GOST 4013-82



Official publication


UDC 691.311:006.354


Group Zh12




Gypsum and gypsum-anhydrite rock for the manufacture of binders.

GOST 4013-74

MKS 91.100.10 OKP 57 4322

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated September 27, 1982 No. 220, the introduction date was set

This standard applies to gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone, which is a product of crushing rock consisting of the natural minerals gypsum or a mixture of gypsum and anhydrite, and used as raw materials for the production of gypsum binders and additives for the production of cement.


1.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone used for production binding materials, must comply with the requirements of this standard. Extraction and processing of stone is carried out according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Gypsum stone based on gypsum content and gypsum anhydrite stone based on the total content of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of gypsum are divided into the grades indicated in the table.

1.3. For the production of gypsum binders, only gypsum stone must be supplied, and for the production of cement, gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone must be supplied. Gypsum anhydrite stone must contain at least 30% gypsum (CaS0 4 2H 2 0).

For the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, only 1st grade gypsum stone must be supplied.

Official publication ★

Reproduction is prohibited

Reissue. July 2008

© Standards Publishing House, 1987 © Standartinform, 2008

1.4. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are used depending on the size of the fraction:

60 - 300 mm - gypsum stone for the production of gypsum binders;

0-60 mm - gypsum anhydrite and gypsum stone for cement production.

Note. By agreement with the consumer, it is possible to supply stones of other fractions with maximum size no more than 300 mm.

1.5. For the 60-300 mm fraction, the content of stones less than 60 mm in size should not exceed 5%, and more than 300 mm - 15%, while the maximum stone size should not exceed 350 mm.

1.6. Fractions measuring 0-60 mm should not contain more than 30% stone measuring 0-5 mm.

In some cases, by agreement with the consumer, the content of the 0-5 mm fraction is allowed to exceed 30%, but should not exceed 40%.


2.1. The stone must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of stone is carried out in batches. The batch includes stone of the same type, grade and fraction.

2.3. When shipping stone by rail and water transport, the batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the quarry:

1000 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 1,000,000 tons;

2000 t » » » over 1,000,000 t.

It is allowed to ship batches of stone of smaller weight.

2.4. When shipping stone by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of stone of one type and one fraction shipped to one consumer during the day.

2.5. The quantity of stone supplied is determined by its weight. Stone shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on railway and truck scales. The weight of stone shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.6. The manufacturer must determine the fractional composition of the stone at least once a quarter, as well as when replacing process equipment or moving from one face to another when developing a gypsum stone layer.

2.7. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of the stone with the requirements of this standard, using the sampling procedure and test methods given below. The consumer takes samples after unloading vehicles, the manufacturer - before or during loading.

2.8. Samples are taken from at least 10 places in equal parts at different depths when shipped by rail or water transport, and when shipped by road - from at least 5 vehicles.

2.9. The minimum mass of the total sample is determined depending on the maximum fraction size:

50 kg - with a maximum fraction size of 60 mm;

300 kg » » » » 300 mm.

2.10 If unsatisfactory results are obtained when testing a sample, repeat testing of a stone sample taken from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance.


3.1. Preparation for testing

A general sample made up of samples selected by and. 2.8, mix thoroughly and divide into two equal parts: one is used for testing, the other is discarded.

3.2. Determination of fractional composition

3.2.1 Hardware

Laboratory scales according to GOST 29329-92.

A set of sieves with round holes with a diameter of 5 and 60 mm.

Caliber with a round hole with a diameter of (300 + 1) mm.

3.2.2. The fractional composition of the sample is determined by control sieves (for stones with a size less than or equal to 60 mm) and by means of a caliber (for stones with a size greater than or equal to 300 mm).

From the total sample prepared for testing, take 5 kg of stone with a maximum size of 60 mm and 100 kg of stone with a maximum size of 300 mm.

A fraction sample with a size of 60-300 mm is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 60 mm, and more than 300 mm is determined using a caliber with a diameter of 300 mm.

The stone that has passed through a sieve measuring 60 mm, as well as separated on a caliber measuring more than 300 mm, is weighed.

X, = 100,

where G is the mass of the sample taken for determination, kg;

G x is the mass of a stone sample with a size greater than the upper limit or less than the lower limit of the fraction, kg.

A stone sample measuring 0-60 mm is sifted through a sieve with mesh sizes of 5 mm, the residue is weighed and the percentage of grain composition X 2 is determined by the formula

X GjzGi. 100 2G

where G 2 is the mass of the residue.

3.3. Determination of gypsum content (CaS0 4 2H g O)

3.3.1. Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-2001 and GOST 29329-92.

Drying cabinet.

Muffle furnace.

Porcelain crucible and mortar and pestle according to GOST 9147-80.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336-82.

3.3.2. Carrying out the test

After determining the fractional composition, the stone is crushed to a size of about 10 mm and an average sample weighing about 1 kg is taken. Then, a sample weighing about 100 g is taken by successive quartering.

A stone sample is ground in a porcelain mortar until complete passage through a sieve with mesh

№ 02.

It is allowed to take a stone sample weighing about 100 g after grinding equipment.

A sample weighing about 2 g, dried to constant weight at a temperature of (50 + 5) °C, is placed in a pre-calcined weighed porcelain crucible and heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (400 + 15) °C for 1 hour. After calcination, the crucible with the sample is cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Calcination is repeated at the same temperature until a constant mass is obtained. Weighing is carried out with an error of up to 0.0002 g.

G= tn - tn L. 100,

where m is the mass of the sample before calcination, g;

/771 - mass of sample after calcination, g.

CaS0 4 2H 2 0 = 4.7785 G,

4.7785 - conversion factor.

CaS0 4 2H 2 0 = 2.15 SO s,

where S0 3 is the content of S0 3, %;

2.15 - conversion factor.


4.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are supplied in bulk by all types of vehicles.

4.2. The stone is transported by rail in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Cargoes and the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargo, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

4.3. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a quality document in the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

name of the stone;

batch number, dispatch date and batch size;

variety, fraction size;

designation of this standard.

4.4. Gypsum stone intended for the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, must be stored by the consumer in closed warehouses.

4.5. During transportation and storage, the stone must be protected from contamination by foreign impurities.

Editor M.I. Maksimova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader A.S. Chernousova Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Delivered for recruitment on 08/12/2008. Signed for publication on August 25, 2008. Format 60 x 84 Vs - Offset paper. Times typeface. Offset printing. Uel. oven l. 0.93. Academic ed. l. 0.33. Circulation 87 copies. Zach. 1049.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed into FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" on a PC

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/ GOST 4013-82 from 1983-07-01 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Technical conditions.

Updated: 02/09/2006

GOST 4013-82

Group Zh12


Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for

production of binding materials


gypsum and gypsum-anhydrite rock for the

manufacture of binders.

Date of introduction 1983-07-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated September 27, 1982 No. 220


REISSUE. March 1987

This standard applies to gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone, which is a product of crushing rock consisting of the natural minerals gypsum or a mixture of gypsum and anhydrite, and used as raw materials for the production of gypsum binders and additives for the production of cement.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone used for the production of cementitious materials must comply with the requirements of this standard. Extraction and processing of stone is carried out according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Gypsum stone based on gypsum content and gypsum anhydrite stone based on the total content of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of gypsum are divided into the grades indicated in the table.

1.3. For the production of gypsum binders, only gypsum stone must be supplied, and for the production of cement, gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone must be supplied. Gypsum anhydrite stone must contain at least 30% gypsum.

For the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, only 1st grade gypsum stone must be supplied.

water of crystallization

gypsum and anhydrite in terms of

sulfuric anhydrite

1.4. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are used depending on the size of the fraction:

60-300 mm - gypsum stone for the production of gypsum binders;

0-60 mm - gypsum anhydrite and gypsum stone for cement production.

Note. By agreement with the consumer, it is possible to supply stone of other fractions with a maximum size of no more than 300 mm.

1.5. For the 60-300 mm fraction, the content of stones less than 60 mm in size should not exceed 5%, and more than 300 mm - 15%, while the maximum stone size should not exceed 350 mm.

1.6. Fractions measuring 0-60 mm should not contain more than 30% stone measuring 0-5 mm.

In some cases, by agreement with the consumer, the content of the 0-5 mm fraction is allowed to exceed 30%, but should not exceed 40%.

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. The stone must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of stone is carried out in batches. The batch includes stone of the same type, grade and fraction.

2.3. When shipping stone by rail and water transport, the batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the quarry:

1000 t - with an annual capacity of up to 1,000,000 t;

2000 tons " " " over 1,000,000 tons.

It is allowed to ship batches of stone of smaller weight.

2.4. When shipping stone by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of stone of one type and one fraction shipped to one consumer during the day.

2.5. The quantity of stone supplied is determined by its weight. Stone shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on railway and truck scales. The weight of stone shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.6. The manufacturer must determine the fractional composition of the stone at least once a quarter, as well as when replacing process equipment or moving from one face to another when developing a gypsum stone layer.

2.7. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of the stone with the requirements of this standard, using the sampling procedure and test methods given below. The consumer takes samples after unloading vehicles, the manufacturer - before or during loading.

2.8. Samples are taken from at least 10 places in equal parts at different depths when shipped by rail or water transport, and when shipped by road - from at least 5 vehicles.

2.9. The minimum mass of the total sample is determined depending on the maximum fraction size:

50 kg - with a maximum fraction size of 60 mm;

300 kg " " " " 300 mm.

2.10. If unsatisfactory results are obtained when testing a sample, repeat testing of a stone sample taken from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

3. Test methods

3.1. Preparation for testing

The total sample, composed of samples selected according to clause 2.8, is thoroughly mixed and divided into two equal parts: one is used for testing, the other is discarded.

3.2. Determination of fractional composition

3.2.1. Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 23676-79.

A set of sieves with round holes with a diameter of 5 and 60 mm.

Caliber with a round hole with a diameter of (300±1) mm.

3.2.2. The fractional composition of the sample is determined by control sieves (for stones with a size less than or equal to 60 mm) and by means of a caliber (for stones with a size greater than or equal to 300 mm).

From the total sample prepared for testing, take 5 kg of stone with a maximum size of 60 mm and 100 kg of stone with a maximum size of 300 mm.

A fraction sample with a size of 60-300 mm is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 60 mm, and more than 300 mm is determined using a caliber with a diameter of 300 mm.

The stone that has passed through a sieve measuring 60 mm, as well as separated on a caliber measuring more than 300 mm, is weighed.

where is the mass of the sample taken for determination, kg;

Mass of a stone sample with a size greater than the upper limit or less than the lower limit of the fraction, kg.

A stone sample measuring 0-60 mm is sifted through a sieve with mesh sizes of 5 mm, the remainder is weighed and the percentage of grain composition is determined by the formula

where is the mass of the residue.

3.3. Determination of gypsum content

3.3.1. Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-80 and GOST 23676-79.

Drying cabinet.

Muffle furnace.

Porcelain crucible and mortar and pestle according to GOST 9147-80.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336-82.

3.3.2. Carrying out the test

After determining the fractional composition, the stone is crushed to a size of about 10 mm and an average sample weighing about 1 kg is taken. Then, a sample weighing about 100 g is taken by successive quartering.

The stone sample is crushed in a porcelain mortar until it completely passes through a sieve with mesh No. 02.

It is allowed to take a stone sample weighing about 100 g after grinding equipment.

A sample weighing about 2 g, dried to constant weight at a temperature of (50±5)°C, is placed in a pre-calcined weighed porcelain crucible and heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (400±15)°C for 1 hour. After calcination, the crucible with the sample is cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Calcination is repeated at the same temperature until a constant mass is obtained. Weighing is carried out with an error of up to 0.0002 g.

where is the mass of the sample before calcination, g;

Weight of sample after calcination, g.

where is the content of water of crystallization, %;

4.7785 - conversion factor.

where - content, %;

2.15 - conversion factor.

4. Transportation and storage

4.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are supplied in bulk by all types of vehicles.

4.2. The stone is transported by rail in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Cargoes and the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargo, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

4.3. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a quality document in the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

name of the stone;

batch number, dispatch date and batch size;

variety, fraction size;

designation of this standard.

4.4. Gypsum stone intended for the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, must be stored by the consumer in closed warehouses.

4.5. During transportation and storage, the stone must be protected from contamination by foreign impurities.

The text of the document is verified according to:

official publication

Gosstroy USSR -

M: Standards Publishing House, 1987




GOST 4013-82




By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated September 27, 1982 No. 220, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.83

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone, which is a product of crushing rock consisting of the natural minerals gypsum or a mixture of gypsum and anhydrite, and used as raw materials for the production of gypsum binders and additives for the production of cement.


1.1 . Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone used for the production of cementitious materials must comply with the requirements of this standard. Extraction and processing of stone is carried out according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2 . Gypsum stone based on gypsum content and gypsum anhydrite stone based on the total content of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of gypsum are divided into the grades indicated in the table.

1.3 . For the production of gypsum binders, only gypsum stone must be supplied, and for the production of cement, gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone must be supplied. Gypsum anhydrite stone must contain at least 30% gypsum ( CaSO4 × 2 H 2 O).

For the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, only 1st grade gypsum stone must be supplied.

gypsum (CaSO 4 × 2H2O)

water of crystallization

gypsum and anhydrite in terms of CaSO 4 × 2H2O

sulfuric anhydrite (SO 3)

1.4. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are used depending on the size of the fraction:

60 - 300 mm - gypsum stone for the production of gypsum binders;

0 - 60 mm - gypsum anhydrite and gypsum stone for cement production.

Note: By agreement with the consumer, it is possible to supply stone of other fractions with a maximum size of no more than 300 mm.

1.5 . For the fraction 60 - 300 mm, the content of stones less than 60 mm in size should not exceed 5%, and more than 300 mm - 15%, while the maximum stone size should not exceed 350 mm.

1.6 . Fractions measuring 0 - 60 mm should not contain more than 30% stone measuring 0 - 5 mm.

In some cases, by agreement with the consumer, the content of fractions measuring 0 - 5 mm is allowed to exceed 30%, but should not exceed 40%.


2.1 . The stone must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2 . Acceptance and delivery of stone is carried out in batches. The batch includes stone of the same type, grade and fraction.

2.3 . When shipping stone by rail and water transport, the batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the quarry:

1000 t - with an annual capacity of up to 1,000,000 t;

2000 t»»»over 1000000 t.

It is allowed to ship batches of stone of smaller weight.

2.4 . When shipping stone by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of stone of one type and one fraction shipped to one consumer during the day.

2.5 . The quantity of stone supplied is determined by its weight. Stone shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on railway and truck scales. The weight of stone shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.6 . The manufacturer must determine the fractional composition of the stone at least once a quarter, as well as when replacing process equipment or moving from one face to another when developing a gypsum stone layer.

2.7 . The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of the stone with the requirements of this standard, using the sampling procedure and test methods given below. The consumer takes samples after unloading vehicles, the manufacturer - before or during loading.

2.8 . Samples are taken from at least 10 places in equal parts at different depths when shipped by rail or water transport, and when shipped by road - from at least 5 vehicles.

2.9 . The minimum mass of the total sample is determined depending on the maximum fraction size:

50 kg - with a maximum fraction size of 60 mm;

300 kg»»»»300 mm.

2.10 . If unsatisfactory results are obtained when testing a sample, repeat testing of a stone sample taken from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance.


3.1 . Preparation for testing

The total sample, composed of samples selected according to item 1, is thoroughly mixed and divided into two equal parts: one is used for testing, the other is discarded.

3.2 . Determination of fractional composition

3.2.1 . Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 23676-79.

A set of sieves with round holes with a diameter of 5 and 60 mm.

Caliber with a round hole with a diameter of (300±1) mm.

3.2.2 . The fractional composition of the sample is determined by control sieves (for stones with a size less than or equal to 60 mm) and by means of a caliber (for stones with a size greater than or equal to 300 mm).

From the total sample prepared for testing, take 5 kg of stone with a maximum size of 60 mm and 100 kg of stone with a maximum size of 300 mm.

A sample fraction measuring 60 - 300 mm is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 60 mm, and more than 300 mm is determined using a caliber with a diameter of 300 mm.

The stone that has passed through a sieve measuring 60 mm, as well as separated on a caliber measuring more than 300 mm, is weighed.

Where G- mass of sample taken for determination, kg;

G 1 - mass of a stone sample with a size greater than the upper limit or less than the lower limit of the fraction, kg.

A stone sample measuring 0 - 60 mm is sifted through a sieve with mesh sizes of 5 mm, the remainder is weighed and the grain composition contentX 2 the percentage is determined by the formula


Where G 2 - mass of the residue.

3.3 . Determination of gypsum content ( CaS O 4 × 2 H 2 O)

3.3.1 . Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-80 and GOST 23676-79.

Drying cabinet.

Muffle furnace.

Porcelain crucible and mortar with pestle according to GOST 9147-80.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336-82.

3.3.2 . Carrying out the test

After determining the fractional composition, the stone is crushed to a size of about 10 mm and an average sample weighing about 1 kg is taken. Then, a sample weighing about 100 g is taken by successive quartering.

The stone sample is crushed in a porcelain mortar until it completely passes through a sieve with mesh No. 02.

It is allowed to take a stone sample weighing about 100 g after grinding equipment.

A sample weighing about 2 g, dried to constant weight at a temperature of (50±5) °C, is placed in a pre-calcined weighed porcelain crucible and heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (400±15) °C for 1 hour. After calcination, the crucible with the sample is cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Calcination is repeated at the same temperature until a constant mass is obtained. Weighing is carried out with an error of up to 0.0002 g.


Where m- sample mass before calcination, g;

T 1 - mass of sample after calcination, g.

where G is the content of water of crystallization, %;

4 .7785 is the conversion factor.

3.4 . Sulfuric anhydrite content ( SO 3 ) is determined according to GOST 5382-73.

The total content of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of CaS O 4 · 2 H 2 O as a percentage is calculated using the formula

where SO 3 - SO 3 content, %;

2 .15 is the conversion factor.


4.1 . Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are supplied in bulk by all types of vehicles.

4.2 . The stone is transported by rail in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Cargoes and the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargo, approved by the Ministry of Railways.

4.3 . The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a quality document in the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

name of the stone;

batch number, dispatch date and batch size;

variety, fraction size;

designation of this standard.

4.4 . Gypsum stone intended for the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, must be stored by the consumer in closed warehouses.

4.5 . During transportation and storage, the stone must be protected from contamination by foreign impurities.

GOST 4013-82

Group Zh12




Gypsum and gypsum-anhydrite rock for the manufacture of binders. Specifications

ISS 91.100.10
OKP 57 4322

Date of introduction 1983-07-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated September 27, 1982 N 220, the implementation date was set at 07/01/83


REISSUE. July 2008

This standard applies to gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone, which is a product of crushing rock consisting of the natural minerals gypsum or a mixture of gypsum and anhydrite, and used as raw materials for the production of gypsum binders and additives for the production of cement.

1. Technical requirements


1.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone used for the production of cementitious materials must comply with the requirements of this standard. Extraction and processing of stone is carried out according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Gypsum stone based on gypsum content and gypsum anhydrite stone based on the total content of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of gypsum are divided into the grades indicated in the table.

The gypsum content in gypsum stone is determined by crystallization water, and in gypsum anhydrite stone - by sulfuric anhydrite ().

1.3. For the production of gypsum binders, only gypsum stone must be supplied, and for the production of cement, gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone must be supplied. Gypsum anhydrite stone must contain at least 30% gypsum ().

For the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, only 1st grade gypsum stone must be supplied.

water of crystallization

gypsum and anhydrite in terms of

sulfuric anhydrite ()

1.4. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are used depending on the size of the fraction:

60-300 mm - gypsum stone for the production of gypsum binders;

0-60 mm - gypsum anhydrite and gypsum stone for cement production.

Note. By agreement with the consumer, it is possible to supply stone of other fractions with a maximum size of no more than 300 mm.

1.5. For the 60-300 mm fraction, the content of stones less than 60 mm in size should not exceed 5%, and more than 300 mm - 15%, while the maximum stone size should not exceed 350 mm.

1.6. Fractions measuring 0-60 mm should not contain more than 30% stone measuring 0-5 mm.

In some cases, by agreement with the consumer, the content of the 0-5 mm fraction is allowed to exceed 30%, but should not exceed 40%.

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. The stone must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of stone is carried out in batches. The batch includes stone of the same type, grade and fraction.

2.3. When shipping stone by rail and water transport, the batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the quarry:

1000 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 1,000,000 tons;

2000 tons " " " over 1,000,000 tons.

It is allowed to ship batches of stone of smaller weight.

2.4. When shipping stone by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of stone of one type and one fraction shipped to one consumer during the day.

2.5. The quantity of stone supplied is determined by its weight. Stone shipped in wagons or cars is weighed on railway and truck scales. The weight of stone shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.6. The manufacturer must determine the fractional composition of the stone at least once a quarter, as well as when replacing process equipment or moving from one face to another when developing a gypsum stone layer.

2.7. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of the stone with the requirements of this standard, using the sampling procedure and test methods given below. The consumer takes samples after unloading vehicles, the manufacturer - before or during loading.

2.8. Samples are taken from at least 10 places in equal parts at different depths when shipped by rail or water transport, and when shipped by road - from at least 5 vehicles.

2.9. The minimum mass of the total sample is determined depending on the maximum fraction size:

50 kg - with a maximum fraction size of 60 mm;

300 kg " " " " 300 mm.

2.10. If unsatisfactory results are obtained when testing a sample, repeat testing of a stone sample taken from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

3. Test methods

3.1. Preparation for testing

The total sample, composed of samples selected according to clause 2.8, is thoroughly mixed and divided into two equal parts: one is used for testing, the other is discarded.

3.2. Determination of fractional composition

3.2.1. Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 29329-92 *.
GOST R 53228-2008

A set of sieves with round holes with a diameter of 5 and 60 mm.

Caliber with a round hole with a diameter of (300±1) mm.

3.2.2. The fractional composition of the sample is determined by control sieves (for stones with a size less than or equal to 60 mm) and by means of a caliber (for stones with a size greater than or equal to 300 mm).

From the total sample prepared for testing, take 5 kg of stone with a maximum size of 60 mm and 100 kg of stone with a maximum size of 300 mm.

A fraction sample with a size of 60-300 mm is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 60 mm, and more than 300 mm is determined using a caliber with a diameter of 300 mm.

The stone that has passed through a sieve measuring 60 mm, as well as separated on a caliber measuring more than 300 mm, is weighed.

The percentage of stone content beyond the established dimensions is determined by the formula

where is the mass of the sample taken for determination, kg;

Mass of a stone sample with a size greater than the upper limit or less than the lower limit of the fraction, kg.

A stone sample measuring 0-60 mm is sifted through a sieve with mesh sizes of 5 mm, the remainder is weighed and the percentage of grain composition is determined by the formula

where is the mass of the residue.

3.3. Determination of gypsum content ()

3.3.1. Equipment

Laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-2001 * and GOST 29329-92.
* On site Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST R 53228-2008 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

Drying cabinet.

Muffle furnace.

Porcelain crucible and mortar with pestle according to GOST 9147-80.

Desiccator according to GOST 25336-82.

3.3.2. Carrying out the test

After determining the fractional composition, the stone is crushed to a size of about 10 mm and an average sample weighing about 1 kg is taken. Then, a sample weighing about 100 g is taken by successive quartering.

The stone sample is crushed in a porcelain mortar until it completely passes through a sieve with mesh No. 02.

It is allowed to take a stone sample weighing about 100 g after grinding equipment.

A sample weighing about 2 g, dried to constant weight at a temperature of (50±5) °C, is placed in a pre-calcined weighed porcelain crucible and heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (400±15) °C for 1 hour. After calcination, the crucible with the sample is cooled in a desiccator and weighed.

Calcination is repeated at the same temperature until a constant mass is obtained. Weighing is carried out with an error of up to 0.0002 g.

The percentage of water of crystallization is calculated using the formula

where is the mass of the sample before calcination, g;

Weight of sample after calcination, g.

where is the content of water of crystallization, %;

4.7785 - conversion factor.

3.4. The content of sulfuric anhydrite () is determined according to GOST 5382-91.

The total content of gypsum and anhydrite in percentage terms is calculated using the formula

where - content, %;

2.15 - conversion factor.

4. Transportation and storage

4.1. Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone are supplied in bulk by all types of vehicles.

4.2. The stone is transported by rail in accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Cargoes and the Technical Conditions for Loading and Securing Cargoes*, approved by the Ministry of Railways.
*Probably an error in the original. You should read: "Technical conditions for loading and securing cargo". - Database manufacturer's note.

4.3. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a quality document in the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

name of the stone;

batch number, dispatch date and batch size;

variety, fraction size;

designation of this standard.

4.4. Gypsum stone intended for the production of gypsum binders used in the porcelain-faience, ceramic and medical industries, as well as white, decorative and gypsum-alumina expanding cement, must be stored by the consumer in closed warehouses.

4.5. During transportation and storage, the stone must be protected from contamination by foreign impurities.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2008