Selling a car is not an easy task and is associated with a huge number of nuances and difficulties; in this process you definitely cannot do without conspiracies. Anyone who has encountered this action knows - we start by placing ads and then as it goes, so it goes, the main thing is to sell it at a higher price. However, buyers are often resellers and showrooms who know much more than you about how to bargain when purchasing and what points to press. You need to be one step ahead of them, use conspiracies to sell a car and your car will fly away to the first person who calls!

Be careful when casting spells, there is no need for haste, but accuracy and perseverance are required.

We have collected in this article the best and effective ways from all that we have collected all over the Internet, use only proven methods and conduct your transactions competently. Good luck.

Conspiracies to sell a car - a little theory

Of course, our ancestors didn’t have cars. Conspiracies to sell cars arose much later than many other magical techniques. But trading magic, or, as it is now called, business magic, has existed for centuries. Such conspiracies have long helped merchants and everyone who had to deal with trade to conduct business and obtain maximum profits. Such methods were also used when selling carts, horses and other types of transport that were available in those days.

Over the years, almost nothing has changed. Nowadays, magic still envelops all areas of our lives and can help in any situation that modern people face.

What can a strong conspiracy to sell a car do?

  • You will be able to close the deal you want much faster. There will definitely be a buyer who will agree to your price and who will like your product.
  • You don't have to make a discount, but remember to keep the price fair.
  • You should not mention the initially inflated cost.
  • In addition, you will still have to advertise in newspapers and websites, ask your friends if they need a used car.
  • Magic will not do anything for you, it will only help in your business.

Conspiracy on quick sale The sale of a car is not always aimed specifically at a profitable deal between you and the buyer. But you can also use several conspiracies, both to speed up the process and to obtain maximum benefits from selling a car.

Conditions for the ceremony

Before carrying out a conspiracy to sell a car, a number of important conditions must be met:

  1. It is best to show the car to a possible buyer during the waning moon during daylight hours. The lunar phase increases the success of trading magic. Any rituals to get rid of any thing are doubled in strength.
  2. The best deals can be made in the middle of the week. Wednesday is a successful day for magical rituals in the field of trade.
  3. Before showing the car to the buyer, you need to spray it with blessed water.
  4. When reading a plot, the main thing is the confidence that it will work and the sale will take place the way you want. Despair and constant waiting for magic to work reduces its power.
  5. You need to read the words of the spells clearly; it is advisable to be alone during the ritual. Also, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual.
  6. You need to sell your car in good mood as if you were giving a gift.
  7. The most important thing to remember is that the car owner must read the words of the conspiracy and carry out the entire ritual independently. Do not trust such an important matter to another person, even if it is a friend or relative.
  8. Conspiracies for the successful sale of a car.

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex. Complex rituals require preparation and consist of several stages. It's better to use simple ones.

Performing rituals for an urgent transaction

In all of these rituals, attention is paid to the success of the sale. If you need to sell a car urgently, use the following powerful ritual.

On Sunday, collect blessed water in the temple, and on the way back buy simple kitchen salt. Lightly pour blessed water over the salt. Squeeze the salt into a fist with your left hand. Say the following text:

“Just as everyone needs water, no one can live without it, so the buyer could not live without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a specie. One came, another looked, and the third bought. Amen".

Dry the salt, sprinkle it on the car, saying the spell: “Salt for food, merchant for goods.” Sprinkle the remaining salt over your lunch.

The ritual of sprinkling the car also requires holy water. Speak to the water with the words from the previous ritual. Then pour this enchanted holy water over the car.

If you do everything correctly, the plot will bring you good luck. The main thing is not to doubt and believe that the ritual will help.

Conspiracy to quickly sell a car

This plot will help you sell your car quickly. It will attract buyers to you who are suitable for your product. You may have to haggle a little, lower the price, but there will be no end to buyers. It can be used to sell other vehicles, but then in the text of the conspiracy you will need to replace the word “car” with the name of what you are going to sell. It is also good for selling other things, such as furniture.

  • For this spell you need holy water. It is recruited after Sunday church services, which are held in the morning. When you leave the service, buy regular salt.
  • It is best to choose small, “Extra”. It will have to be sprinkled on your car, so coarse salt is not a good option.
  • For a salt spell, you only need a handful, so there is no need to purchase a large package. The salt you have at home is not suitable.
  • You need the one you take from the new pack. It will not carry any extraneous energies that may interfere with you.

So, put some salt in left hand. Pour a little holy water directly into your hand to moisten it. You don't need a lot of water. Make a fist with your left hand along with its contents and say:

How people cannot live honestly without iron keys,
How he can’t protect his property without iron locks,
They won’t be able to live without a car!
Like food and water, let them need my car!

Now the salt soaked in holy water should dry naturally in the sun. You can simply lay it out on a plate or paper on the windowsill. No need to add salt sun rays and open the windows. Wait until it dries, and then sprinkle it on the car with these words:

Just as salt goes well with food, so let a merchant come to me for goods.

Don't pour all the salt on your car, leave just a little to add it to any dish you eat.

We sell at a profit

Before selling a car, the owner usually cleans it up. At a minimum, the vehicle needs to be washed. If you want this procedure to bring you much more benefits, you should not go to a car wash. Wash the car yourself with spoken water. Take a full bucket or any other container that will serve this purpose and say to it:

I wash off all the dirt from the horse and put it up for auction. Whoever gives more money for the horse, I will sell it to him, and let the merchants come, each richer than the other, and bargain for my horse.

If you need to change the water, then drain the dirty water, and read this plot again for clean water. When washing your car, you can practice visualization. Imagine what benefits you will get from selling your car, how a rich person comes to you and buys it, etc. This conspiracy not only helped to sell the car profitably, but sometimes even made it possible to sell used vehicles for more high price than originally planned.

An ancient and powerful conspiracy to sell a car

This conspiracy appeared much earlier than the first car was created. With its help, our ancestors quickly and profitably sold absolutely everything that was then considered a means of transportation - ox carts, horses, luxurious carriages and carts for transporting hay.

  • Today, with the help of this conspiracy, you can sell not only a car, but also any other type of transport - a bicycle, a motorcycle or even a riding horse.
  • It aims to sell your vehicle quickly and profitably only if you make sure that buyers know about you.
  • For example, they placed an ad in a popular newspaper or on a special website.
  • The conspiracy forces the buyer to have a good opinion about your product and make a choice to purchase it.

The text of the conspiracy must be memorized in advance. It is read before meeting with a potential buyer, showing the product, making a phone call, submitting an ad, or any other activity that involves selling your car. If you learn it by heart, then a buyer who suddenly appears will not take you by surprise, and you will not miss your chance to call on magic for help.

Full text of this strong conspiracy for selling a car sounds like this:

The cart rushed across the clear sky,
The bird was harnessed to her harness.
Everyone who saw that chariot,
He immediately wanted to take possession of her.
I searched in my dreams, I didn’t know peace during the day.
So let the people be honest, no matter what I offer,
He wanted it, he wanted it, but he bought it from me.
For my bird of heaven, for my iron chariot.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Cleaning for quick car sale

Each thing carries the energy of the person who owns it - be it a vehicle, clothing or another item. It is not for nothing that many slander, the purpose of which is to influence specific person, require the presence of his personal belongings.

  • Having your energy in the car you are planning to sell can make this process much more difficult.
  • People feel an energy that is alien to them, even if not everyone realizes it.
  • Many people noticed something similar when there was no desire to purchase a used product that was suitable in all respects.
  • Your car stores all the emotions that it evoked in you and that you experienced while on the road. You may have spent a considerable amount of time driving this vehicle.

Before selling, it is advisable to cleanse the car of the energy of the previous owner. Perhaps then she will find a new owner herself. Things that do not carry the energy of the person to whom they belong cannot remain for sale for long. Nature abhors a vacuum, so after cleaning, your car will quickly attract a new owner.

  • First, take everything connected to you out of the car.
  • Don't store any more items in her trunk.
  • Remove the air freshener, rugs, covers and anything else that cannot be in new car and what is connected with you.
  • You also need to wet clean the inside of the car, but it’s better to wash the outside of the car in advance.

When you clean the cabin, read the plot continuously throughout the entire cleaning process:

I’ll shake out the dirt and rubbish from the car, and get the spirit and smell out of it. And when the merchant comes to me for it, the smell and his spirit will immediately enter the car!

After this, you should no longer use this machine. It is now undesirable to even approach her without a reason. There is no need to regret the sale or miss the vehicle if you loved it. Emotions can also get in the way. The better the car is cleaned in terms of energy, the faster it will have a new owner.

Powerful conspiracies to sell a car can help you literally get extra money out of nowhere. You just need to follow all the rules, believe in the result and really make an effort to sell.


From time immemorial, material gain has been considered one of the main purposes of using magical power. The need to be independent is satisfied, as most ordinary people rightly believe, by having a certain amount in a bank account, a country mansion and a luxury car.

The question of selling a four-wheeled friend arises in several ways:

  • the previous car no longer satisfies the owner’s needs, and he wants to buy something more expensive;
  • the vehicle went to a person uninterested in its ownership (by inheritance or to pay off someone’s debt), however, the newcomer is not going to sit behind the wheel;
  • the service life of the machine is quite long, and the costs of constant maintenance exceed the amount of benefit it brings;
  • the car owner urgently needs finance due to his shaky financial situation (then other money conspiracies will come in handy);
  • The owner of a vehicle has unpleasant and sometimes tragic memories associated with it: a ridiculous accident, the death of a loved one.
  • In the near future, the car enthusiast is planning a full-scale move, and sees the iron horse as an extra burden.

However, despite the various motivating reasons for selling a car, the desire to gain as much money as possible prevails. But sometimes many obstacles arise on the way to completing a transaction: low purchasing power, falling prices on the secondary market, the risk of becoming a victim of fraudsters, malfunctions that appear out of nowhere, difficulties in communicating with potential buyers...

All obstacles, according to practicing magicians, can be easily eliminated by carrying out special witchcraft rituals, the simplest of which - conspiracies - can be performed even by a person ignorant of occult sciences.

Rules of material conspiracies

In order for the plot to quickly sell a car to work as you planned, you only need to adhere to certain magical rules prescribed by the creators of trading magical rituals.

  1. The ritual is carried out during the waning phase of the moon, at which time it is advisable to show the car to the declared buyers.
  2. Before the demonstration, the car must be sprinkled with water blessed the day before in the church.
  3. In advance, everything belonging to the car is removed from the passenger compartment and trunk of the car. to the former owner, that is, you, things.
  4. Do not tell anyone about the sacrament performed on the four-wheeled vehicle, even after the sale - secrecy is one of the main components of the successful completion of the transaction.
  5. The second main condition for a positive outcome is sincere belief in the power of the conspiracy used. Without observing this rule, higher powers simply will not respond to your requests.

One more thing, rather not a rule, but a warning: choose a ritual that is considered light - it refers to white magic.
It is easy to distinguish it from dark rituals by its content: the spell text in it is presented in the form of a request, not an order, and the sacrament itself does not require frightening attributes and actions - trips to the cemetery, sacrifices, calling on demons, spells and other devilry.

By resorting to the help of black magic, you will undoubtedly sell the car, but whether the proceeds will be beneficial for you, and whether the purchased vehicle will bring happiness to the new owner, is a very controversial issue.


How to attract buyers? Naturally, submit an ad, preferably to several sources simultaneously: media, television, Internet sites. But before you put your demands in writing, it is important not only to think through the advertising text, but also to perform a simple prediction ritual.

To do this, close your eyes and imagine how, after submitting an application, your phone is ringing off the hook with calls from potential merchants with the best offers. After visualization, open your eyes and read the following text:

May what I have planned come true, may what I wish come true! My words are filled with truth and immutable! Amen!


If the future owner of your movable property looms on the horizon, but is trying to reduce the price, and you don’t want to give in, try to hurry up the completion of the purchase and sale in the following way before your next meeting with him.

Walking around the rattle three times in a circle, say (mentally or in a whisper) the magic words:

Time flies, flies, slides, expires - my goods are in good hands! The goods are for you, the income is for me, I won’t go wrong with the price. Your car is running - I have money for my needs. Amen.


This ancient method was recommended by local healers to people who were interested in how to sell something valuable: a house, a cow, livestock, harvested crops, etc. This proven method of attracting profits is also suitable for successfully selling your own transport.

Visit a nearby church and bless the water you brought there. On the way home, buy a pack of regular table salt. At home, open the package, scoop up a small handful of salt with your left hand, sprinkle it with holy water and clench your fist full of crystals. Say it like this:

Just as people need a steel lock in their houses, and a hardened, strong key for it, so the buyer cannot live without my product, which I want to sell him. May the deal take place and I will sell the car at a high price. To be therefore! Amen!

Place the charmed salt in a secluded, dry place. When the powder dries, sprinkle it on your “bibika”, not forgetting to say: Just as food cannot be tasty without salt, a merchant cannot live peacefully without this machine!” If there is any salt left, add it to your food and eat it the same day.

How to pronounce words correctly

In order for the plot to sell a car to work as efficiently as possible, you need to comply with some conditions. Best time for showing a vehicle to a person - this is during daylight hours and those days when the moon is waning. You need to prepare blessed water in advance and sprinkle the car before showing it to a potential buyer.

  • The most important thing when reading is complete confidence that the sale will be completed quickly and profitably.
  • The right inner attitude is an important part of good luck and success.
  • There is no need to despair and wait impatiently, constantly wondering when this will happen - this will only reduce the power of the magical conspiracy.

Conducting rituals

Spells for selling a car can be completely different and carried out using various means: table salt, holy water, money, keys, candles, etc. But in general they are divided into 2 groups. The first includes conspiracies in which attention is focused on a successful, profitable and successful sale, and the second - on a quick transaction.

Words required to pronounce

Conspiracy on successful sale a car can be simple or complex. The following spells are simple:


You need to walk around your car 3 times clockwise, while saying the following words:

“As I walk around my car, so will buyers walk around it, crowd around it and want to buy. Draw the new owner with money to you.”


Before pronouncing the words, you need to thoroughly wash the car, and do not throw out the dirty water, but say the following over it:

“I wash off all the dirt and put the car up for auction. Whoever offers the most will sell it to him. Let rich merchants come and want to buy a car.”

This magic spell will help you sell your car very profitably.

In order to make a profitable deal with your car, you should use a ritual of washing the car. You need to wash the vehicle manually, and read the words of the conspiracy over the dirty water collected in a bucket:

“I put my car up for sale and wash the dirt off it!
To sell it to the highest bidder.
To give to the most not greedy!
Let the rich merchants come and buy a car soon!
He shouldn’t stand there for long, the new owner is already on his way!”

This magical ritual acts in two directions at once: it affects the success and profitability of the transaction and the speed of the sale. If you have not made a deal within two weeks, it is recommended to repeat the ritual again.

To successfully complete a transaction related to a trading conspiracy, may be useful magical rituals and prayers. Conspiracies for the sale of a car and other property will help the owner quickly and profitably carry out a successful transaction.

As a rule, such rituals are used when money is needed very urgently and there is absolutely no time to wait, or when a car or something else is not for sale for a long period of time.

By turning to magic, you can speed up this process. It is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the ritual and believe in the power of magic.

Car cleaning method

Before putting a car up for sale, it must be freed from traces of the owner’s energy.

This is necessary so that she can easily accept the new owner. You need to throw out everything that is not native to the car - toys, carpets, air fresheners, covers and other things that are part of the owner’s energy, while saying the words:

“I shake out the dirt from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the new owner come and let his spirit enter into it.”

Complex magic spells for the successful sale of a car require more serious actions.


You need to take the car key, put it in boiling water and boil it for several minutes, while saying the following words:

“Just as no one can live without an iron key and lock, so no one can live without a car. Just as no one can live without water and food, so no one can live without a car. Amen".

After reading the word, turn off the gas, remove the key, and pour the water into another container. Before selling the vehicle, wash your hands well with this water.

Direct your mental flow to the situation you need.


On Sunday you need to go to church and get holy water, and on the way back buy table salt. Returning home, you need to immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour some water into it and, clenching your fist, say:

“Just as everyone needs water, no one needs life, so the buyer could not live without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a specie. One came, another looked, and the third bought. Amen".

After the spell, you need to dry the salt, sprinkle it on the car and say: “Salt for food, merchant for my goods.” The remaining salt should be added to food on the same day. The proposed plot is focused more on speed than on profitability. It is often resorted to in cases where you need to urgently sell your car, for example, in connection with a move, etc.

Magic ritual

Trade rituals and ceremonies are very different, and a variety of components can be used: from holy water and money to table salt and so on.
Remember that a conspiracy to sell a car will help in the case when it is done by the owner of the property. Therefore, do not trust anyone to carry out such an important and responsible event, on which the outcome of the entire sale may depend.
For a profitable and quick transaction, you should walk around your car clockwise, saying the words:

“As I walk around the car, let the buyers walk too!
To buy they wanted the new owner to come with the money!”

You need to repeat the words of the conspiracy all the time while you walk three circles around the car. This ritual is very powerful and will help you find a buyer in the shortest possible time and sell your car profitably.

Energy cleansing

  • In order to attract a new owner to your car as quickly as possible, you should free the car from your traces and energy.
  • Of course, during this period and until the sale, it is best not to use the car. After the ritual, the car will be able to accept a new owner.
  • To perform the ritual, you will need to throw away one non-original item from your car a day: covers, air fresheners, toys, rugs and other items that store your energy.
  • When throwing away something from things, you need to say the words:

“I shake out the dirt from the car and drive out my spirit.
As soon as the buyer comes, a new spirit will enter!”

Types of conspiracies to sell a car

Conspiracies to sell a car can be completely different and carried out using a variety of means: holy water, table salt, candles, keys, money, etc.

  • But in the most general form they can be divided into two large groups.
  • The first includes conspiracies in which the emphasis is on the successful/successful/profitable sale of a product, and the second includes conspiracies in which the main goal is a quick sale.
  • Let's look at conspiracies for each of these groups.
  • We also advise you to learn more about money conspiracies.

Conspiracies for a successful car sale

A plot to successfully sell a car can be either simple or complex. The following conspiracies are considered simple:

  • Conspiracy to bypass the machine. You need to walk around the car clockwise three times, while repeating the following words: “As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk around it, crowd around it, and want to buy. Draw a new owner to you, and with money.” This true conspiracy for a profitable car sale.
  • Conspiracy to clean the car. This means that the car needs to be freed from traces of the owner’s energy in order for it to be completely cleansed on the mental level and be able to easily accept a new owner. As part of this conspiracy, you need to throw out everything that is not native to the car: carpets, toys, covers, air fresheners and other things that have part of your energy. In this case, you need to say the following: “I shake out the dirt from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the buyer come - a new spirit will enter into it!”.
  • Car washing conspiracy. First, you need to thoroughly wash the car by hand, and do not throw out the water that was used to wash it, but read the following above it: “I wash off the dirt and put the car up for auction. Whoever gives more, I will sell it to him. Let the merchants come richer than each other.". Such a conspiracy allows you to sell a car very profitably, mainly because you are investing your energy in a future transaction.

Complex conspiracies for the successful sale of a car usually involve more serious manipulations. An example of such a conspiracy is a conspiracy to sell your car using a car key. As part of this conspiracy, you need to take a car key, put it in a pan of boiling water and boil for a while, while reading the following text above the water:

Then the gas is turned off, the key is removed, and the water is poured into another container, and on the eve of the purchase and sale of the car, hands are washed with this water. Such a conspiracy, although not simple, is good for the profitable sale of a vehicle.

A conspiracy that definitely works

Conspiracies to quickly sell a car are focused more on speed than on the profitability of the deal. They are most often used in cases where something needs to be sold as soon as possible (for example, in connection with a move) or when a car has been on sale for a long time and there are no buyers for it. Like many other conspiracies, a conspiracy to quickly sell a car rarely works without holy water. Here are examples of such conspiracies:

  1. A conspiracy to quickly sell a car using holy water and table salt. You need to go to church on Sunday, get holy water there, and buy table salt on the way from church. Arriving home, immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour a little holy water there, and then, clenching your fist, say the following conspiracy: However, the conspiracy is not over. The salt needs to be dried, and then sprinkled on the car (of course, in such a way that it is not noticeable), saying: “Salt is for food, a merchant is for goods.” ABOUT Some salt will need to be added to food on the same day. This conspiracy works very quickly, the main thing is to go through all its stages thoughtfully and consistently.
  2. A plot to quickly sell a car with sprinkling. When performing this ritual, you again need to get holy water and recite the following text on it:

    After these words, the car needs to be generously sprinkled with the enchanted water, then it will sell quickly and profitably.

Other conspiracies for motorists

In addition to verbal magical constructions aimed at selling or buying a car, there are also a number of accompanying conspiracies, so to speak, of a motorist type, and for students there are conspiracies for good luck in their studies. After all, often a person selling his car also wants to sell a garage or tools, as well as equipment or spare parts for servicing or repairing the car. For these cases, there are also separate variants of conspiracies in trading magic.

For example, a plot to sell a garage is very similar to any of the plots to sell real estate. As an option, we will describe one of these options. It is better to start making a plot to sell a garage space on Wednesday, early in the morning, at sunrise. It is advisable that there is also a waxing moon on this day.

  • You should find any three nails, drive them into the threshold of the garage (or its likeness) and first say the word “I’m driving in” three times (each time you drive in one nail), and then finish the procedure with the phrase “I’m inviting a buyer.”
  • Having driven in all the nails, you need to light a candle, previously purchased in the nearest church, drip wax from it onto all three heads of the already driven nails and read the following plot:

    “I am sealing up the garage for a quick sale. Whoever crosses the threshold of the garage will buy it!”

  • After this, consider that the conspiracy has been carried out successfully, and you can safely hang the advertisement for the sale of the garage directly on the walls of the building. The buyer must come forward as soon as possible.

Water help

But for speedy sales, you can use a water spell.

  • It must be said at night, and in the morning it is necessary to wash the car with the resulting water (you can symbolically).
  • It is recommended, if you are nearby, to visit a natural water source.
  • A river or spring is perfect. If there is none, or you don’t have time, then open the tap.
  • Just keep in mind that a powerful natural source has extraordinary power.
  • It is clear that the effect will be greater.

Fill a bucket with water and read the plot. If you are pouring from a tap, do not close it until the words run out. The spell must be pronounced with flowing water:

“Water is water, everyone strives for it. There is no life without water! So without my car there is no life for someone. Open the way for him with water, let Judas get out of the way! Let him carry money, a whole bag, and take the car, he will be shocked by joy! I get money, the buyer gets a car. May the road be straight and the tires not let you down! If I splash water on my car, no one will pass by it!”

Now you need to wash the car with this water. As a rule, if you can (in the opinion Higher Powers) part with this car, it is sold within a week. Otherwise, think about it, is it worth going against the Universe and giving away what it thinks will serve you an important service? This is quite a serious moment. Quite often we do not listen to our Guardian Angel, which we later regret immensely, but the river has flown away and nothing can be returned.

Ancient ritual

  • There is a very old ritual for sale. A car is a commodity, like everything else.
  • It is recommended to try the honey-pepper mixture to quickly get money for a car.
  • you will need a jar of natural honey, black and red pepper (a pinch each).
  • In the first half of Monday, you need to add the indicated spices to the honey, stirring and repeating:

“Like a bee to honey, like a fly to a sharp fly, like a good girl to a maiden, like a bird to the sun, so the buyer strives for me! As soon as I lubricate the threshold, someone knocks with a bag of coins and asks for my answer. Yes, the second one is already running, he values ​​​​the goods. The third one is already on the doorstep, outweighing the price and the roads. Don't fight, make peace! Whoever gives triple the price will get the goods! Amen!"

The resulting mixture must be coated on the threshold in front of the driver's door. This is done before the buyer wants to inspect the car. There is no “hassle” from this ritual. The person who needs your car just comes. The road opens up for him. You don’t have to hide the car’s shortcomings; he’ll buy it anyway.

Ritual for the waxing moon

It is recommended to perform the ritual on a waxing moon. Buy a new deck of thirty-six cards. In the evening, light candles and sit at a table covered with a red cloth. Shuffle the deck, remembering the pleasant incidents associated with your car. Now lay out the cards in front of you in a loose order. You need to choose the ten of spades and the ace of diamonds. These cards mean receiving money. Notice if there were pictures next to them. If a lady appears, then focus on female customers. There is a high probability that your car will fall into the hands of a woman. And if the king is nearby, the man will give you money for the car. But this is particular.

Place the two chosen cards in front of you. Cover them with your hands and read the plot:

“I will cover the goods with my hand so that tears will strike evil eyes. So that the ray of the sun frees the new owner from the clouds. For the merchant to come, well done to the whole bazaar. For my goods to go, I was left with a profit. So that the wheels of the eyelids spin, and money flows to me. I’ll take a lot of gold from good hands as payment, so that the circle is closed!”

Place the Ace of Diamonds in the machine. You can put it under the rug or in the glove compartment. It is advisable that no one disturbs the card. And carry the ten of spades in your wallet until you receive the money. When the deal is completed successfully, burn the cards. You shouldn't keep them.

The process of selling a car can be facilitated by using special rituals and conspiracies. Prayers and conspiracies for selling a car should be read, following the rules and having previously prepared for the ritual.


How to properly prepare for the ritual for selling a car?

Before you begin the ritual, you need to remember the rules of preparation, the observance of which will enhance the effect of the ritual:

  1. It is more effective to carry out the ritual on the waning moon - such a time is ideal for getting rid of the old. At this phase of the moon, it is most profitable to sell, but not profitable to buy. But the second one should be taken care of by the buyer.
  2. Preserve the mystery of the ritual. No one should know about the conspiracy, see the attributes and amulets that will be used in the ritual.
  3. Perform the ritual on Wednesday. Wednesday is a favorable day for trading magic rituals.
  4. Clean the energy of your car. A car is a serious part of a person’s life and bears a strong imprint of his personality and energy. Try to “depersonalize” the car as much as possible before showing it to the buyer.
  5. Cross your fingers on your left hand when you collect money for the car, then the deal will not fall through.
  6. Faith in the success of the ritual is required. The stronger the confidence, the more effective the magic of the ritual for selling a car will be.

The most effective rituals for successfully selling a car

History has left many different rituals to help in trade. With the passage of time and the progress of progress, many rituals have appeared regarding various benefits of civilization, including for selling a car.

Rite from Vanga

The ceremony is carried out with the help of water, which must be used to wash the car put up for sale with one’s own hands. A conspiracy is read about water. If the water changes during the process, the spell should be read over each portion.

I wash my dear horse, wash away all the dirt, and put the stallion up for auction. A good horse is worth a lot of money, merchants will bargain richer than each other. Whoever gives more will get it.

It would be useful to visualize the process of selling a car while washing it.

Ritual with photos from Natalia Stepanova for profitable car sales

Natalya Stepanova offers a very simple ritual. Before meeting with the buyer, you just need to say the magic words.

With Christ, in Christ, glory to You, All-Knowing Father and glory to the Holy Spirit. Just as a person pays what he deserves, so let me be paid in full for what I, the servant of God (name of the seller), sell. Amen.

Plot to sell honey

The ceremony takes place at midnight. The moon should be completely covered by clouds.

For the ritual you will need:

  • car keys;
  • half a teaspoon of linden honey;
  • glass of water.

The procedure for performing the ritual is as follows:

  1. Place your car keys in the water.
  2. Add honey and stir it clockwise with your right hand until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Read the spell: “Honey is sweet, and the contract will be smooth. The key to the lock - the merchant is on the threshold. Amen".
  4. Take out the keys and do not wipe them, let the water evaporate.
  5. Pour the charmed water in a circle, encircling the car.

Ritual for selling a car with holy water

The easiest way to help when selling a vehicle is considered to be a ritual with holy water. For this you need to go to church early in the morning and take holy water. Next, generously sprinkle the car outside and inside and read the spell: “I sanctify, I sprinkle with church water, I put it up for sale. Amen".

Muslim ritual for successfully selling a car

The Muslim ritual is not magical; in Islam, conspiracies and magic are considered sins, since everything is the will of the Almighty. But asking Allah for help is permissible, and sincere prayer will help if faith is strong. The words of prayer must come from the heart so as not to turn a request into a conspiracy.

Conspiracy to sell a car using salt

For a ritual using salt, you need to prepare special salt. Buy it on the waning moon and during daylight hours; you need pure salt that does not contain any additives.

In this ritual, it is especially important to observe the sacrament of the ritual, during which no strangers should be nearby:

  1. Take a comfortable position and take a small bag of salt in right hand.
  2. Cover the bag with your left palm, exhale slowly, visualizing the energy filling the salt.
  3. Repeat the spell three times: “Meat does not bend in salt, but it is cleansed, and my car will be cleansed of unkind words and dirty thoughts. Amen".
  4. Sprinkle the charmed salt in the cabin and leave it overnight. In the morning, you should thoroughly vacuum the interior, removing all grains of magic salt. Now the future buyer will have a positive impression of the car.

There is another ritual that includes salt. He will also need to go to church for holy water.

  1. Holding the salt in your left hand, add three drops of holy water to the handful.
  2. Wait until the moisture is absorbed and sprinkle the car interior. It is important that the salt is invisible.
  3. While scattering salt, start reading a conspiracy to sell a car: “Just as salt is important for food, so the buyer will need my car. Amen".

Ritual with a toy car

A ritual with a toy car will not only help sell a car, but also make a child happy. To perform this ritual, find a car in a toy store that is as similar as possible to the one you want to sell. The next morning, leave the house without saying a word, and give the car to the first five- to seven-year-old child you meet and say: “You get the car, and I’ll sell it.”

Please note that the words of the conspiracy must be the first words that you utter that day, otherwise the ritual will not work.

Ritual for quickly selling a car with a coin

To perform a ritual with a coin for selling a car, you should wait until the waxing moon phase.

You need to do the following:

  1. Take a coin of any denomination in your right hand (for lunar spells they usually use a five-kopeck coin), sit behind the wheel of a car and say the first part of the spell: “I’m sitting still, tying a strong knot, the money for the car goes into my purse.”
  2. For the second part of the ritual, wait until the night when the waxing moon is clearly visible in the sky, take the coin in your left hand and place it under moonlight. Try to hold it for as long as you can.
  3. When your hand gets tired, say the magic words: “The clear moon rises, attracts money. I give away my goods and I get a profit!”

After the ritual, hide the coin in your wallet and keep it.

Ritual with ribbons

For this ritual in the morning, buy two ribbons half a meter long - red and green. On this day you cannot talk to anyone except the tape seller, or bargain. Hide the green ribbon in the interior, and loosely tie the red one around your hand under your clothes. The ritual works as long as the ribbons are in place.

Ritual with rice for quick sale

For the ritual you will need a handful of rice. Pour the rice from one palm to the other nine times, then walk around the machine clockwise three times, scattering the rice in a circle and saying: “As much rice as there is in a handful, there will be as many people who want to buy from me.”

When the rice is almost finished, throw the last grains into the air (it is important that the grains do not stick to your hands).

Ritual to the moon for successful car sales

The ritual will require seven coins of the same denomination. Take them in your left hand and squeeze and shake lightly for seven minutes. Then transfer to your right hand and repeat. With both hands, the ritual should be repeated three times.

Hide three coins in your pocket, and place the remaining four in the car - one coin under each seat. As long as all the coins are in place, the ritual will work.

In her video, Maria Romanova will talk about another effective conspiracy for sale of cars.

Strong prayers for a profitable car sale

If faith is strong, then prayer to the Saint is a much more powerful way than magic spells and rituals. The words of the prayer must be sincere and come from the heart, but you can use pre-prepared words.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to help sell a car is suitable both for attracting a new buyer and for securing one already interested in buying. You need to pray in church at the icon of St. Nicholas. You will need a church candle.

Light a candle and say a prayer.

“I, servant of God (name), appeal to you, Saint Nicholas. You have performed many miracles on earth, help me sell my car easily and get a good profit. So that the buyer is honest, and the meeting with them is smooth, without a hitch. Amen".

After saying the prayer, order a prayer for well-being.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Since ancient times, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky has been helping people with money problems and conducting successful sales transactions. That's why orthodox prayer to him - one of the strongest and effective means with the power of faith.

As with the prayer to Saint Nicholas, the prayer is read by lighting a candle in the church.

“I bow my knees before you, Saint Spyridon of Trimythous, I pray, servant of God (name), for your grace. So that the need does not eat me up, but things will be fine. Help me find a worthy buyer for my goods, so that our mutual happiness increases and expands. Amen".

You can strengthen the power of prayer by sprinkling the car with holy water, and carrying out the inspection with the buyer during daylight hours.

Photo gallery

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Selling a car is quite difficult. Sometimes, even for a car that is excellent in all respects, you can’t get money. In such situations, you can use time-tested magic that will quickly help you cope with the task - a conspiracy to sell a car.

The sale of a car can be accelerated by an appropriate conspiracy

Rules for using conspiracies

  1. Do not demand from the Higher Powers the immediate fulfillment of your plans. Selling a car will be profitable without haste and fuss.
  2. During the ritual, you cannot think about how much you will get from the deal and wish
  3. You cannot ask magical powers to sell a faulty car. If you are trying to sell a low-quality product, then the magic will not work.
  4. It is preferable to read a plot for a successful car sale or for a full moon. Traditionally, this phase allows you to get rid of things at competitive prices.

The best days to perform the ritual

In addition to following the rules, you must not forget about the days that are most suitable for performing the ritual. It depends on the gender of the person performing the ritual. For women, a plot to sell a car is best carried out on Wednesday or Saturday, for men - on Tuesday or Thursday.

Sunday is a day when no rituals can be performed. You can sell the car if a buyer is found and get money for it, but it is better to postpone the reading of prayers to another day. Monday is the worst day for any undertakings, so practicing magic at the beginning of the week is not recommended.

A simple conspiracy before the deal

To carry out such a ritual at home, you will not need anything other than your own faith in success and a good memory, since the prayer must be learned by heart. Before a meeting or telephone conversation with a potential buyer, when you need to quickly interest the client, say the following words:

“The cart was sailing across the clear sky, and there was a mighty bird in the harness. And everyone who saw that chariot immediately wanted to own it. Even though people looked at my product, they also strongly desired to buy it. The merchant gave money for my bird, for a strong chariot! Amen".

Conspiracy with a candle

To perform this ritual, you need to go to church on Wednesday (for women) or Thursday (for men). Buy seven candles there, place two of them on the sides of the Seven Arrow Icon, which has great power. Place two more under the icon itself, asking for help in selling the car. Light the fifth candle under the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and also place the sixth for the repose of deceased relatives, wishing them the Kingdom of Heaven. The last, large candle should be placed as a thanksgiving candle on the altar in front of Jesus. Then cross yourself and, looking at the icons, mentally say:

“I rely on you. I give you a bet for successfully selling a candle. Amen".

After this, you can go home and wait for calls from buyers. In this ritual, several rules must be followed:

  • you cannot increase the price of a car after you have installed it;
  • You cannot ask saints with thoughts of profit;
  • if you promised something to the saints in front of the icons, then it must be fulfilled.

After the car, even with high mileage, is sold, it is necessary to donate part of the proceeds to church needs. This way the saints will understand that you have thanked them for their service. You shouldn’t shy away from donating, otherwise you may not be happy with the profit, and instead of the planned purchases, the money will quickly be spent or will be spent on restoring health and other unpleasant things.

Conspiracy with holy water

For this powerful plot to quickly sell a car to work, you will need a new pack of fine table salt and holy water received after Sunday church service. It is advisable to carry out the ritual on a dry and sunny day.

Take a little salt in your palm, pour holy water over it to slightly moisten it, then say:

“It is impossible to open the door without iron keys, so that people cannot live without my car. Let them always need a car like food and water. Amen".

Salt moistened with water must dry, so you need to spread it on a sheet of paper or saucer, exposing the container to the rays of the sun. As soon as the salt dries, you need to take it in your hands and carefully sprinkle the outside of the car, saying:

“Just as salt goes well with food, so does a merchant come to me for a car!”

You need to leave some of the charmed salt and add it to your food at home. After the ritual, you should go home without telling anyone about the ritual.

According to some versions, a similar ceremony is performed on keys: they can be used instead of salt. To do this, you need to take the keys, wet them with holy water and, opening the car door, say the above-mentioned words of the conspiracy.

Plot with a lump of sugar

Most effective conspiracy- from Vanga, so the result of his action will be one hundred percent. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • red clothes or scarf;
  • scarlet threads.

You need to pick up a red piece of clothing and sew a piece of sugar into it. When sewing it inside, you need to read the following words:

“I sew and sew, I attract good luck. Good luck will be with me both in summer and winter. It will always be useful to me, I will be honored with a car in trade. Don’t share your money with anyone, sell your car and be proud of your trade!”

After this, you need to carry the red thing with you for a week, and then take out the sugar and throw it under any tree, bay warm water so that it melts. If during this time the buyer does not appear, you can repeat the ritual by sewing sugar to the clothes again, and it will help 100%.

The charmed sugar should be sewn into red clothes

Conspiracy with honey

To perform this ritual you will need a dining room. It must be diluted in a glass of clean water. After this, you need to walk around the car clockwise and slowly pour water onto the ground in a thin stream. While carefully pouring the liquid, you need to say simple words conspiracy to sell cars:

“You are sweet, honey, the best buyer will come for you. Just as you are sticky, so is the buyer sticky. The bargaining will take place, the deal will happen! Amen".

Using honey, you can perform another interesting ritual. To do this, you need to lightly lubricate the car wheels with it, saying:

“A smooth path will fall under the wheels, honey will apply the buyer to me! The buyer comes to me on the way, my product will be useful to him. He buys goods, and I get money. Amen".

After this, you can calmly go about your business, but don’t tell anyone about the ritual.

Conspiracy with poppy

Among the many rituals for quickly selling a car, which are carried out at home, a conspiracy has proven itself well. To do this, just take a poppy consecrated in the church and scatter it around the car with the words:

“I sow poppies and invite the merchant. Whoever steps on a poppy will buy my car!”

It is very important that poppy seeds are not visible to others. In this case, the plot will work and help you sell your car profitably in the shortest possible time. It’s very good if birds flock to the scattered seeds - this is a sign that the car will be sold very soon.

Poppy seeds are essential for an effective ritual.


It doesn’t matter what ritual you want to use, and what prayer you like. The main thing is that it is carried out with pure thoughts and sincere belief in what you are doing. In this case, luck will certainly smile on you - it has been verified by many people!

Mysterious trading magic is gaining momentum and conspiracies to sell a car do not surprise even pragmatists. If you need to sell a car urgently and profitably, why not use magic, which they say is effective.

Spell rules for selling cars

In order for any conspiracy to quickly sell a car to work as you planned, you must adhere to the advice prescribed by the creators of trading magic rituals.

  • The ritual is carried out during the waning phase of the moon, at which time it is advisable to show the car to the declared buyers.
  • Before the demonstration, the car must be sprinkled with water blessed in the church.
  • Beforehand, all things belonging to you are removed from the passenger compartment and trunk.
  • Do not tell anyone about the sacrament performed, even after the sale. Secrecy is one of the components of successful completion of a transaction.
  • Sincere belief in the power of the conspiracy used. Without observing this rule, higher powers will not respond to your requests.

Choose a ritual that relates to white magic. It is easy to distinguish it from dark rituals by its content. The incantation text in it is presented as a request, not an order. The sacrament does not require frightening actions - trips to the cemetery, sacrifices, calling on demons, spells and other devilry.

By resorting to black magic, you may sell the car. But whether the proceeds will benefit you, and whether the purchased vehicle will bring happiness to the new owner, is a moot point. Perhaps it is better to use simple

Of the two parties involved in a transaction, the one with the skills to bargain receives the greater benefit. If you are poorly prepared and do not know how to present the product in person, you can either look for an intermediary and pay for the service, or use one of the magical methods presented below.

How to attract buyers? Naturally, advertise. Preferably in several sources: media, television, Internet. But before you put your demands in writing, it is important not only to think through the advertising text, but also to perform a simple prediction ritual.

Close your eyes and imagine how, after submitting an application, your phone is ringing off the hook with calls from potential merchants with the best offers. After visualization, open your eyes and read:

May what I have planned come true, may what I wish come true! My words are filled with truth and immutable! Amen!

Now you can safely start formulating and publishing your advertisement.

According to the superstition, a washed car sells faster. And if you also read the conspiracy, the deal will be one hundred percent profitable and easy.

I’m putting you up for sale, my faithful passenger cab driver. I remove the dirt and dust from you, I fight off the desire of merchants and resellers to reduce the price. I will sell the car to the one from whom I will take the largest cash payoff. Let the bargaining go on with him while my desire to buy his car grows!

If the future owner of movable property is trying to reduce the price, but you don’t want to give in, try to hurry up the completion of the purchase and sale in the following way before your next meeting with him.

Walking around the rattle three times in a circle, say (mentally or in a whisper) the magic words:

Time flies, flies, slides, expires - my goods are in good hands! The goods are for you, the income is for me, I won’t go wrong with the price. Your car is running - I have money for my needs. Amen.

The neat appearance of a used vehicle can be spoiled by the seller’s belongings forgotten in the nooks and crannies of the cabin. When cleaning your car yourself before selling it, use this spell.

Just as I shake out the dust from the inside of a car, I will drive my spirit out of it. Just as I drive trash out of here, I change the owner of my horse. Let the merchant come and take the car dearly!

Be sure to shake out the interior mats and clean the seat upholstery. You can repeat the spell all the time while you are cleaning.

Visit a nearby church and bless the water you brought there. On the way home, buy a pack of table salt. When you arrive, open the package, scoop up a small handful with your left hand, sprinkle it with holy water and clench your fist full of crystals. Say it like this:

Just as people need a steel lock in their houses, and a hardened, strong key for it, so the buyer cannot live without my product, which I want to sell him. May the deal take place and I will sell the car at a high price. To be therefore! Amen!

Place the charmed salt in a secluded, dry place. When the powder dries, sprinkle it on the body, remembering to say:

Just as food cannot be tasty without salt, a merchant cannot live peacefully without this machine!

If there is any salt left, add it to your food and eat it the same day.

It is better to carry out this magical reading in a secluded place not visited by anyone (in a planting area, a forest belt or a country grove). Naturally, you need to be without witnesses. For people with a rich imagination, it will not be difficult to reproduce the situation in their thoughts. The main thing is that you memorize the prayer text.

Once in the required conditions, say in a chant:

Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ. I will become a servant of God (name yourself), blessed, I will walk along the chosen path, crossing myself, to a green meadow, to a field of flowers. Just as honey bees flock to flowers, so cash buyers come to me. As soon as their honeycombs are filled with honey, a rich buyer will be found for the car of the servant of God (name yourself again). Seal these words with a lock, put power on my speech, fulfill my desire! Amen. Amen. Amen!

Selling a car is not an easy task and is associated with a huge number of nuances and difficulties; in this process you definitely cannot do without conspiracies. Anyone who has encountered this action knows - we start by placing ads and then as it goes, so it goes, the main thing is to sell it at a higher price. However, buyers are often resellers and showrooms who know much more than you about how to bargain when purchasing and what points to press. You need to be one step ahead of them, use conspiracies to sell a car and your car will fly away to the first person who calls!

Be careful when casting spells, there is no need for haste, but accuracy and perseverance are required.

We have collected in this article the best and most effective methods that we have collected all over the Internet, use only proven methods and conduct your transactions competently. Good luck.

Conspiracies to sell a car - a little theory

Of course, our ancestors didn’t have cars. Conspiracies to sell cars arose much later than many other magical techniques. But trading magic, or, as it is now called, business magic, has existed for centuries. Such conspiracies have long helped merchants and everyone who had to deal with trade to conduct business and obtain maximum profits. Such methods were also used when selling carts, horses and other types of transport that were available in those days.

Over the years, almost nothing has changed. Nowadays, magic still envelops all areas of our lives and can help in any situation that modern people face.

What can a strong conspiracy to sell a car do?

  • You will be able to close the deal you want much faster. There will definitely be a buyer who will agree to your price and who will like your product.
  • You don't have to make a discount, but remember to keep the price fair.
  • You should not mention the initially inflated cost.
  • In addition, you will still have to advertise in newspapers and websites, ask your friends if they need a used car.
  • Magic will not do anything for you, it will only help in your business.

A conspiracy to quickly sell a car is not always aimed specifically at a profitable deal between you and the buyer. But you can also use several conspiracies, both to speed up the process and to obtain maximum benefits from selling a car.

Conditions for the ceremony

Before carrying out a conspiracy to sell a car, a number of important conditions must be met:

  1. It is best to show the car to a possible buyer during the waning moon during daylight hours. The lunar phase increases the success of trading magic. Any rituals to get rid of any thing are doubled in strength.
  2. The best deals can be made in the middle of the week. Wednesday is a successful day for magical rituals in the field of trade.
  3. Before showing the car to the buyer, you need to spray it with blessed water.
  4. When reading a plot, the main thing is the confidence that it will work and the sale will take place the way you want. Despair and constant waiting for magic to work reduces its power.
  5. You need to read the words of the spells clearly; it is advisable to be alone during the ritual. Also, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual.
  6. You need to sell a car in a good mood, as if you were giving a gift.
  7. The most important thing to remember is that the car owner must read the words of the conspiracy and carry out the entire ritual independently. Do not trust such an important matter to another person, even if it is a friend or relative.
  8. Conspiracies for the successful sale of a car.

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex

Conspiracies to sell a car can be simple or complex. Complex rituals require preparation and consist of several stages. It's better to use simple ones.

Performing rituals for an urgent transaction

In all of these rituals, attention is paid to the success of the sale. If you need to sell a car urgently, use the following powerful ritual.

On Sunday, collect blessed water in the temple, and on the way back buy simple kitchen salt. Lightly pour blessed water over the salt. Squeeze the salt into a fist with your left hand. Say the following text:

“Just as everyone needs water, no one can live without it, so the buyer could not live without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a specie. One came, another looked, and the third bought. Amen".

Dry the salt, sprinkle it on the car, saying the spell: “Salt for food, merchant for goods.” Sprinkle the remaining salt over your lunch.

The ritual of sprinkling the car also requires holy water. Speak to the water with the words from the previous ritual. Then pour this enchanted holy water over the car.

If you do everything correctly, the plot will bring you good luck. The main thing is not to doubt and believe that the ritual will help.

Conspiracy to quickly sell a car

This plot will help you sell your car quickly. It will attract buyers to you who are suitable for your product. You may have to haggle a little, lower the price, but there will be no end to buyers. It can be used to sell other vehicles, but then in the text of the conspiracy you will need to replace the word “car” with the name of what you are going to sell. It is also good for selling other things, such as furniture.

  • For this spell you need holy water. It is recruited after Sunday church services, which are held in the morning. When you leave the service, buy regular salt.
  • It is best to choose small, “Extra”. It will have to be sprinkled on your car, so coarse salt is not a good option.
  • For a salt spell, you only need a handful, so there is no need to purchase a large package. The salt you have at home is not suitable.
  • You need the one you take from the new pack. It will not carry any extraneous energies that may interfere with you.

So, pick up some salt in your left hand. Pour a little holy water directly into your hand to moisten it. You don't need a lot of water. Make a fist with your left hand along with its contents and say:

How people cannot live honestly without iron keys,
How he can’t protect his property without iron locks,
They won’t be able to live without a car!
Like food and water, let them need my car!

Now the salt soaked in holy water should dry naturally in the sun. You can simply lay it out on a plate or paper on the windowsill. It is not necessary to expose the salt to the sun's rays and open the windows. Wait until it dries, and then sprinkle it on the car with these words:

Just as salt goes well with food, so let a merchant come to me for goods.

Don't pour all the salt on your car, leave just a little to add it to any dish you eat.

We sell at a profit

Before selling a car, the owner usually cleans it up. At a minimum, the vehicle needs to be washed. If you want this procedure to bring you much more benefits, you should not go to a car wash. Wash the car yourself with spoken water. Take a full bucket or any other container that will serve this purpose and say to it:

I wash off all the dirt from the horse and put it up for auction. Whoever gives more money for the horse, I will sell it to him, and let the merchants come, each richer than the other, and bargain for my horse.

If you need to change the water, then drain the dirty water, and read this plot again for clean water. When washing your car, you can practice visualization. Imagine what benefits you will get from selling your car, how a rich person comes to you and buys it, etc. This conspiracy not only helped to sell the car profitably, but sometimes even made it possible to sell used vehicles at a higher price than originally planned.

An ancient and powerful conspiracy to sell a car

This conspiracy appeared much earlier than the first car was created. With its help, our ancestors quickly and profitably sold absolutely everything that was then considered a means of transportation - ox carts, horses, luxurious carriages and carts for transporting hay.

  • Today, with the help of this conspiracy, you can sell not only a car, but also any other type of transport - a bicycle, a motorcycle or even a riding horse.
  • It aims to sell your vehicle quickly and profitably only if you make sure that buyers know about you.
  • For example, they placed an ad in a popular newspaper or on a special website.
  • The conspiracy forces the buyer to have a good opinion about your product and make a choice to purchase it.

The text of the conspiracy must be memorized in advance. It is read before meeting with a potential buyer, showing the product, making a phone call, submitting an ad, or any other activity that involves selling your car. If you learn it by heart, then a buyer who suddenly appears will not take you by surprise, and you will not miss your chance to call on magic for help.

The full text of this powerful conspiracy to sell a car is as follows:

The cart rushed across the clear sky,
The bird was harnessed to her harness.
Everyone who saw that chariot,
He immediately wanted to take possession of her.
I searched in my dreams, I didn’t know peace during the day.
So let the people be honest, no matter what I offer,
He wanted it, he wanted it, but he bought it from me.
For my bird of heaven, for my iron chariot.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Cleaning for quick car sale

Each thing carries the energy of the person who owns it - be it a vehicle, clothing or another item. It is not for nothing that many slander, the purpose of which is to influence a specific person, require the presence of his personal belongings.

  • Having your energy in the car you are planning to sell can make this process much more difficult.
  • People feel an energy that is alien to them, even if not everyone realizes it.
  • Many people noticed something similar when there was no desire to purchase a used product that was suitable in all respects.
  • Your car stores all the emotions that it evoked in you and that you experienced while on the road. You may have spent a considerable amount of time driving this vehicle.

Before selling, it is advisable to cleanse the car of the energy of the previous owner. Perhaps then she will find a new owner herself. Things that do not carry the energy of the person to whom they belong cannot remain for sale for long. Nature abhors a vacuum, so after cleaning, your car will quickly attract a new owner.

  • First, take everything connected to you out of the car.
  • Don't store any more items in her trunk.
  • Remove the air freshener, floor mats, covers and everything else that cannot be in a new car and that is associated with you.
  • You also need to wet clean the inside of the car, but it’s better to wash the outside of the car in advance.

When you clean the cabin, read the plot continuously throughout the entire cleaning process:

I’ll shake out the dirt and rubbish from the car, and get the spirit and smell out of it. And when the merchant comes to me for it, the smell and his spirit will immediately enter the car!

After this, you should no longer use this machine. It is now undesirable to even approach her without a reason. There is no need to regret the sale or miss the vehicle if you loved it. Emotions can also get in the way. The better the car is cleaned in terms of energy, the faster it will have a new owner.

Powerful conspiracies to sell a car can help you literally get extra money out of nowhere. You just need to follow all the rules, believe in the result and really make an effort to sell.


From time immemorial, material gain has been considered one of the main purposes of using magical power. The need to be independent is satisfied, as most ordinary people rightly believe, by having a certain amount in a bank account, a country mansion and a luxury car.

The question of selling a four-wheeled friend arises in several ways:

  • the previous car no longer satisfies the owner’s needs, and he wants to buy something more expensive;
  • the vehicle went to a person uninterested in its ownership (by inheritance or to pay off someone’s debt), however, the newcomer is not going to sit behind the wheel;
  • the service life of the machine is quite long, and the costs of constant maintenance exceed the amount of benefit it brings;
  • the car owner urgently needs finance due to his shaky financial situation (then other money conspiracies will come in handy);
  • The owner of a vehicle has unpleasant and sometimes tragic memories associated with it: a ridiculous accident, the death of a loved one.
  • In the near future, the car enthusiast is planning a full-scale move, and sees the iron horse as an extra burden.

However, despite the various motivating reasons for selling a car, the desire to gain as much money as possible prevails. But sometimes many obstacles arise on the way to completing a transaction: low purchasing power, falling prices on the secondary market, the risk of becoming a victim of fraudsters, malfunctions that appear out of nowhere, difficulties in communicating with potential buyers...

All obstacles, according to practicing magicians, can be easily eliminated by carrying out special witchcraft rituals, the simplest of which - conspiracies - can be performed even by a person ignorant of occult sciences.

Rules of material conspiracies

In order for the plot to quickly sell a car to work as you planned, you only need to adhere to certain magical rules prescribed by the creators of trading magical rituals.

  1. The ritual is carried out during the waning phase of the moon, at which time it is advisable to show the car to the declared buyers.
  2. Before the demonstration, the car must be sprinkled with water blessed the day before in the church.
  3. In advance, all things belonging to the former owner, that is, you, are removed from the interior and trunk of the car.
  4. Do not tell anyone about the sacrament performed on the four-wheeled vehicle, even after the sale - secrecy is one of the main components of the successful completion of the transaction.
  5. The second main condition for a positive outcome is sincere belief in the power of the conspiracy used. Without observing this rule, higher powers simply will not respond to your requests.

One more thing, rather not a rule, but a warning: choose a ritual that is considered light - it refers to white magic.
It is easy to distinguish it from dark rituals by its content: the spell text in it is presented in the form of a request, not an order, and the sacrament itself does not require frightening attributes and actions - trips to the cemetery, sacrifices, calling on demons, spells and other devilry.

By resorting to the help of black magic, you will undoubtedly sell the car, but whether the proceeds will be beneficial for you, and whether the purchased vehicle will bring happiness to the new owner, is a very controversial issue.


How to attract buyers? Naturally, submit an ad, preferably to several sources simultaneously: media, television, Internet sites. But before you put your demands in writing, it is important not only to think through the advertising text, but also to perform a simple prediction ritual.

To do this, close your eyes and imagine how, after submitting an application, your phone is ringing off the hook with calls from potential merchants with the best offers. After visualization, open your eyes and read the following text:

May what I have planned come true, may what I wish come true! My words are filled with truth and immutable! Amen!


If the future owner of your movable property looms on the horizon, but is trying to reduce the price, and you don’t want to give in, try to hurry up the completion of the purchase and sale in the following way before your next meeting with him.

Walking around the rattle three times in a circle, say (mentally or in a whisper) the magic words:

Time flies, flies, slides, expires - my goods are in good hands! The goods are for you, the income is for me, I won’t go wrong with the price. Your car is running - I have money for my needs. Amen.


This ancient method was recommended by local healers to people who were interested in how to sell something valuable: a house, a cow, livestock, harvested crops, etc. This proven method of attracting profits is also suitable for successfully selling your own transport.

Visit a nearby church and bless the water you brought there. On the way home, buy a pack of regular table salt. At home, open the package, scoop up a small handful of salt with your left hand, sprinkle it with holy water and clench your fist full of crystals. Say it like this:

Just as people need a steel lock in their houses, and a hardened, strong key for it, so the buyer cannot live without my product, which I want to sell him. May the deal take place and I will sell the car at a high price. To be therefore! Amen!

Place the charmed salt in a secluded, dry place. When the powder dries, sprinkle it on your “bibika”, not forgetting to say: Just as food cannot be tasty without salt, a merchant cannot live peacefully without this machine!” If there is any salt left, add it to your food and eat it the same day.

How to pronounce words correctly

In order for the plot to sell a car to work as efficiently as possible, you need to comply with some conditions. The best time to show a vehicle to a person is during daylight hours and on those days when the moon is waning. You need to prepare blessed water in advance and sprinkle the car before showing it to a potential buyer.

  • The most important thing when reading is complete confidence that the sale will be completed quickly and profitably.
  • The right inner attitude is an important part of good luck and success.
  • There is no need to despair and wait impatiently, constantly wondering when this will happen - this will only reduce the power of the magical conspiracy.

Conducting rituals

Spells for selling a car can be completely different and carried out using various means: table salt, holy water, money, keys, candles, etc. But in general they are divided into 2 groups. The first includes conspiracies in which attention is focused on a successful, profitable and successful sale, and the second - on a quick transaction.

Words required to pronounce

A plot to successfully sell a car can be simple or complex. The following spells are simple:


You need to walk around your car 3 times clockwise, while saying the following words:

“As I walk around my car, so will buyers walk around it, crowd around it and want to buy. Draw the new owner with money to you.”


Before pronouncing the words, you need to thoroughly wash the car, and do not throw out the dirty water, but say the following over it:

“I wash off all the dirt and put the car up for auction. Whoever offers the most will sell it to him. Let rich merchants come and want to buy a car.”

This magic spell will help you sell your car very profitably.

In order to make a profitable deal with your car, you should use a ritual of washing the car. You need to wash the vehicle manually, and read the words of the conspiracy over the dirty water collected in a bucket:

“I put my car up for sale and wash the dirt off it!
To sell it to the highest bidder.
To give to the most not greedy!
Let the rich merchants come and buy a car soon!
He shouldn’t stand there for long, the new owner is already on his way!”

This magical ritual acts in two directions at once: it affects the success and profitability of the transaction and the speed of the sale. If you have not made a deal within two weeks, it is recommended to repeat the ritual again.

To successfully complete a transaction related to, magical rituals and prayers can be useful. Conspiracies for the sale of a car and other property will help the owner quickly and profitably carry out a successful transaction.

As a rule, such rituals are used when money is needed very urgently and there is absolutely no time to wait, or when a car or something else is not for sale for a long period of time.

By turning to magic, you can speed up this process. It is very important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the ritual and believe in the power of magic.

Car cleaning method

Before putting a car up for sale, it must be freed from traces of the owner’s energy.

This is necessary so that she can easily accept the new owner. You need to throw out everything that is not native to the car - toys, carpets, air fresheners, covers and other things that are part of the owner’s energy, while saying the words:

“I shake out the dirt from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the new owner come and let his spirit enter into it.”

Complex magic spells for the successful sale of a car require more serious actions.


You need to take the car key, put it in boiling water and boil it for several minutes, while saying the following words:

“Just as no one can live without an iron key and lock, so no one can live without a car. Just as no one can live without water and food, so no one can live without a car. Amen".

After reading the word, turn off the gas, remove the key, and pour the water into another container. Before selling the vehicle, wash your hands well with this water.

Direct your mental flow to the situation you need.


On Sunday you need to go to church and get holy water, and on the way back buy table salt. Returning home, you need to immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour some water into it and, clenching your fist, say:

“Just as everyone needs water, no one needs life, so the buyer could not live without my car. Let him buy it and pay generously with a specie. One came, another looked, and the third bought. Amen".

After the spell, you need to dry the salt, sprinkle it on the car and say: “Salt for food, merchant for my goods.” The remaining salt should be added to food on the same day. The proposed plot is focused more on speed than on profitability. It is often resorted to in cases where you need to urgently sell your car, for example, in connection with a move, etc.

Magic ritual

Trade rituals and ceremonies are very different, and a variety of components can be used: from holy water and money to table salt and so on.
Remember that a conspiracy to sell a car will help in the case when it is done by the owner of the property. Therefore, do not trust anyone to carry out such an important and responsible event, on which the outcome of the entire sale may depend.
For a profitable and quick transaction, you should walk around your car clockwise, saying the words:

“As I walk around the car, let the buyers walk too!
To buy they wanted the new owner to come with the money!”

You need to repeat the words of the conspiracy all the time while you walk three circles around the car. This ritual is very powerful and will help you find a buyer in the shortest possible time and sell your car profitably.

Energy cleansing

  • In order to attract a new owner to your car as quickly as possible, you should free the car from your traces and energy.
  • Of course, during this period and until the sale, it is best not to use the car. After the ritual, the car will be able to accept a new owner.
  • To perform the ritual, you will need to throw away one non-original item from your car a day: covers, air fresheners, toys, rugs and other items that store your energy.
  • When throwing away something from things, you need to say the words:

“I shake out the dirt from the car and drive out my spirit.
As soon as the buyer comes, a new spirit will enter!”

Types of conspiracies to sell a car

Conspiracies to sell a car can be completely different and carried out using a variety of means: holy water, table salt, candles, keys, money, etc.

  • But in the most general form they can be divided into two large groups.
  • The first includes conspiracies in which the emphasis is on the successful/successful/profitable sale of a product, and the second includes conspiracies in which the main goal is a quick sale.
  • Let's look at conspiracies for each of these groups.
  • We also advise you to learn more about money conspiracies.

Conspiracies for a successful car sale

A plot to successfully sell a car can be either simple or complex. The following conspiracies are considered simple:

  • Conspiracy to bypass the machine. You need to walk around the car clockwise three times, while repeating the following words: “As I walk around the car, so let the buyers walk around it, crowd around it, and want to buy. Draw a new owner to you, and with money.” This is a surefire conspiracy to sell a car at a profit.
  • Conspiracy to clean the car. This means that the car needs to be freed from traces of the owner’s energy in order for it to be completely cleansed on the mental level and be able to easily accept a new owner. As part of this conspiracy, you need to throw out everything that is not native to the car: carpets, toys, covers, air fresheners and other things that have part of your energy. In this case, you need to say the following: “I shake out the dirt from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the buyer come - a new spirit will enter into it!”.
  • Car washing conspiracy. First, you need to thoroughly wash the car by hand, and do not throw out the water that was used to wash it, but read the following above it: “I wash off the dirt and put the car up for auction. Whoever gives more, I will sell it to him. Let the merchants come richer than each other.". Such a conspiracy allows you to sell a car very profitably, mainly because you are investing your energy in a future transaction.

Complex conspiracies for the successful sale of a car usually involve more serious manipulations. An example of such a conspiracy is a conspiracy to sell your car using a car key. As part of this conspiracy, you need to take a car key, put it in a pan of boiling water and boil for a while, while reading the following text above the water:

Then the gas is turned off, the key is removed, and the water is poured into another container, and on the eve of the purchase and sale of the car, hands are washed with this water. Such a conspiracy, although not simple, is good for the profitable sale of a vehicle.

A conspiracy that definitely works

Conspiracies to quickly sell a car are focused more on speed than on the profitability of the deal. They are most often used in cases where something needs to be sold as soon as possible (for example, in connection with a move) or when a car has been on sale for a long time and there are no buyers for it. Like many other conspiracies, a conspiracy to quickly sell a car rarely works without holy water. Here are examples of such conspiracies:

  1. A conspiracy to quickly sell a car using holy water and table salt. You need to go to church on Sunday, get holy water there, and buy table salt on the way from church. Arriving home, immediately pour salt into your left hand, pour a little holy water there, and then, clenching your fist, say the following conspiracy: However, the conspiracy is not over. The salt needs to be dried, and then sprinkled on the car (of course, in such a way that it is not noticeable), saying: “Salt is for food, a merchant is for goods.” ABOUT Some salt will need to be added to food on the same day. This conspiracy works very quickly, the main thing is to go through all its stages thoughtfully and consistently.
  2. A plot to quickly sell a car with sprinkling. When performing this ritual, you again need to get holy water and recite the following text on it:

    After these words, the car needs to be generously sprinkled with the enchanted water, then it will sell quickly and profitably.

Other conspiracies for motorists

In addition to verbal magical constructions aimed at selling or buying a car, there are also a number of accompanying conspiracies, so to speak, of a motorist type, and for students there are conspiracies for good luck in their studies. After all, often a person selling his car also wants to sell a garage or tools, as well as equipment or spare parts for servicing or repairing the car. For these cases, there are also separate variants of conspiracies in trading magic.

For example, a plot to sell a garage is very similar to any of the plots to sell real estate. As an option, we will describe one of these options. It is better to start making a plot to sell a garage space on Wednesday, early in the morning, at sunrise. It is advisable that there is also a waxing moon on this day.

  • You should find any three nails, drive them into the threshold of the garage (or its likeness) and first say the word “I’m driving in” three times (each time you drive in one nail), and then finish the procedure with the phrase “I’m inviting a buyer.”
  • Having driven in all the nails, you need to light a candle, previously purchased in the nearest church, drip wax from it onto all three heads of the already driven nails and read the following plot:

    “I am sealing up the garage for a quick sale. Whoever crosses the threshold of the garage will buy it!”

  • After this, consider that the conspiracy has been carried out successfully, and you can safely hang the advertisement for the sale of the garage directly on the walls of the building. The buyer must come forward as soon as possible.

Water help

But for speedy sales, you can use a water spell.

  • It must be said at night, and in the morning it is necessary to wash the car with the resulting water (you can symbolically).
  • It is recommended, if you are nearby, to visit a natural water source.
  • A river or spring is perfect. If there is none, or you don’t have time, then open the tap.
  • Just keep in mind that a powerful natural source has extraordinary power.
  • It is clear that the effect will be greater.

Fill a bucket with water and read the plot. If you are pouring from a tap, do not close it until the words run out. The spell must be pronounced with flowing water:

“Water is water, everyone strives for it. There is no life without water! So without my car there is no life for someone. Open the way for him with water, let Judas get out of the way! Let him carry money, a whole bag, and take the car, he will be shocked by joy! I get money, the buyer gets a car. May the road be straight and the tires not let you down! If I splash water on my car, no one will pass by it!”

Now you need to wash the car with this water. As a rule, if you can (according to the Higher Powers) part with this car, then it is sold within a week. Otherwise, think about it, is it worth going against the Universe and giving away what it thinks will serve you an important service? This is quite a serious moment. Quite often we do not listen to our Guardian Angel, which we later regret immensely, but the river has flown away and nothing can be returned.

Ancient ritual

  • There is a very old ritual for sale. A car is a commodity, like everything else.
  • It is recommended to try the honey-pepper mixture to quickly get money for a car.
  • you will need a jar of natural honey, black and red pepper (a pinch each).
  • In the first half of Monday, you need to add the indicated spices to the honey, stirring and repeating:

“Like a bee to honey, like a fly to a sharp fly, like a good girl to a maiden, like a bird to the sun, so the buyer strives for me! As soon as I lubricate the threshold, someone knocks with a bag of coins and asks for my answer. Yes, the second one is already running, he values ​​​​the goods. The third one is already on the doorstep, outweighing the price and the roads. Don't fight, make peace! Whoever gives triple the price will get the goods! Amen!"

The resulting mixture must be coated on the threshold in front of the driver's door. This is done before the buyer wants to inspect the car. There is no “hassle” from this ritual. The person who needs your car just comes. The road opens up for him. You don’t have to hide the car’s shortcomings; he’ll buy it anyway.

Ritual for the waxing moon

It is recommended to perform the ritual on a waxing moon. Buy a new deck of thirty-six cards. In the evening, light candles and sit at a table covered with a red cloth. Shuffle the deck, remembering the pleasant incidents associated with your car. Now lay out the cards in front of you in a loose order. You need to choose the ten of spades and the ace of diamonds. These cards mean receiving money. Notice if there were pictures next to them. If a lady appears, then focus on female customers. There is a high probability that your car will fall into the hands of a woman. And if the king is nearby, the man will give you money for the car. But this is particular.

Place the two chosen cards in front of you. Cover them with your hands and read the plot:

“I will cover the goods with my hand so that tears will strike evil eyes. So that the ray of the sun frees the new owner from the clouds. For the merchant to come, well done to the whole bazaar. For my goods to go, I was left with a profit. So that the wheels of the eyelids spin, and money flows to me. I’ll take a lot of gold from good hands as payment, so that the circle is closed!”

Place the Ace of Diamonds in the machine. You can put it under the rug or in the glove compartment. It is advisable that no one disturbs the card. And carry the ten of spades in your wallet until you receive the money. When the deal is completed successfully, burn the cards. You shouldn't keep them.