Preschool age is the period when the base is created, the foundation for a full-fledged mental development older child. In order for the child to be interested in learning new things, not to be afraid of difficulties, and to be able to overcome them, it is necessary to take care of the all-round development of the preschooler. Particular attention should be paid to the development logical thinking child.

Development of logical thinking

Children already in early preschool age are faced with a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors of objects around them. The perception of the surrounding world occurs without special preparation. However, if assimilation occurs intuitively, it is most often incomplete and superficial.

The development of logic and thinking is an integral part of a child’s successful preparation for school and his harmonious development.

Senior preschool age is marked by the beginning of the emergence of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness. This period is becoming increasingly important for mental development, to develop readiness for schooling.

It is customary to use symbolic symbols to designate objects, sequences, and sets, which is what children are introduced to in preparation for school. The kids actively accept it.

Especially if such models are invented together, focusing on the use of symbols not only in words, but also graphically (for example, not only rectangles, but also other shapes that have 4 corners fall into one group of objects, emphasis is placed on the number “4”) .

Logic is a very useful quality for life. It is logical thinking that forces us to think through all the moves and options and choose exactly the one that is best for us.

Playing vital role in the formation of intelligence in a child. As you know, it is toys that help children develop and game form teach them different things useful things. What toys contribute to the development of logical thinking in children?

1. The pyramid is the most simple toy for the development of logic. By stringing rings onto a rod, the child learns to draw conclusions about the color and size of objects. A child can be introduced to the pyramid as early as 8-9 months. It is better to purchase a simple pyramid with fairly large rings and a stable rod. This will make it easier for your baby to put the rings in order.

2. Magic construction toy! It develops imagination, sensory perception, fine motor skills, perseverance, and, of course, logic. By playing with a construction set, a child learns the concept of form, part and whole, and develops constructive abilities. For children over one year old, there are construction sets with large puzzles and large parts. As a rule, such a constructor includes only 5-6 elements. But construction sets for children over 4 years old are more complex and can be sets on a specific theme, for example, a zoo or an airfield.

3. Puzzles can be mastered by children aged 4-5 years. is a picture consisting of small pieces of cardboard, wood or plastic. If the child selects the details correctly, he will see beautiful picture, depicting a landscape, animal or bouquet of flowers. Puzzles promote the development of logic and diligence.

4. Lacing games also train children's logic. These toys are suitable for children from one year old. A lacing is a toy made of wood or plastic into which you insert a cord. This could be a toy in the shape of an apple with a worm making holes inside it, or in the form of a large button that needs to be laced to the base.

5. Logic games such as a maze, where the child must choose the right path, or a game of tag, in which you need to distribute the dominoes with numbers in order without removing them from the basket, also perfectly train the child’s logic and memory. Such games are suitable younger schoolchildren, that is, children from 7-8 years old.

The development of logic is one of the most important components of a child’s mental development. The basis of logic is the development of logical techniques, such as comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and specification.

The development of logical techniques determines the ease and speed of establishing cause-and-effect relationships and develops the child’s speech activity.
Logic improves the culture of thinking. To develop logical literacy, training is required. Psychology has developed a large number variety of exercises. But in this article we will look at what games and toys will help you develop your baby’s logical thinking. Remember that it is much more interesting for a child to learn while playing, rather than doing boring tasks.

So, let's take a closer look at what games and at what age you can develop logical thinking.

You can start working with your baby as early as six months. You can do this, for example, using a touch mat. This is a wonderful toy that not only develops the baby’s thinking, but also gives huge scope for manipulation by little hands, trains tactile and visual perception, spatial orientation, attention, memory, hand motor skills, and speech. By practicing with a mat, the child will master skills role-playing game and expand your understanding of the world around you.

The sensory mat is a large canvas with Velcro, buttons, laces and various sewn details made from fabrics with different textures. The canvas comes with a set of additional parts equipped with Velcro and loops. They can be attached in a variety of places on the mat, moving around it, depending on the plot of the game. Show your baby the possibilities of the rug. Name the details and place them on the canvas. Show how they can be moved. Six months old - one year old baby He will be happy to feel the parts, tear them off the mat and try to attach them back. Naturally, he will try them on his teeth.

Children over one year old can be offered the Geometric construction set. This is a multifunctional educational toy: it is a construction set, a pyramid, and lacing at the same time.

The Geometric set includes 16 multi-colored elements on a stand: 4 squares, four rectangles, four triangles, four rings and a cord. In a playful way, children get ideas about color and the simplest geometric shapes of objects, learn to count, coordinate their movements, and put together the first simple buildings from geometric shapes.

Teach your child to string objects on pins or string. To do this, show your baby the pins and the objects removed from them separately. Demonstrate how and on which pins these items are put on. Then explain the task to the child. Let him take a good look at the objects and play with them a little. Then, pointing its handle towards the pin, help put one of the elements (first, for example, a ring) onto the pin corresponding to the holes. Move gradually from simple to complex. First put rings with one hole on one pin, then a rectangle with two holes on two pins, etc. Then encourage your child to do everything on their own. Encourage him, praise him, if he immediately cannot complete tasks on his own, help him.
Have your baby take off all the pieces, mix them up, and then ask your baby to put all the pieces on.

Teach your child to make simple geometric buildings (house, train, high pyramid, etc.)
Tell him about the color (“this is red, this is green,” etc.) Lay out all the items of the same color in a row, and then mix them with parts of other colors and ask the baby to independently choose the parts of the color you indicated. Gradually make the tasks more difficult. Use only two colors at first, and then introduce new colors.

Trace a circle with your baby's finger, for example. Say, "This is a circle." Do the same with the square, rectangle and triangle. Ask your child to show a circle, then put together all the parts that relate to this concept. Repeat the same with a square, triangle, rectangle.

Children aged 3 years and older will be interested in the MAGNETICUS magnetic construction set. This is a new generation 3D construction set. The constructor consists of 2 components: magnetic sticks and metal balls. The use of magnetic properties allows you to create original buildings, unusual in shape and properties of crafts. Thanks to the designer, the child learns in practice most interesting features magnetism. Provides opportunities to study physics, geometry and mathematics.

A magnet has a unique ability to attract iron objects. Each magnet has two poles: north and south. Like poles repel, and opposite poles attract. You can test this in practice using two magnetic sticks.

Games to develop children's thinking based on simple but effective didactic techniques. Simple and exciting, they help train voluntary memory, master and consolidate the concepts of color and shape, and activate speech activity.

Types of games for developing thinking

Everything is quite conditional didactic games on the development of thinking can be divided into several areas:

  1. Isolating a part from the whole and vice versa (mosaics and collections);
  2. (simulators of the “Find a Pair” and “Opposites/Differences” series);
  3. Color, chronological and size series;
  4. (smart dice sets, Tic-Tac-Toe and mazes)
  5. (various types of puzzles);

Games for the development of thinking in children of junior and senior preschool age

You can start practicing methods for developing thinking with children 1-1.5 years old. The most favorite pastimes of children of this age involve sorting objects by common features or opposites, a series of parts according to size or color. Considering the importance fine motor skills For children of this age group, in addition to classical didactic techniques, tabletop simulators often also use sensory components. This is why many game elements are made of wood.

By the age of 3, children enjoy mastering games to develop logic and spatial orientation. They like labyrinths, mosaics from the “Gatherers” series, sets in which different elements you need to fold the pattern, as well as wooden bricks and cubes, lotto.

Before school, it is important to develop the child’s voluntary attention skills and improve visual memory, develop oral speech. That is why in assortment logic development games and there is so much thinking, associative lotto and task cards.

To prevent your preschooler from getting tired and losing interest in regular activities, try to play for no longer than 15-20 minutes, arranging active breaks. Change or add rules from time to time to make the game more difficult. The simplest example is to ask your child to come up with a story based on lotto pictures, tell out loud how he puts together a puzzle, or write down what happens to the characters. Saying your actions out loud and composing stories based on pictures is one of the effective techniques formation of competent and free oral speech.

In addition to training speech activity, these simple steps will help to form visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, which will be useful both in the first years of schooling and later.

Pyramids develop logic and attention. Show your child how to string rings of the same color onto a rod, assemble the pyramid in reverse order, mix parts from soft, wooden and plastic pyramids and reassemble them.

Developing play centers have all the basic toys for kids: mazes, lacing, knockers, slides, spillikins. The games are accompanied by sound and light effects. Play centers come in the form of tables, playpens or musical instruments.

Board games

Start playing board games best with a walker. They have the most simple rules: Participants take turns throwing dice and moving chips around the field. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

By playing strategy games and simulations, a child learns to count, develop strategies, and begins to think several steps ahead. Participants in such games receive primary knowledge about economics, astronomy, and history.

Word games expand vocabulary, learn to formulate and defend their point of view. This category includes games in which words that intersect with each other are assembled from individual letters (“Scrabble”), sets that combine word game and an intellectual quiz (“Field of Miracles”), games based on guessing words (“Hangman”).