We have all made purchases in shoe stores more than once and therefore have more than once been faced with the question of how to wear shoes that are too tight at home? It seems like they bought their size and tried it on carefully, but when they put it on at home it was tight. What to do if your shoes are too tight? In our article you will find time-tested tips for stretching shoes made from different materials.

How to break in new shoes made of genuine leather?

This is the most environmentally friendly and practical material. It wears in pretty well. There are several ways to quickly break in new shoes at home.

Daily wear

You can try breaking in your shoes at home a little every day. This option is good if you are not in a hurry to put on a new pair of shoes, it gives 100% results. You should just put on new shoes with thick socks, terry if possible, and walk in them for an hour or two a day. It could be longer. After a week, the shoes will become wider and will not press.

Shoe workshop

In a shoe workshop, any shoes will be stretched for you using special tools and lasts. You can also buy a shoe tree for stretching shoes in a specialized store and try to do it yourself.


If leather shoes are too tight, you can try the old method of stretching the material using an alcohol-containing liquid.


  1. Wipe the inside of the shoes with alcohol or vodka.
  2. Put thick socks on your feet and put on your shoes.
  3. Walk around the apartment for a couple of hours.

This method will help you stretch a new pair of shoes in one go. After treatment with alcohol, the skin becomes very pliable and stretches well.


Table vinegar also softens the skin quite well.


  1. Wipe problem areas with vinegar.
  2. After treatment, put on thick socks and walk around in them for half an hour.

Glycerin or shoe polish

It is a known fact that glycerin has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it softer, more elastic and pleasant to the touch. This property also applies to footwear if you use the product like this:

Stretching with Ice

Quite unusual, but perhaps the most effective way:

  1. Find two strong plastic bags, preferably with zippers.
  2. Place the bags inside the shoes and fill them with water. Water should fill the entire interior space of the shoe.
  3. Tie (zip) the bags. Check that water is not leaking anywhere.
  4. Place the shoes in the freezer for 10-12 hours, or overnight.
  5. After the specified time has passed, take out the shoes, wait half an hour for the water to thaw a little and remove the bags from the shoes.

Now they are guaranteed not to reap.

Boiling water

This method is also quite radical, but gives excellent results:

  1. It is necessary to boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water over the inner surface of the shoes.
  2. Immediately drain the boiling water from the boots.

Important! Do not forget to remove the insoles before the procedure, otherwise they may become deformed.

  1. Next, you need to immediately put on your boots with thick socks and walk in them for at least 1 hour. The shoes will take the shape of your foot and will not press.

Important! If you are afraid to use boiling water, you can simply hold your boots over the steam and immediately put them on with thick socks.


Another “hot” way to stretch shoes. It works well too.


  1. You need to put your shoes on with thick socks and blow hot air on them thoroughly using a hairdryer.
  2. When the shoes are warm enough, turn off the hair dryer and walk around in them until the leather is completely cool.
  3. Then try on the shoes without socks. If the shoes do not stretch enough, repeat the procedure.

Important! Do not overdo it with hot air, otherwise you will ruin the skin.

Special foam and spray

Similar products are sold in shoe stores. This method is suitable for those who do not trust popular advice and are afraid to experiment with their new clothes.

  1. Apply spray or foam inside the entire boot or on problem areas.
  2. Place shoes on socks and wear until dry.

Important! Try to buy stretching products only from well-established manufacturers, so as not to spoil your purchase.


Moisture also softens the skin well. But you should not wet leather shoes or boots excessively, otherwise the leather may become deformed and lose its texture, and stains and streaks may appear on it. Also, shoes can simply come apart. Therefore, you need to act carefully in order to wear shoes that are too tight at home:

  1. If the skin is thin and delicate, then simply wrap a wet, well-wrung out towel around the box of shoes and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, put your shoes on and walk around the apartment until completely dry.
  3. If the leather of the shoes is rougher, you can put them on a damp sock and walk in them until the shoes stretch.


This is the old way of real cowboys. If you are confident in the quality of your shoes, you can experiment; otherwise, we do not recommend using a similar method:

  1. Pour grain into tight boots and fill it with water.
  2. Wait a day for the grain to swell and thereby stretch the shoes.

How to break in suede shoes quickly at home?

Suede is the same leather, only processed differently. It stretches very well, so you should wear it in with caution. What to do if your shoes are too tight? How to break in suede shoes? Use one of the following methods.

Stretching foam

Foam is a special means for stretching suede shoes. You can buy it at a shoe store or workshop.


Vodka or alcohol:

  1. Pour a little vodka or diluted alcohol onto a cotton pad and wipe the inside of your shoes. Special attention pay attention to those places where it presses the most.
  2. Put your new shoes on your socks and walk around a little until you feel that the shoes are no longer tight.

Important! If you use alcohol, it is better to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2:1.

Daily wear

If there is no rush, then just put a new pair on your socks and wear a little every day until you achieve results.


A bold and effective method:

  1. Dip a cotton pad in beer and apply it to the inside of your tight suede boots.
  2. Put your shoes on your toes and walk around until the beer dries.
  3. Once you have achieved the desired result, remove the hop smell with baking soda. To do this, wrap a couple of spoons of soda in a handkerchief and put it in your boots overnight.

Important! This use of soda will help in the future to get rid of unpleasant odor in worn shoes.


As with leather shoes, a hair dryer will help stretch suede ones. Suede from the action of heat will become more elastic and stretch on the leg:

  1. Put the new thing on a terry sock and blow hot air until the entire surface of the shoes is thoroughly warmed up.
  2. Walk in these shoes until the material cools down.

Important! Suede, although it belongs to leather, unlike it, reacts poorly to moisture, creams and greasy compounds.

You don’t have to risk it and take your new pair of suede shoes to a workshop. Professionals know what to do in this case.

How to stretch patent leather shoes at home?

Patent leather shoes need to be handled very carefully, although most often they are a bit harsh, especially if they are patent leatherette. Stretch patent leather shoes at home it won’t be possible to fit 1 size. Therefore, when purchasing such a pair, be especially careful when choosing. If you make a mistake with the size and then diligently stretch the shoes, the varnish will simply crack. In this case, it is better to immediately return them to the store.

Important! This type shoes cannot stretch more than a couple of millimeters.

If your shoes are a little tight, then you can try one of the following remedies.

Vaseline or castor oil

Castor oil or Vaseline will help you wear out patent leather shoes that are too tight at home. These drugs help especially effectively if the back of your shoes rubs:

  1. One of these substances can be used to lubricate patent leather shoes inside and out.
  2. Let the material soak for 1-2 hours.
  3. Remove excess oil with a cotton pad and put on shoes with thick socks.
  4. Wear your shoes at home until they stop pressing.


If you use vodka carefully, it can slightly stretch shoes made of patent leather:

  1. Drop a little vodka onto a cotton pad and wipe the areas that pressure the most.

Important! Be careful not to get it on the varnish.

  1. Put on your heels and walk around the house for a couple of hours.

Important! Because patent leather shoes quite specific, it is better to leave it in the hands of masters to stretch it.

How to wear faux leather shoes at home?

Such shoes can also be stretched. There are the following methods for this.


You can try stretching leatherette boots with ice:

  1. Insert strong bags into the shoes and fill them with water until it fills the entire inside.
  2. Place the boots in the freezer overnight (as we remember from physics lessons, water expands when it freezes).
  3. In the morning, take out your shoes, wait a little and take out the bags. Shoes should become wider.

Shoe polish or Vaseline

Such fatty substances soften the material from which the shoes are made and thus can help stretch the shoes to some extent.


  1. Generously lubricate leatherette shoes with cream or Vaseline and put on thick socks.
  2. Walk around the house for a couple of hours.
  3. Remove the remaining cream with a sponge and measure on a thin sock.
  4. If you don't feel the result, try another method.


The procedure for using this liquid to stretch leatherette shoes is the same as for stretching leather shoes. Follow the instructions already given, and you will be able to quickly break in your shoes at home.

Wet socks

In the warm season, you can try soaking your socks in water and using them to break in tight shoes made of artificial material:

  1. Try wearing tight boots with wet socks.
  2. Wear until they dry.

It should help.

Wet newspapers

This method is known to our grandmothers. But it can be used if you are confident in the quality of your shoes and the leatherette is quite thick.


  1. You need to soak newspapers in warm water, squeeze them well and stuff them tightly into your shoes.
  2. Wait until the paper is completely dry.

Important! You will have to wait a long time, perhaps even 2-3 days.

  1. Take out the newspapers.

Important! Sometimes after such procedures whitish stains may appear on shoes; they can easily be covered with cream. But before using this method, try all the others.

Summer fabric shoes are small. How to stretch shoes made of fabric and oilcloth?

This type of shoe should not be stretched. The fabric has practically no stretch, and oilcloth can simply tear if you try to stretch it. Therefore, it is better to buy such shoes exactly in size. And if you are not sure about the right choice, then it is better to pay attention to a model made of leather or faux leather, since such shoes can be stretched at least a little.

  1. If the shoes are true to size, but the hard heel rubs, then take paraffin or solid soap and rub this place well from the inside.
  2. To be sure, stick the patch on the place on your foot where a callus is likely to appear. Then in the evening, when you come home from work, you won’t have to tear your new shoes off your “meaty” feet.
  3. Even if you've been breaking in a new pair of thick-toed shoes at home, don't rush to wear them for the whole day. Wear new clothes little by little at first.

How to choose the right shoes?

Finally, here are some tips for choosing a new pair of shoes. If you approach this matter wisely, then most likely you will not need ways to quickly break in new shoes at home. In order not to be disappointed in your purchase later, try to follow these rules when choosing a pair of “shoes”:

  1. Go shopping for new shoes in the afternoon, when your feet are a little swollen. Then you have a better chance of not making a mistake with the convenience of a new pair.
  2. If you are looking for winter boots or boots, always try them on with thick socks.
  3. If you have even the slightest doubt about the size, it’s better not to take it, look again. Then you won’t have to worry about carrying shoes.
  4. If you bought a pair of shoes in a hurry “by eye”, and they turned out to be a size too small or larger, do not try to stretch them, it may be a waste of time. It's better to return it to the store right away. Shoes can stretch in width, but they are unlikely to become longer, perhaps just a little.
  5. The heel should be comfortable and stable, especially if it is a shoe with winter time year.
  6. If you have large feet, then take larger shoes.
  7. Carefully inspect your new pair for any flaws so you don't have to return it in the near future. Pay special attention to the seams, heel, and sole.
  8. Try to buy shoes from natural materials. It is more durable and your feet “breathe” in it.
  9. Shoes should not be heavy. Your legs already get tired during the day, but the extra weight will make them doubly tired.
  10. When choosing new shoes, consider their comfort first, not their beauty. Of course, you will look impressive in high heels, but your legs will not thank you by the evening.

Using the useful information from this article, you will not only be able to choose great comfortable shoes, but also stretch them if necessary. Simple and proven methods will help you with this.

Having bought beautiful shoes in the store and put them on for the first day, you barely made it home? Learn how to distribute leather shoes which presses so that nothing overshadows the joy of the purchase!

Folk experts offer 10 effective home remedies at once.

Alcohol solution

The most popular method has helped hundreds of thousands of women - now it's up to you!

  1. Wipe the inside of the shoes with alcohol, cologne or vodka diluted with water. The outer surface of the pair can be treated in the same way.
  2. Wear thick cotton socks.
  3. Walk around the house for at least two hours.

You can treat the entire shoe or just those areas that cause discomfort.

Castor oil

Spread new shoes Simple oil will help - castor or sunflower. Cosmetic Vaseline can be an analogue.

  1. Take any product and anoint your shoes well both outside and inside.
  2. All that remains is to put on socks (preferably old ones) and walk around the apartment for 3 hours.
  3. At the end of the specified period, wipe off any remaining oil.

In this way you can stretch shoes made of artificial or natural leather.

Hot water

The cheapest option that can soften the skin and expand it a little.

  1. Pour very hot water into the middle of your shoes or leather sneakers.
  2. After a few minutes, drain it and let the shoes cool slightly.
  3. Put your shoes on your socks and wear them until they dry.

You can also wrap your shoes in cotton fabric, soaked in boiling water. After about half an hour, remove the material and lubricate the skin with any oil. Leave it for the whole day.

Another good tip is to soak warm socks in very hot water, put them on and put on your shoes. Walk around the apartment for half an hour.


Old proven method! If your shoes feel too tight in your toes, wet newspapers with water and push them into your socks (meaning the toes of your shoes). Push in very tightly - the final effect depends on this. But be very careful to follow the original shape. Wait for the paper to dry completely (this takes a day) and wear your worn-in shoes!


How to distribute tight shoes? Try freezing it!

  1. Pour water into new plastic bags.
  2. Tie them well and check for leaks.
  3. Place the bags in your shoes.
  4. Wrap them in newspaper and put them in the freezer - the liquid expands when it freezes, so your shoes will become a little looser.

Laundry soap

You can remove tight shoes using soap. They just need to polish their shoes before going outside. Soap reduces friction and prevents calluses. Do this until the block stretches and you feel comfortable.


To quickly break in shoes, use a hair dryer.

  1. Wear warm socks and appropriate shoes.
  2. Turn on the hairdryer on hot mode and warm up particularly narrow areas for 10 minutes.
  3. Walk around for a quarter of an hour.
  4. If necessary, warm up the shoes again with a hairdryer.

Grain or cereal

ABOUT this method known since the days of cowboys!

  1. Pour cereal into your shoes, which swells when wet.
  2. Fill it with water and leave it overnight.
  3. Pour out the cereal and wipe the shoes with a rag.

Vinegar or kerosene

To achieve the result, soak a close pair with a 3% vinegar solution or pure kerosene. This helps a lot, especially if it’s tight in the toe and toe area.

Candle paraffin

If you have paraffin in the house, feel free to use it! Wipe the inside of the shoes and leave it overnight, and in the morning, brush off the paraffin.

If you were unable to stretch tight shoes at home, contact a workshop. There are special devices there for these purposes. You can also buy shoe stretcher at the store and immediately spray it on the inside of your shoes. Afterwards, the shoes are put on and wait until they dry.

Related articles:

The problem with new shoes in most cases is that they are a little tight. It will not be possible to stretch such a pair special labor. The same procedure may be required if the shoes become stiff after cleaning.

When can you stretch your shoes?

There are many ways that tell you how quickly you can increase your shoe size. It is worth remembering that shoes can only be spread in width, but not in length. This option can be provided in the workshop, but only for certain materials.

Synthetic materials do not stretch well due to their composition. Some materials do not react at all to hot air. Natural compositions are more susceptible to such effects. If the material of the boots is made of dense and thick enough leather, then you don’t have to worry about the product being damaged.

With expensive products made of thin leather and suede, you need to be more careful, since in this case the material can be damaged as a result of mechanical stress. You can stretch the material if the product rubs your feet, as well as if there is some discomfort when wearing it.

However, you should not take on such an event if your shoes are simply too small. It will not be possible to stretch it to the size required. In this case, the skin may simply lose the fats contained in it. This will cause the material to become drier and more brittle. Therefore, after stretching, it is necessary to treat the product with cream.

Genuine leather and suede

Natural materials, such as leather and suede, are quite soft and elastic, and therefore you can stretch shoes made from them even to size at home. Moreover, means such as boiling water and a hair dryer work much better than others, since exposure to heat makes the material more pliable.

Medical alcohol

In addition to alcohol, you can use triple cologne. To apply the method, you need to treat the inner surface of the product with the selected product and then wear it for a couple of hours. You must first test the solution on an inconspicuous area.

Boiling water

This product must be applied quickly. In order for it to take effect, a few seconds are enough, and therefore the event will need to be carried out quite quickly. You should pour boiling water inside the steam and immediately pour it out. Then wait a while, allowing them to cool a little. After this, you need to start breaking in your shoes, not forgetting to first protect the skin of your feet with thick socks.


You need to insert bags of cereal into the shoes and fill the cereal with water. After this, you need to wait about 8 hours until the cereal swells and acts on the material.


This remedy is no less effective than boiling water. Needs to be softened with hot water leather on shoes. This can be done as follows: fill plastic bags with hot water up to a quarter, and then put them in freezer. After complete hardening, you can take out the shoes, wait until the ice begins to melt, and only then take out the bags.

Moisturizing with a towel

You need to soak a towel in boiling water and wrap it around a pair of shoes. In this state, you need to leave the shoes for up to 5 hours, regularly moistening the material.

Cowboy method

This method states that you will need to put plastic bags in the boots and pour bran inside, and then fill them with water. After some time, the mixture will swell and the pressure will increase the size of the vapor.

Farmer's way

This method is similar to some previous ones: you need to replace the cereal and bran with oats and other types of grain that are available on any farm, and then also add water. The grain will begin to swell, making it easy to increase the size of the product.

Patent leather shoes

This procedure on patent leather shoes should be carried out as carefully as possible, since otherwise there is a risk of damaging the top coating. This material can only be stretched if the bottom layer is made of thin natural or artificial leather.

Once you are convinced that this is in fact the case, you can proceed with the operation to increase the size of the pair. This will require the use of an alcohol solution. The main active ingredient must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. This event is not a pleasant one, and therefore you should be sure that the shoes cannot be expanded in other ways.

  • You need to soak the socks in the resulting solution, put them on and start wearing the pair for an hour or two, depending on how quickly the socks dry. After this, you need to take care of your feet, since alcohol dries out the skin quite strongly.
  • You can also use another method. It will require either special pads or your own legs. It is necessary to lubricate the inner surface of the shoes with greasy cream or Vaseline, and then put on the shoes, after protecting your feet with thick socks. When processing, special attention must be paid to the most rigid and hard areas that need to be stretched more than others.

Rubber shoes

Rubber shoes can be made from different materials. Classic - durable rubber that will be impossible to stretch. The situation is much better when it comes to shoes made from PVC. This material is easily deformable, and therefore increasing the size of such a pair will be quite simple.

You first need to check what the boots or shoes are made of. For this you will not need many materials: a lighter or match, a needle, an awl or a knife. The metal object must be held over the fire until it heats up. Then you can try to melt the shoes. This must be done in an inconspicuous area so that no traces of such vandalism remain later.

However, you should not pierce your shoes right through. If the operation is successful, then the stretching procedure can begin. You can stretch tight shoes by using boiling water. You need to pour water into the boots and wait up to five minutes. This time will make the shoes noticeably softer, allowing them to stretch.

It is necessary to put on thick socks made of wool or mohair in advance to protect your feet. Then you need to pour boiling water and thoroughly wipe the inside of the boots with a towel. This is required to avoid getting your feet wet. Subsequently, it’s worth stomping around and walking around in this pair for a while to adjust the size. Then you need to put the shoes in cold water and leave them there for a while. However, you should not wear this pair for the next couple of days so that the material hardens as best as possible.

Nubuck shoes

Nubuck shoes are quite picky in terms of the means that can be used to properly stretch them at home. First of all, you cannot use any fatty creams and Vaseline, since in this case there will be stains and streaks on it that will be impossible to remove.

You should also make sure that the pair is made of natural material and not artificial. First of all, you will need to wear the product on your own every day for some time. In most cases this should help. But if a miracle does not happen, then you should resort to other tricks.

In a shoe store you need to purchase special foam, which is designed to stretch narrow shoes. At the same time, you should ensure that it is suitable for this material. Usage is extremely simple: you just need to spread the product over the inner surface of the product, put on thick socks and walk around the house in pairs for several hours.

Children's shoes should be taken to a workshop, where the craftsmen will do everything better using the wooden lasts they have in stock. They can also offer another level of service: lengthening, which is quite difficult to do at home.

Faux leather

Faux leather is quite a complex material that needs to be worn in a certain way. Faux leather stretches quite weakly, and then cracks begin to appear on it, and therefore shoes made from it are quite cheap.

Boiling water

Tight shoes spoil the mood, but to soften artificial leather You need to use regular boiling water. It is worth pouring boiling water into a container and putting the shoes in there, and then stretching them using pads or your own feet. But the method must be used with caution, since not every couple can withstand such violence.


In most cases, a hair dryer is used if you need to stretch a certain area of ​​your shoes. You can try to heat the steam completely, but in this case the success of the event is less likely, since certain areas will have time to cool down, while others will remain hot.

Therefore, it is necessary to distribute the heat to the tight areas, then put on the shoes with thick socks and wear them until the shoes cool completely.

Cereal products

Depending on the height of the shoes, we can talk about the amount of costs for implementing the method. You need to insert a couple of plastic bags, pour cereal into them and fill them with water. You will need to spend about half a day on stretching, since during this time the cereal will swell and enlarge certain areas.


This method can also be used to widen shoes. However, you should not be too zealous when performing it, since in this case you can deform the shoes rather than stretch them. It is worth putting wet, crumpled sheets of paper inside the pair and letting them dry.

Cream or Vaseline

You can stretch your shoes using these means. However, the method of application is somewhat different from that used for the varnished product. After careful processing, you need to wait until the component is absorbed into the material. This can take up to 3 hours, so be patient. After a long wait, you should wear your shoes for half an hour.


Tight textile shoes can be worn at home. You will only need to stretch them if they are only a little tight, since in other situations nothing can be done with them.

Since this material is still artificial, it is quite difficult to do anything significant with it. Typically, sneakers and sneakers are made from textiles. The easiest way would be to simply distribute them in the usual way. If this does not help, you need to help in more serious ways.

It is quite easy to deform such shoes, and therefore you should ensure that the product stretches evenly. It is recommended to use newspapers for this. More precisely, you should wet the product in water and stuff it tightly with newspaper. At the same time, you should worry about paint imprinting on the inner lining. There is also another disadvantage of this method - the product may come unglued, and therefore will need to be glued in the future.

General methods

There are ways that may work for various types products, and therefore require special attention.

Water packs

If your shoes are tight, the easiest way to stretch them is this way. To do this, you need to insert bags with the required amount of water inside the product and place them in the freezer so that the bag does not change shape. Leave until frozen, then defrost and remove the bags of newly melted water.


This method is the most gentle, inexpensive, and also time-saving, since you only need to stuff previously moistened shoes with newspapers, evenly distributing them throughout the insides of the product so as not to deform it where it is not required.

Soap and paraffin

Paraffin can be rubbed onto hard areas, left for several hours, and then removed. You can take shavings of laundry soap, add water to form a paste, which you need to apply to problem areas, and rinse off after a few hours.

Fat cream

This product will help soften your shoes so they don't rub. To do this, it is recommended to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the product, and then wear it for a while to increase the shoe size.


Steam has a gentle effect, and therefore it is easy to stretch your shoes. To do this, you can use a steam generator, an iron or a pan of boiling water. You need to slightly dampen your shoes and walk around in them at home.

Special means

The market offers a large number of means with which you can easily break in shoes so that they no longer feel too tight. At the same time, they will sit exactly on the leg, since after treatment with the chosen product you will have to wear them in yourself, adjusting them to the size and shape.

Stretch individual parts

It often happens that only a certain area rubs. For example, if the shoes are true to size, but narrower than required. In this case, it is necessary to stretch certain places so that the pair does not rub.

Narrow and hard heel

It is recommended to soften the backdrop with soap or a candle. Also, for this purpose, you can gently and easily tap the back with a hammer. Before using other methods, it is recommended to try to stretch the product by walking in shoes with a woolen or any other thick sock. If it doesn’t help, then after wearing it in like this, you should stuff the product in this place using sock balls or paper and leave it overnight.

Narrow toe

Breaking in shoes that pinch your toes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Leather and suede shoes You can put it in the freezer with bags of water in the sock area. It is better to moisten varnished and leatherette shoes with alcohol, soap or paraffin in the toe area, and then wear them for a while. You can use a hairdryer to heat the toe of the product and wear the shoes until they cool down.

Stretch the boot

The easiest way to stretch a boot is using the cowboy or farmer method. A freezer will also help, in which you can put your boots with a bag of water in the top. If the material allows it, then it is better to use boiling water and carry the steam on your own feet.

Depending on the material and type of shoe, different methods must be used. How far can shoes stretch? Insignificant. In case natural compositions, it is possible to add up to one full size. In the best possible way This stretching will be done in the workshop.

It’s rare to find high-quality shoes that fit perfectly on your feet. Even if everything was fine when you tried it on in the store, the first time you go out into the world, you may find out that the shoes feel tight in your toes or rub your heel. It happens that, having worn a new pair of shoes during the day, by the evening we want only one thing - to somehow hobble home and take them off as quickly as possible. So each of us from time to time is faced with the question of how to break in shoes.

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to choose the right pair of shoes that you won’t need to break in later.

You can break in new shoes bought by size without much hassle. The main thing is not to go outside in it and not to put it on bare feet. First you need to let your feet and shoes get used to each other a little. Put on socks, put on a new pair and walk around the house in it for 0.5-1 hours for several days. Natural materials (leather, suede) quickly adapt to the shape of your feet, stretching in the right places.

A tempting price is one of the weighty arguments for a purchase, but won’t you have to think about how to break in the shoes later?

It is important to understand that shoes that are too short in length or very tight in width of the foot can stretch (without any particular deformation or damage to appearance) by no more than half a size.

Before you decide to go outside in new shoes, do a few simple manipulations:

  • Lubricate hard backs with damp soap or a wax candle;
  • Apply a little castor oil to the inner surfaces trimmed with leather;
  • Bring with you a band-aid and a spare pair of your usual comfortable shoes.

Apply the patch in advance in places where damage to the skin of the legs is most likely

To break in shoes that are too tight, sometimes you have to resort to additional measures to ease the discomfort of wearing them in and speed up the stretching process.

Basic methods for wearing shoes at home

All the proposed methods are designed to shift the long and painful effort of breaking in shoes from your feet to available means. It should be noted that they are effective for shoes made from natural materials; artificial ones can be stretched much worse.

If possible, purchase special means for stretching: spray, foam, cream, which are produced by many manufacturers of shoe cosmetics.

Wet newspaper

Crumpled pieces of newspaper should be lightly moistened with water, tightly stuffed into the shoes and left to dry completely at room temperature.

The drying process may take several days, but do not try to speed it up using heating or heating devices, so as not to spoil the appearance of the shoes.

An alternative to wet newspapers is wet socks. Put them on, put your shoes on top and walk around the house in them until the socks are dry.

Wet newspapers will soften leather or suede, and during the drying process they will stretch the shoes primarily in width

Alcohol, vodka, cologne

You can use regular (without additives) vodka, an alcohol solution (in a 1:1 ratio with water) or cologne. It is recommended to spray them from a spray bottle, moisten a cotton swab and wipe the inner surface, or even soak socks in them and put on your shoes. You need to walk in treated shoes until they dry completely, and if you don’t have time, then after moistening with alcohol liquids, stuff the shoes with dry crumpled newspapers or paper.

Use alcohol to soften shoes with caution; it can lead to loss of shine and gloss, and cracking of the outer covering.

Beer and vinegar

To wear shoes made of suede or fabric, beer or a vinegar solution at the rate of 100 ml of table (9%) vinegar per 250 ml (glass) of water is more suitable. They moisten the inner surfaces or socks (on which shoes are then put on and walked until everything is dry). For a more pronounced effect, the “alcohol wear-in” procedure can be carried out for several days in a row.

Boiling water, hairdryer and ice

These methods are based on the immutable laws of physics: all bodies expand when heated, and water expands when frozen. The laws of nature can be applied in practice for the purpose of breaking in shoes.

After using boiling water, shoes should be immediately put on with thick socks before they cool down.

You should quickly soak your shoes boiling water from the inside or hold it over boiling water to warm it with steam. Then you need to put on dry, thick socks and walk around until it cools down and dries. To break in new shoes “without your participation,” soak a towel in boiling water, wring it out and wrap your new shoes in it for several hours. Some people advise wrapping a hot, wet towel around the shipping carton without removing the shoes.

More gentle heating will provide hair dryer: a stream of air is directed for a short time onto shoes worn on the feet over thick socks. After heating, you should not take off your shoes immediately; you need to wait for the shoes to cool completely. To protect against overdrying after heat treatments, be sure to lubricate all surfaces (outside and inside) with a special conditioner, shoe polish, petroleum jelly, glycerin or castor oil.

Ice- although effective, it is a rather controversial option. After such “temperature jumps,” the surface of the shoes may crack and the seams may burst. However, if you're willing to take the risk of breaking in your shoes quickly, clear some space in your freezer first.

The technology is as follows: fill two plastic bags with water (about a quarter of the volume), tie tightly and immerse in each shoe or boot. Place them in the freezer until the water is completely frozen. Once you take it out, wait until the ice has thawed enough so that the bags can be carefully pulled out of your shoes without effort. This method is not recommended for shoes made of thin leather, shoes with varnish, or high boots (especially with fur).

Low-quality shoes (for example, made from synthetic materials) are unlikely to retain their appearance after freezing

Grits (cowboy recipe)

A proven means of breaking down leather shoes, in particular tight boot tops, is considered to be any grain that has the property of swelling with water and increasing in volume.

You can simply pour any cereal into rough, thick shoes and fill it with water. To distribute shoes made of delicate leather or suede, it is better to place the cereal with water in a bag and tie it tightly, leaving free space in it. Packets of cereal are placed inside the shoe (if you want to stretch the last in length and width) or left directly in the boot. To stretch the boot top, it is better to lay the boots horizontally, having first fastened all the zippers and hooks. In cases with laced boots or boots, do not tighten the shafts tightly.

The grain is left to swell for 8-10 hours (overnight). During this time, it increases significantly in volume and stretches your shoes from the inside. After the “grain stretch”, boots or boots need to be put on and worn for a while so that they take the correct shape on your foot.

By using cereal, you will avoid wasting time on long wear and injury to your legs.

The greatest discomfort and the likelihood of injuring your feet occur in areas of contact and constant friction along the upper edge of the backs and side parts, hard seams, sharp toes, and narrow straps.

It takes time and a lot of patience to carefully break in shoes.

It is recommended to soften problem areas on smooth leather shoes using alcohol solutions or fatty oils (castor oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly). They can be coated with molten hot wax, dripping it straight from a burning candle. When the wax hardens, it is not necessary to remove it immediately: for better effect leave it overnight or for the whole day.

You can try to soften hard seams mechanically by tapping them firmly but gently with a wooden hammer (with a smooth surface). First, you should put the shoes on a wooden block or insert something hard inside it to ensure a tight fit of the seam.

To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, carefully choose shoes in the store, and also first break in a pair that is rubbing

Uncomfortable shoes lead to serious problems– from calluses and corns to foot deformation. In addition, it greatly spoils the mood and prevents you from feeling like a queen with a “walk from the hip.” Take into account one more piece of advice: so that you don’t have to think about how to wear your shoes in later, it’s better to buy them in the afternoon rather than in the morning, and be sure to try them on on both feet. Don't skimp on good shoes, they're worth it!


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An expert in the field of housekeeping and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to family and friends). Got used to relying on common sense, everyday experience and women's intuition.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The habit of using sparingly automatic washing machine may lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Often a new pair of shoes, which seemed so convenient and comfortable in the store, in real conditions begins to feel tight and rubs heavily. In this case, you need to stretch your shoes or boots. The most effective and safest option is to go to a workshop, where craftsmen will stretch the shoes using a special last that matches the type of material of the product.

However, many people prefer to stretch and break in new shoes at home. To do this you need to select safe methods, which will not spoil the appearance and quality of the products.

After all, for example, suede, patent leather and boots, shoes and boots require special care, as they are made of delicate and capricious materials. In this article we will look at how to break in shoes that are too tight at home. And we will find out how to do it correctly.

Six universal ways to wear shoes

  1. Soak the socks in water, wring them out thoroughly and put them on your feet. Then put on your shoes and walk in boots, shoes or shoes until the sock is completely dry. As a result, the shoes gradually wear out. Or take a thick and dense sock and lubricate the inside of the shoes special composition or moisten with water and then walk for 1-2 hours;
  2. If your boots or shoes feel tight in your toes, lightly wet the paper or newspaper and stuff the items tightly in those places. Leave the items to dry at room temperature. Remove the paper when it is dry. The shoe size should increase slightly;
  3. Take alcohol or vodka and dilute it half and half with water, then moisten the prepared mixture with the areas inside the shoes that pinch the most. Put on your shoes and walk around like this at home for two hours or until the material dries completely;
  4. Use special stretching foam, which can be purchased at any shoe department or store. Choose a product that matches the material of your boots or shoes. This is the safest and most effective way. Apply the composition to the areas that are being rubbed using a cotton pad, and walk like this for 40-60 minutes;
  5. Extreme, but effective method- freezing. Take two plastic bags and fill them halfway with water, tie the items tightly and place them inside each shoe. Place the shoes in the freezer and leave them overnight. When water freezes, it expands, increases in volume and puts strong pressure on the vapor material. Thus, the products stretch;
  6. A pair of leather or faux leather, as well as lacquerware, can be given to a person with large size legs. However, this method is not suitable for suede, since in this case overstretching occurs, and the suede pair will become too large.

How to safely break in suede shoes