But still, a home-made wall newspaper is much more interesting and lively. The symbol of 2019 is the yellow earthen Pig. Drawn on a poster, it can solve a design problem. Surely among the students there is talent to prepare a drawing with a simple pencil, and there will always be hunters to decorate such a work.

Printable Templates

If you absolutely do not have enough time, there are sketch drawings for this. For gifted children, it will be easy to redraw such posters. When there are no such talents, the templates can simply be printed and schoolchildren can join in the enjoyable work.

Collaboration When coloring pictures, it will unite many children. These wall newspaper samples are suitable for all ages of children from kindergarten to high school students.

Wall newspaper for primary school children

New Year 2019 is the Year of the Pig, which means we draw a wall newspaper with the symbol of this year. This will amuse little schoolchildren, and will give guests and visitors a good mood. To begin with, we sketch out the drawing with a simple pencil, this will make the work easier.


  • a large piece of Whatman paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • brushes and paints.

How we do it:

  • We unfold a piece of paper and mark with a simple pencil where the heroine of the drawing will be located.
  • Depending on its size, we take a round object to outline it.
  • We draw two circles on whatman paper, one at the top for the head, the other a little lower.
  • We connect them with smooth lines, erase the remaining unnecessary strokes with an eraser (see photo with sketches).
  • We draw on the cheeks in the upper circle, and also remove the extra contours.
  • Now add pig ears to the resulting head using a pencil.
  • Somewhere from the middle of the body, lowering it down, we draw a leg with a hoof, and show the other a little from behind the body. We try to horizontally equalize the level of both front legs.
  • We draw the hind limbs apart to the sides, we get a gymnast pig sitting on the splits.
  • On the face we sketch out the snout and eyes.
  • We finish drawing the pupils, add a few strokes under the eyes, nostrils on the penny and a smiling mouth.
  • At the back we draw a spiral tail.
  • We paint the symbol with paints.
  • Near it we draw and design several frames for inscriptions and wishes.
  • Up in capital letters, in festive colors, we write “Happy New Year 2019” across the entire newspaper.
  • We hang the finished poster on the wall. This design will add to the mood of children, teachers and parents who come to the celebration.

Wall newspaper for middle-aged schoolchildren

This poster design is suitable for children in grades 5-8. They will be able to make a holiday wall newspaper with their own hands without the help of adults, using step-by-step drawings as a guide. In the middle we depict everyone’s favorite Santa Claus, he sits in a sleigh and holds a horse by the bridle, which rushes this simple but fabulous transport, carrying New Year's character and a bag of gifts.


  • whatman;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints or colored pencils.

How we do it:

  • Using a simple pencil, divide a sheet of paper into four parts.
  • On the left, in the lower square, we draw the runners of the sleigh (see photo), install the frame of the transport itself on them, and, if desired, change the shape at our discretion.
  • On the next lower part, according to the size of the animal, we mark circles where the horse and its head will be depicted.
  • Using the same pencil, we designate with a thin broken line the shape and location of the legs.
  • Using smooth curves we connect the upper part of the body, moving to the hind legs.
  • Since the horse is visible only from the side, we draw one ear, below the eyes and a nostril. Gradually we select the entire head, how and where to place it, we are guided by the laid lines that divide the sheet of whatman paper.
  • Now we attach her fluffy tail and mane, outline the front and back legs, and end them with hooves. Use an eraser to remove excess lines.
  • On the bottom of the square, which is located above the sleigh, we make two vertical lines, the location and size of Santa Claus. Carefully draw out the shape of his head, hat and fur coat collar.
  • We lower the smooth line of the back into the sled, and hide the hand in the mitten in wide sleeve clothes.
  • Select the face with the beard of a fairy-tale old man.
  • Now we finish drawing the second arm, which is in the background, the fur coming down from the collar, and the belt.
  • We outline the parts of the harness around the neck and head of the horse, and lower the sticks to which it is attached to the sleigh. We put the reins in the hands of Santa Claus.
  • We add a saddle to the back of the animal. We attach it to the transport small details and various designs, and most importantly, we put a bag of gifts in the middle of the sleigh.
  • Then at the top we make a large inscription of New Year's greetings, below at the edges we draw frames for wishes, their shape does not matter.
  • It’s just right to use paints or pencils.

The poster for the New Year 2019 will turn out very beautiful. Working together will bring children closer together and give them a festive mood.

Wall newspaper for high school students

For the New Year's wall newspaper for high school students in 2019, let's look at several holiday templates; there are ones for every taste.

Such posters can be printed, designed in your own way and inscribed with the following inscriptions:

  • In the middle of the poster is everyone’s favorite Santa Claus, he holds a frame in which we write holiday greetings and wishes. Around the edge of the leaf, the paws of a coniferous tree adorn themselves like a wreath; snowflakes are clearly visible on them. In the upper part of the picture, a clock is visible through the branches, and below, in bright red hats with pompoms, two cute little animals.
  • Tender in blue tone a poster that gives a cheerful mood. Its top is filled with large openwork snowflakes, under them in multi-colored balls there is a congratulatory inscription “Happy New Year!” Below on both sides are cartoon Santa Claus with a bag of gifts and Snow Maiden. They stand on snow-covered ground, and about fairy-tale heroes cheerful snowman.
  • The next template depicts a snowman stretching out his branch arms to a gift that a boy in a New Year's costume brought him. A cheerful puppy runs after him.
  • The edge of the sheet is painted in a gentle tone, then there is a frame of snowflakes covering almost the entire poster, the entire middle is free for notes. Below in the foreground on one side is a teddy bear in a New Year's costume, holding a colorful toy in his paw. On the other edge is a Christmas tree, decorated with multi-colored balls, with gifts laid out around it. There is a sock with surprises pinned in the upper corner.
  • The poster is visually divided into two parts. On one side, the entire background depicts a tied colorful bag. In his foreground, Santa Claus sits in the snow. The other part is filled with a template sheet lined with stripes for notes, at the bottom in the form of a stamp, the same only smaller fairy-tale old man.
  • Against the backdrop of the winter night sky and snow-covered hills with fir trees, Santa Claus is flying in a sleigh with a red nose and cheeks, behind him is a huge bag of gifts. He holds a bridle of animals invisible behind the poster and cheerfully chases them.
  • In the upper corner of the sheet there is a congratulatory inscription with a cuckoo clock parallel to the other part. Below on both sides on the snow-covered ground there are Christmas trees decorated with toys, gifts laid out under the trees. In the center in the foreground is a cartoon Santa Claus, and a puppy in a red hat with a pom-pom sits next to him. There is enough room for congratulations, let's show our imagination.
  • The whole poster has a clear winter night sky. In the background, almost across the entire template, there is a huge bright moon. On its upper part you can see silhouettes of a sleigh drawn by reindeer, in which Santa Claus sits. The night light illuminates snow-covered spruce trees and endless hills of fields. In the foreground there is a snowman, he sees off the cart and waves it with a branch-hand.

The MEGA-ART company offers the following elements New Year's decoration:

Poster for the design of shop windows and entrances

Banners and billboards for decorating building facades and interior decoration

Greeting card, both with the proposed design and with an individual one

Sticker and window sticker

State symbols (flag, coat of arms)

Individual decoration of balloons for the New Year

Lighting design

Tree lighting (duralight, clip-light)

Spruces and Christmas tree decorations (balls, garlands, tinsel)

Inflatable and illuminated New Year figures

In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, chronology began either from March or from the day of Holy Easter. In 1492, Grand Duke John III approved the decree of the Moscow Council to count September 1 as the beginning of the year.

In addition, it is important to say that until 1700, Russia counted the years “From the creation of the world.” But this did not last long. Russia was beginning to establish connections with Europe, and this “time difference” was a big hindrance. In 7207 (from the creation of the world, of course), Peter I resolved all calendar inconveniences in one fell swoop. Referring to the European nations, he issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-Man and on January 1 instead of September 1. Celebrating the New Year on September 1 was simply prohibited.

On December 15, 1699, to the beat of drums, the royal clerk announced to the people the will of the king: that as a sign of a good beginning and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ordered “along the large roadways, and noble people in front of the gates to make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. And for the poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or a branch over the gate. And so that it arrives by the 1st of 1700 of this year; and that decoration should remain on Invar (i.e. January) until the 7th of the same year. On the first day, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when the fiery fun begins on Red Square and there is shooting.”

The decree recommended, if possible, that everyone in their yards should “fire three times and fire several rockets” with small cannons or small rifles. From January 1 to January 7, “light fires at night from wood, or from brushwood, or from straw.” On December 31 at 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky.

It must be said that the new New Year's customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another Christmastide holiday. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, mummers' tricks, sleigh rides, midnight fortune-telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the ritual of celebrating the New Year.

From now on and forever, this holiday was enshrined in the Russian calendar. This is how the modern New Year came to us.

The Mega-Art company congratulates you on your holiday!

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily,
To row it with a shovel,
There were more corporate events
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let there be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praises us!

We spend half our lives at work,
And the team is now almost family.
We share both sorrows and worries,
Deciding everything together during the day.

And day after day the weeks fly by,
And now we are on the threshold of the New Year.
Colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you only joyful troubles!

May the coming year be generous to you,
There is harmony at work, and comfort in the home,
Let luck be a fair wind,
Let your income constantly grow.

Simple human happiness
Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.
Let love cover you with an avalanche of passion,
And miracles will happen in the New Year!

My dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish that in the new year everything will begin in a new way: that there will be new successes in activity, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All the best and good luck!

I wish you a New Year
Happy life without worries,
Easy work without obstacles,
Huge bonuses and salaries.

So that Monday doesn't scare you,
The boss didn’t scold him much,
And to work, as if on a holiday,
So that everyone runs with joy!

Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you and may the positivity never leave you.
So that work can be carried out, so that there is comfort in families!
Just so you don’t forget: you are very welcome here in the morning.
I wish you all success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year everyone. Hooray!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Brought good luck and income,
So that clients come to us in droves
And they carried money in bags.

Let the team be friendly
And full of initiatives
He worked sparingly,
And he crushed his competitors!

May comfort await you all at home,
Reward for hard work.
Love, health and goodness,
And may life be generous to you!

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vigor, luck!

Let comfort always reign in the house,
But the soul knows no sorrows!
New Year's fireworks
Let him raise the bar for his mood!

May it be a glorious New Year,
Good luck will come to your home,
Congratulations to you, colleagues,
And I wish you success!

Let work be a joy
In every matter there is clarity of plans.
At home - peace, quiet, comfort,
Let them love you and take care of you!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Congratulations to the team!
Be happy like children
Forgetting all the negativity.

I wish this holiday
Please note from the bottom of my heart,
To make it cool at night,
And in the morning everyone is cheerful.

Let your dreams come true,
And the problems will go away.
There was a reason to smile
Not only on a fabulous night.

And happiness reigned in the family,
There is happiness and comfort in the house.
I wish you to celebrate the holiday,
Where they love you and wait for you.

After going to work,
Having rested and gained strength.
And for the working year,
Everyone started with enthusiasm.

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

New Year's Eve is a wonderful time to make bright themed decorations from scrap materials. Today we will learn how to give a festive look to your room, school classroom, or office with the help of a colorful wall newspaper or a greeting poster. We have put together the most interesting ideas, photos and templates - your wall newspaper for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) will turn out unique! For students of 1st – 3rd grades primary school we offer simple but interesting options DIY creations New Year's posters with coloring of familiar fairy-tale characters. Alternatively, you can print an 8-sheet template to make one large classroom wall newspaper. High school students and students in grades 5–8 will be happy to take part in a more complex project, implementing one of our holiday ideas– choose for every taste!

DIY wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig 2019 - templates, design ideas

The tradition of decorating school classrooms with bright thematic posters originates in the USSR. Thus, every Soviet schoolchild made his creative contribution to the creation of a cool wall newspaper - for the New Year, March 8, and other “red” dates of the calendar. For the coming 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, we propose to make a holiday issue with your own hands, using our templates and original ideas. All you need to do is download and print the template base on A4 sheets, and then color it beautifully with pencils and paints. Such a wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 can be made in the form of coloring, appliqué or a “mix” - whatever your imagination tells you. Poems, songs, congratulations, photos, colorful images of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pig, Christmas tree with toys, and other New Year's attributes are perfect for decoration. Here you will find a selection of ready-made templates for a wall newspaper or a poster for the New Year at school, and come up with the content yourself - bright, original, festive!

A selection of templates for wall newspapers and posters for the New Year 2019

Beautiful DIY wall newspaper for school for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019

On the eve of the New Year, schools are transformed - the windows are decorated with carved snowflakes, figures of Father Frost, Santa Claus in a reindeer sleigh, and Snowmen. In addition, on the wall of each classroom you can find a colorful wall newspaper, the sight of which puts children and adults in a special, pre-New Year mood. Of course, the posters of elementary school students turn out to be childishly touching, with a simpler design. Middle school and high school students are able to create a real work of art with their own hands, using various techniques and materials. If you want to simplify your work, print out the pictures on regular sheets of paper and, attaching them to the window along with whatman paper, simply trace them with a pencil. Now all that remains is to paint the wall newspaper, make an applique, decorate it with bright ribbons, lace, cotton wool, sparkles, and tinsel. A beautiful wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019 will be decorated in the form of a frame of small cones and fir branches. Next year's hostess can be made from pink felt, and small details (eyes, snout, tail) can be easily marked with a pencil or felt-tip pen of the appropriate color. With a little patience you will get excellent New Year's wall newspapervarious options The finished posters are presented below.

New Year's ideas for wall newspapers (posters) for high school and middle school

Wall newspaper “Happy New Year 2019!” — download and print 8 sheets, templates

New Year is a great opportunity to show your imagination by creating with your own hands beautiful wall newspaper or a poster to decorate a classroom, room at home, office. Modern technologies significantly simplify the process of making a holiday wall newspaper, because now you can use ready-made template With New Year's story. If you need to decorate a large room, make a wall newspaper from fragments - eight separate parts, fastened together into one huge canvas. We have selected several New Year poster templates, each of which can be downloaded and printed on a black and white or color printer. Then we put together a whole picture by arranging the sheets in order, and for fastening we use office glue and tape. If desired, you can make a backing from cardboard or whatman paper to make the wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig 2019 more durable. We color the finished base with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, and make congratulatory inscriptions with gel pens with glitter. At the final stage, we decorate the wall newspaper with pieces of tinsel, artificial snowflakes, stars, figurines - they are easy to find in specialized stores. Our pages present different templates for the wall newspaper “Happy New Year” for students in grades 5–8 and high school students. Each of the options is quite within the capabilities of middle and high school students - so, let’s start implementing holiday ideas!

New Year's wall newspaper and poster templates for printing on 8 sheets

How to make a wall newspaper (poster) “Happy New Year” - for primary school grades 1 - 3

For many new year holidays are associated with a fluffy, elegant Christmas tree, fragrant tangerines, a series of favorite movie comedies and old songs “about the main thing” on TV. However, all this will be a little later, and now we will learn how to make a wall newspaper (poster) “Happy New Year!” with our own hands. in elementary school – students of grades 1–3 and senior preschool age.

The main stages of creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 of the Pig in elementary school

  • We define the general concept. To do this, on a regular A4 sheet, we outline with a pencil the contours of figures and objects, estimating their location on the future wall newspaper. We recommend special attention pay attention to the title, considering its size and placement of letters.
  • We print out individual parts. Ready-made items in wide range can be found on thematic sites - these can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, figurines of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Yellow Earth Pig.
  • Coloring a wall newspaper or poster. Here you need to prepare pencils, paints, felt-tip pens of the brightest and catchiest colors, because the goal of our work is to cheer up everyone who sees the holiday edition.
  • Original title. In addition to hand-drawn options, the inscription “Happy New Year 2019!” can also be made from pieces of cotton wool or corrugated paper, twisted with flagella. Each letter should be glued to a pre-drawn base so that the inscription turns out beautiful and even.
  • Interesting content. Cool poems, New Year's greetings and wishes, comic horoscope for different zodiac signs, riddles - fill your wall newspaper with the most relevant information. We are sure that such a wall newspaper or poster for the New Year will decorate any classroom, and all children will be happy to take part in the manufacturing process.

As you can see, a poster or wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig 2019 can become original decoration any room - be it a school classroom, room or office. In connection with the upcoming holidays, we have made an original selection of wall newspaper templates for downloading and printing. If you decide to make a large publication with your own hands, you can fold 8 printed sheets together, securely fastening them with tape or glue. For elementary school students, grades 5–8, and high school students, we have prepared a variety of original ideas, photo on the creation of the New Year's wall newspaper - 2019.

Every person associates the New Year with bright emotions and colorful celebrations. But in order to make this holiday more interesting, you need to create a festive atmosphere. And this can be done by decorating the room, or the place where you will celebrate the New Year.

In most cases, many people use different bows for decoration, Christmas decorations and vytynanki. But as practice shows, the most memorable brings joy, as well as good mood, is a wall newspaper. Especially if it is decorated with humor, or there are tasks drawn on it that the guests will have to complete.

Wall newspaper template with jokes for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party: preparing for the New Year

So, if you decide to decorate the premises for the New Year in an original way, then you simply cannot do without a wall newspaper. And although many may say that a wall newspaper is already a relic of the past, and no one deals with such old stuff. But still, today's wall newspapers differ in many ways from those we saw in childhood.

Moreover, in our time there are already many ways to draw an original wall newspaper and create New Year's coziness. Therefore, if you decide to decorate the premises, then a wall newspaper will come in handy. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that in order to appease the mistress of next year, and she will be a Yellow Earth Dog, you need to use those tones that will be to her taste.

And, of course, the most important thing is that it was created with your own hands. And although now such a wall newspaper can be bought at any kiosk, a wall newspaper created with your own hands will be original and more interesting.

Before drawing such a wall newspaper, you need to pay attention to the age categories of the audience that will look at it. Then you need to think through all the details that will be depicted on such a newspaper. And only then start working.

Wall newspaper template with jokes for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party: creating an original wall newspaper

As it has already become clear to everyone, a festive New Year’s wall newspaper can be easily created at home. Moreover, in this case it is not at all necessary to have the talent of an artist. After all, in the world of modern innovative technologies You can, in the full sense of the word, create miracles.

The main thing is to decide on the theme of the wall newspaper. Very often, in recent years, they have begun to create comic solemn scenes. It is one of these options that we will now consider.

To create comic wall newspaper we will need whatman paper in A1 format, pictures of fairy-tale characters (they can be cut out from magazines, or you can find them on the Internet and print them on a color printer), comic poems that could characterize your relatives or guests, and, of course, photos of the same relatives or friends .

Can be used for decoration different types vytynanka and festive tinsel.

Wall newspaper template with jokes for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party: creating an original wall newspaper, continued

Once you have collected all these materials, all that remains is to create the wall newspaper itself. If a person does not know the art of drawing, there are many templates on the Internet that will simplify this task. They are as easy to download as they are to create. own ideas. But it can be created on a computer.

These drawings can later be printed on a large printer in A3 format, after which it can be decorated with glitter or other decorations. Then all that remains is to glue the pictures of fairy-tale characters prepared in advance, on which will be the faces of the guests who came to the corporate party. This can be done using a computer, or cut and paste yourself.

After this, all that remains is to festively decorate the wall newspaper with sparkles of tinsel, or other decorations. This will depend on the imagination of the creator.

Partner materials


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