Live in a smart book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

The numbers stood up like a squad,
In a friendly number row.
First in order role
The number will play for us... (0)

He looks like a bun
He is pot-bellied and round.
The cat looks like him
If it folds into a ball.

The ball bounces across the pages.
He is looking for his sister,
What looks like a ring -
Without beginning and end.

How old is a chicken in an egg?
How many wings does a kitten have?
How many numbers are there in the alphabet?
How many mountains can a tiger swallow?
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows are there in a school of fish?
How many hares did the moth eat?
Only the number knows...

This figure is so similar
For the letter of the alphabet O.
But without other numbers
It doesn't mean anything.

Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary.

She looks like a stalk
He stands respectfully, like a nobleman.
Straight, even, always
After zero it comes.

You can't score a goal so easily
There is a stake on the gate.
And you can’t fight him in battle,
This is a number... (Unit)

How many suns are there behind a cloud,
How many refills are there in a fountain pen?
How many noses does an elephant have?
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have?
And the sapper's attempts,
He knows and is proud of himself,

She stands among the sheet.
Alone when the notebook is empty.
With your nose up to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron among the swamps
He gets pecked for his laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither a crane nor a tit.
And just...

Sister with a sly nose
The account will open...

Flexibly bends the neck,
And beautiful and slim,
Deftly lifts his tail,
What is this number? Digit... (2)

If you get this number at school,
Then your parents scold you at home.
It’s easy to compare her with a swan,
Do all the kids know about this number?

A swan swims in a notebook,
This means something is wrong.
If you are completely Dunno,
Get this number.

The sun is shining, the pond is blooming,
A swan floats on it,
He barely swam closer -
It turned out to be a number... (2)

How many ears are there on the top of the head?
How many legs does a half-frog have?
How many mustaches does a catfish have?
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves are there in total?
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only the number knows...

With a light stroke of the pen
A number has appeared... (2)

What glides across the bright surface
Student notebook
A beautiful white swan,
Turned red from shame
For a slacker, a rogue
A naughty boy?
What they criticize him for
And they deprive you of sweets at lunch.
With a light stroke of the pen
A number has appeared... (2)

I will circle the letter Z,
I’ll bring you some numbers for a visit.
Look more carefully -
The resulting figure... (3)

What a miracle! Come on, come on,
Take a better look -
It looks like a letter
But also a number... (3)

This figure is unusual
Chubby, you know that.
And it looks like the letter Z,
What is this number? Guess it!

How many months are there in winter?
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Base on the baseball field
Facets of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,
No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth... (3)

Guess this number!
She's very arrogant.
Add one to two,
And you will get a number... (3)

This figure is simply a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
It's even in the alphabet
She has a twin sister.

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down.
And now in our apartment
He became a number... (4)

How many legs does a mongoose have?
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all the sides in the world
And the oceans in the world,
The number knows... (4)

Either a number or a fork,
Or a fork in two roads.
In a student notebook
I know for sure - everyone is happy with her.

This figure is so similar
On to a beautiful sail!
Swells wider and wider
Number... (4)

Riddles that contain numbers and Proverbs with numbers


  1. Antoshka stands on one leg; They are looking for him, but he does not respond (mushroom).
  2. He stands on one leg, twists and turns his head. Shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans (globe).
  3. On a long stem, frozen for the time being, the stick rests after playing (one).
  4. Who has one leg, and even that one without a shoe? (mushroom).
  5. Many arms, one leg (tree).
  6. Sharp fingers - tsap - scratches stand in one row: pick up armfuls! (rake).
  7. Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful. In a colorful skirt there is a dancer, a musical... (spinster).
  8. He stands on one leg, looking intently into the water. It pokes its beak at random, looking for frogs in the river. A drop hung on my nose. Do you recognize? This is... (heron).
  9. In the forest, a flat cake (mushroom) grew on one leg.


  1. Two brothers went into the river to swim (buckets).
  2. Two rings, two ends, in the middle - a nail (scissors).
  3. Two houses - heated vehicles - were given to Tanya (mittens).
  4. The neck is so long, the tail is crocheted... And it’s no secret, she loves all lazy people, but her lazy people don’t! (two).
  5. There is a completely different bird: if it sits on the page, then with its head bowed, I return home (two).
  6. Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles (compasses).
  7. At night, the two windows close themselves, and with sunrise they open (the eyes).
  8. Each face has two beautiful lakes. There is a mountain between them. Name them, kids. (eyes).
  9. Between two luminaries, in the middle - one (nose).
  10. Not a moth, not a bird, but holding two braids (bow).
  11. Two sisters, two braids made of fine sheep wool. How to go for a walk, put it on so that you don’t freeze five and five! (mittens).
  12. Two slender sisters in the hands of a craftswoman. We spent the whole day diving into the loops... And here it is, a scarf for Petenka (knitting needles).
  13. Two sisters run lap after lap one after another: the short one only once, the taller one every hour! (clock hands).
  14. He runs and buzzes, looks into two eyes, and when he comes - a bright red eye looks! (automobile).
  15. This horse doesn't eat oats. Instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and rush on it, but it’s better to steer the wheel (bicycle).
  16. It has two wheels and a saddle on a frame, there are two pedals at the bottom, you turn them with your feet (bicycle).
  17. I have two horses, two horses. They carry me along the water, and the water is as hard as stone! (skates).
  18. I leave two stripes on the snow as I run. I fly away from them like an arrow, and they come after me again (skis).
  19. Two new two-meter maple soles: put two feet on them - and run (ski) on big snow.
  20. Two brothers looking at each other across their mother (shore).
  21. Two sables lie with their tails facing each other (eyebrows).
  22. Two look, two listen (eyes and ears).
  23. Two brothers: one everyone sees but does not hear; everyone hears the other, but does not see (lightning and thunderstorm).
  24. Here is a mountain, and the mountain has two deep holes. In these burrows the air wanders, then comes in, then comes out (nose).
  25. Two twins, two brothers sit astride us (glasses and nose).
  26. Two people in the sky walk around, but do not see each other (the sun and the moon).
  27. It rides on two wheels and does not slip on slopes. And there is no gasoline in the tank. This is my... (bicycle).
  28. There is always one at the station, trains approach it. It contains double P and is called... (apron).
  29. He rushes over long distances without delay. It is written at the end with two Cs, it is called ... (express).
  30. This riddle is not easy: I always write with two Ks. Hit both the ball and the puck with a stick, but I am called ... (hockey).
  31. Write two L at the end. And decide what my name is: without a master, the brilliant, regular... (crystal) became faceted.
  32. Two sisters: one light, the other dark (day and night).


  1. There is a back, but it never lies. There are four legs, but three cannot walk. He himself always stands, but tells everyone to sit (chair).
  2. I stand on three legs, my feet are in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What's my name? (piano).
  3. You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you went out, but in fact you went in (shirt).
  4. A triangular board with three hairs on it. The hair is thin, the voice is ringing (balalaika).
  5. Three brothers went to the river to swim. Two are swimming, the third is lying on the shore. We swam, went out, and hung on the third one (buckets and a rocker).
  6. Near the forest, on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Mashenka and the three bears).
  7. Three plow the same meadow (fingers write).
  8. He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights, he takes turns looking at me from above (traffic light).
  9. Here stands on the street, in a long boot, a three-eyed monster on one leg. The monster’s emerald eye glowed, which means you can cross the street now (traffic light).


  1. Four brothers stand under one roof (table).
  2. Even though we have 4 legs, we are not mice or cats. Although we all have backs, we are not sheep or pigs. We are not horses, even though you have sat on us hundreds of times (chairs).
  3. There are 4 legs under the roof, and on the roof there is soup and spoons (table).
  4. I stand on 4 legs, I can’t walk at all. When you get tired of walking, you can sit down and rest (chair).
  5. Boots were put on 4 legs. Before putting them on, they began to inflate the shoes (tires).
  6. All four petals of the flower were moving. I wanted to pick it, it fluttered and flew away (butterfly).
  7. Every year they come to visit us: one is gray-haired, the other is young, the third is jumping, and the fourth is crying (seasons).
  8. Four wings, not a bird; flaps its wings, and does not move from place (mill).
  9. She will fluff up her sides, her four corners. And when night comes, the (pillow) will still attract you to itself.
  10. Four dirty hooves climbed right into the trough (pig).
  11. A head with four legs (turtle) lives between the stones.
  12. Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)
  13. Grandfather has four names in a year (winter, spring, summer, autumn).
  14. She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly. If you talk to her more often, you will become four times smarter (book).
  15. Four legs, but not a beast. There are feathers, but not a bird (bed with pillow).
  16. Two bellies, four horns (pillow).
  17. Four ears, but you can’t count the feathers (pillow).


  1. There is, friends, such a bird: if it lands on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family (five) is with me.
  2. The five brothers are inseparable; they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, and an ax (fingers).
  3. Five brothers have one job (fingers).
  4. Two mothers have five sons, all with the same name (fingers).
  5. As soon as she goes for a walk in the winter, the residents of the house move in, and exactly five of each! (gloves).
  6. 5 fingers, like humans, but her fingers are without nails (gloves).
  7. 5 woolen bags - my brothers warm themselves in them (gloves).
  8. A flock of birds is resting on five wires (notes)
  9. In order not to freeze, five guys are sitting in a knitted stove (fingers in mittens).
  10. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song (notes).


  1. If it stands on its head, it will become exactly three more (six).
  2. Cheren, but not a raven. Horned, but not a bull. Six legs without hooves. It flies, buzzes, falls and digs the ground (beetle).
  3. There is a commotion in the yard, peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate 6 peas and now she has a sore throat (hail).
  4. 6 for legs, 2 heads, one tail. Who is this? (rider on a horse).


  1. Every day at 7 am, I crack: it's time to get up! (alarm).
  2. There are 7 brothers: equal in years, different names (days of the week).
  3. There are exactly 7 of these brothers. You all know them. Every week the brothers walk around each other. The last one says goodbye - the first one appears (days of the week).
  4. All my life I have carried two humps, I have two stomachs! But every hump is not a hump, it’s a barn! There's enough food in them for seven days! (camel)
  5. Five puppies, and a husky mother. Just try and count! (6)
  6. The sun ordered: “Stop, seven-color arched bridge!” (rainbow)
  7. We protect our flock, 7 rams, from snowstorms (fur coat).
  8. One killed seven (spider).


  1. Wonderful House is a runner on its eight legs. Day after day on the road: he runs in an alley along two steel snakes (tram).
  2. I am so sweet, I am so round, I consist of two circles. I am so glad that I found friends like you (8).
  3. Don't you know me? I live at the bottom of the sea. A head and 8 legs, that’s all I am….(octopus).
  4. 8 legs, like 8 arms, embroider a circle with silk. The master knows a lot about silk. Buy silk, flies! (spider).


  1. Guess, guys, what kind of figure is an acrobat? If it stands on its head, it will become exactly three less (9).


  1. Your assistants - look - a dozen friendly brothers. How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work (fingers).
  2. The hedgehog grew ten times, it turned out ... (porcupine).
  3. Cunning little brothers live in a smart book. There are 10 of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world (numbers).
  4. I have workers, hunters will help with everything. They don’t live behind a wall - day and night with me: a whole dozen, faithful kids! (fingers).
  5. For dozens of miles there is a multi-colored bridge. But no one can walk on it (rainbow).

Numbers greater than ten

  1. 70 clothes, all without fasteners (cabbage).
  2. There are 33 heroes on the ABC book page. Every literate person knows the sages and heroes.
  3. Sitting on page 33 sisters. They sat down next to each other - they were not silent, they told us riddles (letters).
  4. Kulik is not great, he orders a whole hundred: then sit down and study; then get up and leave (school bell).
  5. My friends are in darkness. I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes by will shake my hand (door).
  6. Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions (thimble).
  7. The houses stand in two rows - 10, 20, 100 in a row. And they look at each other with square eyes (street).
  8. 12 brothers are equally and are called different things doing (months of the year).
  9. The peas have scattered on seventy roads: no one will pick them up (hail).
  10. He is golden and mustachioed. There are 100 guys in a hundred pockets (kolos).
  11. I spent the whole summer trying - getting dressed, getting dressed... And when autumn came, she gave us our clothes. We put a hundred clothes in a barrel (cabbage).
  12. A thousand brothers are girded with one belt (ears of corn in a sheaf).
  13. One shepherd tends 1000 sheep (month and stars).
  14. The golden sieve of black houses is full. There are so many little black houses, so many white inhabitants (sunflower).
  15. One hundred birch soldiers stand holding hands. Day and night all year round: guard the garden (fence).

Math homework requires creativity. Choose a riddle that is easy to draw an illustration for, then your book about numbers will receive special praise!

Zero without a stick.
Zero attention.
Reduce to zero.

You can't clap your hands with one hand.
One bee will make a little honey.
Alone at sea is not a fisherman.
One head on his shoulders.
One wise head is worth a hundred heads.
One is plowing, and seven are waving their arms.
Once doesn't count.
Only truth lives in the world.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
To go alone - and the road is long.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
One beaten one is worth two unbeaten ones.
There is safety in numbers.
One warrior leads a thousand.
Break one pancake in half.
One wolf chases a regiment of sheep.
One warrior leads a thousand.
One is in the harrow, and everyone is to the side.
One goose will not trample the grass.
One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas.
One thief - ruin for the whole world.
One for all, all for one.
One is like a stump, and the other is like a deck.
Alone, like a month in the sky.
One mouth and he fights.
One about Thomas, the other about Yerema.
One chops, and the other blows a trumpet.
Miron has one son, and that one is Mironovich.
One mind is good, but two are better.
Everywhere is home for the lonely.
One misfortune comes, another leads.
One misfortune does not go away: misfortune will give birth to misfortune.
One head is good, but two are better.
One swallow does not make spring.
One fox will lead seven wolves.
One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.
One clothes - both in the world, and at the feast, and in the backyard.
One hand in honey, the other in molasses.
One luck goes, another leads.
Sleep with one eye and watch with the other.
One grain yields a handful.
One eye can see far.
One ear is deaf.
Birds of a feather.
To live alone is to make your heart cold, but in public even death is red.
It's boring to walk alone and drown yourself.
One succeeded, but the other failed.

Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.
Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.
It took two hours to get ready, two hours to wash, an hour to dry, and a day to get dressed.
Two boots - a pair.
You can’t live for two centuries, but you can’t bother for a century.
Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly.
You can’t live through two centuries, you can’t go beyond two youth.
Two fools, each with two fists.
Two Demids, but both cannot see.
Two fools with one mind.
Two pennies is a lot of money.
Don't die twice.
Two boots - a pair, and both on the left foot.
Two boots - a pair.
You can never be young twice.
Summer doesn't happen twice a year.
Two dogs are fighting - don’t bother the third one.
Two people fight, the third one doesn’t interfere.
Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

He had three wives, but suffered from them all.
Three sons, and he himself is strong.
Forgive me three times, and the fourth time I'm sick.
Three money a day - wherever you want, go there for the day.
The price for a braggart is three kopecks.
To learn hard work, it takes three years; to learn laziness, it takes only three days.
I ground it for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.
Don't recognize a friend in three days - recognize him in three years.
One is a secret, two is half a secret, three is no secret.
One wears, another asks, the third waits in turn.

Brow - four, and the fifth - God help.
On all four sides.
The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.
Four floors, and the sides are bare.
Without four corners, a hut cannot be cut.
Live within four walls.

The fifth wheel in the cart.
Like the back of my hand.

Sixth sense.

Seven do not wait for one.
Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.
Seven are not one, we won’t give offense.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven villages, but one horse.
Seven birds with one stone, but no skin.
I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.
Seven miles to heaven, all through forest.
Seven people pick up one straw.

For seven years the poppy did not bear fruit, and there was no famine.
Seven things cannot be handled by one person.
We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say.
Measure seven times and cut once.
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels lie apart.
She dried up seven rivers and did not wet the canvas.
Seven Thursdays and all on Friday.
Up to the seventh generation.
Over the moon.

Two friends, eight enemies.
He was silent for seven years, and cried out on the eighth.
Eight hryvnia is not enough to reach a ruble.
Don't say "eight" without counting.
Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which divides evenly.
Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.

Nine mice pulled together and pulled the lid off the tub.
If you lose once, you will win nine times.
Nine people is the same as ten.
A bull is worth ninety rubles, but an arrogant man is not worth nine kopecks.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.

Ten knowledgeable people are not worth one who does the work.
A smart person will hear it once and guess ten times.
I've been stuck for ten years for one year.
By the time you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times.
One speaks - ten listen.
If you get rid of one vice, ten virtues will grow.
If you cut down one tree, you plant ten.
Tenth water on jelly.

The numbers are all in a row.
I'll find them all now.
Only you help me -
One, two, three...
What is the number after the three?
Is this really a two?

Summer, autumn and winter.
And beautiful spring!
If we count them,
What kind of figure do we get? (four)

The children ate some candy.
Anya, Dima and Albert.
Another one went to Sveta.
How many candies did you eat?

We live in the same apartment.
Mom, dad, brother and me.
How many of us are there in total? ...

How many legs does the table have?
The giraffe and the elephant?

There are two presenters on air.
There is a guest here and there is me.
How many of us are there in total? ...

I see a house in the picture.
How many walls? Total...!

Riddles about the number 4 from one sentence:

One hand has five fingers. If I bend three, and then straighten two. How many fingers will I get?

Eat magic figure, and it's called a square. How many sides and how many corners does a square have?

A person has two arms and the same number of legs. How many limbs does a person have?

This figure is very similar to capital letter"H." We all know it, and it’s called...

How many paws does a dog have, a cat have, and a hedgehog?

I stand after the number “three”, but I’m a little behind the number “five”. What kind of figure am I?

If I enter a room and count all the corners in it. What number will I get?

The needle has only one eye, but the cat has two. How many ears does a pillow have?

If I turn the chair over, what number will I get?

There are seven candles on the table. Five were lit, one went out. How many candles are burning now?

Dad gave me three apples, and mom two. I gave one apple to my younger brother. How many apples do I have left?

Other riddles:

Picture 4 - four

Some interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles about the number 6 - Six for children with answers

    If we take a five, add an oval to it, then we get (six)

  • Riddles about Clouds for children with answers

    Soft, not fluff. Fluffy, not cotton wool. White, not snow. In the sky, not the sun. Answer: Clouds

Hello, our dear readers, we are glad new meeting with you! If your baby already speaks confidently, asks a lot of questions and is keenly interested in everything that surrounds him, it’s time to introduce your baby to numbers and teach him to count. We invite you to turn your learning into fun game and teach your child the basics of mathematics using riddles about numbers from 1 to 10, funny rhymes and songs.

Many children, from the age of three, begin to show interest in numbers and numbers. You can teach your child the first lessons in mathematics by learning a simple rhyme that needs to be said while bending your fingers:

One, two, three, four, five - our baby began to count.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - we learn numbers together.

In order for the child to become familiar with numbers, exciting game, you will need didactic material, which you can make with your own hands together with your baby. These can be numbers from 0 to 9, cut out of cardboard or foam and painted in bright colors. Hang them on the wall in the children's room so that they are constantly in front of the baby's eyes. Fridge magnets, cubes, and construction sets will also come in handy.

Teaching a toddler numbers game form you can start by reading him the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “From one to ten. Fun score." To make it easier to memorize, simultaneously show your child cards with numbers and tell them what each number looks like. Give your child interesting riddles:

Live in a smart book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

How many suns are there behind a cloud?
How many refills are there in a fountain pen?
How many noses does an elephant have?
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have?
And the sapper's attempts?
He knows and is proud of himself


She stands among the sheet
Alone when the notebook is empty.
With your nose up to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And, like a heron among the swamps,
She pecks him for laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.


How many ears are there on the top of the head?
How many legs does a half-frog have?
How many mustaches does a catfish have?
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves are there in total?
A pair of brand new shoes
And the front paws of a lion -
Only the number knows...

The sun is shining, the pond is blooming,
A swan floats on it,
He barely swam closer -
The number turned out...

What glides across the bright surface
Student notebook
A beautiful white swan,
Turned red from shame
For a slacker, a rogue,
A naughty boy?
The one for which he is scolded
And they deprive you of sweets at lunch, -
With a light stroke of the pen
A number has appeared...

If your little one knows numbers up to 10, teach him to count everything that catches his eye: cups and plates on the table, birds sitting on a branch, cars passing on the road. While walking, pay your child’s attention to house numbers, numbers on public transport, and price tags in the store. When you see a number, first of all tell your child a riddle about it:

How many months are there in winter?
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Base on the baseball field
Facets of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,
No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth...

I will circle the letter "Z"
I’ll bring you some numbers for a visit.
Look more carefully -
The resulting figure...

How many legs does a mongoose have?
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And sides of everything in the world,
And the oceans in the world,
The number knows...

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down
And now in our apartment
He became a number...

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to explain to a child that a number “speaks” about the quantity of something. Write the number on a piece of paper and build a tower of cubes with your child. Tell your little one that if the number is 3, we take three cubes, and 6, we take six, etc. When the baby has successfully mastered everything, take a piece of Whatman paper and write numbers from 0 to 9 scattered on it. Ask the baby to build a tower of the corresponding number of cubes on each number or put as many candies. Don't forget about the riddles:

How many fingers are there on a hand?
And a penny in the pocket,
U starfish rays,
Five rooks have beaks,
Blades of maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion?
Tell me about all this
Numbers will help us...

Baby Lena on hand
Loves to count fingers!
To her surprise
Every time it comes out...

How many letters does a dragon have?
And a million have zeros,
Various chess pieces
The wings of three white chickens,
Legs of the Maybug
And the sides of the chest?
If we can’t count it ourselves,
The number will tell us...

If the padlock
The proboscis will rise up,
Then we'll see here
Not a lock, but a number...

For learning to be fruitful, it is necessary to constantly reinforce the material covered. After introducing the number to your child, invite him to sculpt it from plasticine or salt dough, lay out pebbles or cones on a walk, draw on the sand or asphalt.

How many colors are there in a rainbow,
Days in a week for whales,
Snow White's dwarves
Twin brothers at the pawn
A note that even children know
And all the miracles in the world?
Deal with it all
Numbers will help us...

She looks like a braid
But he can't mow the grass -
Not sharpened at all
And the numbers don’t cut it...

How many winds are there on the sea?
And the hooves of two donkeys,
Octopus tentacles
And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes?
How many legs does a spider have?
Cross spider?
If we ask about it
The number will answer us...

This number contains a secret:
Both in winter and hot summer
You can barely distinguish
Where are the legs and head in it?

In the process of teaching your baby, do not forget about the musical accompaniment. Listen to V. Vysotsky’s song “About Numbers” from musical performance"Alice in Wonderland." After the funny song, you can ask a few more riddles:

How many pirates are there in a dozen?
If three went somewhere,
Months in a year without summer,
Nonet performers,
Lives of a stray cat
And in ten flies without a midge?

Don't look for the answer anywhere, because
The number has the answer...

The figure looked in the mirror
And I dreamed about my sister.
But only the properties of one
Apparently, she didn’t know him.
And she got a double.
Like a drop of water
Sister looks like her
Yes, just a downward braid.

How old is the chicken in the egg?
How many wings does a kitten have?
How many numbers are there in the alphabet?
How many mountains can a tiger swallow?
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows are there in a school of fish?
How many hares did the moth eat?
Only the number knows...

You've already drawn
A neat oval?
There is nothing simpler:
It looks like the letter "O".

To help your child learn numbers faster, we suggest you play games with him, for example, the following:

Find a match: on large sheet draw a lot of numbers, and the images should be random and different in color, size, and writing style. Ask your child to choose a pair for each number.

How many items? Prepare cards that show different numbers of objects: two cups, three trees, five cats, etc. The child must name the number and put the corresponding number on the card.

What number is missing?: Place cards with numbers from 0 to 9 on the table. Ask your child to turn away and remove one card. The child must understand which number is missing.

High rise building: Draw a nine-story house on a large piece of paper. Hand the baby cards with numbers and ask them to place them on each floor.

At the end of our conversation today - riddles about the number 10. Do not forget to explain to your child that 10 is a number consisting of the numbers 1 and 0.

Nolik, stand behind one,
For my own sister.
It's the only way when you're together
They will call you...

Here is one, and next to it is zero,
Stands as important as a king.
If zero leans against one,
What number will it turn into?

Teaching a small child numbers and counting is one of the important elements in preparing for school. Specialists in preschool education They believe that by the age of seven, a child should:

  • count to 10 and back;
  • know the graphic representation of numbers randomly and in order;
  • name the leading and subsequent numbers within 10;
  • be able to perform quantitative and ordinal calculations.

We hope, dear readers, that our article will help your little ones quickly master the basics of mathematics. If our recommendations were useful to you, tell your friends who have small children about them.

We look forward to your feedback, comments and stories about how the learning process is going in your family.

We wish your kids great mathematical success! See you again!

Very interesting and educational

Live in a smart book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world.

The numbers stood up like a squad,
In a friendly number row.
First in order role
The number will play for us... (0)

He looks like a bun
He is pot-bellied and round.
The cat looks like him
If it folds into a ball.

The ball bounces across the pages.
He is looking for his sister,
What looks like a ring -
Without beginning and end.

How old is a chicken in an egg?
How many wings does a kitten have?
How many numbers are there in the alphabet?
How many mountains can a tiger swallow?
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows are there in a school of fish?
How many hares did the moth eat?
Only the number knows...

This figure is so similar
For the letter of the alphabet O.
But without other numbers
It doesn't mean anything.

Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary.

She looks like a stalk
He stands respectfully, like a nobleman.
Straight, even, always
After zero it comes.

You can't score a goal so easily
There is a stake on the gate.
And you can’t fight him in battle,
This is a number... (Unit)

How many suns are there behind a cloud,
How many refills are there in a fountain pen?
How many noses does an elephant have?
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have?
And the sapper's attempts,
He knows and is proud of himself,

She stands among the sheet.
Alone when the notebook is empty.
With your nose up to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron among the swamps
He gets pecked for his laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither a crane nor a tit.
And just...

Sister with a sly nose
The account will open...

Flexibly bends the neck,
And beautiful and slim,
Deftly lifts his tail,
What is this number? Digit... (2)

If you get this number at school,
Then your parents scold you at home.
It’s easy to compare her with a swan,
Do all the kids know about this number?

A swan swims in a notebook,
This means something is wrong.
If you are completely Dunno,
Get this number.

The sun is shining, the pond is blooming,
A swan floats on it,
He barely swam closer -
It turned out to be a number... (2)

How many ears are there on the top of the head?
How many legs does a half-frog have?
How many mustaches does a catfish have?
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves are there in total?
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only the number knows...

With a light stroke of the pen
A number has appeared... (2)

What glides across the bright surface
Student notebook
A beautiful white swan,
Turned red from shame
For a slacker, a rogue
A naughty boy?
What they criticize him for
And they deprive you of sweets at lunch.
With a light stroke of the pen
A number has appeared... (2)

I will circle the letter Z,
I’ll bring you some numbers for a visit.
Look more carefully -
The resulting figure... (3)

What a miracle! Come on, come on,
Take a better look -
It looks like a letter
But also a number... (3)

This figure is unusual
Chubby, you know that.
And it looks like the letter Z,
What is this number? Guess it!

How many months are there in winter?
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Base on the baseball field
Facets of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,
No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth... (3)

Guess this number!
She's very arrogant.
Add one to two,
And you will get a number... (3)

This figure is simply a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
It's even in the alphabet
She has a twin sister.

Someone at night an old chair
Turned it upside down.
And now in our apartment
He became a number... (4)

How many legs does a mongoose have?
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all the sides in the world
And the oceans in the world,
The number knows... (4)

Either a number or a fork,
Or a fork in two roads.
In a student notebook
I know for sure - everyone is happy with her.

This figure is so similar
On to a beautiful sail!
Swells wider and wider
Number... (4) You shouldn’t be lazy at school:
Draw, write, study,
Answer in class
And they will put it in the diary... (5)

If TWO turn over
And take a close look,
Look this way and that again,
Then we get the number... (5)

How many fingers are there on a hand?
And a penny in the pocket,
The starfish has rays,
Five rooks have beaks,
Blades of maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion,
Tell me about it all
Numbers will help us... (5)

Mom looks on impatiently
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for the coveted assessment
A mischievous son.
But again only fours.
No beauty...

The number looks like a hook
What's on the truck crane.
And she looks like a two
If upside down.

And to my friend Tonya
I had a chance to sit on a pony,
And Tony and his ponies
There were legs immediately... (6)

If the padlock
The proboscis will rise up,
Then we'll see here
Not a lock, but a number... (6)

How many letters does a dragon have?
And a million have zeros,
Various chess pieces
The wings of three white chickens,
Legs of the Maybug
And the sides of the chest.
If we can’t count it ourselves,
The number will tell us... (6)

Numbers like a hippopotamus
Her belly is round
He deftly bends his neck,
He steps behind the five.

I made a parade
I build numbers like a soldier!
And there is a clear order -
After five steps... (6)

The braid curls in the wind,
And in the middle of the back there is a stripe.

We have a proverb
And she is known to everyone -
You only cut once
But you need to measure... (7)

She looks like a braid
But he can't mow the grass -
Not sharpened at all
And the number doesn’t mow down... (7)

She looks like an ax
But he doesn’t chop wood in the yard.
Like a braid, but not quite
It's just a number... (7)

How many colors are there in a rainbow,
Days in a week for whales.
Snow White's dwarves
Twin brothers at the pawn
A note that even children know
And all the miracles in the world,
Deal with it all
Numbers will help us... (7)

What kind of heron, everyone knows
He steps behind the six.
Yes, everyone knows her
This heron is a number... (7)

I am a number, less than ten.
I'm easy to find.
But if you order the letter “I” to stand next to you,
I am everything: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother... (7)

Two circles stood next to each other -
What amazing glasses?
Turn it upside down at least
They are the same!

Two rings on each other,
Two brave young men.
Let's ask them in a numerical series
And we get the number... (8)

How many winds are there on the sea?
And the hooves of two donkeys,
Octopus tentacles
And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes?
How many legs does a spider have?
Cross spider?
If we ask about this,
The number will answer us... (8)

How many legs do you have? -
Let's ask the octopus quietly.
He won't be able to answer us.
But even so we know - ... (8)

The number looks like a toy -
Tumbler rattle.
Don't hit it on the ground.
Everyone understands - this is... (8)

This number has a secret.
Both in winter and hot summer
You can barely distinguish
Where are the legs and head in it?

Oh, what a comma
There is a big one on the sheet!
You can even measure it with it,
It's just a number... (9)

Here's the number, look,
She also has a focus -
You turn it over
And you get the number six!

How many pirates are there in a dozen?
If three went somewhere,
Months in a year without summer,
Nonet performers,
Lives of a stray cat
And in ten flies without a midge?
Don't look for the answer anywhere, because
The number has the answer... (9)

The number six has turned over
Turned into a new number!

This number is so tricky
You turn it over
And miracles will begin -
You will see the number six!

Nolik, stand behind one,
For my own sister.
It's the only way when you're together
They will call you... (10)

How many stars are there in the sky at night,
How many bread crumbs are there in bread?
How many droplets are in the rain,
How many fish live in water?
How many legs does a millipede have?
Very, very, very...