Love truly comes when passion leaves!

Love is like a runny nose - it comes unexpectedly. You can’t buy it for lilies, you can’t find it on the Internet. She will come, she will definitely come and will be next to us.

When you understand something, life becomes easier. And when you feel something, it’s harder. But for some reason you always want to feel, not understand!

People think that they can’t do a lot of things, and then suddenly discover that they very much can when they find themselves in a hopeless situation.

When trouble suddenly comes to a strong family, they don’t say: “It’s because of you...”, they say: “I’m with you!” And these are the main words in family life.

Everyone can love when everything is good. And only a few, no matter what.

Don't forget that people say you've changed when they can't use you.

The point is not that living with money is very good, but that living without it is very bad.

The family is such a thing, made of fragile, easily breakable material, that every family member is obliged to take care of it.

“I don’t have time,” we constantly say. There is no time to call, write, see someone who is waiting, we are always busy, in a hurry to get somewhere...
“Okay,” Time answers and leaves... Often forever...

There are simple things you can do: sit next to each other, look at the moon, listen to music... - nothing can be done directly with love. Love is very delicate, fragile. If you look at it closely and directly, it will disappear.

It comes only when you are doing something else, it takes you by surprise. You can't aim straight at it like an arrow. Love is not a target. This is a very subtle phenomenon; very shy. If you go ahead, she will hide. If you do something straightforward, you won't find her.

The world has become very stupid about love. People want it immediately. They want it to be like instant coffee: order it and it’s done.

Love is a delicate art; it is outside the scope of your actions. Sometimes these rare, blissful moments come... as if something from the beyond is blowing in. You are no longer on earth, you are in heaven. Reading a book together, you are deeply absorbed in it, and suddenly it turns out that a new quality of being has arisen in both of you.

Something seems to surround both of you with an aura... complete peace. But you weren’t doing anything directly: just reading a book or taking a long walk, walking holding hands against a strong wind - and suddenly it happened... Love always takes you by surprise.

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Love always comes unexpectedly - don't you think? Here you live, you live, you have some goals in life, moral principles, you set yourself life goals that may have been formulated in your head for years, and then - bam! Out of the blue - He. He. So sweet, gentle, affectionate, serious, mature... But at first you don’t know it. You introduce yourself, he takes your phone number, the next day he calls 5 times until you finally deign to pick up the phone, you make an appointment. In front of her, you are insidiously thinking about how to chat with him a little and quickly run off to your girlfriends to once again light up the local open-air with wild dancing. And then He comes. So beautiful, bright, with your favorite flowers... You walk, talk about everything in the world - and where does this feeling come from that you not only met yesterday, but have known each other for a hundred years? Suddenly it turns out to meet his friends on the very first evening. This is the first time you really like your friends. young man. So funny, witty, good. Suddenly. Friends write. And you don’t even try to answer them! No, you will never leave him today!!! And you still end up in this very open-air, but already together with him - and you don’t regret one bit that today you won’t flirt with anyone but him. Although you decide not to flirt with him and not to pretend to be anything, for the first time you are setting up an experiment: not to pretend. Be yourself. Let him see what you are like. And then we’ll see, he’ll run away – he won’t run away from the real you. No, he doesn't run. Hugs lightly. Kisses hands. You realize that you are simply incredibly pleased to be next to him! Until tomorrow? Yes…

Tomorrow. Beach, sun, heat, girlfriend. Calling. In 10 minutes on site. “I see you’re really in love,” the friend quips. You're not sure. But you feel good with him. How can this be? You didn’t fall in love at first sight, and you don’t feel like you’re starting to fall in love. Just good. It's somehow calm. Evening - meeting with his friends again. They really are cute. And you are well received. Great.

Third meeting. A moment next to him. Here's one second, here's another. How can this be? You don't believe in fairy tales. This is all nonsense. It was invented by Turgenev's young ladies to sigh in the moments of their lonely youth. What princes? Nonsense! There are no ideal people, and you don’t have to invent for yourself an amorphous image of YOUR prince, made up of the smallest puzzle pieces that form one whole character, which personifies the creation of your imagination. You don’t even know what these details are - just little things perceived on a subconscious level. But they are collecting your prince for you. Who lives only somewhere in old medieval fairy tales next to elves, trolls, wizards and terrible dragons... And who is now holding your hand.

Every moment convinces you: yes, this is one hundred percent YOUR person. The prince is not a prince, but it is He. The one who can tame. The one you don't want to run away from. The one with whom for the first time you really want to always be close...

You don't believe anything. Who is he? What did he really need? Why so cruel?! And you cry - here it is again, a gross betrayal. Well, how could one be so mistaken about a person?! After all, for the first time, really for the first time in my life, I didn’t want HE to be “passing.” That's it. And he seems to have left. Betrayal again. Hurt.

A few days later, circumstances push for a meeting. No, I didn’t betray him. No, he didn't leave. She just is... She was. Now it is unknown. After all, I fell in love so much... We need to resolve the issue. You are needed. Always. Near. Very close. And generally always. She is not. But how can I tell her? It hurts again. Now both...

We live for today. No, these are just words. Makes plans for the future. Shared with you. But the issue with her has not yet been resolved. It's a burden. But you smile. He will never know how hard you feel from her invisible presence in the hot summer air. Because it’s hard for him too. And he also hides this presence. But you are together - apparently it’s easier.

The relationship goes too far. Yes, you are ready for anything. Yes, he suddenly says this. His actions don't just confirm his words. They firmly repeat “you are needed.” And he loves. You don't believe it. Not him, not this fact. You can't believe your luck. It can’t be - HE said it! The one with whom the thought first flashed that there is nothing bad in marriage, and children are not the fiends of hell, but the flowers of life. No, you won’t force him to the registry office like all these maniac dreamers. It’s just that suddenly a strange refutation of all your negative views on marriage and family came. There was just a person with whom I wanted to be together. Always. How could all life’s beliefs be turned upside down like that?! How could an atheist become a deeply religious believer, and an ardent vegetarian become an unbridled meat eater? How is it possible, like this - without any coercion, suggestion or any violent intervention in a person’s consciousness, to take and destroy all the goals he has set, all the values ​​he has chosen over many years, all the dreams that previously seemed the most significant?! How can you destroy everything in a person while simultaneously laying the foundation of a new life? Everything will change. We need to give up everything. I'll have to give up everything. Is it necessary to do this? Stop. Why throw it away? What - are there some things more significant than the life he foretells? What's good about the current one? What do you value so much here? Yes, perhaps a couple of points out of a hundred will be gained. What about the rest? And that they are against the hundreds of those who foreshadow new life?! No, so be it. Everything old must be swept away before the new can begin to grow. The main thing is to understand that there is nothing scary in the future. It doesn't bite. It just smiles tenderly and spreads its tender arms, preparing to accept you into its cozy embrace.

"I will take care of you." You're melting. “I want me to come home and there you are, waiting for me.” You smile. “I want to fall asleep hugging you and, when I wake up, always see you next to me.” You're thrilled. God YES! You want it all too! I never wanted to be with anyone - but now... What happened? How did this person change your consciousness, which is resistant to any external interference? How can you lose Him?!

You're afraid. You're afraid to give up everything, even if it's all - in fact, nothing. You are afraid of the changes that are happening in your head. You're afraid it won't grow together. Afraid, afraid, afraid. Endlessly. One, two, three. Because you can’t get used to the idea that your personal world is expanding, that you are accepting another person into it, with his dreams, hopes, desires. You don't know how to make plans. You are afraid of this. You are used to setting a goal and always going straight towards it, rather than making plans. After all, in essence, what are these very plans? Dreams? No. Expectations? To some extent. Goals? Not in that direction at all. Plans may fall apart. Take it like this and one day you will collapse. Dreams can only fade away, and goals may not be achieved. And plans... Hmm, how do people manage to build them, and even implement them?

He builds them too. For a future together. And you are afraid of everything... Well, the whole world needs to be turned upside down! Another life. Another world. No, the goals will remain the same, there are no options. You feel it. And it seems that you are even beginning to slowly understand that this is really so. Life will just become more colorful now. He will appear in it...

So why be afraid? You will remain with your aspirations. You just need to be ready to give in. And now it seems you can do it. You have matured. Now you know how to not be alone. Congratulations. You have been baptized by the fire of disappointment. Be with him and don't think about the past. Everything is gone. Everything is broken. On the laid foundation, the shoots of new life are just beginning to emerge...

What if it came unexpectedly, my true love? A meeting that gave me Love.

I loved for three years and thought that there would never be a second case of love. But he is. More precisely, it appeared unexpectedly, unexpectedly. It’s funny: three years of suffering, from breakups,...

Three years later - love. It all happened so suddenly that I was shocked myself. He wrote me a message on my phone. I was sleeping. And I woke up from a vibration that was triggered by the “voice” of the text message. For a long time I thought about whether to answer or not, because at that moment there was a guy in my life who wanted to come and pick me up. But, after an hour of thinking, I answered him. We met exactly seven days later. We met and never parted.

I liked the feature: every day our date took place in different places.

Sometimes in nature, sometimes at a train station, sometimes in a pizzeria. I really love variety. He too. I like this kind of “resemblance”. I bet I'm not the only one who likes her.

I didn't know love could be so strong. I found out. Thanks to him. She is as strong as she is unexpected.

You can’t imagine what happened to me when I was “stressed” by parting with the one I loved. There were suicide attempts, stupid thoughts, and inappropriate actions. There was a lot going on. A lot of things are painful to even remember. That's how I remembered last meeting…. Kyiv railway station, designated place and time…. I'm waiting for him like no one else, like never before. We talk, he hugs me, says how wonderful I am, and what a fool he is for almost losing me. Then he accompanies me in the train carriage, where my parents are waiting. I'm starting to hate time because it moves incredibly fast. I have a desire to break the train so that it doesn’t go anywhere. But, alas, he is leaving. But before leaving, Vitalik (my beloved) tells my dad that I am an excellent daughter. Without hesitation, he kisses me passionately in front of him. I am leaving my beloved on the wings of happiness and tears. He promises that he will come... And I won’t hesitate to wait for him, I promise.

But we parted when he arrived

I felt so bad that I went crazy. I bombarded him with messages, trying to make peace. I even traveled a thousand kilometers to see him, hoping that something would change. But nothing changed for the better. He didn't meet me at the station! And I was waiting for him so much. I cried so much. I almost succumbed to the gypsy’s persuasion to take me to the station from which I could come to him. I don’t know how, but I changed my mind. And - thank God. You know what gypsies are like! They will scam you out of money and lisp you to bring you closer to you. I'm smarter than they think! That is why I did not fall into the gypsy network.

Now I am the happiest!

And not at all because he was already married. But because I met new love, which I will never let go of. We are going to rent a one-room apartment. Yes, we know how expensive this pleasure is, but we have no other choice now. All because, before, before meeting my beloved, I had a lot of guys who asked their parents for their hand in marriage. They think it's the same nonsense with this guy.

But I love him! Sincerely, strongly, with an answer. He loves me, albeit not as much as I love him. The important thing is that he wants to build the foundation of a family with me. I also want to live with him. I really want to! Only, unfortunately, parents are not given the opportunity to understand this. But I still hope that they will understand.

I really regret that I sent my own mother out of my nerves. It’s my own fault: I hesitated! He screams and shouts, telling them to go rent an apartment, even though he knows how financially expensive it all is. And she doesn’t care what I’ll wear or what I’ll eat. So, logically, it is better to give money to relatives than to someone else. It’s a pity that mom and dad don’t want to understand this yet.

I will work several jobs, but I will be close to my loved ones! And I don’t care if I’m tired like a leper! Because if I lose him, then I will be lost.... He and I are one. I don’t want to lose the feeling of our “integrity”. I will manage the weather in the house, I will smooth out any conflict, I will give him the opportunity to understand that I am not taking away his freedom.

Even now I do everything to make him feel comfortable. He screams - I calm him down. He hangs up - I forgive. He's running out of money - I'm giving away my last savings. He wants to be alone - I create maximum conditions for him to do this. He wants to eat - I run to the store and prepare everything in the best possible way. For the beloved and dear - everything! I honestly didn’t regret (and don’t regret) anything for him.

Unexpected love came - unexpectedly, I must make sure that it does not leave me just as unexpectedly. I'm sure I won't be able to live without him. And I probably don’t want to. I got used to being with him somehow. For me it’s purple! I'm talking about what happened in his past. You never know what and who had it. You cannot live by past moments, otherwise any fairy tale will become a natural existence.

I fell in love. What a joy it is to love!

Especially when you love someone who is worthy of love. Of course, you can’t command your heart, but I couldn’t give love to just anyone. I'm not greedy. But only when I see that my generosity is not in vain. I don’t want to “spray” my feelings into non-reciprocity. It’s hard for me and for others. You know for sure what I mean...

Continuation of the topic:

Does love come unexpectedly? -

Love at first sight is what comes when you least expect it. A feeling that covers you completely and changes everything not only inside, but also outside. The world around us also becomes different, its colors seem brighter, and the people around are kinder. All because love now lives in you. Similar changes occurred with our heroes.

We can immediately say that those who take love seriously and still decide to will definitely like the film. It makes you think about a lot of things and maybe even change your views. Completely different emotions will visit you if you choose Revenge to watch online. Let's return to the film "Sleep with Me." Leila is the name of the main character. She is a liberated person, although sometimes she can seem very modest and even scared. Her parents are going through a difficult divorce and it really affected her.

Leila began to suffer, to feel insignificant and powerless to influence anything in life. She is looking for any way to escape and forget herself and finds it in casual sex for one night. The viewer will like how the actress played the main character, she is very natural. But, perhaps, I would like the creators to reveal a little more about the parents of the main character. Perhaps it would be easier to understand. Over time, men become a constant drug for Leila for one night, but one fine moment one of these men turns her whole life upside down.

The plot of the film begins to unfold in a completely incredible way, although in some ways it may be slightly predictable. But rest assured, if you start watching Sleep with Me, you definitely won't want to turn it off. It seems that this will also not happen if you choose to watch Revenge online. And then an unusual twist takes place in our film when Leila meets a guy. His name is David and he is an artist. A man with an incredibly beautiful soul and a sensitive heart, but in bed he is absolutely crazy. Leila falls in love with him, but she herself tries to deny it. David also begins to experience new feelings that he had not previously known or had forgotten. They are attracted to each other, but they are both afraid of love, afraid of relationships and try with all their might to deny the fact that they are in love. Convincing themselves that they are completely incapable of love, they seek consolation on the side. Leila has one-night stands with men again, but nothing will let her forget David.

And he, in turn, also thinks only about her. Sex with other people no longer brings them pleasure, all their thoughts are only about each other. Unlike Leila's parents, David's father as a character is shown very well. It is fully revealed and in some moments it really helps to understand the personality of the main character. Tangled relationships with families give the film a special mood.

The film, of course, is dominated by scenes of an erotic nature, but they are shot just perfectly. Music, light, colors - all this gives the scenes sensuality, sophistication and even artistry. Candid scenes do not look vulgar and dirty, so we can say that the operator did his job with a bang.

Unfortunately, many viewers may see only erotica in this film and nothing else, but this is not so. There is a deep meaning hidden under all these sex scenes. Even such desperate people as David and Leila can suddenly find love. And the stupidest thing you can do at this moment is to deny it. Love is the most beautiful and sublime feeling on earth. With his appearance, the whole world around him changes. Don't be afraid of him.

It's safe to say that Sleep with Me is a great film for good evening. After it, you will have pleasant feelings in your soul for a long time that will not let you go. Enjoy watching.