Topaz stone is a well-known and widespread mineral. The origin of its name is unclear. Some believe that the stone is named after the island of Topazos, where it was first discovered. Others argue that topaz is a derivative of "tapas" ("fire", "heat" in Sanskrit). The stone is an island silicate.

Topaz deposits are very extensive and scattered throughout the world. The largest of them are located in Germany, Burma, the USA, Australia, Afghanistan, Norway, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Russia and Tajikistan. Primitive mineral jewelry discovered at sites primitive people in the Urals. The size of the stone can be simply gigantic. Samples weighing more than 100 kilograms were found.

Nowadays, most stones are mined in Brazil. The deposits are rich in minerals of various colors. Blue and transparent crystals, as well as orange-red ones, are especially valued.

Topaz has a glassy luster and high fragility in the cleavage directions. He is very transparent. In hardness, the stone is second only to diamond and corundum. The mineral is very sensitive to sunlight. It can burn out and completely lose color. Fortunately, the natural color of the stone can be restored. To do this, it is enough to keep it in the dark for several days. Almost all topaz crystals have a flat bottom. When rubbed or heated, the stones become electrified.

True topazes and their artificial copies

The most common are yellow gems, but their variety is not limited to this color. The mineral can be colorless, blue, pink, red, violet, brown, golden yellow and pink yellow. The rarest and most valuable are pink topazes. They are mined in Pakistan. A rare variety of the mineral is a stone wrapped in a grayish “shirt”. The color of the crystals is not affected by their chemical composition and the presence of impurities. They owe their color to defects in the structure of the atomic lattice.

Most topazes used in modern jewelry have an ennobled color. Colorless crystals are irradiated with harmless rays until brown, then heated and the topaz turns blue or cyan.

Distinguish a stone from natural color treated topaz is very difficult even for a specialist. Faithful external sign The fact that they worked on the coloring is an overly saturated, “chemical” color. Natural crystals have warm and soft colors. If the jewelry contains bright blue or blue topaz, then most likely the stone is imported and has been processed. The disadvantage of artificially obtained color is its instability and discoloration over time.

Cheaper varieties of citrine are often passed off as minerals. “Bohemian”, “Indian”, “Spanish” topazes, rauchtopaz have nothing in common with the real mineral. They're just burned smoky quartz. Instead of cut topaz, other natural or synthetic stones may be sold. Thus, blue topaz is similar to aquamarine and zircon, tea topaz is similar to tourmaline and zircon, colorless is similar to rock crystal.

Only an experienced jeweler can accurately determine the difference between real topaz and a fake. An ordinary buyer can only test the stone for hardness. Topaz is harder than quartz and leaves scratches when rubbed across it. When the stone touches warm skin, a cooling sensation is felt. This phenomenon is due to the low thermal conductivity of the stone. Natural gems have cracks, minor inclusions or other defects. Artificial stones are ideal in their shape and structure.

Topaz is cut in several types:

  • emerald,
  • diamond,
  • cabochon,
  • oval
  • and fantasy.

Stone carvings are often done. They are used to make sets, rings, bracelets, and pendants. The price of topazes depends not only on the weight, color and transparency of the stone, but also on the quality of its processing. Stones must be protected from temperature fluctuations and impacts along the cleavage directions.

Properties of the stone

Magic properties

Jewelry with topaz is a good amulet for merchants and businessmen. The yellow stone allows you to identify deception and expose intriguers. By taking it with you to a business meeting, you can reveal the secret thoughts of your partners and make the right decision. Yellow topazes are intended for leaders and masters of life. They help control other people, defeat enemies and repel the attacks of envious people. The mineral gives strength to lead large teams and make great plans.
Another positive magical property of yellow topaz is the ability to restore will and love to life. This helps people who are depressed or have lost their zest for life. The stone will cleanse the soul from the blues and enlighten thoughts. Its warm glow will bring joy and peace.

The delicate color of topaz can soften even the hardest heart. Therefore, the mineral was considered the stone of courtiers, because they needed to fight for the favor of the monarch and beware of opponents. Nowadays, topaz is the stone of lawyers, politicians, major executives and other dignitaries. He helps them understand the intricacies of their career and keep their soul and conscience clear.

Red-orange topaz imperial is a love and erotic amulet. It makes partners more attractive in each other's eyes, ignites passion and awakens romance. Sailors respected topaz for its ability to calm storms. IN family life this property also manifests itself, reducing the intensity of passions in quarrels and helping to find ways of reconciliation. Topaz also brings material wealth and financial well-being to the home.

For uncommunicative and taciturn people, a stone with a blue color is suitable. It will give you self-confidence and add sociability. Pink topazes relieve stress and relieve depression. It is believed that a mineral with this rare color can protect against betrayal and the pangs of jealousy. Topazes help students and scientists gather their thoughts, express themselves clearly, be smart and judicious.

Topazes are very suitable for people who have embarked on the path of self-development and improvement. They bestow purity of thoughts and aspirations, fill the soul with goodness and joy. For women, the stone helps preserve beauty and youth, for men - prudence and generosity.

The mineral is important for magical rituals. He is able to develop intuition, increase psychic abilities. The influence of the stone on a person’s mood is great. It can calm anger, increase self-esteem and instill a sense of superiority.

Medicinal properties

Medicinal properties topazes depend on their color. Yellow stones help with diseases respiratory tract and throat. In these cases, jewelry with a stone should be worn on the neck or chest. For asthma, yellow topaz relieves attacks. The mineral can help fight liver diseases and digestive system, spleen and gallbladder. The solar gem has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming it and bringing it back to normal after shocks.

Products with blue topaz reduce the risk of developing Graves' disease and have a positive effect on the thyroid gland. In case of malfunctions nervous system or mental disorders, blue topaz brings calm, softens attacks and balances the patient’s condition. There is evidence that a stone of this color reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures.

Topazes have a good effect on the female reproductive system. Jewelry with them is indicated for those who have problems with the uterus, irregular cycles and early menopause. It will also help those who want to get pregnant and safely carry a child to term. In case of hormonal imbalances, you need to wear yellow or transparent topaz.

Topaz crystals are widely used in Ayurvedic practices. In India, they are among the top 12 stones with medicinal properties.

Stones in astrology

Blue topazes are amulets for Scorpios, yellow and colorless ones are for Geminis. For other zodiac signs they are neutral. The crystal patronizes everyone born in November. Jewelry and products with it give true friends and warm, strong love. For the stone to show its full power, it must be worn in a pendant, in a ring on the index finger on the right hand. The optimal setting for topaz is regular gold.

Interesting, sophisticated, bright, rich in various shades, topaz attracts and fascinates. This semi-precious stone has a unique history and amazing properties.

Since ancient times, people have been familiar with topaz. In primitive tribes, people made thin plates and blades from it, which had both household use, and were used in magical rituals.

The first written mention of topaz is found in one of the oldest Greek translations of the Old Testament. Here it is identified as one of the stones of the high priest Aaron. In the text of the Bible, the stone is called “topazion”, which rather comes from the word “tapas” (Sanskrit), which means “flame”, “fire”.

There is an assumption that the topaz on the chest of the high priest was a very bright yellow color and sparkled like the sun.

In his work “Natural History,” Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) tells the legend that topaz is valued as a stone with a green color and is preferred over all other stones. Once, during a strong storm, pirates landed on the Arabian island of Citis and, while searching for food, discovered a precious stone there. But there is also an opinion that in the Red Sea there is the island of Topazos, which is hidden by thick fog. This island is difficult to find, so it was given the name Topazin, which means “to search” (in the language of the troglodytes).

Bishop Andrew of Caesarea described topaz as a black stone “similar to anphrax” and said that it healed eye diseases.

For a long time, various precious stones were called topaz. Only in the 17th century did Boethius de Boot create a classification of minerals with detailed description everyone.

Since the 18th century, topazes began to be used in jewelry, decorating boxes, clothes, accessories, sculptures and other significant things with them.

The healing properties of topaz

Topaz is a truly healing gemstone. Due to its healing properties, it was valued in India; it is mentioned more than once in the texts of Ayurveda.

Topaz will help you in treating:

  • insomnia,
  • inflammation of the tonsils,
  • throat diseases,
  • arthritis,
  • anemia,
  • epilepsy,
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The stone is very useful for the female body: for violations hormonal levels, for problems with vision and the thyroid gland, for diseases of the uterus.

Topaz also fights infections and strengthens the immune system. One interesting property is that it can enhance the effects of medications.


  • blue topaz helps accelerate tissue regeneration and increases taste sensations;
  • golden topaz, framed in silver, helps cope with asthma attacks and promotes recovery during times of nervous and physical exhaustion.

Now in lithotherapy (stone treatment), topaz is used for depression, diseases of the blood, endocrine glands, infertility, hemorrhoids and paralysis.

When combined with other minerals, it also helps fight chronic diseases.

Magic properties

Bright sparkling topaz primarily brings joy. People wearing topaz feel a surge of positive energy and are able to be in balance and find a way out in any situation.

Topaz also gives light to its owner, protects against the evil eye, damage, and external negative influences. Helps get rid of bad thoughts, protects against manifestations of anger, gives peace and a sense of peace.


  • bright yellow topaz capable of revealing secrets;
  • blue topaz makes a person more open, attracts friends, promotes the development of creative potential, helps in achieving goals;
  • golden stone protects the owner from passions and danger, helps to enjoy life;
  • topaz imperial(red or orange) - a talisman that attracts love;
  • white (colorless) topaz has a magically strong effect on people around, helps concentrate energy and strengthen willpower.

Zodiac meaning

Topaz is a stone that can adapt to almost any zodiac sign. But it is important for everyone to consider color and be careful about its use. Topaz is considered to be the birthstone of the month of November, so it is most suitable Scorpios who so often need to balance their emotions and be able to make the right decisions. Topaz will give attractiveness to Scorpio women, and wisdom to Men.

Yellow and golden topazes are suitable for people under the zodiac sign Twins. Yellow topaz can also be worn Virgo and Leo. Cancer blue and green shades of stone are recommended. For Aries, purple and red stones are suitable, and Capricorn- brown and transparent.

Talismans and amulets

For topazes to act magically and heal, it is better to wear them on the index finger of the right hand, or as a pendant around the neck.

Amulets with topaz promote career success, attract material wealth and bring good luck. Pendants with topaz give vital energy and help to cope with difficulties.

Interesting: the gem is considered the stone of travelers, sailors, diplomats and traders, as it is able to calm the storm and develops intuitive abilities.

Varieties of topaz

  1. Colorless topaz- the most common type of topaz. Found in nature as large crystals. Such topazes are coated with metallic plating of titanium or gold, resulting in a beautiful rainbow stone.
  2. Blue Topaz- in nature they have a light blue tint. Bright blue topazes are stones that have undergone special processing. Topazes of this shade are mined in Brazil, the USA, Ukraine, Russia, Namibia, and Nigeria. By depth blue color Topazes are divided into several types, respectively: Sky blue, Swiss blue and London blue.
  3. Yellow and brown— these types of topaz are valued much less than blue ones. In Brazil, dark topazes are processed and obtained pink stones. Yellow, wine-colored topazes are mined in Ukraine and, together with pale brown ones, in Russia.
  4. Pink topaz- the rarest and most valuable stone. Pink is due to chromium impurities. Pink topazes are mined in northern Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine and the USA. Brazilian topaz is characterized by a paler color, which is changed by heating.
  5. Topaz Imperial- a bright and very valuable stone of orange-red color. This type of topaz is not used in jewelry. The Imperial is primarily a collector's stone.
  6. Green topaz- another rare gem, which is comparable in price to emeralds. It is mined in Russia and China.

How to spot a fake

  1. Natural topaz feels smooth, slippery and cool. Although topaz is a transparent stone, it has veins (they can be seen if you look at it under a magnifying glass).
  2. If you rub topaz on wool, it will accumulate electricity and attract small particles around it.

However, there are fakes of such high quality that only laboratory analysis can determine the authenticity.

Care and storage

Basic rules:

  1. Protect jewelry with topaz from direct sun, as it negatively affects its color and general condition.
  2. Store items with topaz in a separate box, and not together with all the jewelry.
  3. Avoid contact of cosmetics and essential oils with the stone.
  4. Remove topaz jewelry before going to the beach or pool. Bleach harms the stone.

To clean the stone at home, it is enough to purchase a solution for cleaning gold or silver with topaz.

Important: do not clean the stone hot water and chemical cleaning agents.

Follow all the rules of storage and care, and topaz will delight and protect you for many years!

Blue topaz is a common and well-known mineral in jewelry. It is not known exactly how its name came about. Some argue that the word "topaz" comes from "tapas", which means "heat" or "fire" in Sanskrit. Others insist that the stone is named after the island of Topazos, where its deposit was first discovered.

Natural topaz belongs to the second type of jewelry gemstones. It is an aluminosilicate mineral containing hydroxyl and fluorine anions, with hydroxyl minerals being uncommon.

Stone color as a selection criterion

Topazes have a rich color range due to various impurities: brown, red, yellow, green, pink, blue. The bulk of the stones come from the earth and are brownish-yellow in color. Colorless stones are mined in smaller quantities. And only a small part has a natural pale blue color.

In addition, there are stones that are unevenly colored and smooth transition shade from one to another (polychrome color), for example, from brown to blue and yellow, then again to brown and then to colorless. Natural coloring cannot have bright and harsh colors; it is always calm and natural. Pure topaz is colorless.

It is given a rich color thanks to compounds of titanium, chromium and iron; it is capable of changing its shade through various methods of heating and radiation treatment. The most popular shades of blue topaz have the following brand names:

  1. London blue topaz is a dark blue stone with a green or gray tint.
  2. Swiss blue topaz is a bright blue stone.
  3. Sky blue topaz is a light blue stone.

Tip: To keep the blue of topaz bright, it is recommended to store it in a place protected from the sun. Due to the influence of solar energy, which fills voids in the crystal lattice, crystals are prone to fading and some loss of color.

Physical Features

Crystals of the mineral have a special characteristic: almost all of them have a flat bottom underneath. The crystal is easy to place on a flat, smooth surface that looks like one edge. This facet is a consequence of cleavage, which is clearly pronounced in topaz. Due to cleavage, a stepped fracture and luster with mother-of-pearl are provided. Both features are characteristic only on spikes, because the edges of topazes have a glassy shine, similar to diamond. Blue topaz belongs to the class of especially hard minerals.

It became the model for setting the eighth hardness class on the Mohs scale. Due to its high density and specific gravity, topaz is called a heavyweight.

Cutting methods:

  1. Diamond.
  2. Emerald.
  3. Cabochon.
  4. Oval.
  5. Fantasy.

In addition, the crystal is carved.

Bluestone deposit and production

Topaz is valuable because there are not many places in the world where it is mined. Previously, some of the richest deposits were located in the Urals, but at present they are almost depleted.

with their own unique properties Topazes are known to be mined at the Volyn deposit in Ukraine. In Russia, mineral extraction is carried out in Chukotka, Transbaikalia and the Primorsky Territory. Blue crystals are also found in the USA, Germany and Australia.

On at the moment greatest number blue topaz is found in Brazil. In addition, large-sized minerals predominate in Brazilian deposits. Among the famous samples, “Princess of Brazil” stands out, measuring 14.3x14.3x12.7 cm, and “Marbella” with a weight of 1.65 kg.

One of the most ancient deposits is located in Switzerland, but 5 centuries ago it was processed. Only 30 years ago another small deposit was found there, containing the most intensely colored blue topazes known throughout the world.

Production stages:

  1. Rock mining and technical pre-preparation.
  2. Cleaning of rocks, sorting depending on color and brightness.
  3. Heat treatment.
  4. Machine cut.
  5. Irradiation method.
  6. Sorting.
  7. Sputtering of the thinnest film with a magnetron.

How to clean topaz

One of the features of this gem is its high degree of resistance to various substances, such as oil, acid or alkali. As a result, topaz is not capricious in the choice of cleansing agents. For effective cleaning, it is necessary to place the gem for 20-30 minutes in a solution that consists of 30% soft detergent and 70% warm water. Then use a toothbrush to remove all dust and dirt. After this, you should polish the stone or product with it using a cloth.

Pay attention! There are special pastes for cleaning topaz that can be purchased at jewelry stores. But the price of such a paste is quite high, and the result of its use is no better than after using a soap solution and a brush.

Meaning and magical properties

Blue topaz is considered a symbol of spiritual beauty, tenderness, friendship and sincere love relationship. It is widely believed that a person who wears a gem is always full of optimism and is in positive mood. It bestows intelligence, determination and creativity on the male half of humanity, and beauty on the female half.

Since ancient times, the mineral has played the role of a talisman with various meanings. According to legend, it protects sea travelers from the raging elements and adversities, which is why in the previous era there was topaz on every ship. Today it is an amulet for secret agents, criminologists and investigators.

Blue topaz helps a person to calm down internally and put his thoughts in order. Therefore, it is perfect for people suffering from neuroses and depression. The stone is able to absorb all negativity, in return giving a person peace and mental balance. It is recommended to have a crystal for those who are looking for the truth and answers to questions or want to own great wealth.

One of the meanings of topaz is prudence. Therefore, owners of the stone are usually balanced, decent and fair. They are not prone to scandals, unreasonable hysterics and outbursts of unreasonable anger. Topaz owners are very sociable people who know how to enjoy life.

Medicinal properties

Blue topaz, in addition to its magical effect on the body, also has therapeutic effect. In ancient times it was considered the best remedy from poisoning. There was an opinion that if poison was present in food and drinks, the stone would change its color.

The mineral stimulates the immune system and fights depression.

Used in the treatment of infertility, tonsillitis and diseases of the bone system. Lithotherapists report recorded cases of gem help with heart attacks, strokes and diseases of the endocrine system. Used for problems with the spleen, liver and gall bladder.

It will not hurt to wear the stone for sexual dysfunction, arthritis, rheumatism and to stimulate the circulatory system. Purchasing topaz is useful for people suffering from nervous disorders, insomnia and nightmares.

In some countries, it is used to solve eye problems, including myopia. Traditional healers, using products with topaz, relieve bronchial asthma and reduce bleeding.

It is positive to wear a crystal to prevent colds and strengthen the body. The stone has a beneficial effect on patients with gout and people suffering from high blood pressure.

Blue topaz is one of the most noble natural semi-precious stones. The exquisite shine of the mineral makes it elegant and majestic at the same time. Its radiance under the rays of light is unsurpassed. Jewelry with topaz is particularly beautiful and charming.

Blue topaz is a gemstone of extraordinary beauty, which has long been considered a symbol of sincerity, inner beauty and transparency of intentions, and its name is familiar to everyone. Moreover, there is an opinion that the stone is capable of changing people for the better, endowing them with the above qualities. Let's find out what qualities the stone is endowed with and who it is suitable for.

Fantastic properties of topaz

Blue topaz has been worn as an amulet for decades. It can often be seen in photos of people with middle and high incomes. Judging by the reviews of many, this natural crystal changes a person, makes him strong, courageous, and also cleanses the soul. The stone does not tolerate lies, so it is customary to give it to someone who is not used to lying.

Previously, sailors who went on long voyages took blue topaz with them, because they believed that it could protect them from an accident on the water, knowing it magical properties and special meaning. Now the crystal is also used as a talisman against evil tongues, diseases and other misfortunes. Women wear a topaz amulet, believing that it can preserve youth and beauty, contribute to the strength of the family and the birth of healthy children. And, importantly, blue topaz protects against infidelity of spouses, as it carries light, as a result of which it illuminates the thoughts of the owner.

By the way, jewelry made from topaz symbolizes betrayal, which prompts the spouses to think of convicting their partner of infidelity. However, this does not mean that this dream is prophetic, it just gives food for thought.

Constantly wearing topaz will bring harmony to life, filling it with colors. Soon everyone will be able to feel the surge of strength and energy that topaz will give.

Blue topaz and magic

What other properties does blue topaz have? The crystal is often used in magical rituals, performing various roles. However, most often the crystal is made by magicians and sorcerers for specific person as an amulet or talisman, for example, against the evil eye. Moreover, the specialist himself determines that this particular stone can now solve the problems that concern the client. There is another magical use - with the help of blue topaz, psychics search for people, that is, they use a search spell in magic. Judging by the reviews, the stone has more than once helped find lost or lost people. From this we can conclude that the crystal really has magical properties.

In India, topaz has long been considered one of the most sublime stones that serve as catalysts for the most important chakra - Sahasrara. The location of this chakra can be seen in more detail in numerous photos on the Internet. In a certain ritual of reading mantras and meditation, topaz helped to open your mind and see what is inaccessible to an ordinary person.

Topaz in treatment

Blue topaz, in addition to magical properties, has many other positive functions. Back in the Middle Ages, topaz was used to prevent poisoning. Noble nobles used a crystal to check the purity of drinks. It was believed that a stone thrown into a liquid changes color depending on whether it contains poison. This was the reason that during excavations, many silver vessels were cut with topaz.

Now alternative medicine claims that the blue crystal can correct the functioning of the human body’s immune system, increasing immunity. Wearing a topaz amulet helps to get rid of diseases of many internal organs, namely:

  • Liver
  • Urinary system
  • Cardiac system
  • Eye diseases
  • Inability to have children and so on

Some doctors use wearing topaz as an additional means to relieve asthma attacks and other exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Topaz is a stone for Scorpio

Recently, topaz has been worn taking into account its compatibility with a person’s zodiac sign. Since, according to astrology, blue topaz marks November, wearing it is primarily indicated for Scorpios. Due to their sharp nature, representatives of this sign need harmony and peace of mind. The stone helps you make the right decisions, based not on emotions, but on common sense.

Scorpio, especially in the first half of life, is one of the most uncontrollable signs, and his impudence always precedes him. If you go through this stage of life together with blue topaz, life becomes more balanced and stable. Friendly contacts are established, and a family is often formed.

In the second half of life, the stone will be able to give Scorpio wisdom, the opportunity for self-knowledge and self-improvement. For this reason, often closer to 40-50 years of age, representatives of this zodiac sign begin to practice yoga or delve into religion.

As for whether the impact is different for women and men, it is different. For the female half of Scorpios, topaz, among other things, promises originality and creativity. For men, it serves as a kind of pointer along the path of life, imparting wisdom. There is no more suitable amulet for a Scorpio.

The influence of topaz on other zodiac signs

Who is suitable for wearing blue crystal jewelry? All other zodiac signs can also wear jewelry with blue topaz, so negative influence he does not provide. The only representatives of the heavenly dozen for whom it is better to refuse products made from topaz are Taurus, Libra and Pisces. The thing is that, based on astrology, these signs are the complete opposite of Scorpio, so what is good for Scorpio is bad for them.

Topaz gets along well with Cancers and Sagittarius, making them softer and more sensual. Moreover, the more saturated the color of the stone looks, the stronger the impact it will have on men and women born under the zodiac sign of Cancer or Sagittarius. Topaz of a yellow hue is more suitable for wearing by virgins. If golden iridescence is visible in the crystal’s edges, it is worth giving such jewelry to twins. Their diversity has the opportunity to merge into a single person, in which their best features will be revealed.

Topaz of red or blue-violet color is more suitable for Aries and Leo. The first ones will gain self-confidence and will be able to improve their personal lives by building a strong family. For Leos, topaz can become a kind of brake that will restrain them from committing many rash, impulsive actions. Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo will be delighted to wear topaz with a brown color, and sometimes even transparent.

If in an individual horoscope, an astrologer recommends wearing topaz as an amulet stone, know that this happens for a reason. The point is that such a crystal must fulfill its purpose in your destiny. Don’t interfere with this and buy at least a small piece of jewelry made from this stone.

How to wear a blue crystal correctly

It is important not only to know who the stone is suitable for, but also to be aware of how to wear it correctly and which type is right for you. As you know, stones can be worn in several variations - as decoration in a ring cut, on a pendant, necklace, beads or earrings. As for blue topaz, it is recommended to wear it on the finger, that is, as a scattering of small topaz on a ring or as a large sample of several carats in size, it does not matter. Moreover, preference should be given to the leading hand, that is, right-handers choose right hand, and left-handers, respectively, left. You should not put the ring on any finger other than your index finger. Based on palmistry data, index finger indicates the path to the mind, that is, the power of the stone will be directed to your thoughts and thinking.

If for some reason it is not possible to wear a ring, try wearing topaz on a bracelet or pendant. However, in this case, it is worth adding yellow topaz to blue topaz, only in such a tandem the effect of topazes will be maximum.

It is noted that topaz is a stone that does not lose strength due to the proximity of other stones. On the contrary, a crystal can enhance either its effect or complement the work of other amulets with its presence. You can often see in the photo successful combinations several types of crystals.

It is worth mentioning separately about wearing a blue crystal on a brooch. In this form, the talisman is worn only on the inside of clothing so that it does not attract unnecessary attention from others. This brooch can significantly improve financial situation, improve business or bring the owner up the career ladder. However, if the amulet is noticed or you yourself boast of its effect, the power will immediately fade away, and the benefits obtained with its help will soon be lost. In addition to the money side of the issue, such a brooch is often worn by women who dream of having a child. It is believed that wearing jewelry near the heart can make this possibility more likely.

What is the cunning of topaz?

Despite all of the above positive properties natural blue crystal, it should be noted that topaz can be harmful in some situations. Blue topaz (possibly blue or light blue) is a stone that fascinates with its beauty. If you look at it for a long time, you can see how beautifully it shimmers. sun rays as if drowning in the depths of the seabed. But the resemblance to a diamond is the tip of the iceberg; it is worth identifying the base. How many relationships have been broken with his help?

When deciding to purchase topaz jewelry, or accepting it as a gift, you must be aware that the stone does not tolerate lies and deception, as well as betrayal and deceit. If there is something unclean in your intentions or you want to act dishonestly towards someone close to you, no stone will be left aside and you will be forced to pay a considerable price. After some time, you will be able to fully experience what remorse is, and the secret will certainly become apparent.

Blue topaz is a stone of extraordinary beauty that deserves special attention due to the fact that it has magical properties, as well as a healing effect that can be easily used in life. Such jewelry is suitable for everyone, but it is worth remembering the unique characteristics of the stone, which were described earlier. When it comes to caring for your jewelry, there are no special recommendations.

What does topaz look like? This is a gem that splits light into a full spectrum. Typically a transparent mineral. The columns of crystals are regular and arranged in columns. Topaz is of great importance in jewelry.

Physical characteristics are strength and transparency. Thanks to this, it is valued as an ornamental stone. But it is quite difficult to cut it.

Magical properties of topaz:

  1. Protects against damage, evil eyes and other negative influences.
  2. Moves people towards good deeds.
  3. Helps to understand the secrets of the universe.
  4. Attracts good luck and happiness.

Supernatural properties ennoble any person, which means the mineral is like a stone for people who are pure in heart and soul.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Topaz is a stone that attracts good luck. It is important to take into account the astrological compatibility of the properties of the stone and the zodiac sign.

Important! For women and men, the astrological impact of the stone is almost the same, so there are no major differences in the effects.

The gem does not go well with many astrological signs. It is important that the energy of the mineral and the elements of the sign be in harmony.

Who is suitable according to the horoscope:

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

More often the gem is completely transparent. Sometimes gems are found whose color is represented by any of the shades of the rainbow. Sometimes several colors are combined at the same time.

The unprocessed mineral has a peculiar state. In accordance with the color scheme, varieties of topaz are distinguished. Species are identified by color.


  • Blue.
  • Yellow.
  • London Blue Topaz.
  • Rauchtopaz.
  • Pink.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Golden.
  • White.

Colored topazes are considered valuable specimens that are highly valued in jewelry and fetch decent money at auctions.

How much does it cost: price

You can find out how much the simplest sample of a gem costs, as well as unique samples, using the Internet.

The price is determined by the cutting method, color, size, clarity and many other characteristics of the sample.

Approximate cost of the stone:

  • Transparent faceted topaz of 5 carats – 85 conventional units.
  • 12 carat gold cut – 70 conventional units.
  • Top Sky Blue 12 carats – 120 conventional units.
  • Brown 12 carats - 135 conventional units.

The list can be continued endlessly; it is better to contact a jewelry salon and seek the help of a professional. At auctions you can find samples much more expensive.

Products and decorations made of stone and its use

The use of topaz is maximum in jewelry. Ornamental stone a gem of this rank cannot be considered in any way. Where are faceted samples used:

  • Earrings.
  • Pendants.
  • Necklaces.
  • Bracelets.
  • Brooches.
  • Rings.

Topaz jewelry is engraved using precious metals. Topaz is most successfully combined with gold and platinum.

Pay attention! The cost of jewelry with topaz is equal to products with precious stones.

Products with the mineral fit perfectly into an ensemble with other precious stones. Thus, all-round shine and reflection are achieved.

Medicinal properties: do they exist?

The healing properties of the stone have been known since ancient times. It was used as a protective amulet against many diseases and problems with the body.

IN alternative medicine the mineral is respected and is considered an assistant in any situation:

  1. Restores the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Protection against diseases and inflammation.
  3. Allows you to improve your work in the process of psychological disorders.
  4. Restores vision and other body systems.

Treatment consists of using the stone as an amulet. The gem should be applied to problem areas for a while.

How to distinguish a fake: checking for authenticity

Natural stone has a muted color palette. Bright saturated colors are practically not present this species mineral. In addition, there are several ways to distinguish a fake from the original.

A fake can be identified according to the following criteria:

  1. By color.
  2. The arrangement of crystals inside the gem.
  3. Ringing sound when struck.
  4. Hard to damage by mechanical force.

Synthesize artificial stone expensive, but instead of topaz they can provide less valuable natural stones. If after checking there is still uncertainty, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Mineral deposits

Topaz deposits are limited in quantity.

The origin of gems is determined by natural conditions.

The largest deposit is considered to be:

  • Brazil.
  • Schneckestein.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Russia.

Other mining sites are either too small or the stones are of poor quality.

Care and storage

However, storage requires special conditions: a dark place with normal humidity and low temperature.

Caring for topaz is no different from caring for any other natural mineral.

It is enough to simply carry out the following actions:

  1. Wipe the stone with a damp cloth.
  2. Drying is natural.
  3. Polishing is carried out thanks to natural fabric.

It is undesirable to use chemicals or too aggressive cleaning methods. Ammonia is not used too often for polishing, but in small quantities.

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