Good day, dear readers! Coming soon to your home appearance another baby? Great! But did you know that the second time childbirth is usually begin a few weeks earlier? And so that this event does not take you by surprise, you need to know what areharbingers of childbirth in multiparous women.

I will talk about this in this article. And you will also learn how to distinguish them from the real labor activity! Shall we start?

Let's start with the fact that the harbingers are far from childbirth. Each starts a certain time before the expected date. In other words, these are signs that say that after a few weeks or days a baby will appear. I have many friends who have given birth more than once. And they all claim that subsequent births are faster. Yes, and the signs appear already very close to the expected process a.

In primiparas, it proceeds a little differently. The symptoms I have described below make themselves felt for the first time in a few weeks. Therefore, dear mommies , giving birth to the second time, be ready at any moment.

But the harbingers exist, and you need to know about them. After all, every woman wants to be mentally prepared for the upcoming event. Right? Here are the most striking symptoms:

  • Lowering of the abdomen.
  • Weight loss.
  • The number of movements of the baby is reduced.
  • Mucosa departs cork .
  • Frequent urination and liquid stool.
  • The desire to restore order and comfort.
  • Colostrum.
  • False contractions.

In principle, these symptoms apply to those who go to maternity hospital first once . But, there are some differences. To understand them, I will tell you more about each point.

Lowering of the abdomen

Have you noticed that the tummy during pregnancy changes its shape and shape. It has been growing especially rapidly in recent months. Yes, here the little one is gaining mass, as it should! But not only this is what the baby is doing in the womb in the last stages. He has a lot of work before he is born.

First, it's preparation. Most babies lie head down, adjacent to the small pelvis. Other presentation is less common. But anyway, uterus lowers the baby down, preparing for birth. At the same time, it becomes easier to breathe. Heartburn ceases to bother, the pressure on the ribs becomes less.

And second once this sign can be seen in just a couple bottom and before the long-awaited date. I even know when it happens already in the hospital. One of my friends tummy sank just a day before giving birth. And although she had been carefully preparing for this event for more than one month, Mommy did not expect such a fast flow. Therefore, be sure to pack your bags in advance. And keep your phone with you!

It's really very talkative sign , indicating the approach of labor activity. But there are others.

Weight loss

As I already wrote, in recent months, the baby has been gaining weight well. And with him Mother . But ahead of long-awaited event, weight gain slows down. The kid has already scored as much as he needs. Consequently, the mother is also no longer recovering.

It so happens that there is not a slowdown, but weight loss. This is especially true for those who have experienced swelling. Excess fluid is excreted from the body. It becomes lighter and freer. Well, woman It is worth taking a break before such a crucial moment!

Stirring reduction

This is a slightly insidious symptom. Because any mother will be wary. After all, the last time the baby literally did not let him sleep, pushing his legs and arms! And here is calm. But don't worry! Better yet, keep a diary.

Write down there how many times and at what time movements were noticed. The doctor may ask for this information. At the extreme timing there must be at least 10 of them. If you counted this figure, everything is fine. If less, be sure to see a doctor! This can threaten fetal hypoxia.

So why is there a lull before the long-awaited event? Very simple. Do you remember, I wrote that in recent months the baby has been rapidly gaining weight? Though uterus and stretches, but the little one becomes cramped in such a house. His movements are shy. It remains only to breathe and wait for your birth!

Mucus plug

female body amazing in and of itself! How everything is thought out by nature. In order for the baby to be protected for as long as 9 months, the entrance to the uterus is closed by mucous cork . It is she who protects against uninvited infections and similar unnecessary things.

And now this clot of mucus should come out. But it is not a fact that amniotic water pour out immediately. It may take several days or hours before this happens. I want to say that the passage of the cork is not the beginning of labor. Although in multiparous, this sign appears directly in a couple of hours . Usually. So this is a very bright sign of a long-awaited event.

So that you do not get scared, I will briefly characterize the outgoing cork . It is yellowish or brownish in color. But this is not a liquid, but a clot, with streaks of blood. By the way, it can depart in parts. Have you observed such a phenomenon?

Frequent urination to the toilet

Oh, how you want to rest before the crucial moment! And then ... not a single night goes by without getting up to go to the toilet. As if someone is pressing on the bladder! Certainly. The lowering of the uterus gives free rein to our lungs and stomach. But it causes great inconvenience to the intestines and urinary.

Frequent urination, especially at night, indicates the imminent birth of the baby. But loose stools can also be added to this. Don't be scared if you're on a pregnancy diet women , you are unlikely to be poisoned. It's just that the pressure on the intestines causes a reaction such as diarrhea.

But try to see the positives in this as well. Before childbirth organism clean up, so the process will be easier.

nesting instinct

Funny name, but it's a scientific term referring to pregnant. woman on deadline . Some apathy and laziness are replaced by an unbridled desire to restore order, to change something in the apartment. Just don't try to do it yourself. Get your family members involved!

And the desire for comfort is explained simply. This is an instinct, the desire to create comfort for a new family member. To return home there shone and shone!


This is the first and most valuable food of the baby! After birth, the baby will be attached to your chest, and he will eat. A few drops, but how much use they have! organism mother, preparing for the upcoming event, begins to secrete colostrum. You don't have to influence this. process , my chest every hour with soap. If it bothers you a lot, get special bra inserts.

By the way, these will fit later when the milk comes. It happens that it begins to flow spontaneously, and leaks. So stock up useful things preparing to become mom!

false contractions

For re-pregnancy false contractions occur a couple of weeks before the upcoming date of birth. How can they differ from true? Sometimes even experienced mothers confuse these concepts. I gave birth by caesarean section, and did not feel such charms on myself. But I have in my arsenal a lot of friends who told me how it happened with them.

Some urgently called an ambulance and rushed there. A couple of hours later they returned home. The fact is that with false contractions there is no established pattern and periodicity. If you change position, you feel an endowment.

With real contractions, the duration and interval between attacks have a pattern. For the first few hours they are equal. Then time contractions increase and the interval shortens.

Duration of contractions

In order not to confuse the false with the real, I will give the time intervals of real contractions:

  1. initial phase. The fight lasts 20 seconds, the interval between them is from 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. active phase. The duration of one fight is increased to 60 seconds, and the interval is reduced to 4 minutes.
  3. transitional phase. The contraction lasts at least a minute, the frequency is 2-3 minutes.

One of my friends was so tormented for 3 hours. Quite healthy child, but it still needs special control. So, well, I smoothly migrated to the generic activity. I return to the harbingers. How not to confuse them with real childbirth?

How not to oversleep childbirth?

Believe me, do not oversleep! You can just confuse them with signs and sit on suitcases for days. And we need to gain strength! So, the beginning is considered:

  1. rupture of amniotic fluid waters.
  2. Intensive uterine contractions.

In general, with regard to secretions, it is necessary to strictly control. The fact is that the outpouring of water may not occur immediately. And in portions. They can also leak, which is not entirely good. So the last weeks it is better to give up panty liners to control this process .

Also, when pouring, pay attention not only to the quantity, but also to the color! Any impurities should alert. For example, liquid Green colour talking about infection. About such currents Be sure to tell your doctor about events. Better yet, when you call ambulance , if they were going to get to the maternity hospital on it.

Particular attention to these signs should be given to those who gave birth for the first time by caesarean section. There are many articles on the internet that say second birth possible in a natural way. I have never heard such stories in real life. Rather, it is again a cesarean. So here it is better not to postpone the visit to the hospital. Lie down there early to be in control.

Summing up, I can say thatmultiparous women signstestify to soon the onset of labor. There is very little time left. AND such women give birth faster. After all, the path is already prepared. In addition, many do not reach the expected 39-40 weeks. Most often, the birth of a baby occurs at 38 weeks. In principle, you should not be afraid. This is a mature man...

Now tell me, have you observed any of the above signs ? And what number of times to be give birth to? Perhaps you felt any other harbingers on yourself? Everything is interesting! Leave comments and become blog subscribers. See you again. Bye!

The first pregnancy is, as a rule, a lot of fears, fears and restless thoughts about how the birth will proceed. The second pregnancy usually does not cause so much anxiety. However, some questions still remain. Including, is there a difference between the first and subsequent births, how quickly the birth process proceeds and what signs are harbingers of repeated births.

Reasons for the onset of labor in different periods

From the moment of conception to the onset of childbirth, pregnancy normally lasts 38 weeks, or 266 days. However, it is often very difficult to name the date of fertilization of the egg by the sperm. Therefore, in obstetric practice, it is customary to consider the date of the beginning of the last menstruation as the day of conception. Based on this, the onset of childbirth in the interval from 37 to 42 weeks is considered the norm. The birth of a baby during this period is usually called term birth (urgent). There are also preterm births that occur at 22-37 weeks. As well as belated, in which the child is born after 43 weeks.

Currently, scientists cannot say for sure what causes childbirth. Theories of what is a factor in labor have appeared throughout the development of medicine.

Hippocrates was one of the first to suggest what provokes labor activity. He believed that the fetus rests its feet on the bottom of the uterus and independently comes out into the world in this way due to a feeling of hunger.

Modern science believes that childbirth occurs at the moment when a birth dominant has formed in a pregnant woman, which is a specific condition. nervous system. It helps bring to the fore the reflexes that every woman has, as well as reshape hormonal background women in labor. This is how the body prepares for the birth process. To make childbirth less painful, the woman's body undergoes significant changes both in the activity of the nervous system and at the hormonal level.

Premature birth is not uncommon. They are divided into 3 types:

  1. Very early (22-27 weeks) - fetal weight from 500 to 1000 g.
  2. Early preterm birth (28-33 weeks) - the weight of the newborn is from 1000 to 2000.
  3. Premature birth at 34-37 weeks - the weight of the child is about 2500 g.

There is also a threat of preterm birth, as well as incipient and ongoing labor ahead of schedule. With a threat and the beginning of the birth process, doctors do everything possible to prevent the baby from being born ahead of time. If the birth still began, then the condition of the woman and the baby is monitored especially carefully.

The reasons for the fact that the child is born prematurely can be:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the mother;
  • pathology of the reproductive organs (uterus, cervix);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  • stress;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • malnutrition;
  • abortions done in the past;
  • diseases of the nervous system, kidneys, heart;
  • preeclampsia (a pathological condition of a pregnant woman on later dates, which is characterized by impaired functioning of the kidneys, blood vessels and brain activity of a woman);
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • transverse arrangement of the fetus;
  • placenta previa.

Before medicine learned how to take care of babies with a body weight of 500 g, childbirth before 28 weeks was considered a miscarriage.

Modern medicine has learned to nurse very tiny babies born prematurely

The causes of late delivery, or post-term pregnancy, may be the following factors:

  • neuroendocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothalamic syndrome (damage to the hypothalamus) and others;
  • the lack of synchronous readiness of the mother and fetus for the term of delivery, which is characterized by a complex of problems both on the part of the woman and the child: the dominant of childbirth not formed on time, the unpreparedness of the cervix, malformations of the central nervous system in the fetus, and others;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • atrophy or dystrophy of the amniotic bladder or placenta;
  • delayed or partial maturation of the placenta;
  • impaired functioning of the central nervous system of the mother.

Is it true that repeated births occur earlier than the first

According to popular belief, a multiparous woman gives birth to her second child a little earlier in time than the first. Many women on the forums indeed confirm that this is what happened to them. However, doctors, on the contrary, talk about the tendency of multiparous women to “walk over” pregnancy. There are no official statistics regarding the answer to this question.

At the same time, one should not forget about such factors as the state of health of the mother, living conditions and others that could have changed since the first birth. However, if the first birth was premature, then the likelihood that the second will come ahead of time is very high. Therefore, the mother should regularly visit a doctor and be under constant control.
The timing of delivery in the second and subsequent pregnancies depends on many factors.

Harbingers of the onset of labor in a multiparous woman

Regardless of the number of births, the harbingers that the child will soon be born include:

  1. Dropping of the abdomen. It doesn't happen to every woman. With repeated births, it usually occurs a few days before the birth of the child.
  2. The discharge of the mucous plug, which is a jelly-like mucous clot of a transparent, cream or brown color. It is released gradually or immediately in one part. May contain some blood. This can happen both a few days or weeks, and a few hours before delivery. The thing is that with repeated births, the cervix opens faster.
  3. contractions. Training contractions in multiparous women may begin earlier than in primiparas, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The regularity of contractions, their increase and increase in soreness already indicate the onset of labor.
  4. Departure amniotic fluid. In multiparous women, this process occurs before childbirth more often. In primogeniture, water often breaks only during labor. Their discharge is painless and is characterized by a copious flow of fluid from the vagina. Sometimes the waters leave in parts, then they talk about their leakage. When departing amniotic fluid should immediately go to the hospital.
  5. The increased activity of the baby, which replaced his lull in the stomach. At the end of pregnancy, the movements of the baby in the womb are not as active as before. But before giving birth, he begins to move very dynamically.
  6. Increased mommy activity, often referred to as the "nesting period". If a woman could barely walk until recently, then before giving birth, she experiences a hormonal surge, which charges her with a charge of vivacity. She begins to actively work around the house, finishing preparations for the arrival of the baby.
  7. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If these symptoms are not a consequence of poisoning, then childbirth will occur in the next day.
  8. Weight loss. The removal of excess fluid from the body, which occurs before childbirth, can shift the arrow of the scale downward by 1–2.5 kg.

Differences in precursors in multiparous and primiparas lie in the timing of their detection and the speed with which the time passes from their onset to childbirth. Repeated pregnancy characterized by the fact that they are usually observed much closer to the date of birth of the baby. Those signs of imminent delivery, which occur in 2-3 weeks during the first birth, may appear in a day in multiparous women.

But if more than 10 years have passed between the first and second births, then the body can respond to pregnancy and the birth process as for the first time. Accordingly, the precursors in this case will appear as in the first birth.

When to go to the hospital

Since labor activity during repeated births proceeds more rapidly, a pregnant woman should immediately go to the hospital in the following cases:

  • with the discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • with the onset of contractions preceding childbirth.

It is important to remember that repeated births are much faster, therefore, with real contractions, it is better to go to the hospital right away, without delaying. At the same time, it is advisable to use an ambulance, since, firstly, there may be traffic jams on the road, which the medical vehicle will pass much faster, and secondly, if the ambulance still does not have time to get to the hospital, then the birth will be able to take right in it.

Noticing other signs early delivery, there is no need to panic. Of course, you should report them to your doctor. But immediately running to the hospital does not make sense. It is unlikely that it will be possible to determine how soon the birth process will begin. It can start on the same day or a week later. Therefore, it remains only to wait for the appearance of more accurate signs: the appearance of contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid.
Harbingers of childbirth in a multiparous woman may occur a day before childbirth

How to distinguish false contractions from real ones

False, or training contractions, may appear long before childbirth. They are contractions of the uterus without opening the cervix and the absence birth process. In multiparous women, they may appear at 20 weeks of gestation. Or they may not be seen at all. The main differences between training contractions and generic contractions are as follows:

  1. When you change position, the training contractions subside.
  2. False contractions are irregular, while real contractions have a characteristic periodicity.
  3. The intensity and soreness of false contractions gradually subsides, while during childbirth it only increases.
  4. Training contractions are localized in the pelvis or felt like a “petrification” of the uterus, and real contractions spread through the front of the abdomen and lower back.

Prenatal contractions are characterized by periodicity and increasing intensity

Can there be no harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

Some women with repeated births may not observe the signs listed above that the baby will soon be born. This is not a pathology until the 40th week of pregnancy. In addition, some moments can simply be overlooked. For example, the discharge of the mucous plug. It can simply come out at the time of urination in small parts.

If, before the period of 40 weeks, no signs of impending childbirth also appeared, then an additional examination is carried out, in which the state of the placental blood flow, amniotic fluid, as well as the health of the mother and the unborn baby are looked at. If all indicators are normal, then up to 42 weeks you should not worry that the baby will be born post-term. He can appear at any moment.

If the birth after this time has not come, then the doctors decide to take a series of measures to stimulate labor.

The author of this article, being a happy mother of two children, has never noticed in herself any harbingers of an early birth, with the exception of the discharge of amniotic fluid. Childbirth came about 5 hours later. Interestingly, both the first and second sons were born 6 hours after the amniotic fluid was poured out. Fortunately, both times I was already in the hospital and the help of doctors was provided immediately. The age difference between the children is 13 years.

How and in how many weeks does labor begin in multiparous women and does the pregnancy pass? The question is quite natural from expectant mothers who care about their health and the health of the child. As a rule, both processes are calmer and more measured, they are no longer so frightening. How does labor begin in multiparous women, what is the main hormone that triggers this process, and how does this affect the physical condition and general well-being?

Harbingers of the second birth may differ from those that were during the first pregnancy. And in some women, these signs are completely absent, which is also the norm. They just don't notice. Harbingers in multiparous women are not yet a reason to go to the hospital, since they can occur both a few hours before the onset of contractions, and two weeks before. Preparing the birth canal is a complex and slow business. The woman again, as at the beginning of pregnancy, occurs hormonal changes organism. But if earlier this was expressed in a sharp increase in the hormone progesterone, which was designed to maintain pregnancy, now it is its decrease and a sharp increase in another female hormone - estrogen. It is he who contributes to the softening, shortening and expansion of the cervix up to 2-2.5 centimeters, the entry of the fetal head into the mother's pelvis, a slight physiological weight loss before childbirth, etc. But progesterone drops by the end of pregnancy. There is even an obstetric method for preparing the birth canal by taking an antiprogesterone drug.

Symptoms that an early birth is planned in multiparous, we will describe below. They are not a reason to go to the hospital, but should not be ignored, especially if the woman has indications for prenatal hospitalization, or she is out of town.

1. Change in stool. diarrhea or frequent stool but no more than 2-3 times a day. At the same time, a slight weight loss is often observed. As a rule, if a woman gained more than 12-14 kg before pregnancy, then a couple of days before giving birth, she loses 1-2 kilograms. This removes excess fluid from the tissues. At the same time, swelling is somewhat reduced.
In this case, we are talking about a healthy expectant mother who does not have gestosis - late toxicosis, in this case, edema and weight will only increase towards the end of pregnancy.

Physiological relaxation of the stool should be distinguished from signs of intestinal infection or poisoning. There should not be a change in the color of the stool (for example, to marsh, as happens with salmonellosis), its very pungent odor, too much frequency (more than 3 times a day), abdominal pain (this may also indicate a surgical pathology, for example, intestinal obstruction or appendicitis).

By the way, the second birth itself often begins with the desire to push and go to the toilet.

2. Omission of the abdomen, the bottom of the uterus. Therefore, there is a desire to go to the toilet often, because the heavy uterus now presses not on the lungs, stomach and diaphragm, but on the rectum and bladder. The prolapse of the abdomen is also associated with the fact that the head of the fetus is pressed against the lower segment of the uterus. The kid is getting ready to start.

When the belly drops in multiparous women, a woman not only feels herself in a new way, but also changes outwardly. Her belly is already literally hanging, taking the shape of a pear, a palm is placed between the chest and the bottom of the uterus (its upper part).

It should be noted that in some cases, for example, with polyhydramnios, the child's head remains high until the very attempts, which means that there may not be a very noticeable prolapse of the abdomen. Well, in childbirth, it is unlikely that any woman will look at herself in the mirror. And why?

3. Departure from the cervical canal of the mucous plug. This mucus protects the uterus and the fetus in it from an ascending infection from the vagina, microorganisms, such as fungi of the genus Candida, which are in the microflora of every woman. When the cork leaves in multiparous women, they may not notice it if, for example, during the first birth, it went completely and directly at the beginning of the contractions. And now departs in parts and a few days. A small amount of allocations can be misleading. But after the cork is released, a woman should not have sex, at least without barrier contraception (condom), take a bath, swim in the pool, ponds, etc. You can only take a shower.

4. Training or false contractions. They can appear from the middle of pregnancy, but usually occur more often with an increase in its duration. Some women do not even know how to understand that labor has begun in a multiparous woman if these “trainings” are so painful. But there is still a difference between them and real fights, and quite tangible. You just need to try to calm down. You can sleep. If the state is not too excited, it will definitely work out. If you do not want to sleep, take a couple of antispasmodic tablets, a shower or a warm bath. The way contractions begin in multiparous women usually does not compare with these mild and quickly passing spasms. The intervals between them are different and do not decrease, the contractions do not become stronger.

The real symptoms of childbirth in multiparas are true contractions. They are gaining momentum quickly. It is impossible to remove them with a but-shpoy and it is also unlikely that you will be able to sleep. In true contractions, babies usually move less. Signs of incipient labor in multiparous women are a reason to go to the hospital without hesitation. The fact is that repeated labor activity usually proceeds rapidly. And the baby can end up being born right at your home or in an ambulance. Rapid childbirth in multiparous women begins with active contractions, lasts less than 3-4 hours and threatens birth injuries.

But even if there are no contractions, urgently go to the hospital or call ambulance needed if:

  • increased blood pressure to 140 over 90 or more;
  • bleeding from the genital tract began (not to be confused with bloody streaks that occur when the mucous plug is discharged);
  • there was severe pain in the abdomen (possible surgical pathology);
  • increased body temperature without signs of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections;
  • there was a severe headache, flies before the eyes, convulsions (eclampsia is possible);
  • edema suddenly appeared or increased;
  • the waters have broken or their leakage is suspected (vaginal discharge has increased significantly);
  • you do not feel the movements of the child for several hours.

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Usually the standard gestation period is 280 days. But in fact, the actual date of birth can be quite different from the estimated one. It can be calculated by gynecologists and uzists, but they can also make a mistake, even for three weeks. Deciphering the study using ultrasound diagnostics is a difficult task and not always accurate. Especially in the case of multiple children, twins and twins. Your pregnancy may not go from week to week. Therefore, it is worth trusting yourself and your body and watching it. After all, it is it that can tell you when it is time to pack a bag for the hospital.

What are the harbingers of childbirth that expectant mothers need to pay attention to and how the features of the course of this period can help during childbirth? Despite the ambiguous signs, many women still confuse them with the usual state or simply do not notice. Although the harbingers of the second birth are already very noticeable and it is not difficult to determine them, it is necessary, because childbirth can begin on any day.

It is difficult to give birth both for the first time and in subsequent ones. But multiparous people know what awaits them, although many are afraid that they have forgotten their first experience. Like the firstborn, you will have the same symptoms, but they can proceed more rapidly. For example, prolapse of the abdomen, with subsequent relieving symptoms, occurs in first-time mothers a few weeks before an important day, but for those for whom childbirth is not new, the stomach will drop only a couple of days before the birth, or may not fall at all. In this case, the baby's head will descend in the first phase of labor into the small pelvis, at the same time, the stomach will also descend.

Women who have given birth differ from those who have not given birth in terms of anatomy. Their cervix has a slightly wider lumen. It also responds more quickly to hormonal stimulation. Therefore, part of the precursors of childbirth in a multiparous woman will begin earlier.

For example, with repeated births, the mucous plug will be larger. There will be more liquid discharge at the end of the term.

Training contractions accompanying pregnancy come earlier, but perhaps this is due to the fact that you already know what they are and can notice them faster. So, if you are not giving birth for the first time and feel these harbingers on yourself, then you should pack your bag today, and not postpone this task until tomorrow.

What are the harbingers of childbirth and how do the harbingers of the second birth and the harbingers of childbirth differ in primiparas? In fact, almost nothing, only they pass faster and during contractions you need to more carefully control the intervals. For the second and third births, the harbingers are the same, consider them.

The belly drops. This does not always happen in pregnant women during the first, second and even third births, but lowering the stomach has its advantages: it will be much easier to breathe, shortness of breath will no longer torment, constant heartburn will also disappear. However, it will become a little more difficult to sleep, because now it will not be very comfortable in the usual positions due to a change in the position of the abdomen, the baby is now located lower. For multiparous women, this is only a few days before giving birth.

The amount of sexual secretions increases. This is due to the fact that part of the fetal bladder exfoliates from the uterine walls. It is important to remember that this is not a water leak. Often, to make sure this is only necessary to do a special test. It will show if there is amniotic fluid in the discharge.

Sudden weight loss. Always visit your doctor on a schedule so that you can track your weight. Before giving birth, you will lose some weight, or simply stop gaining weight. So the body facilitates the upcoming birth. The rate of weight loss is 2 kg.

Eat less. In the closest period of time before childbirth, your appetite will decrease, you will consume less food. Forcing yourself to eat for yourself and for the child is not worth it, trust your intuition. And for heartburn and nausea, better control what you eat.

The setting is changing. As the uterus becomes lower, the center of gravity of the body also shifts. Therefore, many women take on the appearance of proud expectant mothers, with their heads held high, even thrown back. The gait is now more similar to how a duck walks.

Frequent trips to the toilet. The fact is that the pressure that the bladder experiences due to other organs increases, and hormones make the rectum constantly give new urges. Surprisingly, the frequency does not affect the volume of the stool in any way, it can be even larger than usual. Right before the birth, you will most likely want to visit the restroom several times. And a few hours before strong contractions, vomiting, nausea and indigestion will appear. All the fault of the hormones that stimulate childbirth. So don't be shy.

Training bouts. They are not real, but their appearance indicates the imminent birth of a child. They do not differ in regularity, are completely painless and can be of different duration. This is how your uterus trains and warms up for the hard work ahead. For example, at the 35th week, a frequent harbinger of childbirth is Braxton-Hicks contractions. You may think that they are quite painful, but this is just a workout.

Pain in the back and lower abdomen. And again, all because of the omission of the child. Bones are also preparing for childbirth. The pain can be dull in the lower abdomen or girdle - in the back and abdomen at the same time. These pains are often intermittent, but can be permanent.

Breathing is easier now. Many pregnant women, especially in the last stages, find it difficult to breathe. The child presses on the diaphragm, and you can not breathe on full lungs. And when the fetus descends, the respiratory organs can again function in their usual mode.

The fetus moves differently. The baby also tells you that his birth is very soon. He calms down before the storm, but gives signals that everything is fine with him, moving lazily in the womb. After this period comes another, full of activity. So he trains, learns how he will move during childbirth.

Sudden mood swings. Are you either tired, or you want to give birth faster, or you clean it, or you are too cheerful or shedding tears? Everything is fine, it's just that neuroendocrine processes are going on in your body. They make you behave not quite logically, but do everything to make the baby feel good, warm and comfortable after birth. However, as soon as you notice such changes in yourself, it is better to warn loved ones so as not to spoil the relationship.

We create a nest. People, like animals and birds, are trying to create favorable conditions for their future child. This is called the nesting instinct. A woman constantly wants to redo the nursery, clean and improve the house, clean everything to the smallest speck of dust. Soon there will be a new native roommate. This usually happens a week before the birth. If the pregnant woman hides in a corner, does not want to talk to anyone and tries to separate from everyone, then there are only a few hours left. So she's on psychological level looking for a quiet place for an early birth.

For a couple of days future mom can feel sorry for himself for absolutely any reason, constantly cry and ask for approval and protection. So she, although not consciously, looks at the actions of her husband and loved ones. At this point, she is a child.
All of the above are harbingers of an early birth. Whether you are 36, 38 or even 40 weeks, you will feel them, at least some of them. If any other processes have begun, and even painful ones, immediately call the doctor.

Giving birth again is like reading a book that you have already read, but a long time ago. The process is similar, but you may feel it differently. The primiparous organism understands that such processes have already occurred to it, and passes through them faster. Therefore, preparation for the birth of the second and third child will be easier.

You should not rely on the words of your friends, everyone is different, since each organism is unique. Much depends on the health of the pregnant woman, and on the period of time that has passed since the last birth.

Often, from the first harbinger to the last, you will not have to wait long. So the baby will be born in about 2-5 days.

The second, third and subsequent births are much faster than the first. You might not have noticed some of the phenomena in front of them during your first pregnancy. Of course, how can one pay attention to well-being when you are so worried about yourself, for the child and for the birth itself. But now, you definitely need to constantly listen to your body, because with some signs you need to immediately go to the hospital. Therefore, it is better to write out for the 39th, 38th, 37th and 36th weeks of pregnancy the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women.

Cork removal. The mucus plug can also come off as a prolapse of the abdomen, that is, it can be a couple of days before childbirth, or maybe a couple of weeks. That's just with the second and third births, the cervix opens much faster than with the first. So you may well be in the hospital in a few hours. The cork leaves as a jelly-like clot, sometimes right during childbirth from the pelvic region. Usually it is a clear, creamy or slightly brown mucus. Sometimes it contains small streaks of blood. The fact that the cork has moved away indicates that the uterus is gradually opening. Moreover, the greater the weight of the child, the more likely it is that you yourself will notice its departure. However, it can also move away when visiting the restroom, but you won’t notice. This clot can separate all at once, or it can come out in pieces for several days.

Change in fetal behavior. Previously, you probably knew the whole day regimen of the child, when he is active and when he sleeps. The formation of his nervous system over the last obstetric month led to such a regimen. The day before the birth, he can behave in a completely different way, the child is now cramped. He can move a lot at first, then calm down for a long time, and then beat the rhythm with which he will be born. If there is no movement at all, this is a bad sign and you need to see a doctor.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Now, when you give birth not for the first time, you already know that there is nothing terrible and wrong in such pains. This is just evidence that labor activity has begun. Less experienced moms start to panic.

The waters have receded. And now the most popular sign that childbirth is just around the corner is the discharge of amniotic fluid. This doesn't happen to everyone. Therefore, you should not wait for the moment when the waters break. They can be pierced in the hospital. But since you are not giving birth for the first time, you have a much greater chance that the waters will break on their own. Often this happens quite suddenly, most often at night. Do not worry, there will be no pain, you will only hear a dull pop. As in the case of a cork, water may not leave immediately, but in parts. This happens if the fetal bladder has been damaged. So the liquid is gone. No fights? Urgently go to the hospital!

contractions. Of course, this time not false contractions. You can easily distinguish them, these contractions will be an echo of your past births. There is no need to panic, but it is worth hurrying, especially if brown discharge comes out with contractions.

If you have twins, you got twins or even triplets, then most likely the weight and parameters of each child from twins and triplets will be less than the standard weight for one baby. They just won't fit, your belly isn't rubber, no matter what kind of presentation they have.
Your doctor may prescribe additional ultrasonography and screening for data refinement. You can even insert a photo of a child at the last stage of development into your mother's diary. You will see how the child looks like, what is his location, where the umbilical cord is located, the child may have a non-standard pelvic location. This must be taken into account during childbirth. You will also find out what is the mass of the child, understand how much he weighs now look at his movements.

It is also important to find out if you have low placentation, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, what is the condition of the cervix on this moment your pregnancy may be shorter than you thought.


All the harbingers of childbirth are not at all in order to raise a panic among you or your loved ones. They just need to be recognized in time and rejoice that now your child is preparing to be born. Naturally, this will be a good hint for you as well. After all, giving birth at home or in an ambulance can be very dangerous for both mother and child. It would be much wiser to go to the hospital on time and give birth to a child under the supervision of experienced doctors.

These precursors usually appear in pregnant women after about the 38th week. And this means that, if you count correctly, there is only one or two weeks left until the DA. If you feel one or more of the signs, do not worry and immediately get into the car. The baby won't show up in a couple of minutes or hours. This will take days and even weeks. You just have to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

If you feel a few last signs, you should prepare for a trip to the hospital. Do not forget also that in multiparous periods, the passage of labor is much faster.

If the first birth did not go well, there were any problems with their course, with your health or with the health of the child, you should see a doctor more often. Take his phone number so that if you have any signs that worry you, you can call and ask for advice.

Despite the fact that gynecologists define pregnancy as a period lasting 280 days, it may end a little earlier. Especially for those who are not going through the first birth. This is due to the fact that the body is already familiar with the process, ready for it. It would not be superfluous to know the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous, which, by the way, are not much different for those who are going to give birth for the first time. Although in the first case they are somewhat different.

Fundamental differences

First of all, the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women develop more intensively and are felt more clearly. This is due to the fact that the body is not preparing for something new for it, but simply mechanically performs a forgotten action. In addition, the harbingers themselves may not differ, but the timing of their manifestation varies. The first signs of childbirth in multiparous women usually end in childbirth in the next day. Provided there is no individual characteristics- for example, problems during pregnancy.


Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous are an indicator of the approaching birth process. In particular, it concerns the stomach. Usually in most cases, with rare exceptions, it falls 2-3 days before delivery. It is not always possible to visually understand that this has happened, but it feels good: the respiratory process is easier, heartburn recedes, shortness of breath ceases to torment. It is noteworthy that it will become more difficult to sleep, since it is difficult to find a sleeping position - a lowered stomach interferes. It is worth sitting more carefully, spreading your legs wider so as not to press down on the baby's head (usually it is located with the head down).


Multiparous people know what a mucous plug is, how it is discharged. For those who have forgotten: these are special discharges that come out gradually or abruptly - it depends on several factors. In consistency, they resemble egg white, in color - sometimes premenstrual discharge, sometimes they are just white with brown streaks. Harbingers of imminent childbirth in multiparous women - the "departure" of the cork in an instant. This is what signals that the pressure of the intrauterine region is too high. Which, in turn, is a sign of an early birth. But the cork can fly out instantly even when the weight of the fetus exceeds 4.5-5 kg. In any case, the discharge of mucus indicates that childbirth is coming soon. If the discharge disappears gradually, in small portions, it will not be superfluous to contact the antenatal clinic so that the specialist determines both the position of the child and the tone of the uterus.


How does labor begin in multiparous? Literally in a day, the digestive system begins to work, and very actively. This is expressed in frequent bowel movements, urge to urinate without it, nausea, pulling sensations in the abdomen. All this, individually or in combination, indicates that labor will begin in the next 12-24 hours. In multiparous women, the process proceeds quickly, since the hormonal background usually changes in a matter of minutes. The body prepares for childbirth faster than the first time, so hormones are produced at lightning speed. Emptying occurs more often, usually in the last week of pregnancy, which means that the onset of labor is just around the corner.


Before childbirth begins in multiparous women, immediately after a few hours, aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear, turning into acute ones. It is not difficult to determine them: these are uterine contractions that have a certain sequence and a gap that is constantly decreasing. At the same time, the cervix gradually opens, but only a gynecologist can determine this after examination. If the contractions do not have a sequence, and the gaps either decrease or increase, then this is a signal of the so-called false contractions. Sometimes they are the first harbingers of childbirth in multiparous. At the first symptoms, you need to contact a consultation, since the second and subsequent births usually proceed faster, and the difference between false and real contractions quickly disappears.

Fetal activity

A baby in the womb is usually active at a certain time. Just a day before the birth, he moves very strongly. Many describe these sensations as somersaults or kicks in the walls of the abdomen. As soon as a few hours remain before birth, the fetus “freezes”. It has already grouped for the process, and therefore is at rest. In the last weeks of pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor how active the baby is. If within 12 hours he moved little, then, most likely, only a few hours or even minutes remained before the birth. This is a reason to visit a consultation, even if there are no other harbingers.

Childbirth in multiparous, as in primiparas, begins precisely with the discharge of water. They can “break through” swiftly without delivering any pain. Some describe this moment as involuntary urination. The liquid is colorless and odorless. Water can also leak. This is usually accompanied by frequent wetting in the perineum, which causes some discomfort, but not pain. In any case, in the last stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor everything that happens in the body, informing the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in consultation. It is worth remembering that the fetus, not surrounded by water, cannot "breathe", which means it begins to strive to be born. As soon as the water breaks, there are only a few hours left before the birth.

Conclusions about the harbingers

Multiparous women often worry that they will not be able to track the process, they will not notice the onset of labor. In fact, this happens only in exceptional cases. The body itself suggests that the process begins, even if the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous are absent at all. In any case, the process is accompanied by a discharge of water, which is easy to notice. A week before the expected date, it is worth visiting a gynecologist for an examination. Only a doctor will determine how well the body is prepared, whether the uterus opens, how soft and elastic the neck is. All precursors are only a signal that the body is preparing for labor, which can be either a few days or a few hours before the process itself. Changes in appetite, mood, bursts of energy and apathy are an indication that the hormonal background is changing, which is normal for pregnant women. To regard them as a signal of an imminent birth is a mistake. But it is imperative to keep track of these moments. For any pain syndrome, you need to consult a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of missing the beginning of the long-awaited moment.