Why do you need an online test that determines both your appearance color type and the ideal color combination when choosing clothes? To look winning, choose the right cosmetics for spectacular makeup, successfully combine wardrobe items, emphasizing your advantages, skillfully hiding shortcomings. If you don’t know your color type, then flaws on your face, such as wrinkles, minor redness, dull hair, freckles, and too pale skin, will become more noticeable. The result is a dull appearance, compassion from others, but no admiration or career growth.

Using an online test, the color type of appearance is selected quickly and efficiently. The technique is suitable for both women and men who are trying to make their appearance more attractive and advantageous by determining the right color to match their skin tone, hair color and eye shade. Online it is possible to choose a cold and warm color option for the appearance, ideal for a particular person. Knowing your color scheme, you will be able to amaze others with a successfully selected wardrobe, an impeccable sense of taste and style, and a well-groomed face. Now, dressing beautifully will not be difficult for a person who has such valuable knowledge. special labor. The main thing is that you don’t have to pay a professional to help you choose the right shades from a rich palette of colors.

Do you want to change something about yourself, but are you afraid that the new image will not suit you at all? Whether it is worth deciding on drastic measures or whether it is better to leave everything as is, a test for your type of appearance will help you determine.

Often, in pursuit of a perfect appearance, we forget that attractiveness is not only external, but also internal. Beautiful people with perfect appearance sometimes turn out to be overly soulless and vice versa. Find out what kind of attractiveness you have with the help of online testing.

Online test How to determine the color type of your appearance will help you understand which of them your appearance belongs to. The color type of appearance is a combination of a certain eye color, hair color and skin tone. There are four of them: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

The appearance test will tell you whether you are happy with your appearance or maybe you need to change something in your image to look stylish and attractive.

The test What nationality is your appearance will tell you which country's resident you most resemble. It is no secret that in each of us the features of one or another race predominate: some have a Slavic appearance, while others are dominated by the features of an oriental beauty.

The Your Anime Appearance Test will help you figure out how much you relate to the characters in cartoons. Perhaps you have become a lot like beautiful girl from anime and it's time to return to real life?

But still, there are certain standards that describe one type or another, and to which you either meet or not. Check your beauty type.

And after the test you can read a few interesting facts about beauty.

1) The standard of beauty in Central Asia is a woman with fused eyebrows

Everyone knows about this, since each of us has seen a photo of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Fused eyebrows were considered very attractive, so every girl from a young age regularly smeared the space between the eyebrows and the eyebrows themselves with the juice of the usma plant, which stimulated hair growth. This standard of beauty is still relevant among Tajiks.

2) People in Ancient Egypt used eye shadow to prevent conjunctivitis

Frequent floods of the Nile and heat created an excellent environment for the proliferation of various bacteria. Therefore, both men and women applied black eyeliner along the contour of their eyes to protect their eyes from various diseases and to prevent the sun from blinding them.

3) Women weren't allowed to wear lipstick until the 19th century.

In the Middle Ages, women were forbidden to beautify themselves with lipstick, because it was believed that this product was used exclusively by witches. For this reason, ladies bit their lips to give them color. But men were allowed to use lipstick, which they did in order to highlight their lips against the background of facial hair.

4) There is a mental disorder that is associated with beauty

This disorder is called Stendhal syndrome. The syndrome was named after the 19th century French writer Stendhal, who, in the book “Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio,” spoke about his impressions during a trip to Florence in 1817.

This problem is characterized by dizziness, rapid heartbeat and hallucinations. Symptoms appear when a person is in incredible admiration for the beauty of nature, objects of fine art, people, etc.

5) In 1888, the first international beauty contest was held in Belgium

In September 1888, the Belgian resort town of Spa hosted the final of the first international competition beauty. Everything happened behind closed doors, and the jury members were exclusively male.

An interview was conducted with 21 participants, after which it was decided that the winner should be 18-year-old resident of Guadeloupe Berta Sucare. She received 5,000 francs. At that time it was not yet customary to give the winners a crown.

6) Cleopatra is considered the mother of manicure

The entire procedure for caring for hands and nails was invented by Cleopatra. In her time, the nobles of Egypt wore bright manicure(black, red, green), and well-groomed and beautiful nails and hands were considered a sign of high financial status.

Moreover, in Ancient Egypt, manicure accessories were made exclusively from gold. Slaves also had the right to paint their nails, but their colors had to be soft and neutral.

7) Max Factor comes from Russian Empire

Max Factor's real name is Maximilian Abramovich Faktorovich. The founder of a much-loved cosmetics company comes from the Russian Empire. Before emigrating to the USA, at the age of 14 Max found himself in service at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow as an assistant make-up artist. After that, he served as a cosmetics expert at the court of Nicholas II for 10 years.

After emigrating, Max Factor became famous throughout the world by launching his own brand cosmetics. He is the author of such words as "makeup", platinum blonde and waterproof makeup.

8) There is a formula for the ideal face shape

The distance between the pupils is 46 percent of the width of the face, and the distance between the lips and eyes is 36 percent of the length of the face. Regarding the perception of a person’s profile, through numerous experiments it was found that the left side of the face seems more attractive to us than the right. The reason for this has not yet been found.

9) Beautiful people are lucky in life

This point of view, as it turns out, is supported by justification from the psychological side. For example, beautiful people earn on average 5 percent more than their less attractive colleagues, and they move up the career ladder more easily.

For every girl, attractiveness is very important. But what style element do you worry about the most? The game "Beauty Test" is suitable for middle and high school students school age– exactly when young ladies choose makeup and care about their appearance the most. You can play quickly and fun, and use the acquired knowledge to your advantage.

You can ask your girlfriend to answer a few simple questions when you don’t know what kind of gift to choose for her birthday or other holidays. After all, the set of questions selected by the stylists suits your mood and will help you decide with the utmost precision. The game "Beauty Test" is voiced with beautiful classics that develop taste and is designed in clear lines and soft colors, thus causing pleasure while playing.

After going through the application, you can ask your friend if this is really the item that she carefully monitors for the presence of in her cosmetic bag. Most likely, the explanation and her solutions are the same.