Despite the popular belief that the mother plays the main role in the life of a child of any gender, the role of the father in raising a girl is difficult to overestimate. One way or another, the image of a father is crucial for forming an idea of ​​a life partner and one’s own behavior pattern. Psychologists say that a girl, building her relationships with the opposite sex in the future, will always start from the image of her father, trying to get as close as possible or move away from him.

On the importance of the father's role in raising a girl

It is no secret that many children pay great attention to their father, always striving to win his trust and praise. Asking the answer to the question why this happens, psychologists explain that children perceive mother's love as an unconditional phenomenon. Many experts agree that maternal instinct is formed even at the stage of pregnancy, while the paternal instinct is not biological, but social in nature. And yet, the role of the father in raising a girl is no less important than the role of the mother.

A wise English proverb says that it is useless to waste time raising children - they will still grow up to be like their parents. In this regard, it is very important for a father to form a worthy role model in the eyes of his daughter.

The main thing a father can do to raise his children is to sincerely love their mother. An example of mutual love and respect - best model future for your child, isn't it?

Also, the importance of the father’s role in raising a girl lies in being able to explain to the child the gender differences in behavior patterns - of course, using the example of his own attitude towards women.

And, naturally, constructive criticism and sincere praise from the father are excellent motivation for the self-development of a child, regardless of gender. They will help the child realize himself and adequately evaluate himself and his

What role does the family play in raising a child?

Every person's first educators were their parents. The role of the family in raising a child is important because it is the family that determines a person’s future life.

Tasks of family education

The main tasks of the family are raising a healthy, comprehensively developed child, developing such qualities that are necessary for a subsequent happy, fulfilling life.

Create conditions for physical as well as intellectual development children. The child must receive a balanced diet, have clothes, shoes, and everything necessary for going to school, participating in sports sections, and creative clubs. Children should have educational toys and books, and libraries and museums should be available to students.

Provide social and psychological protection for their offspring. This means that the responsibility of adults is to support, console, help in difficult situations, and ensure safety in society. Children need to be introduced to the outside world and taught to respond correctly to life’s ups and downs.

Share your life experience, teach useful life skills and abilities. First of all, cultivate hard work through joint work and reasonable distribution of responsibilities between all family members.

Prepare the child for life in society. Here the model of parental behavior plays a fundamental role. Verbal introduction to the rules of behavior in society sometimes turns out to be less effective than personal example.

What should a family be like?

A family is a unique group of close people. It can consist of several generations, which means the presence of different views, values, and beliefs. Each family member can be a teacher or a child being educated. In such social units, young people gain rich, invaluable life experience, learn

The role of the father in raising his son

The first few months after the birth of a child, the main person in his life is his mother. The mother performs the most important function - ensuring that the basic needs of a defenseless newborn are met. In food, warmth, cleanliness, communication, safety. For a newborn child, he and his mother are one whole.

But as soon as the baby begins to separate himself from his mother, to understand that his mother and himself are not the same thing, another no less important person appears in his life - his dad. The presence of a father in the life of a father is important for all children, regardless of gender. But for boys, dad is not only a parent, but also a friend, mentor, and also a role model - which is why the role of the father in raising his son is very important. Let's look at each paternal function separately.

Functions of a father for a boy

Dad, just like mom, takes care of the child, protects him, loves and appreciates him. The mother needs help, so the father can take on some of the responsibilities for caring for the child. He can easily feed the baby, change his clothes, change the diaper, bathe him, and put him to bed. And sometimes fathers cope with these tasks even better than mothers. Since dad is much stronger, more balanced and organized.

Advice to dad: Do not shirk your child care responsibilities, citing the fact that it is a woman’s business. As a reward, you will receive a happy and unexhausted wife and a contented baby.

The boy associates dad with fun, active games and mischief. In this regard, mothers are more careful and cautious. And a child, especially a boy, needs to release his energy to freedom. Run, jump, climb, spin, play pranks. This is how he learns to coordinate his movements, better navigate in space, and just genuinely have fun.

Advice to dad: Play with your sons more often. At home, on the street. Take on

The role of the father in the development of the child

Dad and mom are the closest people to any child. At the same time, they are given an exceptional role in his development and education. The role of the mother is clear to everyone, but not everyone fully understands the role of the father in raising a child. In the most difficult cases, the dad is assigned an exclusively punitive role. In fact, every child needs the active participation of a father in his life, in his care, protection and friendship.

The correct role of the father in the development of the child

Today, there is a very persistent stereotype that in the development of a child the greatest role is given to the mother rather than the father, but communication with the father is extremely important for the normal formation of a full-fledged child’s personality. The fact is that if children receive affection and tenderness from their mother, then the father gives confidence and protection. At the same time, the father cannot be the second mother - this is something completely different. The father has his own, quite specific role.

So, even while the baby is in the womb, dad talks to him. Even then, children begin to distinguish their mother’s soft voice from their father’s decisive and low voice. This understanding is especially important for a little person’s awareness of his own “I”. Moreover, dad becomes the first person who can let the baby know that the whole world does not end with mom, there is someone else who is no less loving and kind.

From the first days of a baby’s life, the process of developing his personality and awareness of the surrounding society takes place. Therefore, for normal harmonious development, a child needs a father: if mother’s affection and kindness contribute to the development of one side of character, then dad contributes to the development of courage and perseverance. In addition, experts assure that it is father’s upbringing that plays a decisive role in the development of normal self-esteem in a child. If dad takes part in raising the baby from the first days, the child gets a feeling

The role of the father in raising his daughter

According to psychological research Most men dream of a son. But at the same time, they treat their daughters with great trepidation and tenderness. After all, raising a daughter is a rather complicated and very confusing process for a father. It's easier for dads to find with a boy common language. But how and what to talk about with girls, what to play with them, how to praise, how to scold - all this is a dark forest for a man. Sometimes, frightened by their incompetence in raising their daughters, men fade into the background and send girls to female hands- for education by mothers and grandmothers. And thus they make a big mistake, for which the daughter will later pay. So, what is the role of a father in raising his daughter?

A good father is the key to a happy family life for his daughter

Sigmund Freud also said that in adult life, a woman on a subconscious level is looking for a partner who is similar to her father. Even if the father was far from ideal. This factor is called the “Electra Complex”. This happens because the human subconscious strives for constancy, for everything familiar, for what we are ready for. And the woman already has a “template” or “scenario” for a relationship with a man who behaves like a father. And the psyche does not have to rebuild, look for new ways of communication, ways to resolve conflicts, and the like. For this reason, some women are unlucky in love. For example, it often happens that a woman who came from a family where her father raised his hand against her mother now and then comes across tyrant men who do not disdain assault.

It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) that the child meets in the first stages of his life and it is from them and through them that he gets acquainted with the world around him, hears human speech for the first time, begins to master the objects and tools of his activity, and subsequently comprehend complex system of human relationships. communication between a child and adults is a fundamental determinant of mental development and mental health children. In normal everyday life, a child is surrounded by the attention and care of nearby adults, and, it would seem, there should be no cause for concern. However, even among children raised in families, there is a very high percentage of mental illnesses, including neuroses, the appearance of which is due not to hereditary, but to social factors, i.e. The causes of the disease lie in the sphere of human relationships.
Placing children at an early age (up to 3 years) in a nursery preschool or attracting a nanny to raise them is a strong psychologically traumatic event, since such children are not yet ready for separation from their mother: a two-year-old child has a highly developed sense of attachment to his mother, community, unity with her (considers himself only in unity with his mother - the category “WE” ). In a situation of normal emotional communication between a child and his mother, by the age of 3, children develop a sense of “I”, i.e. perception of oneself as a separate individual, the feeling of dependence on parents gradually decreases. With frequent and long-term separations from the mother (placement in a nursery or sanatorium), the need for affection increases in young children, which can lead to the appearance of neurotic reactions. On average, only by the age of 3 does a child develop a desire to “break up” with his mother and become more independent. In addition, at this age there is already a persistent need to communicate with peers, joint games with other children. Therefore, a child aged 3 years can be placed in kindergarten without risking his mental health.
The family dominates the development of a child’s personality from birth to three years. As the child grows older, the role of the family in the development of the child gradually decreases; it is especially strong in the first years of the child’s life. In infancy, the primary influence on the child is exerted by the mother or the person who replaces her, who directly cares for the child and constantly communicates with him. In general, the family begins to actively influence the child from an early age, when he masters speech, walking upright and gets the opportunity to enter into various contacts with different members of the family. IN early years family educational influence mainly comes down to various influences on the emotional sphere of the child, as well as on his external behavior: submission to basic disciplinary and hygienic norms and rules. In preschool age, to the described family influences are added those that are aimed at nurturing in the child curiosity, perseverance, adequate self-esteem, desire for Joy, responsiveness, sociability, kindness, as well as moral qualities of the individual, which are primarily manifested in relationships with people: decency, honesty, etc. Here, not only adults, but also peers begin to take part in raising a child
Upon entering school, the educational influence of the family weakens somewhat due to the fact that the school successfully begins to compete with it. The child now spends a significant part of his time outside the family among teachers and peers, communicating with them in various situations and on various occasions. The impact of the family on the child’s personal development not only becomes relatively smaller, it changes qualitatively. Adult family members consciously focus their attention on nurturing in the child those personality traits that are necessary for successful learning and communication with various people at school and outside the home. During the period of study in the lower grades, the influence of Skoda and family nevertheless remains approximately the same.
During adolescence, the situation changes radically. The personal developmental influence of school and out-of-school communication is increasing compared to the influence of intra-family communication, and adolescence in this regard is transition period from childhood to adulthood. Some teenage children still remain under the strong and dominant educational influence of the family, while some leave it already at the beginning of adolescence. Therefore, in terms of individual differences, this age also seems to be transitional and one of the most difficult. If family members close to the child treat him with due understanding, if good, trusting relationships have been established between the teenager and his parents (grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.), then the family can remain the dominant positive institution for a long period of growing up. socio-psychological influences. If these relationships are far from those described, contradictory and conflicting, then the family may lose its positive educational role already at the very beginning of adolescence, and then a half-child, still weak in personal terms, may find himself in the sphere of far from the best influences of the street.
With the transition to early adolescence the impact of non-family educational institutions begins to prevail over family ones for the vast majority of children. The further process of development of the child’s personality, starting from this time, acquires purely individual characteristics and directly depends on the circle of people with whom the boy or girl communicates, as well as on the situations in which communication takes place, and on its nature.

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny...

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first stages... more details".

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first

  • Role families V development baby. Childish-parental relationship on different stages ontogeny. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) child occurs on the first stages.

  • Role development on different stages ontogeny.
    Consequences of deprivation: The main “symptom” here will be a sharp slowdown on all sides development baby.

  • Role communication with adults and peers in the mental development on different stages ontogeny.
    Child confidently reaches out with his hands to toys and can hold them, feels and strokes them various items.

  • Described various options parental positions, settings, parental(usually maternal) relationship.
    Considering interdependence relations V family, they are described through those roles, which performs child.

  • Parental attitude To child: structure, types and functions.
    Role is a set of behavioral patterns attitude To child V family, a combination of feelings, expectations, actions, assessments addressed child adults.

  • Development modern families largely due to the increase roles and the importance of personal potential in family relationships.
    Fall parental power over children- this is the main feature that characterizes the history of the relationship between parents and children.

  • Role families V development, education and socialization of the individual.
    For teenagers, all this can result in a rebellion against parental"violence": they
    Cinderella-type upbringing is an environment of emotional abandonment baby, indifferent, relationship to him.

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The role of family in mental development child.

The influence of the family is exercised and manifested as follows:

1. The family provides a basic sense of security, guaranteeing the child’s safety when interacting with the outside world, mastering new ways of exploring and responding to it.

2. Children learn from their parents certain ways of behavior, assimilating certain ready-made models of behavior.

3. Parents are a source of extremely important life experience.

4. Parents influence the child’s behavior by encouraging or condemning a certain type of behavior, as well as by applying punishment or allowing an acceptable degree of freedom in the child’s behavior.

5. Communication in the family allows the child to develop his own views, norms, attitudes and ideas. The child's development will depend on how good conditions for communication are provided to him in the family; development also depends on clarity and clarity of communication in the family.

A family is a certain moral and psychological climate; it is for a child a school of relationships with people. It is in the family that ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are formed. A child in a family learns the basics about the world around him. With close people he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice...

A child needs both parents - a loving father and mother. The relationship between spouses has a huge impact on the development of a child’s personality. A conflictual, tense environment makes the child nervous, whiny, disobedient, and aggressive. Friction between parents has a traumatic effect on the baby.

The pathology of marital relations produces a wide range of anomalies, and, moreover, very serious ones, both in the psyche and in the behavior of the individual.

The family in which a child grew up provides a model for the family he will form in the future.

Researchers have identified qualitative differences in the attitudes of fathers and mothers to raising a child in families with mixed-age and single-age parents. Families of different ages, when there is a large age difference of 10-15 years or more between husband and wife. Single-age families, when spouses are the same age or the age difference is not great.

Moreover, children of parents of different ages, compared to children of same-age parents, are prone to more complex forms of self-realization; they realize themselves through assessing or coordinating the actions of another person.

The family creates the personality or destroys it; it has the power of the family to strengthen or undermine the mental health of the individual. The process of family interaction selectively controls the expression of emotions, supporting some channels of emotional discharge and suppressing others. The family encourages some personal drives while preventing others, satisfying or suppressing personal needs. It indicates the boundaries of identification and contributes to the emergence of an individual’s image of his “I”. The family determines the dangers that an individual will face in life.

The experience of family relationships plays a role for a child important role not only in the formation of his personality, certain patterns of behavior and relationships with others. It is also the most important foundation on which the child forms and builds his perception of God, communication with Him, as well as family experiences that shape the child’s mental development.

Parents are not born. They become parents. This is a natural law of life. Human history shows us that the starting point for personal development is family life and relationships with parents. “One of the most responsible and sacred callings of a person - to be a father and mother - is available with minimal health and puberty. But only personal religiosity allows one to take this possibility seriously” (5, p. 154).

The harmony of fatherhood and motherhood introduces the child into the adult world prepared. The authority and example of the father and mother are the main factors in growing up and raising a mentally and spiritually healthy person.

The role of the family in the mental development of the child. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The role of the family in the mental development of the child." 2017, 2018.

Photo: Iakov Filimonov/

Mom and dad are the first people who help the baby adapt to a new world. Providing shelter and warmth, feeding on time, creating cleanliness and comfort around - this is only a small part of parental responsibilities, because the family plays a much larger role in the development of the child, in his formation as a full-fledged individual.

It is important for any child that his parents accept and love him for who he is. With a small nose, slightly slanted eyes, capricious, that is, anyone. Unconditional love is the basis through which a person develops adequate self-esteem, patience and respect for others, life crises are easier to bear, and life itself seems like an exciting journey.

The role of the mother

The most important task of a mother from a psychological point of view is to give her child a feeling of security from the first days of life. This sensation appears in the baby when he is next to her, in her arms, when his mother puts him to her breast. The baby's heartbeat calms down, breathing becomes more even. The child feels that everything will be fine, no one will hurt him. How the mother completes this task determines the child’s perception of the world around him as a whole - whether he should be trusted or not.

Usually, even before the baby is born, parents try to fill the nursery with toys, without even realizing that the most important “toy” for him at first will be his mother. She will take the baby in her arms, show him and talk about what surrounds him, introduce him to the world tactile sensations through stroking, he will make funny faces and walk with him, and at night he will sing a lullaby, introducing the child to the world of sounds. It is precisely such simple and varied actions that help a new person to fully develop mentally.

The role of the dad

Many men believe that they cannot give their baby what their mother gives. Of course, the role of a mother in a child’s life is different, but this does not mean that a father should stand aside and wait for the moment when his son or daughter grows up and can begin to develop and raise them.

The formation of children's value system rests on men's shoulders. It is dads who manage to clearly explain what “is good and what is bad,” and tell the child what actions are worth doing and what not. Dad can raise a responsible and disciplined person.

At an early stage of a child’s development, one of the main functions of the father is to introduce him to the world and society. Who will let the baby ride a horse? Who will let you go down the slide for the first time and allow you to run through a puddle? Who better to tell you how to behave with children on the playground, how to cross the road correctly? Of course, dad.

The role of grandparents

At all times, grandparents have been invaluable helpers for young parents. Many years of experience in care and education turns out to be very invaluable, since all the subtleties will not be taught in courses or written in books.

The main task of the older generation is to transfer knowledge and accumulated experience. When grandmothers and grandchildren communicate, family relationships are established; children learn that their parents also have parents, who, in turn, had their own parents, and so on. Basically, only thanks to the older generation is generational continuity created.

In addition, the presence of an extended family creates a wider social circle for the child, because it is the grandparents who can be entrusted with the newborn.

Psychological atmosphere in the family

Any parent understands that screams and scandals in the family leave a negative imprint on the personality of a growing person. This happens because the child is particularly impressionable, and since his family is the whole world for him, everything that happens in it becomes a personal experience.

It is not uncommon for a child’s behavior to change dramatically, although there are no apparent reasons for this. He may become more moody, stop eating well, sleep more restlessly, or even get sick. Naturally, mom and dad try to help the baby in every possible way, looking for reasons, without even thinking that it was their conflictual relationships and disagreements that could be the source of such changes in the baby’s behavior. The child is unable to say in words what is bothering him. He expresses his emotions and experiences through changes in habitual behavior and illness. That's why good and loving relationship between parents.

Consultation for preschool parents
“The role of the family in the development of a preschool child”

The family is the most important institution of society, a microgroup in which growing up occurs little man: both physical and spiritual. It is with close adults (mom, dad, grandmother and others) that the child meets in the first stages of his life and it is from them and through them that he gets acquainted with the world around him, hears human speech for the first time, begins to master the objects and tools of his activity, and subsequently comprehend a complex system of human relationships, a child’s communication with adults is a fundamental determinant of the mental development and mental health of children.

Preschool pedagogy considers the family as a subject of educational activity and, therefore, is focused on the importance of the family in the formation of personality, on its educational potential and educational needs, on the content and forms of interaction kindergarten and families in the educational process. Raising children preschool age carried out in families and preschool institutions.
To form a full-fledged member of society, capable of regulating his emotional life, for him to develop adequate self-esteem necessary for raising his own children in the future, a loving and understanding adult must always be next to the child. Obviously, ensuring such close, and most importantly constant contact is possible only in the family.

The development of the child, his socialization, transformation into “ public person“begins with communication with people close to him. Direct emotional communication between a child and his mother is the first type of activity in which he acts as a subject of communication.

All further development of a child depends on what place he occupies in the system of human relations, in the system of communication. The development of a child directly depends on who he communicates with, what the circle and nature of his communication are.

Children's need for communication does not appear automatically. It is formed gradually, depending on living conditions, on the influence of surrounding people, especially close adults.

A smile, a nod of the head, a word, a gesture or an arrogant look, a cry - replace the feeling of some contacts. The lack of emotional contacts always negatively affects the child’s personality. Parents' inattention to the child's feelings and needs hinders the child's healthy development.

In the first sensations from positive or negative contacts, children begin to pick up messages about themselves, about their value. Children's first feelings about themselves remain the most powerful force in their personal development, significantly influencing the psychological positions that children take and the roles they play.

In the first 5 years, a person develops the most important thing - his personality structure. During this period the child is especially vulnerable; physically, socially, emotionally dependent on the family, in which his needs are fully or partially met.

The experience of relationships with them serves as a school of social communication for the child. A lack of emotional communication deprives a child of the ability to independently navigate the direction and nature of the emotional relationships of surrounding adults and, in its extreme forms, can even lead to fear of communication.

Since an adult begins to communicate with a child when he is not yet capable of communicative activities, his behavior is the main example in communicating with other people.

Statistics show: in those families where there was a close and warm relationship between mother and child, children grow up independent and active. In those families where there was a deficit of emotional contact in early age children, in adolescence children were distinguished by isolation and aggressiveness.
In communicating with children and adults, the child masters the norms and rules of behavior and relationships, understands their expediency and necessity.

In the context of a family, an emotional and moral experience unique to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and towards activities. By preferring one or another system of assessments and standards of values ​​(material and spiritual), the family largely determines the level and content of the child’s emotional, social and moral development.

A preschooler's experience can be very different. As a rule, it is complete and versatile in a child from large and friendly family, where parents and children are connected deep relationships responsibility and mutual dependence. In these families, the range of affirmed values ​​is quite wide, but the key place in them is occupied by the person and the attitude towards him.
Emotional experience can be significantly limited in a child from an incomplete family (in the absence of one of the parents) or in the absence of brothers and sisters. Insufficient real practice of participating in the lives of other children and elderly people who need to be taken care of is an important factor that narrows the scope of emotional experience.

The experience gained in a family environment can be not only limited, but also one-sided. Such one-sidedness usually develops in conditions where family members are concerned with the development of certain qualities in the child that seem exclusively significant, for example, the development of intelligence (mathematical abilities, etc.), and at the same time no significant attention is paid to other qualities, necessary for a child as a future citizen.

Finally, a child's emotional experience can be heterogeneous and even contradictory. This situation usually occurs when the value orientations of the main family members (especially parents) are completely different. An example of this kind of upbringing can be given by a family in which the mother instills sensitivity and responsiveness in the child, and the father considers such qualities to be a relic and “cultivates” only strength in the child, elevating this quality to the rank of paramount ones.

There are parents who are firmly convinced that in our time - a time of scientific and technological achievements and progress - many moral standards of behavior have exhausted themselves and are not necessary for children; some people instill in a child such qualities as the ability to stand up for himself, not to be offended, and to fight back. “They pushed you, and why can’t you respond in kind?” - they ask children in these cases. In contrast to kindness, sensitivity, and understanding of others, children often develop the ability to thoughtlessly use force, resolve conflicts by suppressing others, and have a disdainful attitude towards other people.

Family education plays an important role in the development of the intellectual abilities of a child of early preschool age. According to many psychologists, the foundations of all necessary life skills are laid in the family.

Despite their busy schedule and lack of time, parents must take an active part in the child’s life, starting from an early age, with great responsibility, interest and desire.

The time we can give to children is more useful and more valuable to them than any toy.
Parents can help develop skills such as: developing the child’s “manual skill” necessary for writing. Let your child sculpt more, cut out pictures, assemble small mosaics, color pictures, but at the same time pay attention to the quality of coloring. For a child, this is necessary not only in special classes in the garden, but also in independent activity guys at home. After all, parents are the authority for their child in everything, both in actions and in words.

The development of the intellectual sphere will be most productive if such moral and volitional qualities as perseverance, hard work, perseverance, discipline, attention, curiosity, etc. are formed.

An important task for parents is to teach their child to finish what they have started, whether it be labor or drawing, it doesn’t matter. This requires certain conditions: nothing should distract him. Much depends on how the children prepared their workplace. For example, if a child sat down to draw, but did not prepare everything necessary in advance, then he will be constantly distracted: he needs to sharpen pencils, select the appropriate piece of paper... As a result, the child loses interest in the plan, wastes time, or even leaves the task unfinished.

The attitude of adults towards children's affairs is of great importance. If a child sees an attentive, friendly, but at the same time demanding attitude towards the results of his activities, then he himself treats them with responsibility.