Jokes for children are short funny stories. They often use a variety of folklore characters. They can be included in poems, fairy tales, stories, etc.

Even in ancient times, parents read jokes to their children. And this was not done in vain. After all, these funny rhymes entertained and amused the kids, and helped calm and comfort the child. In addition, jokes introduce children to the world around them; this acquaintance takes place in the form of a game, which is exciting and interesting for children.

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen.
The cat is crushing crackers in the corner.
The cat is sewing a dress in the window.
A chicken in boots sweeps the hut.
Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,
Oil head, silk beard,
Why do you get up early, sing loudly,
Don't you let the kids sleep?
The man walked into the water
I found a bag of malt.
Brewed a fist
And he called Dunyashka.
- Dunyashka, Dunyashka,
Is the fist sweet?
- Honey is sweet,
I haven't been in the oven.
Haven't been in the oven
She stood under the bench.
The chickens were pecking.
The cats licked
They didn’t give it to Vanya!
Don, don, don!
The cat's house caught fire.
A chicken runs with a bucket -
Flood the cat's house.
The busy goat is busy all day:
She should pluck the grass,
She should run to the river,
She is to guard the little goats,
Take care of small children
So that the wolf doesn't steal,
So that the bear doesn't pick it up,
To the little fox
I didn’t take them with me.

Collects cones, sings songs
The cone suddenly fell - right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!
Ivan is poor
Found a copper boiler
I went to get some water.
I found a young girl.
Well done
I baked pies
She took it to the market.
The cat went to the market, the cat bought a pie.
The cat went to the street and bought a bun.
Should I eat it myself? Or should Mashenka (child’s name) be demolished?
I’ll bite myself, and I’ll blow Mashenka’s life too.
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and sings songs.
Suddenly a cone fell - right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!
- Chug, chug, woodpecker,
Is Jacob at home?
- There is no Jacob's house,
Left for the city:
Himself on a horse
In a brand new hat.
Wife on a ram -
In a new sundress.
Children on cats -
In new boots.
Ay, dudu, dudu, dudu!
A raven sits on an oak tree.
He plays the trumpet
In silver.
Turned pipe,
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Oil head,
Shchelkov's beard,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?
Oh, swing, swing, swing,
The traders have arrived.
They sold rolls.
The boy came running
He grabbed the roll.
I'm not my father's son
I'm not my mother's son
I grew up on a Christmas tree
The wind blew me away.
I fell on a tree stump
He became a curly boy!
The sun sewed a shirt,
There was also a month for the tailor.
The breeze took a new thing -
He gave it to the shepherds.
Creak, creak, violinist,

Buy a new shoe:
Masha the cat,
Nikolashka the cat;
To the filly Nenila,
Merina Gavrila;
Anyutka the duck,
Drake Vasyutka;
Kochet Nikita,
Chicken Ulita.
The little girl was flying
She dropped feathers.
-Who are these feathers for?
- Dear Vovushka.
- What does he need feathers for?
- Fluff the hat.
- What's the cap for?
- Give it to grandpa.
Let's give Vova some porridge
In a red bowl
A crust of bread,
Honey pot,
Donuts, flatbreads,
Chicken legs.
- Wait, doll!
Wait, lady!
- No time to stand
It's time for me to run
Equip the owl.
The owl is having a wedding,
At the owl's estate:
Cooking fly,
Flying mosquito.
Magpie girl,
Tap dancing girlfriend.
Eyes narrowed
Crow Bride
Sit down!
Knocking, strumming along the street,
Foma rides a chicken
Timoshka on a cat
Along a crooked path.
-Where are you going, Foma?
Where are you going?
- I'm going to mow hay.
- What do you need hay for?
- Feed the cows.
- What do you need cows for?
- Milk.
- Why milk?
- Feed the kids.
And frets, frets, frets!
Let's go to the back.
Sold carrots
We bought a cow.
And the cow is as big as a cat -
Milk a little!
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Uncle Egor was leaving,
For girls to love
They fed them smeared porridge,
Smeared porridge,
The spoon is painted.
The falcon was flying
Through Annushka's yard,
Dropped my boot.
- Give it to me, girl,
A beauty!
I'm sitting on the stove
I see rings.
I'm in a hurry to go to the conversation,
I'll make everyone laugh.
Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,
Stay at home, don't go out,
And then the girls will come,
They will kiss and leave
Vanya rides on a stick,
And Dunya is in the cart
He cracks nuts.
The cockroach was chopping wood,
He cut off his own head.
The mosquito carried water,
My feet got stuck in the mud.
The flies tore him out
Everyone's stomachs were torn.
Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden
A dog is running there.
The legs are thin
Side calls,
And the tail is squiggled,
Her name is Zhuchka.
And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,
A cat married a cat,
For the cat Kotovich,
For Ivan Petrovich.
They began to bury the cat,
Ring all the bells.
Ti-li-l don,
Ti-li-l don,
The goat house caught fire
The goat jumped out
Her eyes bulged.
A chicken is running with a bucket,
I ran to the oak tree,
Bit my lip
Ran to the city
Singed my beard.

A child’s laughter is the brightest emotion that brings joy to everyone around. Questions, riddles, songs and simple rhymes will help you have fun with your child.

Jokes, or as people call them “zabavushki”, are the first folklore genre that a child gets acquainted with. It is a funny story in poetic form, usually a quatrain. Any child will enjoy jokes and when he hears them, he will smile. So, small funny stories with meaning will help in the development and upbringing of the baby.

Jokes are “good helpers” for mothers; they make it easier to dress, bathe, feed, concentrate the child’s attention and introduce them to parts of the world as a whole.

“The bears were riding a bicycle,
And behind them is a cat backwards,
And behind him are mosquitoes - on a balloon,
And behind them are crayfish - on a lame dog,
Wolves on a mare, lions in a car,
Bunnies on a tram, a toad on a broom,
They drive and laugh, chew gingerbread.”

“There was a fast cat walking
Along the forest path.
With him is the goat-dereza,
Little white horns;
Little white horns,
Light boots.
Top-top for mushrooms.
Top for the berries!
And the oak trees rustle and rustle
Near the old trails"

“A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
Collects cones, sings songs,
The cone suddenly fell - right on the bear’s forehead,
The bear got angry and stomped his foot!”

Questions are jokes for children. Jokes answers

  • What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Elephant's shadow)
  • What gets bigger when you put it upside down (Number 6)
  • Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Empty)
  • What do people walk on? (On the ground)
  • What tree does the hare hide under when it rains (Under the wet)
  • Which river is the scariest? (Tiger)
  • What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  • What horse doesn't eat hay? (Chess)
  • Who's upside down over us? (Fly)

Problems jokes for children. Riddles jokes for children with answers

  • The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs)
  • How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (The glass is empty, which means there is nothing in it)
  • Children collected an autumn bouquet in the park. It contained 5 maple, 4 birch, 2 oak, 1 aspen leaves. How many different trees did the bouquet come from? (From 4 trees.)
  • 3 little pigs were walking. One is in front of two, one is between two, and one is behind two.
    How were the piglets doing? (One after another.)
  • Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled and finally pulled out the turnip. How many eyes saw the turnip? (12 eyes.)

Playful riddles with answers for children

  • The roads have become drier, my feet are dry... (not my ears, but my feet)
  • Birthday is around the corner, we baked... (not sausage, but cake)
  • Both capricious and stubborn, in kindergarten doesn’t want... (not mother, but daughter)
  • Old women go to the market to buy themselves... (not toys, but food)
  • I was able to pick out a pair of mittens for... (not for the legs, but for the hands)
  • They hit a raspberry.
    They wanted to peck her.
    But they saw a freak -
    And get out of the garden quickly!
    And the freak is standing on a stick,
    With a beard made from a washcloth. (stuffed animal)
  • Under New Year he came to the house
    Such a ruddy fat man.
    But every day he lost weight
    And finally he disappeared completely. (calendar)
  • Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet! —
    Who raised a cheerful cry?
    Don't scare this bird!
    Made a lot of noise... (not a parrot, but a sparrow)
  • He walked through the forest boldly,
    But the fox ate the hero.
    The poor thing sang goodbye.
    His name was... (not Cheburashka, but Kolobok)

School jokes for children from grades 1 to 4

  • A teacher in a literature lesson finishes a fairy tale:
    - And I was there, I drank beer and mead, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth... Children, what do you think is the moral of this fairy tale?
    — You need to shave more often.
  • - Son, hello! How are you doing at school? – And I don’t even want to talk to the parents of a poor student...
  • A child comes home from school and joyfully shouts from the doorway: “Mom, you’re lucky today, we only got a reading test!”
  • A first grader is led to his first lesson. He resists furiously and screams:
    - Eleven years!!! For what!?!
  • First-graders play football in the yard. One asks a friend:
    - What is this noise at your house?
    - A! This is grandpa explaining to dad how to correctly solve the arithmetic problem we were given today!

Jokes about school for kids

- Hey! Hands behind your head, feet shoulder-width apart!
- Is this a robbery?!
- No - physical education lesson!

Mom asks Vovochka:
- Vovochka, why is your diary in the corner?
- So I punished him like that for getting a bad grade!

In a lesson on the first of September in first grade. The teacher explains to the students: “Guys, you came to school to study.” You have to sit quietly here, if you want to ask something, you have to raise your hand. Vovochka reaches out her hand... - Boy, do you want to ask something? - No, I'm just checking how the system works!

During an art lesson, one student looks into his neighbor’s album:
- How cool you draw! I even wanted to eat!
- Eat? It's sunrise, Yur...
- A-ah!.. And I thought, scrambled eggs...

Well done, Mitya,” dad says proudly. - Why did you get an “A” in biology?
- They asked me how many legs an ostrich has. I said three.
- Wait, but an ostrich only has two legs...
- Yes, but the rest of the guys shouted that it was four!

Funny jokes from children (bloopers). Jokes about children. Short children's jokes

“My dad is an oil worker. He works as a boletus farmer."

“Why did they call me Sonya if you wake me up for kindergarten every morning?”

“Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent?!”

“The daughter asks her mother:
- Mom, what time was I born?
- At twelve at night.
“Oh, I probably woke you up?!”

“A son at the zoo asks his father:
- Dad, if a tiger breaks out of the cage and eats you, then what
Should I take the bus home?”

Children's joke for April 1st. Funny jokes for children. Children's jokes poems

“We knocked on Aunt Masha’s door: -
Oh, your porridge has escaped!
And she told us: “Don’t yawn!
Quickly catch up with the porridge!!!"
Aunt Masha solved it
I can easily carry out our idea!
We run to Aunt Sveta: -
The wind blows your carpet away!
She rushed into the yard -
That's right: the carpet flew off!
He is now hanging on the roof.
And Uncle Misha helped us.
Regardless of the years
He's an entertainer - no matter what!
And to the angry Aunt Mota
We said: “The mouse is in the compote!”
And she quickly went to the neighbor:
Get a cage for the mouse.
We took a sip of compote.
Sit and rest
So, forgetting about sadness and laziness
And they left a message:
“It was delicious. Goodbye!
We joked all day.
That would be ten times a week
It was the first of April!”

“I want to come up with
Such machines
To be able to do it
Live laughs.
So that these little funny guys
There was a hurry everywhere
So that the most gloomy
They made me laugh.
To make you laugh
My sister, I cry,
And our cheerful
Zorka is a cow. »

“Yesterday my friend told me,
That I'm a whirlwind laugher,
That I don't want to be serious
That I laugh all the time.
It brought me to tears:
After all, I want to laugh

Children's jokes from KVN

  • I speak Russian, English, French fluently... and in other lessons too
  • A very well-mannered schoolboy fell into a sewer, closing the hatch behind him.
  • Teachers are to blame for children lying - they ask too many questions
  • Traditional Russian school martial arts - the fight against laziness

Children's songs jokes

"Snow Woman"
Snow fell from the sky little by little,
The janitor cleared the path to the house.
For children's joy and fun
I made a big snowman.
Snow woman, snowy,
Very gentle nature.
Snow woman, snowy,
Delicate and snow-white.
Grandma loved to work very much,
I knew it would look cute with a broom.
And, humming a song tenderly,
She swept the yard very diligently.
Snow woman, snowy,
Very gentle nature.
Snow woman, snowy,
Delicate and snow-white.
The janitor immediately fell in love with that woman,
If it weren't for summer, I would have gotten married right away.
It will melt in the summer - that’s bad luck,
Who will work at the dacha?
Snow woman, snowy,
Very gentle nature.
Snow woman, snowy,
Delicate and snow-white.


A cat crossed the girl's path
The cat has moved, the cat has moved.
A girl brought a bad mark from school,
I brought two.
Forty cats can run up and down,

You don't get an F if you've learned your lesson.
You have to pay to ride the tram,
We must pay, we must pay.
And the happy ticket is swallowed right away,
Swallow it right away.
If the sum of the numbers on the ticket matches,

You can eat a ticket, but it’s more pleasant to eat compote.
Don't sit in the thirteenth row at the cinema,
In the thirteenth row, in the thirteenth row,
This promises certain trouble, certain trouble.
And the number is thirteen, let’s be precise friends,

It's just ten plus me and me and me.

Jokes about kindergarten

In kindergarten:
- Children, aunt is leaving. What needs to be said?
- God bless!!!

A little boy watches the performance of a fashionable pop singer on TV and says thoughtfully:
“And when we yell like that in kindergarten, they scold us...”

Seryozha urges his mother:
- Dress me quickly!
- Where are you in a hurry?
- To the kindergarten. My friends are waiting for me there.
- And what are you doing with your friends?
- Let's fight!

The kindergarten teacher spent half an hour putting leggings on the little girl. When she straightened up with a sigh of relief, the girl said:
- These are not my leggings.
Growling internally, the teacher spent fifteen minutes pulling her leggings back down. When she finished, the girl said:
- These are my brother’s leggings, my mother sometimes puts them on me.

Video: Russian folk nursery rhymes (Collection). Children from 0 to 3 years old

Why on Kata
Inside out dress?
Because Katya
I put on the dress myself!

To share something with a brother like a brother, -
So, I should give more to my brother.
I’m just so reluctant to share,
Let my brother share with me like a brother.

With noodles made from English letters
Mommy made me soup.
I'll eat a big bowl of it,
And I will immediately know English.

I love snowy winter!
When I look at the white snow,
I want to sneak
Lick: what if he’s sweet?

Once upon a time there was a goat,
He loved to play football.
But an own goal
The goat always scored (((

My friend the crocodile
Walked very slowly
And then his neighbor
Gave me a bicycle.
Since then, without knowing any worries,
Cutting through on wheels,
In a few minutes
The crocodile was right there.

The hippopotamus was upset
That he had a big belly
But after taking up sports, he
I lost 20 tons of weight.

Once upon a time
On the sunny lawn
With striped wasp
The bunnies played tag.
Of course we lost
Naive bunnies,
And they rubbed for a long time
Bitten heels.
And from then on the bunnies
Can't be found with wasps
And tag or hide and seek
They play among themselves.

Who wins
Come on, let's go with you
Let's fight the mosquitoes!
We'll hit them in the legs
By hand, by hair...
I hit you on the neck, on the back
Komarov! And it hurts me...

Boiling milk
Ran far away.
This means that the neighbor
Will he drink it for lunch?

I am ready to swear to you:
Murzik is the best of cats!
Yesterday my mother and I decided
That our Murzik... is the very best!
All my friends know:
First class cat! and I!

Math all summer
Petya will be engaged in:
There is a problem, solve it yourself!
The weight of science is lifted from our shoulders,
Without taking anything away
Without adding anything,
Only extracting the roots,
How to increase the harvest?

If Vanechka couldn’t
Learn the lesson firmly
Then they will share the trouble with him
Terrorist and anonymous.

I know that Vasya the cat -
A born accountant!
And even if Vasya can’t
Attend classes at school,
He can do it without classes
Count all the mice!

On botany nerds
They answered about bananas,
And then we found out
What a banana... a berry!

Ayu, ayu, ayu,
I don't know the lesson!
Tell me, Kirill,
Who discovered America?
Don't you know, Fedot,
Amazon, where does it flow?
Let's ask Valera,
Where is the Cordillera?
America was discovered in vain!
We wouldn't teach so much!

Science wasn't easy
The alphabet for my grandson to learn,
But there is no failure in anything,
If grandfather helps!
Only the result was curious:
The grandson knows, but the grandfather forgot!)

The visionary poet was a mathematician,
He somehow combined feelings and fiction,
I broke it down into lines and rhymed the words,
I thought he was calculating the integral.


That today is not an easy day,
Volodya announced to the guys:
Yesterday he was only eighth,
And tomorrow it will be the ninth.
And everyone congratulates Volodya, and everyone tries to wish him,
So that he grows up kind, strong, brave,
So that he is dexterous and skillful,
And so that he can study "with five grades"


Thank you, Inna, for your kind review and advice, but it seems to me that they are not worth attention at all, because they are just jokes! I began to look here extremely rarely, I became interested in animals, and there was no time at all (((.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Jokes are a kind of folklore and a form of creativity. This is a kind of nursery rhyme, that is, a poem with funny meaning or funny words. It is needed in order to call positive mood and play with the child.

Simply put, a joke is a small poetic fairy tale or story. Russian jokes and jokes talk about the characteristics of the native people, hard work, love and loyalty. Such poems favor proper development child, allow you to practice logical thinking and expand your spiritual world.

Jokes and jokes are necessary for a child even from early age for communication and networking

Jokes and jokes are the same poems that mothers read to their newborn babies while getting them ready for a walk, dressing them, bathing them and even feeding them. Such poems always help to establish contact, to give good mood, distract and dispel fear of the unknown.

Every caring mother must have a couple of different jokes in her arsenal:

The gulichkas were flying in,
The ghouls sat down on the bed,
The ghouls began to coo.
Little girls cooed
And they rocked the cradle,
Gulichki flew in
Rock the girl

One day a gray cat was walking
Along the trampled path,
A goat wandered next to him
With white horns,
With white horns,
In pink boots.
Relatives went to pick mushrooms,
Top-top with scissors,
Gathered under the oak trees,
In the thicket they moved away from the trails.

Behind the gray crooked stump,
Under a thick dense burdock
The bunny sleeps in a ball.
He hears a noise, a bear in the forest
I decided to make noise in broad daylight.
“Well, let him make noise,” said the oblique one,
The bear is nothing, he is not with the fox!

Joke tasks for children - a way to have fun

Will not harm the development of any child funny jokes in the form of puzzles. They develop imagination well, become fun entertainment and a means to establish communication with the child. Such problems help the child practice all his skills and learn to draw conclusions.

Joke puzzles have a great impact on a child’s development, giving him the opportunity to explore the world

Jokes and puzzles for children:

  • 12 boats were sailing along the river. Two boats landed on the shore, how many boats are left in the water? (12)
  • There were four cats sitting in a small room. Each cat sat in one corner. Opposite each cat was a cat. How many cats were there in total? (4)
  • Is it possible to bring water home in a sieve? (Yes, if you freeze the sieve)
  • Five sisters were walking, each sister had one brother. How many brothers do the sisters have? (One)
  • Which pan can't you pour porridge from? (from empty)
  • Three friends were playing and didn’t notice how suddenly it began to rain, but not one of them got wet. Why? (they saw rain through the window, or everyone was wearing a raincoat)
  • A cow has two legs in front and two behind, and she also has two right legs and two left ones. How many legs does a cow have? (4)
  • The baby woke up at 12 o'clock. When did the baby fall asleep if he only slept for four hours? (at 8 o'clock)

Questions jokes for children, educational questions for children

Questions in a comic form are not only a way to have fun for a child, it is a way to expand consciousness, increase the amount of knowledge, develop and learn about the world. The question is presented in a slightly humorous manner in order to interest the child and encourage him to look for the answer.

As a rule, there is no specific topic, but it must relate to some of the child’s interests.

joke questions are constructed in a peculiar humorous form

Questions and jokes for children:

  • No one can ever untie this knot. (railway junction)
  • Which of the twelve months is the shortest? (May - there are only three letters in the layer)
  • Can a chicken call itself a bird? (No, the chicken can’t talk)
  • These two things are under a person's feet when he crosses the road. (Soles)
  • What can you pick up from the ground, but can never be thrown far? (feather)
  • What can you cook for a long time and carefully, but cannot eat? (Homework)
  • Can three liters of milk be placed in a liter jar? (Yes, if you boil condensed milk)
  • If two cats caught two mice in two minutes, how many minutes would it take each cat to catch one mouse? (Two minutes)
  • How many months in a year have twenty-eight days? — (12 months, each with a 28th day)
  • The dog was tied to a meter-long chain, and he walked ten meters, how did this happen? (they forgot to tie the chain to the booth)
  • This thing can travel all over the world and not even move at the same time. (postage stamp)
  • Is it possible to throw it like that? raw egg two meters so that it doesn’t break? (You can, if you throw it three meters, then the first two it will fly safely)

School jokes for children in grades 2–3, funny jokes

School jokes always cause a storm of emotions in children, make them laugh and feel positive. They are always easily perceived by children of any age because school theme never loses its relevance.

school jokes for children, jokes for two and three year olds

School jokes for kids:

A boy talks to his dad immediately after returning from school:
- Dad, you probably shouldn’t go to tomorrow’s parent meeting to school.
- Why will they talk badly about you?
- No, dad, about you.

A boy brags to his parents after school about his good grades. Mom asks:
- Sashenka, why did you get such a good grade?
— During a nature lesson, the teacher asked the children if they knew how many legs an ostrich has?
- And what did you answer? - Dad asked.
- Three!
- But, Sasha, an ostrich has only two legs! - Mom remarked.
- Yes, but everyone else in the class claimed that there were four of them!!!

The boy returns after school and tells his mother:
- Mom, can you imagine, today we were taken from classes and taken to the doctor’s office for an examination!
- And what did they do to you there?
- They checked whether we were breathing or not!

Funny and interesting jokes about school for children and about children

Delight your child with funny jokes and anecdotes on school topics. Such interesting funny stories can make you laugh even in the saddest situation.

funny jokes about school for children of any age, funny jokes on school topics

funny jokes about school for children:

In the staff room, two teachers are talking, one complains:
“Can you imagine, this Pupochkin is constantly rude, interferes, shouts and interrupts me in class. Every lesson is disrupted due to his bad behavior.
- Can't be! Does this boy really have no positive qualities?
- Yes, he doesn’t miss a single lesson!

A boy stands in the school corridor during class and looks puzzled at the floor. The school principal walks by and asks:
- Vovochka, why are you standing in the corridor?
- I was kicked out!
- Why were you kicked out?
“I don’t understand, I don’t see any logic in this: I farted - they kicked me out, and left the whole class to sniff!”

Lesson at school, first of September, teacher explains:
- Children, get to know how the lesson should be conducted: under no circumstances should you get up from your desk, speak without permission, shout or behave badly. If you want to ask me something, you just need to raise your hand.
(one boy raises his hand high)
- Igorek, did you want to ask something?
- No, Maria Ivanovna, I’m just checking how your system works.

Funny and amusing riddles and jokes for children with answers

Funny riddle jokes will brighten up any evening with a child; both children and adults enjoy solving such riddles.

funny riddle jokes with correct answers and solutions

Funny riddles in a comic form for children:

  • You will remember it easily: the first number is the letter ... (A)
  • Round, like a head, it's the shape of a letter... (O)
  • The cat went out for a walk, the cat has paws... (four)
  • Look at the dog, the dog has legs... (four)
  • Mom told Kira that three is more than... (two)
  • If you sleep in class, you will receive... (two)
  • For my little sister, we bought them in the summer... (sandals)
  • Armfuls of dandelions, we will weave them for you... (wreath)
  • An old woman runs to the market and buys herself... (groceries)
  • The hockey players immediately burst into tears, their goalie blew... (the puck)
  • Spring and summer are approaching, we will buy for the summer... (videos)
  • Natasha and Oksanka have two-wheelers (scooters)
  • Children who are sick only go to get injections... (to the hospital)

Funny jokes for children of any age to put them in a good mood

Funny jokes are designed to lift children's spirits and give them a boost of positive emotions.

funny jokes for children of any age

Funny jokes for kids:

The boy walked with his grandmother through the garden, and she told and showed him different plants:
- This, grandson, is an apple tree, and under it is a raspberry, and next to it is a black currant.
- But grandma, why is she red?
- That's because it's green!

Talk Winnie the Pooh and Heel:
- Vinnie, Vinnie, give me ten chocolates!
- Piglet, I only have five candies!
- Okay, give me five, and you’ll owe me another five!

Conversation between two first-graders:
- Who would you turn into to scare Maria Ivanovna, a lion or a tiger?
“Nothing can scare our Maria Ivanovna!”

Interesting and funny jokes about children and for children of any age

Jokes that involve children are perceived very easily and positively by the children themselves because they are always close and understandable.

funny jokes for children and about children

Funny jokes about children and for children:

The boy came to visit with his parents, he was treated to:
- Sasha, take another piece of cake and eat it.
- No, thank you. I've already eaten two pieces.
- Well then, take the tangerine.
- Nah, thanks, I already ate three of them.
- Well, then take some sweets with you.
- No, thanks, I already took it.

The boy's parents ask:
— Maksimka, what would you like to become by profession when you grow up?
— I would like to become an ornithologist?
— Would you like to study birds?
- Yes, I would like to associate a parrot with a dove.
- But why???
“So that when the pigeon gets lost, it can ask passers-by for directions home.”

Mom talks to her son at breakfast:
- Here's a silver spoon for you, Vovochka. Place it in a cup of tea so that the silver kills all germs.
- So now, mom, should I drink tea with dead germs??

An original and interesting joke for children on April 1

The first of April is the international day of laughter and this holiday is very popular with children because it gives them the opportunity to unleash their imagination and make fun of their friends in all sorts of different ways.

jokes and gags on April 1 for children

Here are some jokes for April Fools' Day:

  • blot- in order to greatly scare someone and get pleasure from such a scare, you need to pour a jar of nail polish on paper or oilcloth in advance. When the blot dries, you need to carefully remove it from the surface and place it on the person you want to make fun of. You can do this in a notebook, on your phone, in a diary.
  • soap - In order for the draw to be successful, you need to open a piece of soap with colorless varnish in advance. Those who want to wash their hands will not be able to understand why the soap does not lather in their hands.
  • stuck - Using double-sided tape, you can stick a student’s things to his desk while he’s running around during recess and see how he then diligently prepares for the next subject.

Short jokes for children can lighten the mood and become a great pastime for the whole family.

Short children's jokes, funny and amusing jokes for children

Short jokes for children:

  • On the trolleybus: “Are you getting off?” - “Yes, I’m walking!”
  • The janitor walked around the high-rise building and threw garbage back into the windows
  • Who is Kolobok? - This is the first smiley!
  • If a car alarm suddenly goes off loudly in the middle of the night, this means that the car is just very scared and is calling for the owner.
  • A boring children's room can only be cheered up by little children who are beautifully placed in the corners
  • What happens if the chicken gets sick and develops a fever? - Firebird!
  • My dad is a real good guy: he came home from the war, turned off the computer and went to bed...

Funny and humorous children's jokes from KVN?

Humorous skits can serve as an excellent game or KVN competition.

humorous KVN skits for children

Children's humorous scenes of KVN:

Conversation between dad and son after school activities:
- Well, Sasha, can you please me with something? What did you bring from school today?
- Today, dad, I brought five... (the son says and dad praises without listening)
- Well done, son! I'm so proud of you!
-... deuces! (the son finishes and looks at the floor)

Mom asks her daughter:
- Mashenka, do you know what kind of teeth come after milk teeth?
- Yes, mommy, I know - artificial. (the girl answers confidently)

Dad takes his son to school, they cheerfully discuss their business and the boy joyfully remarks:
“You know, daddy, I can’t feel my backpack today at all!”
(Dad stops smiling and tells him):
- That's because you didn't take it today!

Children's songs jokes, funny songs in a humorous form for children

A song for children in a humorous style about Carlson “Funny little man”:

I ran to you, dear friends,
I quickly and impatiently.
The motor is small in vain
I spread it with jam.
Beautiful and bright behind
my propeller lives
I really want you to be me
They sang so joyfully
I really want you to be with me
Everyone sang together and in unison:

A small and brave man lives on the roof.
He chews jam, cakes, pies and sweets for breakfast,
And this little one funny man I'm used to this
After all, this little funny man is such a mischief.

I will prepare strong tea for my friends and girlfriends.
I will set the table with sweets, cookies, honey, cheesecakes.
I really want a little man to come visit us
I'll bake a cake for him and put in some candles.

children's funny songs for a good mood

Funny and humorous children's jokes and poems

This horse is on the lawn
Jumps around in a striped T-shirt.
This is a zebra, she's kids,
He will never wear a cage in his life!

On your beloved dad
I can ride like a horse.
There is only one minus about dad -
There is no rein to grab.
I hug him from behind
But nothing is visible
He swears at me
And then I feel offended.

I look out the window and see
They carry compote with them,
Buns and bread.
They're sneaking under my window
Like robbers
They think right
They will remain hungry!

funny poems for children to cheer up

The teacher asks the children:
- Children, who do you think is smarter: people or animals?
The children are silent and only one boy answers:
- I think animals?
- Why do you think so? (asks the teacher)
— When I talk to my dog, she listens to me so carefully!

Conversation of children in kindergarten:
Masha: - And I have my mother’s eyes!
Seryozha: - And I have daddy’s eyebrows!
Igor: - And I have a grandmother’s character!
Zhenya: - And my brother has tights!

Competition in kindergarten“Who makes the hardest face”:
— The winner of the competition is Irochka!
- I didn’t even play! (the girl answers)

Funny and funny jokes about kindergarten for children

Video: “Jokes for Kids”

A small selection of rhymes, jokes, nursery rhymes for young children.

Nursery rhymes-actions. Help with various procedures. Mostly - not very favorite hygienic ones :)

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your little eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks blush,

So that your mouth laughs,

So that the tooth bites.

A turtle went for a swim

And bit everyone out of fear


I'm not afraid of anything!

This finger went into the forest

this finger found a mushroom,

this finger picked a mushroom,

this finger began to fry,

well this one ( thumb) ate him,

That's why I got fat!

Let's go, let's go get some walnuts,

Along a smooth path, along a smooth path,

Over the bumps, over the bumps

And bang into the hole!

Poems, jokes. To develop speech, attract (or distract) attention, fall asleep.

Oh-lyuli, ta-ra-ra-ra! There is a mountain on the mountain,

And on that mountain there is a meadow, and on that meadow there is an oak tree,

And on that oak tree sits a raven in red boots,

A raven in red boots and lilac earrings.

A black raven is on an oak tree, he is playing a trumpet -

Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo, boo-boo.

Chiseled pipe, gilded.

In the morning he blows the trumpet, at night he tells fairy tales.

The sun sewed a shirt,

There was also a month for the tailor.

The breeze took a new thing -

He gave it to the shepherds.

The wolf is bored living in the forest - he starts a song.

It’s so wrong, it’s so awkward - at least run out of the forest.

A fox dances in front of him, waving her red paw.

Even though I’m in no mood and in no mood, he dances until he drops.

A sparrow squeaks on a branch with all its might.

Even if it’s awkward, incomprehensible, it’s still pleasant.

The bears were riding a bicycle

And behind them the cat - backwards,

And behind him are mosquitoes on a balloon,

And behind them are crayfish on a lame dog,

Wolves on a mare, lions in a car,

Bunnies on a tram, a toad on a broom.

They ride and laugh and chew gingerbread!

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,

Collects cones, sings songs

The cone suddenly fell - right on the bear's forehead.

The bear got angry and stomped his foot!

Knock and knock, look at the gate: surely someone is coming to visit.

A whole family is traveling - a pig is walking ahead.

The goose tuned the harp, and the rooster set his trumpet.

The cat and the dog were surprised and even made peace.

They washed the buckwheat, they crushed the buckwheat,

They sent the mouse through the water

Along the bridge-bridge, yellow sand.

I got lost for a long time - I got scared of the wolf,

Lost, tears streaming down,

And the well – here it is, nearby.

The cat went to the market, the cat bought a pie.

The cat went to the street and bought a bun.

Should I eat it myself? Or should Mashenka (child’s name) be demolished?

I’ll bite myself, and I’ll blow Mashenka’s life too.

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen.

The cat is crushing crackers in the corner.

The cat is sewing a dress in the window.

A chicken in boots sweeps the hut.

She swept the hut and put down a rug:

Lie down, little rug, on your side under the threshold!

The weed ant rose from its sleep,

The tit bird took hold of the grain,

Bunnies for cabbage

Mice - for the crust,

Children - for milk.

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,

Oil head, silk beard,

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Our ducks in the morning - quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Our geese by the pond - Ga-ga-ga! Ha-ha-ha!

And the turkey in the middle of the yard - Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit!

Our little walkers at the top - Grru-grru-ugrr-u-grru-u!

Our chickens through the window - Kko-kko-kko-ko-ko-ko-ko!

And how Petya the Cockerel early in the morning

He will sing to us ka-ka-re-ku!

Poems-dialogues. You can learn “by roles”.

Kittens, kittens, little kids!

Who is your biggest? Who is your youngest?

We will all grow up and follow the mice.

One grandfather cat will stay at home

Yes, lying on the stove - waiting for us with kindness.

Shadow-shadow-shadow, there is a fence above the city.

The animals sat on the fence and boasted all day long.

The fox boasted: “I am beautiful to the whole world!”

The bunny boasted: “Go and catch up!”

The hedgehogs boasted: “Our fur coats are good!”

The bear boasted: “I can sing songs!”

This finger went into the forest
This finger found a mushroom
This finger picked a mushroom,
This finger began to fry,
Well, what about this one? He ate everything
That's why I got fat!

The horned goat is coming,
For the little guys
Legs top top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Doesn't drink milk
He's gored, gored, gored.

- Okay, okay,
Where were you?
- At my grandmother's.
- Why did you eat porridge?
- Porridge.
- What did you drink?
- Mash.
- What's for a snack?
- Bread and cabbage.
We drank, ate,
They sat on the head.

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Fly home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
We ate quickly
And off we went!

- Forty-forty! Where were you?
- Far!
- What did you do?
- I cooked porridge and fed the children.
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But I didn’t give it to this
You didn’t carry firewood, you didn’t light the stove!

- Boy-finger,
Where have you been?
-I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers,
The train arrived late
Peas suddenly fell from the last carriage.
The chickens came and pecked and pecked,
The geese came and nibbled and nibbled,
An elephant came and trampled
The elephant came and trampled
A little elephant came and trampled
The janitor came and swept everything away,
I put a chair, a table,
I set up the typewriter and started typing:
“My dear daughters, ding dots (tickle under the armpits),
I send you stockings, ding dots,
And the stockings are not simple - they have gold fasteners.”
I sealed the envelope, stamped it and put it in the mailbox.
The letter went on and on and finally arrived.

After breakfast lace
I lay down to warm myself on the sand,
I lay down for a little while
And went on the road
Walked among the blades of grass
And crawled back into the shoe.

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
So that your mouth laughs,
So that the tooth bites.

Stretching exercises,
From the toes to the top of the head,
We'll stretch, stretch,
We won't stay small
Walkers in legs,
In the hands of the gripper,
Mind in your head,
And in the mouth there is a talk.

One, 2, 3, 4.
Let's count the holes in the cheese.
If the cheese has a lot of holes,
This means the cheese will be delicious.
If there is one hole in it,
So it was delicious yesterday.

One, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The cat learns to count.
Little by little
Adds a cat to a mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but no mouse.

Three cats were walking on the roof,
Three cats of Vasily.
And looked at the three tails
Straight into the blue sky.
Vaska sat down on the ledge,
Looked up and down...
And the three cats said:

- Legs, legs, where have you been?
- We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.
- And you, little hands, helped?
- We collected mushrooms.
- And you, little eyes, helped?
- We searched and looked,
They looked at all the stumps.
Here is Nastenka with the fungus,
With boletus.

On my plate
Red squirrel.
So that she can be seen
I eat everything to the bottom!