Nowadays it is extremely fashionable to talk about the most effective and correct ways to improve the health of the entire human body. And this is quite understandable, today everyone wants to be healthy and look as natural as possible.

Unfortunately, life in today's modern world it is simply replete with a huge variety of factors that have an extremely negative impact on the health of every person. Moreover, the main of these factors are poor ecology, the very questionable quality of most modern food products, and drinking water heavily contaminated with waste or toxins.

This also includes insufficient quality and not always timely medical care, and of course stressful situations overtaking a modern person literally every day and a lot of bad habits. This is probably why today it is so important to regularly pay attention to the urgently needed improvement of the whole body using a variety of techniques and folk remedies.

Several basic principles for improving the health of the human body

Initially, I would like to say that the human body (as intended by nature) is an incredibly complex interdependent integral system of a biological type, based on close connections and interaction of literally all its organs or their systems. Consequently, every person who wants to improve their health needs to comprehensively use several methods for the overall health of the whole body, which in turn improves a person’s physical health, his quality of life, and even increases life expectancy.

  • Firstly, it is important to regularly carry out high-quality cleaning of the most vital human organs or their entire systems. We are talking, first of all, about cleansing the intestines - the place where most of the main digestive processes occur. And also about cleansing the liver or kidneys, since these organs are responsible for cleaning our blood, they are the ones who are able to remove soluble (both in water and in numerous fats) toxins from the body. And, of course, about cleansing the human vascular system, which is necessary to improve the blood and lymph flow systems. We must also not forget about cleaning the joints to maintain normal functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Secondly, regularly use moderate, but not excessive physical activity, which is incredibly useful for the health of the entire body. For example, it is usually quite enough to perform a small set of simple exercises every day, in the form of morning exercises, which should last for 50 or fifteen minutes. In addition, it is recommended to jog at least once or twice a week; instead, you can ride a bicycle, roller skates or skates, or perhaps just swim.
  • Thirdly, it is incredibly important to constantly lead a normal, fairly active lifestyle. At the same time, we must not forget about completely healthy, full-fledged sleep, during which the entire human body is able to recover. But as for proper healthy nutrition, it should always be balanced, comprehensive, and contain as many healthy natural products as possible. Of course, it is necessary to try to adhere to the correct ratio of so-called vegetarian and less healthy animal foods, when there should be approximately 85% plant foods and 15% food of animal origin

When talking about human nutrition to improve the health of the body, it is always recommended to give preference to: fatty fish over meat, some cereal dishes over potatoes, vegetables and raw sweet fruits, pastries and pies for a week.

In addition, for the overall holistic health of the body, doctors recommend consuming as much fresh herbs and regular nuts as possible; it is recommended to exclude numerous flour products, sweets, tea, strong coffee, and any alcoholic beverages from the diet.

It is incredibly important to be able to get rid of the unusually harmful and even dangerous to health habit of constant overeating, because you should eat about five or even six times a day (fractionally) and in very small portions. In this case, the last meal must be taken no later than four hours before going to bed.

Every day, to improve your orgasm, you should try to consume the maximum amount of liquid, including fresh natural juices. But as a complete therapy for moderate slagging of the body, it is recommended to take proper sunbathing every day for at least twenty minutes. It is equally important to regularly take walks and spend the maximum amount of time in nature (meaning in the fresh air), preferably in areas with a lot of green space or simply on the banks of natural bodies of water.

Basic methods and techniques for improving the health of the human body

Of course, today people have invented many wonderful opportunities that can allow a person to maintain their health for as long as possible. At the same time, the main thing is to be able to make a truly right choice, because to use, literally, each of these methods usually requires a strictly individual approach.

Let’s say that some of the methods of healing the body may be completely contraindicated for patients with cancer problems, while other methods may not be suitable for allergy sufferers or experienced hypertensive patients. However, today there are also a lot of unique universal techniques that can improve your overall physical and physiological health, which can be very useful for almost everyone.

So, for example, a fairly effective and popular method of healing the body can be considered, and in particular, regular dousing with cool or even quite cold water. There is also a softer (gentler) version of this hardening - a contrast shower, and perhaps even just walking around the house barefoot.

In addition, you should pay special attention to full-fledged winter swimming or swimming in the icy water of open natural reservoirs in winter. This method is undoubtedly considered one of the best for complete hardening, for increasing the body’s immune defense, one of the most powerful methods in natural physiotherapy, which has already been able to help many people completely recover from many quite serious ailments.

But the next way that allows us to perfectly heal our body is to regularly take certain healing herbal baths. For example, to obtain the desired, and sometimes urgently needed, healing effect, natural sea salt, various decoctions of medicinal herbs, or even beneficial essential oils are added to the prepared bath water.

By the way, doctors also include turpentine and hydrogen sulfide baths here, which usually contribute to the rapid restoration of the capillaries of our epidermis. In addition, such baths perfectly stabilize the functioning of the entire cardiovascular, nervous and even endocrine systems. But during the positive effects of so-called hyperthermal baths, some expansion of the smallest vessels usually occurs, as a result of which this leads to normalization of blood circulation in any tissue. Baths of this kind eliminate blood stagnation, as well as lymph stagnation, while the cells, of course, begin to be nourished much better.

And of course, other methods of healing the human body should also include correctly carried out breathing exercises, periodic fasting, as well as hot Russian baths or more modern Finnish saunas. In addition, these types of products have recently become incredibly popular among people. unconventional methods healing like:

  • Phototherapy technique.
  • Apitherapy.
  • The same technique of acupuncture (or Chinese acupuncture) or moxibustion.
  • Homeopathy methods.
  • Of course, even Ayurveda.

It should be noted that today there is a lot of real evidence that some healers who practice certain alternative treatment methods can often help people who have been trying for years to get rid of certain unpleasant ailments.

How to heal your body yourself at home?

I would like to say that today, in order to improve their own health, people do not necessarily have to constantly use highly expensive professional techniques or procedures using certain medications. It is generally accepted that time-tested folk remedies can be no less effective for the full recovery of the entire body.

At the same time, the main advantages of such folk methods, undoubtedly, are maximum ease of use, and of course, completely safe natural origin. Note that components that are actually very different in nature can be used for such independent home improvement.

Most often, healing the body, carried out at home, is aimed at primary cleansing and even rejuvenation of the body, for which you can use a wide variety of methods or means. For example, one of the simplest, but at the same time most effective ways to improve your health is to regularly consume a properly prepared fortified mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

And to prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare about 200 ml of purified water, to which you will have to add one full tablespoon of May honey and the same amount of vinegar, fresh lemon juice, cherry juice, cranberries or lingonberries. The mixture prepared in this way can speed up metabolism, as well as promote the best elimination of numerous toxins; such a mixture also helps to cleanse the liver as quickly as possible.

Proper healing of the whole body - or what is most important to pay attention to

Quite often, some folk methods of healing the body may involve the use of beneficial (or even medicinal) properties of a wide variety of pharmaceutical plants or medicinal herbs. For example, in order to improve the health of the body, you can easily prepare a certain herbal infusion that significantly increases immune defense.

To prepare this recipe, you should prepare approximately 100 grams of dried herbs such as:

  • Flowers .
  • Color .
  • Grass.
  • And also dried birch buds.

These ingredients are mixed and placed in a tightly closed container or other vessel. Then one dessert spoon of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water, after which it is placed in a boiling water bath for about fifteen minutes.

Next, the already prepared and cooled infusion is taken only fresh, three times a day, until the originally prepared collection is finished. It is important to say that this type of health improvement course should be conducted no more than once a year. At the same time, one cannot fail to understand that the full recovery of the body can truly play a huge role for a person’s overall health.

And all because good health can allow a person to enjoy a truly happy, full life for as long as possible, and also look young, healthy and quite attractive. At the same time, the basis of regularly carried out healing procedures should be the systematic, properly carried out cleansing of various organs or entire systems, adequate physical exercise, a fully active (healthy) lifestyle without bad habits, a rational balanced diet and, of course, adherence to an adequate daily routine.

Our body is designed in such a way that it strives for healing, working on self-healing every minute even without our intervention. The only thing you need to do is stop disturbing him.

Health is not only definite result blood test or blood pressure reading. All these indicators were created by modern medicine.

Health is not a reduction in tumor size while life is drained from the patient.

Health is not an increase in the number of CD-4 while the patient’s real immunity decreases and cannot resist new opportunistic infections.

Changing your lifestyle is not just about “eat less salt”, “exercise your heart for 30 minutes a day” or “drink 2 liters of water a day”. A complete revision and change in your understanding of health.

Understanding Health

This is an opportunity to sleep soundly at night, not feel pain while walking, eat with appetite, have good memory and the ability to achieve what is important to you (and only you).

Health is time spent with family, a walk in the forest, the ability to rejoice, not be afraid of the future and resist stress.

Health is a respectful attitude towards your body and a feeling of happiness from the fact that your body works like a clock.

Health is full of energy, inexhaustible optimism and a zest for life.

View of modern medicine

Modern medicine does not solve any of these issues. Moreover, she doesn’t even put them before herself, because she is not interested in the quality of our lives.

If you suffer from insomnia, you will be prescribed a pharmaceutical chemical that will stun your body and cause you to lose consciousness. And this will be considered a normal dream and an acceptable way out of the situation. But will you feel fresh, rested and full of energy after such a dream? No one is interested in this anymore.

Today's society pays dearly in illness and death for the monopoly given to doctors in the last century.
Medical tests can be used to diagnose the disease. But treatments that rely on ingesting large doses of chemicals are unlikely to lead to the health and happiness you desire.

Try to define the concept of “health” for yourself.

What is health for you? What sensations, what feelings, what actions mean health to you? Exactly for you, because for a long time we have been using not our own, but borrowed concepts.

So, if you have completed the task, you will most likely understand that the pharmaceutical health industry does not add. This is what happens when you become friends with your body and listen to its desires.

The power of your own healing

Now let's see how we can again turn on the self-healing of the body as a whole - our healing powers.

Remember an incident from childhood. You rush headlong and suddenly fall... Your knees are scraped, you cry or try to hold back your tears. And watching in horror the consequences of your high-speed “flight”, it seems to you that your knees will never be the same as before...

But, lo and behold, the next day the wound was already healed. The body has created a protective film through which bacteria do not penetrate and your knee gradually returns to its original form. Skin cells “understand” that there is a need to act and begin to replicate and “darn” the sore spot. A process similar to the creation of neoplasms begins - division and growth, but unlike cancer, this process stops in time.

That is, the body knows at the cellular level what and when to do. The DNA in the nucleus of every cell replicates itself and heals the skin using amazing nanotechnology! (Scientists cannot even come close to repeating this process.) Cells multiply, nutrients are delivered to them through the blood and... healing occurs. And when the wound heals, the regeneration process carefully stops.

The most amazing thing in all this is not even that the body includes the regeneration process and not that the body is able to grow cells, but that all this happens without our knowledge, that is, completely autonomously.

This means that we do not have to direct blood to the wound or consciously initiate the process of cell replication, coordinate the removal of toxins and decide when to stop regeneration (of course, we have no idea how this could be done consciously).

All this happens without our intervention. These and other processes occur in the background in the body when we sleep. Consciousness dreams, and in our body biochemical processes and transformation of the energy necessary for treatment occur - alchemy occurs.

Barriers to your own recovery

If all of the above is true, then why are we not healed, why does our health always want to leave the best?

The answer is that we ourselves create barriers to our recovery. We misinterpret the symptoms of the disease and take treatments that make the situation worse.

Here we touch on the causes of the disease that arose as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and external factors (environmental pollution and excessive use of medications, toxic household chemicals, body care products, cosmetics, etc.). And we do not touch upon the deeper layers associated with human karma (no one claims that karma does not exist), because this is not within the scope of this article.

Fact: Many symptoms are actually the result of our body trying to heal itself.

Asthma. How to remove the cause of the disease?

For example, most people are chronically dehydrated. They don't drink enough plain, clean water. But water is one of the components of blood. When the body does not receive enough water, it tries to reduce moisture loss, most of which is lost during respiration. And to retain this moisture, our body limits the functioning of the bronchial tubes, creating histamines there.

Histamines make breathing difficult, meaning it becomes physically harder for us to inhale and exhale. Modern medicine believes that this protective mechanism is a disease (asthma). And they begin to treat it, instead of simply removing the cause - dehydration.

No, to prescribe a person to drink more water (this would reduce the formation of histamines), doctors prescribe antihistamines, which cause the bronchial tubes to relax and facilitate the passage of air. This leads to even greater fluid loss and the dehydration condition worsens.

You see, due to incorrect interpretation of the body’s call for help from traditional medicine, the condition of patients worsens.

Hypertension. Cause. Treatment

Here's another one good example– high blood pressure. Basically, one of the causes of high blood pressure is blood that is too thick and does not flow into the small capillaries.

To continue to provide normal blood circulation, the heart must work harder. And this increases the pressure. Again, pressure is not a disease, but a symptom. The body tries to push thick blood where it cannot go. After all, if blood access to cells is limited, such cells begin to die.

Healthy blood does not thicken and flows freely. If a person drinks enough water and eats foods rich in fatty acids (for example, omega-3), the blood naturally thins and blood pressure drops. After all, it’s easier to drink water through a straw rather than honey.

Medicine diagnoses a person with “high blood pressure” and begins to attack the person’s arteries with chemicals. These substances deprive the arteries of tone and artificially force them to relax.

This “treatment” leads to circulatory problems, because this thick blood jelly, despite the treatment, cannot squeeze into the thin capillaries. This is why many people who take pills for hypertension begin to have problems with blood circulation. In addition to thick blood, they also get too relaxed arteries.

Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

Try drinking more pure water (not tea, not coffee, not juices, but water!). And also eat raw vegetables and fruits, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty sea fish - mackerel, sardines, salmon - and some seeds and nuts - walnuts, flax seeds). And your blood pressure will return to normal within five days.

Our body has much greater wisdom, so it is better to listen to the body than to wage war with it (together with doctors).

“Asthma,” like “high blood pressure,” are medically invented diseases. In other words, they do not exist separately on their own. These are simply symptoms through which the body tries to bring its complex system into balance.

Messages from our body for self-healing

To be able to heal again, you must learn to listen to your body and understand what it wants from you, without weakening it with chemicals and toxic therapies.

If you want to be healthy, instead of going to the doctor, learn to read the messages of your body and understand the real principles of health.

For example, cancer is a sign that cells are not communicating with each other properly. A tumor (a cell that continues to divide uncontrollably) indicates that the cells are not being given the signal to stop reproducing. “Normal communication” between cells can be restored by changing diet, environment, state of consciousness and getting enough vitamin D through sunlight and food.

In general, keep in mind that your body wants to be healthy and puts a lot of effort into it.

“Symptoms” are just a cry for help, an urgent request from the body to help in the healing process.

If you are paying attention, you will hear what your body is trying to tell you. And if not, you will begin to suppress these symptoms with the help of painkillers, surgery or other types of destructive therapy.

And keep in mind that most doctors do not understand, nor have they been trained, how to restore your body to balance. All modern medicine is aimed at reducing symptoms and nothing more.

Nanotechnology body

Our body is an amazing creation of nature. We have the most advanced nanotechnology built into us - the immune system.

Our nervous system is more complex and coherent than the most advanced computers in the world.

Our reproductive system is a miracle of life reproduction.

Our internal organs store memories and emotions. And those who have received organ transplants also receive memories and emotional experiences from the donor.

We are a wonderful creation of nature. We have such a potential for self-healing that the only thing that can reduce this potential is pharmaceutical products.

This is what most people do: numb themselves with analgesics; disable the immune system with chemotherapy; they shoot their nervous system in the foot with vaccines and so on. All chemical-based drugs are unnatural and disable an important process - the body’s self-healing. It is not surprising that after a toxic cocktail the healing magic disappears.

Try for a week to give up all allopathic (here we do not mean homeopathic remedies) medicines, products with additives, type E, refined foods (white sugar products, flour and everything that has been heat-treated outside your kitchen), do not use household chemistry (many things can be replaced with baking soda), cosmetics, perfumes, and do not eat meat from animals that were fed hormones and antibiotics (and then killed).

Perhaps then the healing powers of your body will again become available to you...

But if you still need a guide on the path to healing your body as a whole, then our wizard for healing not only the body, but also the soul, will always help.

You know the figures and facts characterizing the state of our health. Yes, there is no need to talk about health with such statistics. General ill health - this will be more correct and correct, because... Doctors call the healthiest among us “practically healthy.” A practically healthy person differs from an unhealthy person only in that his body is in the initial stage of development of various diseases.

No options? - No, each of us has a great chance, which the Creator has given us by giving a person a body that allows us to restore absolute health in any state of neglect of the body. There are a great many methods of healing, so do not rush to experiment with practices and techniques - this is fraught if you do not follow certain rules. Therefore, first you should study all aspects of the healing methods you have chosen, understand the intricacies of the functioning of the body in order to clearly understand why, and also how this is done.

Judge for yourself - having bought some piece of hardware, you meticulously study the instructions so as not to break it or ruin it - you feel sorry for the piece of hardware. If your concern for yourself, your loved one, is comparable to pity for a piece of iron, then study your equipment - the anatomy, physiology of the body, methods of its improvement at a level accessible to you.

The healing methods that will be discussed in this article are selected taking into account the following criteria and requirements for them:

  • their effectiveness must be proven through long-term practical use;
  • The financial component of the healing methods should remain within your regular budget.

Do not flatter yourself - you will get financial savings “not for pretty eyes”, because... you will have to work a lot, hard, overcoming laziness and bad habits, in full accordance with the well-known proverb: “You can’t buy health - you can only earn it.”

§1. Basic methods of healing:
1st - eat right, 2nd - drink water correctly, 3rd - body cleansing

In this article we will look at the main methods of healing: healthy eating, treatment with water, drinking enough water, adhering to certain rules, cleansing the body.

I am more than sure that many of you think that there are no problems with the regime of drinking water, as well as the amount of water you drink, and you can concentrate your attention on other, more important methods of healing. But after reading the article, you will be convinced that problems still exist, so pay due attention to this method of healing.

Food and water are something without which humans, as a biological species, simply cannot survive. What does healing methods have to do with it - these are not potions or procedures? - If eating and drinking randomly is the path to illness, by subordinating these processes to certain rules, we are already on the path to recovery. Those. banal processes of absorption of food and liquid can already be safely called methods of healing. The difference is only taking into account one nuance - effectiveness for our health. Taking this nuance into account, let’s consider our healing methods.

§2. Healthy nutrition rules

How to increase the efficiency of nutrition in order to achieve a healing effect? - Reduce the amount of food, as well as the calorie content of your diet, gradually increasing the content of live foods with a minimum of heat treatment, avoiding harmful combinations of foods. As a method of healing, healthy eating allows our body to implement self-regulation and self-healing programs. It sounds simple and not very convincing, so let’s illustrate this statement with numbers and facts.

The vast majority of humanity currently eats based on the theory of calorie intake, developed back in the 19th century. According to this theory, our body requires 2500-3000 kcal/day, for this it is recommended to eat 80-100g. protein, 80-100g. fat, 400-500g. carbohydrates. The founder of the natural healing system, as well as numerous followers of this healing system, cost 11g. protein, 5-10g. fat, 100-200g. carbohydrates, demonstrating exceptional performance, endurance, getting rid of many serious illnesses.

Video - 7 rules of healthy eating

“Live food” and healing the body

What is the reason for these striking differences? - According to the caloric theory, our body replenishes energy only through food, which is burned by the body, releasing heat (in kcal). Again, a nuance arises - the calorie theory does not take into account the biological energy that the human body is capable of absorbing, which can only be found in “living food” - products of plant origin imbued with the energy of the sun - this is the basis of any healing method. In addition, autolysis is not taken into account - the ability of “living food” to self-digest without expending the body’s energy.

What is better for health - a kilogram of apples or a kilogram of frozen meat? - Apples will feed the body with energy, vitamins, microelements, structured water by self-digesting, and the digestion of meat will require enormous energy expenditure (it is for this reason that after heavy meals one tends to sleep), followed by energy expenditure for disposal, followed by partial removal of processed meat products from the body.

It is partial removal, because Most of the waste from meat processing is slagged by the human body, plus the cost of water for protein processing is 42g. water for 1g. protein, which is usually extracted from the tissues and cells of our body, dehydrating it. Since many of us profess nutrition according to the calorie theory, consuming 100g. protein per day, the digestion of which will require 4.2 liters of water, and there are many other needs of the body in water. Do you drink 4.2 liters of water per day? - God willing, I can handle 2.5 liters, so the body extracts water from cells and tissues.

The body's energy is no longer enough to service all processes; it disables some functions, resulting in diseases. The human body has an incredible reserve of strength, so we continue to somehow live, collecting diseases. Nature has a resource of 120-150 years of life, but somehow we reach an average of 70, without burdening ourselves with the simplest methods of healing.

Video - “Living and dead food.” Scientific investigation

Fried and boiled foods hinder your health

The effectiveness of the considered healing method is sharply reduced by food with deep heat treatment, i.e. fried, boiled. Why? - Because food that the body does not need (it is full) is not digested and then evacuated, i.e. There is a protective barrier that works when eating raw food. During heat treatment, complex substances turn into simple ones, i.e. it no longer needs primary processing of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal intestinal tract) , it is completely absorbed and enters the bloodstream, bypassing the protective barrier.

As a result, all this garbage - fragments of proteins, carbohydrates, fats - settles on the walls of blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. The amount of this waste is so large that the body can no longer cope with its disposal. He is powerless over boiled food, and if this factor is not eliminated, then the effectiveness of recovery will be very low.

Species-specific nutrition - effective relief from diseases

All living beings and their life activity are subject to the same laws of nature, one of them is species nutrition. One species feeds only on eucalyptus leaves (koala), the camel consumes only thorns, and in high altitude conditions, the yak extracts scanty amounts of grass for food from under the snow. There is no diversity or abundance, but all these individuals have excellent health, from thorns and grass they get everything they need to build a skeleton, muscles, are mobile and hardy. This is species-specific nutrition, each species has its own type of food.

Man, as a biological species, implying the organization of the vital activity of the body, must also adhere to the specific diet, but contrary to the immutable laws of nature, he was declared an omnivore with a categorical requirement to diversify his diet, sometimes brought to the point of complete absurdity. Attempts to explain this by the fact that the human gastrointestinal tract and stomach occupy a certain middle position between predators and herbivores do not stand up to criticism.

Types of food for humans are vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and cereals. Yes, meat is not provided, meat eaters will definitely ask how to replace animal proteins, as well as essential amino acids, which are supposedly found only in meat? - It has been scientifically proven that the human body synthesizes proteins from nitrogen, and the large intestine can produce essential amino acids, but subject to switching to plant foods.

Video - Scientists from Harvard have proven the dangers of meat

Animals do not suffer from “human diseases”

But why then do we eat a very varied, high-calorie diet, in the complete absence of nutrition promotion aimed at improving health? - Because eating stereotypes have been formed over centuries, as a result of which they are deposited in the subconscious as programs; the vast majority of us are instilled with unhealthy eating habits from childhood, and these are also programs that control us throughout our lives. Therefore, it seems to us that this is how it should be, because this is the food culture of many generations, and thousands of diseases are supposedly inevitable as a result of improper nutrition - this is an integral part of our life.

But animals do not suffer from human diseases, and the difference is in the nuance - the specific diet. Animals adhere to a specific diet, but humans do not. This is a fundamental law of nature, which is very useful to follow, and not try to refute. Just try, because... the law is fundamental. Why is propaganda silent? - I once read a book by the famous healer M. Norbekov, who proposed to the Japanese Ministry of Health an incredibly effective, low-cost method of restoring vision. I received an answer - it is not economically feasible, because... there will be large financial losses for enterprises producing optics, pharmacies, doctors, etc. What will happen if we give up meat, pills, clinics, etc.? - This is why there is no promotion of healing methods - we have to get sick, then it is economically feasible.

What to do? - To comprehend true knowledge that will bring you health, not illness. True knowledge is when you understand the essence of the processes and results of healing, and not advertising chatter devoid of justification and convincing arguments. When switching to the method of healing with a healthy diet, do it gradually, because... A sharp change in the existing patterns of functioning of the body can lead to complications. In addition, when switching to a healthy diet, energy is released in the body which is immediately directed towards self-healing and cleansing, and at the same time a powerful release of toxins is very possible, which can provoke unwanted crises.

G.P.’s methods of healing are no less well known. Malakhova. Millions of people are getting healthier using his method. This is a fact, as is the fact that many of us continue to get sick by overeating. Sometimes you hear: “It seems to me that they are smarter than us” - this is about animals. Regarding nutrition, this is 100% true, without “seemingly”.

Separate nutrition - health improvement. Mixed diet - diseases

An integral part of the healing method under consideration is the requirement for the correct combination of products, i.e. separate meals. With this food system, it is recommended to avoid certain food combinations, because... The conditions for digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are radically different. When a mixture of these products enters the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of various types of enzymes sharply decreases, the digestion process is destabilized, food rotting and intoxication of the body occurs.

In addition, these products have different digestion times - from 1 to 7 hours. Therefore, the body is forced to turn on the most powerful program in terms of the duration of digestion, as well as the concentration of the acid-base environment. And since we all, forgetting about the norms of health improvement, prefer a mixed diet, the body constantly works to the limit of its capabilities, subject to intense wear and tear. Ignoring the rules separate power supply, which contribute to the healing of the body, we acquire diseases.

Unfortunately, official medicine categorically rejects the concept of separate nutrition, justifying this by the fact that people have been eating a mixed diet for centuries. Allegedly, scientific research has proven that with this method of nutrition, the body secretes special substances that promote digestion during a mixed diet. Who would doubt it? - The body is simply forced to implement its protective function. While proving the advisability of mixed nutrition for humans, official medicine forgets about the thousands of diseases that it causes, and the absence of these diseases in animals.

Or maybe it's all about economic feasibility? - Then - no questions. But the choice is yours! Which method of healing should you give preference to, how to get healthy - traditionally in a clinic or unconventionally, by switching to separate meals.

Video - separate meals

Video - separate or mixed nutrition? Pros and cons

The healing method is not to overeat! Yes, that's so corny!

You need to eat so that after eating there is a slight feeling of hunger, do not fill your stomach to capacity, 25% of the stomach space should be free. How to determine the serving size for this method of nutrition? - It’s very simple, the serving volume should not exceed the volume of your fist, because... normal size The stomach of people who do not overeat is equal to the size of their fist. How is the effectiveness of this healing method proven in terms of duration and widespread use, as well as results? - The most powerful warriors of antiquity - the Spartans and the warriors of Alexander the Great, who conquered half the world, had a daily ration that fit in their palms, was issued once a day, in the ranks.

Currently, the Hunza people live on the border of India and Pakistan. The Hunza live in mountainous areas, without forests or fertile soil. Therefore, in winter they feed on small supplies of cereals and dried apricots, in the spring they switch to consuming grass, and then fresh apricots and other fruits. In the spring, due to lack of food supplies, they are forced to eat only an infusion of dried apricots. Average duration The life of the Hunz is 120 years, they do not know our diseases, they easily cover distances from 100 to 200 km, remaining fresh and cheerful. The Hunzas never quarrel, never complain, they are always cheerful and smiling. How do you like this healing method?

G.S. Shatalova said: “For ideal health, a person must eat in such a way as not to die of hunger.” She gathered a group of disabled people with chronic diseases that were not amenable to traditional treatment, and with the help of a low-calorie diet based on plant foods (i.e., the healing method we are considering), they were cured. The favorite pastime of this group of former disabled people was 500-kilometer walks through the Central Karakum Desert, lasting 20 days. It didn’t work out for 20 days, because they covered the last kilometer on the 16th day. 75-year-old G.S. was also a participant in these transitions. Shatalova, the creator of a system of natural healing that thousands of people adhere to.

§3. Water healing methods

Now let's move on to methods of healing with water. You have probably already read the article “The Key to Health is Water” on our website, so you can already draw some conclusions and expand the range of issues considered on health improvement with water. It should immediately be noted that there is a paradox - we are 50-75% water, depending on age and conditions, almost all processes of our body function, are controlled, regulated with the help of water, in everyday life it is our constant companion. However, this most common substance continues to remain one of the least studied by science.

Therefore, official medicine does not pay attention, and to be honest, it does not know that many diseases are the result of dehydration of the body, and for recovery you only need to quench your thirst. Yes, there is a lot of water, it is available, almost free. A lack of water in the body under such conditions seems simply absurd, so this aspect is automatically considered quite favorable, both by medicine and by every person.

Video - How to drink water correctly? Professor Neumyvakin

Many diseases are the result of dehydration, and thirst cannot be treated with medications.

Of course, few people know about the method of healing with water, so it is generally accepted that healing is possible only with the help of pharmaceuticals, although each medication instruction honestly and frankly states that while eliminating one symptom of the disease, each medicine produces a lot of complications. There is no longer any need to talk about lack of knowledge - this is ignorance (there is a more correct classification, but it will sound offensive).

What then are the criteria for healing with water? - Do not bring your body to dehydration - there will be no diseases. To do this, you need to understand that such a sign of dehydration as thirst for water is the final stage. At the initial stage of dehydration, this manifests itself in the form of various ailments, pains or diseases. Do not rush to get rid of these symptoms with the help of chemistry, make sure that there is no clear evidence of the presence of other sources of disease (infection, damage) and drink water as a method of healing. By the way, thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Drink water - the false feeling of hunger will disappear. Read about the effectiveness and massive good results of this method in the books of I. Neumyvakin, Batmanghelidzh.

Video - What does dehydration lead to?

All healing methods are ultimately aimed at improving the health of the body, increasing its energy, normalizing the body's electrical charge (electron activity), and metabolism. Trying to achieve the desired health, we run, exhaust the body in the gym, fast, cleanse the liver, kidneys, etc. This is if the recovery occurs in a “planned manner”, and if a sudden illness befalls us, i.e. a sharp decrease in the body's energy. What to do?

It is necessary to extract from the body the enormous reserves of energy stored at the molecular level. Then, without much effort on yourself, your body will begin to cleanse itself, heal itself, increasing its energy. If a disease occurs in the form of infection or intoxication, the same hidden reserves of energy will help. After which the desired recovery will come - without drugs, clinics. And these reserves are extracted very simply - a sharp cold blow is applied with the help of water. The key word is "sharp".

What is the mechanism of this process? - A sharp cooling of the internal fluids of the body gives rise to an abrupt increase in body temperature, an avalanche-like chain of processes occurs at the atomic level, and a large amount of internal energy is released. This energy is not free - it arises in our body due to the restructuring of the internal processes of the body and is a source of healing. The colder the water, the more significant the effect of this healing will be. Due to what?

The flow of free electrons increases sharply, which in turn neutralize free radicals. A jump in body temperature leads to the death of viruses. Blood circulation in the capillaries is activated, i.e. all vital functions of the body that contribute to health. This high effect is due to the fact that capillaries contain about 80% of the blood, which circulates well only in large vessels. In addition, this healing method works well because the effect occurs through the skin, which makes up 20% of the body's weight and is its largest organ.

Water healing as a method is implemented when you take a contrast shower or douse with cold water. Winter swimming is a long-term cooling of the body and, for all its usefulness, it is still extreme for the body. For example, when I feel the signs of a cold, I drink 50 ml. water with 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and put it in the nasopharynx (I. Neumyvakin’s advice), and if the cold is in full swing, I douse myself every 2 hours with two buckets of very cold water (Yu. Andreev’s advice). And the desired recovery comes, I don’t remember a case when this method did not work.

A contrast shower is when you warm up your body for several minutes, followed by cold water for no more than 30-45 seconds. Those. A contrast shower is not a simple alternation of hot and cold water; cold exposure should follow only when your body has warmed up well. This same method of healing includes hardening and steam baths. If you want to be healthy, beautiful and happy, make friends with water.

Video - About the benefits of a contrast shower.
And how to properly take a contrast shower

Now, as a reward for your patience in studying the article “Methods of Health Improvement”, some useful and easy information about water:

  • to clean an object from energy dirt, it needs to be kept in water for three days, changing it once a day;
  • water hears, understands, records kind words, and then shares them;
  • water hears and reacts to human speech - do not provoke it with curses.

§4. Method of healing - cleansing the physical and energy-informational bodies

Let's move on to the next healing method - cleansing procedures. To achieve complete recovery, it is necessary to perform procedures for cleansing the physical body and its information-energy field (sometimes this name sounds like this: soul, field life form, biofield, etc.). We can say that the physical body is a material component, and its field form is a subtle plane of a single whole, which makes up a person as a person.

Video - Cleansing the body according to the Oganyan M.V. system. part 1

Video - Cleansing the body according to the Oganyan M.V. system. part 2

On the importance of cleansing the energy-informational body

A person lives in a four-dimensional space (time, height, length, width), which is immersed in more multidimensional spaces - 5-1000 and more dimensional. Up to the 16th space there is a separation of living beings and inorganic objects. Above this level, everything that exists in this world is inextricably linked with each other, there is no concept of “time”, the past, present and future exist in it at the same time. At these levels, only thought moves and is capable of influencing. And it does - after all, at these levels, a person is a single whole with the Universe and everything that exists in it. Our destructive thoughts (anger, curse) unbalance the energy-information fields of the Universe and in order to balance the potential, the Universe returns all the energy of excitation, multiplying it many times, to the source of excitation.

As a result, from incorrect mental activity, a person in the field form of life develops distortions that can be passed on to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and all this is the cause of many diseases, which cannot be eliminated by cleansing the physical body and recovery is possible only through cleansing the field form of life. The range of these diseases is very wide - from chronic runny nose to oncology.

Until you begin to cleanse the energy information field, it will be extremely difficult for you to achieve real physical health.

On the importance of cleansing the physical body

Improving the health of the body through cleansing, despite the dominant role of the subtle plane over the physical, it is still advisable to start with the physical body. Since without getting rid of internal dirt, you will not gain the necessary tone and energy reserves that you will need to study the theoretical foundations and practically carry out the procedures of the healing method in question. What is the healing method of cleansing?

This is the removal of waste from the body: deposition of salts, cholesterol, toxins, drug residues, mucus, fecal, kidney and liver stones. When carrying out cleansing, it is necessary to take a very serious approach to the selection of methods for the cleansing method itself, because... Many “classic” and very popular cleanses are designed for an absolutely healthy person. Because a healthy person is a very rare phenomenon, there must be contraindications, so evaluate each technique taking into account this criterion. Healing and cleansing the body gives good results with the complex application of the methods of G. Malakhov and E. Shchadilov.

Improving the health of the body by cleansing toxins should be done in mandatory start with the softening procedure. This makes it possible to reduce the risk of cleansing, the appearance of weakness, dizziness, headaches, because... softening procedures promote the detachment of toxins and mucus, bringing them to the places of excretion. The first three cleanses you should do are cleansing the intestines, liver and kidneys. It is in this sequence, because if it is disturbed, then all the dirt from the intestines will again enter the liver and kidneys.

In order to consolidate the healing process, once the cleansing begins, you need to switch to a healthy diet. And then you will receive the first reward - a feeling of health and performance. For complete healing of the physical body, it is necessary to cleanse the lungs, respiratory tract, cleansing of salts, cleansing the internal environments of the body. You can get proof of the effectiveness of this healing method when used on a mass scale by reading the books of G. Malakhov and E. Shchadilov.

Therapeutic fasting and raw food diet

Are the methods of healing discussed above using cleansing the most effective methods of healing? - No. The most effective method of recovery is therapeutic fasting. The healing effect of therapeutic fasting is an order of magnitude higher than cleansing the physical body, but for effective implementation course of therapeutic fasting, it is still necessary to first cleanse the body of toxins; if this is not done, then an avalanche-like release of them may occur, with unpredictable consequences. But there is one method of healing that does not require either cleansing procedures or therapeutic fasting - this is a raw food diet. If you have powerful motivation and iron willpower, then this method is yours. Personally, I easily mastered cleansing, a low-calorie diet with a predominance of plant foods, I fasted very comfortably for 30 days, but a raw food diet did not work.

"The Science of Fasting" is the best doc. film about fasting

Why do you need to earn your health?

There are also semi-fantastic methods of healing by M. Norbekov, V. Sinelnikov. Semi-fantastic - this is in the sense of their effectiveness, but otherwise they are quite “working”, because We have already saved many people from many diseases. Read, acquire True Knowledge, because health must be earned. If a person receives something without expending energy, then this phenomenon is temporary and, as a rule, it is followed by punishment. There is a Japanese proverb: “Unearned money does not bring happiness” - this is exactly on this topic. Example? - Remember the millionaires who won the lottery - two or three years of revelry, exorbitant spending and... a broken trough.

And who punishes? - God, naturally. You can say that everyone is talking about it, but no one has proven its existence. It has already been proven by Professor Najib Valiev, a world-famous scientist. You can check it online, don’t forget about the free cheese in the mousetrap.

As a rule, until the middle of life a person does not care about his health; it is given to him by nature. After 45 years, the body is visited by diseases of the cardiovascular system and various organs. We’ll figure out how to prevent them and prolong life in this article.

How to feel better

Feeling a deterioration in health, a person begins to search good doctors, effective medicines, traditional methods, but he himself does not take practical measures to improve his health.

We can eliminate ailments using simple physiological methods:

  1. Increase the flow of oxygen into the blood with therapeutic breathing.
  2. Improve the patency of blood vessels with therapeutic exercises.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

If the reader follows the advice given below, develops and puts into practice a method for maintaining health and increasing life expectancy, he will receive a positive result.

Where to start getting healthy?

Make sure your breathing becomes comfortable and constant.

Start your recovery with something simple, but effective method– therapeutic breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth, without a pause between them). When performing it, control over exhalation is necessary.

How long you breathe (minutes, hours, days, years), the heart will ensure the vitality of the body. Monitor its performance by pressure, frequency and pulse intensity, comparing these indicators with the values ​​​​in a calm state.

Causes of elevated blood pressure and pulse:

  • oxygen starvation of body cells;
  • fatigue of the heart muscles;
  • deterioration of blood vessel patency.

To restore the normal rhythm of heart muscle contractions in a few minutes and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, immediately use therapeutic breathing.

An aging and sick organism, without movement, is subject to the effects of the Earth's gravity. Consequences:

  • the muscles and blood vessels located in them relax;
  • blood permeability decreases;
  • oxygen starvation of the cells of any organ occurs;
  • The tension of the heart muscles and the frequency of their contractions increase.

In this case, therapeutic breathing will not completely eliminate the painful condition - it is necessary to improve the patency of the blood vessels. This can be provided by a set of therapeutic exercises performed daily.

How to control your nutrition

Don't turn your meal into binge eating.

Develop food consumption norms for yourself and follow them daily. Even if the calculated diet is reduced, the body will not lose vitality and activity.

Consequences of overeating:

  • increase in stomach volume and abdominal size;
  • accumulation subcutaneous fat;
  • liver diseases, diabetes.

Monitor subcutaneous fat thickness and body weight weekly. Recommendations for increasing these values:

  1. Reduce your intake of animal fats and proteins.
  2. Increase the amount of strenuous calisthenics exercises.
  3. Do as much physical work as you can.
  4. Take walks after meals, alternate them with race walking or marching.

Slow walking, without active work of the torso muscles, will give a slight healing effect.

Video: Combating eating disorders.

Each person needs to know the abilities and characteristics of his body, create health through his own labor - this will ensure active activity and slow down aging without the use of drugs.

Poor ecology, poor-quality food, constant stress and bad habits leave a negative imprint on our health. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to the body, healing it using various methods. In the modern world, there are a lot of methods for healing the body - from the most ancient, originating in the East, to the newest.

Diagnosis of the body

Computer diagnostics will help you recreate the most complete picture of the internal state of your body. This procedure is absolutely safe, painless and optimal. Why it is needed, what advantages it has and the results you will get after undergoing computer diagnostics, you will understand by watching the video.

How to improve your body

The best time to change your usual way of life is the age of 25-30 years, when the body is fully formed and matured, but has not begun to age. Therefore, you have every chance and freshness.

To do this you need:

  • eat right - eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, do not abuse fatty, salty, fried and floury foods;
  • observe the regime - namely, eat at the same time, sleep healthy for at least 8 hours, and also go to bed at the same time;
  • constantly study physical activity- take walks in the fresh air, do yoga, dance or go to the gym, choose what will bring you joy.

Methods of healing the body

There are a huge number of methods to improve your body health. However, you should carefully consider the choice of one method or another, because it may have its contraindications. For you, we have selected universal products that will suit any person:

  1. Hardening. One of the most effective ways to improve your health. You can choose one of several hardening options: dousing with ice water, taking it, or walking barefoot. All methods are effective to one degree or another. Special attention should be paid to swimming in ice water. This method is considered the best for maintaining immunity and the strongest in physiotherapy, helping to get rid of even very terrible diseases.
  2. Therapeutic baths. Therapeutic baths are prepared by adding herbal decoctions, sea salt, etc. to the water. Therapeutic baths also include turpentine baths. They help to relax and open capillaries and blood vessels, saturating organs and cells with oxygen by restoring their blood supply. The immune system is strengthened, the body becomes stronger and has more opportunities to fight diseases and viruses. Such baths contribute not only to health, but also to rejuvenation of your body.
  3. . Breathing plays a vital role in life, influencing the internal processes occurring in the body. It’s not for nothing that nowadays there are many sets of breathing exercises that help you cope with this or that task. Such gymnastics helps strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, digestion, strengthen nervous system, remove toxins from the body.
  4. Therapeutic fasting. Our health is affected by many factors that lead to negative consequences. With the help of fasting, as a method of healing, you can cope with problems such as overeating and obesity. This is an effective approach to cleansing the body of environmental pollution and disorders, as well as for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
  5. Russian baths and Finnish saunas. Quite popular as a way to cleanse and heal the body, reduce biological age, strengthen the immune system, and prevent diseases. However, this method requires careful preparation of the body if you want to get the maximum effect.

In the modern world, non-traditional methods are gaining popularity, such as:

  1. Art therapy is treatment with art and creativity.
  2. Aromatherapy is a treatment method using essential oils.
  3. Yoga is a method of relaxation and physical activity.
  4. Apitherapy - treatment with bee venom.
  5. Homeopathy is herbal based treatment.

Body health systems

One of the most popular systems of cleansing the body is the system of Seraphim Chichagov. According to Chichagov, each organism is capable of independent regulation and restoration.

How to get healthy using this system: the whole point is that the stomach should work from 5 o’clock in the morning to 5 o’clock in the evening. It has its own food system. It is preferable to eat protein in the morning, soups at lunch, and vegetables and cereals in the evening. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. And everything you consume after 6 pm will rot in your stomach until the morning. It is recommended to eat small portions every 2 hours. Whenever possible, avoid carbonated drinks and sugar, as well as foods containing potassium, and choose ones that contain sodium. Drink the liquid an hour before meals or an hour after. After 6 pm, the kidneys begin to actively work, so to help them work better, drink water with added salt.

It takes about a week to get used to this regime. The most important thing is to follow the rules and avoid stress.

Cleansing the body of waste and toxins

Our body is susceptible negative influence environment, poor nutrition, bad habits and lifestyle leave an imprint on both the appearance and the state of all internal systems, clogging it with toxins. Thus, the internal organs, as well as the external ones, need cleansing. The body performs such a function as cleansing of waste and toxins on its own. The only exception can be the fact that it is correct. In this case, cleansing the body will be prescribed to you for medical reasons. Everything else depends only on your own desires.

Many experts question the need to cleanse the body of a healthy person without signs of intoxication. Metabolic products appear in every person, and they are eliminated by the body independently, without the help of any cleansing. Therefore, without special indications, cleansing the body at home may not be as useful as it seems at first glance. Seek advice from a specialist in order to understand the advisability of cleansing your body, let the doctor recommend a healing method that is right for you.