The completion of fourth grade by schoolchildren is a trembling and emotionally overwhelming event not only for parents, but also for the teacher who taught the class for four years. Therefore, it is very appropriate from a teacher who is saying goodbye to his graduates. He accepted them very little into his professional arms.

Why express words of gratitude to parents from the teacher?

Graduation party for junior school- this is a holiday that is filled with strings of regret, tears of joy and emotions, as well as farewell notes that sound in everyone’s hearts. Sometimes children go to other educational institutions after graduating from primary school, sometimes they remain within the walls of their native school, but leave their usual classrooms, entering a new level of knowledge. In any case, thanks to the parents from the teacher primary school is appropriate and should be present during the prom process.

The teacher can create rhymes on his own, or he can express all his experiences in prose. This is not the point, the most important thing is that these thanks and congratulations flow from the heart and from a pure heart. At the graduation party of junior classes, parents read words of gratitude to the teacher, and the teacher expresses his reverent attitude towards yesterday’s first-graders, who have grown up rapidly and are on the threshold of a new stage in their lives.

Sincere gratitude to the parents of the class in poetry from the teacher or prosaic expressions of thoughts will help set the right mood for the holiday. After all, this solemn event is filled with both joy from the fact that the children have grown up and sadness from how quickly time has flown by.

What words and emotions to include in the text of gratitude

A variety of ideas can be included in thanking students' parents from the teacher. The teacher, if desired, can highlight some parents who invested their time and skills as much as possible in the development of their children. You can also separately note those who made significant material contributions to the transformation of the class or school as a whole. And, of course, it is possible in general poetic or prose forms for parents from the teacher.

Of course, every teacher knows what words to fill rhymes and prose with. In any case, there should be words of gratitude, and words of regret at farewell, and words of joy for the younger generation.

Gratitude to parents from an elementary school teacher in prose

You can say thank you in correctly composed prosaic congratulations. The following sayings can be taken as an example.

“Dear and respected parents of graduates! The day has come when I need to say goodbye to such wonderful, well-mannered and competent students. I am very sorry that time has flown by so quickly. After all, I, one might say, grew up with them. Each of those, whoever leaves the walls of primary school today is like my own child.

I would like to congratulate you on your graduates, may they successfully enter a new stage of their lives. Now they are no longer children of primary school, but middle school. Their school life will be filled with new knowledge and events. I wish you patience and endurance.

Thank you, parents of my graduates, for raising such good, kind and listening children. Let them be your friends and like-minded people throughout life. I am not ashamed of the birds I release into free flight, because each of the children is worthy of praise and the highest grades. A low bow to those who helped me these four years in the process of organizing work and leisure for our children. Thank you everyone for being in my teaching life. Good luck, my golden students, may good luck always accompany you. And to you, educated and prosperous children."

“I can’t even believe that today is the day when I have to say goodbye to you. Dear parents, I want to say that each of you is growing a worthy and full-fledged child who is capable of reaching any heights. I am very sad to say goodbye to each of my students and each of their parents.

Thank you, dear mothers and fathers of my graduates, for helping in the learning process. For the fact that you delved into the school curriculum and strived to show your children the right path. I am very glad that in my teaching experience I had the opportunity to meet such pleasant and good people.

Thank you again for the children who filled four years of my life with aspirations, learning new skills and understanding the next generation. Thank you, parents, for such wonderful children."

Gratitude to parents in verse

The poetic rhymes sound very emotional and rich. Therefore, gratitude to parents from the teacher can be conveyed in rhymed lines. Take the following creations as an example:

Parents of my graduates

I am very happy to congratulate you on the holiday.

I am proud of my students.

Teaching them felt like a reward.

Thank you, parents of children,

With whom we have been together for four years.

For how wonderful and sons,

You are worthy of poems and even songs.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

For the fact that you paid attention to my work.

And there’s no turning back from the road to adulthood,

May your future journey be magical.

If it weren't for the parents of my students,

Who today became the class of graduates,

I don’t even know how I would cope

Probably a lot of things wouldn't work out.

In organizing class work

And in creative moments -

You always helped me

They wrote poems.

Today I composed for you

In rhymes of gratitude,

Thank you very much for the moments of solidarity.

Let the birds, our graduates, fly high and measuredly.

Personally, I have one hundred percent confidence in my students.

Thank you, parents, for such children,

For your daughters and sons.

Let my birds fly on their adult journey.

There is no turning back now.

Gratitude to 4th grade parents from the teacher in prose

You don't have to rhyme to convey your worries and emotions. Sometimes gratitude from a teacher to parents can be prosaic. A sample could be as follows:

“Dear parents, today is the last day of school in the lower grades. Each of you made a significant contribution to learning and to the process of organizing school events. Four years ago I accepted little chicks who did not understand what was happening around them. Today I can say with confidence that this path will pass with sense and meaning.

Both you and I, dear parents, worked every day to educate and improve our children. Now fully grown, independent and literate people are leaving elementary school and rising to a new level in life. Thanks to each of the mothers and fathers, you have never been indifferent for four years, you have always taken part in organizing work and creating interesting forms of education for your children. I'm a little sad that such wonderful children are leaving from under my wing. I hope that I will be remembered only from the best side. Have a good trip!"

Gratitude to parents of primary school graduates from a teacher in verse

Poetic rhymes can be associated with different topics. At graduation from primary school, it would be very appropriate to thank parents from the teacher for raising children in poetry

I can proudly say:

To raise such children,

You need to be teachers, gurus,

Introducing his own nature to children.

Our class consists of well-mannered children,

Diligent daughters and sons.

You can be proud of such students

They are worthy birds.

Today, graduates and alumni,

About average to study.

Dear parents,

You will receive words of gratitude.

Raised good children

And this is pride and a lot of joy.

Your children are an example of education.

Today is the time for them to say goodbye to me.

Thank you, dear parents,

Why are your children so good?

Raise and raise an exemplary child -

This is not an easy matter.

I only know for sure, for sure,

That the parents of my graduates

By the grain, by the breast, by the handful

Replenish their children

And in the end they raised worthy ones

Daughters and sons.

I want to thank you for this,

Why did you manage to raise the kids this way?

It was a pleasure to work with them,

Have a bright journey in the new current.

Poems about moms and dads of elementary school graduates

If there were no parents, there would be no children - this truth is simple, therefore, at the junior school graduation party, mothers and fathers are one of the main heroes of the celebration. The teacher should pay due attention to the people who chose this particular school or class for their child. Examples of congratulations may be as follows

Moms and dads of my graduates,

I want to say thank you to you,

The best students

I'm leaving for adult school today.

Thank you for helping me mentally,

Let this seem not new and banal.

I also thank you for your daughters and sons,

You guys are top class! Today my class will be left.

A little sad and offensive, but there’s nothing to do, friends,

May the path that everyone chooses for themselves be bright.

If it weren't for the parents,

The teachers wouldn't have helped.

Each of you made a significant contribution,

In raising children, daughters and sons.

We grew a real treasure,

And I'm willing to bet

That these children will bring thousands of certificates and awards.

Smart, good, quick-witted,

Thank you for such children, dear parents.

“Thank you” from the teacher to the parent committee in prose

Gratitude can also be expressed in prose.

“Thank you, dear members of the parent committee, for your dedication and interest. Thanks to you, I had no problems either with stationery or with organizing an interesting learning process. And you regularly united all children and parents, organizing joint holidays, hikes and entertainment events. Thanks to you, four years of study passed easily and without hassle. Thank you so much for doing it right. organized process study and leisure."

“Thank you” from the graduates’ class teacher to the parent committee in verse

Very significant and important people in the life of the class are parent committee. Therefore, it would be appropriate for these people to thank their parents from the teacher for their help. You can take the following options as an example.

Purchase of stationery, supplies for children,

I didn't know about it for four years

Thanks to our parents.

Our class committee

All current issues were resolved.

Wall newspapers, important purchases

He helped do it for us.

Special thanks to you,

There is no price for those who have their time,

And fantasy and ideas

Spent everything for the class.

Low bow to you, parent committee,

May there always be only light on your path.

Let congratulations flow from the heart, and let the words be sincere and real.

School graduation is one of the most touching events in everyone's life. Most of us, even after many years, fondly remember all the events of the day when they said goodbye to school for the last time. Students, parents and the entire school staff prepare in advance for this holiday: poems, songs, scripts for the celebration are written, and the hall is decorated.

Traditionally graduation party is carried out in two stages:

  • Official part. At this time, certificates and diplomas are awarded and congratulations are heard to students, parents, and teachers.
  • The ceremonial part, which includes a festive feast, dancing, competitions, and games.

At the holiday, there must be parting speeches to students, congratulations to parents on graduation, and gratitude from students to the school. In order for these warm words to remain in memory for a long time, they must be truly sincere and beautiful.

Congratulations for parents from teachers

For parents, graduation party is an even more significant and solemn holiday than for the graduates themselves. After all, they, too, together with their children, had been moving toward this day for many years. It was thanks to their support and care that the children were able to finally enter adulthood, and the teachers, thanks to parental education, were able to pass on their knowledge to their students. Therefore, at the graduation party, words of gratitude to parents from teachers must be heard.

Congratulations from the school principal to parents at graduation

For example, a school principal can speak at a graduation ceremony with the following congratulations to parents:

Dear parents! Today you have come to this long-awaited graduation party. You, of course, remember how many years ago you brought your children to school for the first time, how worried you were about their grades and behavior. More than a year has passed since then, and throughout this time you have done your best to help the school pass on knowledge to children. Therefore, this is your holiday too.

Today is the day when our graduates say goodbye to school forever and begin their adult lives. All teachers and you, parents, have done everything possible so that after school children can choose the right path in life, realize their talents and become truly self-sufficient. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for this difficult work and for everything you have done for the school during the years of your children’s studies. Without your help and support, we would not have been able to prepare our graduates, whom we are now proud of. Thank you again for this! And bring your grandchildren to us. We will welcome them with joy, just as we once welcomed your children.

Words of congratulations from the class teacher to the parents of graduates

In addition to the school principal, class teachers can also give a thank-you speech to parents. For example, the following teacher speech would be appropriate:

Today we all have a very big holiday, which we have been working towards for many years. And now, our children have grown up and are ready to enter adulthood. We are pleased that we were able to teach them and give them the best. But we owe a lot of this to you, parents. After all, over the course of these years it was you who raised the children, participated in the life of the school, helped with organizing holidays, and provided moral support. Without you, we would not have been able to produce graduates of whom we can now be proud. And for this you are deeply grateful from the entire staff of our school.

Your children still have a long way to go. Some will continue to study, some will go to work, but we hope that all the knowledge and skills that we, together with you, parents, have passed on to our children will help them in this difficult adult life. We are happy to welcome your grandchildren at the doors of our school.

TO they scolded us for getting bad grades
And they woke me up in the morning,
How they forced me to study
We will never forget.

But now they are smarter
And we want to confess to you:
What they taught us with a belt,
We "Thank you!" we talk.

Protecting from self-will,
They helped me find my way,
After all, without your control
We could have been wrong.

We don't hold grudges
And we already understand everything.
Thank you mom and dad
We hug you tightly.

P last call for your children,
You can be proud of them
It’s not for nothing that you once didn’t sleep at night,
And they were helped to study.

Very big ones are standing next to you,
And they are eager to start a new path,
They want to reach new heights
To know everything, to find the essence in everything.

We wish them good luck, and you too
We wish you love and patience,
So that you can reach their hearts,
So that the thread of communication does not break.


IN Our children have graduated from school.
Their last lesson is behind them.
They will soon have to leave the temple of knowledge.
And it rings them last call.

You parents are a little sad,
There is no need to check the diary.
Have a wonderful journey for your children,
Let everything be great for them!


D Our dear parents,
Thank you for your love.
Today is farewell to school
And on this day - you are near again.

And it seems just recently
You led us by the hand.
The years have flown by so quickly,
Oh, if only they could return them.

We will be diligent in life,
Proud that we can.
We are very grateful for your help,
We wish you happiness and love.


WITH Today our last bell rings,
Are you listening, moms and dads?
We are grateful to you for your love,
For such an incentive the best,
Thank you now we say to all of you
For your support and faith,
We will try to achieve all goals,
After all, you were an example for us!


R parents, congratulations
Happy School Last Bell!
You were so worried, we know
Before this solemn day.

You have worked all these years,
It's like going to class with us,
After all, you studied with us together,
Oh, how much patience do you have?

You wasted your nerves and strength,
You knew we would win!
And we thank you very much
Now we speak from the heart!


T our industrious parents,
I bow to you today.
You are like guides for us,
We are leaving our school house.

You did your best for us,
They gave us education, life.
And we are all so infinitely happy
That the events are all so intertwined.

And thank you, dears,
For love, for patience, for everything.
You are like saints to us,
There is no one closer to us!


IN the last bell rang
And sadness comes again,
That your children have grown up
They will never get their childhood back.

Don't cry, moms, dads,
After all, they have space ahead.
The school gave them everything to start:
Skills, knowledge, attitude.

Good luck and achievements await them,
There is only one thing left for you:
When they stumble on the road -
Provide a strong shoulder.




P ups, moms, “Thank you!”
We are talking today
For your help and support,
For parental work, because it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes so that they would not go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On a long and difficult school path.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Your wise advice will help again,
After all, even though the last bell has already sounded,
We are just learning to fly ourselves.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For our achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
As a sign of gratitude, a low bow.


D our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded us with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We are spending our school years
We will never forget about them!


D for parents today
A holiday for sure
At school for your children
The last bell sounds.

Last time today
You brought them to school,
The last time they said,
So as not to be late.

The last bell has died down
And all sounds froze
Adult life is another call
Picks it up today.

I wish my parents
Patience and strength,
In the big life of a child,
So that everyone lets go.


P the last bell rang,
We'll leave school soon
I didn’t have time to say thank you
To our beloved parents.

Thank you for your patience,
For help, care and affection,
For best example, inspiration,
Here's to happiness and life in bright colors!


D Dear parents, the last bell has rung, the school life of your children has ended. Now you no longer need to force them to do their homework, monitor their progress, or monitor class attendance. Today your girls and boys have become adults. They're starting new life. So let their path be easy, their efforts appreciated, and all their successes be a reason for your joy.


Z the last call rings
Calling us somewhere in the distance,
The last lesson will be
We will say goodbye to the school!
Until recently, as children,
They brought us to first grade,
The years have passed so quickly
How quickly we have grown up.
Now there's a new life,
Cares and affairs await us,
We owe you everything
And we shout “hurray” to you!
We say thank you
For giving us life,
For your wisdom, love,
Unfortunately, we don’t want to grow up.
There will be a lot of problems
Many new worries
But with you we can live everything,
And every new lesson.
The last bell is ringing
Once upon a time he was the first
Parents, low bow to you,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


T how important this day is for us
Our last call is ringing.
We are happy to see you all,
We will carry a lesson through your life.
All your sacrifice and love,
The radiance of your tender faces,
We admired again and again,
Your patience has no limits.
We are eternally grateful
And at the hour when the battle is over,
We'll all patch up your wounds
What we did sometimes
Thanks for everything to mom and dad
You were given to us by fate!


T Only our parents know how difficult it was for us to gain knowledge. Thank you, mom, for the beautifully written essays, and thank you, father, for all the solved math problems. If it weren’t for you, our closest and dearest, we would not have seen such excellent results on the Unified State Exam.


P digging over notebooks
You sat longer than us,
In homework, essays
Days and weeks flew by.

No wonder my mother taught me
Write letters exactly
No wonder dad wasn’t lazy
Take me to clubs.

Parents dream
About future success
For them it's always a child
The best in the world!


M At school we shout: “Goodbye!”
We look there excitedly
Where is mother’s quiet sobbing,
More thoughtful than a father's gaze...

We want to tell them: “Thank you!”
Once upon a time they brought us here...
We are leaving here because
The paths lead us further and further.


N We don’t need notebooks now,
And throw away the diary:
Your baby is not a first grader,
He is a graduate today!

We wish you strength, patience,
Instead of weekdays - weekends.
And for those who were raised,
Be full of pride.


IN you have walked with us all these years,
We shared joys and worries.
Thank you, parents
The guardians of our fate.

Your children have grown up.
The last call was made.
And its farewell ringing
The alarm sounds for you.

Now the roads are grown up
They lie before us, motley.
We know you believe in us!
And trust us with the choice.