Recently, certain changes have been observed in the pension sector in Russia. occurred in February and affected insurance types of payments, which increased by 4%. This change affected only non-working recipients financial assistance from the state.

One-time payment of 5,000 rubles

The second indexing was supposed to take place in the second half of 2016. However, due to the crisis state of the economy, it was decided to replace indexing.

The increase is a set value equal to . According to calculations, this corresponds on average to the increase that would be paid after full indexing was completed. For example, with an increase in pensions by 8% and the average amount of security 13200 rubles the increase would be about 1000 rubles monthly. Accordingly, the corresponding amount is accumulated over five months.

The payment is assigned to the following citizens:

  1. persons receiving all types of pensions and state security payments;
  2. citizens living within the Russian Federation;
  3. former military personnel who are entitled to pensions through law enforcement agencies, or who are entitled to two types pension provision.

The funds will be transferred to both the unemployed and employed pensioners. Only persons receiving Russian pension and living in foreign countries.

Advantages one-time payment:

  • savings for the Russian budget;
  • affects both working pensioners and those who do not have additional income;
  • opportunity to save for Pension Fund, since interest is charged for transferring funds;
  • support for low-income citizens with a small pension, for whom it is more profitable to receive such a transfer.

Flaws one-time payment:

  • the existing level of inflation is not compensated;
  • for recipients of high pensions this option is less profitable;
  • compensation will not affect basic pension;
  • the payment will not appear in future indexing.

The payment delivery schedule will be carried out according to the dates set by the authorities. Pensioners will be able to receive 5,000 rubles from January 13 to January 28, 2017.

Results of a survey on the topic “Is the payment of 5,000 rubles a worthy replacement for the second indexation of pension benefits?”

Indexation of pensions from February 1, 2017

Indexation refers to the annual increase in pension payments associated with a decrease in purchasing power. From 2017, it is planned to carry out indexing strictly in accordance with current legislation.

The increase will affect insurance pensions. They are adjusted according to the amount of inflation accumulated based on the results of 2016. Insurance pensions will increase in accordance with the consumer price growth index for the previous year. For state security benefits, the change is taken into account living wage.

The one-time compensation that will be transferred to pensioners in January will not be taken into account when indexing. The calculations will include the amount of payments generated at the end of the year.

According to Rosstat estimates, inflation for 2016 amounted to 5,4% . It is this figure that will be used for further increases, but taking into account adjustments at the end of the year. The increase in insurance pensions and social payments is made in February. The Pension Fund will spend an additional 327.3 billion and 262.3 billion, respectively, on implementation. The corresponding Resolution on indexation was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on January 23, 2017. Later, a resolution was issued to carry out a second indexation of 0.38%.

Along with the insurance pension, social payments and daily allowance will increase from February 1. For example, disabled people of group 1 will receive 3538.52 rubles, and war invalids - 5054.11 rubles.

Funded pension in 2017

According to the latest pension news for 2017, freezing the storage part will remain until 2019. This measure was adopted in 2014, and now savings will be frozen for the fourth time.

According to the current pension system, the tariff for this type pensions are 6% for all citizens. The insurance part should provide pension payments to pensioners at the present time, and the funded part goes to the formation of pensions for citizens who transfer insurance contributions. If you transfer it to a non-state fund, you can get higher income in the future.

Due to the unstable economic situation, it was decided to use the funded pension to cover current expenses. Transfers made to citizens can be taken into account as pension points. This will affect the final size of the pension, but today it is impossible to say what its cost will be.

It was decided to increase the payment period funded pension to 240 months. This value will be used to calculate the monthly amount of benefits that will be provided after retirement for life.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that pension savings can be partially unfrozen since 2018. There are fears that it will not be possible to fully restore the frozen funds in the next three years. Therefore, it is possible that defrosting will be up to 3%, and will be further increased to the required 6%. To achieve this, it is planned to introduce a system of individual capital, into which contributions will be made by employers. So far there is no talk of abolishing the funded part, since this would negatively affect citizens’ trust in government policy.

Pension for employed pensioners

Social pensions

Recipients social pensions are citizens who, due to certain circumstances, do not have the opportunity to earn a living on their own. This includes the following categories of persons:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including minors;
  • children and full-time students who have lost their breadwinner;
  • have reached a certain age.

Pensions for disabled people, like other social benefits, are subject to indexation in accordance with federal legislation. This takes into account the increase in the cost of living for pension recipients.

State pension and social pensions expects an increase from April 1, 2017. The amount of payments will increase by 1,5% . In 2017, the average size of this type of pension will be 8,803 rubles, and for disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - 13,349 rubles.

Military pensions

Several types of payments are provided for military personnel and their families: for length of service, for the loss of a breadwinner, and in the event of disability. The pension is calculated on the basis of the amount of money or salary that the military man received. An increase in pension is possible due to regional coefficients that apply to a certain area, as well as in the presence of certain titles. Minimum pensions for this category of citizens are determined taking into account the calculated value social pension.

Military pensions in 2017 will be accrued in a special manner. Previously, federal legislation regulated a certain amount of pension provision, equal to 54% from monetary allowance. Every year since 2013 this figure was subject to increase by 2% until it reaches 100%.

The new bill establishes a pension for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the amount of 72,23% from the assigned pension - a reduction factor. Thus, indexation of military pensions in 2017 amounted to about 4% .

Indexation of military pensions will not take place in October 2017. There is no information from the Government about increasing the salaries of military personnel; accordingly, military pensions calculated on their basis will also not increase.

Increasing the retirement age

From 2017, it is planned to introduce an increase in the age required for retirement for government employees. The corresponding bill was adopted by the State Duma. Until the end of the year pensions for civil servants are accrued according to general rules, like other citizens in Russia (women - from 55 years old, men - from 60 years old).

According to the final version of the project, it is subject to increase sequentially from the beginning of 2017. The annual increase will be 6 months. As a result, it will be 63 years old for women and 65 years old for men.

The innovation will affect citizens holding government positions at the level of the country, constituent entities and municipalities. It is also planned to gradually increase minimum experience stay in the civil service, allowing you to retire, up to 20 years. The new rules change the period of work as a deputy in the State Duma and the Federation Council, which is necessary to receive an increase in the insurance pension. Now this requires work 15.5 years in 2017.

Information was previously published that the age for receiving a pension will increase up to 65 years old for the male and female population of the country. Latest news The Pension Fund reports that an increase in this indicator is not planned for citizens in the near future.

Living wage for a pensioner

When planning the state budget for the next year, the Government reduced for individuals retirement age. In 2016 its value was 8803 rub., whereas next year it is taken equal 8540 rub.. Decreases material support for pensioners who do not have additional sources of income.

This indicator is set at the federal level. However, regional authorities set their own PM, which may be higher or lower than the national figure. If the payments assigned to a pensioner do not reach the minimum monthly wage, then he is entitled to a social supplement.

The decision to reduce this figure is due to the fact that the rate of price growth for consumers has decreased, so there has been a decrease in the forecast base.

Low-income pensioners who receive minimum pension, the level of material support will be maintained. In 2017, they will receive a pension no lower than that accrued in 2016. For this purpose, the federal budget will allocate several billion rubles. However, this measure will remain in place for only one year. Citizens who will become non-working pensioners in 2017 are guaranteed up to 8803 RUR.

Average pension size in 2017

Taking into account the increase by the projected inflation rate, the average social pension will be RUB 8,774. And 13229 rubles for disabled children.

Pension reform in 2018

What will be your pension? Russian citizens in the future, it will show pension reform, which may come into force in 2018. If the bill is adopted, Russian citizens will decide for themselves how much money to save for retirement. After retirement, they will be able to use the accumulated capital.

As a result, the funded segment of the pension will be eliminated, and payments will consist only of the insurance part in the amount 22% . The funds received will be enough to make current payments to pensioners. However, in the future it is necessary to provide workers with a decent pension.

As a result, the following scheme was developed. Citizens will be able to determine how much money needs to be transferred to their pension. The percentage may be from 1 to 6. In automatic mode, the system will be applied to persons who are just starting to work or have recently started working. Other citizens will have to write a statement.

Savings funds will be placed in non-state funds. For those starting work for the first time, the fund selection will be made automatically. For other citizens, there is the opportunity to choose an organization and, if necessary, change it. If the fund is changed, the accumulated funds will be transferred to the new account in full.

If citizens already have a funded part, then for them the rate will increase with 0 to 6 percent. The increase will be 1% per year. You can suspend contributions at any time, but this period should not exceed 5 years. In case of need, a citizen will be able to withdraw funds before retirement age.


  1. In 2016, changes regarding pensions affected various types payments.
  2. Freezing the storage part pensions will last for another three years.
  3. In the future, the option of partially defrosting savings is possible.
  4. The second indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time compensation.
  5. The one-time payment in January 2017 will be 5 thousand rubles.
  6. Pension increase in 2017 will be 5.8%.
  7. Military pensions will increase from the beginning of next year.
  8. A one-time payment is also provided for military pensioners.
  9. If employed, the pensioner loses the right to indexation.
  10. Working citizens of retirement age are entitled to recalculation of payments.
  11. For disabled people and other recipients of social benefits, pensions will be indexed by 1.5%.
  12. The increase in the age limit affected only government employees.
  13. Will there be the retirement age has been raised, depends on adoption new reform and other changes in 2018.
  14. PM will decrease from 2017, but for recipients minimum pension payments will remain at the same level.
  15. New pension system implies the voluntary formation by citizens of a funded part.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding pensions in 2017

Question: From what year should you expect raising the retirement age?

Answer: Currently, this question remains open. Increasing the age limit required for retirement has been talked about for quite some time. IN existing conditions The pension system is not able to provide for the growing number of pensioners. After a few years, the contributions made for employees will not be enough to pay pensions. According to authorized persons, changes in this area will take place no earlier than 2018.

Question: How can I get lump sum payment in 2017?

Answer: To receive one-time compensation, you do not need to contact the Pension Fund. Funds will be available as usual pension delivery schedule. If the January pension is issued in December, the payment will be made additionally in January. You can clarify the procedure for receiving the bonus at the post office or other service that delivers pensions.

Question: How quickly can a pensioner receive a pension, taking into account indexation after dismissal?

Answer: A pensioner will be able to receive an increase only after a certain time after dismissal. To process the information received and adjust the amount of payments, the responsible services will need time. If the dismissal occurred in September, then information about this will appear only in the reporting for October. The report will be sent to the Pension Fund only in November. In December, the Pension Fund will make a decision on increasing the pension, and the adjusted amount will be transferred from January.

Many Russian pensioners show increased interest in their financial security. They ask numerous questions to the authorities, hoping that in the foreseeable future pensions will be indexed more actively and there will be more money in the treasury.

On at the moment There is activity among pensioners in our country regarding the increase in pensions from July 1, 2017. People, relying on rumors, are trying to find out whether pensions will actually be indexed from the first day of the month. Alas, we should immediately answer that the government has nothing of the kind in its plans. If pensions are indexed in the future, it will certainly not be from July 1 of this year.

The latest news points to a modest increase in pensions for working pensioners, which will take place on August 1. This will be a traditional recalculation, so there is absolutely no reason to expect any colossal increases.

The previous increase in pensions for a number of categories of Russian citizens took place on April 1. It is difficult to say what will happen next, since the authorities are trying not to get too far ahead.

Previously, the authorities of our country admitted that during the crisis they had to take a number of unprecedented measures in order to at least slightly reduce the social burden on the budget. As an example, it is striking complete failure from indexation of pensions for working pensioners. Of course, this category of citizens reacted negatively to this news.

Please note that without an application from the pensioner, recalculation will be performed when transferring from one type of insurance coverage to an old-age insurance pension. The size of the fixed payment for citizens who have reached the age of 80 will increase without application.

Thus, August 1, 2017 will happen automatic or non-declaration recalculation of pensions. In this case, insurance premiums paid for pensioners in 2016 will be taken into account.

Let us remind you that previously the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was temporarily suspended, writes The last time pensions in Russia were increased was in April 2017.

From July 1, Russians will receive payment cards from the national system “Mir” when receiving a pension.

As the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation clarified, the new cards will be received by pensioners who should start receiving a pension no earlier than July 1; If they choose to have their pension delivered to a bank account that allows for transactions using payment cards, credit institutions will be required to issue cards using national payment instruments.

In addition, according to the department, changes are being made to the Administrative Regulations, according to which the applicant applying for a pension is warned about the need to use national payment instruments if he chooses to have his pension delivered to an account with a credit institution.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the gradual transfer of state employees and pensioners to Mir payment cards.

The document obliges banks to ensure the acceptance of national payment instruments, that is, Mir cards, in all their devices intended for making payments using payment cards, including ATMs, by July 1, 2017.

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– the latest and most recent news about the indexation of pensions for working and non-working pensioners. What can those who are already retired and those who are just about to receive a pension expect from the state?

Indexation of pensions in 2017-2018 – to whom, how much and when?

To begin with, we note that money for additional payments to the pensions of Russians has already been included in the budget, as previously reported. It remains to summarize how many waves of indexation should we expect in 2018 and are there any increases left at the end of 2017?

All waves of pension indexation for all categories of pensioners and beneficiaries took place in February, April and August 2017. January of the new year is just around the corner with new numbers. In 2018, three waves of indexation are expected, which will be divided into consumers: first - non-working pensioners, then - social pensioners, then – working pensioners.

Indexation schedule for 2018 by month:

January 1 - 3.7%. Recipients are, respectively, non-working pensioners who receive an insurance pension. This means that citizens have accumulated enough experience to receive an insurance pension. The insurance pension is formed from the monthly insurance contributions of working Russians (not pensioners) to the Pension Fund. That is, working “youth” provide pensions. In other words, those who paid enough in their time receive it. Let us remind you that this indexation is for pensioners who are not registered at work.

April 1 – 4.1%. Recipients are social pensioners, that is, those who receive social benefits receive it from the state. These are disabled people, veterans and orphans, as well as those citizens whose work record book does not contain the length of service to receive an insurance pension. As the Pension Fund explains, all those who have a social pension less than the subsistence minimum have the right to additional payments in their region of residence.

August 1 – points. Recipients are working pensioners. Disclaimer - indexation of pensions still passes by those who continue to work. As KP ​​reports, citing the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, nothing has changed for them yet:

“We have not changed the conditions, the moratorium has been maintained,” Topilin said.

However, this does not mean that pensioners work just like that, and not for the sake of their length of service and social guarantees. Experience, which is added to what has already been accumulated, also affects pension payments even without any indexing.

Pensions for working pensioners were not indexed, but points were indexed.

Thus, in 2018, the amount of one pension point will be 81.49 rubles compared to 78.58 rubles in 2017. The size of the point depends on length of service and salary, and during several years of the moratorium on indexation, working pensioners, of course, earned something. These points will be taken into account in subsequent payments, however, as reported by the Pension Fund, no more than 3 points per year will be taken into account, that is, the “ceiling” for an increase in pension in this case is 245 rubles...

Also, subject to delayed retirement, an increasing adjustment factor will be applied to the assigned pension, by which the pension will be multiplied if the person decides to leave work.

Indexation for military pensioners happens outside of the general plan. The increase in military personnel is controlled by the law of the Russian Federation 4468-I as amended on January 1, 2017. According to the law, the increase in pensions for military personnel is carried out with an increase in salary and with an increase in the coefficient, that is, according to the same scheme as indexation for working pensioners.

From January 1, 2020, old-age insurance pensions for many Russians will increase not by the inflation rate of the previous year, but by a fixed amount.

Previously, pensioners knew that their payments were indexed depending on rising prices in stores.

In 2010, the pension increase was 6.3%, in 2011 - 8.8%, in 2012 - 10.65%... But then the “fat” times ended. In 2016, insurance pensions were increased by only 4 percent, in 2017 - by 5.8%, and in 2018 - by 3.7%.

The year 2019 unexpectedly became a turning point. Old-age insurance pensions increased by 7.05 percent in 2019, which is almost twice the level of last year's inflation. In monetary terms, the pension increased by an average of 1,000 rubles.

Such generosity was associated with the beginning of raising the retirement age in Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin then said in his televised address that “in the next 6 years, we will be able to annually increase old-age pensions for non-working pensioners by an average of 1 thousand rubles.”

What actually happened?

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Elena Bibikova, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, announced plans for indexation of pensions in an interview with Parliamentary Newspaper. According to her, from the new year 2020, old-age insurance pensions for non-working pensioners will increase by 6.6%. The size of the pension point will increase to 93 rubles (currently it costs 87 rubles 24 kopecks).

If we consider that the inflation forecast for 2019 is 3.2 - 3.7%, then the indexation of 6.6% will indeed be higher than inflation.

What will the pension increase be in 2020?

Journalists from the publication AiF set out to answer this question. According to their calculations, if in 2019 the average pension is 14,826 rubles, then the average increase next year will be 979 rubles.

Of course, this is not 1000 rubles, as Putin promised, but it’s almost similar. And that's already good.

Of course, you need to understand that this is the average value of the pension increase in the country. If someone’s pension is less than 14,826 rubles, then, accordingly, the bonus will be less. To find out how much your pension will increase from January 1, 2020, you need to multiply its current size by 0.066 (6.6%).

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Bank of Moscow deposits for pensioners: favorable interest rates and conditions >>

Sovcombank: deposits for pensioners at high interest rates >>

What indexation is planned for 2021-2022?

This is stated in the Main characteristics of the budget of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) for 2020-2022.

The document also says that in 2021 the cost of a pension point will be 98 rubles 86 kopecks - an increase of 6.3 percent, in 2022 - 104 rubles 69 kopecks, that is, pensions will be indexed by 5.9 percent.

The Russian Pension Fund will return to indexing pensions to the level of inflation for the previous year only in 2025. By this time, Russians' pensions should increase by about 6,000 rubles. It is expected that their average size will be 20,306 rubles.

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Pension supplement in 2020 for working pensioners

All of the above applies only to NON-WORKING pensioners. What can their working comrades expect next year? To be honest, we can only be glad that at least they were not prohibited from receiving a pension and a salary at the same time. But there were rumors that in Russia they would abolish pensions for working pensioners altogether!

But Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova in the “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” program on the Rossiya 1 TV channel assured that “working pensioners continued to receive pensions and wages, and will continue to receive both pensions and wages.”

What about indexing? Nothing. More precisely, There will be no increase in the old-age insurance pension for working pensioners from January 2020.

Only traditional recalculation awaits them.

See also:

- Interest on deposits for pensioners at Rosselkhozbank >>

- The most profitable deposits for pensioners in reliable banks - review >>

How much will the social pension increase in 2020?

In addition to the old-age insurance pension, our country also has the so-called “social pension”. It is received by men and women who have reached 65 and 60 years of age, respectively, as well as disabled people, that is, the “disabled population.”

If you receive a social pension, then expect an increase from April 1, 2020. They are expected to be indexed by 7.0%. In 2021 the increase should be 2.6%, in 2022 - 3.1%.

Recalculation of pensions in August 2020

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners is usually carried out from August 1. Working pensioners were denied an increase in their insurance pension, but there will still be a recalculation in August.

Pensioners who worked in 2019 will have their insurance pensions increased in August 2020 (non-declaration recalculation) based on the pension points accrued for 2019.

However, most likely, like last year, not all the salaries of working pensioners will be taken into account. In past years, the increase in August in monetary terms was no more than 3 pension points, that is, approximately 200-250 rubles. In 2020, the maximum increase will also most likely be equal to the monetary equivalent of 3 pension points.

The minimum level of pension provision in Russia must always be no lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region where he lives. If the amount of the pension, together with other payments due to a non-working pensioner, is below this subsistence level, then a social supplement will be established for him.

How much will pensions increase in 2020 - conclusions

Let's summarize. Today, judging by the latest news, the authorities are planning the next level of pension growth next year.

3. From August 1, 2020, pensioners who worked in 2019 will receive a pension recalculation of no more than 250 rubles.

4. For working pensioners, there will be no indexation of the insurance pension in 2020.

Contacts for inquiries

If you have not found the answer to your question, use the services of a PFR consultant by calling the Unified Federal Consulting Service of the PFR at 8-800-600-44-44 (for persons living in the Russian Federation, the call is free) or by contacting the online consultant on the Pension Fund website.

Follow this publication; correspondents from the business information agency ​​will definitely add to it as soon as more recent news about pension increases in 2020 appears.

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Changes from January 1, 2017

There are a number of important changes that have occurred since the beginning of 2017:

  1. Increasing the minimum quantity and quantities required for appointment.
    • February 1- by the amount of inflation last year;
    • April 1- depending on the growth rate of the cost of living over the past year.

    Let us recall that in 2016 the operation of paragraph. 4 Article 25 of the Law “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, part 21 of article 15 and part 6 of article 16 of the law “About insurance pensions”, in connection with which insurance and state pensions were indexed by only 4%, with significantly higher inflation in 2015 - 12.9%.

    Unlike the previous year 2016, starting from the new year 2017, members of the Government have repeatedly promised to restore the legal order of indexation and carry it out in full, as required by law.

    “We have decided that in 2017 pensions will be indexed in full.”

    Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev

    Thus, the draft budget already includes necessary funds to increase pension provision, which indicates the serious intentions of the state in this direction.

    Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners

    Labor (after pension reform insurance) pensions are increased by indexation (SIPC) and (FV) - components of the insurance pension after the pension reform in 2015. After the increase on February 1, 2016, these parameters were established in the following values:

    • the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles;
    • The fixed payment amount is 4558.93 rubles.

    The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development predicted an inflation rate of 5.8%, in which case the indexation coefficient would be 1.058. However, published data from the Federal State Statistics Service indicates a consumer price index for 2016 of 5.4%. In this regard, Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor and Social Protection) stated that the indexation coefficient of insurance pensions and social payments in February 2017 will be 1.054 (with SIPC = 78.28 rubles, FV = 4805.11 rubles). However, the Federal Law on the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notes that on April 1, 2017, the cost of a pension point will be set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks, and therefore must pass second indexation of insurance pensions, which in total will be 5.8%, resulting in April 1 insurance pension additionally increased by 0.38%.

    Table of indexation of insurance pensions by year

    YearInflation rate of previous yearIndexation percentageIndexation coefficient
    2011 8,8% 8,8% 1,088
    2012 6,1% 10,65% 1,1065
    2013 6,6% 10,12% 1,1012
    2014 6,5% 8,31% 1,0831
    2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
    2016 12,9% 4% 1,04
    2017 5,4% 5,8% 1,058
    • SIPC 2017 = 78.28 × 1.058 = 78.58 rubles;
    • FV 2017 = 4805.11 × 1 = 4805.11 rubles.

    On April 1, only the value of the pension point increased, the amount of the fixed payment remained no changes.

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

    As one of the anti-crisis measures, a decision was made to increase pensions for working citizens in connection with the annual increase in their number. According to Rosstat for 2016, the share of working citizens was 36% of total number pensioners.

    It is believed that the material security of pensioners who continue to work is higher than that of non-workers, since in addition to the pension they have additional financial income in the form of wages.

    Thus, the law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ came into force, which from 2016 pensions of working recipients until they leave labor activity. After dismissal, they will be returned to the usual indexation procedure, taking into account all promotions that took place during the work.

    • Working pensioners from January 1, 2017 this restriction will not be lifted and their pension will be increased in February there won't be.
    • Moreover, as Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor and Social Protection) stated, in the draft law on the federal budget not provided return indexing all the way until 2019, since otherwise this may lead to significant additional costs that the State cannot currently afford.

    The adopted restrictions do not apply to pensions (including social ones), regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

    Indexation of social pensions on April 1

    Social pensions are not calculated according to a formula, but are set at a fixed amount, unlike insurance ones, and depend on the category of the recipient. They should depend on changes in the level of the pensioner’s cost of living. Over the past 8 years, one can observe fluctuations in the level of indexation of pension provision, both upward and downward.

    YearIndexation level
    2010 12,51%
    2011 10,27%
    2012 14,1%
    2013 1,81%
    2014 17,1%
    2015 10,3%
    2016 4%
    2017 1,5%

    The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Anton Drozdov, previously stated that indexation of social pensions in 2017 is envisaged at 2.6% - this is precisely the level predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development. However, on March 16, Dmitry Medvedev signed, according to which social pensions will be increased by only 1.5%, which represents an increase in PMP in 2016 relative to 2015. In accordance with this, it is possible to calculate the indexed amount of pension provision for each category of recipients.

    Recipient categoriesUntil April 1, 2017, rub.After April 1, 2017, rub.
    • citizens aged 60 and 65 years (women and men);
    • persons from among the small peoples of the North, aged 50 and 55 years (women and men);
    • disabled people of group 2 (except for disabled people since childhood);
    • children left without one parent, under 18 years of age, and for full-time students - 23 years of age
    4959,85 5034,25
    • disabled people of group 1;
    • disabled people of group 2 since childhood;
    • children under 18 years of age or in full-time education - up to 23 years of age, left without both parents, and children of a deceased single mother
    11903,51 12082,06
    • disabled children;
    • disabled people of group 1 since childhood
    9919,73 10068,53
    disabled people of 3 groups4215,90 4279,14