Availability insurance period is one of the criteria for determining a citizen’s right to retire in 2020. The requirements for the minimum required length of service to apply for an insurance pension are increasing annually, starting in 2015. To apply for payments in 2020, you need to have insurance experience (for standards for 2021 and beyond, see).

In the insurance period, according to Law No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions” the following are included:

Since 2019, the pension legislation has had a new basis for early exit for retirement - having a long work experience (). Its calculation differs from the standard scheme, since in its duration not all periods are included(for example, military service does not count).

For some types of pension, the duration is of particular importance special experience labor activity by profession or in certain working conditions. This applies to recipients of pensions, pensions and long service (, etc.).

What is insurance experience?

The concept of insurance period is defined in Art. 3 of Law No. 400-FZ. This is the total duration of labor activity of a person and others, the list of which is enshrined in the law. Before changes to the pension system in 2015, the term was used instead "work experience".

Duration of insurance period directly affects the size of the pension:

  • How longer person works, the more insurance premiums the employer pays for it.
  • From the insurance contributions on the citizen's personal account, the amount of the future pension is formed.

In addition, citizens who did not have enough to meet the minimum established standards will not be able to receive insurance pension by old age. They will only be entitled to , which is assigned later than the insurance (at 70 years old for men and 65 years old for women), and its size is fixed for all recipients of this type of security.

Insurance and work experience: what is the difference?

Despite changes in legislation, the concept of seniority is still used in practice today.

  • It includes all periods of work activity and other periods that occur until early 2002.
  • Its duration is used to calculate the size of citizens' pensions as of that date. After this time, with the implementation of reforms, the determination of pension rights and the calculation of payments depends on the insurance period.

What is included in the insurance period

In accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, the length of service includes the following periods of work or other activities performed by citizens of the Russian Federation:

  1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to mandatory payment of contributions to the Pension Fund.
  2. In other countries in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation, or subject to payment of contributions to the Pension Fund.

In addition to periods of work, the insurance period will include the duration provided for by law, during which contributions are not deducted.

Please note that not all periods included in the insurance period are counted towards the length of service for. For example:

  • the duration of work in the conditions of the Far North or areas equivalent to them is important;
  • (37 years for women, 42 for men) the duration of work and paid sick leave (without socially significant periods) will be summed up.

What “non-insurance” periods are included in the insurance period?

The insurance period, in addition to the time of work, includes the periods listed in Part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ. These include:

  • receiving benefits due to temporary disability;
  • mother or father care for each child until he is 1.5 years old (no more than 6 years in total);
  • receiving unemployment benefits, performing paid public works, moving to another area to get a job as directed by the employment service;
  • being in custody and in places of restriction of freedom, exile in case of unfounded prosecution, if innocence is then proven;
  • care for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child, citizens over the age of 80;
  • residence of a serviceman's wife in an area where she cannot get a job (no more than 5 years);
  • residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation of spouses of citizens performing duties in representative offices and consulates of the Russian Federation (no more than 5 years);
  • period prescribed by law “On operational investigative activities”.

These periods will be counted towards the insurance period if before them and after them there were periods of work (regardless of their duration), during which insurance contributions were transferred to the Pension Fund.

Retirement experience in Russia under the new law

After the reform pension system In 2015, the requirements for the minimum length of service for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension began to increase annually.

Note that the changes did not affect the amount of length of service for assigning early pensions to certain categories of citizens specified in the article and Law No. 400-FZ (employees of the Lists and preferential categories).

Minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2020 in Russia

To receive an old-age insurance pension in 2020, you must have at least 11 years of insurance experience. The minimum length of service requirement will gradually increase by one year each year. For example, already in 2021, to establish a pension, 12 years of insurance experience are required, in 2022 - already 13 years, until by 2025 it reaches 15 years. In addition to m (table below).

Retirement experience in Russia according to the new law (table 2020)

Year of retirement Which minimum experience needed for retirement, years Minimum number of pension points (IPC)
2015 6 6,6
2016 7 9
2017 8 11,4
2018 9 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6
2021 12 21
2022 13 23,4
2023 14 25,8
2024 15 28,2
2025 15 30

Rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience

The procedure for calculating the insurance period is regulated by Article 13 of Law No. 400-FZ, which provides for the following points:

When assigning pension benefits, proof of insurance coverage is not always required.

Periods of work after the introduction of individual (personalized) accounting (IPU) and receipt of SNILS are confirmed automatically based on the information recorded on the individual personal account of the future pensioner.

Confirmation of periods of work activity before the introduction of individual accounting may be necessary:

  • In the absence of relevant data in the Pension Fund. In this case, as a rule, supporting documents are required from the employer or from the state. authorities in the manner prescribed by law.
  • In case of destruction without the possibility of restoration or loss of work documents through no fault of the employee. In this case, the establishment of length of service (except for the nature of work) occurs on the basis of witness testimony ( 2 or more people).

The insurance period is the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension, during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period established by pension legislation.

Thus, the insurance period, in contrast to the work experience, consists not only of periods of work on the basis of employment contracts (agreements), but also of other “non-working” periods of time included in the insurance period in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” .

Insurance experience is required to assign an old-age insurance pension. In some cases, an old-age pension may be granted early.

In accordance with the law, the minimum insurance period for granting a pension increases annually from 6 years in 2015 to 15 years by 2025. For conditions for assigning an insurance pension, see the article at the link.

Having a minimum insurance period

For the minimum insurance period that gives the right to receive an insurance pension, see the table below

Minimum length of service for assigning an insurance pension (table)

Year of assignment of old-age insurance pension

Minimum insurance period required to assign an old-age insurance pension

2024 and beyond

Important. If upon reaching retirement age the pensioner does not work the minimum number of years, an old-age insurance pension is not assigned. In this case it is assigned social pension. Read about the minimum pension in Russia in the article at the link.

In addition to the minimum length of service, to receive a pension you must have a minimum number of pension points.

The Appendix to the Law “On Insurance Pensions” establishes successive increasing requirements for the minimum pension coefficient. Thus, from January 1, 2015, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if there is an individual pension coefficient not lower than 6.6 with a subsequent annual increase by 2.4 to 30.

year of retirement minimum coefficient
2015 6,6
2016 9
2017 11,4
2018 13,8
2019 16,2
2020 18,6
2021 21
2022 23,4
2023 25,8
2024 28,2
from 2025 onwards 30

Thus, from 2025, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30. For more details on the procedure for determining pension points, see the article at the link.

Other periods counted towards the insurance period

  1. the period of military service, as well as other equivalent service provided for by law Russian Federation"ABOUT pension provision persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families";
  2. the period of receiving compulsory social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability;
  3. the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than six years in total;
  4. the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment;
  5. the period of detention of persons unjustifiably prosecuted, unjustifiably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, and the period of serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
  6. the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;
  7. the period of residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;
  8. period of residence abroad of spouses of employees sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, permanent missions of the Russian Federation to international organizations, trade missions of the Russian Federation in foreign countries, representative offices of federal executive authorities, state bodies under federal executive authorities or as representatives these bodies abroad, as well as to representative offices of state institutions of the Russian Federation (state bodies and state institutions of the USSR) abroad and international organizations, but not more than 5 years in total (the list of such organizations is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation);
  9. the period of operational work counted towards the insurance period in accordance with the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”.
  10. the period during which persons who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability and subsequently rehabilitated were temporarily suspended from office (work) in the manner established by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for calculating insurance experience

Calculation of the duration of the insurance period, including "" based on witness testimony, and (or) other activities and other periods is carried out on a calendar basis based on a full year (12 months). In this case, every 30 days of periods of work and (or) other activities and other periods are converted into months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years.

If the periods “ ” and “ ” coincide in time, when calculating the insurance period, one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the person who applied for the establishment of an insurance pension.

When calculating the insurance period, periods of activity of persons who independently provide themselves with work, heads and members of peasant farms, members of family (tribal) communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, engaged in traditional economic sectors, periods of work for individuals (groups of individuals ) under contracts are included in the insurance period subject to payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

When calculating the insurance period required to acquire the right to an old-age insurance pension by citizens receiving a long-service pension or a disability pension in accordance with the Law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families", the insurance period does not include periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and (or) other activities taken into account when determining the amount of pension for long service. In this case, all periods that were included in the length of service are considered to be taken into account, including periods that do not affect the amount of the long service pension or disability pension.

When calculating the insurance period, periods of work during the full navigation period on water transport and during the full season in organizations of seasonal industries are taken into account in such a way that the duration of the insurance period in the corresponding calendar year is a full year.

Persons who performed work under copyright contracts in the corresponding calendar year, as well as authors of works who received payments and other remuneration in the corresponding calendar year under agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to works of science, literature, art, publishing license agreements, license agreements on the grant of rights use of a work of science, literature, art, if the total amount of insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from payments and other remunerations received under these agreements during a given calendar year amounted to at least fixed size insurance premium for compulsory pension insurance, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the insurance period includes a period equal to a full calendar year (from January 1 to December 31), in which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are paid from payments and other remuneration under these agreements. If the total amount of insurance premiums paid during a calendar year is less than the fixed amount of the insurance contribution for compulsory pension insurance, a period (in months) of duration calculated in proportion to the insurance premiums paid, but not less than one calendar month (30 days), is included in the insurance period. ).

The period counted towards the insurance period in connection with the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from payments and other remunerations under these contracts, if there are periods of work and (or) other activities in the corresponding calendar year, other periods are taken into account in such a way that the insurance period for the corresponding calendar year did not exceed one year (12 months).

The procedure for confirming insurance experience

When calculating the insurance period before registering a citizen as an insured person and receiving a pension certificate, the length of service is confirmed on the basis of information from individual (personalized) records for the specified period and (or) documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies. For documents that can be used to confirm insurance experience in the absence of information in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, see the article at the link.

When calculating the insurance period after registering a citizen as an insured person with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, data on the length of service is confirmed on the basis of information from individual (personalized) records.

When calculating the insurance period, the periods "" on the territory of the Russian Federation before registering a citizen as an insured person with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can be established on the basis of the testimony of 2 or more witnesses if work documents are lost due to a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire and similar reasons) and it is impossible to restore them. In some cases, it is possible to establish length of service based on the testimony of 2 or more witnesses in the event of loss of documents and for other reasons (due to careless storage, intentional destruction and similar reasons) not through the fault of the employee. At the same time, the nature of the work is not confirmed by witness testimony.

Prepared by "Personal Prava.ru"

Until 2002, to receive full pension payments, women were required to work for 20 years, and men – 25.

Starting from January 1, 2003, instead of labor, insurance was introduced - the period of employment during which social tax was paid. In 2013, the government of the Russian Federation adopted a new Federal Law No. 400 (final amendments took place in 2015), according to which the duration of the required insurance period to receive social benefits for old age is constantly increasing.

How much work do you need to do to retire?

According to Federal Law No. 400, retirement in 2017 will require 8 years of insurance experience. The insurance period in the law refers to the period of work of a citizen during which the employer paid social tax for him. This period increases every 12 months by 1 year. It will reach its maximum value in 2025 – 15 years of insurance experience.

If the employer did not pay contributions in full or in arrears, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may exclude data from such a period from the insurance record. This point is the most controversial in the law and there is a possibility that the next amendment will repeal it.

In addition to the amount of insurance coverage, in order to receive social pension payments, 2 more conditions must be met:

  1. Citizen's age. For women this parameter is 55 years, for men – 60.
  2. The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC). In 2017 it should be 11.4. The IPC is growing by 2.4 per year and should reach 30 points by 2025.

Important! To receive an IPC, you need to receive a “white” (official) salary of at least 10 thousand rubles.

There are a few exceptions to the age limit:

What benefits will those who have worked for a quarter of a century get?

(7000 + 6500) + (7000 + 6500) * 50% = 20,250 rubles.

Also, the ensign is entitled to a presidential allowance in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. The final pension for the ensign from the example will be 21,250 rubles.


A teacher who has worked for 25 years in his specialty in children's educational institutions.

The work of a teacher in the Russian Federation is honorable, but poorly paid. The benefit is paid on a general basis and is calculated based on the amount of social tax and the citizen’s salary using a complex formula. The only concession is the possibility of early retirement - the threshold is within the mentioned 25 years.

For 2017 average pension a teacher who has worked with children for 25 years is 13,700 rubles.

Is it possible to retire earlier than the standard retirement age? What to do if there is little left until retirement, but they are no longer hiring? What to do when you have no work experience at all? Have the basic rules for going on holiday in the Russian Federation changed in recent years?

The procedure for assigning payments to citizens of the Russian Federation is regulated by labor legislation and special laws. To receive payments from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a person must have a certain insurance period.

In the absence of such a general period, the state does not leave a person to the mercy of fate, assigning a social pension, the size of which is certainly less than the minimum labor pension.

What is work experience for retirement?

The pension system of our state is constantly undergoing reform, and even with explanatory work with the population, future pensioners sometimes have difficulty imagining the size of their pension. For all those who plan to rely on these savings in old age, it is useful to know that for calculating a large pension, only the size of the salary is not always important; the duration of its payment is also taken into account. This takes into account whether the worker had breaks from work and for how long, in what industries and in which regions of the country he worked, whether contributions were transferred to the Pension Fund, and so on.

Depending on these conditions, a citizen’s entire work activity is covered by several types of length of service, which subsequently form the basis of his pension. These are general labor, special, continuous and insurance experience.

General insurance

A citizen’s general insurance period includes all time periods when employers or individual entrepreneurs paid insurance premiums for themselves to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as periods that are equivalent to them:

  • stay to care for a disabled child;
  • serving a sentence in prison (with subsequent proof of innocence);
  • child care up to 1.5 years old. The maximum duration of this period is 6 years;
  • military service;
  • living in an area where there is no opportunity to find work;
  • stay registered with the central registration center.

All information about a person’s insurance experience since 2002 is reflected in the computer personification system. To confirm data on the presence or absence of work experience in the 20th and early 21st centuries (before 2002), it is necessary to provide a work book or documents confirming the fact of work at the enterprise or organization.

Special pension experience for retirement

Benefits for receiving payments consist in the opportunity for certain categories to receive a pension earlier than the general period established by law. Provided for the following reasons:

  • work for a clearly defined minimum period in difficult working conditions (mines, hot shops and other facilities);
  • length of service.


Continuous work experience quite logically implies the absence of any breaks in a person’s work activity. Let's say a person got a job in January 1990 and works until today. This person’s insurance period is not interrupted.

If an individual was fired at least once (except for the case when hiring took place) new job the day after dismissal from the previous one), then the length of service will be interrupted.

If we talk about insurance experience, then this concept is not applied to it, that is, it is formed according to the principle of accumulation.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating the labor pension?

The length of service is calculated based on the work book entries.

At the same time, the law does not prohibit the use of several work books for persons working in two or more jobs at the same time. Such citizens need only one thing - to show increased care for the safety, correctness of maintenance and taking into account the number of these documents used, since upon retirement they must all be presented to a specialist who will be responsible for calculating the length of service.

What is included in the charge

According to the norms of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the insurance period for a citizen when determining the possibility of receiving payment from the Pension Fund includes:

  • official labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Upon full registration, insurance premiums must be paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • work activity abroad. In this case, the citizen pays contributions to the Pension Fund on his own or they are transferred in accordance with the norms of international treaties of the Russian Federation with other countries.

The non-insurance periods indicated above are also included in the total length of service.

Experience under special working conditions

Special working conditions are established in production facilities that fall under special lists: No. 1 and No. 2. List No. 1 includes industries with particularly difficult conditions (for example, underground work). The conditions for early retirement for persons who worked in such industries are as follows:

  • retirement age for men - 50 years, for women - 45 years;
  • insurance experience – 20 and 15 years, respectively;
  • the period of work in hazardous production cannot be less than 10 and 7.5 years, respectively.

List No. 2 includes less dangerous work (transport, tunnel construction, etc.). Here the conditions are:

  • insurance experience of at least 25 years (men) and 20 years (women);
  • retirement occurs at 55 and 50 years, respectively;
  • the period of harmful work is at least 12.5 and 10 years, respectively.

Conditions of retirement

The state clearly establishes the norms and rules for assigning pensions to all categories of citizens. For this purpose, laws and regulations are developed and approved at both the federal and regional levels. Currently, this has led to the fact that pensioners in different regions find themselves in special conditions. So, everyone knows that the local government makes additional payments to pensioners in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In Chuvashia, the missing experience can now be purchased (no more than half of what is required), and retirement can be postponed in order to complete the time necessary to complete the experience.

Early retirement regardless of age and insurance period

In any case, when assigning a pension, the factor of age and the presence of a minimum certain insurance period are taken into account. List of persons who have the right preferential pension, established by the norms of Art. Art. 30 -32 Federal Law No. 400. The list is quite broad, so we see no point in listing it. In addition, it is possible to apply for a pension 2 years earlier under the following conditions:

  • dismissals from the enterprise due to liquidation or downsizing;
  • the citizen is registered with the Central Tax Service;
  • There are no vacancies for which employment is possible.

In addition, representatives of the small peoples of the North have the right to a social pension regardless of their work experience upon reaching 55 (men) and 50 (women) years.

Social reasons for receiving a pension early

Early termination of work is quite reasonable for some citizens because:

  • employees of production facilities on List No. 1 and No. 2 sharply deteriorate their health;
  • It is very difficult for people of pre-retirement age to find work, because employers generally want to see a younger and more energetic team in their offices. People of this age who are registered with the Central Bank can apply for payment ahead of schedule;
  • The state understands its social responsibility to mothers who have raised 5 or more children, as well as to disabled people with serious illnesses who, due to health reasons, are simply not able to work effectively in old age.

How many years do you need to work to receive a pension?

Laws establish minimum requirements for each category of citizens. Law No. 350-FZ came into force, defining new age limits for retirement starting in 2019. In general, the age increases by 5 years for both sexes. However, to reduce the stress load for those whose graduation date fell in 2019, a special scheme has been established. The law provides for a number of other innovations.

To establish old-age insurance benefits

Starting from 2019, the minimum length of service to receive an insurance pension in the Russian Federation will be 10 years. As is known, previously in almost all post-Soviet states, including the Russian Federation, this standard was practically minimal - 5 years.

The period of 10 years is not a limit, because according to the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, this threshold will increase and by 2025 it will be 15 years.

To assign a state pension

As is known, citizens who do not have the minimum length of service to receive a labor pension will receive social payment. This benefit will not be awarded immediately upon reaching retirement age. The person will be given 5 years to “get” the minimum length of service, which will be 10 years from 2019. If this fails, then the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will accrue a social pension.

What should be the minimum length of service for an old-age pension?

The minimum working period is different for men and women. In addition, some categories of citizens have special benefits. Therefore, in accordance with the new pension legislation, pensioners transition period until 2025 they will retire based on data from a government-approved table. Thus, for those who must leave work in 2019, they must have at least 10 years of experience, which is 16.2 pension points.

Those who have not worked at all or have not earned the minimum length of service will receive a social old-age pension, the amount of which cannot be lower than the subsistence level.

How much experience does a woman need in Russia?

To receive pension payments, a woman in Russia must reach 55 years of age as of 2018. The insurance period cannot be less than 9 years. In 2019, no one will be able to count on receiving a pension if they have worked with contributions to the Pension Fund for less than 10 years. At the same time, a woman’s total work experience, taking into account non-insurance periods, is from 20 years.

How much experience does a man need?

If we talk about a purely insurance period, then its value is measured in terms of the number of years in at the moment is no different from the indicators established for women - 9 years, but there are some differences:

  • the minimum retirement age is 5 years higher than for women;
  • The minimum total work experience is 25 years.

The procedure for calculating length of service

Labor and insurance experience are similar but different concepts. The length of service takes into account the periods of work of a person at enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as the implementation of other activities (study, child care, etc.) regardless of the payment of insurance premiums.

In understanding the TS, the concept of continuity is used. If a person quits the enterprise, then for continuity of service he must find a new job within 1 month. If this dismissal occurred due to the liquidation of the organization or staff reduction, 3 months are given for employment.

The insurance period in our country has been accrued since 2002 and is completely tied to the payment of contributions by employers for their employees.

The determination of the total length of the working period occurs by summing up all the stages that, according to the law, are included in the labor activity of a citizen.

Increasing coefficients

When calculating pensions in the Russian Federation, coefficients are established that determine the relationship between the amount pension payment and average salary in the country. The maximum standard ratio is 1.2, but there are also increased performance. For persons who have worked in the Far North and are applying for a “northern” pension, an increasing coefficient has been established in the range from 1.4 to 1.9.

What periods are not taken into account?

The pension period includes only those periods when contributions were made to the employee. pension fund. Therefore, such periods will not be included in it:

  • full-time training, regardless of the institution, as well as courses in personnel training or retraining;
  • living in the occupied territories and besieged Leningrad during the Second World War;
  • being in concentration camps during the Second World War;
  • care for HIV-positive children under age;
  • any leave without pay.

Pension in the absence of insurance experience

The state guaranteed payment to persons without work experience is assigned upon reaching 65 years of age for men and 60 years of age for women. For representatives of small nations of the North, the minimum age is reduced by 10 years.

To summarize, we can say that to get a decent financial assistance In old age, the state requires you to work for at least 20 years. There is also the possibility of receiving remuneration on preferential terms. The state takes care of all pensioners, so even if there is no standard age, a minimum level of income will be ensured.

Useful video

We'll tell you what types of experience there are and how much you need to earn to qualify for a pension.

Total work experience

Total work experience this is the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002. The total length of service is needed to assess pension rights as of January 1, 2002. For length of service after January 1, 2002, the concept of “total length of service” does not apply.

The total work experience includes:

  • work as a worker, employee (including abroad), member of a collective farm or other cooperative organization; other work in which the employee was subject to compulsory pension insurance; work (service) in paramilitary security, special communications agencies or in a mine rescue unit; periods of individual labor activity (including in agriculture);
  • creative activity of members of creative unions - writers, artists, composers, filmmakers, theater workers, as well as writers and artists who are not members of the relevant creative unions;
  • temporary disability that began during the period of work and being on disability of groups I and II due to an injury at work or an occupational disease;
  • staying in places of detention beyond the period prescribed during the review of the case;
  • military service;
  • receiving unemployment benefits, participating in paid public works, moving in the direction of the employment service to another area for employment.

In the case of an assessment of pension rights under paragraph 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the total length of service also includes:

  • periods of preparation for professional activity- training in colleges, schools and courses for personnel training, advanced training and retraining, in educational institutions secondary vocational and higher vocational education (in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions), postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, clinical residency;
  • periods of care for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child, an elderly person, if he needs constant care based on the conclusion of a medical institution;
  • periods of care of a non-working mother for each child under three years of age and 70 days before his birth, but not more than nine years in total;
  • periods of residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work in their specialty due to lack of employment opportunities;
  • periods of residence abroad of spouses of employees of Soviet institutions and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in total;
  • periods of detention, stay in places of detention and exile for citizens who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, unjustifiably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated;
  • citizens living in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, and who reached 16 years of age by the day of occupation or during its period - the time of their stay at the age of 16 years and older in the occupied territory of the USSR or other states, as well as in the territories of states that were at war with the USSR, with the exception of cases when they committed a crime during the specified period;
  • citizens who lived in the city of Leningrad during the period of its siege (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944), as well as citizens - prisoners of fascist concentration camps - the time respectively of living in the besieged city of Leningrad and being in concentration camps during the Great Patriotic War, with the exception of cases where they committed a crime during the specified period.

The duration of the specified periods of labor and socially useful activity until January 1, 2002 is calculated in calendar order according to their actual duration; in the case of an assessment of pension rights under paragraph 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, some periods are taken into account on a preferential basis , For example, military service upon conscription - double the amount.

Insurance experience

The insurance period is the periods of your working activity during which the employer paid contributions to the Pension Fund. It is necessary to determine the right to an insurance pension and its amount.

Every year, the requirements for the duration of the insurance period that must be had to assign an insurance pension are increasing.

Year of retirement

Minimum insurance period

Special experience

This is the name of length of service in the relevant types of work, which gives the right to an early pension. This includes, for example, underground work, work in hazardous working conditions and in hot shops, work in the textile industry in work with increased intensity and severity, work as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular city passenger routes.

Types of work

Retirement age

Required insurance experience

Required experience in relevant types of work

Underground work, work in hazardous working conditions and in hot shops

Men 50 years old

Women 45 years old

Men 20 years old

Women 15 years old

Males at least 10 years old

Women at least 7 years six months

Work with difficult working conditions

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Women at least 10 years old

Work as tractor drivers in agriculture and other sectors of the economy, as well as as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines

Women 50 years old

Women 20 years old

Women at least 15 years old

Work in the textile industry in work with increased intensity and severity

Women 50 years old

There is no requirement

Women at least 20 years old

Work of locomotive crews and workers individual categories who directly organize transportation and ensure traffic safety on railway transport and the subway, as well as as truck drivers directly in the technological process in mines, open-pit mines, mines or ore quarries for the removal of coal, shale, ore, rock

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 12 years six months

Women at least 10 years old

Work in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, search, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 12 years six months

Women at least 10 years old

Work as workers, foremen (including seniors) directly at logging and timber rafting sites, including servicing mechanisms and equipment

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 12 years six months

Women at least 10 years old

Work as machine operators (docker-mechanizers) of complex teams during loading and unloading operations in ports

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Men at least 20 years old

Women at least 15 years old

Work as a crew member on sea vessels, river fleet and the fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port vessels permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels)

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 12 years six months

Women at least 10 years old

Work as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular city passenger routes

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Men at least 20 years old

Women at least 15 years old

Full-time work in underground and surface mining (including mine rescue personnel) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and in the construction of mines and mines

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 25 years of age, and for workers of leading professions - longwall miners, drifters, jackhammer operators, mining machine operators, if they have worked in such work for at least 20 years;

Work on vessels of the marine fleet of the fishing industry in the production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

Men at least 25 years old

Women at least 20 years old

Working as a civil aviation flight crew

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

Men at least 25 years old

Women at least 20 years old

*when leaving flying work for health reasons - for men who have worked for at least 20 years, and for women who have worked for at least 15 years

Work related to direct flight control of civil aviation aircraft

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 12 years six months

Women at least 10 years old

Work as an engineer and technical staff on direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years in civil aviation

Women 20 years in civil aviation

Men at least 20 years old

Women at least 15 years old

Work as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue units of the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies and those involved in emergency response

40 years or regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 15 years

Working with convicts as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men 25 years old

Women 20 years old

Males at least 15 years old

Women at least 10 years old

Work in positions of the State Fire Service of the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies

Men 50 years old

Women 50 years old

There is no requirement

Men at least 25 years old

Women at least 25 years old

Carrying out teaching activities in institutions for children

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 25 years

Carrying out medical and other activities to protect public health in healthcare institutions

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 25 years in rural areas and urban settlements. At least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements or only in cities

Carrying out creative activities on stage in theaters or theatrical and entertainment organizations

50-55 years old or regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 15-30 years

Work in flight test personnel with direct employment in flight tests (research) of experimental and serial aviation, aerospace, aeronautical and parachute equipment

Regardless of age

There is no requirement

At least 25 years old for men, at least 20 years old for women

*if leaving flying work due to health reasons - men are at least 20 years old, and women are at least 15 years old.

Northern experience

“Northern experience” - periods of work in the regions of the Far North (RKS) or in areas equivalent to them (MKS). So, for example, to retire at 55 years old, a man needs to work 15 years in the RKS or 20 years in the ISS, and have at least 25 years of insurance experience. For early retirement at age 50, a woman needs to work for 15 years in the RKS or 20 years in the ISS, and have at least 20 years of insurance experience.

Retirement age

Required insurance experience

Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years or at least 20 years in equivalent areas
(When working in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the areas of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the areas of the Far North)

Men 55 years old

Women 50 years old

Men at least 25 years old

Women at least 20 years old

Citizens who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 calendar years 6 months*

(*When working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, or in regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North)

The insurance pension is assigned with a reduction in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women) by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

Men at least 25 years old

Women at least 20 years old

Citizens who permanently reside in the Far North and equivalent areas and have worked as reindeer herders, fishermen, and commercial hunters for at least 25 years for men and for at least 20 years for women

Men 50 years old

Women 45 years old