
Upon reaching the age of 80, people receive additional financial assistance from the state every month. This is not only an increase in the fixed part of the pension and an expansion of the benefits package, but also the appointment of a cash payment for care. This pensioner care benefit is given to a person caring for an elderly person. Who can count on such financial support and what is needed to start receiving it?

What is caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age?

As old age approaches, it becomes more difficult for any elderly person to take care of himself in everyday life. If the situation is aggravated by illness, the situation is even more difficult. In this case, outside support from other people is constantly required. Old people, as a rule, receive free help from their relatives. Not everyone is aware that at the state level, people 80 years of age and older have the opportunity to receive assistance from other citizens, which is paid for by the Pension Fund.

The compensation is paid monthly along with the pension. In the circumstance that the payment is due to the caregiver, the amount is received by the disabled person who needs help. Upon receipt of funds old man independently settles accounts with the citizen caring for him. Not everyone can pay for caring for an elderly person over 80 years of age. Russians who do not work and do not receive benefits as unemployed, but are able to work according to pension legislation, can count on compensation.

For care, family ties and living together do not play a role. Strangers have the right to look after the elderly and receive payment for it. The category of disabled persons entitled to financial assistance from the state includes:

  • disabled people of group I;
  • pensioners recognized by the medical commission as requiring constant care;
  • citizens 80 years of age and older.

What duties must be performed to care for a pensioner?

Helping the elderly is not only a troublesome task, it is an even greater responsibility and hard work. Patronage of an elderly person over 80 years of age implies the organization of meals, household, household and hygienic services by a person who has voluntarily taken on such work. Different disabled people require different types of help depending on their health status. Some lonely people need more human attention, help with cleaning and buying groceries, others need support at a different level.

Often, pensioners draw up contracts with their assistants, which spell out the responsibilities and scope of assistance. Receipt monetary compensation accompanied by the performance of duties:

  • pay bills (utility, tax, etc.) from the ward’s own funds;
  • buy necessary products, clothes, shoes, hygiene items;
  • help with everyday matters (cleaning the premises, personal hygiene procedures);
  • buy prescribed medications and ensure they are taken on time;
  • cook food;
  • regularly measure biomarkers - indications that require monitoring (pressure, blood sugar, temperature, heart rate);
  • send and receive correspondence.

Current legislation does not introduce a definition of the concept of “guardianship over an elderly person with the right to inherit his property.” This means that automatic inheritance of the ward’s housing by the person caring for him is not expected. If an elderly pensioner independently decides to leave his property (part of it) to an able-bodied assistant as an inheritance, then it is necessary to write a will.

Compensation payment for caring for disabled citizens

For caring for elderly people over 80 years of age, compensation of 1200 rubles is paid. The amount is established by the President by Decree No. 175 of February 26, 2013. The money is transferred to the assistant by an elderly person. The amount of compensation increases by the regional coefficient at the place of residence of the pensioner. Payments are provided for each ward person. So, if a citizen helps two pensioners, the monthly amount will be double the amount of 1200 rubles, that is, 2400 rubles.

The amount is not so large and mostly family members receive payments for caring for a relative over 80 years of age. Indexation for this type of benefit is not provided for by law. The application of the regional coefficient corresponds to the indicator that is used to increase pensions for residents of the territories:

  • the Far North and regions equated to it;
  • with a difficult climate;
  • others – where additional costs (financial, physical) are needed to ensure normal life.

Requirements for a caregiver

Registration of care for a pensioner over 80 years of age is possible if specific conditions are met. The state requirements for a person caring for an elderly citizen are:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent residence in Russia;
  • ability to work under pension legislation;
  • lack of income from labor and entrepreneurial activities (no transfers of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, no registered individual entrepreneur status);
  • absence of registration as unemployed in the employment service with payment of unemployment benefits.

Any entrepreneurial activity of the guardian (for example, lawyer, security) is regarded as work if he has a valid individual entrepreneur status, even if the non-working entrepreneur temporarily has no income at the time of receiving payments. Students/pupils can receive compensation, since study is not included in the work (insurance) period, and student scholarships are not counted as income.

In addition to students, payments can be received by housewives and women who, while in maternity leave, receive benefits from social security authorities, since the employer does not save for them workplace. The age limit for citizens caring for the elderly is legally limited. This opportunity is available to Russians who are already fourteen years old. For such a group of young people, it will be necessary to confirm the consent of the parents and the guardianship and trusteeship authority for the provision of such a service.

How to arrange care for an elderly person

Caring for a grandparent over 80 years of age involves a simple registration procedure. Helping the elderly and disabled requires a certain psychological endurance and skills, representing self-sacrifice to the detriment of one’s interests. When appointing an assistant, preference is usually given to relatives and friends. To begin the procedure, the ward gives the person caring for him written consent to receive and pay for such assistance.

Afterwards, the potential assistant needs to contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund with an application, which can be submitted in person or remotely through the State Services Portal. The required documents are attached to the application. The entire package is accepted by a fund specialist, who is obliged to issue an official receipt indicating that he has accepted the documents for consideration.

List of documents

To assign an additional payment, you need to collect documents (originals) and prepare photocopies of them according to the list. Documents are submitted from a citizen who is going to care for an elderly person:

  1. Application for compensation.
  2. Passport/Birth Certificate.
  3. Work record book/Certificate from the educational institution indicating the expected time of graduation.
  4. Certificate from the employment service confirming the absence of unemployment benefits.
  5. Confirmation of absence of entrepreneurial activity (certificate from the tax authority).
  6. Written parental consent/permission from guardianship authorities (for Russians 14-16 years old).

Documents from a person who requires the help of an outsider are also needed:

  1. Passport.
  2. Consent from the most sponsored pensioner to specific person indicating the full name and passport information of both.
  3. Pension certificate.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Extract from the medical and social examination report on disability.
  6. Certificate from a medical institution regarding the need for constant supervision (for a pensioner under 80 years old).

Applications for payment processing

A sample application will be provided to you by the Pension Fund, or you can download it from the official website of the Pension Fund. The application for payment of compensation from the caring person must contain the following information:

  • name of the local body of the Pension Fund;
  • about the applicant - SNILS number, citizenship, passport data (series, number, date of issue, also date, place of birth), registration and actual residence, telephone number;
  • indication of the applicant’s employment status – the person does not work, does not receive benefits/pensions;
  • date of commencement of care for the citizen, indicating his full name and circumstances requiring constant supervision - age/disability/as indicated by the medical institution;
  • a request for compensation with reference to the instructions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 No. 1455;
  • familiarization with the warning about the need to notify the Pension Fund of the occurrence of circumstances under which payments are terminated;
  • a list of attached documents;
  • date of completion, signature and its transcript.

Ten working days are allotted for consideration of the submitted documentation package. If the application is rejected, the Pension Fund must notify the applicant no later than five days after the decision is made, explaining the reason negative result and the procedure for appealing the decision. Three months are given to submit missing required certificates and documents. The month of acceptance is considered the month of application. Payments are assigned from the month when the documents were transferred, but not before the grounds for compensation arise.

Where to submit

The documentation required to process the refund can be sent through the official website of government services or transferred to the Pension Fund (territorial office) in person. For personal treatment, it is possible to make an appointment in advance via the Internet, which saves time by avoiding queues. The benefit is assigned by the branch of the Pension Fund, which accrues a pension to the elderly person.

If you are caring for several elderly people, you need to contact the departments responsible for pension payments each person under care. When a citizen under his guard changes his place of residence, the caregiver will have to submit an application to another department corresponding to the new address. It may be necessary to resubmit the package of papers.

Is there any experience in caring for the elderly?

The time spent by an able-bodied person caring for someone who has reached 80 years of age is taken into account in general experience required to apply for a pension. It should be noted that experience in caring for the elderly over 80 years of age is subject to credit if this period is preceded or followed by a working period of any duration. Pension coefficient is awarded at the rate of 1.8 points per year of such supervision and does not depend on the number of wards. The specified conditions are legally established by the Laws:

  • "ABOUT labor pensions in the Russian Federation" No. 173-FZ, articles 11 and 30;
  • “On insurance pensions” No. 400-FZ, article 12.

It is important to consider: such insurance experience only determines the right to pension provision, the time of care is not included in the calculation of the pension amount. Law No. 18-FZ, which determines the allocation of federal funds for specific pension payments, provides for reimbursement to the future pensioner of the transfer of insurance contributions during this time. The compensation amount for non-insurance periods included in is determined individually in each case.

Reasons for terminating old-age care benefits

Payment of compensation is terminated for certain reasons, not limited to the cause of death of one of the persons. If situations arise (listed below), the caregiver must immediately report the circumstances to the Pension Fund. Sometimes people just forget about it. Such irresponsible forgetfulness leads to improper payment of amounts, which is fraught with the formation of debt to the state. Five days are allowed for notification. You can choose the sending method in the same way as when submitting an application - in person or remotely.

Payments stop if:

  1. Receiving compensation:
    • got a job;
    • registered at the labor exchange and receives benefits as an unemployed person;
    • performed his duties in bad faith, which is confirmed by a statement from the sponsored pensioner or the results of an audit by PF employees;
    • he himself decided to abandon his duties;
    • started receiving a pension;
    • called up to serve in the army.
  2. Ward:
    • lost group I disability due to a revision of the previously assigned group;
    • left the country and was deregistered;
    • sent for permanent residence to a state social service institution;
    • died.


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Caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age: documents for registration

Anonymous 841

How to apply for payment of benefits for caring for a pensioner over 80 years of age

3 days Answer

IN Russian Federation There are laws in place that allow citizens to take care of their own and other people’s elderly relatives and receive a small allowance for this. In addition, a number of regulations define other preferences for citizens who are unable to take care of themselves.

It must be taken into account that the benefit for caring for an elderly person is small. Nevertheless, in some situations it allows to solve a number of problems of people who do not want to place an elderly relative in a government institution.

Who is considered an elderly person in need of care?

The legislation clarifies the use of terms related to the age of citizens. The gradation is defined quite specifically. So:

  1. Elderly people include:
    • men whose age ranges from 61 to 70 years;
    • women - from 56 to 70;
  2. Elderly people include citizens whose age ranges from 70 to 90 years;
  3. Those who have crossed the 90-year-old threshold are usually classified as centenarians.
Please note: the following definitions of terms are used in official documents. Errors in their use lead to serious problems.

Forms of formal care for the elderly

According to current legislation, there are several forms of care for disabled citizens:

  • Full guardianship is provided for disabled people of the 1st group and other people with serious illnesses, as well as incapacitated persons.
  • patronage is carried out in relation to capable citizens whose capabilities are limited.
  • As a rule, relatives take care of elderly people over 80 years of age.
Attention: the legislation does not establish a separate allowance assigned for guardianship or patronage.

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Who is allowed to provide care?

Take care of people with disabilities can both relatives and organizations. The conditions for appointing guardianship are reflected in Art. 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code).

Persons who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold, disabled people of group 1 and incompetent persons can take care of:

  • relatives;
  • other persons;
  • social service workers.
Please note: Federal law provides for a small elder care benefit. It is transferred to the pension account of the person under guardianship. Download for viewing and printing:

Conditions for assigning care assistance to citizens who have reached their 80th birthday

Any person who has received the consent of the person being cared for can officially arrange for the care of an elderly person. The current legislation imposes the following requirements on candidates:

  • registration and permanent residence within the borders of the Russian Federation;
  • ability to work;
  • lack of official employment, including registration with employment authorities;
  • written approval of the ward;
  • in some cases, permission from parents or official representatives is required for such activities;
  • failure to receive pension or social benefits;
  • age over 14 years.
Important: a schoolchild or student taking a full-time course can apply for care.

The process of applying for long-term care benefits

To assign compensation payments, it is necessary that the ward:

  • reached his 80th birthday;
  • or received a conclusion from a medical and social examination that he needs outside care;
  • has a document confirming disability of the 1st group (except for children with disabilities).
Important: You are allowed to care for several people in need at the same time.

Additionally you need to know:

  1. Compensation payments are not due if the ward receives two pensions, including one assigned for length of service in the law enforcement agencies.
  2. It is not necessary to live together with the elderly person under guardianship.
  3. Care responsibilities include:
    • organization of catering and household services (cleaning, laundry);
    • purchasing food and hygiene products;
    • assistance in making mandatory payments from the ward’s funds.

Where to contact

Compensation is assigned and paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR).
Therefore, it is necessary to apply to your local office. You will need to attach the following documents to it:

  1. consent of the ward;
  2. a certificate from a medical institution about his state of health;
  3. copies of both passports;
  4. work books;
  5. a document confirming the lack of registration with employment authorities;
  6. for schoolchildren:
    • certificate from the educational institution;
    • parental consent to perform activities to care for the elderly;
  7. for students:
    • confirmation of full-time education.

Attention: PFR specialists independently determine:

  • whether a pension has been assigned to the candidate for compensation;
  • how many pension files are registered for a disabled citizen (a special request is sent).

How much will they pay

The amount of compensation is fixed. In 2018 it was 1200 rubles. However, in some regions it increases by a multiple of the northern coefficient.
The compensation is paid monthly along with the pension accruals of the elderly citizen. A separate account with the Pension Fund is not issued for her.

For comparison: close relatives caring for disabled children are entitled to an allowance of 5,500 rubles. Download for viewing and printing:

Design algorithm

In order for compensation to begin to accrue, the following actions must be taken:

  1. Obtain a written statement from the senior citizen.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund branch:
    • personally;
    • through the government services portal;
    • through a representative (a notarized power of attorney is required).
  3. Receive a response within 10 days (as long as required by law to make a decision).

The benefit will begin to accrue from the month in which the following are transferred to the Pension Fund:

  • bid;
  • package of documents;
  • but not earlier than the date on which the right to compensation arises.

The refusal is sent to the applicant within five days. If it is caused by failure to submit documents, then the applicant for compensation is given up to three months to correct errors.

Important: if circumstances arise that prevent the accrual of compensation, the recipient is obliged to report them to the Pension Fund. Five days are given for this. Information can be transmitted in person or through the government services portal.

When do payments stop?

From the beginning of the next month, accruals will stop if in the previous month:

  1. the death of one of the participants in the relationship has been recorded;
  2. The provision of services has been terminated and this is recorded:
    • recipient;
    • a person caring for an elderly person;
    • special inspection commission;
  3. curator:
    • got a job;
    • applied for a pension;
    • registered with the employment authorities;
  4. the period of assignment of disability group 1 has ended;
  5. the ward was placed in a social inpatient facility.
Attention: failure to provide information resulting in termination of payments leads to the collection of unreasonably transferred amounts.

Additional information

In some cases, it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund authorities. Namely:

  • if the ward has died;
  • when the recipient changed his place of registration (moved).

It is possible to receive compensation for past periods:

  1. So, if accruals were not made due to the fact that citizens did not apply for them, the amount for the three previous years will be reimbursed upon application. However, it is necessary to provide written confirmation of the receipt of services by the elderly citizen, as well as justify the right to assistance.
  2. If Pension Fund employees are to blame for non-receipt of payments, then the debt is compensated in full.

Other types of preferences for citizens providing care

Care activities for elderly people often do not allow for labor activity. And this deprives a person of the opportunity to receive income not only while fulfilling his obligations, but also in the future. In this regard, the decision was made:

  1. For each year of official care for an elderly person over 80 years of age, pension points of 1.8 are awarded.
  2. To receive them, you must interrupt your work activity before leaving the job and return to it immediately after the end of the contract.
Attention: pension points are accrued on the basis of an agreement with the guardianship authorities on the provision of care for an elderly person. Without providing the document, the Pension Fund will not count this period into the pension period.


Another type of care for the elderly, those in need of third-party care or incapacitated citizens is arranged through the guardianship and trusteeship authority (TPA). Its essence is to transfer some of the rights of the person under guardianship to the person caring for him.

The guardian is obliged not only to take care of the elderly citizen (as in the case described above), but also to protect his rights. His responsibilities include:

  • consumer services for the elderly;
  • management of its financial receipts;
  • property management;
  • participation on his behalf in official events, including courts.
Attention: as a rule, guardianship is assigned to people who are unable to care for themselves. Therefore, it is welcome cohabitation persons

Are caregivers paid an allowance?

At the legislative level, there is no separate allowance for guardians. These people can count on help from the state if the ward:

  • crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
  • is a disabled person of the 1st group or a disabled child.

At the same time, the guardian has the right to dispose of the following income of the ward:

  • pension accruals;
  • lump sum payments;
  • social benefits.
Important: the use of funds of the person under guardianship is allowed solely for his benefit.

Adoptive family

In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, such programs have been productively implemented for a long time (for example, in the Republic of Tatarstan, Rostov, Kirov regions, Trans-Baikal Territory, etc.).

General essence: social security authorities enter into an agreement with an elderly person in need of care and a party willing to provide such care - to create a foster family. It prescribes all the basic conditions for actual care:

  • the family’s residential address, its full composition,
  • what specific outside help does the elderly person need (listed), etc.

It is quite logical that all adult members of the caregiver’s family are required to confirm in writing their consent to the creation of a foster family.

Social privilege of caregivers:

  • monthly cash payments, the volume of which averages 3-10 thousand rubles. They are approved by regional parliaments depending on the financial capabilities of the corresponding budget. For older citizens who are officially recognized as needing outside assistance (for example, disabled people of 1st grade), increased payments are most often provided;
  • benefits for housing and communal services - because Accommodation of an elderly citizen together with a caring party under the terms of the program is mandatory - the latter enjoy all the current benefits (federal/regional level) available to pensioners in the housing and communal services sector. Mainly, this is a 50% discount on housing and communal services payments due to a pensioner who has the status of a veteran, disabled person or other grounds for benefits;
  • free travel when accompanying an elderly person in a city and intercity vehicle - when traveling with him to the place of treatment and back;
  • when registering a pensioner in foster family The agreement certainly stipulates the procedure for financing the costs of its maintenance. After that, no more than ¼ of all his income remains at the disposal of the oldest person. The rest goes into the general budget “pot” of the foster family. This means that the caregiver does not spend his personal savings at all.

Other benefits

Elderly people are provided with preferences in various areas:

  1. reduction in tax amount for:
    • transport;
    • land;
    • real estate;
  2. depending on category:
    • to pay for utilities;
    • to receive free spa treatment;
    • use of urban and suburban transport (except taxis).
Important: there are no separate preferences for guardians and caregivers of the elderly. However, in some cases they are entitled not to pay for travel, for example, when accompanied by wards.

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June 27, 2017, 10:43 Oct 20, 2019 14:24

Elderly people are a category of the population that needs support not only from relatives, but also from the state. This status is given to persons who are already 55 (women) and 60 (men) years old; this age has an upper limit limited to 70 years.

Persons in the category from 60 to 90 years old, in most cases, need funds due to the presence of serious illnesses, disabilities, or incapacity. People who take responsibility for accompanying someone in need may receive elder care benefits.

Providing assistance to elderly people

The circumstances of the emergence of the right to receive benefits for caring for a pensioner are considered on an individual basis, since receiving this type of financial support depends on the state of health, the presence of disability, and the legal capacity of the recipient of social services.

The provisions on who can count on the provision of payments for caring for a pensioner are regulated by Presidential Decree No. 1455, effective from December 26, 2006. It defines cases when people performing the function of social protection of a disabled person are provided with a transfer to a personal account in the amount of 1,200 rubles.

IMPORTANT! The issue of receiving financial support can be resolved positively if a person has the first group of disabilities. People who have been disabled since childhood are not given the right to obtain one.

Government Decree No. 343, effective June 4, 2007, rules have been established that determine the procedure for providing a sum of money for assistance to persons retirement age. Citizens who have the opportunity to register it can be considered not only close relatives, but also strangers.

Providing assistance to the elderly

Benefits for caring for the elderly are also subject to registration in accordance with by presidential decree And Government Decree. Care payments an elderly person are not provided to all applicants wishing to care for a disabled grandparent.

Compensation payment for care, paid no more than 1200 rubles. monthly, provided only if the disabled person has reached 80 years of age. And the person submitting the application meets the requirements established by law. In other cases, if there is a goal of organizing social support, the transfer of money is not provided.

The procedure for providing a sum of money when intending to care for people of retirement age

To apply for benefits to care for an elderly person, you must contact Pension fund at the place of residence where he receives a pension, on the part of the applicant with the obligatory provision of a package of documents.

You can apply for a care allowance by sending the following information to a government agency:

  • application from a person who wishes to take responsibility for social support of a disabled member of society;
  • a statement from a person over eighty years of age expressing his consent;
  • a certificate stating that this benefit was not paid or assigned to the applicant;
  • information confirming that the person has not received maintenance due to the lack of stable official income (from the employment service);
  • a conclusion from a health care institution indicating that the person needs support;
  • passport details of the applicant, as well as work books of representatives of both parties;
  • if the person is a minor, the consent of the guardianship authority and one of the parents, a certificate of his education is required;
  • extract from personal account.

ATTENTION! If the applicant does not have the opportunity to personally contact a government agency, he can send information by mail or involve an authorized representative.

The elderly care allowance is paid to the applicant’s personal account on a monthly basis from the moment of establishment until the termination of care. Having gone through this procedure, he takes responsibility for maintaining the quality of life of his ward, his social and legal security.

Elderly and sick people need special care. The time comes when parents, who have raised their children, need the help of their sons and daughters. Age and acquired diseases take their toll. It becomes difficult for older people to take care of themselves, cook food, go to the store, do cleaning, and sometimes they don’t even have the strength to get dressed.

Relatives and loved ones, as a rule, at first take on all the worries of caring for the elderly, but when this continues for months and even years, it would be wiser to turn to specialists.

Caring for an elderly person is not an easy task and requires a lot of time and dedication. And if working relatives take care of an elderly person, then they simply do not have time for rest and personal life. In this case, a social service for caring for the elderly will come to the rescue.

What is it for the elderly?

Such a service exists in any city, even in provincial towns with a very small population. Social workers carry out the following:

  • hygiene care;
  • assistance in adoption medicines and control of the frequency of their reception;
  • carrying out medical procedures or accompanying the ward to the place where they are held;
  • purchase of necessary food and medicine, this is at the expense of the client;
  • cooking for an elderly person;
  • assistance in eating (feeding);
  • hygienic cleaning and ventilation of the room where the elderly person is located;
  • washing and ironing clothes and bed linen of the ward;
  • accompaniment on a walk.

This can be provided at various levels. You can seek help for just a few hours to change bed linen or bathe an elderly person. But sometimes the presence of a social worker around the clock is required, and this is also possible. In this case, a social service worker is expected to live on the territory of the ward. Often, social care for an elderly person is provided by workers with medical education.

Where is the social service for elderly care located?

How to find a service that provides care for an elderly person? It's very simple - you just need to contact your local municipality. You must come in person or call and say that you need help caring for an elderly person. You will be informed about what needs to be done to achieve this.

Most likely, you will have to answer some questions and fill out necessary papers so that you can be helped. If a person in need of help contacts the social service, and he is not able to go to the municipality on his own, then workers from this service will visit him at home and help him fill out all the necessary documents.

If necessary, social workers will advise relatives on how to behave with elderly people. Sometimes the painful condition of older people greatly spoils their character. They become capricious and intractable. The main thing here is patience and self-control.

Basic rules for communicating with older people

In order to ensure that the psychological atmosphere in the family where an elderly relative is not disturbed, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Avoid criticism, conflict situations and arguments when communicating with an older person.
  2. If an elderly relative is dissatisfied with something and rebels, take it calmly. You need to understand that this is a sign that he is feeling bad. Find out the cause of the discomfort.
  3. Help your old man talk about the fears that bother him, and he will feel better.
  4. Always listen to the elderly person to the end, do not refuse him communication. But you shouldn’t impose your presence if an elderly relative is tired and wants to rest.
  5. If he is not in the mood or in a state of resentment, you should not continue the conversation. Stop him gently and promise to the right topic come back later.
  6. Pronounce words slowly, clearly and loudly when talking to an elderly person; they often have difficulty hearing. Treat him with respect.
  7. Remember to be affectionate - when talking to an elderly person, sit next to him and take his hand. If he sees and hears poorly, then he needs it in the same way as small children.
  8. Sometimes old people need to have their own little secrets - this could be a secret place to store money or sweets, memorabilia. Don't forbid them to do this.
  9. There is no need to prohibit your elderly relatives from communicating with friends or talking to them on the phone.
  10. Accompany the elderly on a walk.

Why turn to specialists?

Proper care for an elderly person will help improve their quality of life. Contacting a social service to care for the elderly will help maintain psychological balance in the family. There is such a job - caring for the elderly. These are specialists in their field who clearly provide competent care for the elderly. This service has medical workers and psychologists, whose professional help is sometimes very necessary.

From this article you will learn:

    Who has the right to provide care for an elderly person?

    What are the conditions for caring for an elderly person?

    What responsibilities do you need to take care of an elderly person?

    What documents do you need to provide to register caring for an elderly person?

    How long does it take to process an application for guardianship?

    In what cases can they refuse to provide care for an elderly person?

    What is the amount of compensation payments when caring for an elderly person?

    Does your work experience include caring for an elderly person?

Old people living alone is a fairly common phenomenon in our country lately. Despite the fact that their life was full of difficulties, even in old age they can only rely on themselves. At the same time, most older people in the age group of 75–80 years and older have difficulty even going to the pharmacy. Some of the old people are truly lonely, while others have been abandoned by their relatives. But careful care is very important for elderly people. 75 years is the age from which a person is considered helpless, in need of sensitivity and special care from loved ones. However, not everyone knows that care for an elderly relative can be paid for by the state. In this article we will look at the question of how to arrange care for an elderly person, and most importantly, who can do it.

Who can provide care for an elderly person?

Registration of guardianship over an elderly person is available to any adult citizen who does not have an official place of work, is not registered with the employment authorities, or does not receive unemployment benefits. Compensation payment for care can be assigned only if the specified conditions are met, for which the candidate for guardianship must submit a work book and a certificate from the employment service about the absence of unemployed status.

Guardianship can be granted in relation to:

    mother or father;

    other relatives;

    completely strangers.

When registering guardianship for strangers, you will additionally need to submit a notarized consent of relatives to guardianship of a person close to them.

What are the conditions for caring for an elderly person?

Provide care for an elderly person Any adult capable citizen has the right to receive patronage if the following conditions are met:

    The person under guardianship does not suffer from mental disorders. In the presence of such diseases, it is only possible to obtain full guardianship over a person on the basis of a court decision.

    To obtain patronage, the consent of both the candidate for guardian and the pensioner himself is required.

    An employee of the body cannot be appointed as a guardian social protection providing assistance to an elderly person in housekeeping.

    This form of guardianship is formalized by the pensioner concluding an agreement with the candidate for guardianship, containing a list of the basic rights and responsibilities of the assistant.

Registration of guardianship in the form of patronage is also possible in relation to a disabled person, but only if the disability did not arise as a result of a mental illness.

Appointment of full custody requires the following conditions to be met:

    An elderly person cannot take care of himself.

    The person under guardianship has a mental illness due to which he is not aware of his actions.

    The court made a decision recognizing the elderly person as incompetent and in need of guardianship.

Summarizing what has been said, we note again that care for an elderly person can be arranged in the form of full guardianship or patronage, depending on the fulfillment of the conditions listed above.

What responsibilities do you need to take care of an elderly person?

A candidate who decides to provide care for an elderly person must clearly understand the scope of his future responsibilities.

    The guardian must provide assistance to the person under guardianship in solving everyday issues and provide physical care.

    His task is to pay for housing and communal services, tax payments at the expense of the ward’s funds, and to carry out the required monetary transactions in his interests.

    The guardian must protect the rights of the person under his guardianship and act in all situations based on his interests.

    The guardian is responsible for such concerns as purchasing hygiene products, clothing, and food.

In accordance with the law, the guardian is obliged to report annually on all financial transactions made by him in the interests of the ward.

How to formalize care for an elderly person

Documents requirements required for the appointment of guardianship depend on its form. To apply for care for an elderly person in the form of patronage, the following set of papers must be submitted to the social security authority:

    Passport of a candidate for guardianship.

    Application for registration of patronage (from both the pensioner and the guardian).

    An act of examining the living conditions of a candidate for guardianship of an elderly person.

    Medical report on the health status of the potential assistant.

    A document from a medical institution about the health status of the person under care.

    A written reference from the place of work of the future assistant (if available).

    An extract from the house register, both at the place of residence of the pensioner and at the place of residence of the potential guardian.

    A certificate in the prescribed form confirming the presence of registration at the place of residence (for both parties).

In case of registration of guardianship in relation to a stranger, notarized consent is additionally required from all members of the pensioner’s family. In addition, employees of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities have the right to request a certificate from the candidate for guardianship stating that he is not registered in a psychoneurological and drug addiction clinic. In order to obtain full guardianship, you must submit the following: documents:

    A certificate confirming that the potential guardian has no criminal record.

    Household characteristics from the place of residence.

    Certificate of income of the potential guardian.

    A court decision declaring an elderly person incompetent and in need of guardianship.

Having collected all the necessary documents, you should contact the social security authorities to register guardianship.

There are a number of circumstances under which a candidate will be denied guardianship of an elderly person. These include:

    Lack of consent of the elderly person (when registering for patronage).

    Alcohol or drug addiction of the potential guardian.

    Criminal record of the candidate for guardianship.

    Available to him serious illnesses posing a danger to others (for example, tuberculosis).

    Lack of notarized consent of close relatives when registering guardianship for a stranger.

    Failure to provide references from the place of work, lack of permanent residence.

The basis for refusal may also be the guardian’s lack of residential premises belonging to him that meet the established sanitary and technical standards (for this purpose, an inspection report of living conditions is drawn up). A potential assistant should not have arrears in paying for housing and communal services (a certificate from the housing authorities is provided to confirm this fact). If the guardianship authorities decide to refuse to assign guardianship, the candidate must be notified of this within five working days. The notice must contain detailed reasons justifying the decision.

How are compensation payments calculated when caring for an elderly person?

In any case, is it possible to apply for benefits to care for an elderly person? Not every pensioner who has reached the age of 80 is eligible to receive paid outside assistance. Thus, if an elderly person is an individual entrepreneur or a university teacher, he is considered able to work, and caring for him does not imply payment of compensation. Compensation payments (CPP) are payments made to able-bodied citizens caring for an elderly disabled person. This is a government subsidy, and today its amount is 1,200 rubles. KVU is paid for each ward. That is, if a citizen has registered guardianship for two elderly people who have reached the age of 80, then every month he is entitled to a compensation payment in the amount of 1200 x 2 = 2400 rubles. It is also worth noting that for a number of districts, the KVU increases due to the regional coefficient. For example, in the Murmansk region the coefficient is 1.5. Therefore, KVU = 1800 (1200 x 1.5). The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for indexation for KVU. Of course, 1,200 rubles is not enough to provide full care for an elderly person. However, it should be remembered that this is only an additional payment to the pension, financial assistance, which the state is ready to provide to a person who wishes to brighten up the hardships of old age for a lonely pensioner. When an elderly person needs outside care, but there is no one to formalize guardianship for him, the state guarantees the pensioner free assistance from social service employees.

When the right to compensation payments for caring for an elderly person is lost

Is it possible to terminate compensation payments if guardianship over an elderly person is formalized and care is provided? TLC will not be paid if the following circumstances occur:

    In the event of the death of a ward or guardian.

    An elderly person's dissatisfaction with the way he is being cared for is the basis for his appeal to the guardianship authorities with a statement about this. In this case, the arguments given in the application are verified, after which an act is drawn up, and the production of compensation payments to the guardian is stopped.

    Placement of an elderly person under care in a hospital. In this case, his care is carried out by employees of the medical institution, and there is no need to pay the TLC to the guardian.

    Retirement of the guardian, receipt of unemployed status or official employment.

The guardian must notify the guardianship authorities of the occurrence of these circumstances within five days. Otherwise, the funds received will be recovered from him in court.

Is time spent caring for a pensioner included in length of service?

Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Insurance Pensions” states that the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years is included in the insurance period along with periods of work. Thus, caring for the elderly not only financially stimulates able-bodied citizens by paying the premium, but also guarantees their replenishment length of service necessary for granting a pension.

One year of caring for a pensioner allows the caregiver to earn 1.8 points, and the specified year will be included in the work experience. In the case of caring for several elderly persons, if the dates of care do not coincide, the total period during which the citizen provided assistance to disabled persons will be included in the length of service. For inclusion in the insurance period, the very fact of caring for an elderly person is important. One time years may be included in the length of service, another time points are counted, regardless of the number of persons under guardianship. In this case, a compensation payment is assigned for each elderly person under guardianship (trusteeship).

Is it possible to arrange care for an elderly person for an apartment?

In Russian legislation there is no such concept as “guardianship over an elderly person with the right to inherit his property.” Thus, the guardian will not automatically become the heir of the warded pensioner. However, an elderly person has the right to independently decide on leaving his property, for example, housing, to a guardian as an inheritance. This issue is resolved by drawing up a will, including a guardian in it, or by drawing up an annuity agreement. Sometimes for lonely old people this is a real opportunity to receive appropriate care in old age. For a caregiver who does not have his own home, the opportunity to inherit an apartment from a single pensioner may also seem very attractive, despite the need to care for the old person for a number of years. In such a case, the parties have similar interests, and, subject to mutual good faith, each of them will get what they want. However, both parties can resort to abuse of their rights, and older people, as the most vulnerable in these legal relations, often become victims of scammers. However, without focusing on issues of morality and compliance with laws, we can say that cooperation between a guardian and an elderly person, which is based on the inheritance of living space, can be mutually beneficial. A guarantee for both parties will be the legally correct registration of relations. If a contract is drawn up between the parties, it is necessary to specify in it everything possible risks and minimize them. Practice shows that such agreements (for example, an annuity agreement) are drawn up infrequently, since both the guardian and the ward are afraid of dishonest actions on the part of each other.

    Elderly people are afraid of being alone with a scammer.

    Potential renters are worried that they will not be able to fully fulfill their obligations.

It is often easier for older people to enter into an annuity agreement with the state rather than with a citizen. In this case, the pensioner is guaranteed minimal care. Most often this is placement in a nursing home, where pensioners are under constant supervision, including medical supervision. Caring for the elderly entails many burdensome situations that are not compensated by the amount that the state is willing to pay to caregivers. In addition, social security authorities regularly check whether the person under their care is being cared for properly. Citizens who care about the conditions in which lonely old people live out the twilight of their lives may be interested in arranging care for the elderly. Significant number elderly people remains alone with his old age. In this case, the only hope left is for caring people who are ready to help. And there are such people. And the state, in turn, unobtrusively shows them which path to choose.