It’s rare that a family has not lost an expensive family item at least once. To ensure that your valuables remain safe, you need to make a special amulet once a year against the loss and theft of expensive things. To do this, place your valuables in the middle of the table, cross yourself three times and, looking at the jewelry, say the words of the amulet:

"Like a dead man who never leaves the grave,
So this thing will not leave me.
Be, the hand of a robber thief,
Dead, like a dead man.
The dead man will not raise his hand,
And the robber thief will not take away my thing.
Stand, my amulet, against the thief and robber.
Serve me from now on,
And tie the thief’s hands and feet!”

Fire protection

On July 6, after sunset, on the night of Ivan Kupala, walk around your house, and at the same time you need to whisper the words of the amulet:

"The snow doesn't smoke,
The water doesn't burn
The sand doesn't burn
My amulet against fire closes the house
For six keys
For six castles, for six languages.
Amen. Amen.

Amulet against theft

This amulet was used to protect horses, cows and various livestock from theft, and now it perfectly serves those who use it to prevent car theft. They walk around the car, saying the following words:

"I am protecting you,
So that no one drags you away.
The icon hangs.
Mine is still standing where I put it.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

Amulet from damage

They wash themselves with the backs of their hands and say the amulet:

"Who will wish me grief,
My amulet will break that one,
Like a thin candle, like a dry splinter.
Always be a talisman with me,
With (such and such) God's servant.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amulet against damage to health

Cross the little fingers of both hands and say three times:

"I dress myself in holy words,
I protect my health with a talisman.
When the copper nickel becomes gold,
Only then will my amulet become empty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Amulet for night road

If you are getting ready to travel at night and are walking alone, you must read the amulet. They read it like this:

"Mother star of the night,
Be the road empty for thieves and murderers.
I'm walking - the thief doesn't see me, the killer doesn't see me,
No one will ever hurt me.
My holy amulet is with me,
With (such and such) God's servant.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Amulet for the garden

Walk around your garden and whisper the amulet:

"My land, little earth,
I want to pray to you.
I put a talisman on you,
So that he protects you from thieves.
And you would reward me,
Enriched with harvest.
The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Amulet against thieves

If you are forced to leave your home for a long time, then go to the old cemetery and ward off your home from theft. In the cemetery, find an abandoned, unmarked grave, place a memorial on it and, crossing yourself, say:

"You lie there, dead, numb,
In a coffin, in decayed clothes.
You can’t raise your arms or legs,
You can't open dead eyes.
So the thieves at my doors would be speechless
And they didn’t dare open it.
Their soul would smolder, mourn,
I didn’t want to see my hut.
I was shaking, I was suffering,
She died like a dead man,
A thief's blood would run cold,
His head would be buzzing.
He would become blind and deaf,
Weak, infirm and sick.
You have the key, dead man,
And I have a castle.
From now on, forever, for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bring to your attention a powerful conspiracy against fire, which should be read on Monday. You have to be careful with fire. When you smoke, make a fire in the forest.

God forbid that you end up homeless.

My dears, no one is safe from sabotage.

Human envy knows no bounds.

So fires break out, and incessant crying is heard.

To protect yourself from a natural disaster, you should perform an occult ritual.

Don't go to an Orthodox Church.

Do not light church candles.

When Monday comes, in the late afternoon, retire to a locked room.

Sit down at the table. Place a sheet of magic spell in front of you.

Rewrite it from our site.

We will turn to the element of fire. Quite logical and reasonable.

Read these occult lines as much as possible.

O holy element of Fire, I call on you for help. Save my shelter from fire, so that enemies don’t burn it down. No sooner will the cigarette butt fall out of your hands, protection will enter the house forever. Let the car not burn on fire, the evil enemy burns out of misfortune. Oh, Fire, I ask you not to be angry, if they send you into the house, turn around. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Keep repeating magic spell thirteen times in a row.

From fire

Read once a year during Epiphany week:“The saints followed me, carrying a bowl of water. If there is a fire, the saints will put out the fire. Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three. Neither today, nor tomorrow, never burn. The saints are standing, guarding my house. Amen".

From the book Conspiracies that attract money author Vladimirova Naina

Fire Ritual Light a small fire in the yard. When it burns down completely, collect the ashes, scatter them in the four corners of your house and say a spell: What once turned to ash and dust will not turn to ashes and dust

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Fire conspiracy This conspiracy is read only once a year, during Epiphany week. His words are as follows: The saints followed me, carrying a bowl of water. If there is a fire, the Saints will put out the fire. Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three, neither today nor tomorrow, never burn. The saints stand

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to relieve fear from a fire After sunset, place the patient's back to the fire (at least to a burning candle) and read the following plot three times in a row: From fire comes smoke. Smoke, go to the wind, take away fears and fears from the servant of God (name), scatter them to four directions. As the fire burns out, the smoke flows

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Coal from a fire To put a talisman against fire on your house, on an even day, take coal from a fire and, hanging it in a bundle in a pipe, say: Don’t go towards us, but go past us. Amen.

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Relieve fear from a fire After sunset, place the patient's back to the fire (at least to a burning candle) and read three times: From fire comes smoke. Smoke, go into the wind, take away the fears and fears from the servant of God (name), dispel them in four directions. Just as a fire burns out and the smoke melts in the wind, so does fear and fright with

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 08 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell words for firewood so that it burns well and there is no fire When stacking firewood after cutting it in stacks for future use, whisper this spell. It will help to avoid a fire, and the wood will burn hotter: I, servant of God (name), approach this luggage. I put firewood wide, I stack it in

From the book The Greatest Mysteries of Anomalous Phenomena author Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich

From fire Read once a year during Epiphany week. The saints followed me, carrying a bowl of water. If there is a fire, the saints will put out the fire. Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three. Neither today, nor tomorrow, never burn. The saints are standing, guarding my house. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals by Luzina Lada

A conspiracy for firewood so that it burns well and there is no fire. When stacking firewood after cutting, read the following conspiracy in a whisper: I, servant of God (name), approach this luggage. I lay the firewood wide, I stack it high, I confirm it with God’s word. Send me, Lord, a helper,

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

THE MYSTERY OF THE GREAT CHICAGO FIRE History is full of mysterious cases that excite the imagination and force more and more new versions to be put forward. One of them is the mystery of the Chicago fire of 1871, during which almost the entire city burned out. What are the reasons for it?

From the book Your Defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From fire Read once a year during Epiphany week: “The saints followed me, carrying a cup of water. If there is a fire, the saints will put out the fire. Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three. Neither today, nor tomorrow, never burn. The saints are standing, guarding my house.

From the book Unraveling the Mysteries of History author Kuchin Vladimir

From the author's book

Prayer against fire This prayer must be read early in the morning, at dawn, twice a year: March 1 and September 1. Repeat it three times. “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Zarya-zaranitsa, red maiden; dawn, turn around, look around, look at my house, at my

From the author's book

8. Collision of fire on Pushkin’s estates in 1918. To study the events, we need two quotes from the VVI. Quote from the VVI, volume 1, part 3: February 18, 1837 AD. With. funeral of Alexander Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk Monastery in the Pskov region “World History. Directory" M, Olma Media Group,

- this is a blessing, a controlled element given to us by God, and we cannot imagine our life without it. But it often happens that it brings death to people. God forbid the enemy survive the fire! As they say: “A thief steals - he leaves the walls, but the fire devours everything.” It’s scary, and anyone who has experienced a similar state after a fire at least once in their life understands what we’re talking about. Of course, it burns where there is a lot of heavy energy accumulated, where there is no supervision of the economy, where irresponsible people live. But even among good owners there are negligent neighbors and the innocent and the guilty are caught in flames. How to protect yourself and your home from fire, prayers and fire spells will help you.

Prayers for a house fire

We pray to our God Jesus Christ for the protection of our home:

We earnestly pray to You, God, the Almighty Father, for this house, those living in it and for all the property in it: bless, sanctify with the power of the Holy Cross, save from fiery flames, deliver from lightning strikes and grant all blessings. Bless, O Master, and sanctify this house, as You blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and may the Angels of Your blessing dwell in it; save and save those who live in it from the kindling of fire, lightning and the malicious intent of the devil, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer from the fire to the Mother of God in front of the Burning Bush icon

The Burning Bush icon speaks for itself. It protects the house from fires, all disasters and natural phenomena, including thieves. The shrine has created many miracles during its existence, warning and saving people from fires and fires. The following prayer before the icon will protect your home from fire:

“Rejoice, thou who deliverest from the fiery dew of prayers! Rejoice, you who avert strikes of lightning and thunder from our head!

First prayer

Queen of Heaven, our Lady, Lady of the Universe, Most Holy Theotokos, undefiled, unblasphemous, imperishable, most pure, pure Ever-Virgin, Mary Bride of God, Mother of the Creator of creation, Lord of glory and Lord of all! Through you the King of kings and Lord of lords has come and appeared to us on earth. You are God's mercy incarnate. You are the Mother of Light and Life, just as you once carried Him in Your womb and in Your arms You had the Child, the Word of the Eternal, God, and so you have always carried Him with You. For this reason, according to God, we resort to You, as if to an unbreakable wall and intercession: look with mercy, all-sung Mother of God, at our fierce bitterness and heal our souls and bodies of illness: drive away from us every enemy and adversary, deliver from hunger, pestilence, and ulcers , from many waters and harmful airs, and from sudden death; and like the three youths in the cave of Babylon, preserve and keep us, so that, like the people of God of old, all good things will come to us who honor Thee; Let all those who hate us be ashamed and put to shame, and everyone will understand that the Lord is with You, O Lady, and God is with us with You. In the days of autumn, bring us the light of Thy grace, but in the darkness of the night, enlighten us with light from above, making everyone useful: turn our sorrow into sweetness and wipe the tears of Thy servants who have sinned and are in need, fulfilling all their requests for good; You can do everything you want, Mother of the Word and Life. The Father has crowned the Daughter, the Son the Virgin Mother, the Holy Spirit the Bride, so that you may reign like a queen, standing at the right hand of the Holy Trinity, and have mercy on us as you wish, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, we fall down and worship You before Your holy and most honorable icon, with which You have performed wondrous and glorious miracles, saving our homes from fiery flames and lightning thunder, healing the sick, and fulfilling every good request for our good. . We humbly pray to You, Omnipotent Intercessor of our race, to grant us the weak and sinners Your maternal participation and care. Save and preserve, O Lady, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, this monastery, our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall before You with faith and love, and tenderly ask with tears for Your intercession. She, the All-Merciful Lady, have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins and not having boldness towards Christ the Lord, ask Him for mercy and forgiveness, but we offer to You for supplication His Mother in the flesh: But You, All-Good One, stretch out Your God-receiving hand to Him and intercede for us before His Goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious, peaceful life, a good Christian death, and a good answer at His terrible Judgment. At the hour of the terrible visitation of God, when our houses are set on fire, or we are frightened by lightning thunder, show us your merciful intercession and sovereign help: may we be saved by your omnipotent prayers to the Lord, the temporary punishment of God here, and we will inherit the eternal bliss of paradise there: and with everyone let us sing to the saints the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Intercessor and Patroness of all who resort to You! Look down from Your holy heights upon me, a sinner, falling before Your miraculous face: hear my humble prayer and offer it before Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: beg Him to enlighten my dark soul with the light of His Divine grace, and deliver me from all needs, sorrows and illnesses, may he grant me a quiet and peaceful life, physical and mental health, may he calm my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may he instruct me in good deeds, may he cleanse my mind from vain thoughts, may he guide me to fulfill His commandments, will deliver you from eternal torment and will not deprive you of His Heavenly Kingdom. Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, You are the “Joy of all who mourn,” hear me, too, who mourns. You, called - “Quenching of Sorrow”, quench my sadness. You are the “Burning Bush,” save the world and all of us from the harmful, fiery arrows of the enemy. You are the “Seeker of the Lost,” do not allow me to perish in the abyss of my sins. According to Bose, all my hope and hope is in You! Be my Patroness in temporary and eternal life and an Intercessor before Your beloved Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Teach me to serve Him with faith and love and reverently honor You, Most Holy Mother of God, Most Blessed Mary! I entrust myself to your holy prayers until the end of my days. Amen.

Prayer four

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our soul, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. We are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened. Help us the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, appear to us as an intercessor of mercy, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen. Oh, Mother of God, Burning Bush, protect me from human misfortune, from lordly punishment, from unquenchable fire, from arrogant death, from eternal torment, and cover me with Your Heavenly robe. Amen.

Conspiracies against fires

To prevent random unkind people from setting your house on fire

To prevent your dacha or house from being burned, light a candle on any Thursday morning, read a special spell three times in a row and immediately extinguish the fire with your breath. The plot is as follows:

Lord Jesus Christ,
Have mercy on us on this day,
Any day and any hour.
The dawn burns from dawn to dawn,
My word is from fire,
Get away, arsonist, from me.
Forbid, Lord, my enemies
Take fire in your hands,
Set my house on fire, set my utensils on fire,
Put all kinds of torment on their hands,
So that they do not think, do not dream,
My house and utensils were not set on fire.
The key to my words, the lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova from a fire

It is done once a year on Epiphany week.

The saints followed me, carrying a bowl of water.If there is a fire,
The saints will put out the fire.Don't burn once, don't burn twice, don't burn three,
Neither today, nor tomorrow, never burn.The saints are standing, guarding my house. Amen.

Conspiracy from fire to coal from the ashes

Conspiracies from Stepanova Natalia. Take the coals from a fire on an even day and, hanging it in a bundle in a pipe, say:

Don't go towards us, but go past us. Amen.

Fire plot on a chain

For the ritual you will need a chain made of any metal, but not gold, so that you don’t feel sorry for it. If you don’t have one, then make a chain yourself from metal clips. At dusk, wrap a chain around a white candle, light it and say once:

“Just as metal does not burn or burn, so my house remains intact. Amen".

Blow out the flame and repeat the spell again. Hang the spoken chain above the front door. And don’t forget to recite the spell on him every Saturday:

« Fire rushes in the wind,It will rush past my house, not hitting either the wall or the roof. Let it be my way!”

Another fire rite

It is done early in the morning, at dawn, twice a year: March 1 and September 1. You need to repeat the words three times.

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Dawn, red maiden, dawn, turn around, look around, look at my house, at my yard, at my rich haystacks; look and go away. I close you with seventy and one reliable locks, with seventy secret keys, and those keys are with the dawn, the red maiden. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen.

Save us, God, from the fire!

IN modern world equipped with various technical advances, most people who are concerned about their home know what devices will protect the house from fire. However, no matter how ridiculous prayers for a house fire may seem to people far from God, for those who believe and live according to God’s laws, the Lord is a protector in any difficulties.

How does it help?

Prayers for a house fire are offered, first of all, to the Most Holy Theotokos. It is also good to have at home one of the powerful Old Testament images of the Mother of God.

Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”

They also read prayers to Saint Nikita of Novgorod, who became famous for extinguishing a fire in Novgorod with one prayer, as well as to Saint Spyridon of Pechersk, who in ancient times, during a fire, filled his mantle with a handful of water, and with it he extinguished the entire fire in the monastery.

Important! The texts of the prayers are given in a prayer book, which can be purchased at any church store.

Prayer for a fire helps protect your home from this terrible tragedy. Some believers also read prayers against fire, worrying about their dacha or house under construction, which may suffer at the hands of intruders.

Reading rules

Many people seeking support from heavenly powers are confused and combined, which are not accepted Orthodox Church.

Other Orthodox prayers:

This is the situation in prayer requests for protection of a home from fire, where, along with prayers, witchcraft rituals are given, recommending the use of amulets, herbs and magical actions. Following such recommendations, you need to understand that God does not like any witchcraft and the power of prayer in this case is reduced, and holy icons are desecrated.

How to read

Prayers protecting the house can be said both out loud and mentally - it’s a matter of everyone’s choice specific person.

You should pray for the protection of your home sincerely and without malicious intent.

But in order for prayer to be effective, you should adhere to some simple rules:

  • you should pray for the protection of your home sincerely and without malicious intent; you should not expect that simply repeating the text of the prayer will protect your home and family from the troubles of the world around you; you should understand that miracles happen by faith;
  • having the need to pray for the protection of your home and family, it is imperative to talk with the clergy and ask which saint it is better to turn to with your prayer request;
  • During morning and evening prayers, you need to pray not only for yourself, but also for your family - husband, children, sisters or brothers, your parents, so that the Lord protects not only you, but also your entire family when it is vital for each of them necessary;
  • in prayers, you must definitely ask God or the Holy Saints to grant you wisdom in order to act wisely in life;
  • In no case should you pray while in a bad mood, because prayer will only be strong when the heart is cleansed of all malice, deceit and anger;
  • The amulet prayer can be said at any time of the day, and besides, you can read it both while in the temple and at home.

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Prayers to save a house from fire

One of the simplest and shortest prayers for protecting a house from fire is addressed to the Lord God and is suitable for any person who lives in accordance with the principles of faith:

Prayer for rain and protection from fire

They pray for the preservation of the earth from fire and for saving rain, but they mostly turn to the Lord with the following words:

We earnestly pray to You, God, the Almighty Father, for this house, those living in it and for all the property in it: bless, sanctify with the power of the Holy Cross, save from fiery flames, deliver from lightning strikes and grant all blessings. Bless, O Master, and sanctify this house, as You blessed the house of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and may the Angels of Your blessing dwell in it; save and save those who live in it from the kindling of fire, lightning and the malicious intent of the devil, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer against fire in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”