It is unlikely that anywhere else in Mari El there will be such a happy large family as the Emelyanovs from Morki, because the spouses Elvira and Sergei themselves paid for their happiness! They are sure that it is possible to achieve something worthwhile in life only if you set goals for yourself - at first glance unrealistic, but very desirable.

Life tastes better with mom's pies

When you live according to a plan, you keep these thoughts in your head. And the Universe begins to help you, giving you opportunities, including financial ones. We needed to change the car - we planned it without knowing how to do it. And it turned out as it should. We decided that Masha needed to go to England to better master the language. At first they themselves didn’t believe in it, but then everything worked out - it couldn’t be better,” Elvira Sharifullovna explained to me the basic strategy family life. At the same time, her hands habitually rolled out the dough. And now there are delicious sweet buns on the baking sheet, ready to brown in the oven. And the famous Tatar triangles “rest” on the table.

In general, she loves baking pies and cakes (and baking, as Alice from Through the Looking Glass said, makes people kinder). Children especially love their mother’s cooking. They themselves already help her in many ways in the kitchen; most often, the kids, the six-year-old twins Makar and Miron, tinker with the dough. The middle one, eight-year-old Mikhail, takes on more serious work; he helps his dad with all his might in the construction of a new house.

Best daughter and big sister

And 16-year-old Masha is now rarely at home, since she studies at the Yoshkar-Ola Polytechnic Lyceum. And yet, for her younger brothers she is the first friend and mentor, for her parents she is the most reliable assistant. It was to her that a few years ago, then still an 11-year-old girl, her mother trusted the still tiny twins. Many adults were afraid to even pick them up, but the older sister deftly handled both of them.

Now we have them as strong kids, but back then they grew up like little chickens wearing shawls,” says Elvira. – And Masha fully babysat them. I had to go to Kazan, then to Yoshkar-Ola, but she was great: she would wash and feed them. I am very grateful to her for this.

Children are allowed to make mistakes.

Such mutual understanding and respect between parents and children, you see, is worth a lot. But it does not appear by magic. And there and then, when dad and mom not only love their daughters and sons, but with intelligence and kindness they cultivate independence and responsibility in them.

I am sure that many will perceive this worldly wisdom ambiguously. But not those who, like the Emelyanovs, have already thought about how they want to raise their children from the birth of their babies. They gave them names, as Elvira says, beautiful and happy. And in accordance with the character of each, they figured out the future.

“I see them as strong, wise, successful—almost like presidents,” the young woman admits with a smile. And these are not just words, but specific life plans that spouses “write” for themselves, often in the literal sense. And they themselves achieve their fulfillment, sometimes through pain, tears, and lack of money.

Sheila greeted the groom

Sergei and I connected, despite our different faiths, precisely because we have always respected and respect each other,” admits Elvira. – And we understand perfectly. And, believe it or not, we can even talk in silence!

Typically, spouses with extensive marital experience are famous for this, and the Emelyanovs have only been together for seventeen years. We met by chance and were already quite adults, although we lived on the same street.

My car broke down, and on the advice of friends, I turned to Sergei,” recalls Elvira. “That’s how we met for the first time.”

However, pay closer attention to young guy the dog “forced” her. Sheila was extremely feisty, she really didn’t like strangers. And she recognized Sergei right away.

I heard someone talking quietly in the yard. It turned out that it was Sergei, squatting in front of Sheila, talking with her “face to face,” Elvira recalls, laughing. “And then I realized that since the dog didn’t touch him, it means there’s something special about him.”

Not a husband, but gold!

And over the years, this faith turned into firm confidence, which more than once helped them overcome life’s adversities. And it still helps.

It so happened that their twins were born contrary to the recommendations of doctors. Initially, they warned that given the mother’s small stature, they would not be able to fully develop in utero.

But I said that I would give birth no matter what,” says Elvira. She needed this firmness and courage later, when she spent six months in the Morkino and Yoshkar-Ola hospitals and in the largest Moscow center.

Sergei alone was responsible for the house, for the two older children, my mother, she was already 80 years old at that time,” his wife says proudly about her husband. – He was responsible for absolutely everything! He is generally my golden man.

Difficult parental happiness

And at that time she was fighting for the lives of their children. First, so that the twins were born, then - so that she could take care of them, born as babies, in a prestigious metropolitan clinic (in such cases, low-weight babies are left in the care of medical staff without mothers). A little later it turned out that one of the sons was born with cerebral palsy.

For the first four months, Makar was very restless and did not walk until he was two years old. It was very difficult. But now we have achieved a lot. He and Miron go to kindergarten. They are almost no different,” Elvira continues. “We continue to heal using everything we can.” And we are sure that everything will be fine for Makar.

... Somehow, unbeknownst to myself, I stayed too long at a party. The buns had already been baked, and Elvira and I had drunk tea, but we still wanted to talk about a lot of things. I admit, I was overwhelmed by the smell of pies and the warm attitude of the hostess. And once again I thought: how many wonderful families we have in which smart, beautiful and worthy parents raise children. And each has its own sometimes difficult fate, but that makes it all the more precious – family happiness!

In Mari El, large families, deprived of benefits and received plots in an open field without communications, ask the President of the country, Vladimir Putin, to restore order: to monitor the implementation of the “May decrees” by Alexander Evstifeev and to allocate targeted funds to solve the problems of the Apshakbelyak village, which has been under construction since 2011.

In Mari El, large families, deprived of benefits and received plots in an open field without communications even under the Markel government, are in despair Vladimir Putin, calling on the head of state to stir up the local government. Officials left them to live in a vacant lot without water, gas or roads, declaring that there was no money in the budget for the improvement of their village. But according to the plan and according to the project, gardens should bloom here, schools and kindergartens should work, and large families should enjoy life in Mari El. In reality, roadlessness and desolation reign, and the head of the republic Alexander Evstifeev continues to ignore Putin's decrees, remaining indifferent to the problems of large families.

Activists invited representatives of the republican government to a meeting of the ONF headquarters in Mari El to talk about the progress of construction of socially significant facilities.

It turned out that the authorities of Mari El refuse to build temporary roads to the sites because there are no projects. Allegedly, the government of the republic nevertheless decided to allocate as much as 15 million rubles a year for landscaping for families with many children, but then the entire program will only be completed by 2056!

In addition, activists fear that due to the lack of a plan for gasification, water supply and sewerage, large families may have problems with banks. To build houses, almost all program participants have taken or are planning to take out mortgage loans; In addition, families with many children are faced with another big problem- every new developer is required to pay money for procedures that are free by law.

However, there is no need to talk about any prospects for the future. Evstifeevsky officials do not even have a program for the development of the territory of the village of Apshakbelyak. And we won’t even talk about investments - apparently, the Evstifeevites don’t have the kind of heads to attract investors.

According to the united developers with many children, the authorities of Mari El do not want to interact with social activists, are not ready to discuss construction priorities, solve problems comprehensively, or inform landowners about the situation. Tired of waiting for mercy from the indifferent officials of Mari El, the activists decided to take the initiative and themselves ask Vladimir Putin to provide targeted financial assistance to the government of the republic, since he Alexander Evstifeev unable to resolve this issue. In addition, once again the authors of the petition ask the head of state to take personal control of the situation with large families in Mari El, as well as to monitor the implementation of the May decrees in the republic. Apparently, this really cannot be done without Putin’s intervention.

By the decision of the leadership of Mari El, benefits for the third and subsequent children born in 2017 were returned to large families in the republic. Last year, the very fact of canceling these benefits caused protests from parents - the authorities received about three hundred applications from large families alone last year. It seems that parents who recently felt deceived have now also regained their faith in justice.

MediaStream is confident that the decision to resume payments to large families was one of the main events of January in the region. We asked Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RME Ilga Dravniece to comment on this key event.

— Ilga Robertovna, why did this conflict arise in the first place? Why did they stop paying benefits for third and subsequent children born in Mari El in 2017? Was this somehow explained?

— The fact is that since 2015, Mari El no longer meets the selection criteria for providing subsidies from the federal budget under the program that has been in force since 2013, “On measures to implement demographic policy in the Russian Federation." The fact is that the birth rate in the republic significantly exceeded the national average. As a result, co-financing from the federal budget for children born after December 31, 2016 was stopped.

However, this did not mean that the program itself to help large families ceased. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has repeatedly indicated that the regions should continue these payments, but now at their own expense. This was the case practically throughout Russia; local authorities took this responsibility upon themselves. But - not in Mari El. Alas, the difficult economic situation that developed in our republic at that time is known to everyone...

“This caused a wave of protest from the parents themselves: they turned everywhere, signed petitions on the Internet...

- And they can be understood. Of course, this was unfair: a child born in 2017 is no worse than one born in 2016. It is clear that large families do not arise for the sake of money, not because of the desire to receive benefits. This is a question of upbringing, life values, priorities. And yet, parents with many children, of course, hoped for this help.

Everyone understood that the canceled payments needed to be returned. The head spoke about the need for this step last summer. In general, the republic is trying to fully support large families, people who, in essence, decide for themselves demographic problems countries, taking on such a high responsibility as the birth of children. Of course, caring for children is the government’s primary concern. But these words should not be a declaration - they must be confirmed by deeds.

As a result, the Head of Mari El, Alexander Evstifeev, made a fundamental decision - to pay this benefit at the expense of the republic. At the beginning of this year, the Head signed a decree on the restoration, from January 1, 2018, of monthly cash payments to families for third or subsequent children born in 2017.

— Is this a serious burden on our budget? How did we manage to find reserves, since the region has declared the strictest budget austerity regime.

— Yes, indeed, now the republic is counting every penny of budget funds, the task is to spend them as efficiently and effectively as possible. And yet reserves were found. Throughout 2017, the republic’s leadership took steps aimed at improving the region’s public finances. A huge amount of work has been done in Mari El; the republic has done everything to return the lost payments to large families.

Our information:

Monthly cash payment is provided in the amount of living wage for children, officially established in Mari El for this period. Thus, the payment amount for January 2018 was 9,673 rubles.

Families are entitled to this payment average per capita income which are below one and a half times the subsistence level in Mari El.

Financing is provided in full from the budget of Mari El; expenses for these purposes will amount to almost 218 million rubles.

According to forecasts, starting from January 1, 2018, 1,783 people will receive monthly cash payments.

For Mother's Day, which is celebrated on November 26, "Pro City" asked mothers of many children, how they cope and manage everything.

Aigul Gabdrakhmanovs, 30 years old.

My husband Timur and I have three children: Aidar, 5 years old, Amir, 7 years old, and Kamila, 9 years old.

I was 21 years old when I became a mother for the first time. My husband and I decided not to stop there and after 2 years, we had a second child. Then we already fully appreciated that children are a great happiness, and my husband wanted a third one.

Oddly enough, I only began to cope with the responsibilities of a mother when I had many children. I didn’t have assistants, I learned to do everything myself, with the first two it was more difficult.

Now my children have grown up and each of them already has important responsibilities: someone washes the dishes, another vacuums, another tidies up their clothes for themselves and their brothers. For me, this is an opportunity to set aside time to go to the gym or prepare lunch and dinner. I’m also glad that we’re going out quickly now: the children have learned to dress themselves, before it was a whole “ritual.”

By the way, I cook twice a day - for my children and my husband, but I have a separate diet to keep myself in shape. Nowadays cooking is not a torment, because there are technical assistants. I try to please everyone, despite the fact that tastes are different, but everyone loves dumplings.

Our favorite holiday is New Year, because children believe in Santa Claus and enjoy gifts for a long time.

Ekaterina Shundaeva, 28 years old.

There are four children in our family: one year old, 3 years old, 5 and 8 years old.

First dI actually gave birth when I was 20 years old. Since childhood, my husband and I dreamed of a big and friendly family. Therefore, every pregnancy was desired.We live together and try to cope with all difficulties. The worst thing is when one of the children gets sick.

Help I have a lot of nicknames: grandmothers, grandfathers, and my eldest daughter can replace me when I urgently need to run away somewhere. Getting ready for a walk is quick and easy, if you don’t take into account the whims of the younger one: he doesn’t like to get dressed. Everyone has to wait for him to calm down.

You don’t have to cook a lot: getting children to eat is a real problem. Our eldest son is probably a vegetarian: he doesn’t like meat, fish, or eggs. The middle son, we think, generally takes energy from space, jumps like crazy, but eats little.

All four of us have a favorite dish: macaroni and cheese. My daughter loves mashed potatoes with cutlets.

At Christmas we love to gather all our big family with grandparents. We also always look forward to Easter, because our dad bakes pies for this holiday. The children, of course, are really looking forward to the New Year: the boys order cars, boats, railroads, trains, and the daughter orders construction sets.

Elvira Yageldina, 39 years old

Our family is large and friendly:18 years old, 11 years old, 8 years old, 4 years oldand the youngest 3 weeks.

When I gave birth to my eldest daughter, I was 21 years old. My husband and I are Orthodox people, so the decision to have many childrenfamily came to our house as if by itself.

We didn’t even think about how many children we would have.With each child more and more happiness comes into our home.

The elders help a lot in caring for the babies: they take them to kindergarten, cooking, They help around the house and check the younger ones’ homework.

Every Sunday we all try to go to church together. We love holidays very much, as family and friends come to visit us. Children always wait for the gifts their grandmothers choose. True, we do not allow you to buy something for pampering. Gifts should all be useful.

I cook mainly for my husband and younger children, seniors with They cook for themselves. L There are not so many dishes that everyone loves: dumplings and fried potatoes A. And, of course, alwayseveryone, without exception, is happy about the cake.

Lidiya Nikiforova, 44 years old

There are six children in our family: Matvey 3 years old, Semyon 4 years old, Lera 6 years old, Irina 7 years oldyears old, Tanya is 9 years old and Sasha is 11 years old.

I gave birth to my first child at 33 years old. My husband Vasily and I believe that if a child is born, it will be a great joy. Difficulties happen in every family, we all support each other, but our main assistant is our grandmother. Older children help the younger ones with homework, brush their teeth together, and take part in cleaning. My daughters love to tinker with me in the kitchen, but we have to cook a lot, we eat the first and second courses at one time. Every child has their own favorite dish, but almost everyone doesn’t like meat, so you have to manage and do something unusual. To go out for a walk or visit, we gather for one and a half to two hours. Gifts for general holidays We try to choose the same ones. On birthdays, we give the birthday boy a big gift, explaining to others that this is his holiday, and also delighting other children with small gifts.