Causes, signs and consequences of leakage amniotic fluid during different periods of pregnancy. Modern methods diagnosis of amniotic fluid leakage. What to do if water starts to leak?

Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is an integral part of the process prenatal development fetus. Leakage or premature discharge of amniotic fluid is considered a pathology and requires urgent correction of the situation. But how to understand that the amniotic fluid is leaking or has departed at different periods of pregnancy? What to do if amniotic fluid leaks out? What are the methods for diagnosing amniotic fluid leakage?

What do amniotic fluid look like, what color, smell?

Functions of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid performs a whole list of useful functions:

  • Protect the fetus from external mechanical damage (shocks, bruises).
  • At first, they provide the embryo with all the necessary substances and microelements (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes, etc.).
  • Allow the baby to move freely inside the placenta.
  • They protect it from infections and bacteria due to the immunoglobulins contained in them.
  • Provide sound blockade of the fetus from the outside world.
  • Prevent spontaneous clamping of the umbilical cord.
  • They take over all the life processes of the baby.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be from 0.6 to 1.5 liters, depending on the stage of fetal development and the timing of pregnancy. Any deviations from these indicators are already considered a serious problem. In this regard, women can be diagnosed with polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios. Oligohydramnios is much less common than polyhydramnios and is a more complex condition.

As for the color of the amniotic fluid, they are transparent in appearance, since they are 97% water. Even with careful consideration, they can detect lanugo (small hairs from the baby's skin), as well as particles of the skin of the crumbs.

However, sometimes the amniotic fluid has a completely different color, which indicates the presence of any changes and disturbances in the process of fetal development:

  • Pink amniotic fluid may indicate the presence of blood particles in it. Often this is a sign of placental abruption.
  • If the amniotic fluid is colored green or yellow, then this state of affairs may indicate fetal hypoxia or intrauterine infection.
  • Dark brown or black fetal waters are considered the most dangerous. In such situations, emergency help is needed for the baby and his mother.

If we talk about the smell of amniotic fluid, then many doctors claim that it is somewhat similar to the aroma breast milk. Perhaps that is why, having barely been born, the baby is looking for a painfully familiar smell on his mother's chest.

Signs, symptoms and causes of amniotic fluid leakage in the second trimester

Causes of amniotic fluid leakage in the second trimester

Causes of leakage of amniotic fluid in the second trimester can be:

  1. Mechanical impact on the bladder (shocks, falls, bruises).
  2. A different kind of infection that has penetrated through the genitals or through the placenta.
  3. Tumors in the uterus.
  4. Too intense or deep sexual contact (especially if there are contraindications).
  5. Incorrect technically performed diagnosis of a pregnant woman, which led to damage to the fetal bladder.
  6. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  7. Multiple pregnancy.
  8. Presentation of the fetus.
  9. Lack or excess of amniotic fluid.

Recognizing the leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy is quite difficult, since many women during this period of their lives very often suffer from urinary incontinence and involuntary urination. However, with a close examination of the released fluid and careful observation of herself, the pregnant woman will still be able to independently diagnose the leakage of amniotic fluid. In any case, even if there weak signs the release of amniotic fluid, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

  • When viewed from the outside, the leaked amniotic fluid will have a transparent color and an unusual smell, while the urine is distinguished by its yellowness and the corresponding "aroma".
  • With regard to the identification of amniotic fluid in comparison with other vaginal discharges, they are often white, yellow, green or pink color and mucous impurities, which is uncharacteristic of fetal waters.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid can be observed with a sharp change in body position, as well as during physical exertion.

If the discharge of the amniotic fluid was not diagnosed in time, then in the later stages the woman may experience more pronounced symptoms of a dangerous condition:

  • high body temperature
  • nausea and vomiting
  • weakness and body aches
  • discharge with a sharp, unpleasant odor

It is also possible to detect leakage of amniotic fluid at home using special pharmacy testing agents.

Signs, symptoms and causes of amniotic fluid leakage in the third trimester

If a woman, after 37 weeks of pregnancy, suddenly has a clear liquid flowing down her legs, then she should take a bag with her and go to the hospital. This situation suggests that her fetal bladder burst, and labor began.
If the pregnant woman began to notice that wet transparent marks remain on her underwear, then it is advisable for her to observe herself - perhaps amniotic fluid is leaking from her. This state of affairs in the third trimester is not considered dangerous, but it must be diagnosed in time. The reason for this is the harmful consequences for the fetus - a lack of amniotic fluid can lead to oxygen starvation baby and other deplorable conditions.
To understand what exactly is leaking, you need to conduct a series of tests:

  • Try to contain the discharge with the help of the muscles of the vagina - if nothing works, then there is leakage of water.
  • Empty the bladder as much as possible, wipe dry and lie down on a clean, dry bed for half an hour or an hour - if the sheet gets wet in a calm position or with a sudden movement, then this is also a sign of amniotic fluid release.
  • Buy an express test at the pharmacy and do everything according to the instructions.

What is the danger of leakage of amniotic fluid in the second and third semester of pregnancy?

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is dangerous with the following conditions and consequences:

  1. Increase the likelihood of infection to the baby.
  2. Mechanical effect on the fetus.
  3. Penetration of harmful microflora to the baby.
  4. Placental abruption.
  5. Fetal hypoxia.
  6. Fetal distress syndrome.
  7. premature birth.
  8. Bleeding due to placental abruption.
  9. Hemorrhage in the baby's brain in the first days of life.
  10. Physical deformities of the fetus due to the pressure of the uterus on it.
  11. Maternal infection.

Amnishur test for the determination of amniotic fluid leakage

Amnishur - a test to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid
  • The AmniSure test is a rapid test that can confirm or refute the fact of amniotic fluid leakage.
  • You can buy Amnishur at any pharmacy.
  • The principle of operation of this remedy is based on the identification of placental alpha globulin in secretions, which can only be found in amniotic fluid - no other human secret contains this substance.
  • The test is so sensitive that it can recognize this alpha globulin even with its minimum amount.
  • AmniSure is 98.7% accurate.

Instructions for Amnishur test

Instructions for using the Amnishur test:

  • We open the box and find inside a test tube with reagents, a swab, a test strip and a test tube stand.
  • We take a closed test tube with reagents in our hands and shake it thoroughly.
  • When all the substance in the test tube sinks to the bottom, remove the lid from it and place it in a vertical position in a special tripod.
  • We take a tampon in our hands and carefully unpack it so as not to touch its tip.
  • We take a tampon in the middle of the handle and insert it into the vagina to a depth of no more than 7 cm.
  • Keep the tampon in the vagina for about a minute.
  • We take out the tampon from the vagina and lower its tip into the test tube.
  • With rotational movements, rinse the swab in the reagent for about a minute.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, remove the swab from the test tube and dispose of it.
  • We take the sealed test strip in our hands and carefully print it out.
  • We lower the white tip of the test with drawn arrows into the reagents.
  • If there is an abundant leakage of amniotic fluid, then the test will immediately show two strips.
  • If the leakage was small, then you will have to wait about 10 minutes.
  • If there was no leakage, only one strip will remain on the strip.

Attention! After a 15-minute stay of the test in the liquid, its result is considered invalid.

Pad test for amniotic fluid leakage

  • Another method for detecting amniotic fluid leakage at home is special test pads.
  • The basic principle of action of this agent is the reaction to liquids with increased level pH.
  • The point is that everyone women's secrets The pH often does not exceed 4.5, while amniotic fluid has a high pH - from 6 to 7.
  • Thus, when it hits a special indicator built into the pad, the amniotic fluid causes a change in its color.
  • There is no need to worry about the indicator, since it is protected by two layers of special material and does not come into contact with the female body.
  • On the inside of the gasket, its presence can only be determined by the yellow strip located in the middle.

The principle of operation of the test pad:

  • Carefully unseal the gasket and remove it with clean, dry hands, being careful not to touch the yellow line.
  • We fix the pad on the underwear in such a way that the yellow strip runs strictly along the center of the vagina.
  • We put on clothes and go about our business.
  • After 12 hours, or if you feel heavy discharge, remove the test pad from the laundry.
  • We analyze the spots formed on the gasket.
  • If there are green or blue spots on the pad, you can talk about the leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • If there are no spots on the test pad, then there is no leakage.

Note! Blue and green spots can also appear due to a woman having vaginal infections, so this result should be reported to the doctor in any case.

How to distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid from secretions, urine?

There are several ways to distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid from secretions and urine:

  • By color - amniotic fluid has no color.
  • By smell - fetal waters either do not smell at all or have an unobtrusive, special smell.
  • With the help of the Amnishur test.
  • With test pads.
  • If possible, control the emission - leakage cannot be delayed.
  • With the help of a change in body position - during physical exertion or a sharp change in body position, as a rule, water leaks.

Is amniotic fluid leaking visible on ultrasound?

Can amniotic fluid leakage be seen on ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination will not be able to fix a gap in the fetal bladder. However, this type of diagnosis is able to detect oligohydramnios, which is the result of leakage of amniotic fluid. It is also possible to identify the involuntary waste of fetal fluids in dynamics when the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less from examination to examination.

At what time and for how long can amniotic fluid leak?

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid is so small and imperceptible in a woman's abdomen that it is almost impossible for it to leak.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid can begin in the first half of the second trimester. Such conditions are considered very complex and almost incorrigible.
  • In the second half of the second and first half of the third trimester, with the timely detection of leakage of fetal water, doctors try to delay the moment of childbirth to the maximum.
  • In late pregnancy, with leakage of amniotic fluid, a woman has no choice but to simply show her baby to the world.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid can last from half a day to two weeks.
  • True, in some women, with minimal and rare cases of water leakage, their volume manages to recover, which is not a critical condition.
  • However, even such women need to be constantly under the supervision of doctors.

Is it possible to stop the leakage of amniotic fluid?

  • If amniotic fluid leaks were found from the 36th to the 40th week of pregnancy, then, as a rule, the woman begins to prepare for childbirth.
  • If rupture or profuse leakage of amniotic fluid was detected before 22 weeks, then a miscarriage will most likely be diagnosed.
  • If the water leaks between 22 and 36 weeks, then doctors will do everything possible to support the mother and fetus until the lungs are fully developed.

As a rule, in such cases it is assigned:

  • Antibacterial therapy (to stop or prevent any inflammatory processes in the body of the mother and fetus).
  • Hormone therapy (to contain labor).
  • Bed rest.
  • Constant monitoring of a pregnant woman.
  • Control of fetal development parameters.

How amniotic fluid leaks before childbirth at 37, 38, 39, 40 weeks?

Immediately on the eve of childbirth, in the event of a rupture of the fetal bladder, a woman may have the impression that she could not restrain herself, and spontaneous urination occurred. In such cases, as a rule, about 150-250 g of liquid is poured out. The gradual leakage of amniotic fluid occurs almost imperceptibly:

  • After sleep, when a woman wants to go to the toilet, she may mistake a wet spot on her underwear for her incontinence.
  • During physical exertion or overexertion, laundry can also get wet.
  • If a woman lies, and then suddenly changes her body position, then a little liquid may pour out of her.

Leakage of amniotic fluid: what to do?

  • As soon as a woman detects a spontaneous premature release of amniotic fluid or a prerequisite for it, she should immediately inform the doctor about this.
  • It is also advisable to independently conduct one of the pharmacy rapid tests.
  • It is recommended to show the test results to the gynecologist.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid is a very serious condition, so you should not joke with it - only a doctor can provide qualified and timely assistance to a pregnant woman.

Dear women, if you suddenly doubt your discharge or feel something was wrong - do not delay, but urgently run to your leading specialist. Sometimes a few hours play a very important role in such a scrupulous and responsible business as carrying a baby.

Leakage of amniotic fluid: Video

Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is the natural environment for the life and development of the fetus in the womb.

The main functions of the fetal waters:

  • First of all, water protects the child from negative microorganisms, since the fetal bladder is airtight, and the liquid itself is sterile. Also, amniotic fluid ensures the safety of the fetus from mechanical influences from the external environment. For example, when a pregnant woman falls. In addition, the water muffles a lot of noise from outside.
  • Fertile waters contain many nutrients and useful substances (proteins, fats, vitamins, glucose, salts and hormones). At small stages of pregnancy, they are absorbed through the skin, at more late weeks the child swallows them.


  • The baby not only receives nutrients from the amniotic fluid, but also releases processed foods into them. The amniotic fluid is completely renewed in the norm every 3 hours.

Participation in labor activity.

  • The anterior waters in childbirth put pressure on the cervix, contributing to its disclosure. They also provide an easier passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

The outpouring of water after 37 weeks of pregnancy (full-term) is considered physiological at the onset of labor. With the condition that the cervix is ​​open and ready for labor.

If the leakage of water occurs earlier, then this causes concern and is a pathology. In this case, there is a high risk of infection. But timely preventive measures will help to avoid this.


There can be several reasons for water leakage:


  • Pathogenic microorganisms can lead to thinning of the membranes, so there is a risk of their rupture or cracking.
  • This is a pathology in which the cervix is ​​not able to cope with the obturator function, that is, to keep the fetus in the uterine cavity. Therefore, there is a risk of rupture of the fetal bladder. In order to prevent isthmic-cervical insufficiency, sutures are placed on the cervix or a pessary is installed. A pregnant woman with such a pathology should be under the supervision of doctors with bed rest.

Some diagnostic studies.

  • For example, amniocentesis or cordocentesis. They are carried out according to genetic indications. With these procedures, the doctor, with the consent of the woman, gently pierces the fetal bladder in order to identify the disease. In a cordocentesis, blood is taken from the umbilical cord for analysis, and in an amniocentesis, amniotic fluid is taken.

Multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios.

  • These factors increase pressure on the amniotic sac and cervix, so rupture can occur.

some pathologies.

  • These include: mechanical injuries during pregnancy, wrong position the fetus, etc. And also the mother's bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) can become the cause of the pathology.

Symptoms and signs of water leakage

Signs that indicate the leakage of fetal water:

  • vaginal discharge becomes more liquid, like water;
  • when moving or changing position, the pregnant woman clearly feels the discharge of water from the genital tract, especially if she pushes slightly at the same time;
  • if the rupture of the fetal bladder is large, then the water will flow in a stream;
  • the circumference of the abdomen is somewhat reduced.


Leakage of amniotic fluid can be determined at home. For this, there are special tests that can be bought at any pharmacy.

Tests are of two types:

  • test strip.
  • test pad.

They have the same mechanism of action - determining the change in the environment (Ph) in the vagina. When amniotic fluid enters the test (in a certain area), it turns green-blue. More details are described in the attached instructions.

These tests do not give a 100% guarantee, since the presence of an infectious process in the vagina can also lead to a change in Ph.

Important! Remember that even if you suspect a leak of fetal fluid, you should immediately inform your obstetrician-gynecologist, as this carries some risks.

Diagnostics on an outpatient basis

The doctor determines the leakage of water using a special smear. When amniotic fluid enters the vagina, a certain protein is found in it, which is found only in amniotic fluid.

What to do when water leaks

The method of eliminating the problem depends on the gestational age at which leakage occurred. However, it is impossible to completely stop the violation; the goal of treatment is to preserve the safety of the fetus and mother.

If leakage occurs at a long gestational age, then this may indicate the imminent onset of childbirth. If contractions do not start after 3 hours, then the obstetrician stimulates labor or performs an operation caesarean section.

With a premature pregnancy, a woman is in a hospital with strict bed rest. Antibiotics and treatment of the genital tract with antiseptic preparations are prescribed.

Possible complications and prognosis

When the membranes rupture, there is a very high risk of infection of the fetus. As soon as water leakage is confirmed, the doctor immediately sends the pregnant woman for an ultrasound scan. With the help of this diagnostic method, the degree of term of the child is determined. If he is ready to breathe on his own and be born, then a caesarean section is prescribed to avoid the irreversible consequences of infection.

If the fetus is still premature, not ripe, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized urgently. Antibacterial therapy is carried out for the purpose of prevention and strict bed rest is prescribed. As soon as the child can breathe on his own, delivery will be performed.

Some research on pregnancy

It is no secret that the fetus in the womb is surrounded by amniotic fluid, also called amniotic fluid. They play a very important role in the development of the fetus, so their outpouring occurs already during childbirth. If the fluid begins to leak earlier, it is fraught with complications or premature birth. In the publication, we will figure out what are the signs of amniotic fluid leakage and how dangerous this situation is for a woman and a child.

The main symptoms of leakage

In the third trimester is the physiological process of increasing secretions. At this stage, it is very important to determine what kind of discharge a woman has begun. Naturally, this should be done by a gynecologist in the LCD, who observes a pregnant woman. But life circumstances do not always turn out well and it happens that a woman cannot see a doctor in the next few days. Therefore it is very important for future mother self-recognize premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

  • the released fluid becomes larger when moving or changing position;
  • if this is a small rupture of the fetal bladder, then water can flow down the legs and the woman, even with tension in the pelvic muscles, cannot contain the discharge;
  • if the gap is very tiny, then leakage can only be determined with the help of a test or a smear in the LCD (antenatal clinic).

What does amniotic fluid look like?

Quite often, women try to determine by the color of the discharge on the gasket whether leakage has begun. This is quite difficult to do, mostly waters have a transparent, less often pink, greenish, brown or cloudy hue.

Amniotic fluid leak tests

  1. You do not need to purchase any equipment for this test. Go to the toilet in a small way, wash yourself and dry very thoroughly with a towel so that there is no moisture left anywhere. After that, lie down on a dry, clean sheet. If after 15-20 minutes wet spots appear on it, there is a high probability of leakage amniotic fluid. The reliability of this method is approximately 80%.
  2. A gasket that allows you to determine the likelihood of leakage can be purchased at a pharmacy for literally 290-330 rubles.

Dear women, remember, at the first sign of leakage, immediately contact your gynecologist in the LCD or in the maternity hospital. If the baby will be without water for a long time, it is dangerous for his health and even for the life of the baby.

How does the flow of amniotic fluid normally occur?

In most cases, the following sequence of events occurs:

  • labor begins at 38-42 weeks of gestation;
  • during one of the contractions, the amniotic sac breaks and the fluid pours out in one stream;
  • if there is no bladder rupture, then the obstetrician-gynecologist on the chair independently punctures the amniotic bladder - this process is called Amniotomy.

What threatens a woman and a fetus with leakage?

If the waters completely break in the second trimester, this can lead to infection of the fetus with an infection, which in this case will easily pass through all the protection.

As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist determines that it is the amniotic fluid that is leaking in the pregnant woman, the woman will be sent to ultrasound diagnostics to determine the degree of maturity of the baby in the womb. If the respiratory system and the kidneys of the fetus are ready to function outside the uterus, then labor will be stimulated. This is necessary to prevent the consequences of infection. If the baby is not yet ready for the birth, then a number of measures will be taken to prolong the pregnancy. The woman will be prescribed antibacterial drugs and means to stop labor, and they will begin to wait until the child reaches the threshold in development that will allow him to breathe on his own.

Pregnancy is a period not only joyful, but also restless, it does not always pass serenely. Expectant mothers often face a wide variety of complications. Some of them cause only minor concern and go away on their own, others can lead to serious consequences and require immediate medical attention. One of these complications is the leakage of amniotic fluid.

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obstetrician-gynecologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics "Nova Clinic"

The causes of amniotic fluid leakage can be very different. Most often, the release of amniotic fluid is due to some kind of inflammatory process in the body.

Also, leakage can be provoked by isthmic-cervical insufficiency, anatomical anomalies in the structure of the uterus, abdominal trauma and many other factors. Sometimes it is not possible to determine the exact cause.

According to our expert, amniotic fluid leakage is very dangerous, since it is associated with a high risk of stillbirth, death in the perinatal period, and the development of various diseases in newborns.

“Further tactics of pregnancy management in case of amniotic fluid leakage largely depends on the period. The larger it is, the better the prognosis, ”adds the doctor.

The role of amniotic fluid

First, amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) fills the amniotic sac, providing a comfortable and safe environment for the developing fetus throughout pregnancy. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the fetus can move freely and actively, while the water softens its movements, protecting the mother from sudden shocks.

Secondly, the waters form a kind of shock-absorbing barrier that protects the child from external influences, from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus.

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In addition, sterile amniotic fluid is involved in the processes of nutrition of the child and does not allow pathogenic organisms from the external environment to penetrate into the fetal bladder. The waters are renewed every few hours, while constantly maintaining the optimal chemical composition.

By the end of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 1.5 liters. Normally, the fetal bladder ruptures and waters are poured out during the first stage of labor at a gestational age of at least 38 weeks. In 10-15 percent of pregnant women, the integrity of the membrane of the amniotic sac is broken long before the due date of delivery, which can lead to serious consequences for the mother and for the child.

Signs and Diagnosis

The massive discharge of water is difficult to confuse with something, since a large volume of liquid is poured out at a time. But in some cases, a hidden rupture of the fetal bladder occurs, the membrane is torn in its upper or lateral part, and water can leak in a small amount. Sometimes a woman does not notice leakage for a long time.

The main sign of amniotic fluid leakage is watery discharge, which increases with physical exertion and a change in body position.

Sometimes, especially on late term During pregnancy, water leakage can easily be confused with normal vaginal discharge, which by the end of pregnancy may become more profuse and thin than usual. It is also not uncommon for water leakage to be confused with urinary incontinence - an enlarged uterus presses on the bladder, and with physical exertion, laughter or sudden movements, urine can be involuntarily excreted in small quantities.

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If water leaks in large quantities, the pregnant woman's belly may decrease in volume, sometimes there is also a decrease in the height of the uterine fundus.

Due to the fact that the amniotic fluid has no color and a specific smell, their slight leakage can go unnoticed for a long time, and even a doctor is not always able to recognize the problem. For the diagnosis in this case, special tests are prescribed. Most often, this is a cytological analysis of a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina, designed to determine the presence of elements of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge.

With profuse leakage, diagnostic methods such as a routine vaginal examination and a cough shock test (physical stress during coughing causes increased leakage) can be informative.

If other methods did not give an accurate result, in cases where the condition of the pregnant woman inspires fear for her and the fetus's life and health, the amniocentesis method is used - in this case, a safe non-toxic dye is introduced into the cavity of the fetal bladder, and a clean swab is placed in the patient's vagina.

Staining of the tampon with one hundred percent probability indicates leakage of water, but the method of amniocentesis is dangerous in itself, since during its implementation the integrity of the membrane of the fetal bladder has to be forced to break.

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It is rare for a woman to independently determine whether amniotic fluid is leaking. If there is any suspicion, most in a simple way to confirm or refute them becomes the "clean diaper" method. To do this, the pregnant woman needs, after completely emptying the bladder and thoroughly washing, just wipe dry and lie down on a clean, dry diaper for 30-60 minutes. If after that a wet spot is found on the diaper, you should immediately seek medical help.

There are also special tests that allow at home with a high degree of probability to determine the leakage of water. The test consists of a swab, a reagent bottle and a test strip. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for a while, and then placed in a vial with a solution. After that, a test strip should be lowered into the vial, on which lines will appear, indicating a rupture of the membranes or its absence.

One strip means no gap, two - confirm its fact

Causes and consequences of amniotic fluid leakage

The causes of rupture of the membranes are usually the following:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, causing the membranes of the fetal bladder to become thinner and lose elasticity. It can be such common diseases as colpitis or endocervicitis
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. If the cervix does not close completely, the fetal bladder may protrude into the cervical canal. In this state, it can easily become infected and damaged.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In this case, the walls of the uterus and the membranes of the fetal bladder are subjected to a large load.
  • Developmental anomalies, benign or malignant tumors of the uterus
  • Significant exercise stress, physical abuse, abdominal trauma

Leakage of amniotic fluid is a serious complication of pregnancy that requires immediate medical attention and admission to a hospital. The fact is that a violation of the integrity of the bladder threatens with premature onset of labor and infection of the fetus - a baby not protected by a hermetic bladder and a barrier of amniotic fluid is defenseless against infections.

Often, the leakage of amniotic fluid becomes a cause for concern for the expectant mother. However, not all pregnant women understand what it is and how to distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge. Let us consider the situation in more detail, name the causes, ways to eliminate the violation.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

Amniotic fluid is a vital environment for the fetus. Filling the fetal bladder, it prevents trauma to the fetus, creating favorable conditions for it. So directly thanks to her, the baby's body temperature is maintained at the same level. Equally important is the protection that the amniotic fluid provides to the unborn baby.

Its volume is unstable, increases with the growth of the gestational age. This process is noted throughout the entire gestation period, however, water is produced unevenly. The volume is increasing every week. The maximum is reached around gestation. At this time, the volume of amniotic fluid is 1000-1500 ml. At the same time, immediately before the process of childbirth, its quantity decreases.

What is dangerous leakage of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy is vital for the unborn baby. Reducing its volume can lead to irreversible consequences. Among these, physicians distinguish:

  • infection of the baby inside the womb;
  • development of complications of an infectious nature in a future mother: chorioamniotonitis (inflammation of the membranes of the fetus),;
  • premature delivery;
  • weak labor activity.

Causes of amniotic fluid leakage

When amniotic fluid leaks during pregnancy, a woman needs to see a doctor. The main task for physicians is to determine and eliminate the cause of the violation. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the situation is carried out. Among possible causes, allocate:

  1. Inflammatory and infectious diseases in the reproductive system. As a result of such pathogenic processes, the membranes of the bladder in which the fetus is located become thinner. Due to the loss of elasticity, integrity is violated. This is possible with colpitis, endocervicitis.
  2. Isthmicocervical insufficiency. With this type of violation, incomplete closure of the cervix is ​​​​noted. Due to excess pressure, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, the fetal bladder protrudes into the cervical canal. This leads to a violation of its integrity.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered as a contributing factor to the development of the disorder. Due to the increased load on the walls of the fetal bladder, they do not withstand and are damaged, causing leakage of amniotic fluid.
  4. Developmental anomalies, benign or malignant tumors in the uterus. Incorrect sizes of the reproductive organ, the presence of cysts and tumors in it prevent normal growth baby, amniotic membranes. As a result, injury to the walls may occur.
  5. can cause the release of amniotic fluid to the outside.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the early stages

Leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, at its short terms, is fraught with interruption of the process of carrying a baby. If the violation develops for up to 20 weeks, then the baby cannot be saved. In this case, infection of the fetal membranes occurs, vital processes are disrupted, as a result of which the baby dies. The woman is cleaned of the uterine cavity to prevent infection and life-threatening complications.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the second trimester

Leakage of amniotic fluid is often fixed for a long time. It is provoked by increased pressure on the membranes of the fetus, the mass of which increases several times. When a complication of this kind developed in the first half of the 2nd trimester (up to 22 weeks), doctors are forced to interrupt the gestational process. This helps to avoid complications that adversely affect a woman's health.

If the leakage of amniotic fluid begins after, then in most cases it has a favorable outcome. The pregnant woman is sent to the hospital, where she is monitored. Doctors conduct dynamic monitoring, by conducting ultrasound, examining the condition of the bladder shell in the gynecological chair. There is no specific treatment for this. The efforts of doctors are aimed at improving the condition of the pregnant woman. It all depends on how much time has passed since the start of leakage caused by a violation of the shell.

How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid?

To protect herself and the unborn baby, a pregnant woman should be aware of the signs of this violation. Leakage of amniotic fluid, the symptoms of which may be mild, has an increasing character - as it progresses, the volume of fluid increases. If the membranes are broken in a place located high from the neck, the water flows poorly. In such cases, pregnant women may not pay attention to this phenomenon, taking it for vaginal discharge. Among the obvious symptoms of leakage, it is worth highlighting:

  • sudden, profuse discharge from the vagina;
  • change in the nature of the discharge - they became watery, increased in volume;
  • reduction in the volume of the abdomen;
  • appearance .

How to distinguish discharge from leakage of amniotic fluid?

In order to be able to distinguish a violation from the norm, each pregnant woman must clearly understand what the leakage of amniotic fluid looks like. Among the main manifestations:

  • an increase in the amount of fluid released physical activity, movement, change of position;
  • tension of the pelvic muscles does not lead to the cessation of discharge (unlike spontaneous urination).

When the bladder rupture is very small, pathology can only be determined using a special test or a smear. Women can diagnose larger tears on their own, at home. For this:

  1. Go to the toilet and empty your bladder completely.
  2. Rinse thoroughly and wipe everything dry.
  3. Lay a sheet on the sofa, dry and clean, and lie down on it without underwear.
  4. If after 15-20 minutes wet spots appear on the sheet, there is a high probability of leakage. The efficiency of such a simple test exceeds 80%.

What color is amniotic fluid when it leaks?

The color of amniotic fluid during leakage may be different. This makes it difficult to diagnose the disorder. In most cases, the waters are transparent, have no color, so they can be identified by traces on sanitary napkin- difficult. Occasionally, the amniotic fluid acquires a pinkish tint. When the amniotic fluid becomes infected, it can become greenish, yellow, cloudy. However, in such cases, another clinic is also noted, which helps to diagnose pathology.

Amniotic fluid leak test

A pregnant woman can diagnose a pathological condition with the help of special means. There are pads to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. Their action is based on a change in the color of the indicator, depending on the medium with which contact has occurred. Initially, it has a yellow color (corresponding to a vaginal pH of 4.5). Other liquids give it a greenish-blue color. Amniotic fluid has the highest pH. This allows you to diagnose the leakage of meager amniotic fluid.

Tests for amniotic fluid leakage

Talking about how to recognize the leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors note that it is difficult to do this with a small volume. In such cases, a violation is diagnosed by laboratory methods, including:

  • a smear of vaginal discharge - the “fern effect” (drying liquid on a glass slide forms a pattern similar to the named plant);
  • a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina is a reliable method of diagnosis;
  • amniotest - is based on the intramuscular injection of a dye into the abdomen, which stains the amniotic fluid released to the outside (it is rarely used due to the high risks and cost of the reagent).

Does ultrasound detect amniotic fluid leakage?

Leakage of amniotic fluid, the signs of which are mentioned above, can also be diagnosed using ultrasound. In such cases, on the monitor screen, the doctor assesses the extent of the violation, the localization of the rupture of the amniotic membrane. With a mild violation, this technique is ineffective due to the impossible visualization and the difficulty of detecting a defect in the amniotic sac.