If the nail plate peels off greatly, it means the body needs minerals and vitamins.

However, if a nail breaks, you should not immediately sound the alarm. Perhaps the reason lies in the constant contact of nails with chemicals. If you wash dishes and clean your apartment without wearing rubber gloves, it means your nails have weakened due to exposure to chemicals and water. Often chips form on the nails due to mechanical influence from the outside. You can simply tap them on the table or actively type on the keyboard; all these actions, of course, affect the condition of your nails. To prevent nails from breaking, they need to be strengthened. Baths using sea ​​salt and tea tree oil. A healthy lifestyle, including a proper diet and good sleep, also helps. Eat hard cheeses, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

When nails peel and break, you need to find out the reasons. Most likely, the nails are simply weakened and need a vitamin complex. However, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally why nails break. Nails become brittle due to external irritants. These can be detergents and cleansers, excessive extensions and regular use of gel polishes, as well as mechanical damage. Often, nails break because a girl bangs them on the table or picks at them when she's nervous. However, brittle nails can also have more serious causes, for example, diseases. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor and get diagnosed. There are cases when nails break due to hormonal imbalance or everyday stress. Whatever the reason, you need to take care of your nails, take vitamins, do strengthening baths and paraffin therapy. With comprehensive care, the result will not take long to arrive.

If your nails peel and break, it is important to determine the causes and prescribe treatment. Most often, the reasons are quite banal - a lack of useful elements. In this case, you just need to eat right, eat as many vegetables as possible. But if this is not the reason and you don’t know why your fingernails are breaking and what to do, consult a specialist. It is likely that you have a hormonal imbalance. In this case, vitamins will not help you much, and the problem requires complex intervention. There are cases when girls complain of brittle nails due to chemical exposure. Dishwashing detergent, nail polish remover containing acetone, constant use of gel polishes - all this leads to weakening of the nail plate. Try to protect your hands from external influences, use baths based on mineral water and salt, and don’t forget about good sleep and healthy eating.

Many are faced with the problem of brittle and peeling nails - such a cosmetic defect (this is how ordinary people classify it) forces them to either hide their hands from others or resort to complex, aggressive nail extension procedures. Changes in the appearance of the nail plates can be provoked by external factors, but often the cause of the problem in question is some kind of disease of the internal organs. That is why you need to know what factors can provoke delamination and brittleness of the nail plates, what will indicate these reasons and what methods are available to eliminate the problem.

Table of contents:

Why do fingernails and toenails peel?

External provoking factors

The structure of the nail plate may change for the worse for the following external reasons:

These factors can lead to dryness of the nail plate and injury. The result will be nail separation, severe dryness and brittleness.

Internal triggers

Any health problems can lead to malnutrition of the nail plate. But doctors identify the most common of them:

  • adolescence and childhood;
  • strict diets that lead to insufficient intake of minerals into the body;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • and any psycho-emotional disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (for example, dysfunction);
  • any hormonal system;
  • deficiency of vitamins B3, B5, A, E, C;
  • lack of potassium, iron, calcium, sulfur and phosphorus in the body;
  • presence in a person bad habits – , ;
  • progressive;
  • organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;

These internal provoking factors lead to disruption of the structure of the nail plate - grooves, areas with an unnatural color, roughness and depressions appear on it. In this case, no modern means external use and cosmetic procedures will not help correct the situation, only a thorough examination of the whole body and a full course of treatment will solve the problem of the condition of the nails.

If the cause of the condition in question is internal diseases, then the appearance of the nail plates will change as follows:

  • with progression, dents and depressions of unclear localization appear on the plates;
  • circulatory disorders - the color of the nail becomes pale, a bluish tint appears;
  • progressive or recent infectious diseases - the nail plate thickens, peels off, and depressions appear on it in the form of longitudinal stripes;
  • liver pathologies - the color of the nail becomes yellowish;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland - nails become soft and brittle, a constant shine on the surface of the plate becomes characteristic;
  • when – small tubercles and whitish spots without clear boundaries appear on the nail plate;
  • a progressive viral infection (it can occur in a secretive mode) – small tubercles in the plural are clearly visible on the nail (imitation pearls);
  • diseases - the color of the nail can be brown, black or gray, the plate becomes very flaky and thickens.

The above-described external changes enable the doctor to suspect one or another internal disease. Then a full examination of the patient’s body is carried out, the true cause of the structure of the nail plates is identified and a course of treatment for the underlying disease is prescribed. Such a competent approach will help not only normalize and stabilize the body’s functioning, but also solve the problem of split and brittle nails.

What will help in the fight against splitting and brittle nails

Before you start taking any medications or carry out specialized procedures, you need to eliminate external triggers that aggravate the problem. TO general recommendations from specialists include:

  1. When working with steel wool, detergents/cleaning agents, any chemicals, or construction materials, you should use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid contact with water for any length of time.
  3. You need to trim your nails as carefully as possible and use sharp, high-quality nail scissors.
  4. You need to grate vegetables for food very carefully.
  5. You only need to file the nail plate with a high-quality tool - the best choice would be a glass file with a special coating. The sides of the nails are not filed; during the procedure, the movement of the file is directed from the edge of the nail to its middle.
  6. Avoid using low-quality decorative varnishes and removers containing acetone.
  7. Avoid exposing your hands to extremely high or extremely low temperatures.
  8. You should not use decorative varnish too often - you can apply this product only once a week, and for 10-15 days a year you must give your nails a complete rest and keep them in their natural form.
  9. You should not overuse nail extensions or gel-shellac coating; if delamination of the plate is already present and pronounced, then it is better to avoid such procedures altogether.
  10. Before applying decorative varnish bright color, you need to apply a layer of a special protective agent on your nails.

Diet correction

If the cosmetic defect in the nail plates in question already exists, then it is worth radically reconsidering your diet - most likely, it is monotonous and does not provide the body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals. A similar correction will be needed if it is decided to prevent splitting and brittleness of the nails. In both cases, you need to remember which products must be on the menu:

  • , cheese, figs, egg white, nuts, sesame seeds, cauliflower– they contain a lot of calcium;
  • any seafood, radishes, onions and radishes are foods rich in sulfur;
  • poultry, meat, chicken eggs and sea fish are sources of keratin;
  • beef liver, pine nuts, wheat, meat, buckwheat and - they contain zinc;
  • beans, red rice, whole wheat grains, oats are sources of magnesium;
  • young shoots of nettle, any mushrooms, leeks - will saturate the body with silicon;
  • , seafood, kelp (sea kale), walnuts are sources of iodine;
  • dogwood, peanuts, milk, legumes, brewer's yeast, liver, apples - contain iron.

If we talk about vitamins, then you also need to be able to correctly create a menu. And to do this, remember which foods contain which vitamins:

  • B1: pasta, any nuts, lentils, beef and poultry liver, pork;
  • B3: champignons, liver, corn, chicken liver, nuts, peas, wheat;
  • B5: sea fish, mushrooms, rye flour, nuts, beef liver, brewer's yeast;
  • A: greens, butter, garlic, feta cheese, wild garlic, seaweed, processed cheese, seafood;
  • With: oranges, kiwi, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, rosehips, blueberries, bell peppers;
  • E: dried apricots, nuts of any kind, spinach, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, viburnum, sorrel;
  • D: sour cream, sea fish, cream, seafood, chicken eggs, liver.

Vitamin complexes

To restore damaged nails, stop and eliminate delamination and brittleness of the nail plates, you can take special vitamin complexes. The most effective specialists include:

  • Revalid;
  • Biotin;
  • Vitasharm;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Perfectil and Perfectil plus;
  • Medobiotin;
  • Lady C formula;
  • Ageless skin;
  • Volvit.

Please note:Only a doctor can determine which specific vitamins and minerals are missing in the body after a full examination. And only a doctor has the right to determine the required daily dosages and duration of taking these vitamin complexes.

There are a lot of products that can be prepared at home and actively used as part of caring procedures for split and brittle nails. Here are just a few of the popular and effective ones:

  • 200 ml of burdock oil, 8 drops of iodine, a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 10 ml of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin A and the same amount of lemon juice;
  • 20 ml olive oil, 3 drops of iodine, 4 drops of lemon juice;
  • cranberry juice or lemon juice or blackcurrant juice.
  1. Wax. We are talking about sealing nails with wax at home, although this procedure applies to salons. You need to make a bath for your nails (for example, from sea salt), then rub any vitamin oil into the cuticle (you can also use regular vegetable oil). Beeswax is heated, vitamin oil is added to it in a ratio of 1:4 - this product is rubbed into the nail plate using a piece of suede fabric.

Salon treatments

Of course, salons offer a lot of procedures that will help solve the problem of delamination and brittleness of the nail plates. But the question arises about the advisability of carrying them out - it is no secret that beauty salons often simply “extract” money from clients. In order not to fall into such a trick, you need to know exactly which salon procedures will be really useful in combating the problem in question. There are only a few of them:

  1. Sealing the nails. For this procedure use special compounds based on beeswax and various vitamin supplements, but a little higher in the text there is a recipe for sealing at home - the choice is up to the client.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Paraffin is heated on the equipment, various vitamins are added to it, and the hands are treated with the resulting product. After 20 minutes, the paraffin is removed in one layer, and hands and nails are treated with moisturizer or vitamin oil.
  3. Strengthening nails with biogel. This product contains substances that are designed to strengthen the nail plate. After applying such a biogel, these same substances remain on the nail for a long time and “do their job.”

In addition, clients in a beauty salon may be offered to take a course of professional nail masks - they, according to experts, are quite effective, but also very expensive.

Brittle fingernails are a nuisance. The reasons depend both on external factors and may indicate the occurrence of health problems. Therefore, you should first understand the reason for the unsatisfactory condition of your nails and only after that begin to take action to solve the problem.

Some external factors can have a negative impact on the nail plate on the hands, which leads to its thinning and damage:

Internal reasons

When fingernails break, the cause is hidden in various internal failures.

Unhealthy nails may indicate one of the following:

Brittle nails in some cases can be hereditary.

Psychological reasons

Some psychological disorders affect the appearance of the nails and lead to their injury:

If your fingernails break, the reason may be an insufficient amount of water consumed, the deficiency of which reduces the elasticity of the nail plate, making it fragile. As a result, nails peel and break off. Experts recommend drinking up to 2 liters of clean water daily.

A lack of microelements and vitamins due to an unbalanced diet immediately affects the health of nails and hair, therefore daily diet products must be included rich in vitamins A, B, C and group B:

  • Liver, paprika, carrots and tomatoes contain vitamin A. Its deficiency leads to a break in the middle of the nail.
  • Cereals and nuts - vitamin B, which protects nails from inflammatory processes.
  • Citrus fruits, bell peppers, and sauerkraut contain vitamin C, which produces collagen and prevents delamination.
  • Fish, meat, seafood, and seeds serve as sources of phosphorus - a participant in all biochemical processes in the body; it is also part of bone tissue and nails.
  • Liver, meat, soybeans, greens, nuts, cauliflower prevent iron deficiency, which causes oxygen starvation nails
  • Poultry, seafood, buckwheat, oatmeal, and radishes are sources of sulfur, which is part of protein compounds and B vitamins.
  • Eggs, cottage cheese, beans, and cheese are valuable due to their high calcium content, which stimulates nail growth.

Vitamin therapy

The amount of nutrients supplied with food is small. Specially developed complexes of vitamins and dietary supplements, when used regularly, can increase the supply of essential vitamins and contribute to healthy nails.

Name Characteristics Manufacturer Effect Price
Natures Bounty Vitamin B6, biotin, L-cystine, inositol USA According to some reviews, there is an effect from this product, however, its main purpose is to activate hair growth, therefore, along with hair, hair begins to actively grow, and not only on the head. Some expected the expensive product to be more effective. 1400
Solgar Nitrate Zn, Cu, methylsulfonylmethane USA It strengthens nails and hair well and helps with deterioration of nails associated with pregnancy. 1000
Evalar Vitamin C, Cu Russia Effective vitamins, not cheap, but provide long-term effects. They tidy up not only their nails, but also their skin and hair. ~ 1000
Doppel herz active Wheat germ oil, biotin, millet extract, zinc, B6. Germany According to reviews, the effect is noticeable within a week after starting the course. 500
Special dragee MERZ Retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, pyridoxine, B12, iron, cystine Germany Among the shortcomings noted high price, but it is fully justified by the quality of the drug. Skin, hair and skin look well-groomed and healthy after taking the product. 800
Complivit SHINE 8 different minerals, 11 essential vitamins, green tea extract Russia These vitamins have received a lot of negative reviews. They note that the product does not have an effect, although there are those for whom the drug helped cope with brittle nails. 400

When consuming any vitamin complex, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dose and first consult a specialist.

Treatment with cosmetics

Some professional cosmetic methods for strengthening and healing nails are widespread, which are performed by specialists in salons:

Traditional methods

When the cause of the unhealthy condition of the nails has been identified, the necessary consultation with a specialist has been carried out, you can try home treatment means traditional medicine. They give good results in eliminating brittleness and delamination of the nail plate. The duration of baths and hand masks ranges from 15 minutes to half an hour and is recommended to be performed at night.

Wax mask for nails

The procedure is recommended to be performed at night.

Melt a piece of wax in a water bath and cool slightly so as not to get burned. Take turns dipping the tip of each finger into the liquid wax and allowing the wax to harden on the nail. Leave it on all night, and in the morning the remaining wax is removed.

From clay

Blue clay powder is diluted in warm olive oil and add 3-4 drops of iodine into the composition. The resulting mass is spread on the nail plate and wait 20 minutes. The mask is made daily for one week.

With salt

It is recommended to perform three times a week. Strengthens nails and stimulates blood circulation. It is advisable not to wash your hands for some time after the procedure.

For ½ liter warm water dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt (sea or table) and add 2 drops of some medicinal oil: lemon, pine nuts, pine, tea tree, etc. Keep your hands in the bath, lightly massaging, for about 15 minutes.


Brew 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. gelatin powder. Wait until it cools down and the temperature becomes comfortable for immersing your fingers. Duration of immersion in a gelatin bath is up to 30 minutes. Apply every other day.

Healing oils

Before going to bed, rub medicinal oils into the nail plate. Sea buckthorn, jojoba, castor, and avocado oils are good.

If your nails break not only on your hands but also on your toes, you can rub in medicated oils.

You should rub it not only into the nail plate, but also into the skin surrounding the nail and cuticle.

Bath with vitamin A

Add to warm vegetable oil vitamin A (1 ampoule), lemon juice and stir. Keep your hands in the resulting mixture for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the effect, rub the mixture into the skin around the nail and directly into the nail itself, then put gloves on your hands and leave overnight.

With green tea and chamomile

Mix ½ tbsp. brewed green tea leaf and dried chamomile flowers (200 ml of boiling water per 1 tablespoon of chamomile).


Usually this procedure is done in a salon, but it is not difficult to perform a paraffin wrap yourself.

It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and helps strengthen nails.

300 g of pharmaceutical paraffin must be carefully melted in a water bath and cooled slightly. It is advisable to first prepare your hands for this procedure by removing keratinized scales with a scrub and generously lubricating them with a rich, nourishing cream.

Hands should be immersed in liquid paraffin for 10 seconds, then removed and lowered again. Continue the procedure of immersion and removal up to 7 times, after which they put plastic gloves or bags on their hands and wrap them in a terry towel to retain heat.

After half an hour, take off the gloves and remove the remaining paraffin with a napkin. Finally, moisturize your hands with nourishing cream.


Dipping your fingertips into a lemon cut in half has a very beneficial effect on the nail plate and also helps whiten it.

With the help of special procedures, nutritional correction and a responsible approach to your health, you can get rid of brittle nails and enjoy beautiful, well-groomed hands. You just need to identify the cause and spare no time for procedures, the regularity of which will please you achieved result.

Video: why nails break and how to deal with it

Life is great! 5 reasons for brittle nails:

Why do nails peel and break? Causes and treatment:

In general, nutrition for nails is a separate topic. However, let us remind you that it is worth observing reasonable measures in everything: both a lack and an excess of certain vitamins and minerals can cause problems and diseases.

Nails break: reasons and what to do

Why do nails break? If you know how they work, you can more easily understand how to protect them and maintain their health and beauty. The nail plate is a set of even thinner plates, layers of keratin, and between them are layers of water and fat. Keratin is the density and strength of the nail, and fat and water are its elasticity, smoothness and shine. We will not consider the structure of the nail in detail here, but normally keratin is formed in the matrix cells in sufficient quantities; Also, the composition of the nail plates includes minerals - for example, zinc, with a lack of which the nails begin to break.

Any negative influences from the inside or outside can disrupt the tightness of the keratin layers to each other, and then tiny cavities are formed, which increase quite quickly, especially under the influence of water. And now the nails are already peeling, losing elasticity and breaking.

And the negative impacts in modern world more than it might seem.

  • We deal with household chemicals every day, but only some women constantly use household gloves.
  • Hot chlorinated water, in which we constantly “rinse”, does a lot of harm to both the skin and nails.
  • The atmosphere in cities is saturated with not the best components at any time of the year. In summer, nails can suffer from the burning sun, and in winter time- also from temperature changes: it’s frosty outside, and dry air indoors.
  • Varnishes with formaldehyde and solvents with acetone add to the problem: unfortunately, there are many such products on the market, and women do not always strive to understand the composition of decorative products, paying more attention to their durability, attractiveness and ease of use.
  • Not only real professionals work in the nail service either. Inexperienced and not very conscientious professionals (wittingly or unwittingly) violate the technique of nail treatment and use compounds of dubious quality: it is easy to damage the nail plate, but difficult to restore.

But any external “attacks” are not so “terrible” for nails if they are properly nourished from the inside, do not lack vitamins and minerals, and receive careful care from the outside, in the form of baths, nail masks, massage, etc.

Only with a healthy body can one expect that nails will be strong and smooth, but most people cannot “boast of health.” The lack of elements such as selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, E has now become considered almost a normal phenomenon, as well as protein deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia is familiar firsthand to almost every woman.

Diseases of the endocrine system, liver and gastrointestinal tract have also become very “younger”, and with all these problems, metabolism is disrupted, and the nail matrix cannot reproduce normal cells. There are enough reasons, and we can talk about them for a long time, but let’s say how you can help your nails.

What to do if your nails break

If you take yourself seriously, you need to start by contacting specialists: a dermatologist, mycologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, etc. Often, after a full examination, after just a month of complex treatment, the nails are completely restored. Treatment may include a diet rich in protein, fresh vegetables and fruits, along with nail health medications.

Salon treatments include applications with wax and paraffin. You can do these procedures at home: your nails will grow faster and become healthier: blood circulation in your fingers will improve.

Certainly, professional care helps nails faster and more effectively. Thus, the SPA manicure procedure includes paraffin therapy, masks and baths with various components that nourish and strengthen the nails, aromatherapy and massage. Japanese manicure restores nails well: essential oils, masks with microelements, beeswax and other caring components are used.

In case of severe delamination of the nail plate, sealing the nails helps - it is better to do it in a salon. After the therapeutic bath, the nail plate is polished, oils with vitamins and wax are rubbed in. There are also gel and mineral sealing techniques, and all of them help the nails to even out, restore elasticity and healthy shine. A good salon seal can protect your nails for about a month, but during this time it is important to help them from the inside out by eating a varied and healthy diet.

You can additionally use strengthening home remedies, such as gelatin. You can make desserts with it, or just take 1 tbsp. saturated jelly with meals, for 1-2 months. Vegetarians, if desired, can use agar-agar, an equally healthy natural product; however, it costs much more than “animal” gelatin. If you do not “feed” your nails from the inside, they may begin to peel even more when the protective layer disappears.

Violation of the strength and integrity of the nail plates associated with exposure to external and internal factors. Brittle nails often break off, flake, crack, and present difficulties with growing and high-quality application of decorative varnish. To find out the causes of brittle nails, it is necessary to exclude chronic diseases, deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, and fungal diseases. Treatment for brittle nails involves eliminating etiological factors, carrying out therapeutic baths, paraffin therapy, strengthening nails, using nourishing creams for nail care, etc.

General information

Brittle nails are a defect in the nail plates associated with their weakness and increased fragility. The nail plates on the hands and feet originate from the matrix area located at the base of the nail. The white crescent-shaped area of ​​the nail root - the lunula - is the visible part of the nail matrix. Nail growth occurs due to the division of germ cells in the matrix, which gradually push the old nail plate forward. The structure, shape, thickness and growth rate of the nail depend on the condition of the matrix. The basic substance of the nail plate is keratin, and the hardness and density of the nail plate depends on the amount of cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. Between the layers of keratin there are layers of water and fat, giving the nails shine and elasticity. IN healthy nails In addition to sulfur, there are other microelements - calcium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, selenium, the deficiency or absence of which negatively affects the condition of the nail plates, making them brittle and flaky.

Causes of brittle nails

Nails can become brittle for external and internal reasons. Nails have a porous structure and easily absorb moisture and various chemicals that your hands come into contact with. Therefore, brittle nails occur in people due to their professional activity in contact with solvents, acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. In addition, brittleness and splitting of nails can occur due to frequent contact with products. household chemicals (washing powders, detergents and cleaners), prolonged exposure of hands to water, etc. These weaken the nails physical factors, How low temperature ambient air in the winter season, dry air in the room. As a result of chronic hypothermia and drying out, nails become thin and brittle.

A common cause of increased fragility of nails is poor care: improper cutting of nails, the habit of biting nails with teeth. Frequent nail extensions and the use of cheap nail polish and nail polish remover lead to harmful components(acetone, formaldehyde, etc.) penetrate deep into the nail, disrupting its structure and making it more vulnerable. In addition, mechanical stress from the outside can lead to cracking of the nail.

The problem of brittle nails may be associated with endogenous factors, among which the leading role is played by a deficiency of microelements and vitamins. The condition of the nail plate is especially adversely affected by a lack of vitamins A, D, E, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, and iron. Brittle nails may increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is understandable - at this time the female body “shares” its resources with the baby’s body, so it is extremely important that food ration Mom’s food was of high quality and complete in composition. In addition, increased brittleness of nails may occur during hormonal changes– during puberty and menopause. The cause of brittle nails can be thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, and stress.

Characteristics of brittle nails

The problem of brittle nails is familiar to many women firsthand. In this case, the free edge of the nail often breaks off along its entire thickness or delaminates, i.e., the damage concerns its upper (shiny) layer. At the same time, the nail plates are thin and grow slowly. Increased brittleness of nails does not allow a woman to enjoy beautiful, long natural nails. Often, brittle nails are combined with deformation of their surface, changes in color and shape.

Splitting of nails in the longitudinal direction (onychoclasia, onychorrhexis) often leads to a painful crease in the nail plate. Vertical cracks originate from the free edge of the nail and extend to varying distances in the proximal direction. In this case, as a rule, the lesion concerns individual nails of the fingers or toes. With onychoschisis, the nails split in the transverse direction. This problem can occur with a poorly executed manicure, playing stringed instruments, typing, etc.

In dermatology, brittle nails are considered a manifestation of onychodystrophy, requiring identification of the causes and proper treatment. With the problem of brittle nails, a woman can turn to a nail service specialist, but it would be better to first visit a dermatologist. Only a medical specialist can properly understand the severity of the problem. Taking into account the rate of nail growth (on the hands 1-2 mm per week, on the feet - 0.25-1 mm per week), you can calculate the approximate time of exposure to the pathological factor.

To find out the true causes of brittle nails, additional consultation with a mycologist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist may be required. In order to obtain objective data, the patient may be prescribed a spectral analysis for trace elements, scrapings from the nail plates for pathogenic fungi, a blood test for thyroid hormones, and others. necessary tests. Brittle nails should be distinguished from onychomycosis, changes in nails due to skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, congenital epidermolysis, etc.).

Treatment of brittle nails

A competent approach to treatment should begin with eliminating the main cause of brittle nails. In all cases, it will be useful to temporarily avoid contact with chemicals and coating your nails with decorative varnishes; enhance nail protection and care. Useful home remedies for brittle nails include warm hand baths (oil, salt) - this will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients in the nails. Daily remedy care for brittle nails should be nourishing creams and balms with keratin, vitamins, proteins, which should be applied to the cuticle area, since in this place the nail is most susceptible to the supply of nutrients. However, nutrition of nails should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. That is why, if you have a problem with brittle nails, you need to take care of changing your diet, including foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, B5, etc., as well as taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

When manicuring brittle nails, you must adhere to certain rules. Nails should only be cut with sharp scissors; It is recommended to avoid using pliers, which put too much pressure on the plate, causing it to delaminate and become brittle. For filing brittle nails, glass or ceramic files with fine grain are better suited, as they do not damage the fragile nail plate so much. In this case, filing movements should be made in one direction, with a large amplitude, from the edge to the center. Before applying colored varnish, nails must be coated with a special protective and strengthening agent as a base. All products used for manicure procedures should not contain substances harmful to the nail plate.

Specialized care for brittle nails can be carried out in a nail studio at a beauty salon. For brittle nails, spa manicure and Japanese manicure procedures, paraffin therapy, and masks for hands and nails are recommended. Therapeutic massage of the nail plate and cuticle area using a keratin complex, polishing the nails using fortified creams or oils, and sealing the nails are useful. To strengthen natural nails on the hands and feet, acrylic, gel, and biogel are used. If a crack occurs in the nail plate, the nail is repaired using silk or fiberglass. As the plate grows, the damage site is gradually cut off.