To date paper towels found in almost every home. They are used to clean tables, hands, dishes, as well as to remove debris and prevent contamination of clothes and other items. But there are many ways to use paper towels that you may not be aware of.

Here are a few of them:

1. Wrap a paper towel around the bottle olive oil so that it does not drip onto surrounding objects.

2. If you want to soften the cane sugar, place a damp paper towel in the bag of sugar and wait 20 minutes, or place the covered sugar in the microwave for 20 seconds to soften the sugar.

3. If you want to heat food in the microwave, cover the food with a damp paper towel.

Microwaves affect the water molecules found in food, thereby helping it cook. The water evaporates, and if it turns to steam fairly quickly, microwave food becomes rubbery.

4. Store lettuce leaves in a bag, after wrapping them in a paper towel. This way they will retain their freshness for a longer period.

5. Wrap greens in damp paper towels. Herbs dry quickly, and to keep them fresh, parsley, dill or thyme should be wrapped in a damp towel before placing in the refrigerator.

You can also dip the greens in water and then wrap them in a paper towel to keep them fresh.

Useful tips

If you think that paper bags are only suitable for carrying food or storing dry spices, you are very mistaken.

It turns out that they can serve housewives for completely different purposes. Ordinary paper bags can be useful in everyday life in the most unusual situations.

So, if you have that brown paper bag on hand, here are 9 great ideas for where and how it might come in handy:

Application of paper bags

1. As a device that promotes fruit ripening

Can you imagine how an ordinary brown paper bag speeds up the ripening of some fruits and vegetables?

Who would have thought, but by storing them in a paper bag, you can help them ripen quickly! This works for fruits such as bananas, tomatoes, pears, peaches, avocados and many other fruits and vegetables.

Simply place the fruit inside by twisting the top of the bag, then place the bag on a table or cabinet and leave it for a day or two.

Over time, the fruit will begin to release the plant gas ethylene, which is known to promote fruit ripening. The paper bag holds this gas, preventing it from escaping. This way the bag will make the fruits and vegetables ripen faster.

Please note that this method will not work for a plastic or plastic bag, because these materials only contribute to the rotting of the fruit.

How to make popcorn at home

2. Making homemade popcorn

If you have a regular paper bag at home, you can make delicious homemade popcorn in the microwave!

Homemade popcorn tastes much better than store-bought popcorn. This is a great snack between meals.

The principle of making popcorn with a paper bag is the same as regular popcorn with the only difference being that with a paper bag the process of preparing the product becomes easier and more convenient.

So, here's what you'll need to make delicious popcorn:

- The same paper bag;

- Popcorn kernels (you can buy them at your nearest supermarket);

- Oil and salt (optional and to taste).


Step 1:

Place 1/2 cup popcorn kernels in a paper bag.

Step 2:

Fold the top of the paper bag into two layers and place it in the microwave.

Please note that popcorn takes approximately 3 minutes to cook.

Step 3:

Stop the microwave when you hear a cracking sound approximately 1-2 times per second to avoid burning the food.

Step 4:

If desired, you can add salt, spices and butter, and now delicious homemade popcorn is ready!

3. Use a paper bag to clean windows

A paper bag can be used as an ordinary rag or sponge when cleaning glass and glossy surfaces.

Just take this bag, crumple it up well and wipe glass, windows or furniture with it.

4. Use a paper bag as a storage container for snacks

Use paper bags to serve snacks to the table, for example, if we are talking about a party in a rustic style or Provence style, which is especially popular nowadays.

These packages are suitable for such purposes.

Plus, thanks to paper bags, you won't have to wash a lot of dishes. Simply roll up the top of the bag or cut it with scissors, fill it with snacks and serve the delicious snack to the table.

5. Use a paper bag as a trash can

If you suddenly don’t have a special garbage bag at hand, you can use an ordinary paper bag for these purposes.

You can put all your waste in it, and then when it’s full, just throw it in the trash. If the bag has a handle, that's an added plus.

6. Use a paper bag as an organic fertilizer bag

Another great way to use paper bags is to use them to collect garden fertilizer.

This compost may include waste from vegetables and fruits.

Using a paper bag for these purposes is also convenient because when you empty all the contents, you can also use a paper bag. Just throw it into the general fertilizer pile.

Also keep in mind that the smaller the pieces of paper, the faster they will decompose, so if possible, it would be best to tear the bag into small pieces.

7. Use a paper bag as a gift wrapper

You can use a paper bag to wrap a small gift in!

Simply cut the bag so that you can wrap the required item with this paper.

When the package is ready, tie the package beautiful ribbon or brightly colored twine. This final touch will give the package completeness. Here we go everything is a gift ready in original packaging!

(By the way, many people like the simple and uncomplicated look of these small packages self made. Bright glossy packaging has long lost its relevance and is gradually going out of fashion).

Using paper bags

8. Use paper bags as filler

If you have access to a paper shredder, you can put a few paper bags in it to create your own material, which is sometimes a must-have item for the thrifty housewife.

What is this for, you ask?

These shredded scraps of paper can be used as gift filling or as wrapping material.

You can also use it to soften the friction of fragile items, for example, when transporting glass or ceramic goods.

9. In arts and crafts

Cut some paper bags and use them for art projects like drawing and painting.

Or there is another option: paper bags can be used to protect your table from dirt as a tablecloth, for example, if you are working with gouache or watercolor.


The not very favorable economic situation in recent years is forcing many people to reduce their expenses and look for optimal ways to save their family budget. If you are just thinking about purchasing kitchen utensils, then you may want to find out what is cheaper, use paper plates or wash the dishes.

Paper plates

At the grocery store, a 10-pack of average quality paper plates will cost about one dollar. Cheaper deals can be found online, where 1,000 non-laminated rectangular plates (13 x 19) can be purchased for about $10 without shipping.

If you have a family of 4 who eats at home 3 times a day, using one plate each each time, and you invest in 1000 paper plates, they will last you 83 days or almost 3 months.

Standard plates

The price of standard kitchen plates will depend on whether you prefer glass, regular ceramic or fine porcelain. Here you always have a choice - pay for quality or additional quantity.

Let's say you buy a set of mid-price plates that cost about $20. This is more expensive than 1,000 of the cheapest paper plates, but you won't have to buy more every 3 months, although you need to take into account at least the water tariff if you plan to wash dishes by hand.


The dishwasher is the "x-factor" in determining the price benefit. Every time you run the dishwasher, you waste water and electricity, which you have to pay for monthly according to local tariffs.


Buying standard dishes is more cost-effective if your local water and electricity rates aren't too high and you plan to use the dishwasher once or twice a day. On the other hand, paper plates do not need to be washed, they can simply be thrown away after use, which saves not only water and electricity, but also time, which is a significant advantage for some people. However, the simplest economic benefit still lies in washing dishes, not in regularly updating them.

By the way, here is one of our previous publications, where we talked about the durability of porcelain tableware. Perhaps this information will also be useful to you.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum No. 8 named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Rukavishnikov, Tomsk


Zaitseva Anastasia, 3G grade

Scientific supervisor:

Appendix 5. Results of a sociological survey of 3D grade students

Question 1. Question 2." align="left" width="645" height="306 src=">


2. Main part……………………………………………………….......5

2.1. Literature review on the topic…………………………………… …... .5

2.2. Predecessors of paper…………………………………………..…5

2.3. Where and how is paper used? ……………………………………..…8

2.4. What and how is paper made from?................................................... ....................11

3. Practical part of the work……………………………………………..12

3.1. Practical work"Making paper at home"

its results……….............................. …................. ............................

3.2. Sociological survey of students on the topic:

“What do you know about recycling paper?” ……..14

3.3. Forecasting results................................................... ................15

4. Conclusion……………………………………………………………................................... .16

5. List of sources used……………………………………17

6. Appendix………………………………………………………..18


We all, to one degree or another, come across paper and products made from it every day. Paper accompanies a person throughout his life. It reminds you of itself every time you access documents - a passport, diploma, certificate, when you pick up a book, or take a newspaper or magazine out of your mailbox. Many of our actions are related to paper. It is needed both for business letters and for creative work, and for household needs.

But what do we know about paper? Paper comes to us in all its variety of types and shapes, in a variety of products. Drawings and graphs, catalogs and maps, certificates and product packaging - all this and much more is made of paper. Paper gives us ample opportunities for creativity: it can be folded, cut, glued. You can draw and print on it.

Relevance of the chosen topic: Every year the need for paper increases, and the reserves of wood from which it is obtained decrease. Therefore, the use of recycled materials to produce paper is one of the most important solutions to this problem.

We accumulate a lot of different paper waste at home. It was decided to try to use this waste at home to recycle paper.

Hypothesis: Is it possible to use waste paper to make paper at home?

Target: learning how to make paper at home from different types paper waste.

Z research objectives:

ñ study the history of paper;

ñ get to know the ways of using paper;

ñ try out some ways to make paper at home, show the use of the resulting paper;

ñ identify students’ awareness of the use of recycled paper materials.

Object of study: is waste paper (waste paper).

Subject of research: paper can be recycled.


ñ analysis of literature on the topic of work;

ñ experiment;

ñ sociological survey;

- forecasting.

Significance and applied value of the work is to teach schoolchildren to take care of natural resources, instill in them manual skills, and expand knowledge about the history of paper making.


Literature review on the topic

Predecessors of paper

It’s impossible to imagine without paper modern world. Without her there would be no newspapers, magazines, or books. But before its invention, man tried to adapt all sorts of materials for writing in the process of his long historical cultural development. The most ancient people drew pictograms (inscriptions - drawings) on palm leaves using a sharp fish bone, and carved these drawings on animal bones.

The ancient Chinese wrote their characters with ink (a special liquid) using a brush on bamboo tablets and silk scrolls. The Phoenicians also wrote with a composition similar to ink on clay shards. Residents of Mesopotamia squeezed out wedges on damp clay with a wooden stick. And in ancient Novgorod, birch bark was in use - birch bark, inscriptions were made on it using a pointed stick - “wrote”.

In different parts of the world they were looking for more convenient material for writing. The first material specifically created for writing was papyrus. The making of papyrus arose in ancient Egypt approximately about 3.5 thousand years BC. It was prepared from a single reed plant growing in the lower reaches of the Nile. This plant has a straight stem up to 5 meters high. To prepare the writing material, only the lower part of the stem, about 60 centimeters long, was used.
This material was called papyrus. Not only is he the closest ancestor of paper, but he also gave it its name. In many languages, paper is still called papyrus: in German - papir, in French - papier, in English - paper. Papyrus was not durable: a sheet made from it could not be folded or bent.

Therefore, they began to make long ribbons from it, which were wound around a stick with a handle. The result was scrolls on which books and documents were copied. In addition to papyrus, the stems of some palm trees began to be used. They were also used to make scrolls and small sheets of paper. They were written on in Ancient India and Tibet. The scrolls were placed in special baskets. The Egyptians achieved great perfection in the production of papyrus. It was readily bought in neighboring countries. Entire libraries were created from papyrus scrolls. Thus, the library in the city of Alexandria contained more than 500 thousand scrolls.

In the 2nd century BC in Asia Minor in the kingdom of Pergamon in the city of Pergamum, the production of excellent writing material was organized, but not from papyrus, but from the skins of young animals - calves, lambs, goats, donkeys - processed in a special way. After the name of the city, this material became known as parchment. Unlike papyrus, parchment was much stronger, more elastic, more durable, it was easier to write on it, and on both sides, and if necessary, the text could be easily washed off and a new one applied. But despite these advantages of parchment, its production was labor-intensive and it was an expensive material.

Since papyrus and parchment were expensive materials, ceras were used for short-term recordings and for teaching writing - wooden tablets fastened together, covered with wax. Records were made with a style - a metal stick, one end of which was pointed and the other flattened so that it could be used to smooth out the inscription.

The making of paper is usually associated with the name of the Chinese Cai Lun and dates back to 105 AD. However, paper began to be produced in China even earlier.

The merit of Tsai Lun is that he generalized and improved the method of making paper already known in China. According to legend, the emperor entrusted Cai Lun with writing material no worse than silk,

but much cheaper.

Cai Lun's search led him to the wasps. The thin but durable material from which the wasps' nests were made was most similar to what he was looking for. After conducting hundreds of experiments, the scientist came to the conclusion that something similar could be obtained from mulberry bark, hemp bast, torn fishing nets and old fabrics. All this must be ground and boiled, mixed with a liquid similar to insect saliva. The resulting mass must be scooped out with a sieve made of silk threads attached to a bamboo frame. When all the water has drained, the remaining wet leaf should be soaked in the secret composition. All that remains is to dry and smooth it between the stone slabs. And here it is - the desired material, which does not absorb ink, on which the contours of what is written do not blur. Recipes for making paper sheets were kept as a big state secret. In 610, the paper secret was taken by the Buddhist monks Donho and Gozo to Korea and Japan.
In 650, soldiers who had escaped from Chinese captivity and worked in paper “factories” began making paper in Samarkand. So, not only the Japanese, but also the Arabs adopted the secret of making paper from the Chinese. They brought it to Spain, and from there the art of making paper spread throughout the world.

It is believed that the Russian word paper comes from the Tatar word "bumug", which means cotton. The first widespread acquaintance of the people of Rus' with paper occurred in the middle of the 13th century, when Batu Khan, to collect tribute, carried out the first national census of the population of Rus' on paper, which at that time was used in Northern China conquered by the Mongol-Tatars, as well as in Turkestan and Persia, with which they were in trade relations.

Paper own production appeared in Rus' in the second

half of the 16th century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The beginning of mass paper production in Russia was laid by Peter I. To provide factories with raw materials, by royal decree, the army and navy collected old sails, untarred ropes, ropes and rags. Civilians were asked to bring the remains of worn-out linen items “for a fee,” while peasants were charged a “rag” tax. The development of paperwork was facilitated by the decree of 1721 on the mandatory use of domestic paper in official records management.

Now paper remains one of the most common stationery. Paper serves not only for writing and printing, it finds the widest application everywhere.

Where and how is paper used?

We carry various paper items with us all the time. Everyone has documents in their pockets or bag. Rarely does anyone do without notebook. It's rare that families now don't know such convenient and practical things as paper tablecloths, towels, napkins, and disposable tableware.

And of course, everyone had to deal with paper banknotes.

On the street, paper appears before us as a theater poster, in a school classroom - as a geographical map. Paper gave life to many different people, but people need items - an envelope and a stamp, a plane ticket and a student notebook. If previously paper was intended mainly for writing and printing, now the boundaries of its service have expanded. In 1960, people learned what it looks like reverse side Moons. Spacecraft photographed it and transmitted the image to Earth, where it was reproduced on special paper.

Paper is increasingly conquering various fields of technology. Today, paper is made fire-resistant, resistant to gases, vapors, moisture, and acids.

Today paper is a faithful assistant to builders. It successfully replaces wood, marble, iron, and stone. In the American state of Nebraska, a real paper bridge 11 m long was built, on which vehicular traffic is open. In the USA, near Philadelphia, there is a plant producing residential paper and cardboard houses. The walls are made of two-layer corrugated cardboard, and the parts of window frames, doors, and roofs are pressed from paper.

Every year builders require more and more brick, stone, and cement. Previously, cement was transported in wooden barrels. And now cement is poured into paper bags, which are made from durable sulfate cellulose. They take up less space, are lighter and cheaper than barrels.

They also make paper bags in which you can put vegetables and safely leave them for a long time in the rain or in the snow. IN recent years In many countries, garbage has been collected in paper bags. This is much more convenient and hygienic than using more common metal or plastic containers - barrels, buckets, boxes. Food waste in paper bags does not decompose because air continuously flows through the paper and they do not heat up. Bags of garbage are burned, buried in the ground or sent for recycling.

Modern furniture is also related to paper. The sparkling surface of a table or cabinet doors with an intricate pattern is nothing more than a sheet of paper pressed onto a chipboard. Such furniture is strong, beautiful and durable. Recently, it has become fashionable to cover the walls of workrooms and offices, hallways and living rooms with panels made of fiberboards. All this became possible

thanks to paper.

Nowadays, furniture itself is made from paper. Paper tables, chairs, bookcases, armchairs are light and comfortable.

Clothes are made from paper and linen is made. For many years, Sweden has been producing blankets consisting of 10-30 layers of elastic crepe paper, inserted into a duvet cover made of linen or cotton fabric. You won’t freeze under such a blanket even in a cold room. The paper from which linen and clothes are made is not like ordinary paper. It feels like cotton fabric or silky fluffy wool - for winter clothing. Paper fabric can even be made waterproof.

Paper is increasingly being used to make tableware. Plates, cups, and bottles are made from it. Cheap, convenient, hygienic, they enjoy well-deserved success among consumers. If all glass bottles are replaced with paper bags, the government will save hundreds of millions of rubles. A lot of workers will be freed up - points for receiving glass milk containers will be closed, washing machines will not be needed. And glass factories will begin to produce more valuable products.

Washable wallpaper and self-adhesive wallpaper are made from special types of paper.

In pharmaceutical practice, it is often necessary to filter various solutions. And here paper comes to the rescue. About 400 different products for the pharmaceutical industry are made from paper today.

All this requires a lot of paper and its production is growing rapidly every year, but the forest area on our planet is also rapidly decreasing. And this cannot be allowed. Therefore, scientists all over the world are looking for a replacement for wood, so as not to cut down the forest and send it to pulp and paper mills. They are already trying to make paper from

glass and stone, synthetic fibers, polymer films, waste paper collection is very important.

What and how is paper made from?

Waste paper plays an important role in paper production. Its use helps reduce wood consumption for paper production, which is very important from an environmental point of view. Technologies using paper rag waste make it possible to obtain paper high quality without affecting natural sources.

Despite the fact that industrial paper production is well established around the world, interest in handmade paper is growing every day. Nowadays, handmade products are highly valued, because they retain the warmth of human hands and have no analogues. The same can be said about handmade paper.

“Handmade” paper is not like machine-made paper, and from the point of view of technical standards it is worse: uneven in thickness, usually less smooth, sometimes too fragile - such paper is not always suitable for printing. But handmade paper has one undeniable advantage that makes you forget all its shortcomings - absolute exclusivity. Paper craftsmen have long noticed one pattern: even if the same materials are used when casting two sheets and the manufacturing technology remains unchanged, they will still be at least slightly different from each other. The effect of surprise is what paper craftsmen value most; maybe it is he who transforms papermaking from a craft into an art.

Practical part of the work

Practical work “Making paper at home”, its results

Target: 1.Get paper at home from used newspapers and written notebook sheets.

To achieve this goal, experiments were carried out.

Experience No. 1.

To obtain paper at home from paper waste, the following technique was used.


ñ frames with a mesh for filtering liquid;

ñ blender


You can use a wide variety of paper for work: documents, old newspapers, egg trays, toilet paper.

To make 2-3 sheets of paper you need approximately 3-4 liters of mass. The thinner the paper we want to get in the end, the more water we take at the beginning.

For painting, you can use any paints, starting with gouache. Best effect They give you acrylic paints, we also tinted them with colored corrugated paper, mixing paints looks interesting.

As an additive and to create an effect, we add dry leaves and petals, sparkles, colored threads, pieces of thin colored paper to the mass (when it is laid out on the frame) in small quantities and with taste.


1. The paper collected for work is torn into small pieces, filled with water and placed in a blender, where it is crushed until smooth. When the paper pulp is ready, it is applied to a frame with a mesh and covered with a frame without a mesh. It takes some time to let the water drain.

2. The top frame is removed.

3. To the surface paper pulp you can lay out petals, colored threads, glitter to create the desired effect.

4. Turn the frame over with the grid facing up and use a sponge to remove all excess moisture. After this, carefully remove the frame with the mesh and leave it to dry for several hours.

5. Finally, iron the resulting paper through a thin rag or newspaper.

Conclusion: The first experiment was carried out with old newspapers. The result was rough paper, gray, The resulting paper can be used for household needs ( toilet paper, napkins, as wrapping material) (Appendix 1)

Experience No. 2. Getting colored paper.

In order to obtain colored paper, the previously obtained mixture was colored with dye (green paint, gouache, leftover printer inks).

Conclusion: was received colored paper. This paper can be used for children's creativity in technology lessons, for making gifts (Appendix 2)

Experience No. 3. Obtaining paper from notebook sheets.

To obtain paper at home from written notebook sheets, the same technique was used.

Conclusion: the paper turned out to be more delicate and white-bluish in color. (Appendix 3)

Experience No. 4. Getting white paper.

To get white paper, we added chlorine bleach to the prepared mixture of written notebook sheets.

Conclusion: turned out to be paper white. (Appendix 4)

Sociological survey on the topic:

“What do you know about recycling paper?”

Purpose of the survey: identifying students’ awareness of the use of recycled paper (waste paper).

1. As you know, paper is obtained from wood, the reserves of which are becoming less and less every year, and the need for paper is increasing. What solution to this problem can you offer?

2. Do you know what waste paper is used to produce?

3. Do you consider it necessary to participate in the collection of waste paper?

Analysis of a sociological survey.

23 people took part in the survey (Appendix 5)

As a result of the survey, it was found that 71% of students know how to preserve wood reserves. The children proposed a solution to this problem

waste paper collection, 29% - do not know how to solve the problem of forest conservation.

About recycling paper raw materials:

know - 82% of students

don’t know – 18% of students

11 people They gave 3 answer options, 6 people – 2 options, 6 people – 1 option. Total 51 options.

Out of 23 students, they believe that waste paper is used for the production of:

newspapers - 19 people. (37.2%);

toilet paper and napkins - 5 people. (9.8%);

wallpaper – 4 people. (7.9%);

books – 10 people. (19.7%);

boxes – 13 people. (25.4%)

76% believe that waste paper collection is necessary;

17% do not consider it necessary to participate in the collection and delivery of waste paper;

7% find it difficult to answer.

Forecasting results

For one month, students in our class collected waste paper. After weighing it, it turned out that 8 kilograms had been collected. This means that in one academic year 8 ∙ 9 = 72 kg will be collected.

And for all the years of study at the lyceum 72 * 11 = 792 kg. It follows that only one class can save almost 8 trees. Further calculations look like this: parallel Students primary school for one training session

year: 72 * 16 = 1152 kg (we will save 11 trees), and for all years of study:

1152 * 11 = 12672 kg (we will save 126 trees). Draw your own conclusions!


1. As a result of the work done, we studied the history of paper.

2. After studying various sources, we tried one of the methods for making paper at home. Using old newspapers and written notebook sheets, we were able to get paper of different quality, and with the help of dyes and bleach we were able to get paper of different colors.

Thus, we confirmed our hypothesis about the possibility of obtaining paper at home.

The resulting paper can be used for household needs, as well as for children's creativity in technology lessons at school, for making gifts, which will save the family budget and the natural resources of our country. (Appendix 6)

3. As a result of a sociological survey conducted among students in our class, it turned out that most of the children are ready to take an active part in collecting and distributing waste paper.

4. We predicted the number of trees saved under conditions of careful use of paper.

Today we live in times of enormous information progress. But this does not mean that the paper era is coming to an end. Paper is still an important element in the printing process; for many people, reading books remains a great pleasure, and a book in a beautiful edition can be a wonderful gift for any occasion. This means that we can say with confidence that paper will take up space for a long time. important place in our lives.


1. Aleksin is like that. Who is this? - M., Pedagogy Publishing House, 1990. pp. 188-190

2. Lvov S. A book about a book. – M.: Education, 1980, p. 15, p. 96

3. "Novaya Gazeta" No., 2005

4. I experience the world. - M.: AST Publishing House, 2000. p. 97

5. Skvernyukov about paper. - M.: Moscow worker, 1980, pp. 9-13, p. 79 – 92, from 150 – 208.

6. Khoreva G. A. “Your alternative to nuclear power plants” Book 2 / Family Energy Passport / Ed. 2nd, revised and augmented. – Murmansk, 2002. – 32 p.

Internet sources:

2. http: //*****

4. Do-it-yourself paper Country of Masters. mht

Last time fashion trend began to decorate the interior of apartments, houses and banquet halls with huge paper flowers. They attract attention with their originality, bright colors and unusual manufacturing techniques. Although such products are short-lived, they are loved by craftsmen all over the world, because they are not difficult to make, require little material, and are inexpensive. You can update the interior every month, and even more often in celebration rooms.

In this article we will look at how to make paper flowers for the wall with your own hands, and what material you need to prepare for the work. We will share our knowledge about the methods and methods of making different flowers and leaves, how to attach them to the wall and to each other. The photographs presented will help you understand the material presented and choose something interesting for yourself.

Required materials

Do-it-yourself large paper flowers are made from the most different materials. Bright and colorful they are obtained from thin isolon from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm. It is purchased in hardware stores, as it is considered an insulating material. You can cut it with simple scissors, as the sheets are quite soft. It comes in different colors, so it’s easy to choose the one you need for the job.

Simpler DIY paper flowers are made from material with a density of 100 g/m2, rolls corrugated paper, some products can even be made from thick napkins. The parts are glued together either with hot glue or thick and fresh PVA.

In order to assemble a beautiful and lush flower, you will need: cardboard for cutting out patterns of petals and leaves, a simple pencil for tracing the contours, scissors for cutting out elements. If you are planning to make a rose, then you can bend the flower petals with a knitting needle or a round wooden stick.

To work, free up some space in the room and prepare a flat surface on the table, removing everything unnecessary. Let's start the explanation by making flowers with our own hands from paper napkins.

Dahlias from napkins

For work, purchase large thick napkins. First you need to unfold each one on the table surface, then put several products on top of each other and fold everything like an accordion, turning the product back and forth. When you have a thin strip, bend it in half to accurately determine the center point of the craft. It is on this that you need to tie a ribbon or thin thread that will hold the entire flower. Some craftsmen make small triangular cuts of paper in the middle so that the knot squeezes the napkin as little as possible.

The edges are cut in a semicircle, as can be clearly seen in frame No. 3 in the photo above. When everything is prepared, carefully, so as not to tear the thin leaves, straighten all layers of paper to the middle. You should get a lush flower-ball. Using the end of a thread or thin ribbon, you can hang it on a wall, a chandelier, a cornice, or one above the other, like a garland. The craft will look beautiful lying on a table or shelf.

Using corrugated paper

The principle of making such paper flowers for the wall with your own hands is similar to the previously described method of assembling with an accordion, but it is made from the folds of a whole roll of corrugated paper. Each fold is made at a distance of 6-8 cm from the previous one. The ends are rounded with scissors, and in the center, be sure to reduce the size of the paper by making two triangular cuts. After tying with nylon thread, the layers of paper are carefully straightened in all directions.

To place a center in a contrasting color, press the paper down slightly, making a small indentation. The middle is made up of a strip 10 cm wide, one edge of which is cut into “noodles”. After twisting the prepared strip around a rod (knitting needle, wooden skewer or pencil), coat the end with PVA glue and press it to the last turn. Then attach the finished part to the central point of the flower. The craft is ready!

Thick paper aster

You can assemble a paper flower on the wall with your own hands from many parts. The following sample shows that the product consists of large petals of the same size, arranged in two rows. The central part of the craft is assembled from 3 different parts in increasing order. The middle hides all the joints and is made using a method that we will describe later in the article.

First let's figure out how to do the biggest elements of the job. Cut them all out using one template, folding the sheet in half. At the junction, a round base is glued in the center, onto which all the petals are glued. Start work from the outer circle. The middle is attached last.

Let's look at how to do it further. You will need a long strip of paper, on which frequent cuts are made on top to the same depth with “noodles”. Then roll it around a thin knitting needle, pressing the turns tightly together. The remaining end is attached with PVA glue to the last turn. The result is a voluminous center of the flower, which at the very end of the work is attached to the central point of the craft, smearing the end of the strip with glue. Press down the circle a little so that the glue sets. You can attach such a flower to the wall using double-sided tape in the middle. The petals should remain voluminous.

Lush rose

Making paper flowers with your own hands is easy. For example, such a lush rose, as in the photo below, is made up of petals cut out according to a template. Their size and shape are visible in the lower frames. To ensure that the rose has a natural appearance, the edges of the blanks are twisted around a pencil or using a metal knitting needle. It is enough to stretch the edge on its surface, pressing the workpiece tightly with your finger, and the petal will gracefully curl the end of the paper into a wave.

Begin gluing the petals from the outer edge. An ordinary circle is used as a basis. Each subsequent petal is placed with a slight overlap on the previous one.

Pattern flower

The next option is assembled from multi-colored parts of the same shape, but of different sizes. Each petal consists of four elements. Production begins with black paper flowers. With your own hands, glue the largest parts onto the wall around a small central circle, after first bending the edges with a wave.

Next, attach the parts in order of decreasing size. The middle of the flower looks original. The loops need to be long and thin. To do this, take a wide strip and fold it in half. Only then the edge is cut into “noodles”, and quite thin ones at that. If you do custom work while earning money, then don’t skimp and buy special scissors that have many parallel blades. With one press, several cuts are made at once. This is convenient when you need to make a lot of paper flowers for the wall with your own hands.

When you have cut the center, roll it in the usual way and attach it to the center of the flower from the petals. At the end, press the cut part of the strip in different directions, and attach a small butterfly in the middle.

Flower arrangement

You already understand how to make paper flowers with your own hands. The principle of performing the work is similar in each product. The differences are minor and understandable to an experienced craftsman. For example, in the photo below you can see that burgundy petals cut out according to a template were first attached to the central circle, and the middle is made up of prepared strips of different widths.

When winding the strips onto the rod, the operation was first performed on a thin strip, then the wider part was glued to its edge, and the winding was continued to the end. The edge was attached to the last turn with PVA and the entire middle was placed at the central point of the large paper flower. The work is interestingly complemented by carved figured leaves of the same color as the fluffy part of the craft itself.

Crafts from cones

You can decorate walls or doors with paper flowers using cones by gluing them with sharp tips to the center with hot glue. For work, you can use paper of the same color or different ones. A craft in which all the layers are multi-colored, but in harmony with each other, looks beautiful. For example, make the outer layer dark burgundy, the next layer red, then pink, pale pink, and finally lay out the white center.

Cone tubes are made from square sheets of thick paper. Some craftsmen make room decorations from magazine and even newspaper pages.

Additional items

Bright green leaves will decorate any flowers on the wall. They are made in different ways, for example, by making shaped cuts on a sheet folded in half. Looks nice corrugated craft. Let's look at the example below original version sheet element assembled from individual parts.

The photo shows that thick colored double-sided paper was used, which holds the required shape well. Rounded arcs with thin edges of different sizes are cut out on the parts folded in half. The fold is carefully smoothed with your fingers. The prepared parts are folded together, pressing them tightly at the base. They are placed in decreasing order of size towards the ends. Some smaller leaves are inserted between larger ones to finished product it looked natural.

The lower part of the bundle is first fastened together with a stapler, and then pasted over with a thin strip in several layers. The result is spectacular pointed palm leaves that will go well with any wall decoration.

Knowing the principles of making large flowers, you can create your own compositions that match the interior of the room. Bring your creative ideas to life by following our tips. Good luck!