Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world, which gives a feeling of happiness and self-confidence, fills life with additional meaning. But if a girl loves two guys at once, then such happiness can turn into problems that force her to look for ways to choose between two men.

What's in the article:

Choosing a guy: what to look for

Of course, you need to choose with your heart, but it is better, before making a final decision, to think everything over well, evaluate the qualities of each of them and your feelings towards them.

Assess the advantages of each guy

Remember or at the next meeting evaluate all qualities young man, which evoke positive emotions in the girl. Although it may not be possible to accurately determine this issue, you need to try to analyze more information about them and your feelings.

You can mentally make a plan for yourself by which you need to evaluate and include the following criteria:

  • Does he have a sense of humor and can he not only make you laugh, but also support you in difficult moment. What does he allow himself in a relationship: does he allow himself to behave rudely, can he restrain himself.
  • Does he have friends and interests? Whether he is a sociable person or a bore who is only interested in his own self, he often does not share the opinions of others. In the second case, it will be very difficult to build relationships.
  • Is the girl satisfied with his ability to flirt? How often does he give compliments and what exactly do they concern? But here it is important to pay attention to his excessive passion for other ladies in the presence of his girlfriend.
  • Is he rushing things? Psychologists say that you can savor relationships only with those guys who are not in a hurry and do not try to speed things up. Those who are trying to speed up the relationship often simply change girls like gloves.

An important part of this choice is the emotional side. He manifests tender feelings to only one chosen girl or just easily flirts with her, while simultaneously paying attention to other ladies? Do you feel a sense of self-confidence when meeting him and a desire to improve yourself for his sake? Does he show that one special relationship, does he make her feel like a little fragile girl in his presence?

You can make a conditional description of both men, determine how they are similar to each other and how they differ. Which man is closer to your liking and hobbies, and which one is boring with? Which of them already wants to cook a delicious dinner or introduce them to their parents?

What can you say about negative qualities?

Ideal people do not exist, but it is important to promptly highlight those negative character traits of a guy that a girl cannot come to terms with. It is difficult to make a choice in such a situation, not only because there are two guys, but also because of falling in love, which may not allow you to “see” the bad qualities of a young man. But this needs to be done.

Before choosing one of two men, be sure to decide on the following criteria:

  • Can he make concessions or admit that he was wrong about something? Does he show signs of selfishness or attempts to manipulate his lover?
  • Did the guy leave his former relationship and unpleasant situations in the past or constantly remembers them and criticizes them? You need to think about it, because it can be very difficult with people who live only in the past.
  • How frank is he and has he ever allowed himself to lie? It’s not worth starting a relationship with a lie, even if it was just once. Most of these people cannot be relied upon or spoken to openly in the future. They will allow themselves to discuss their other half in front of a stranger.
  • Try to find the differences between a bad boy and a good one. The first ones always seem nice, sociable, attractive. But they often look for adventures and can disappear without warning for several days.
  • It’s better to find out in advance whether the guy still has feelings for ex-girlfriend whether he remembers her or everything that happened to them with a new passion. If this is the case, then it is better to hold off on a relationship with such a guy, since there is a high chance that he may return to her. But here it is important to delve into what he says about her.

You need to try to evaluate not only your feelings, but also put yourself in the shoes of men and imagine that each of them feels how dear the girl is to everyone. It is important to evaluate his view and how he spends time with the lady, whether he has plans for a future together and how realistic they are. You need to take into account a guy’s feelings and your own towards him only if you plan to spend your whole life with him. If this is just flirting or a temporary romance, then you don’t have to think about checking your feelings.

If the question arises of who to choose from two men, you do not need to relegate the feelings of your intuition to the background, since it is impossible to know a person 100% in a few weeks or months of communication. You can conduct a fortune telling on which of the men to choose by tossing a coin and deciding in advance on heads or tails, or you can trust the promptings of your heart.

If a girl can’t make a choice and is attracted to both guys, perhaps she needs to take a break from them for a while. To do this, it is not at all necessary to abandon them or tell them about it. Just don’t meet for a few days, citing being busy or on a business trip. Sometimes this gap determines which of them is no longer enough. Both when making a choice and in future relationships, there is no need to repeat the mistakes of the past. They should be a lesson for the girl.

If you want to start a truly serious relationship, it is important to decide in a timely manner. The one who is chosen should not even guess that there was anyone else besides him.

The guy has been chosen: what to do next

It would seem that the decision has been made, all that remains is to enjoy the romance and relationships, but in such situations it can be difficult mentally. To avoid these difficulties, it is better to take into account a few simple tips:

  • Once the choice is finally made, you need to delicately part with the second guy. There is no need to leave it “for replacement” or “in reserve”. This will be excruciatingly painful for both the girl and the guy. The words need to be chosen in advance and it is not necessary to say that there were two guys and he “didn’t pass the casting.” It should be a soft parting. Perhaps after this it will be possible to remain friends.
  • There will be a lack of communication with the second guy, his absence. This needs to be accepted as a normal phenomenon that you just need to experience. To make this easier, you can, in parallel with a new relationship, change your job or take up a new hobby.
  • The choice has been made, so there should be no thoughts about whether it was a mistake. In order not to spoil new relationships, you need to think about them and how to build them correctly. You can listen to the opinions of your friends who see this situation from the outside, but in any case, the choice is only the girl’s, since her fate is being decided.

Sometimes it can be difficult to make up your mind in such a relationship, because you will constantly feel guilty. If you don’t have special feelings for either of them and you can’t choose between your two beloved men, it’s better to break off the relationship with both of them, since such uncertainty can drag on for years. Perhaps it is better to be alone for a while and only then start a relationship with a new person, but not to repeat the mistake, so that you do not have to decide between two men again.

Every girl wants to be loved and desired, but not always, in the end, this brings her happiness. Especially when there are two suitors, and she doesn’t know who she wants to stay with. In such situations, lovely ladies begin to rush between young people, not knowing whom to choose. In this case, you always need to be extremely honest with yourself and with your fans. And also look at the situation objectively and do not allow yourself to imagine something that is not really there. It often happens that fans are absolute opposites. Roughly speaking, one - prince charming, and the second is a mysterious robber. In such situations, many young girls choose the “bad” guy, and after time they very much regret it. Therefore, sometimes when choosing you need to listen to rationalism.

How to choose one of two guys and not regret your decision later? Firstly, you always need to analyze the actions and actions of young people. Many women in the initial stages of a relationship like mysterious macho men who appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. With such a man you constantly feel the intensity of passions, and this is interesting. But, as practice shows, if a guy behaves like this all the time, soon the woman simply gets tired of such behavior. Because all girls naively believe that “bad” guys always become good, like in films and books. This is wrong. Therefore, if the choice is between a mysterious macho and a kind, calm, ordinary guy, it is better to take a closer look at the second one. Often, it is these young people who become ideal fathers and wonderful husbands.

When choosing between two young people, you need to listen carefully to your feelings that each of them evokes. It happens that a girl stays with a young man because she simply feels sorry for him and she cannot reject the guy. In reality, such sacrifices do not benefit anyone. As a result, sooner or later a woman begins to feel the desire to finally find someone whom she will love, and not regret. She is angry with herself and transfers her negative feelings to the young man. Such couples break up in a hundred cases. And then, women really regret that they broke up with the men they really loved, simply because they didn’t want to hurt someone. Therefore, we must remember that altruism is inappropriate in this situation.

To know how to choose one of two guys, you also need to understand the reasons why a woman needs to make such a choice. It happens that a lady begins to develop feelings for a second young man, simply because she lacks something in the first. As a result, it begins to seem to her that she is in love with the second one, but, in fact, she just wants to find the first one in him, with additional qualities. If in such a situation you choose a second guy, it may happen that over time, the girl will understand: she still loves the first one, and she made a huge mistake. Therefore, in such a situation, she must honestly answer herself why she responds to the advances of the second young man. If she really understands that she simply stopped loving one and fell in love with the second, then it’s time for her to break off the exhausted relationship.

Well, in the case when she concludes that she is simply suffering because she lacks something in the behavior of her young man, the best way out will be a direct conversation with him. In a relationship, you can always change something and find a compromise, the main thing is to talk and try to understand each other. In general, very often girls start choosing between guys only because they cannot learn to solve problems and discuss situations. It is easier for them to seek consolation on the side, where they seem to be better understood, than to try to build healthy, adequate relationships through full communication and discussion of situations. In this case, the girl may decide that the first guy does not understand her and go to the second, but in the end the situation will repeat itself and this will continue indefinitely.

Much thought goes into how to choose a guy out of two more girls than it might seem at first glance. It’s just that many are afraid to talk about it out loud, believing that such behavior is wrong. In fact, such a situation can be looked at from different angles. If a woman is not dating either of the two, there is nothing to blame her for. She really has every right to look closely at young people and choose the one with whom she feels better and more interesting. But, in those cases when a woman takes a lover or accepts courtship while already with someone, she still needs to think about morality and hurry with her choice. Moreover, in addition to all of the above, there is one most important criterion by which you can always evaluate your feelings for another person.

If a girl can’t choose which young man she wants to be with, you just need to ask yourself: who can’t I live without? This question may sound a little pretentious, but it is the one that helps put all the dots in place. If you imagine yourself in all the colors of life without one guy and without the second, you can immediately understand which of them is really the one, and with whom the relationship will ultimately reach a dead end. By the way, when asking themselves this question, many girls are very surprised, because it turns out that they love someone completely different from who they thought. When choosing one guy out of two, you need to always be honest and frank with yourself. If you don’t lie to yourself and don’t try to be led by feelings, pity, resentment, and so on, you can always understand who is truly part of life, and who is just a fellow traveler who will get off at the next station.

Women who are beautiful and successful in love are always envied. Less fortunate ladies try to connect their lives with the one who wooed, even if the chosen one and cancer are without fish. They do not understand the difficult dilemma of a beauty - how to choose one of two men so as not to miss.

Marina, Tatyana Dogileva’s heroine in the film “Station for Two,” had the same problem. Watch a short excerpt from this film. Perhaps this situation is close to you, and together we will try to figure out how to make this difficult choice.

PS: Unfortunately, the video does not play on the site, you need to click “Watch on Youtube”.

The choice is really difficult. Having refused one, you will have to face tomorrow with the other, and perhaps for many years. But it is so difficult to break off relations with an “offsider” who had so many wonderful qualities that the chosen one does not have. But in order to choose a truly worthy man, you must not single out specific qualities, but take something in between and then work on developing it yourself.

One bright quality is not a sign of Superman. Sometimes a “fat plus” in character, habits or appearance can give the opposite - a “fat minus”. And then this quality that initially attracted you so much may soon turn you away and you will regret that you really missed. How? But read it - you'll find out.

If the guy is handsome

How sometimes appearances can be deceiving! Apparently it was nature itself that created the external beauty of a person, as if it had wished for some kind of secret code: if you cope with decoding, you will understand what kind of person is inside. But ideal handsome men with an impeccable figure have such cockroaches in their heads:

    Knowing about his perfection, a handsome man is most often arrogant and demands ideality from his girlfriend. This union is reminiscent of Barbie and Ken dolls.

    He constantly needs enthusiastic praise addressed to him. Something is wrong with the appearance of his chosen one - he will change it for another.

At first, beauty really attracts. But if a man lacks charm and a pleasant character, then soon the features of his pretty face will seem ugly. But interesting guy with a sense of humor, but with an ordinary appearance, he already seems like a god compared to the handsome man. Therefore, firstly, find out what your chosen one is hiding under his guise, and secondly, draw conclusions.

If the guy is a rich "Pinocchio"

This is another type of man that women throw themselves at. And how many times did these fools get burned, thinking that rose petals would always be thrown at their feet. Maybe it will be like this at first, but everyday life will begin someday. But to explain in more detail, we need to break this case into three parts.

Major Boy

This is not his money, but his parents'. If you want to marry someone like that (if you are not his equal), keep in mind that first of all, they will often point you to your place in the corner. Because you didn't deserve anything in the rich boy's house. If you choose a guy, then let him be one without easy parental money, but someone who is aspiring and sociable, who will still make a career with or without you. And in general, “to become a general’s wife, you must be married to a lieutenant.” Initially, it is better to make a career together.

Middle aged man

Well, the union is quite decent if you can give him something of yourself: beauty, grooming, good manners, create comfort in the house, raise children correctly. But often women find themselves in a golden cage. Only a man can dictate what you are allowed to do, since he dressed you and you are covered in chocolate. Then such unhappy little people come to various talk shows, cry crocodile tears, and tell how unhappy she is - her husband beat her, took her children away, kicked her out of the house.

Old moneybag

It is clear that such marriages are always a matter of convenience if the girl is young (and the rich will not take an old woman). Marriage-barter: “I give you money, you give me body.” Will you like this? Will you love him? Wouldn't you like to jump into bed with someone your age while swimming in wealth? Most likely you will. But keep in mind - most often it happens that old moneybags quickly figure out betrayal - they have become wiser over the years. And the result is the same - a kick in the ass.

So, when marrying for money (regardless of the man’s age), keep in mind that not everything is so simple. A good marriage is if you have at least one of these qualities:

    Before marriage, you have enough capital of your own to be on an equal footing.

    You are smart and driven enough to make your own career.

    You have enough impudence, impudence and courage to run through the courts in the event of a divorce.

How to choose by temperament

So, if we have dealt with rich handsome men (these are the most sought-after qualities in women), we will still return from heaven to earth when the time of choice comes. You can’t date two people at the same time - it’s time to get married. Let's find you a guy based on his temperament.

You are a glamorous bitch

As a rule, people like you are looking for rich handsome men. But conclusions have been drawn. If you are still a little naive, then you need a guy who is calm and serious - it is with him that you will gain intelligence and wisdom. Let him see you as an initially beautiful doll. But it is he who will help you avoid big mistakes in life. He will be able to gradually pacify your ardor, which is exactly what you need.

You are a homebody

Yes, you like not to show off, you hate parties, and housekeeping is your favorite thing. You really don't need a reveler wasting his life in nightclubs. You will be jealous. But you also don’t need a homebody who spends the day staring at the computer - you’ll lose interest in each other. Better is the one that will occasionally take you out to quiet parties with a narrow circle of friends, for a picnic, or on long car trips around cities. Then the two of you won't be bored.

You are bright and cheerful

These people love brutal men most of all. Rockers in leather jackets with stern faces. Well, such guys are good for parties, but in everyday life they can be difficult - they don’t like everyday life and in life they are often aggressive. In this case, the family needs an easy-going, cheerful person with whom there will always be a holiday.

You are a businesswoman

This is where marriage with a wealthy man will be good. You have the same interests - you are both career enthusiasts and know how to make money. In general, you don’t need a leisure vacation, because in a few days of vacation you can lose your capital and business acumen. And for both of them this is a disaster.

You are a “don’t give a fuck”

You don’t like housekeeping, and you don’t care about wealth. Your style is like a hippie - free. In this case, it may be too early for you to make a choice of a man: there may simply be the same person nearby who does not think about the future yet and lives one day at a time, and who will love you, despite your frivolous nature.

The best male qualities

Now look at what criteria you need to choose the best of the two for your future life:


Not humiliatingly kind, but with a calm, gentle character. He will never raise his hand against a woman and children. Even if things don’t work out smoothly with his wife’s future relatives, he will at least be lenient towards them.


It’s not scary to become poor with someone like that. Even if he does not achieve great heights, at least there will always be prosperity in the family.


Yes, without humor a man is not a man. You will never get bored with him, and if he is also witty in company, then he will also be in her soul. And this is everyone's attention.

Suitable temperament in bed

Sex is not last place V family life, so if you love each other perfectly the way you want, then cheating can be avoided.


The way a person reasons, listens to others, and analyzes can say a lot about his future. A stupid fool won't achieve much, even if he somehow strangely has a higher education.

Knowing when to stop

It's not just alcohol and smoking. Even gambling can be dangerous. Therefore, if in company he is cheerful without terrible libations, and not a lawless gamer who spent all his money on games, then golden mean- this is the norm.

This is exactly the case when his interest coincides with yours. Then you will be not only family, but also best friends, and this is the most important thing with your loved one.

Perhaps it may seem to someone that being interested in two guys at the same time is very cool, but in fact, in this situation, the heart is torn into two parts. In such a situation, in order to achieve inner harmony again, it is necessary to make a choice. If you are forced to choose between two guys, think about how each of them makes you feel and trust your intuition. If you want to understand how to make a choice between two guys with the least mental loss, this article is for you.


Guy's Choice

  1. Appreciate the positive qualities of both guys. The next time you meet, try to get the guy to talk and think about what you like most about him. It's not always possible to say exactly what makes someone like you, but it's important to analyze as much information as possible before making a decision. When you talk to each guy, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Can he make you laugh? Does he have a good sense of humor? We are all drawn to people who can make us laugh. Guys with a great sense of humor delight us and make us look at the world differently. When he tickles you, do you like it or is it unpleasant? No guy is allowed to touch you in certain places without your consent. If he wants to put his arm around your waist, take your hand, hug you tightly and kiss you, think about whether you are ready for this. Before you let him kiss you, learn how to do it. You probably don't want to put yourself in an awkward position. Your chosen one should also be able to restrain himself.
    • Is he interested in other people? Does he care about anything other than himself? Guys who are only interested in themselves are often big bores. You will probably want to date a guy who will have many friends, hobbies and his own view of the world.
    • Is he emotional? Does he care about other people? A lot of guys are quite emotional, but they don't want anyone to know about it. If a guy is calm about showing his emotions, this means that he is a mature and confident person.
    • Is he a good flirt? You can formulate the question this way: does he like only your appearance or something more? Does he compliment only his body or something else?
    • Is he in a hurry? Men who are not in a hurry love to savor everything that happens. They strive to enjoy every moment spent with the girl. Guys who rush things will start dating the next girl before you know what happened.
  2. Think about how both guys make you feel. This is just as important as what you like about each one. Perhaps one has the perfect set of qualities and all the personality traits that you like, but the other makes your heart beat faster in just one thing short SMS. So when you find yourself in the company of these men, think not about why you like them, but how they make you feel. Do you feel joy and self-confidence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like you're getting better? Here's something to think about:

    • How do you feel when he is around? Does he act like you're the only one around, or does he just flirt with a lot of girls, including you?
    • Does he help you become better or is he content with what he has?
    • Do you feel the need to develop?
    • Does he give you unobtrusive but meaningful compliments?
    • Do your cheeks flush in his presence? Is your head spinning? Do you feel like a little girl?
    • Does he treat you like a real lady? Do you feel special?
  3. Think about the negative character traits of both guys. Perhaps you are only thinking about positive qualities and whether you get butterflies in your stomach in their presence, but you also need to evaluate the negative personality traits of guys and those aspects of their lifestyle that do not suit you. If you are determined to make a choice, about the cons Just be sure to think about it. You should think about the following:

    • Does the guy carry a lot of emotional baggage with him? Does he still have a difficult past behind him? Of course, you may have a good time together, but are you ready to deal with his past all the time?
    • Is he trying to manipulate or control you? Does he want everything to always be his way, and does he refuse to admit that he is wrong? If so, then all these can serve as signs of selfishness, and this will significantly complicate the relationship.
    • Has he ever lied to you? You need a man whom you can trust, who will be honest with you, no matter how bitter the truth may be. Guys who like to talk about others behind their backs and spread gossip don't care much about others, which means it's best to stay away from them.
    • Does he find trouble all the time? Bad boys may seem attractive, but if they constantly get into trouble, they simply won't have time for you.
    • Does he talk about his ex-girlfriend? If he regularly mentions his ex-lover, hints at something, or talks about her all the time, this should be taken as a bad sign. This doesn't mean the guy is bad - it's just that he probably still loves her.
  4. Think about how each guy feels about to you. If they are both willing to do anything for you, the choice will not be easy. Of course, you shouldn't stay with someone who likes you better just to be on the safe side, but you need to think very carefully about how important you are to each guy and what would happen if you stopped dating them. If you think that one or the other guy will just shrug his shoulders and immediately find himself new girl, you probably shouldn’t continue your relationship with such a person. If you think that one of the guys has more feelings for you deep feelings, this should be a serious argument in choosing.

    • Of course, you shouldn't ask a direct question. You can tell how a guy feels about you by the way he looks at you, how often he wants to spend time with you and talk about a future together.
    • If you only need a short-term relationship or a holiday romance, then the prospects of the relationship can be ignored.
  5. Ask close friends for their opinions. Remember what friends are for: they will support you, advise you on how to behave, and help you when you need it. Listen to advice, but always evaluate it critically. Decision to make to you. Remember that you shouldn't ask to choose the better of the two guys - ask for help figuring out who is better for you.

    • Don't ask which guy your friends like better. Ask who suits you best. The answers to this question will allow you to understand who is better for you to date, and not who your friends would like to date.
    • Listen to what they tell you. If you have already decided everything, there is no point in asking your friends for their advice. If you want something recommended to you, be prepared to follow the recommendations.
  6. Make a list of ways these guys are similar and different. This will allow you to understand what you really want. How do you feel about each of the guys? Make a list of qualities you want and don't want in a partner. Put the pros and cons next to the guys' character traits and compare them with your wish list. You can ask yourself the following questions:

    • Which guy will treat you better?
    • Which of them will be ready to be there in difficult times?
    • Who do you have more in common with?
    • Which one will you look forward to meeting every day?
    • Which guy can find common language with your friends and relatives?
    • Who is the one you literally can't live without?
  7. Trust your intuition. It is not always possible to choose what we like. A person is born with a certain set of qualities, and as they grow older, everyone develops preferences. Don't think too much about the choice. Trust your intuition. Toss a coin in the air, decide that heads will mean one guy and tails will mean the other. While the coin is in the air, think about which side you would like to see when it falls. This will be the answer.

    • If you you know for sure If one of the guys is not right for you, but you are still attracted to him (and at the same time you do not really like the second guy), take a break from both guys. Being free isn't such a bad thing. After all, it's much better than suffering in a relationship.
    • Learn from your mistakes. If you dated someone and the relationship ended badly, don't make the same mistakes with another person. Even if you like him a lot, why go through the same thing again?
  8. Don't rush. Don't think that you obliged make a decision right now - this process may take some time. During this time, guys can have time to do something good or bad, and this will make the choice easier. If you haven't made any commitments to either guy and if you don't feel like you're cheating on the other by being with one, you can take your time making a decision.

    • Don't delay everything too much for a long time. If you choose one guy, but he finds out that you have been communicating with another for many months in parallel, this will greatly hurt and humiliate him.

    After the decision has been made

    1. Commit yourself to the guy you choose. Once you have made a decision, do not back down from it. This doesn't mean you need to tell your other guy that you're in a new relationship because that will hurt your feelings. Commitment manifests itself in feelings and actions. Try to build a reliable and stable relationship with the guy you choose, and only him.

      • Be ready to meet and communicate only with the chosen guy. Enjoy your relationship with one person and don't worry about what the other is doing.
      • If you feel empty inside without that other guy, it could mean that you made the wrong choice or that you never liked the person you decided to stay with - you only liked the flirting.
      • Be friendly with your dumped boyfriend, but don't try to spend a lot of time with him or do anything together. If you're very nice to him, he'll think he still has a chance. In addition, this will lead to jealousy on the part of the guy you decided to be with.
    2. Be prepared for the consequences. Having to choose one will affect your relationship with both guys. You need to accept this as a fact: most likely, you will break the heart of the second guy and deprive yourself of the opportunity to build a relationship with him. If this guy doesn't know about your rival, you won't have to explain to him why you decided to end the relationship. You will probably feel much calmer once the choice is made, but you will have to worry.

      • Remember that you can turn guys against each other. What if they best friends? What will you do? If you choose one and the other has feelings for you, they will most likely no longer be able to be friends. If you want to avoid this situation, it is better to find someone else.
      • Know that you may lose your other guy forever. Perhaps he will refuse to be friends with you after a more romantic and intimate relationship. Perhaps it's for the better.
    3. Be aware of your decision. Life is yours one, and you have the right to live it the way you want, trying to cause others as little pain as possible. You may feel guilty, but in the long run, if you deal with your feelings, you will all be better off. Be proud that you were able to make a mature decision and not date two guys at the same time.

      • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The main thing is to draw conclusions from the error.
      • Don't worry about someone being upset with you. When it comes to such an important decision, someone is going to get hurt anyway.
    • Remember: whatever advice you are given is yours to decide.
    • If you start to feel nervous because you can't make a decision, or if you feel pressured and rushed, your best bet is to find someone completely different. There are still many free guys in the world.
    • If you can’t choose and doubt whether your choice will be correct, try to refuse both guys. By trying to choose just one, you make things more difficult for everyone and torture yourself.
    • Think about how each of them relates to you. No, we are not talking about love, but about attitude. If one of them is only a little interested in you, and the other is bending over backwards to hang out with you in the park, take this into account. You probably don't want to be left with nothing when it turns out that you chose a guy who didn't have feelings for you at all. Just like you wouldn’t want to give up a relationship with someone who loves you madly, just because you just can’t let go of the first guy. And yes, if you really loved the first guy, you would hardly start dating another at the same time.
    • You don't have to make a decision overnight. Best solutions- informed decisions.
    • Do you love both? Choose the second one. If you truly loved the first one, you would hardly fall in love with the second one.
    • If guys ask you out at the same time, go with the one you think about the most, or the one who really makes your head spin.

A huge number of women do not suffer from loneliness, but, on the contrary, do not know who to choose from among their many admirers. If, through reflection, it was possible to identify two leaders, then all that remains is to conduct a “duel” to determine the winner.

How to choose between two men?

Many ladies are quite normal about the fact that several men are courting them at once. In most cases, the argument is this: one partner is not able to provide everything necessary for a happy life, and this applies to both the moral and material side.

Even if such a situation is beneficial at a certain stage of life, then in a few years, when you want to start a family, you will have to make a choice. To make it more clear, let's consider two popular scenarios for the appearance of two contenders for the heart on the horizon.

Return of a former lover

A fairly common situation is when a woman starts a new relationship after a breakup and then suddenly there’s a knock on the door again ex-lover. In this case, a huge number of questions and doubts arise about who to choose: a man with whom many events and feelings are connected, or a new lover with whom the story is just beginning and everything is wonderful and promising. Note that if such a situation arose, it means that we can definitely say that the end to past relationships has not been set and feelings have not cooled down.

To understand for yourself who you need to choose, you should answer some questions for yourself:

Thanks to this kind of work, a woman will be able to understand from whom to accept love and with whom it is better to build truly sincere relationships. Remember, there is no 100% guarantee that the particular man you choose will make you happy, since a relationship is the work of two people and no one knows what might happen tomorrow. Psychologists do not recommend delaying and postponing making a decision until the future, because this will only aggravate the situation and in the end you can lose both of them and be left with nothing.

Two new acquaintances

When figuring out how to choose if I love two different men, it is worth understanding another popular situation, when a woman is simultaneously courted by two representatives of the stronger sex, with whom there is no history in the past. In such situations, most often the fans are the absolute opposite of each other, for example, one is a romantic, and the other is brutal. Start by analyzing the actions and actions that men perform, not only towards you, but also towards other people.

When a woman is faced with a difficult choice, you can turn to the advice given by professional psychologists. They will help you analyze the situation and make a decision.

  1. Imagine a future with each partner. Think about what kind of man will be a husband and father. Can you count on a happy future;
  2. Meet friends and relatives of candidates for your heart. The environment will help you better understand how a person behaves in different situations;
  3. Sometimes, to decide who I love, you just need to trust your intuition. Just try to feel who exactly your soulmate is;
  4. Sometimes, to understand who is worth staying with, you need to be alone. You can go on a trip and then make a choice. By moving away from everyone you can understand who is really needed.

By the way, I would like to recall the old wisdom that says that if you don’t know who to choose from two lovers, then choose the second one. This is explained by the fact that if a woman loves the first man, she will never pay attention to the other.

Now you know how to choose the right one between two men, but remember that you should always be honest and open with yourself. Be sincere, and then you will certainly be able to build strong and happy relationships.