Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 36 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy to resolve cases

Conspiracy to resolve cases

In order to solve some difficult matter, read this plot:

I'll get up early sometimes

I wash my face with cold water,

I will wipe myself with damp earth.

I will worship the Lord

I will pray to His Mother.

My words are sacred,

Copper lips and teeth.

There's a structure under my tongue,

Whatever I say, it will be like this.

What does my head hurt about?

What is the zealous one grieving about?

Everything would happen,

It happened and happened.

And be strong in your words

And be my modeling deeds

To what I'm saying

To what I (name) command.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Shaman, Sage, Healer author Villoldo Alberto

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A conspiracy to approach your superiors when you need to get permission or ask for money in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, servant of God (name), will bless myself, go crossing myself, enter an open field, stand facing east, towards the clear morning dawn, towards the red sun,

From the book White Magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! by Zachary

A conspiracy to approach your superiors when you need to get permission or ask for money in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will enter an open field, I will stand facing the east, towards the clear morning dawn, towards the red sun,

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From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 32 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If you decide to perform a magical ritual, but do not want to wait a long time for the result, use spells that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk methods.

For the conspiracy to work accurately, adhere to the following rules:

  1. . During this period of time, lunar energy reaches its peak and has a very powerful effect on the result. magical ritual.
  2. Memorize the text in advance. This is necessary so that at the right moment you can clearly read the words important for the magical ritual without the slightest hesitation.
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through a ritual you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times over.
  4. Believe that the ritual will definitely work. Doubts and fears interfere and make it difficult to fulfill the request you send.

5 ways

For gunpowder

This version of the plot helps. Use it if you suffer from severe or. This ritual is a kind of “ ambulance”, which will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Empty them and use a knife to scrape the black powder off the heads. Place the collected gunpowder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, light the gunpowder and quickly say:

Wait until the gunpowder is completely extinguished. After this, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

To attract good luck

This version of the plot is used if luck runs out. Use it to bring luck back into your life and quickly cope with a series of failures and solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the piece of paper into a tube and tie or seal it so that it does not unfold. Using the help, fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this moment, the conspiracy should instantly take effect.

From the evil eye

This spell option should be used immediately when you suspect that someone has jinxed you. If you feel that you were envied or someone wished bad in their hearts, also use this method.

To cleanse yourself of negative energy and remove the bad slander, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is advisable that it has been previously used in a bathhouse.

Pour holy water over the broom and start slapping yourself with it, saying the magic words:

After completing the ritual, sprinkle your face with holy water and wipe yourself with the hem of the clothes you are wearing. at the moment. Drink the remaining water and read the Lord's Prayer three times. At this point, the ritual is considered completed, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money spell

Use this plot if you need money or want to increase your income or make a quick profit. It acts instantly and helps bring your financial situation back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of yellow metal, so you can use coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight on the day when the moon is in its waning phase. Then go outside and come to a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in your palm. Extend your arm so that the moonlight hits your arm. Then read the text:

You need to repeat the sacred words three times. After completing the ritual, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins in your wallet. The conspiracy will take effect instantly - you just need to spend money on the right thing. From this moment on, the magical effect will begin to gain its strength, and within a month you will forget about financial problems.

To quickly accumulate money

This plot option is suitable if you are going to make a large purchase, but cannot save money for it.

Prepare a banknote - the higher the denomination it is, the more effective it will be. You also need to buy a piggy bank - it should be new and evoke positive emotions in you.

Wait until Wednesday and at midnight, put the bill into the piggy bank, saying the words:

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, place the piggy bank in a visible place. You will need to deposit money there every day, at least one coin at a time.

But, most likely, you will be more generous, begin to put sufficient amounts into the piggy bank and, as a result, quickly save money for the desired item. At the same time, money will begin to appear in your life in larger quantities than usual.

Important: For conspiracies to work, a positive attitude is required. Try to get rid of emotions such as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Concentrate on good, joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the conspiracy will not take long to take effect.

Are you not sure about the successful outcome of your planned business? Don't lose hope. Powerful conspiracies that will help you achieve success in any endeavor will be your help.

Luck and destiny can be controlled. Esotericists say that luck follows on the heels of each of us. Most people already know how to control their destiny in such a way as to achieve happiness and avoid problems. You just need to know the right conspiracies with which you can achieve a successful outcome in every case. By using effective conspiracies With luck, you can make any life circumstances work for you.

A spell for good luck in any business

With the help of this spell, you can turn absolutely any object into a powerful amulet, which will help you easily receive good luck in any plans. You can turn an item into a good luck talisman on the New Moon. To do this, wait until midnight, pick up the thing you want to turn into an amulet, and say the following plot clearly and clearly:

“The moon was born, gained power, and shared its power with me. Just as the moon and the sky are inseparable, so I will never miss luck - it will bother me and follow me in my footsteps.”

After reading the plot, it is advisable to place the future talisman where the rays will hit it moonlight. Practitioners recommend leaving the item charged with the energy of the Moon all night. After that, it can be used by anyone who needs instant luck when achieving a certain goal. In order for the power of the talisman to strengthen and not disappear, it is recommended to read the plot every New Moon. Otherwise, after two or three months, your luck will dissipate.

Spell for financial success

For a joyful and problem-free life, we all need money luck. To neutralize problems with money and attract long-awaited happiness, a very powerful ancient conspiracy is used. It contains enormous power that will definitely help you get rid of financial troubles and achieve your goals at work or in business.

The spell for money luck is read on coins. Coins of any denomination are considered conductors of monetary energy and catalysts of luck. After reading the plot, the newly created talismans need to be put in a wallet, bag, pocket outerwear, in the doorway of your own home, as well as in the places where all your savings lie. The plot goes like this:

“Money leads to money, coins to coins, luck to luck. My house is a full cup, I am no longer afraid of losing money. Money and luck are now always on my heels.”

A powerful spell for good luck

Cast a spell over any ring that you wear more often than others. You can also talk about the wedding ring. By using ancient conspiracy, which our ancestors used, you can make an effective amulet that will become an indispensable assistant in your plans. Before you begin the spell, place the ring in a container of salt water for three days. The salt will take away all the negativity and prepare the item for the ritual. After the allotted time, take out the ring, rinse it with cold running water and begin the ritual.

You will need 12 church candles, 1 glass of holy water and a ring. Place candles around the glass. Dip the ring into holy water and read the spell from a piece of paper:

“There are 12 church candles burning on my table, I call on twelve saints for help (say the names of the 12 apostles or saints to whom you most often pray). I pray for help in a good cause. Forgive my sins and call for luck in their place. Amen".

The powerful energy of the ring will help you fulfill your plans. Be sure to wear a ring so that good luck will accompany you in everything. You cannot transfer your ring into the wrong hands, otherwise the conspiracy will lose its power.

A simple spell for good luck

Before you go on an important matter, whisper a spell over the water:

“I drink my luck, I talk myself into success. Let your plans be fulfilled."

Conspiracy to return good luck

Luck can turn away from you at any moment, especially if you allow yourself 10 bad thoughts and actions. If suddenly for some reason your luck has left you, you definitely need to attract it back. One proven conspiracy will help with this:

“I have put (put) everything in order, I will order you to return the lost luck to me, I will give you your failure in return.”

When reading the plot, think about the good. Positive thoughts attract good luck.

Don't be afraid that luck will leave you, because you can always get it back. There is no such thing as absolute luck. It is important to remember this if you decide to make friends with luck. Joining in new job, realizing new plans and your dreams, act: happiness and success will follow. We wish you success in everything, endless good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.06.2018 05:10

Many conspiracies are most effective to carry out at the beginning of the month. They can not only enhance the flow of life...

White magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! Zachary

A conspiracy to ensure that the business you started ends in success

Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak grove, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book A Little Book for Great Luck author Pravdina Natalya Borisovna

Share your success! The ability to give is an indispensable condition for life satisfaction. Donald Trump We must give as we receive, willingly, quickly and without hesitation, because there is no nobility in giving grudgingly. Seneca Want to be

author Bazhenova Maria

Conspiracy for an important matter - “Knot of Luck” Good, true conspiracy, and suitable for every person. If you have an important task ahead of you, take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times: As the end meets the end, so would my business work out. Amen. After,

From the book Conspiracies of a Ural healer against damage and the evil eye author Bazhenova Maria

A conspiracy to make things work out. Tie a thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, say it three times, then go. Just as this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together.

From the book Anastasia. Items of power, luck and prosperity author Ignatova Maria

Sharpener for business. So that your business will always be successful - Nowadays they use different devices for sharpening knives, but once upon a time only a sharpening stone was used for such a task. They used to say that the winepress draws its power from iron. Also sometime when

From the book Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money by Zachary

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 16 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To win a case in court From the letter:

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To do the job well I - good man, and everything I do is good! I love what I do! I like the way I work. I'm doing great. I am worthy of approval. I am worthy of praise. And I praise myself and approve. I am happy when I get a good result. I

by Zachary

A conspiracy so that the work begun will end in success. Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak grove, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will wipe myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, servant of God (name), will stand between

From the book White Magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zechariah! by Zachary

A conspiracy for every good deed and honest providence Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! I will go at sunset, at the dawn of the bright month. Grant, Lord, to the young month golden horns for good deeds and honest work, and for me, Thy servant (name), Thy God's blessing on

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In order for your planned business to work out. If you have some important business ahead of you, in order for everything to turn out as you planned, before leaving the house, tie a knot on a thread and read the following plot three times: As this knot is tied, So it is with us, slaves God's (names), Cause

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Az: to start a business at the right time. This word-healer will help you:? to begin solving a complex problem at the right moment, to start the business correctly? create a “mental wave” in your environment that will help you get off to a good start. Use it:? before starting any important

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

In order for the matter to come together During the conspiracy, tie a thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, whisper three more times and go about the matter for which the conspiracy was made: As this knot is tied, so it would be for us, the servants of God (names or name) thing (such and such) soon

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To win the case in court, I will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into an open field, in this open field there are iron bars and damask gates. I will stand, slave (name), between iron bars, damask gates and on my own head

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A conspiracy if your case is being considered by officials You will need: water, a cup, a candle, a silver coin Place of the ritual: premises Time: before going to the institution What to do: On the eve of the consideration of the case, you need to go to church and buy three candles there. Put

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals by Luzina Lada

So that the matter will come together. As this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God, the matter (specify what) will come together soon. Tie the thread in a knot and say it three times

From the book 300 protective spells for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To win the case in court From the letter: “For several months now we have been suing the people who occupied part of our site. I know that according to the law, the truth should be on our side, but we still walk in a vicious circle. Do those with whom we are suing know some word,

The exclusive right to publish books by N. I. Stepanova belongs to RIPOL Classic Group of Companies LLC. The release of works by the specified author without the permission of the publishing house is considered illegal and is punishable by law. To identify copyright violators, the text of the book contains deliberately specified encryption codes that will help prove the fact of illegal publication.


Who among us has not at least once in our lives dreamed of becoming the master of our own destiny, challenging providence itself? Time inexorably runs forward, sometimes not giving us a second chance, not allowing us to stop and think about our actions. But it is not in human nature to bow one’s head to the “inevitable.”

So you, thanks to this book, will be able to protect yourself and your loved ones by changing your destiny with the help of ancient conspiracies. Collected here strong conspiracies and prayers that will help you protect yourself and your family from misfortunes and enemies, maintain mutual understanding with family and friends and find love. Everything you learn from this book will bring you luck, success and prosperity.

I am often asked: can all people use spells or do you need to have some special gift to do this? Of course, there are healers, who are called from God. However, it should be remembered that even the most talented, the most capable person will not be able to help either himself or those around him if there is no sincere faith in the Lord and in his own strength in his heart. No one can be forbidden to pray, and if the prayer is sincere and your thoughts are pure, then the Lord will definitely hear it and help you. Remember, everyone is rewarded according to his faith. Any person, even a repentant sinner who has sincerely believed in God, can turn to him with a prayer request. And if you ever begin to be overcome by doubts, then remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “Your faith has saved you.”

Some are surprised: why am I revealing my secrets, because it would be much more profitable to organize paid courses and take money from my students. But my grandmother always told me that the Lord ordered to help people, love them and have pity. I have heard these words for as long as I can remember, and now I cannot do otherwise. I sincerely want you and your loved ones to live happily ever after, write to me and I will try to help you: answer questions, give advice, explain what you don’t understand.

By collecting all my books, you will build an invisible wall around yourself that no enemy will be able to break through. You can always protect yourself and the people dear to you by resorting to the help of a holy life-giving prayer or an ancient conspiracy, whose power has been tested by time.

However, before using this book, you must write your name and date of birth in the box located after my introduction, and then place both hands on the cover of the closed book. Focus on the desire to receive help from the omnipresent, powerful spirits. Feel the book with your palms, imagine that in these moments it is for you a window into another world. Time and place do not matter, because there are no barriers for spirits. The main thing is that your thoughts are pure and that you sincerely believe in the help of higher powers.

I hope this book becomes yours true friend and an assistant for many years, because with its help you will be able to avoid many troubles and misfortunes and become the master of your destiny.

I wish you health and long life.

Best regards to you

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Your personal protector on the road

Prayer before starting anything

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your Most Pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Conspiracy for a successful business

In an open field

Michael the Archangel.

He stabs with pitchforks, he stabs with knives,

He speaks all my words, all my deeds,

Deeds with desire are cemented,

To make it come true

He blesses him himself.

My talented hour,

The matter is controversial

From Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.

I, the servant of God (name), have a holy magician,

Everything I said will be true.

Calling on God's help in any good deed

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Troparion, tone 2

O Creator and Creator of all things, O God, the works of our hands, which we begin for Thy glory, hasten to correct with Thy blessing, and deliver us from all evil, for one is Omnipotent and Lover of Mankind.

Kontakion, tone 6

Quick to intercede and strong to help, present yourself to the grace of Thy power now, and bless and strengthen, and bring about the good work of Thy servants to accomplish the good work of Thy servants: for all that thou desirest, for the Mighty God is able to do.

Ask for success in any business

So that everything you plan will work out and any of your journeys will end safely, read Psalm 126:

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord preserves the city in vain, it will be strict. It is in vain for you to wake up; you will rise gray, eating the bread of sickness, when He gives sleep to His beloved. Behold the heritage of the Lord's Son, the reward of the fruit of the womb. Like arrows in the hand of the strong, like the sons of the shaken. Blessed is he who gets his desire from them. They will not be ashamed when they speak against their enemy in the gates.

Have a good trip

To ensure that everything turns out exactly the way you want it, read the following plot before leaving the house:

The star of Bethlehem is in the sky,

She showed the way to Christ,

She accompanied the wise men and travelers.

Lord my God,

Be with me on the way

And you, Star of Bethlehem,

Shine on me on my long journey.

In the name of the Father and the Son

And the Holy Spirit.

On a long journey to buy goods

Before leaving the house, stand on the threshold and read the following plot:

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows,

Deliver us from troubles, deliver us from sorrows,

Get rid of evil people, from an evil spirit.

Saint Father Nicholas,

Help us with your petitions

Before the Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

For a successful completion of the matter

If you have some important business to do, then tie a knot on a thread and read a special spell over it three times in a row - in this case, everything will work out your way. The spell words are:

How is this knot tied?

So it is with me, God’s servant (name),

The matter (such and such) soon came together.

So that everything is your way

This plot is read before setting off on an important matter.

When I lie down I pray, when I get up I get baptized.

Under the ground there is a worm, above the ground there is a beast.

The sun and moon are higher and I am alone.

As I think

As I think

So may the Lord God bless you,

Our Lady helps.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Calling on the Help of the Holy Spirit

If you have a difficult task ahead, a long journey, or need to resolve some important issue, turn to the Holy Spirit and ask him for help and assistance.

Help me, Lord,

The Holy Spirit is in my business,

So that my enemies do not dare

It's my job to ruin it.

Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit be interrupted

(briefly state the essence of your business).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for your protection

Every person, feeling the need for the help of heavenly powers, can turn to his patron saint in prayer.

Servant of God (name of the saint)! Remember us in your favorable prayers before Christ God, may He protect us from temptations, illnesses and sorrows, may He grant us humility, love, reasoning and meekness, and may He vouchsafe us, unworthy, His Kingdom. Amen.

If you leave your home for a long time

First of all, you need to take the soil from under the porch of your house and dump it in a new place. There you will also need to read the following conspiracy:

God's mercy is endless,

And earthly life is fleeting.

Mother earth bless me

To a new place, to a new existence.

God bless my home.

To the servant of God (name)

She lived in the new world, did not suffer,

I didn’t shed bitter tears,

I didn’t whine, I didn’t get bored,

I didn’t remember the previous place.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

So as not to yearn for your father's house

Open and close all the doors in your new home one by one, while spitting and reading the following plot:

How I open and close these doors,

This way I relieve myself of my longing for the old house.

Once to yourself, once from yourself and at the same time from yourself.

Prayer of a man preparing to travel

With this prayer, travelers turn to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Oh, my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Theotokos, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the journey that lies before me, I now want to leave and for the time being I entrust to You, my Most Merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my mental and material powers, entrusting everything to Your strong gaze and Your all-powerful help. Oh, my Good Companion and Protector! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path may not creep; guide me on it, and direct it, O All-Holy Hodegetria, as She herself did, to the glory of Thy Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this distant and on a difficult journey, protect me under Your sovereign protection from all the troubles and sorrows that come our way, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Your Son Christ our God, that He may send His Angel to help me, a peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian, yes just as in ancient times He gave food to His servant Tobias Raphael, in every place and at every time, keeping him on the road from all evil; taco and my path safely guiding and preserving me by heavenly power May she return me to health, peace and completeness, to my dwelling for the glory of His holy name, glorifying and blessing Him throughout my life and magnifying You. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before leaving the house of St. John Chrysostom

I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

If you have a long and dangerous journey ahead of you, read the amulet called “Dream” before leaving home. Holy Mother of God" You can copy this same amulet onto a piece of paper and take it with you on the road. The spell words are:

Under the vaults of heaven,

Under the blue stains,

On green grass

The Virgin Mary, Mother of God, was sleeping,

She rested and shed holy tears in her sleep.

Her son, Jesus Christ, wiped away Her tears with his hand,

He asked His Most Pure Mother:

– Mati My beloved, dear,

What are you crying about, what are you suffering about in your sleep,

What are you shedding your tears about?

– I slept with tears

There are seventeen days in the month of March.

I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You.

I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome,

And I saw You on the Cross.

There is great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees.

By order of Pilate you are condemned,

crucified on the Cross,

They beat me on the head with a cane,

They spat in the holy face,

Vinegar was poured into the mouth.

The rib was pierced by a warrior,

Everything is drenched in the blood of the saint.

They crowned with a crown of thorns,

They threw stones.

The earth will shake, the church curtain

It will break in two,

The stones will crumble, the dead will turn over,

The bodies of the departed saints will rise,

The sun and moon will be darkened.

And there will be darkness throughout the whole earth

From six to nine hours.

Your body Joseph with Nicodemus

They will ask Pilate

They will tie a clean shroud,

They will put it in a coffin and close it for three days.

The gates are copper, the doors are iron.

The stones will crumble.

And on the third day You rose from the grave

And gave life to the world,

Freed Adam and Eve from hell forever.

Ascended to the Throne at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father.

- My Beloved Mother,

Your dream is true and fair.

Who will copy your dream and read it?

And he will carry it clean with him,

Let your sleep protect him.

Guardian angel, save your soul

From all executions and demonic throwings.

And he will not fear hell,

Not a beast will die in vain.

And who will listen to this dream?

With diligence and attention,

That person will receive remission of sins.

Or who is a pregnant woman

Heed these words,

She will give birth easily during childbirth

And the child will be preserved for longevity.

The Mother of God and Christ will never forget that.

He will not see fear in days and nights,

He will not be crushed by the enemy.

If he reads a dream, he will return from the campaign with glory,

Enemies will flee from his presence.

Archangel Gabriel will show him the way.

Guardian angel will not leave

Before his fiercest enemy.

And who else will keep this dream in the house,

The house will be saved from fires

There will be livestock and grain in it.

Who reads the dream with true faith,

That man was delivered from eternal torment, from fire.

This sheet of “Dream” will be written at the Holy Sepulcher -

From Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Which man is true to this place,

Believes from the heart

And even if the sins of his family -

Like sand in the sea,

Leaves on the trees

That generation will be saved and forgiven

For the sake of the Virgin Mary's sleep,

Mother of God, and Her tears for Him.

Forever and ever, forever and ever.

Or use this amulet:

The Lord Himself is coming

The Lord Himself calls His Mother.

- My Mother, Maria,

Where did you live and live?

Where did you while away the dark night?

- Once upon a time she lived and whiled away the dark night.

She sat down at the Throne to rest,

I wasn't going to sleep.

My eyes are closed

I dreamed of three crosses on a mountain.

There are thieves on two crosses, and on one you are.

They nailed you, Christ,

On the Cross they crucified you, beat you and tormented you,

They gave me vinegar to drink before I died.

- Mother, Your dream is fair,

The Myrrh-Bearer will rewrite it and give it to people.

Who will read your dream at least once,

He will never die in vain.

It won't drown in water,

If he goes into the forest, the beast will not touch him.

A thief will not steal from him,

The fire will not burn that person’s home.

He'll go to court and won't be convicted.

If he asks for mercy, he will receive it.

The Lord will add to the century,

And if he dies, he will be delivered from eternal torment.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Unbreakable amulet

This is a very strong amulet that will protect you not only from misfortune on the way, but also from dashing people and from the machinations of enemies. It is almost impossible to interrupt him, and those who try to do this will most likely suffer from the backlash themselves.

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit.

Lord, save me from all evil,

From intrigues, inventions, secret plans,

Nets, traps, poisons, swords,

Conspiracies, excuses,

Cunning, insidious negotiations,

From an enemy visit,

From imprisonment

From bribery and sword,

From a word spoken in the heat of the moment,

From the enemy meeting,

From a false promise

From the flooding water,

From the drowning wave,

From the beast, from the fire,

Save me, Lord, save me!

From the violent wind, from the ice

Save me, Lord, save me!

From an evil sorcerer

Save me, Lord, save me!

From a terrible illness,

From an early death in vain,

From the inverted cross

Save me, Lord, save me!

Mind you, my thought, mind you, my flesh,

Chur, my living red blood,

Chop, my wild, reckless thought.

My guardian angel, pray for my soul,

Everything I said that, having forgotten, I didn’t say,

Word by word, come and me,

Save the servant of God (name) from all evils.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.