjustment system.
  • This combination combines the advantages of other sneakers. This athletic shoe provides good heel position and remains flexible in the forefoot. The shoe fits well on many foot types.

Shoes fit

The best designed running shoes won't do their job if they don't fit properly. You can avoid foot problems by finding a shoe store that has a podiatrist or a professional shoe tailor who knows about different styles and types of shoes. Or you can become a knowledgeable consumer by following these guidelines:

- Don't go around knowing only your size. Measure your foot.

- Come to the shoe store after a workout when your feet are a little prone to swelling.

— Wear the socks you usually wear when you try on.

— Put the sneaker on a larger foot.

- Make sure there is some room in the shoe after the longest toe.

- If you have a bunion or a crooked toe, find shoes with a wide toe box. You should be able to move your toes freely when you stand in your new shoes. It should be comfortable from the moment you put it on.

— Women who have large, wide feet can consider men's shoe models. It is made wider, but the same size.

When do foot problems develop?

If you begin to develop problems with your feet or ankles, simple adjustments to your footwear can sometimes relieve symptoms. Many of these simple things are available without a prescription.

- Heel cup provides pain relief from plantar fasciitis. It is made of plastic or rubber. The heel cup is designed to support the heel while providing pressure relief under the sore spot.

— An arch support (orthopedic device) can help with pain in the arch of the foot. Made from many types of materials. Arch supports can be placed in shoes by removing the original insole.

– Metatarsal pads can help relieve pain under the ball thumb(sesamoiditis) or under the pads of other fingers (metatarsalgia). Made from felt material or hard rubber. The pad on the flat side contains adhesive. Fixed in the insole to the problem area. Thus, the pressure decreases.

Arch supports to order

Many foot problems occur due to stretching while wearing simple shoes. However, chronic and complex foot conditions may require specially designed supports made from materials that enhance relief in a specific area while supporting others. If you have severe flat feet, shin splints, tendinitis, then you may want to have custom arch supports made.

For best results in relieving such problems, you should consult an orthopedic surgeon. This is a doctor who specializes in bone and joint diseases. An orthopedic surgeon treats foot and ankle problems. And orthopedists create and change arch supports, following the surgeon’s instructions. Working with these professionals will ensure you have the right footwear for the best treatment.

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