In April, the whole country celebrates Easter. Children enjoy participating in the activities, decorating eggs and learning about the history of the holiday. To form a festive culture and expand ideas about the traditions of Russia, the teacher plans during the week stories about the holiday, learning poems, and staging an Easter fairy tale. Children participate in decorating the group and drawing a picture of the church. Detailed description texts for memorization, holiday script, Easter games, didactic exercises on the topic you will find in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Easter miracles”.

Social and communicative development

The week begins with a story about how the children spent the weekend. The teacher brings in the album “ Easter eggs", recalls, creates a situation for the formation of telephone conversation etiquette, which contributes to social and communicative development.

Cognitive development

Solving problems cognitive development The teacher offers children games to reinforce, signs of spring, etc. An adult tells the children about the anthill and introduces folk signs.

Speech development

Speech development occurs through teaching children retelling, the games “Let’s Write a Letter,” “Association,” and “Guess It.” Older preschoolers remember works about chicken and describe its image in literature.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher brings a morphological board to the group and shows the possibilities of its use. Children are preparing to stage the fairy tale “Easter Egg”, making Easter cards and learn about ways to draw reflections in water, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

Senior preschoolers play folk games“Roll the loaf”, “Roll the eggs”. "Tug of War." An adult shows the children massage exercises, develops physical qualities in outdoor games, solving problems of physical development.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.The story “How I spent the weekend.” Goal: learn about how the children had a rest, learn how to speak in front of a group of children.A teacher's story about the history of Easter celebrations in Rus'. Goal: to form a festive culture among children.Game "Let's write a letter to the doll." Goal: to teach how to determine the number of words in a sentence, relying on auxiliary means.Entering a morphological table. Goal: explain to children the possibility of using the board.Physical exercise “Visiting Fedosya.” Purpose: to entertain children, remember words.
Review of the album "Easter Eggs". Goal: to expand ideas about ways to decorate eggs.Cloud watching. Goal: continue to teach children to draw conclusions.Games with rings Llull. Goal: to continue to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.Examination of the painting “Church” by S.V. Gerasimov. Goal: consider the features of the church, prepare for drawing.Folk game "Roll a loaf". Goal: to develop coordination of movements. Team game “Change the flag.” Goal: to develop the ability to play in teams.
2 p.d.Reading T.A. Shorygin "The Hardworking Hamster". Goal: to cultivate respect for work, expand ideas about hard work.Teacher's story about an anthill. Goal: expand ideas about the life and work of insects.Reading “Easter Tale” by O. Maksimov. Goal: to develop the ability to retell short passages from a work.Developmental design “Various buildings”. Goal: to teach children to vary images of objects in their imagination.Massage exercise “Spring rain”. Goal: to help strengthen the body's defenses.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Story from experience “What I saw on the way to kindergarten" Goal: remember the rules of the road.The game “Whoever walks correctly will find the toy.” Goal: to develop the ability to move in a given direction and count steps.Exercises with massage balls. Goal: to develop motor skills and speech.Game - gatherings "Ladushka visiting grandma." Goal: to form in children an understanding of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, and to cultivate a love for oral folk art.Conversation “How to play with a ball.” Goal: to enrich children’s knowledge about outdoor games.
Preparing beds for sowing seeds. Goal: to develop diligence and the desire to complete the work started.Wagtail observation. Purpose: to introduce the wagtail, its appearance, and its habitat.Exercise “Guess it.” Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find significant features in it; recognize an object by description.Exercise on the morphological board “Look around.” Goal: to continue familiarizing yourself with working on the board.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.

Thematic event on the topic:"Happy Easter"

V middle group No. 1 “Bells”

Relevance of the topic : preschool age- a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values.


    create a festive mood in children;

    introduce preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture through the organization of various types of children's activities;

    develop creativity children.


    introducing children to the traditions of the folk holiday Easter, features of the celebration;

    sunnutrition of artistic taste;

    nurturing love for Russian folk culture.

    involving parents in active co-creation with children at home;

    enjoy joint creativity.

"Journey to the land of games and toys"

1. Music

2. Cognitive development Willow watching


1. Pin name of the spring months.

2. Reading fiction: "The Legend of Christ's Lark"

1. Coloring and finishing pictures with Easter motifs.

2. Independent activity in activity centers.

Inform parents about the start of the campaign on the theme “Happy Easter”, draw the attention of parents to the relevance of this topic.

Day of theatre, theatrical toys

1. Physical training

2 . Speech development

Conversation on the topic “ A conversation about the great holiday of Easter.

Goal: to introduce children to the traditions of the Easter holiday;

Art material:


1 . Reading a poem E. Shalamova “fluffed the willow branches”

2. Solving riddles for the holiday "Svetlaya"

3. “Easter egg” performed using non-traditional techniques.

1. Independent creative activity of children With various types puppets for theaters (finger, flat, BiBaBo).

2. Construction " Terem-teremok"

3. P/n "Don't get your feet wet", "From bump to bump"- practice injumping.

Consultation “How to celebrate Easter in different corners peace"

Outdoor games day

1. Cognitive development (FEMP) (consp. No. 30)

P/n "Cats and Mouse"

Target: develop children's dexterity, intelligence,

ability to act on a signal. Practice running fast, dodging and catching.

2. Physical education (3)

1. P\i “Find yourself a mate”, “Traps”, “Catch-up” The teacher shows the traffic lights, the children perform actions, red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - let's go, run, jump.

2. Conversation with children O polite treatmentwith each other, about mutual assistance, Ofriendly attitude towards each other.

1. S/r game " We celebrate Easter, we invite everyone to visit»

Creating an album for children and their parents“Original recipes for making Easter cakes and Easter cakes”

Day of Russian folk games and toys

    Physical training


Subject: « PEaster card"

Purpose: to improve children's cutting skills geometric shapes(square, rectangle, triangle), lay out various patterns from them, and carefully glue them.

1. Conversation with children about respect for elders

2. S/r game "Maundy Thursday" -.

1. P/n “Across the Brook”, “Geese - Geese”, “Loaf”, “Grandma Malanya” - introduce Russian folk amusements and delight children.

2. Looking at illustrations with Russian folk toys.

Consultation " Original ways painting Easter eggs"

Day plot - role playing games

1. Music


Topic: " The egg is not simple, but painted” -coloring ready-made forms, talk about the difference between pysanky and krashenka)»

1. S/r game "A Trip to the Toy Museum"

Goal: develop creativity; develop interest in playing games with peers; self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.

2. Design "Bus"

1. S/r game “It’s the toys’ birthday!”

2. Conversation-presentation: the guys talk about their favorite toys and show each other their drawings.

Family leisure:

“Weekend for celebrating Easter in the family” (blessing of eggs, Easter cakes, visiting church)

Folklore holiday"Easter egg" with children

Very soon all the people will begin to celebrate the beautiful spring holiday Easter. The child education program “From Birth to School” provides for introducing children to national holidays, including Easter. Children look with interest painted eggs, Easter cards are made, the adult tells the children about the history and significance of the holiday, and invites them to participate in Easter entertainment. A detailed description of conversations, artistic and musical activities, Easter games and exercises can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Easter Holiday”.

Social and communicative development

Work on social and communicative development continues. The teacher tells the children about utility workers, reminds them how to behave in public places. The teacher introduces children to culture through viewing the album “Russian folk clothing", learning folk games.

Cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, discussions are planned about the traditions of celebrating Easter, board games for development cognitive processes, extension mathematical representations through the Train games. “Find two identical eggs.” The teacher introduces children to the features of the structure and life of a frog.

Speech development

The teacher continues to train children in clear pronunciation of sounds, activates the verbal dictionary, which contributes to the speech development of preschoolers. In the afternoon, the teacher reads poems about Easter, stories and fairy tales about chicken to the children, and offers nursery rhymes to learn.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Children listen to Russian folk songs, trying to play along musical instruments, make Easter cakes and paint eggs to decorate the Easter tree. The musical game “Ringing Bells” is aimed at solving problems of artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

Children continue to become familiar with the senses, relaxation techniques and self-massage. The game “Homeless Hare” develops spatial orientation, and the game “Circle Traps” improves reaction speed. These and other outdoor games are aimed at the physical development of preschool children.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting. Goal: create a positive mood for the whole day.A teacher's story about Easter. Goal: to introduce children to folk culture.Didactic game “Say it correctly.” Purpose: to practice selecting verbs.Modeling from salt dough"Kulichik." Goal: to cultivate accuracy in work and the desire to decorate your crafts.Physical exercise “Visiting Fedosya.” Goal: to introduce children to the game.
Cleaning up trash on site. Goal: to develop the ability to complete the work started.Di. “Choose the right one.” Goal: expand the understanding of the properties of natural objects.Didactic game “What is it and where is it used?” Goal: to develop skills in correctly expressing your thoughts in simple and more complex sentences.Entering and viewing the album “Painted Eggs”. Goal: show children how to decorate eggs.P.i. "Homeless Hare." Goal: to develop spatial orientation in children, to practice fast running. P.i. “Whose column is the fastest to form?” Goal: to develop the ability to quickly form a column one at a time.
2 p.d.Conversation “Who cares about the beauty of our city.” Goal: to tell children about the work of public utilities.Conversation “Why do we paint eggs.” Goal: expand children's understanding of the holiday.Reading nursery rhymes about chickens. Goal: prepare for learning.Decorating egg patterns. Goal: to develop imagination, create a festive mood.Game - entertainment “Egg Rolling”. Goal: to bring joy to children.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “We are in the store.” Goal: to develop the ability to behave in public places.Games with Dienesh blocks at the teacher's choice. Goal: develop logical thinking.Exercise “Smell the flower.” Goal: to develop speech breathing.Easter tree decoration. Goal: to introduce children to Russian traditions.P.I. "Free space." Goal: to develop children's attention and memory.
Socially useful work. Goal: to instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work; improve work skills.Board game "Who can find the most eggs." Goal: develop perception, consolidate the name of geometric shapes.Problem situation “What happened next.” Goal: to develop imagination, the ability to compose the end of a fairy tale.Round dance game “Go around in a circle, find yourself a friend.” Goal: to introduce children to the game.P.i. "Traps from the circle." Goal: consolidate the rules of the game. P.i. “Whose column is the fastest to form?” Goal: to develop the ability to quickly form a column one at a time.

In April, the whole country celebrates Easter. Children enjoy participating in the activities, decorating eggs and learning about the history of the holiday. To form a festive culture and expand ideas about the traditions of Russia, the teacher plans during the week stories about the holiday, learning poems, and staging an Easter fairy tale. Children participate in decorating the group and drawing a picture of the church. A detailed description of the texts for memorization, the holiday script, Easter games, and didactic exercises on the topic can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Easter miracles.”

Social and communicative development

The week begins with a story about how the children spent the weekend. The teacher brings in the album “Easter Eggs” for viewing, remembers, creates a situation for the formation of telephone conversation etiquette, which contributes to social and communicative development.

Cognitive development

Solving problems of cognitive development, the teacher offers children games to consolidate, signs of spring, etc. An adult tells the children about the anthill and introduces folk signs.

Speech development

Speech development occurs through teaching children retelling, the games “Let’s Write a Letter,” “Association,” and “Guess It.” Older preschoolers remember works about chicken and describe its image in literature.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher brings a morphological board to the group and shows the possibilities of its use. Children prepare to dramatize the fairy tale “Easter Egg”, make Easter cards and learn about how to draw reflections in water, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

Older preschoolers play folk games “Roll the Loaf” and “Roll the Eggs”. "Tug of War." An adult shows children massage exercises, develops physical qualities in outdoor games, solving problems of physical development.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.The story “How I spent the weekend.” Goal: learn about how the children had a rest, learn how to speak in front of a group of children.A teacher's story about the history of Easter celebrations in Rus'. Goal: to form a festive culture among children.Game "Let's write a letter to the doll." Goal: to teach how to determine the number of words in a sentence, relying on auxiliary means.Entering a morphological table. Goal: explain to children the possibility of using the board.Physical exercise “Visiting Fedosya.” Purpose: to entertain children, remember words.
Review of the album "Easter Eggs". Goal: to expand ideas about ways to decorate eggs.Cloud watching. Goal: continue to teach children to draw conclusions.Games with rings Llull. Goal: to continue to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.Examination of the painting “Church” by S.V. Gerasimov. Goal: consider the features of the church, prepare for drawing.Folk game "Roll a loaf". Goal: to develop coordination of movements. Team game “Change the flag.” Goal: to develop the ability to play in teams.
2 p.d.Reading T.A. Shorygin "The Hardworking Hamster". Goal: to cultivate respect for work, expand ideas about hard work.Teacher's story about an anthill. Goal: expand ideas about the life and work of insects.Reading “Easter Tale” by O. Maksimov. Goal: to develop the ability to retell short passages from a work.Developmental design “Various buildings”. Goal: to teach children to vary images of objects in their imagination.Massage exercise “Spring rain”. Goal: to help strengthen the body's defenses.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.A story from experience “What I saw on the way to kindergarten.” Goal: remember the rules of the road.The game “Whoever walks correctly will find the toy.” Goal: to develop the ability to move in a given direction and count steps.Exercises with massage balls. Goal: to develop motor skills and speech.Game - gatherings "Ladushka visiting grandma." Goal: to form in children an understanding of Russian folklore: songs, games, nursery rhymes, and to cultivate a love for oral folk art.Conversation “How to play with a ball.” Goal: to enrich children’s knowledge about outdoor games.
Preparing beds for sowing seeds. Goal: to develop diligence and the desire to complete the work started.Wagtail observation. Purpose: to introduce the wagtail, its appearance, and its habitat.Exercise “Guess it.” Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find significant features in it; recognize an object by description.Exercise on the morphological board “Look around.” Goal: to continue familiarizing yourself with working on the board.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.

The Easter holiday lasts a whole week and the teacher, working according to the program edited by N.E. Veraksa “From birth to school” plans a variety of activities during which preschoolers will get acquainted with the history of the holiday, folk traditions, ways to decorate eggs, Easter games, etc. The result of the week is the musical and literary holiday “Bright Easter”. You will find a description of conversations, festive outdoor games, and poems for the holiday in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Bright Easter”.

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers learn to compliment each other, control their emotions, and behave correctly in dangerous situations. The thematic week “Bright Easter” promotes social and communicative development, as conversations about the Easter holiday, courage and courage are planned, as well as planting trees in the garden and filling out a calendar of good deeds.

Cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, the following events are planned: conversation “What does a worm smell”, experimental activities“Do plants have respiratory organs?”, measuring the temperature of liquids, examining and comparing tree roots and much more. The thematic week “Bright Easter” will expand children’s knowledge about nature in spring, the behavior of birds and insects.

Speech development

In the games “Chain of words”, “Change according to the pattern”, it happens speech development children. Preschoolers continue to work with the dictionary, find out the meaning of the word “pysanka”, and learn poems for the holiday. Children repeat massage exercises with palms and objects and compose stories “How we celebrate Easter at home.”

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher plans to color and decorate eggs in different ways, applique using eggshells, repeating round dance games and constructing an Easter bunny from paper.

Physical development

Work continues to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children. Preschoolers remember which vitamins contain which ones, reflect on heroic strength and get acquainted with folk Easter games, which contributes to physical development future first graders.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game "Compliment". Goal: to promote a positive climate in the group.Conversation with children about Easter. Goal: expand knowledge about folk holidays and traditions.Di. "Make a word." Purpose: to practice composing complex words.Application "Easter Easter cake". Goal: improve skills in working with scissors, develop a sense of composition.Easter game “Chasing two hares”. Purpose: to introduce the game.
S.r. game "Getting ready for the holiday." Goal: learn to combine several plots in a game, distribute roles independently.Observation of mountain ash. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about rowan, develop the ability to observe, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.Game “Describe, I’ll guess” (making riddles about eggs). Goal: consolidate names in speech decorative patterns, intensify speech.TRIZ game “What would happen if…”. Goal: promote development analytical thinking, develop the ability to calculate options for events.P.i. "Ball to the driver." Goal: improve auditory attention and response to a signal. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Goal: consolidate the rules of the game. Easter outdoor games “Rolling eggs to each other”, “Relay race with eggs”. Goal: improve physical skills.
2 p.d.Heuristic conversation “The ability to control oneself.” Goal: to promote the development of self-control.Examining willow branches with a magnifying glass. Goal: expand knowledge about nature, about the structure of the kidney.Reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Christ is Risen.” Purpose: to introduce the work.Easter tree decoration. Goal: to involve children in the design of the group, to develop design abilities.Conversation “Where did the heroes come from?” Goal: to continue to form ideas about healthy way life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Problem situation “You met a stranger.” Goal: to form the basis of safe behavior.Games with Cuisenaire sticks. Goal: expand mathematical concepts.Di. “Change according to the pattern.” Goal: to improve children’s ability to change words (based on the topic of the week).Listening to the ringing of bells. Goal: develop an ear for music, examine different bells, find out the dependence of sound on the size of the bell.Conversation “What are the benefits of eggs?” Goal: to talk about the vitamins and nutrients in eggs, to expand children’s knowledge about egg dishes.
Planting trees. Goal: to create a desire to plant and grow trees.Examination of tree seedlings. Goal: to find out the features of the root system of different trees.Di. "Chain of words." Goal: improve the ability to identify the first and last sounds in a word.Independent theatrical games. Goal: to create conditions for creativity and initiative.P.i. "Swipe". Goal: practice landing on your toes with bent legs. P.i. "Trap with ribbons." Goal: to complicate the game by introducing a second trap. Relay races of children's choice.