In the film " Big change“The teacher makes a remark to Fukin: “What kind of speech? Speak your native language." In response, he hears: “Mother is Russian, father is Ukrainian.” How many such mixed marriages! Of course, this person knows two languages. Sometimes when he confuses Russian and Ukrainian words, it turns out funny. The same Fukin, answering at the blackboard, gave the following description of the novel “Oblomov”: “What is it like that? Why is the novel tragic? The beautiful girl Olga Ilyinskaya, having killed Ilya Ilyich, tortures him: “What has ruined you? There is no name for that evil!” And he himself answers: “E! Oblomovism!

Serious things turn into funny words in Ukrainian. Why is this happening? After all, in ancient times there was a single Slavic language, what happened?

Slavic philology

About two centuries ago, the science of Slavic studies took shape, which studies the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples. It is noteworthy that the linguistic traditions formed by this time owe their emergence to Cyril and Methodius. It is known that in the territory occupied by the Slavs, several dialects already existed before they translated the Bible. From the second half of the ninth century, through the Holy Scriptures, this language (the Macedonian dialect of South Slavic Bulgarian) becomes the literary language for the Eastern Slavs. It was used to draw up documents and conduct international correspondence. “The Tale of Bygone Years” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” were created on it.

Until the eighteenth century, the literary language was different from the spoken language. Several reforms increasingly separated the southern Russian dialects from the “Muscovite language,” which was actively developing. The colloquial language retained the definition of “common, uncultured.” Regarding separation time common language In Ukrainian and Russian, science has not yet arrived at a single harmonious system. But the word “Ukrainian” itself did not appear until the mid-seventeenth century. The territory was called “Little Russia”, as can be seen from the letter of the Byzantine Emperor John in 1347.

Ukrainian literature begins with the translation into the colloquial language of Little Russia of Virgil’s Aeneid, which was freely translated by I. P. Kotlyarevsky. The result was a burlesque, a humorous work written in a “low calm.” The first books were printed in St. Petersburg in 1798.

The text was accompanied by a dictionary of a thousand words. This is how the first funny words appeared in Ukrainian with translation. At its core, Kotlyarevsky’s work is written in Surzhik. In the absence of the necessary Ukrainian words, he inserted Russian ones into the text.

In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the intelligentsia intensively developed the Ukrainian language, and new words were borrowed. In Soviet times, there was some moderation of this process, but after Ukraine gained independence in 1991, Ukrainian studies as a science experienced an unprecedented rise.

Same meaning, different roots

The Ukrainian language has preserved many Slavic roots, which cannot be said about the Russian language. The ways to replenish the vocabulary were different: in Little Russia - with an influx of Polish, Lithuanian and Turkic words, in Great Russia - German, French, English.

Since in Russian Empire There was one official language - Russian, then science and art used it. Therefore, Slavic names were gradually replaced, giving way to international borrowings. Compare:

Ukrainian word Russian word
heal count
wash moment
bark scold
watermelon pumpkin
homeland family
ball layer
week Sunday
ugly Beautiful
pennies money
light world
hour time

Close, but very different languages

Russian and Ukrainian rules for constructing phrases are no different, and many words are intuitively clear. But still, this is a different language. Therefore, not everything can be understood; translation is required. Here, for example, is what simple sentences look like in Russian and Ukrainian:

Without translation you can't understand what we're talking about.

Russians do not accept translations of familiar texts into Ukrainian language. Unless this is a person who knows both languages ​​well. A. S. Pushkin, who is considered the founder of Russian literature, would have been quite surprised by such funny words in the Ukrainian language. His translation “Lukomorye” is full of words similar to Russian ones, but with a different meaning.

The fact that there is a golden lancet on the oak tree can still be experienced. But a scientist whale? Yes, he’s still making noise about the Cossack! It’s better to remain silent about traces of unseen fears, but a hut on chicken legs evokes a strong idea of ​​a chicken coop. The wild squeaky shore is reminiscent of a dirty wild beach in Sochi. The princess is served by a wolf... And the fact that there is a smell of Russia there is completely unbelievable.

Funny Russian words in Ukrainian

Would it be so fun to learn the translation of some Russian words into Ukrainian? Yes, and here the presence of Slavic roots leaves no room for seriousness. This is partly due to the fact that some Slavic roots have been preserved in Russia. They appear in dialects as components of the common language. This is how a village grandmother from the outback can express herself, and only by context can you understand what she is talking about. Compare funny Russian words that sound no less funny in Ukrainian:

Russian words Ukrainian words
slacker Neroba
loafer loburyak
let loose get back together
threshing floor teak
short-haired Kutsi
squatting off the top of my head
cringe cheat
burn fool

List of funny Ukrainian words

Sometimes the most ordinary concepts appear so funny in translation that they are not suitable for serious conversation. Let's imagine a man's story about a bad day:

Here is a small list of words that unexpectedly sound funny in translation:

  • butterfly - snowstorm;
  • dragonfly - grandma;
  • count - fuck off;
  • horrors - horrors;
  • juicer - juicer;
  • wallet - gamanets;
  • a bottle of vodka - a vodka dance;
  • gray - gray;
  • search - search;
  • spot - spot;
  • socks - scarpets;
  • screwdriver - screwdriver;
  • sniffer dog - prankster dog;
  • skyscraper - hmarochos;
  • superstition - zaboboni;
  • sheet - stretched;
  • communicate - spilkuvatisya;
  • leave me - leave me alone;
  • go away, tired of it - go away, go away;
  • an unshaven head means a bare face.

Names with Ukrainian words

The funniest words in Ukrainian are translations of famous names of sweets, songs, and dishes.

  1. The Ugly Duckling - Gidke Kachenya.
  2. The clumsy bear is a clumsy witch.
  3. Hairy bumblebee - shaggy jmil.
  4. “How the steel was tempered” - “How the steel was tempered.”
  5. Chicken tabaka - curcha tabaka.
  6. Lighter - igniter.
  7. Garbage chute - smitte chute.
  8. “Bear, Mishka, where is your smile..” - “Mishko, Mishko, where is your smile...”.


If you translate a song from Russian, you will find funny words in Ukrainian. For example, in the lullaby that the mother bear sang to Umka, the words “silly, baby” sound like “silly, little one.”

The lullaby about the gray top from the cartoon about the Bremen Town Musicians is a delight: the refrain is the warning “don’t kick,” as “come the little lilac jiga and taste it.”

And the famous children's poem “Moidodyr” by K. I. Chukovsky causes bewilderment from the first words: “The carpet has flowed, the land has flown.” A bandy-legged and bushy-haired man appears from his mother’s bedroom and commands: “Fuck you!”

Signs and announcements

A recently passed law in Ukraine obliges all signs in Russian to be replaced with their native language. Now such pearls will flaunt that neither a fairy tale nor a pen can describe them. Here are some funny Ukrainian words with translation into Russian, taken from common signs:

  1. Closed for appearance (for registration).
  2. Break until 16 o'clock (break up to 16 hours).
  3. Don't lean (don't lean).
  4. Place for household waste (place for household waste).
  5. Don't overtake (don't overtake).
  6. On Tuesday there will be a Fatherlander's gathering (a parent meeting will be held on Tuesday).

And the street is already decorated with banners: “Every Ukrainian deserves pizza!” It's just a pizza ad.

Book titles

A separate song is the translations of Russian authors into Ukrainian language. The names contain funny Ukrainian words, the translation of which changes the meaning:

  1. Toad-mandrivnitsa - Frog-traveler.
  2. Mirror and monkey - mirror and monkey.
  3. Konik-humpbacked horse - Little humpbacked horse.
  4. Mistechko in a snuffbox is a town in a snuffbox.
  5. Use Baron Munchausen - no comment.

It seems that first the Russian language created the quintessence of the literary language, in which many recognized world works were written, and then these works were translated into jokes and jokes. For what?


Both Russians and Ukrainians speak with pain about the profanation of their culture, their language, their roots. Funny Ukrainian words with translation into Russian, which are presented in this article, are the result of the Yandex translator. If you check the lists of supposedly “Ukrainian” words that not very decent and not very educated people make fun of, it will become clear that they are deception. A gynecologist, for example, is not a “pee-peeper”, but a “gynecologist”. A midwife is not a “puporizka”, but will remain a midwife, and a condom is a condom, and not a “gumovym Nazi”.

Who benefits from quarreling two fraternal peoples? And isn’t it a shame to repeat stupid things? Yes, there are funny words in Ukrainian, but this is the result of the movement of the language. There is no need to add here strained attempts at laughter. Ukrainian is still very young, many words and terms are included in it every day. He will change again and again. Don’t let yourself be fooled by either Russophobes or Russophiles. Have your own opinion on everything.

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on Russian language you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Russian-Ukrainian translation, you need to enter text in Russian in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu Russian, on Ukrainian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Ukrainian text.

Specialized dictionaries of the Russian language

If the source text for translation relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Russian lexical dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Laws, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general Russian vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for Russian layout

If Russian layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the Russian alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from Russian.

The main language problem when translating from Russian into Ukrainian is the inability to achieve economical language means, since the Russian language is oversaturated with frequent abbreviations and ambiguous words. At the same time, many long Russian sayings are translated into one or two words in Ukrainian dictionaries.
When translating text from Russian, the translator needs to use words not only from the active vocabulary, but also use language constructs from the so-called passive vocabulary.
As with any other language, when translating Russian text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, and not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Ukrainian- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.

"I woke up. I looked. I was stupefied - I overslept!" A story that consists only of verbs.

And yet, the Russian language is not only, as the classic said, “great and powerful,” it is also amazing. You can do real miracles with it. For example, write a short story that will consist only of verbs, which is what Valery Chudodeev did. Today we have his story about a woman’s day. You will be surprised.

A story that consists only of verbs about one day of a woman

I woke up. I took a look. I was stupefied - I overslept! She jumped up and began to wake her up. He muttered and turned away.

She pushed me and picked her up. I rushed to warm it up, cover it, wrap it up...

She called. Silent. I looked in and he was covered and snoring. Tickled. Kicked.

Barked! He mumbled, got up, trudged off... I'm late!! She jumped out and ran.

Moving away! She caught up, grabbed hold, and hung. I've arrived. She jumped off. It's ringing!

She ran, burst in, pushed away, slipped through. Feel better!

Got up. She sat down. I jumped up, called, reminded me to turn off the light, turn it off, comb my hair, button it up, put on my shoes... I quit. She relaxed and started working.

They whisper... I listened - they delivered it, they are packaging it, they will give it to me! She asked for time off, returned, and continued working.

I caught myself and ran out. Flew in: occupied - moved away! They don't let me in. She shamed me, explained her, achieved it - she was rude to her. Standing means you won't have lunch.

Got up. It's moving! Perked up. Came up. They shout: don't knock it out! It's over!! I want to cry. I was indignant. They called me names. She trudged along. I pressed it. She rushed.

She came running. She flopped down and caught her breath. I called. He says he'll be late. They're sewing up, they're rushing, they're lying!

She jumped out.

She ran in, put on her shoes, dressed her, and dragged her. Caresses, hugs, sucks up...

It turns out: he climbed, knocked over, broke! Spanked. Yells, calls names. He can’t speak, but he’s learned to express himself! We'll have to wean it off.

We've arrived. She undressed, washed, boiled, spanked, cooled, fed, rinsed, took away, turned off, punished, cleaned, told, wiped, changed, swept, sang, put to bed... She sat down.

I got worried. I called. I found out - he left, didn’t stay! Got insolent!! Unbelted! I'll get a divorce! She pulled it off, threw it, lay down.

She jumped up. Started calling. Wasn't... didn't come in... didn't show up... didn't bring... didn't bring. Broke? Got it?! Confused?! Crashed?!


Grinning! She swung... She didn’t have time - she fell. She pulled it up, pulled it down, and tossed it down.

She left, buried her head, and burst into tears.

He started crying... She ran up, felt, picked him up, changed her clothes, wrapped her up, tucked her in, washed her, hung her up.

Lay down. She jumped up and spun around. I stood there. I looked. She sighed. She covered it up. Started it up.

Turned it off.

I passed out.

In continuation of your acquaintance withUkrainian language, we will tell you about the most commonly used, sweet-sounding and “typically Ukrainian” words of our language.

Many people believe, in terms of melody, Ukrainian ranks first among other Slavic languages. The Ukrainian language has many beautiful words, for example, the names of the months: sichen - January, lyutiy - February, berezen - March, kviten - April, grass - May, cherven - June, lipen - July, serpen - August, veresen - September, zhovten - October, leaf fall - November , breast - December.

According to some reports, Ukrainian took third place after French and Persian in a “beauty contest” held at the beginning of the century, which considered such criteria as the phonetics of the language, its vocabulary, features of grammar and phraseology. According to other information, Ukrainian It is considered the second most sweet-sounding language in the world after Italian.

Unfortunately, Ukrainian language is often called a corrupted version of the Russian language, despite the fact that both of them have different grammatical structure, vocabulary and, of course, pronunciation. INUkrainian languageit has fewer consonants and is more melodic, which makes Ukrainian songs and poetry unique.

However, Ukrainian and Russian are close relatives, as both are East Slavic languages. Today, Ukrainians and Russians can understand each other, but misunderstandings often arise. People who speak neither Ukrainian nor Russian and are trying to learn one of them say that Russian has a lot of consonants, while Ukrainian pronunciation is much softer.

It is also interesting that in some regions of Ukraine there is a certain mixture of Ukrainian and Russian languages. It's calledsurzhikand is a separate typeUkrainian language, which is sometimes difficult to understand even for native speakers.

So now that we know some facts aboutUkrainian language, let's move on to the words. Let's start with those that seem funny to foreigners and Ukrainians themselves:

Halepah is a sudden failure.

Zabaganka is a whim.

To glow - to glow, to blush.

To be useful is to come somewhere unexpectedly.

Nishporiti - to scour/search.

Quickly - very quickly.

Telepen is a stupid person; dummy

Kremezny – huge; broad-shouldered (about people).

Listenable – suitable, comfortable.

Neabiyaky - something different, unusual.

Kohannya – love.

Sonechko is the sun.

Serdenko - heart.

Gornyatko - a cup.

Veselka - rainbow.

Perlina is a pearl.

Merezhivo - lace.

Lyusterko is a mirror.

Gudzik - button.

Kuhol - glass.

Nasoloda is pleasure.

Penzlik – brush.

Polunitsya – strawberry.

Visocin – height.

Dovkillya – environment.

Finally, in Ukrainian languageThere are words that cannot be literally translated either into Russian or into other languages ​​of this language group. Here are a few of them:

Viriy is a warm region where birds fly in winter.

Dobrody is someone who supports and helps other people.

Zaliznytsia is a railway, a complex of buildings, equipment, machines, which together make up a railway connection.

Mityets is a person involved in art; possessing a certain creative skill.

Nivroka – not bad, exactly what you need.

Shahivnytsia - chessboard.

Oliya – sunflower oil.

Obiruch - with both hands.

Have you decided to visit Ukraine? This is not strange, because here you can find everything for a great holiday. Magnificent ski resorts and stunning landscapes of the Carpathians, the unique city of Odessa, which is distinguished by its unique mentality and wonderful beaches, ancient Lviv, which hides many secrets and mysteries and, of course, the unrivaled Kyiv, the cradle of Ukraine. Every city in Ukraine has its own zest, and if you decide to travel through the vastness of this country, you will definitely be satisfied and get a lot of good impressions.

During your journey, only one problem may arise; this is the language, which, although related to Russian, still has its own unique differences. In order not to get into an awkward situation, and to be able to speak with any Ukrainian, we have compiled a Russian-Ukrainian phrasebook, which contains a wide variety of words that you will need during your vacation.

Appeals and common phrases

Hello, hiHello, hurry up
Good morningGood morning
Good afternoonGood afternoon
How are you?How are you right?
OK, thank youGood, darling
SorryI'm showing off
GoodbyeUntil bachennya
I don't understandI'm not understanding
Thank youDyakuyu
PleaseBe kind
What's your name?What is your name?
My name is...Mene's name is...
Does anyone here speak Russian?Is there anyone here who will tell you the Russian language?
I'm lostI got lost
We didn't understand each otherWe are not the same one
I love you!I'm kicking you!
How to say this by...How can you say it all...
You speak...What are you talking about...
EnglishIn English
FrenchIn French
GermanIn Nimetsky
What's your name?What is your name?
MotherCurses, mom
FriendPryatelka (m), pryatelka (w)

Numbers and numbers

Dates and times


Public places

How much does a ticket to... cost?How many koshtuye quotes to...?
One ticket to... pleaseOne quotation until..., be kind
Where does this train/bus go?Where is the direct route/bus?
Please can you show on the mapPlease can you show me the mapi?
Do you have any rooms available?Don't you have any rooms?
How much does a room cost for one person/two people?How many koshtuye kimnata for one person/two people?
Is breakfast/dinner included?Is the snidanok/vecherya included/a?
Give me the billDite rahunok
How much does it cost?Skilky tse koshtuye?
It's too expensiveTse is expensive
Okay, I'll take itOkay, I'll take it
Please give me the packageGive, please, package
Table for one person/two people pleaseTable for one person/two people, please
Can I see the menu?Why can I look at the menu?
What is your signature dish?What kind of brandy strain do you have?
Please give me the billDaite, be kind, rahunok
How much does it cost?How many things do you cost?
What is it?What's wrong?
I'll buy itI'll buy it all
Do you have...?What are you saying...?
A little, a littleTrochs
JuiceOchevicular sap
Pepperwill rub
Ice creamMorozyvo



Greetings, general expressions - a list of phrases and words that will help you communicate on general topics, the words collected here will tell you how to start a conversation, how to ask what time it is, introduce yourself and introduce your family, as well as other useful phrases in communication.

Numbers and numbers - here is the translation of numbers and numbers, as well as their correct pronunciation.

Shops, hotels, transport, restaurants - phrases that will help you easily find a bus stop, train station. station, find out where this or that route goes, order a hotel room, a dish in a restaurant, and the like. In general, a list of words and phrases that are necessary for any tourist.

Tourism - words with which you can explain to any passerby what exactly you are looking for, be it a hotel, an architectural monument, or any attraction.

How to get there - translation of words indicating direction and distance.

Public Areas and Landmarks - Correct translation and pronunciation of municipal facilities, landmarks, churches, etc.

Dates and times - translation and pronunciation of days of the week and months.