The names are all fictitious, as are some of the facts, since many people I actually know read me and can immediately figure out who I’m talking about. But the fact that the daughter completely accidentally found her mother at home with her lover in bed is true.

Lenka is very married. My husband took his eldest daughter with him to Moscow or some other city, where she works and is going to marry a local.
The youngest goes to school, in 10th grade. He studies well. The husband loves his children and his wife, visits home for two weeks every two or three months, brings money, takes his wife and children to the resort in summer and winter. Everything is calm and everything is fine.
But everyone knows perfectly well that Lenka has had a lover for 5 years. The lover is not arrogant, calm, does not bring money to his mistress’s house, and Lenka does not demand it. He is married. Lenka is married. They make friends with organisms on neutral territory.
It is clear that Lenka knows that her husband also has a mistress. He's known for a long time. One day she was drunk and called and told Lenka everything. Lenka pretended that she had not heard anything.

And then Lenka slipped a week ago and twisted her leg, or maybe not her leg, but maybe her neck. Only the very lower part of the limb has a crack and is cast, but this does not at all interfere with loving and being loved.
It’s just not very convenient to go to neutral territory.
And the holiday is just around the corner. And there’s a whole series of weekends.
So the lover, in order not to be distracted from his family on weekends and not waste time on his mistress, decided right today, before the whole weekend, to congratulate Lenka.
I called. He said that he would arrive at lunchtime for about three hours, time permitting, and they would celebrate the holiday.
Lenka agreed. Daughter at school. The neighbors won’t think anything, there are so many people visiting her now that one more, one less - they won’t count. It would be a sin not to visit a sick woman before the holiday...

They had dinner and retired to the bedroom.
And then my daughter came running. They are having a congratulatory concert today, and she forgot to take her shoes.
She opened the door with her key, well, what an interest... Someone else's shoes and clothes were clearly not women's, there was a bouquet, a table... sounds from the bedroom...
The girl opened the door and boldly asked her mother what was happening in her parents’ bedroom?
It’s not hard to imagine what my mother went through.
What did the girl go through? She loudly shouted to her mother, “Traitor!”, spat in her direction and ran away.
Well, what about your lover? Got dressed and left...

The girl did not go to the concert.
Now she is with her grandmother and father's mother. Silent. He doesn't talk to his mom on the phone.
Completely calm. She told me that she knew that my mother had a man, but she did not expect that she would invite him into the apartment, into the bedroom. This is unfair...

When I was about 6 years old, I remember, I was still in the first grade, something hit my head: D and I decided to visit my mother at night, just like that, after all, little ones climb into their parents’ bed. In general, my mother is very calm in this regard, well, in terms of sex. For her, this is not an everyday occurrence, since dad often went on business trips, and we also had renovations at home, the two of them did it, in short, they got tired and all that stuff. Well, that's it. It was winter, and dad had just returned from a month-long business trip. Mom, I remember, she was so joyful and cheerful. My sister, we are 9 years apart, then she put me to bed very early, saying that my parents were tired, there’s no point in telling them about my school, etc., etc. But at night, when my sister finally fell asleep, I decided to go to my parents. We have a big house, and it’s a long walk from the nursery to the bedroom. I arrived calmly, but the door was closed, which was good, and interesting and muffled sounds were coming from there. And the bed creaked loudly. And then I, like a real fellow, barked at the entire dark corridor, “Maaaam, what are you doing?” :D the noise stopped immediately, mom quickly left the room, in a dressing gown, and said that she and dad were just talking :) and you know, I was quite happy with that then, no suspicions even crept into my head, my mom got it out of me from somewhere chocolate, and it was half past 12 at night, I didn’t think twice about it, I took her to bed, and went to the bedroom. Only later, at the age of 9-10, I learned what sex is, why it happens and all that. And how my mother laughs now, that’s probably why I decided to become a gynecologist: D just kidding.. you know, just distract your girl, as someone here advised. Go somewhere with her, buy her something that she has wanted for a long time, but you still didn’t want, and try to explain that when mom and dad communicate like this at night: D there’s nothing terrible. I have a 5-year-old niece, and my sister and her husband really like to talk at night, and at such moments I’m always there with the baby and tell her that everything is fine, it’s just that mommy and daddy miss each other, so they’re keeping secrets there, and you don’t need to interfere with them, they will go with you tomorrow morning and buy you a toy, a book, etc., etc. I’m 19, and I still live with my sister, fortunately the apartment allows it. And as a doctor, even if not a psychologist, and even if only a future one, I smooth out these corners only by always talking to the child about these topics, in the sense that if she asks why mom and dad are moaning so loudly. And then the time will come, and she herself will understand everything, and she will definitely not reproach you. Your mistake is that you didn’t talk to her in the morning and didn’t try to smooth out this formed angle. And Oksana, you are a normal mother, you shouldn’t worry about the fact that your daughter caught you like this.

At that time, Ayala had just given birth to a daughter, Isabella. In her interview with DailyMailUK, the woman admitted that she simply did not know what to do with her whole life and with a small child in her arms.

After giving birth to her daughter in 2013, Ayala weighed almost 119 kg!

The woman worked on herself, and she managed to lose 27 kg, but then her life tragedy happened. Everything collapsed when she caught her husband cheating.

“I’ve been with him since I was 17 and pretty much dedicated my life to our relationship,” Betsy says. The whole point is that two days after Christmas, the woman discovered incriminating messages exchanged between her husband and his colleague. In these text messages he called his wife a “fat cow”! Not only was Betsy betrayed, but her husband also humiliated her.

Ayala filed for divorce and decided to radically change her life. She wanted to do this not for men, but for herself.

“I cried after every workout, but I was determined to change for myself and for my daughter.”

The new life period began with light training 3 times a week, and then trips to the gym were added. As a result, Ayala exercised 6 days a week and monitored the protein content in her body.

“When I'm nervous I always want to eat, but I had to learn to tell myself no, otherwise I would gain weight over and over again. Now I think that the betrayal of my ex-husband became a kind of impetus. If he had not betrayed me, I would never have taken on myself.”

Now Betsy weighs 72 kg and is completely satisfied with her appearance. She is no longer upset by betrayal from the past, because she lives in the present and the future, which will definitely be much better than the past!

“I believe that sometimes you just have to get up and start fighting for yourself.”

The happy woman lives with her beautiful daughter in Houston, Texas. Betsy admitted that she forgave her husband for cheating and allows him to communicate with her daughter. For Ayala herself, he is now only a friend.

“I love life, believe in family, forgiveness, compassion and love. This is who I am.”

This is the story that happened to the heroine of our article. Sometimes what seems destructive can be the impetus for the beginning of something good. Love yourself!