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Attention to all those who like to start new life from Monday: you have a unique chance to start it already from the weekend. Because tomorrow, September 22, the countdown to the New Year begins. Everyone's favorite holiday will come in exactly 100 days.

website knows how to make good use of this time, and invites you to listen to ideas for self-improvement so that you can celebrate the New Year as a different person.

Weeks 1–3: Cleaning the house

Numerous studies have proven that cleaning not only cleanses our physical space, but also helps us organize our thoughts and achieve mental balance.

So, let's go!

  • Let's get rid of unnecessary things.

This advice is as old as time, but full of wisdom. If you really start cleaning your house, rather than moving unnecessary things from place to place, your home will be transformed. And they can help with this by putting things in order.

  • Transforming space.

Every home has annoying little things: a broken socket, a piece of wallpaper torn off by a child, a peeling door handle. It doesn’t warrant a full renovation, but it spoils the appearance and your mood.

Make a list of rooms and what needs to be done in them. Gradually eliminate these shortcomings. We assure you, you won't have to spend a lot of money on endless renovations, but your home will look better.

Weeks 4–6: Relationships

Think about the people who make you happy and reciprocate.

  • Call friends and family whom you have not seen for a long time, visit elderly relatives, improve relationships with those with whom they were spoiled.
  • Arrange romantic evening to your soulmate.
  • Make a list of gifts for family and loved ones. Buy them in advance, and not on the eve of December 31, as many of us are used to doing. Write and send greeting cards to friends who are far from you, so that they receive congratulations just in time for the holiday.

Weeks 7–9: nutrition

There is still a month and a half until New Year's olivier in bowls, which means that we have time to acquire healthy eating habits.

  • We've heard it a million times, but never followed it: limit your consumption of sweets, replace flour and fried foods with fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. , because you are definitely what you eat. Motivation in the form of a slim and healthy body for the New Year should help.
  • Avoid ready-made snacks and snacks, . You'll save some money at the same time.

Weeks 10–12: sports

Just for fun (for sport, of course), try to adhere to these simple rules:

  • Stop using the elevator and walk more. Get off public transport a couple of stops earlier, then park your car to “nurse” the doctor-recommended 10 thousand steps a day.
  • Start doing squats, push-ups, crunches, or running. If you do, say, 10 squats right now and increase the number of repetitions every day, by the New Year your body will have completely different shapes.

Weeks 13–14: self-development and rest

You did a great job! We developed many useful habits, strengthened our willpower, and became full of pride and self-respect. And we’ve even already bought gifts.

It's time to rest and take stock.

  • Psychologists assure: a feeling of gratitude makes us happier. Write a list of 100 pleasant events of the past year that brought you positive emotions or taught you something new. Look through the photos taken over the year to refresh your impressions.
  • Make a wish list and dreams for the coming year. And exactly one year later, don’t forget to re-read it and cross out everything that has happened.
  • Get into the habit of making your dreams come true: remember everything you have wanted for a long time, and start taking timid steps towards your aspirations every week of the new year. If you wanted to become a chef, cook a new dish every week or sign up for a cooking class. If you dreamed of becoming a writer, don’t get up from your desk until you write 2 pages every day. Is your longtime passion traveling? Dream about where you'd like to go in the next 12 months and start saving for that dream trip around the world now.
  • Write a letter to your future, tell it how you live now, what worries you, how you see your life in 10-20-30 years.
  • Make a list And most importantly, those who believe in miracles - just like in childhood. But now you already know that you can create miracles yourself.

    Do you feel the New Year approaching? Do you consider this holiday just another reason to relax, or is it a starting point for you, an opportunity to start life from scratch?

It's time for the New Year holidays - this is the time of a kind and beautiful fairy tale that looks into every home with the onset of winter cold. On the eve of the New Year, houses and city squares are decorated with green forest beauties - Christmas trees, and on the windows you can see amazing snowflakes with multi-colored garlands. Everyone gets a wonderful feeling of an approaching miracle and at this time I really want to believe that everything planned will come true in the coming year.

That is why, with a glass of champagne and the chimes, we make our most cherished wishes and, if we sincerely believe, they will definitely come true. To know for sure how many days left until New Year 2017, We present to your attention an online calculator that calculates the time remaining until the festival.

How long until New Year 2017?

This calculator counts the days, hours, minutes, seconds that remain until the coming New Year, expected in our homes on the night of December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017. Or, more precisely, the New Year will begin with the last chime, exactly at 00:00 on January 1, 2017.

Looking at the calculator for calculating the remaining time until your favorite holiday, you can better plan preparations for the New Year, soberly assess your capabilities and, if necessary, adjust your concept of New Year's preparations. Also, you will always know exactly how much time is left until the time when the real thing finally begins. best holiday in a year that unites people of all ages and nations.

A little history and fun facts about New Year's celebrations

For the first time, the New Year was celebrated in Mesopotamia, and this was, according to scientists, in the third millennium BC. The tradition of celebrating the New Year was connected with the fact that agricultural work began at the end of March, just after the water in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers arrived. This event was celebrated for 12 days with carnivals, solemn processions, masquerades, etc. During this period, any work was prohibited, and it was also impossible to conduct trials.

Over time, the custom of celebrating the New Year spread to other nations. At first, the Jews who were in Babylonian captivity borrowed this tradition, then it passed on to the Greeks, and from them to the peoples of Western Europe.

Specifically, from December 31 to January 1, the New Year began to be celebrated according to the Julian calendar, which was introduced by the Roman ruler Gaius Julius Caesar. On this day, the Romans made sacrifices to Janus, the two-faced god. It was believed that from the first day of the New Year, any endeavors would be crowned with success.

Today the New Year is celebrated in different countries in different ways, but almost everywhere the main attributes of the holiday are a decorated coniferous tree, lights of multi-colored garlands, a luxurious feast, champagne, striking clocks, gifts and fun.

In many countries, the New Year is a very significant holiday, which is accompanied by a variety of interesting events. For example, in Italy New Year's Eve old things that have lost their value and meaning for the owners are thrown out of the windows. Moreover, both a robe and a chair can whistle through the air. Therefore, walking under the windows of residential buildings at this time is dangerous. In South Africa, people also throw something out of windows on New Year's Day - refrigerators. Law enforcement agencies are forced to close entire neighborhoods from traffic and keep watch all night.

In Germany, with the first strike of the clock, people climb onto chairs and sofas and literally “jump” into the New Year at the twelfth strike. This is someone who has a truly noisy holiday! Another country with a “ringing” tradition of celebrating the New Year is Hungary. In the first second of the new year, Hungarians begin to whistle and blow horns, whistles, children's pipes, etc. In this way, people drive away evil spirits from their homes and bring joy into them.

At the first stroke of the clock, the British open the back doors of the house so that they can quietly “go out”. With the final blow, people in England open the front doors of their homes and welcome the New Year. Also, the tradition of kissing with the onset of the New Year came to many countries from England.

In Spain they eat grapes for New Year. There should be exactly 12 berries, one berry for each of the coming months of the coming year.

The funniest custom of celebrating the New Year in Scandinavia is that at the last stroke of the clock, they grunt under the table to ward off troubles and illnesses from home and family.

In China, New Year is considered a lantern festival. Every year the date of the New Year's celebration changes. On New Year's Eve, millions of small lanterns are lit in squares and streets. Sparks from lanterns, according to Chinese legends, drive away evil spirits.

Do you remember how, as a child, starting in October, you crossed out every day you lived that separated you from the magical New Year’s Eve? We have prepared for you an accurate automatic counter that will help you again savor the feeling of anticipation of the holiday. Here you can find out at any time how much is left until the New Year 2019. We also publish cultural, financial, fashion and other news, forecasts and predictions.

Our portal is updated daily with informative articles about everything that may be interesting. We also pay great attention to what may be useful for you to meet him. There is still time before the main night of the year and we offer you a variety of ideas for preparing and holding the celebration.

First of all, pay attention to this selection:

  • and advice on,
  • Original, toasts, in verse and prose,
  • Ideas for and more,
  • Trends and recommendations for choosing,
  • Creative and the most successful ways to create its replacement.

What should you devote your time to?

Making a variety of figurines and paintings will help you decorate your home and prepare unique gifts for your loved ones. The dog is the patron saint of 2018. She will certainly be supportive if you create the appropriate attributes and symbolism.

Ladies will appreciate articles about trends New Year's hairstyles and manicure, home decoration and Christmas tree decoration. We have not forgotten about the relevance of the issue of choosing a festive outfit.

Representatives of the stronger sex can explore the latest products from the car market, gaming industry and sports news. Study the government reform plan.

Keep track of how many days, hours, minutes and seconds are left until the New Year 2019 in order to use this time as productively and pleasantly as possible. Make plans for the coming year, set goals for yourself and you will certainly succeed.

The closer New Year, the more people are concerned about the question of how many days are left until the new year 2017. It is clear that this is not accidental. Because it has long been noticed that on the eve of the New Year holidays, the days fly by at incredible speed. There is so much to do and prepare, but work and everyday household chores have not yet been canceled.

The time for the New Year holidays is awaited with trepidation not only by children, but also by adults. This is a magical time, so I want to count how much is left until the holiday every new morning. On the eve of the New Year, the closer the holidays and summer, the more fabulous and magical the atmosphere becomes. I would like to join the holiday and prepare for it not only by purchasing food at New Year's table, choosing an outfit and reading the horoscope. Additionally, you always want to do something with your own hands and spend quality time with the whole family.

The last day of the new year, the holiday is about to arrive, is always considered the most exciting. After all, as many minutes are left until the New Year, so many are left for us to prepare again and come up with wishes. Everyone knows that wishes made on New Year's midnight will definitely come true. For the attention of readers, there is an online counter that will help you quickly and efficiently calculate how much time remains until the fabulous night, and then also until the ten days of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Many people want to install such a countdown calculator for themselves, because, on the one hand, it brings them closer to a fabulous magical night. But on the other hand, it helps to correctly and realistically assess the time that is left to prepare for an important New Year's holiday. It is no longer so important whether a holiday is planned at home or a trip. Preparations should definitely begin in advance and not leave everything to the last minute. After all, on the eve of the New Year, there is bustle everywhere, in every area of ​​life, and there is no point in these last days solve some complex and important issues.

Fun facts about the New Year holiday

So, the counter of days until the new year, their exact number, can be installed directly on your computer. There may be a few days or a couple of hours left, but the remaining period of time must be spent productively in order to get a lot done.

Interesting facts will help you create an excellent holiday program. For example, for the first time the New Year began to be celebrated in Mesopotamia. Modern scientists have established. That it was in the third century BC. Moreover, the holiday was celebrated in March, when agricultural work began.

There is very little left until the new year 2017, so whether you install the meter before this period or not, you will have to hurry. On our website we offer best tips, recommendations on how and what to celebrate the New Year, where to celebrate it, what to serve on the New Year’s table. With coming!