A massage ball is a rubber needle-shaped ( with spikes) a ball designed for massage, reflexology and relaxation of all parts of the body.

Benefits of a massage ball

When rolling the ball, the spikes on its surface affect the nerve endings, improve blood flow and stimulate blood circulation.
Large gymnastic massage ball ( just like a regular fitball) is used for gymnastics, exercise therapy, development of flexibility, strengthening of the spine, formation of posture, post-traumatic or post-operative rehabilitation.
Small balls develop fine motor skills of the hands, therefore they are highly recommended for children, as well as adults, for the prevention of joint diseases; they allow you to work well on any problem area on the body.
Small diameter balls have proven themselves in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.
The big advantage of a massage ball is that almost all parts of the body can be massaged independently, without outside help.
Exercises with them are simple and effective.
Regular exercise with massage balls has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, improves tissue nutrition, helps restore muscle function, reduces pain, and increases skin elasticity.

What types of balls are there?

The main parameter that distinguishes massage balls is their diameter. A ball measuring 30-50 cm is suitable for children, more than 50 cm - for adults. Small balls ( 5-10 cm) are most often used to massage the hands, feet and neck.

The elasticity of the ball can usually be adjusted ( deflate or inflate). Spikes may be different lengths and frequency, the effectiveness of gymnastics depends on this. More frequent and harder spikes have a strong impact, but exercise with them can be painful, especially if injured.

Exercises with a small massage ball

According to massage therapists, there are points on our palms and feet that are responsible for the condition of the entire body, so massage of these parts of the body is one of the important components in the fight for health.

To develop motor skills and restore sensitivity in the hands, you can perform simple exercises:
roll the ball in your palms;
massage your palms one by one, making circular movements from the center of the palm to the fingertips;
squeeze and unclench the ball in your palm;
roll the ball on a hard surface with different intensity.

For self-massage of the feet and prevention of flat feet, it is recommended:
roll the ball along the floor with one foot, then the other, while pressing on the ball as hard as possible;
roll the ball between the soles from toe to heel;
grab and release the ball with your fingers.

The small ball is widely used in fighting overweight and cellulite. Manufacturers promise that daily massage of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks improves blood flow in the problem area and helps reduce fat deposits. But we should not forget about physical activity and diet.

After 10 minutes of simple gymnastics, pleasant sensations and lightness appear in the body. A regularly performed set of exercises will help cope with painful sensations in the muscles, increase their tone, strengthen joints, and improve overall well-being.

How much does a massage ball cost?

Massage balls can be bought in sports stores, orthopedic salons, pharmacies and hypermarkets. The price depends mainly on the diameter of the ball and starts from 30 rubles ( ball with a diameter of 5 cm from a little-known manufacturer).
Ball from Torneo diameter 7 cm costs approx. 100 rubles.

Greetings, dear readers and just guests of the blog!

We talked about the usual classic, also very useful massage for palms and fingers, but now I want to tell you about a massage using a massage ball. You can massage everything with this ball: arms and legs, back and even head. Which is not only useful, but also funny and exciting when it happens in game form and the child laughs while doing simple exercises.

Thanks to the “spiky” surface of such a ball, it affects the skin, muscles and nerve endings, thereby stimulating various points on the child’s body. Blood circulation noticeably improves, blood begins to circulate faster and spread to the most remote corners, which gives the child the prevention of venous stagnation.

When a baby repeats play movements after his mother, he learns concentration, he develops reaction and coordination, and dexterity. The skill of controlling your hands and fingers comes. In a playful way, it is easier to learn such difficult concepts for a child as “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, and just learn simple counting. So don’t forget to comment and encourage the exercises with a funny song or rhyme. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages for a growing organism.

Balls are made of rubber, silicone, and plastic. With spines or pimples. There are even sets of balls with different diameters and different hardnesses. They can also have animal faces. There is also such a variety as “Su-jok”. Which one to choose is up to you, but the benefits from them are the same, in my opinion.

First of all, for a child, this is, of course, a toy, and sometimes even one of the most favorite ones, if you use it properly, it will not get boring for a very long time. This massage ball can be used as early as 6 months of age; of course, at such a young age, you can only lightly roll such a ball over the child’s entire body; children usually do not resist, but, on the contrary, enjoy the procedure.

For older children, from 1 year old, you can already do such a simple set of exercises.

For pens, this is, of course, a development of everyone’s favorite fine motor skills. Such small massage balls that fit into a small hand stimulate it well, improving the sensitivity of the palms and fingers. They have a beneficial effect on the speech apparatus; your child will speak much earlier if you massage the arms daily.

The mother takes the child’s hand in hers and shows how to do it, accompanying him with rhymes or a song. At first, the baby can do one exercise and may refuse others, do not force him. But if you do such gymnastics systematically, he will get used to it and will soon do it on his own. In this case, it is better to have two balls so that mother and baby do the exercises in parallel. The child looks at his mother and tries to use the technique on his own. It's very funny what they do.

1.Pick up the ball and roll it back and forth across your palm

2. Take a ride in a circular motion across the palm, one way and the other

3. Roll the ball on the table or floor with different loads (either lightly press on the ball or strongly)

4. Roll the ball along the outside of your arm to the elbow and back. For every handle

5. Squeeze and unclench the ball in your hand. Now in one, now in the other

6. Throw a ball into the air and catch it.

For a variety of activities, you can use this massage with a walnut in the shell, fir cone, round comb or spiky curlers.

These funny songs and rhymes can be used during classes:

This is such a funny ball

He's ready to take off at a gallop

It begs to be played

It's hard to hold him down!

The ball jumped and jumped

It's in our hands again!

We will take “Hedgehog” in our hands

And let's rub it lightly,

Let's look at its needles,

Let's massage the sides.

“Hedgehog” I’m spinning in my hands,

I want to play with him!

Let's put the hedgehog on the table,

Let's press the hedgehog with our hand,

And let's ride a little...

Then we'll change the handle.

All day Jerzy Jezowicz

Collect fruits and vegetables.

Plums, apples and pears

They dry on stumps and hummocks.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

carefully carry into holes!

The hedgehog bought boots at the market.

Boots that fit your feet.

A little less - for the wife.

With buckles - for my son, with clasps - for my daughter,

And he put everything in a bag!

The cunning little hedgehog sewed a prickly jacket:

A hundred pins on my chest

A hundred needles are behind.

A hedgehog walks on the grass in the garden,

Stumbles on pins

pear, plum, any fruit,

whatever he finds under the tree!

I hope you found the article useful. All the best!

Nadezhda Petrova
Methodological development “Use of massage balls in combination with speech motor exercises for children"

Well-developed speech is the most important condition for comprehensive full development children, but recently there has been an increase in the number children with impaired fine motor skills and speech development.

At the beginning of the year, children came to my group, most of whom did not have fine hand movements and many had speech impairments. They also experienced muscle tension, decreased tone, and impaired gross motor skills.

Therefore, in my work for children with a speech impairment, I successfully began to use method of using massage balls in combination with speech motor exercises.

Cute ball with spikes ( "hedgehog", lightweight and hygienic, easy to handle and accessible at any time. Its pointed protrusions affect biologically active points. Rolling it between your palms, you feel a surge of warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

Massage ball - effective remedy development of the child’s hands, movements of his fingers, muscle development. The ribbed needle-shaped surface of the ball gently affects nerve endings, improves blood flow and activates blood circulation. This fun, bouncy toy enriches your baby's sensory environment while stimulating his psychomotor development. By using balls"hedgehogs" kids like it massage fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

During such classes, I try to take into account individual characteristics each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. The main thing is that the activity brings only positive emotions to the children.

All exercises play a positive role in the development of my speech children.

Target techniques:- adjust speech violations using using massage balls.


Maintain and strengthen physical and mental health preschool children,

Develop precise, complexly coordinated hand movements, gross and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, muscle strength,

Strengthen the correct pronunciation of sounds and their differentiation,

Generalize and expand vocabulary,

Develop grammatical structure of speech.


Balls massage(small, medium, large).

It has been noticed that children prefer balls combining 3 qualities:


Practice use ball in my work showed that the ball can be an excellent correctional tool:

Playing with a ball distracts the child's attention from speech defect and encourage communication

Regulate the strength and accuracy of movements

Activate involuntary attention

Develops eye, strength, agility, reaction speed

Thus, the result of my work with massage balls have improved performance speech activity of children and development of the right speech skills.

Approximate types exercises which I used in my work:

Ball games aimed at developing fine motor skills

We start with a warm-up. Use You can use small balls or marbles. They fit easily in the palm of your hand children, do not slip out of your hands. It is advisable to carry out this complex at the beginning of classes.

Complex "Warm-up" with small balls

I squeeze the ball tightly

And I’ll change my palm.

“Hello, my favorite ball!” -

Each finger will say in the morning.

He hugs the ball tightly,

Doesn't let him go anywhere.

Only gives it to his brother:

Brother takes the ball from his brother.

I roll circles on the table,

I’m not letting it out of my hands.

I rock it back and forth;

Right or left - as I want.

"Prickly hedgehog"

Stroke my palms hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what?

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you!

(We roll the ball between our palms, stroke it, touch individual "thorns")

(Appendix No. 1)

Exercises with a medium massage ball.

"Game with a hedgehog"

The hedgehog is exhausted -

He carried apples and mushrooms.

We'll rub his sides -

You need to knead them slightly.

And then we'll stroke the legs,

To rest a little.

And then we'll scratch our belly,

Let's tickle near the ear.

Hedgehog in the little forest ran away,

He squeaked thanks to us.

(we feel sorry for the hedgehog - we stroke it, rub its sides, knead it, scratch it, tickle it, roll it on the table with pressure)


(roll the ball between your palms up and down, slowly at first, then increase the pace)

This ball is not simple:

He's all prickly

We put it between our palms,

We'll rub their palms together.

We roll him up and down,

Let's develop our hands!

You can roll the ball in a circle,

Roll over each other.

One, two, three, four, five

It's time for us to rest.

(movements correspond to the text)


I roll the ball in circles

I drive him back and forth,

I will stroke their palm,

And then I’ll squeeze it a little.

I'll press the ball with each finger

And I'll start with the other hand.

And now the last trick -

The ball flies between the hands!

(movements correspond to the text (Appendix No. 1)

Exercises with a large massage ball.

1.“We’ll bake a loaf of bread”

Knead, knead the dough (squeeze the ball)

There is room in the oven. (transfer to the other hand)

We'll bake a loaf! (Squeeze with both hands)

Rearrange and go ahead (roll between palms)

2. We’ll take the hedgehog ball (sitting on the floor)

Let's ride and rub.

We'll throw you up and catch you,

And let's count the needles.

Let's put the hedgehog on the floor

Let's press the hedgehog with our hand

And let's ride a little,

Then we'll change the handle.

You need to take the hedgehog in your hands,

One, two, three, four. Five.

Let's start counting again.

We will take the hedgehog in our hands

And let's rub it lightly,

Let's look at its needles,

Let's massage the sides.

(we perform movements in accordance with the text) (Appendix No. 2)

Ball games aimed at developing speech.

1. Automation of sounds.

We roll the ball between our palms, while reciting a poem to automate the broken sound.

Sound Automation "AND"

A hedgehog walks without paths

Doesn't run from anyone.

From head to toe.

A hedgehog covered in needles.

How to take it? (Appendix No. 3)

2. Improving lexical and grammatical categories.

The teacher rolls the ball to the child, naming the object in units. h. The child, catching the ball with his palm, rolls it back, calling plural nouns. h.

Exercise"One is many"

"Call me kindly"

"Say it the other way around" etc. (Appendix No. 4)

3. Improving spatial orientation skills, memory development, attention:

exercise: “I knock on the right, on the left - I don’t want to mix it up,” “Listen and remember, repeat and carry out”

Take it "hedgehog" to the right (left) hand and hide it behind your back, above your head, in front of you, etc. (Appendix No. 5)

4. Improving skills in using prepositions.

There is a box on the table. According to the teacher's instructions, the child places "hedgehogs" respectively:

Red In the box,

Blue - UNDER the box,

Green – NEAR the box.

Then vice versa - the child must describe the actions teacher:

Take it out of the box,

Hide UNDER a box, etc. (Appendix No. 6)

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

“If your ears hear the sound, raise the ball above the top of your head.”

“Telegraphers” (tapping a given rhythmic pattern with a ball)

“We “knock” the ball with our palm if we hear the desired sound” (Appendix No. 7)

Games with massage balls are universal and their variety and content depends on the imagination of adults and the desire to work with children in a fun and interesting way.

Methodical manuals and literature.

1. Ogloblina I. Yu. Speech therapy massage: games and exercises. – M., 2016

2. Tryasorukova T.P. Games, riddles, poems and tongue-twisters for speech development. -Rostov-on-Don, 2016

3. Tryasorukova T. P. Games for the home and kindergarten. -Rostov-on-Don, 2017

4. Materials from the Internet.

Publications on the topic:

Today at preschool institutions Much attention is paid to health-saving technologies that are aimed at solving the main problem.

The use of massage mats and paths in physical education and health work with preschool children The use of massage mats and paths in physical education and health work with children preschool age Prepared by the teacher.

On the pages of your blogs, you share your ideas and creative developments on topics that interest you, your colleagues. I never cease to admire.

Good day, dear colleagues! I am glad to see you again on the pages of my blog. I continue to share my accumulated experience and impressions.

A sedentary lifestyle, which everyone who works in an office or sits for many hours at a computer, leads to the appearance of “trigger zones” in the body - points of constant muscle tension that worsen the functioning of the human body. This complex problem can be solved in a very simple way - self-massage of the feet using hard balls. All these exercises can be performed at home on your own, the result will be relief from pain in a variety of places and a beautiful gait.

Trigger zones are areas of constant muscle tension. Most of them in the human muscle corset are located along the spine and, as surprising as it may be, on the feet. Human feet take on a huge load every day - they support human weight with every step a person takes. But special training for the feet is most often not included in the schedule. modern man. Few people know special exercises for the feet, and this is what causes the body more and more discomfort.

“Trigger zones” are insidious in next reason: there is muscle tension, for example, near the lower back, and the pain it causes bothers a person in the shoulder area. Thus, massaging an area with pain does not help a person get rid of discomfort (usually aching long-term pain). Or the “trigger” is on the foot, and the pain is tormented in the neck area. Thus, massaging the painful area does not bring relief.

The most insidious “triggers” are located on the feet. A simple massage with balls will help improve your gait and get rid of pain in the most unexpected places. It can be performed standing when you have five minutes to spare; it can also be performed while sitting at the computer, while eating or watching your favorite TV programs and films. What balls to choose and what exercises to perform with them to get rid of old pain throughout the body?

Tennis ball

You need to take two tennis balls that are as hard as possible (they are very inexpensive and available in any sporting goods department) and place them in a sock made of soft fabric. It turns out to be a very effective simulator for working out “trigger zones” both in the feet and along the spine. Self-massage should be performed under the most important condition: no acceleration and maximum pressure.

You need to roll the two-ball massager very slowly along the entire foot. Once the painful point is found, you need to press the ball even harder and wait until the pain goes away. This may take from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. The most important thing: do not stop the massage because of pain. The longer the ball presses on the “trigger zone”, the better it will be worked out. It is completely safe for health.

If you wait once for the pain to go away from the “trigger”, then it disappears FOREVER. And along with it, pain in the most unexpected place (for example, in the knee, neck, shoulders, etc.) The most important condition is pressure and pressure. The massage is practically carried out statically (without movements). Most of the “triggers” are located in the “arch” of the instep of the foot. Thus, massage is also the best prevention of flat feet.

Hedgehog ball

"I'm prickly, but very useful"

It is also important to do a “prickly” massage using a spiked ball. You can purchase it both in the sports departments of supermarkets and in veterinary stores. There is only one piece of advice for choosing a hedgehog ball: you need to purchase the hardest one available in the range. Massage must be performed according to the same principles: slowly and with maximum pressure.

Self-massage of the foot using a “spiky ball”

This ball is ideal for self-massage while working at the computer or eating. When a painful sensation appears in one or another point of the foot, it is necessary to linger in this place and increase the pressure until the pain disappears and a calm sensation appears from touching the spikes of the ball, which replaces the pain.

Bouncing ball

Chinese “jumpers”, familiar from childhood, can cure all pains

When does a massage using a simulator consisting of two tennis balls and a hedgehog ball stop bringing benefits? painful sensations(that is, the “trigger zones” have already been worked out quite well), you need to move on to self-massage with the help of a small bouncing ball. When choosing, as in previous cases, you need to take the hardest one. However, all Chinese “jumpers” are quite hard, so the choice, in fact, only depends on the color.

“Not only can I jump, but I can also heal you.”

This massage is mainly performed in the area of ​​the “arch” of the foot. Movements should be practically eliminated: the task is to patiently and for a long time push through the last remaining deep “triggers” in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot. Sometimes the sensations can be frightening: the most important thing is not to give up on your goal and continue the massage.

Usually, to completely get rid of “trigger” zones of the feet, 5-10 minutes of daily massage for 3-4 months is enough. But if you devote more time a day to massage and are not lazy (roll balls constantly while working at the computer, watching movies, eating), then you can completely cure your feet of all muscle tension in just 2 weeks! And with the “trigger” clamps, pain in the most unexpected places will go away. This could be the temples, shoulders, neck, back, buttocks, knees, hips.

For everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle,
and not only will they be useful. Literally a few minutes a day are enough to do them.

/ Frizzle Fraz

Frizzle is a funny cool ball. Who must collect golden keys on his difficult path. Avoid all enemies and conquer obstacles. And a huge number of them will appear on the path of the ball throughout the 25 levels of the game. At first glance it will seem that the game is very simple. Although in reality everything is not so simple. Many people don’t even complete half the game, because the tasks become more and more difficult with each level. The main thing is to get the hang of it and then everything will be okay. Help Frizzle the ball collect all his little friends, leave no one in trouble and avoid falling into the traps of his enemies. When playing, do not try to destroy anyone - friendly Frizzle cannot do this. Just go around all of them on the tenth road, try not to catch their eye. Collect all the golden keys, otherwise you will not be able to open the doors at the end of the level. These doors are your passage to the next level. Try a little, be careful, and then everything will work out for you! The ball hopes that the players will take it to the victorious finale. He is waiting for his heroes and believes that they will help him defeat the evil balls and treacherous enemies.