Any woman dreams of always looking perfect and feeling beautiful, and therefore confident. During pregnancy, this desire intensifies even more. The new state affects all of us differently: some are happy, some are worried, some are in confusion, but everyone, without exception, wants to find that same feeling. It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to be sure that she is special, exceptional, loved, desired. And here you can’t do without a well-groomed appearance. You can bake pies divinely, but there is little charm or grace in it.

Looking great today is not a problem even for pregnant women. Modern models of clothing and shoes - comfortable, practical, made of high-quality materials and perfectly fitting - can be found in any city and almost in the countryside. There are also beauty salons everywhere offering their services for hair, nails, and body care. And we all successfully use these benefits. But still, wearing beautiful clothes and extending nails with gel during pregnancy is a difference. Many expectant mothers doubt whether it is harmful to have artificial nails at such a crucial period in their lives.

Nail extensions with gel and acrylic during pregnancy

The possibility of artificial nail extensions is no longer a novelty. This service very quickly gained popularity among women around the world, and it must be said that in a short period of time it has improved significantly. Specialists have developed convenient, durable and safe materials for nail extensions, masters have gained sufficient experience in mastering various techniques, and therefore there are more and more grateful fans of gel and acrylic extensions among salon clients. After all, this is not only beautiful and aesthetically pleasing (if the procedure is performed skillfully), but also very convenient: you can forget about the appearance and condition of your nails for several weeks!

Many women wear artificial nails almost constantly. And they are so accustomed to them that they do not want to deny themselves the pleasure of always having neat, beautiful nails even while pregnant. But if earlier they might have had a preference over a certain material and method of extension for subjective reasons, now the expectant mother is wondering: what is better to extend her nails during pregnancy - gel or acrylic?

Among nail salon clients there are more fans of gel extensions. The smell of acrylic played a significant role in this - sharp, unpleasant. For this reason, many people think that the gel is safer, but experts assure that the composition of both materials is almost identical. And although the gel does not stink as much as acrylic, it evaporates in the same way and has the same effect on the respiratory tract.

Harm of nail extensions during pregnancy

The main component of nail extension materials is methacrylate. In this industry, two types are used: the more toxic one is methyl methacrylate (MMA) and the less toxic one is ethyl methacrylate (EMA). The first, in certain doses, affecting the embryo, can cause malformations of its development, but the materials for nail extensions contain negligible amounts of it compared to the potentially dangerous dose (almost a thousand times less). And yet, methyl methacrylate is banned in America and Europe, and therefore, when performing nail extensions with American or European materials, you do not risk anything. The harm may be hidden in cheaper and lower quality gel or acrylic made in China and Korea.

In addition, it should be remembered that harmful substances are contained in many nail care products, including varnishes. In particular, many of them (as well as extension materials) contain components that are unsafe for a pregnant woman (formaldehyde) and her unborn child (toluene).

But in order for their influence to have a negative effect on the fetus, the varnishes should be inhaled sufficiently. A one-time, fleeting procedure does not pose any threat to pregnant women, the experts assure, and confirm with facts: there is not a single registered case of a fetus developing defects as a result of exposure to these substances.

Of course, there is always potential risk. Be that as it may, the woman inhales toxic fumes, and some of them enter the bloodstream, and then to the fetus. But it is impossible to say unequivocally that growing nails during pregnancy is harmful. Because, by and large, it is harmful to breathe, even walking down the street: the air is so polluted that no amount of formaldehyde is harmful. Moreover: scientists have conducted research and proven that inside residential premises, where household chemicals based on phosphates and surfactants are used, air pollution is 5-7 times higher than what is outside. And this is if we talk about a house located near the highway!

However, it is also impossible to absolutely assure expectant mothers that acrylic or gel nail extensions during pregnancy are absolutely safe. Therefore, a woman must make a decision based on her own feelings, beliefs, desires and views. And if you are still inclined in favor of extensions, then you should not plan it for a later date: you will need to sit in one position for an hour and a half, and sometimes two, which is difficult and not harmless with a large tummy. The first trimester is also not the best time: remember, now all the risks are greatly increased! Therefore, it is best to carry out extensions in the second or closer to the second trimester.

Is it possible to get nail extensions while pregnant?

Like any other salon procedure, this one also has contraindications. But there is no pregnancy among them, although experts do not advise extending artificial nails during hormonal changes, and during the period of bearing a child they are inevitable. This procedure is contraindicated for people undergoing chemotherapy or bacterial treatment, having problems with the blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, as well as for people with diabetes, herpes or fungal nail infections. If you are prone to allergies, after suffering stress, it is also better to avoid nail extensions.

However, due to active hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, the foreign material may not take root on her natural nails: rejection of the extended nails is not excluded; they may not hold up well.

You should think twice if you decide to get your nails done for the first time during pregnancy. New nails require some caution and an adaptation period in the first days and weeks after extensions. You may feel discomfort, it can be irritating and make you nervous. It is better to abandon the idea if you are tormented by doubts about the safety of this procedure for the unborn baby: peace is more expensive now, and your natural nails, even very short ones, can look beautiful and neat.

In addition, extended nails make the nail plates quite heavy, and if they are already weak, brittle and brittle (which is not uncommon given the lack of minerals in the body of a pregnant woman), then it may be better to strengthen the nails rather than extend them.

But if in everyday life you have been wearing extended nails for several years in a row and do not think about your hands differently, then you should not worry too much. Many women have carried and given birth to babies with extended nails and do not regret it at all. Moreover, many masters work until they go on maternity leave, extending nails with gel and acrylic to their clients.

Life experience shows that nail extensions during pregnancy are not fatal, but you should do what your heart tells you and what will make you feel calmer.

If you nevertheless decide in favor of extensions, then it will not be superfluous to take into account the following recommendations to ensure the safety of this procedure for the expectant mother and her baby:

  1. Choose only a trusted professional with experience in nail extensions. If you are going to him for the first time, collect client reviews in advance.
  2. Discuss with the specialist the possibility of holding a session outside, in the open air, or at least near an open window-balcony, so that there is good ventilation.
  3. Check the composition and country of manufacture of the materials used for extensions.
  4. For the duration of nail extensions during pregnancy, wear a mask or respirator.
  5. Dress and put on comfortable shoes, take a small pillow with you (the session lasts a long time, and it is difficult to sit in one position) and take water.
  6. Try to breathe primarily through your nose.
  7. Upon arrival home, rinse the nasal mucosa (saline solution, still mineral water or plain clean water).

Rest assured that everything is fine. Beautiful well-groomed hands will give you this feeling!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

A pregnant woman thinks about what the pregnancy period will bring her: what she will have to give up and what she will have to do that she never had to do before. Pregnancy will bring a woman not only a small miracle and a long-awaited dream, but also some inconvenience and frustration. A pregnant woman will no longer be able to wear her usual clothes and shoes, but don’t be upset! There are also fashion stores, shoes and accessories for pregnant women.

There are a huge number of stores where a beautiful and fashionable collection of clothes, shoes, and special items are presented for expectant mothers. There are even harmless hair dyes and other cosmetics.

And if a woman is used to always getting her nails done, then what should she do? Is it possible to get nail extensions during pregnancy?

Is it beneficial or harmful to extend nails during pregnancy?

Several years ago, studies were conducted on this issue, in which women who often used the services of nail extension specialists took part.

In the course of this study, the influence of the most common chemicals used in nail extensions on the body of a pregnant woman and the course of pregnancy was noticed.

Substances for nail extensions and pregnancy

Modern materials for nail extensions contain methacrylate, which comes in two types: methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. Methyl methacrylate has a negative effect on fetal development and can cause malformations. Such consequences from a given substance can occur if the concentration of the substance is a thousand times higher than the content of this substance in the materials for.

Nail extension materials produced in Europe and America do not contain methyl methacrylate at all. This substance is found in materials produced in China and Korea.

Currently, instead of methyl methacrylate, ethyl methacrylate is used, which is less toxic and does not harm the health of the unborn child and mother, subject to precautions.

Nail polishes and materials contain minimal amounts of formaldehyde, which is poisonous and toxic in large quantities. Studies have shown that large amounts of formaldehyde can have a negative effect only on the mother’s body, and not on the child.

More dangerous is toluene, which is found in almost all nail polishes. This substance may adversely affect the development of the fetus, especially if inhaled. The toluene content in varnishes is so minimal that not a single case of impact on the development of a child has yet been recorded.

Acrylic or gel for pregnant women?

Pregnant women often choose gel for nail extensions, believing that acrylic is more harmful than gel due to the pungent chemical odor and harmful fumes. The gel is odorless, but has the same fumes and effects on the body.

In this case, if you cannot refuse nail extensions while pregnant, then you can safely extend your nails, both with acrylic and gel.

Precautions when applying nail extensions during pregnancy

The procedure for nail extensions for a pregnant woman should be performed in a well-ventilated area where an exhaust hood will operate.

It is important that when doing nail extensions, the artist uses only high-quality materials that will not have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and child.

After applying nail extensions, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and rinse your nose with mineral water to avoid an allergic reaction to dust after filing your nails.

Artificial nail extensions are one of the most popular procedures in the nail industry. And this is not surprising. The material used for this procedure is particularly durable, which allows nails to maintain their flawless appearance for a long time. Also, it allows you to bring to life a design of any complexity - from a single-color coating and a French cover to a complex aquarium one. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the question of whether pregnant girls can have their nails extended. Opinions on this issue are significantly divided. We, in turn, will try to understand this issue.

A few words about nail extensions

Nail extensions are carried out to lengthen the nail plate. Several types of materials are used for this:

  • tips;
  • acrylic;
  • gel.

Tips are hypoallergenic plastic. They are applied to the nail plate, which, in turn, lengthens it and reliably protects it from mechanical damage. It is recommended to use this material for nail extensions during pregnancy. It is safe and does not enter into chemical reactions with the human body.

Gel and acrylic are considered no less safe materials. Despite the fact that they are applied in liquid form, they have virtually no chemical effect on the nail plate and are not absorbed into the cuticle. Acrylic is distinguished by its enviable strength when hardening on the nail plate, but has a strong chemical smell, which causes concern not only among expectant mothers, but also among girls who carefully monitor their health. The gel is another matter - it has virtually no odor, color and lies more thinly when applied. Any of these materials can be used to extend nails during pregnancy, but it is worth remembering that each of them is artificial, and therefore “foreign” for the human body.

A lot depends on the artist himself who carries out the nail extension procedure. In any case, he should work only with well-disinfected materials, his hands and the client’s hands should be treated with antiseptic drugs. It is better to do a trim manicure no earlier than 2-3 days before the procedure. This will prevent infection from entering the blood through the damaged cuticle.

Nail extensions during pregnancy: positive and negative aspects

So, is it possible to get nail extensions while pregnant? Of course, pregnancy is not an indication to prohibit this procedure. But manicurists do not recommend doing such procedures during hormonal changes and shifts. The fact is that during pregnancy, hormonal levels change significantly. This can cause rapid detachment of the material from the nail plate. Weak and brittle nails cannot withstand “heavy” artificial materials.

However, with a competent approach to the procedure and preliminary treatment of the nail plate, the question of whether it is possible to extend nails during pregnancy can be resolved by itself. Proper treatment of the nail plate allows the material to last much longer. And the treatment course makes the nail plate strong and reduces the harmful effects on it significantly. After nail extensions during pregnancy, nails have a neat, well-groomed appearance for a long time. This means that the expectant mother will feel beautiful and happy - which has a positive effect on the fetus.

What do doctors think about nail extensions during pregnancy?

Despite the safety of the nail extension procedure and the safety of the materials promised by the manufacturer, doctors recommend that pregnant girls treat this procedure with extreme caution and responsibility. The fact is that one of the components of the extension material is quite aggressive chemical components - methyl methacrylate (MMA) and ethyl methacrylate (EMA). They have an indirect effect on the fetus and in rare cases can cause defects and mutations in the embryo. However, for such an effect to occur, a large concentration of these substances is required. And in modern materials, their content is extremely small.

Doctors also cannot answer the question whether pregnant women can have their nails extended with gel. On the one hand, gels and nail polishes contain formaldehyde, which does not have the best effect on the fetus. On the other hand, for extensions, certified craftsmen choose materials made in the USA and Europe. They are distinguished by high quality and the absence of prohibited toxic components. And for toxic substances to have an effect on the fetus and the body of the expectant mother, it takes a long time (about 7 hours) to properly inhale the harmful components. And, as you know, no extension, even the most complex in technique and design, can last that long.

Would you, being happily expecting a baby, decide to get nail extensions? Share with us your opinion on this issue! If you have already had such experience, then share it, tell us what material was used for the extension, how you and your future baby felt. And, of course, offer nail designs that are interesting to young mothers! Health to you and your children!

Extended nails and pregnancy

Extended nails go out of fashion and then find themselves at the peak of popularity again: despite stylists’ calls for naturalness and ease, the temptation to “grow” stylish claws that gracefully lengthen your fingers in a couple of hours is too great. Many women, accustomed to such decoration, would not like to give it up during pregnancy. Moreover, having become pregnant (and temporarily losing the opportunity to show off an elegant figure), expectant mothers try to focus on bright details - the same extended nails. But don't they harm their child's health?

Is it harmful for pregnant women to have their nails extended?

Firstly, the most important thing is that there is nothing healthy in the composition of extended nails.

Moreover, this does not depend at all on whether you are doing extensions with acrylic, gel, bio-gel, or another of the thousands of advertised varieties of this procedure.

Whatever the manufacturers promise you, the compositions for nail extensions are not fundamentally different: these are various acrylic derivatives that polymerize either under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or under the influence of chemical hardeners.

Information: Extended nails appeared in the 60s of the last century. They were invented by dentist Henry Rea, who made artificial nails from dental acrylic for his wife. The technology for creating artificial nails is still close to the procedure for filling teeth.

Secondly, after curing, the extended nails cannot poison you in any way.

No components are absorbed into your body, penetrate through the nail plate and skin into the circulatory system and do not affect the child in any way. Contact that is dangerous to you can only happen in one way - you inhale the vapors or dust of these substances.

However, we often come across the opinion that pregnant women should not get their nails done. Why?


Although harmful substances cannot be absorbed into your body from extended nails, you may well inhale them during the extension process. Phenol, formaldehyde, benzophenone - all these components in concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible can cause poisoning, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health. Responsible manufacturers are trying to reduce the harm caused; for example, in Europe, dangerous methyl methacrylate has been replaced by the equally toxic, but much less volatile ethyl methacrylate (which means your chances of inhaling it are significantly reduced). But in Asian extension products, inexpensive methyl methacrylate is the main component of both gels and powders.

Danger level

If you do the extension procedure regularly, every two weeks or even weekly, you may feel a deterioration in your health. The consequences are especially unpleasant for nail extension artists - it is better for them to switch to safer types of work during pregnancy.

How to avoid

Ask your manicurist to show you a safety certificate for the nail extension products. Make sure they do not contain methyl methacrylate. Choose a nail salon that operates in a specially equipped room with good ventilation.


The fact that the substances used for nail extensions “do not smell” is not a guarantee of the safety of the procedure. Many hazardous chemicals do not have a distinct odor, so good ventilation is a must for this procedure.

Physical discomfort

Unlike a regular manicure, extensions are a fairly long procedure, during which you will have to sit still. This is not only inconvenient for a pregnant woman, but can lead to increased tone of the uterus, swelling of the legs, and a general deterioration in well-being.

Danger level

If pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then an uncomfortable position for an hour and a half cannot have fatal consequences. However, with a number of diseases, and especially with the threat of sudden spontaneous abortion, it is better not to risk exposing yourself to such static loads.

How to avoid

Make sure you are comfortable sitting in the client's chair. Warn the specialist that you are pregnant and you will need to pause during the procedure. To walk around and stretch. Consult with your gynecologist regarding the safety of this procedure for you personally.

Effect on nails

A particular danger is posed by poorly performed nail extensions. Even if all instruments are sterilized (and not all nail technicians still do this!), carelessly applied extensions can lead to the formation of air “pockets” between the surface of your own and artificial nails. This is a favorable environment for the development of fungus, which means not only an unnecessary “sore” (especially for a pregnant woman), but also an additional medicinal load later.

Danger level

Due to the hormonal changes that occur in a pregnant woman's body, she may be especially vulnerable to fungal infections. Most often, they do not pose a risk to the course of pregnancy, but think about what will happen if you do not manage to get rid of the disease by the time the baby is born!

How to avoid

If you notice that the nail is “walking”, partially (even slightly) moving away from your own nail, immediately contact a manicurist to remove the extended nail.

Failed build-up

All due to the same hormonal changes, a pregnant woman’s nails and hair often change beyond recognition. For some, they become fragile and brittle, for others - soft and elastic, for others - hard... even if you have already had your nails extended a thousand times by this particular specialist and with these exact materials, it is not a fact that during pregnancy you will be able to achieve the same effect. Be prepared for your extended nails to start to fall off or crumble.

Danger level

There is no danger to your health if you manage to come to terms with what is happening and you are not upset about an unsuccessful procedure.

How to avoid

If your extended nails suddenly fall off, do not try to repeat the procedure during pregnancy, the result will most likely be the same.

And now - let's film!

Removing extended nails is no less complicated a procedure than adding them. If your master resorts to dissolving the polymer using chemical reagents, there is a chance that you will inhale their vapors (and in order to dissolve a thick layer of polymer, your nails will have to be literally “soaked” in acetone).

If the technician files down an artificial nail, you risk inhaling dust (and the entire chemical cocktail that it contains).

Danger level

The same as during the extension procedure.

How to avoid

Ventilation and more ventilation.

Of course, there are women who wear extended nails throughout their pregnancy and do not have the slightest problem. Indeed, this procedure itself, performed in a modern salon by an experienced specialist using high-quality materials, poses no threat to either you or your baby. However, any deviation from the ideal course of events is an additional risk factor, so before making an appointment with a manicurist, consult your doctor!

This procedure involves modeling artificial nails using special materials. Exists two extension technologies: gel and acrylic.

In the first case, a special liquid polymer, which hardens only when exposed to ultraviolet light. The gel is odorless, but during polymerization it releases quite toxic fumes.

Acrylic is a dry polymer, which hardens exclusively under the influence of a special liquid - monomer. The material has a distinct strong odor.

When performing nail extensions, the master not only models artificial nails on natural ones, but also files a lot of plates, which leads to the formation of a sufficient amount of dust that can settle in the nasal passages.

In addition, if you move the tools carelessly, there is a risk of injuring the delicate skin around the nails and causing infection.

In general, the extension procedure is safe, despite the fact that the materials contain toxic and hazardous substances (formaldehyde, toluene, ethyl methacrylate).

Their quantity is so insignificant in gel and acrylic that they do not cause any harm to health. Provided that all safety measures were followed during the procedure.

There is a third nail modeling technology - biogel. This material contains yew tree resin and E proteins.

Biogel is non-toxic, plastic, odorless. And when polymerized in ultraviolet rays, the material does not emit harmful fumes.

It is noteworthy that biogel is often used not for modeling nails, but for strengthening natural nail plates.

Should the procedure be done during pregnancy?

Each girl decides for herself whether she needs nail extensions or not. Especially during pregnancy.

However, it is worth remembering that there are a number of specific contraindications to the procedure during this period.

Firstly, allergic reactions. If they did not appear before pregnancy, then during this period they may well make themselves felt.

The female body is being rebuilt to suit its new position, which manifests itself differently for everyone. In particular, in terms of odors, liquids and substances.

Secondly, working with artificial materials involves filing nails for quite a long time, which leads to the formation of dust.

It penetrates the nasal passage, and then into the lungs, settling there. This in turn provokes various respiratory diseases, long-term allergies.

During pregnancy, masters better to give up your craft in favor of safer activities. For example, instead of doing nail extensions, perform an unedged, hardware or SPA manicure for your clients.


There are unspoken rules that a pregnant woman must adhere to when deciding to undergo nail modeling.

Firstly, It is necessary to wear a protective mask on your face during the procedure so that harmful fumes, dust and vapors do not penetrate the respiratory tract into the body.

Secondly, After applying nail extensions, be sure to wash your hands with soap, and rinse your nose with sea water. The latter is necessary to ensure that dust and other volatile substances that enter through the mask do not settle in the nasal passage.

Thirdly, the procedure itself should take place in a room with good ventilation. If the master has a special vacuum cleaner installed on his desk to collect dust, then this is an additional plus in favor of this very master.

Do not forget that the air must circulate freely so that pungent odors and resulting vapors disappear faster.

Fourthly, the master must comply with all hygiene and sanitary standards during the procedure. Namely:

This will protect the skin of your hands from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can be dangerous both for the woman herself and for the unborn baby.

In general, the nail modeling procedure is not that dangerous for a pregnant woman. However, it is worth remembering that before giving birth, one way or another, you will have to remove the artificial material.

In the future, the child will require a lot of attention, and You will have to forget about extensions for a while - so as not to injure the baby’s delicate skin with long nails.

So, does it make sense to take risks during pregnancy if you still need to give up artificial nails later?