A child in his fifth year of life is strikingly different from what he was a year ago. And this is connected not only with improving physical skills and abilities. Age-related characteristics of the development of children aged 4–5 years are characterized, first of all, by the fact that the preschooler has already come to his senses after a recent crisis, and therefore is able to develop more fruitfully in psycho-emotional and creative terms. The baby becomes much wiser, his analytical abilities progress.

General picture of age

The age of 4–5 years is a time of relative calm for parents: “wars for power and territory” are over, now the child is calmer, collected, and obedient. He no longer needs constant care from adults and strives for external independence (although psychological closeness with parents, especially with his mother, will be important for the child throughout at least his entire school life).

One of the main distinctive features This age is when the child begins to love his family. Not just to say “I love”, because this is how it is customary to express feelings among his immediate circle, but to truly love, understanding the depth of this affection. It is important not to lose this valuable feeling or destroy it through the wrong actions of adults.

Mental development still has a huge impact on the overall development of a child. At the same time, the characteristics of the age characteristics of the period 4–5 years include the following aspects.

  • Demonstration of independence and initiative to increase one’s own importance in the eyes of parents. This means that the child strives to win respect and appreciation from adults for his actions, and expects praise from them for achievements and good deeds. Without receiving praise, the baby will react with offense.
  • Attention to your health and well-being. The baby can already quite accurately describe his condition and tries to inform his mother or teacher if his health has worsened.
  • Ethical formation. The baby begins to understand the sensations and feelings of other people (not just himself or his peers), learns to empathize with the grief of others, and find a way out of conflict situations when communicating with others.
  • Active socialization. The circle of relationships only within the family is finally broken for the child. The preschooler is increasingly immersed in the world of his peers, increasingly in need not only of their attention, but also of approval, support, and respect. Five-year-old children don’t just play together - they share their impressions of events that happened, purchases, and how their day went.
  • , increasing the role of fairy tales. In the fifth year of life, a child’s creative abilities and imagination actively develop. Children often live in an imaginary world where they play the main role, defeat evil, have strength, wisdom, and seek recognition for their achievements, which are not sufficiently realized in reality. In addition, an ordinary fairy tale now helps a child find solutions to many of his pressing problems. psychological problems, offering a system of images, among which the baby chooses the most impressive ones. He learns to distinguish between good and evil, to be positive.
  • Insatiable curiosity. A preschooler of this age is interested in everything in the world. He asks a wide variety of questions and expects complete answers from adults. If at this moment he does not satisfy the need for such information, he may lose his thirst for knowledge forever!
  • Vulnerability and sensitivity. In the fifth year of life, preschoolers react painfully to comments and punishments. An awkwardly thrown phrase from an adult can give rise to a bunch of complexes in a vulnerable child’s soul that will prevent him from successfully realizing himself in adulthood.
  • Fears and nightmares. The rapid development of fantasy may not always have a positive effect on the child’s emotional state, giving rise to a variety of fears and “bad dreams.”
  • Significant complication play activity. At this age, children’s play becomes much more complex and involves role-playing. Children play store, daughter-mother, hospital, war games. During games, kids develop interaction abilities, showing the whole gamut of emotions: they quarrel, make peace, help, are jealous, and make friends.
  • The differences between people based on gender are becoming much deeper. Now children can differentiate by gender not only clothing or hairstyle, but also, for example, behavior, professions, character traits, demeanor, family ties (girl - sister, daughter, granddaughter, boy - son, brother, grandson).
  • Increased tendency to remember. Although memory is still involuntary, it is in the fifth year that the child tends to remember many different things with an intensity that he will not achieve in subsequent years.

At this age, shortcomings in upbringing can lead to bad habits or the child’s character traits will be fixed for the rest of his life, it will be very difficult to correct this. React correctly to the child’s behavior and “extinguish” all “hot spots” in a timely manner. Instill in him norms and rules of behavior to avoid conflicts and disobedience. If necessary, contact a professional child psychologist.

Well, it’s quite a happy picture, except for the fears. But this is the important responsibility of parents - to respond in a timely manner to what is happening to their baby. By directing imagination in the right direction, captivating the child with an interesting conversation or a fun game, switching the child to the positive, they can block fears.

Rapid development of speech

As you can see, the age-related characteristics of the development of a child of the fifth year of life are characterized by the growth of socialization skills (especially in a children's group), emotional manifestations, and a real riot of imagination. All this leads to the active improvement of speech skills:

  • the baby already uses from one to three thousand words belonging to different parts of speech;
  • builds sentences of 6–10 words;
  • understands the meaning of prepositions and applies them correctly in speech;
  • uses the plural correctly;
  • uses comparative and value judgments in speech;
  • correctly states his age, first name, last name, and residential address;
  • can support a conversation - answers questions in detail, constructs his own interrogative constructions correctly;
  • teaches children's poems, songs, nursery rhymes by heart;
  • knows the names and essence of several professions.

If your child is significantly behind the developmental milestones given here, work to improve the situation. Hone fine motor skills and coordination, read to your child more, surround him with an active speech environment - talk to him about everything that is happening or planned, discuss his feelings and impressions. Add emotions: praise, rejoice with your child, admire his achievements. After all, speech is the main tool of human communication, an indicator of the maturity of thinking, the level of intellectual development, and readiness to communicate with teachers at school (and there is not much left of it).

Logic, mathematical abilities

Age-related curiosity and the desire to show the degree of one’s “maturity” at this stage of growth and development, together with the improvement of brain development processes, cannot but affect the level of intelligence in general and the expansion of the palette of logical and mathematical skills in particular. Now the memory capacity is rapidly increasing, attention is able to concentrate for a longer time. This is the period when a wide variety of knowledge can be imbued into the memory of a preschooler, which will be useful to him in the future.

The thinking of a child of this age is visual and figurative, and visibility still comes first, so his actions, including mental ones, are of a practical nature. Only by the end of the fifth year will thinking gradually turn into verbal-logical, built on logical reasoning. The child will master complex mental operations of generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, and will be able to draw logical conclusions. This will speak not only about the level general development, but also about the degree of readiness of the child for school.

Now there is active preparation for the transition to a new type of thinking. A child of this age already knows and can:

  • navigates the location of objects (front, back, middle, top, bottom);
  • knows the basic ones (triangle, circle, square, oval, rectangle);
  • counts up to 9, matching the number of objects with a specific number;
  • can arrange numbers from 1 to 5 in direct and reverse order;
  • when comparing objects, understands the concepts “less”, “equally” (“equal”), “more”;
  • can find similarities and differences in an image;
  • folds a picture cut into 2–6 parts;
  • assembles according to a design model without outside help (complex pyramid shape, figures from a construction set);
  • inserts the missing fragments of the image (puzzle);
  • finds pairs of objects, an extra object in the chain, can explain his decision;
  • selects opposite words, understanding their meaning;
  • can explain the discrepancy between the picture and reality, find unnecessary details;
  • is able to assemble letters into syllables - you can begin learning to read.

Other skills, outlook, physical development

Between 4 and 5 years, the baby becomes quite confident in navigating the objects and events of the surrounding world. Now he can:

  • name groups of animals (birds, insects, fish, etc.), name their representatives and the main differences (paws, wings, whiskers);
  • name groups of fruits, berries, vegetables, trees, flowers, shrubs, distinguish their types and characteristics;
  • distinguishes between domestic and wild animals, knows their names;
  • distinguishes between cultivated and wild plants;
  • understands the difference between products and dishes made from them;
  • navigates the time of day (it is now morning, afternoon, evening, night);
  • knows the basic features of the human structure, distinguishes his body parts from animals (paws and legs, hair and fur, nails and claws);
  • knows what the seasons look like, what their features are, what kind of precipitation there is in different times year, cold or warm.

In terms of self-care, a child of this age is already quite independent. He not only knows how to use hygiene and toilet products, a fork, a spoon, but also fasten buttons, Velcro, zippers, and buttons. He no longer confuses his right shoe with his left.

Fine motor skills are actively developing, which also indicates that the hands are preparing for learning to write. The baby can independently:

  • string large beads onto a thread;
  • draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper;
  • hatches the drawing with straight lines without going beyond the border;
  • Colors without going over the edge, traces along the contour.

In terms of physical development, a child in the fifth year of life is already more coordinated and maintains balance more easily. All his actions become more confident, the baby becomes fast, agile, and needs constant movement.

The physiology of children of this age requires adults to pay attention to the child’s posture, dosing loads, and alternating them with rest.

Basic physiological characteristics child of the fifth year of life:

  • rapid but uneven growth of muscle mass, which leads to rapid fatigue;
  • flexibility, since ossification of the skeleton is not yet complete (therefore, strength exercises should be avoided);
  • development of children's farsightedness due to the fact that the lens takes on a flat shape;
  • the volume of the lungs increases, the abdominal type of breathing gives way to the chest, which is why the need for oxygen in children of this age increases sharply;
  • sensitivity to sharp sounds and loud noise increases.

Parent, remember!

So, in the fifth year of life, all areas of development little man largely depend on child psychology. It is the psychological aspects - love, care, understanding, a sense of self-worth, authority among peers, a sense of harmony and well-being, self-confidence - that determine how successful a person will grow up.

Therefore, it is important for parents to provide their child with the necessary psychological conditions to lay the foundation for a successful personality.

  • Take care of the development of your child’s play imagination. Allow him to use not only “ready-made” toys for games. Let him play with your broken things, sticks, stones - anything that seems like rubbish to you.
  • Instill in your child a hard work ethic and involve him in all household chores. At the same time, do them together, showing your child your passion and satisfaction.
  • Optimize the number of laws, rules, and, most importantly, prohibitions necessary to comply. If there are too many of them, the child will not be able to learn everything and will begin to openly protest. If possible, replace the ban with an alternative (you can’t draw on parquet, but on whatman paper – please).
  • Control your reaction if a child is justifiably offended. Don’t take it out on the baby, don’t hurt his psyche. Know how to admit to him that you are wrong and ask for forgiveness. Remember: he learns from your example.
  • Share your own feelings with your child. This will teach him to understand not only you, but also those around you.
  • Analyze with your child all the interpersonal conflicts that he gets into in the children's team.
  • Do not put undue pressure on the child’s conscience. A constant feeling of guilt can lead to uncertainty, isolation, fears, and complexes.
  • Protect him from conversations or films telling about scary stories, do not talk to him about death or serious illnesses. With his level of fantasy development, this will only do harm.
  • Be interested in all sorts of manifestations of the child’s creativity, praise him for successes, but do not scold, criticize or reproach him for failures. Help him, support him.
  • Always answer your child's questions. Fuel his thirst for knowledge. Show that his opinion is important to you.
  • Provide maximum playing space. Allow your child to play a lot with his peers, play with him at home, solve complex problems and do household chores in a playful way.
  • Read more children's books. Ask for opinions about what you read, ask them to tell you what they especially liked, to describe and evaluate the characters.

The age of 4–5 years is the borderline between the 3-year crisis and preparation for school. How this period goes will largely determine the child’s success in mastering the skills necessary for learning. Therefore, constant attention must be paid to the development of the baby.

Each age limit for a child plays a vital role in his future existence. For example, at the very initial stage of development, from birth to one year, the baby gets acquainted with the world, begins to recognize his loved ones and gradually gets used to the new environment. In the next stage, from 2 to 4 years, the already formed child can recognize colors, shapes, animals, listen to parents and convey his information to them. According to psychologists, the most important period in a child’s life is the age from 4 to 5 years, also called middle preschool. At this moment, the active development of the child’s body occurs, its character and various abilities are finally formed. Every parent should know the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old in order to help their descendants become happy people.

Formation of positive thinking

Why is it so important to take into account the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old? Psychology modern education The child has several features of a sharp change in their behavior during this period. First of all, thinking is formed, this is as follows:

  • Previously, the child could simply name the type of figure (oval, circle, square, and so on). Now he compares all the objects that surround him with them. For example, the subconscious comes to him that the ball has the shape of a ball.
  • A child can sort several similar objects according to identical characteristics (color, size, shape).
  • He also begins to better orient himself in space; scientists assure that at this age a child can independently find his way from a store, kindergarten or sports section to home, however, such experiments are still not recommended.

Thus, the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old primarily come down to the fact that they develop active thinking, and every day it becomes more and more interesting to communicate with them.

How can you help your child develop positive thinking?

Many parents may notice that preschool age their child is slightly behind his peers. Don’t despair; you should help your son or daughter develop in the right direction. For example, you can try to develop his visual memory. To do this, you need to make photocopies of pages from his favorite book and cut them into several components. Next, you need to ask the baby to reunite the image into one whole, let it first consist of three elements, gradually their number can be increased.

Characteristics of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old also imply the fact that during this period it is necessary to continue to develop fine motor skills. The child must learn to assemble pictures from several cubes, hit a ball into a net, or sort cereal into several separate piles.

Most best toy for the development of positive thinking is a constructor. It should consist of several different geometric shapes. The child must understand for himself how to connect them together in order to achieve the desired result.

At four years old, a child should be able to compare a sample with a real object. For example, he should cope with tasks such as building a structure from a picture, assembling a picture from a mosaic, or reproducing a simple puzzle.

You should not make a child a genius and ensure that he succeeds in front of his peers; you need to work with him every day, gradually increasing the level of difficulty of tasks.

Psychological characteristics

It is worth highlighting the age psychological characteristics children 4-5 years old. Medical experts identify several features of changes in thinking during this period:

  • Until the age of four, all children had approximately the same development. From this period there should be a division of the general group of little people into two main categories. Boys begin to understand that they must yield to girls, not offend them, and behave with restraint in their presence. Little princesses must understand that they are much softer, more modest and more delicate than boys. In elite kindergartens, children's bedrooms, changing rooms and sanitary facilities are already separated by gender.
  • Further, the age-related developmental characteristics of children 4-5 years old change. The child develops an interest in role-playing games. He enjoys trying on the image of a fireman, doctor or cook. Children begin to ask their parents for toys of a certain category.
  • Children also begin to develop their own taste. For example, they may not like the clothes their parents dressed them in for the party. Moreover, the little personality will already defend his point of view.
  • At this age, children can already unite in small groups, they develop their own interests, secrets and goals.
  • Children at the age of four already begin to distinguish the intonation of their parents, from which they can understand how mom or dad is in tune. at the moment.

Medical specialists who develop the age-related psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old call this period the “why stage.” The little man begins to be interested in absolutely all the processes that surround him.

How to help your child develop psychological characteristics?

In a full-fledged family, division by gender should also occur at this time. That is, the girl becomes closer to her mother, they begin to cook together, clean the house, do their hair, dress up and go to themed events. The father, on the contrary, must teach the boy to be strong, be able to stand up for himself and run a household. During this period, parents become an authority for their offspring, so it is recommended to pay attention to their own behavior.

A little personality at this stage of development already knows how to show his feelings, he is capricious, offended, rejoices, takes revenge, and admires. In no case should you ignore her chosen behavior; you should definitely find out the reason for such a change in mood. Psychological consultation is already provided for children of this period. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old should be of interest to every parent, so they will also need additional help from a specialist.

Physical abilities

In the preschool period, the capabilities of every child, without exception, increase more than five times. In total, the following age-related features of the development of children 4-5 years old can be distinguished:

  • Their coordination becomes better. Previously, they made inept movements, which is why the house was constantly a mess. They left marks on their clothes when they ate, drank water, sloppily put toys in a box and dressed sloppily. From this period, their coordination begins to improve noticeably. Every day the child becomes more and more independent and practically no longer needs the help of older comrades.
  • Every movement of the preschooler becomes sharper and more confident. You may notice that children begin to fall much less often and drop objects from their hands.
  • If you close your child’s eyes, he will be able to unmistakably show every part of his body.
  • Many parents claim that their children at this age become restless. They stop sleeping during the day, sit in one place less and are constantly on the move.

In order to understand whether a child is developing correctly, you can compare him with children who are six months younger than him. Compared to them, he becomes faster, sharper and more agile.

How to help your child develop physical abilities?

Of course, the first thing that helps develop the physical abilities of a little person is playing sports. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. You shouldn’t turn your baby into a great athlete on the first day; the load should be distributed gradually. Under no circumstances should overly tiring sports be allowed. You should first consult with an experienced trainer and draw up a physical training schedule for your preschooler. Let it first be light morning exercises, then specific exercises, after which you can move on to mastering a specific sport.

You should not send your child to several sections at the same time, this may forever discourage his interest in such activities.

It is also worth taking into account the age-related psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. There is no need, for example, to force a child to do something he doesn’t want to do. If the child’s interests are still unclear, then it is necessary to provide his attention with videos of people who have achieved results in a certain sport, perhaps this will arouse his interest.


Many kindergartens and senior groups provide parents with a useful reminder. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old can already be directly related to creative activity. Parents are also gradually beginning to notice that creative supplies are beginning to appear more and more often in their home: colored paper, sketchbooks, paints, brushes and markers. Most of all in this age category, kids like active creative activities, for example, they enjoy plot modeling, they create from plasticine various items, cartoon characters, vehicle and much more. They also love to draw themselves and their loved ones. Once the image resembled individual stripes, circles and dots, now the drawing becomes a means of self-expression. The ability to compose is also excellently developed. A preschooler can independently come up with the end of a certain story; a vivid imagination will perfectly help to cope with this task.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are focused on the complete mastery of fine motor skills, so making an application for them will not be difficult.

Will develop the child's creative abilities joint activities. You can watch a cartoon together, and then try to depict the recently seen plot on a piece of paper. It is recommended to create characters yourself and play with them; mothers can sew beautiful clothes for dolls together with their daughters.

Development of speech abilities

Separately, it is worth touching on such an important topic as the development of speech abilities in this age category. It should be noted that active progress may be observed during this period. Age-related characteristics of the speech of children 4-5 years old come down to several features:

  • Psychologists have repeatedly noticed that sometimes up to the age of four, a child can speak slurred, swallow words, or remain completely silent. Moms and dads worry about this, taking their offspring to various specialists. But, to their great disappointment, this does not help cope with the problem. To their surprise, when the baby turns four years old, he suddenly begins to speak fully.
  • Improves significantly during this period and vocabulary As a rule, a child already knows more than three thousand different words.
  • There is noticeable progress in terms of sound pronunciation. The child’s speech becomes understandable not only to his close people, but also to everyone around him, even complete strangers.
  • During this period, the child can already fully communicate with his peers, expressing thoughts, telling stories from life and telling complete information about himself.
  • A preschooler can already fully describe a certain effect, describe a picture and reveal all his emotions.

There are also a huge number of categories into which the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old fall. It is absolutely impossible to describe them briefly. It is also worth considering the fact that each child masters information and brings it to life at a completely different speed.

How to help your child develop speech abilities?

There are only a few ways that can affect the speech age characteristics of children 4-5 years old. First of all, you should not panic when a child does not speak upon reaching this age, but try to avoid this situation. From the very moment of birth, you should talk to your baby about everything that happens around him. Parents make a huge mistake when they leave their child alone, minding their own business. Because of this, he may become withdrawn.

You should constantly read books, poems and fairy tales to your children. It is best to simultaneously show in pictures what is being discussed at a given moment in time. Scientists have proven that visual memory in children it is developed several times better.

Also, do not neglect kindergarten at an early age, especially if the child is constantly with his mother and does not communicate with his peers. Children begin to develop better by looking at people like them. Ideal age for going to preschool is 1.5-2 years. Each parent should keep track of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old; it is recommended to record monthly how much their vocabulary is increasing and note whether there is progress at a given time.

The role of the family in the development of the child

Every normal parent dreams that his child will be the smartest, most capable, developed and will definitely achieve success in life. They send him to different sections from the very beginning early age, buy expensive intellectual toys and take them to various events. In kindergarten, they want to hear about how their baby behaves in their absence, attending parent-teacher conferences again and again. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old do not depend on any of the above facts. Scientists have repeatedly proven that no matter how much financial resources are spent on children, they will not grow fully until harmony is established in the family.

In order for a child to grow up happy, the first thing to do is to achieve mutual understanding with all family members. A little person, looking at how her parents constantly argue, may come to the conclusion that she was the cause of their unhappy relationship. To prevent this from happening, you should quarrel only at times when the youngest members of the household are not at home, and it is also recommended to spend time together as often as possible. family circle and communicate more.

Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are an incredibly important topic for every parent. You should not seek help in this from experienced teachers, development centers and modern technologies. Only the love of parents will help a child grow up to be a full-fledged, healthy and happy person, so with the birth of a baby, you should forget about baby monitors, constant work to replenish your finances and household chores, devoting as much time as possible to communicating with this little meaning of life. Only in this case, after four years, parents will not think about what they did wrong and why their child is not developing fully. However, every love must also have certain boundaries. Also, you should not compare your children with others, because each small organism develops at a completely different pace.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 43 Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

"Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old."


Educators, parents.

September 2017

Parent meeting summary: “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old” from 12.09.17

Gr. “Teremok” teachers: Efimova A.I.; Grigorieva E. V.

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; introduce parents to the tasks and features of educational work, objectives preschool for the new academic year;

update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; intensify work on children's speech development.

Participants: educators and parents.

Event plan:

1. Introductory part.

2. Age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old.

3. Features of the educational process in the middle group.

4. Informing parents about the goals and tasks of the preschool educational institution for the new school year.

5. Election of new members of the parent committee.

6. Briefly about different things.

Progress of the event

Preparatory stage.

Preparation of an article about age and individual characteristics children 4-5 years old; extracts from the annual plan preschool work for the new school year.

Organizational stage.

Parents come in and sit down randomly. Music plays, helping to relieve fatigue, motivating us to work together.

Introductory part.

Solemn music sounds.

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! We would like to congratulate you on the new academic year. Your children have grown up over the summer and moved to middle group kindergarten.Our children have grown up and become a year older. The children have learned a lot this year. They grew up, became stronger, and became more independent. They also became very inquisitive.

With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, kindergarten became the initial stage of the Russian educational system. However, this does not mean that the kindergarten must teach the child to read and write by the time he enters school. The task of kindergarten is to develop the child’s desire to learn and learn new things. The teacher is not a teacher; the child acquires all knowledge by playing. Therefore, do not be surprised when your question: “What was your activity today?” you will receive the answer: “None.” It is while playing that we observe, and talk, and sculpt, and work.

We try to present any knowledge, even the most complex, to the child in a game where you can run around, hear a fairy tale, and reason.
We try to create conditions so that every child feels emotionally comfortable, psychologically protected, and feels loved and unique. We make a lot of efforts so that children can choose some corner group room for the game. Of course, we cannot do without your help, dear parents.
Children love you so much, are proud of you, imitate you in everything, and we share their feelings.

We hope that you and I will continue our journey through the land of knowledge just as fruitfully, and with the same wonderful teams we will approach our final destination - graduation from school.

At the beginning of our meeting, we would like to express our gratitude to the parents who actively took part in the life of the group - our parent committee. Thank you very much for your help. And also to all the parents who always came to our aid. It is with great pleasure that we present you with gratitude, and we hope that the other participants will also participate in the life of the group.

Educator: Do you know, dear parents, what children aged 4-5 years are like?

Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development.

The age of 4-5 years is rightly called middle preschool. Closer to the age of five, children begin to develop features characteristic of older preschoolers: some arbitrariness of mental processes, growth of cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of life around them that interest them. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. These features, for example, make it easier for a child of the fifth year of life to master the norms of his native language and speech functions.

At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imaginative thinking, passion for play and play situations bring children of the fifth year of life closer to younger preschoolers. And expanding on this age stage the possibilities of raising and educating children cannot be realized without knowledge and consideration of this duality of development. (V.V. Gerbova)

Features of the educational process in the middle group.

Dear parents!!! We kindly ask you to bring your beloved children to kindergarten on time, without delay. On Mondays and Thursdays at 8.00 - 8.10 morning exercises take place in the music room, I would like to see the children doing exercises, on other days exercises take place in a group. Many kids are late for breakfast and for classes. During classes, we will turn off the intercom, since the lesson is disrupted, the kids are distracted and the teacher is wasting time. If you are late and arrive during class, wait until class ends in the locker room. This year we will continue to engage in physical education and music, and for this the children need sports uniforms, shoes and Czech shoes.

Familiarizing parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new school year.

Our kindergarten operates according to the program “From birth to school” edited by Vasilyeva.

This school year, children's development will also be carried out through the organization of all types of children's activities: play, communication, elementary labor, motor, educational and research, visual, constructive, musical, perception fiction and folklore.

Organized activities for children are carried out according to the following educational fields:

"Social and communicative development"

« Cognitive development»,

"Speech development"

"Artistic aesthetic development»,

« Physical development».

Election of a new parent committee.

Dear parents, for help in organizing all our joint events we need to choose a parent committee for the group. (5 people)

The selection of the parent committee takes place by counting votes and announcing the results. The personal composition of the group's parent committee is being discussed. The parent committee of the group is approved by direct vote.

In any team, understanding, good relationships, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important. Terms harmonious relations children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to give in to each other, mutual tolerance.

Final part

We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and real friends! Just go ahead!

Memo for parents: “ What should a 4-5 year old child know and be able to do?”

Speech development:

Correctly pronounce all the sounds of your native language;

Use nouns in speech that denote professions;

Use nouns with a general meaning: vegetables, fruits, berries, animals;

Agree words in gender, number, case;

Use sentences with homogeneous members;

Retell short literary texts, compose a story based on a plot picture, toy, objects;

Be able to answer questions based on the content of what you read;

Reproduce the content of works of art using the teacher’s questions.

Cognitive development:

Compare 2 groups of objects using counting;

Compare 5 items different lengths, heights, laying them out in ascending order by length, height;

Recognize and name a triangle, distinguish it from a circle and a square;

Distinguish and name parts of the day;

Determine the direction of movement from yourself (right, left, forward, backward, up, down);

Know the right and left hand;

Know and name the main parts of a building material (cube, block, plates);

Learn to analyze a building sample: identify the main parts and distinguish them by size and shape;

Be able to design from paper: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, matching the sides and corners;

Be able to identify the characteristics of objects (color, shape, size);

Determine the material from which the thing is made (wood, metal, paper, fabric);

Know furniture, clothing, dishes, some fruits, transport (cars, trains, planes, ships) in the immediate environment;

Distinguish and name parts of the animal and human body;

Recognize and name 3-4 trees, one shrub, 3-4 herbaceous plants;

Distinguish between 3-5 types of vegetables and fruits by taste, color, size and shape;

Know 2-3 types of wild berries, mushrooms (edible and inedible);

Name insects;

Have an idea about life in natural conditions of wild animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog): how they move, what they eat, how they escape from enemies, adapt to life in winter conditions;

Have an idea about domestic animals and their cubs (about their behavior, movement, what they eat, what benefits they bring to people.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Correctly convey in a drawing the shape, structure of objects, arrangement of parts, relationship in size;

Depict several objects in one drawing, placing them on the same line, throughout the entire sheet, connecting them with a single content;

Create patterns on a strip, square, circle, rosette, rhythmically arranging the elements;

Sculpt objects consisting of several parts;

Use techniques of pulling, smoothing, pressing, pressing and smearing;

Possess the skill of rational division of plasticine, use a stack in work;

Hold scissors correctly and use them;

Cut a square and a quadrangle diagonally, cut a circle from a square, an oval from a quadrangle, make oblique cuts;

Lay out and stick objects consisting of separate parts;

Make patterns from plant and geometric shapes on a strip, square, circle, rosette, alternate them by color, shape, size and stick them sequentially.

Social and communicative development:

Be able to negotiate with children what to play, who will be who in the game;

Use “polite” words;

Have an idea of ​​your parents’ work;

Know the name of your homeland;

Know the name of the city, village where they live, street;

Observe the basic rules of organized behavior in kindergarten;

Follow the rules of behavior on the street and in transport;

Know the rules traffic(cross the street in special places, cross only when the traffic light is green);

Observe basic rules of behavior in nature (ways to safely interact with plants and animals, respect for the environment);

Have an idea of ​​the importance of adult work;

Treats with care what is made by human hands.

Physical development:

Walk and run, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs;

Jump on 2 legs in place and moving forward, long jump from a place of at least 70 cm;

Take, hold, carry, put, roll, throw the ball from behind the head, from the chest;

Throw objects with the right and left hands at a distance of at least 5 meters, hit the ball on the ground (floor) at least 5 times in a row;

Climb a ladder - a stepladder, a gymnastic wall without missing the slats, climbing from one flight to another;

Crawl, crawl under a tight rope, lick over a log lying on the floor;

Form a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a line;

Ride a two-wheeled bicycle;

Orientate yourself in space.