Children sit on chairs. In front of the children there is an easel with a family tree.

1. Educator:

- Today we will talk about family.

- Family is the most precious thing for a person. A family can be compared to a tree that grows, rising, acquiring new branches, large and small, higher and higher. New families are created, children appear, children grow up with children of their own. And so on. That’s why people came up with the idea of ​​creating a so-called family tree. The history of someone's family is depicted in the form of a tree.

- Children, look at this tree. It shows a family.

Who is included with everyone?( Children's answers)

- Who are you related to - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa?(Children's answers)

- Show your fingers, girls and boys.

Finger gymnastics:


This big finger -

This is dad dear.

Next to dad is our mother.

Next to my mother is my eldest brother.

Following him, little sister -

Sweet girl.

And the smallest strong guy -

This is our sweet baby.

Friendly family.

(Invite the children to bend their fingers into a fist, then, while saying a nursery rhyme, straighten them one by one, starting with the thumb.)

2. Educator:

- Everyone in the family has their own business

- Mom is preparing breakfast.

What does mom usually cook for the morning?(Children's answers)

- Mom is preparing porridge for the morning.

- Dad loves buckwheat, and grandma loves rice.

- That's not a problem! The grains are mixed.

- Let's help mom sort them out.(Children's answers)

(Children sit at tables and complete the task).

Exercise using croup.

"Let's help mom"

- I'm helping mommy

- I sort through the grains:

- Buckwheat - rice,

- Buckwheat - rice,

- There will be a surprise for mommy.

(Buckwheat and rice are poured into a small plate. The child must select buckwheat and rice with one hand, saying accordingly: “buckwheat”, “rice”, “buckwheat”, “rice” and at the same time lay it out into two piles).


- Let's take it to mom. Buckwheat for dad and rice for grandma.

- What kind of porridge did it turn out to be?(Children's answers: nourishing, healthy, tasty, crumbly, high-calorie).

- We cooked porridge, we need to wash the dishes.

Finger gymnastics:

"Let's wash the dishes"

We opened the water tap,

All the dishes were washed.

All plates are clean

Pure radiant.

(Children depict a faucet with their left hand: put their fingers together, bend the hand and lower it. Say: “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh - the water ran!” They show how to wash dishes: one palm is a “plate”. The second palm is moved along it, performing, circular movements.)


- Meanwhile, dad is working in the yard.

- It seems to me that he decided to make a birdhouse.

- Let's help dad!(Children's answers)

Finger gymnastics:

"Let's help dad"

- Let's help dad:

- Let's hammer in nails

- Hammer, hurry up

- Help us, hammer in a nail!

- A loud sound is heard everywhere:

- Knock-knock, knock-knock.

(Children show hand movements while saying sentences).


- Now you will also make a birdhouse from sticks.

Exercise with counting sticks.


(Children make a birdhouse out of counting sticks).


- What shape is the roof?(Children's answers)

- What shape did the birdhouse itself turn out to be?(Children's answers)

- Well done. You are real builders.

4. Educator:

- Oh, guys, can you hear us, grandpa is calling us to go fishing to the blue sea.

- Let's go quickly.

Physical education minute:

The sea is very wide

- The sea is very deep.

- Fish live there. Friends,

- But you can’t drink water.

(Children spread their arms wide to the sides. They squat, touching their palms to the floor.

Do the “Fish” exercise. They spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders).


Look guys, there's a storm at sea today.

(The teacher demonstrates “Storm” with his hands, clasping his hands, raising his elbows one by one, making wave-like movements.)

- You won't be able to go fishing at sea.

- We'll have to go to the river.

(Children, together with the teacher, demonstrate waves. Bend their elbows in front of them, intertwining their fingers. Raising their elbows one by one, they make wave-like movements.


Now you have to complete the task on pieces of paper.

- The first task is to catch fish.

- In the second task - to depict waves large and small.

- What fish did you catch? (Children's answers)

(Children sit at tables to complete the task on individual pieces of paper)


We returned home from fishing.

And they saw that grandma was upset about something, she couldn’t find her balls of knitting.

We need to help grandma.

Working on pieces of paper.

“Drawing balls”

Teacher demonstration: we found the middle of the sheet, put a dot and start moving clockwise.

What shape is the ball? (Children's answers)

What wonderful balls.


Guys, let's remember what we did today.

Get your fingers ready.

Finger play

Fingers can not only play,

They can help mom with everything,

They can wash dishes, do laundry,

Hammer the nails and clean the apartment.

They will do everything quickly and skillfully,

They will boldly take on a difficult task!

Well done guys. You are real helpers.

Age group: junior group.

Region: Cognition.

Subject:Smart fingers

Integration educational areas: health, artistic creativity, communication, security.

Methodology: gaming technology.

Type of activity: cognitive-search.

Literature: I. A. Ermakova “Developing fine motor skills in children”, E. A. Yanushko “Development fine motor skills children's hands early age", E. N. Sharikova "Finger games", G. I. Petrova "Games and activities for speech development."

GCD structure:

1. Introductory part.

2. Main part.

3. Final part.

Material: small toys, salt dough, napkins, pearl barley, plastic bowl, plastic spoons and plates for each child, trays.


1. Educational:


Remind children to follow safety rules when modeling salt dough.


Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, listen and understand asked question, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace. :

2. Developmental:


Develop fine motor skills, coordinate the movements of the fingers, and train the strength of muscle efforts.

Continue to strengthen and protect the health of children by creating conditions.

3. Educational:

Artistic creativity:

To cultivate accuracy when sculpting, to form a positive attitude and arouse interest in the process of making crafts and obtaining an emotional attitude towards the activity itself and its results.

To develop an interest in modeling, consolidate an understanding of the properties of salt dough and modeling methods, develop the ability to roll out lumps in a circular motion

To introduce children to the plasticity of salt dough, to improve their skills and knowledge of modeling.

Preliminary work: finger games with educational pillows, reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, show the process of kneading dough.

Vocabulary work: dough, spoon, finger, cereal, water, flour.

Activity structure:

I. Introductory part

1. Surprise moment. game "Find the surprise".

II. Main part.

3Game "Magic Spoon".

4. Physical education minute.

5. Game “Make a Bun”

II Part I - final.

Part I. Introductory part.

1. game “Find the surprise”.

Goal: Development and formation of fine motor skills of the hands, strengthening the muscles of the fingers and hands.

The teacher gathers the children around him:

Children, look. What is this on the table?

On the table there is a bowl filled with cereal, toys are hidden in it.

Let's check what's inside. The teacher shows how to do this. Children put their hands in a bowl of cereal and look for toys

Individual work: if a child has difficulty, help him find toys.

Children pull out toys and look at who has which one.

Dialogue: -Please tell me what is in the bowl? The child will say “cereal” if it is difficult to remember.

How did you find the toy?

What's your toy?

Did you like the toy?

The kids played a game and at the same time gave a hand massage and woke up our fingers.

Expected result: Children will receive positive emotions and pleasure from the toys found in cereals.

Part II Main part

2. Finger game “My Family”.

Goal: Develop hand movements, learn to imitate the movements of an adult, develop the ability to understand speech

Children, let's play finger game“My family.” Look what I have. The teacher shows the faces of the dolls drawn and put on the fingers of his hands and reads poetry.

“Let's get acquainted! ”

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

And this finger is me

That's my whole family.

Now children, show me your hands. Let's all read the poems together.

(Children bend their fingers, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger /This is me/. For the last words, they unclench and clench their palms into a fist /That’s my whole family/).

Expected result: Children will try to complete the exercise, responding emotionally to the game.

Individual work: If the child cannot do the exercise, come up and help, show the exercise by holding it with your own hands.

3. Game "Magic Spoon".

Development of precise and differentiated movements of the hands and fingers when pouring cereal into spoons.

There are two cups on the tray: on the left is a cup with cereal, and on the right is empty. Move the child's hand to show him how to take the cereal with a spoon and carefully tip it into the empty spoon.

Expected result: Children will pour cereal with interest, developing hand motor skills and showing positive emotions.

Individual work: If the child cannot show how to hold a spoon correctly and pour cereal

4. Physical education game “Roll the ball under the goal.”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about round shape subject, develop gaming skills, cultivate interest in the game.

Children must roll the ball in an arc while the teacher pays attention to the shape of the ball.

5. Game “Make a bun”.

Goal: To consolidate the techniques of rolling dough between the palms, to arouse interest in modeling, and to cultivate accuracy.

Children, remember we read the fairy tale “Kolobok”? Children will answer.

Who made the bun?

Who asked to make it?

What shape was the bun?

Children will answer round.

What was the bun made from?

From the test.

Do children know what the dough is made from?

The dough is made from water and flour.

Expected result: If children do not understand the question, repeat again

what is needed for the test. Then children’s knowledge will be formed and enriched.

Children, I brought you dough, but this dough is not simple, it is salty and cannot be eaten. We will now make a bun from this dough. Look how elastic the dough is; you can knead it in your hands like plasticine. Now I will distribute the dough to you and we will all make a bun.

Once again, who can tell me what shape the bun is?

That's right, children, the bun is round.

The teacher gives the children a piece of salt dough.

Children, remember that you cannot put the dough in your mouth. It is salty and dangerous to health.

Children, take the dough in your hands and try to knead it.

The teacher shows how to roll the dough between your palms.

Expected outcome: Children will roll the dough between their palms and make balls in a circular motion.

Individual work: Help the child roll out the ball and praise him for the result of his work.

Now we will all put our koloboks on the tray and see how it turned out.

Make sure that children wipe their hands with a napkin after finishing work.

Well done kids, you all did very well today.

Part III - final part.

Result: -Children, what did we do today?

What games did you play?

Who liked to sculpt from dough?

Who liked looking for a toy in the cereal?

And now, for the fact that you worked out well, I brought koloboks.

The teacher brings fried koloboks on a tray and distributes them to the children.

MBDOU Kindergarten"Milyash"

c. Moskovo Dyurtyulinsky district


“The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips.

From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the finest streams flow,

which feed the source of creative thought."

The development of finger movements, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Therefore, training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor that stimulates the child’s speech development, helps improve movements, prepares the hand for writing and, no less important, is a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child’s thinking. The ability to perform small movements with objects develops in preschool age, it is by the age of 6-7 that the maturation of the corresponding areas of the brain basically ends. Therefore, it is so important to pay due attention to this problem during the most sensitive period.


Development of fine motor skills of the hands through actions with objects, constructive activities, finger gymnastics.


Integration of educational areas: speech development, reading, physical education


* Develop verbal communication skills.

* Develop logical thinking, creative and compositional abilities, imagination.

* Improve coordination of speech with movement, smoothness and strength of voice.


* To instill hard work in children,

desire to help each other,

the ability to see the benefits of joint work.

Preliminary work:



Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)

And if you managed to get into a fairy tale, who would you like to become?)

Children's answers: I would like to be: a wizard, fairy, princess, king, snow white, etc.


Guys, with the help of a magic wand you can get into any fairy tale and help its heroes. You and I also have a magic wand. Do you want to get into a fairy tale? Let's all say together:

One, two, three - get into a fairy tale!

Oh, guys, look, we're in the country of Queen Motorica. In order to travel around this country, you need to connect the parts of the train using multi-colored buttons.

Children assemble a train with carriages.


Well, the train is ready!

Children recite a poem about him:

Thunder is heard from afar

There are no clouds in the sky yet

This, accelerating the spirit,

The train is rushing: chug-chug-chug!


Let's go on a trip! Guys! We arrived in the city of Lost Things. We need to help Queen Motorica and put all the parts in their places. Every detail has its place. (the colorful jars have holes of different sizes into which children must place: geometric shapes(square, circle, rectangle, tennis balls, cotton swabs, covers, counting sticks.)

Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”.

(Children take turns bending their fingers. On the last line, clap their hands.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, wolf - fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.


Our journey continues

close your eyes, we are back in a fairy tale.

Cinderella meets us and invites us to visit.

Cinderella worked, she was tired, she sorted through cereals all night.

Let's help Cinderella: put the peas and beans in boxes.

Task: Sort out the beans (beans, peas in boxes). And to make our work go faster and more fun, let's remember the rhymes. Children take turns telling rhymes.

One, two, three, four, five.

And life is hard without a friend,

Get out of the circle quickly.

A bunny was running along the road,

Yes, my legs are very tired.

The bunny wanted to sleep,

Come out and look.

Here are the mushrooms on the meadow

They are wearing red caps.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms,

How many will be together? -Five.


We helped Cinderella

Let's go to another fairy tale. And in this fairy tale

We are greeted by Varvara the beauty, a long braid.

Yes, what a disaster happened. The wind, a free breeze, tousled her braids. Help Varvara, braid her hair.

Children tell a nursery rhyme:

Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow, braid, to your toes -

All the hairs are in a row.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused -

Mom, daughter, listen.

Educator: And in this fairy tale, all the heroes lived, lived and made good in the TEREMKA. But the clumsy bear broke the tower. Let's restore it, let's build it anew. You need to tie the geometric shapes to the house with laces and tie a bow.

The child recites a poem about Teremka.

Look at Teremok,

He's not low, he's not high

And with a porch and a chimney.

The color of the house is blue.

Feel free to come into the house!

Are you inviting? Let's go in.


The hero of the following fairy tale is neither human nor animal.

You will find out if you guess the riddle:

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Well, our friend got caught. (Kolobok).

Let's help Kolobok escape from the fox


Show the fairy tale with your fingers

Kolobok rolled

(circular movements of the hands, one around the other)

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

He was the first to meet a bunny,

(showing a bunny with a hand)

Little naughty boy.

He sang the song - he wasn’t too lazy, (clenching and unclenching fingers)

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

Then I met a top (showing a wolf with his hand)

The top is a gray barrel.

He sang the song - he wasn’t lazy, (clenching and unclenching fingers)

Kolobok rolled (circular movements of the hands, one around the other)

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

I met a bear on the way,

(showing a bear with his hand)

He was able to get away from him.

I sang a song - I wasn’t lazy,

(clench-unclench fingers)

And then in a dense forest

(showing the fox's hand)

I met a gossip - a fox.

He sang the song - he wasn’t too lazy, (clenching and unclenching fingers)

Barely - barely rolled away!

(quick circular movements with hands)


How great it is to travel through fairy tales!

Girls love fairy tales, boys love fairy tales,

Grandfathers love fairy tales, grandmothers love fairy tales.

We are met by Zinochka, a girl with a rubber band.

The girl Zinochka invites us to play with funny colored rubber bands and build different buildings. Admire, Zinochka, how well done our guys are.

Children complete the task “Geokont” by Voskobovich.


The children did a great job and helped all the heroes. Because you are friendly.


Since childhood we love to play and laugh.

From childhood we learn to be kind

I wish I could always remain like this,

To smile and be strong friends.


Dunno hurries to us, offers to play, show off his prowess and dexterity!


I'm still young, but I'll tell you a secret,

I know how to become stronger than all my acquaintances and friends!

Children and Dunno do physical exercises.

One-rise, stretch, (stretch)

Two - bend over, straighten up, (backs bent, hands on the belt)

Three-claps, three claps, (claps)

Three head nods (head movements)

Four arms wider, (arms to the sides)

Five-hand wave, (wave hands)

Six - sit down again (sit down)


To play sports, not to get sick, not to get discouraged, you first need to learn

you need to lace up your sneakers!


Up the lace, down the lace,

And one more time.

And now it’s the other way around,

Here is the lace going back.

Thumbs up, thumbs down.

This one is up, this one is down

This is our pattern!

This is our fence!

Educator: Well done, guys!


Guys! What did you like about today's lesson?

Show Dunno what you have learned, what tasks you have completed,

how we helped each other and learned a lot.

Synopsis of direct educational activities teacher with children to develop fine motor skills and prepare hands for writing “New Year’s Miracles”

Target: prevention and overcoming existing deviations in speech development child through a combination of words and movement.
- form and consolidate concepts of a vertical line;
- to form control over muscle sensations, practicing rhythm in performing actions.
- develop the ability to touch oblong and round toys;
- learn to highlight index finger your hand;
- develop motor activity and flexibility of the flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers, hands, coordinated actions with both hands;
- develop sensory perception, multichannel, auditory-motor coordination;
- develop impressive and expressive speech.
- cultivate curiosity;
- foster creative activity.
Progress of the lesson.
Organizational moment.
Educator. - Guys, today we will have unusual activity, having guessed the riddle, you will find out what will be discussed.
The green beauty always grows in the forest,
And in the New Year she will dress up and come to visit us. (Christmas tree.)
Educator. Right.
Coming New Year.
Reading a poem.
Winter brought our joyful holiday.
The green tree came to visit us.
Look what a beauty came to us.
(Children look at the Christmas tree.)
Finger exercise " Christmas toys»
Look: our Christmas tree has very sharp needles.
From the bottom to the top of the head there are toys hanging on it -
Stars and balls, bright lanterns.
(Children use their fingers to depict Christmas tree decorations.)
Educator. Oh, we have something under the tree.
Children. This is a bag.
Educator. Who do you think lost the bag?
Children. Santa Claus.
Educator. Grandfather Frost brought us a gift. These are Christmas tree toys.
- Guys, let's look at what Christmas tree decorations are in Santa Claus's bag. (Balls - large and small, icicle, cones, etc.)
Didactic game " Wonderful pouch»
(Children name the toy, feel it, naming its signs, then put it in a bag. Children take turns identifying the toy by touch, naming it and hanging it on the tree.)
Educator. Now we’ll do some self-massage.
Self-massage “Christmas tree holiday”
Soon, soon New Year,
The Christmas tree will come to visit us.
Let's decorate the Christmas tree, dance in a circle,
Let's have a fun, fun New Year!
(The nut is in the palms, children perform circular movements.)
Educator. I suggest singing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to the Christmas tree.
(Children dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song.)
Exercise “The Christmas tree has come to visit”
(Children lay out Christmas trees from sticks.)
Educator. - Guys, let's decorate the Christmas trees.
Exercise “Christmas tree toys”
(The children have a silhouette of a Christmas tree and plasticine balls on their tables. The children press the ball with their index finger.)
Dynamic pause “Snow fluff”
Snow fluff, snow fluff,
Everything, everything, everything is fluff all around.
(Hands up, light movements with hands.)
Pooh on your hats, fluff on your lips,
Fluff on the eyebrows, fluff on the fur coats,
Pooh covered his forehead and nose.
Who did it?
Children. Father Frost.
(Stroking movements with hands.)
In winter there is only one fun.
Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in it.
What do you call “shells”?
What are you making and throwing at your friends?
Children. Snowballs.
Exercise “Making snowballs”
(Children roll pieces of cotton wool into balls.)
Snowball fight.
Educator. Now let's make it snow.
Exercise “Snowfall in the forest”
(Children place “snowballs” on a Christmas tree stencil made of velvet paper.)
Independent work of children.
Exercise “Our Christmas tree is tall”
- Guys, look: what is drawn on your pieces of paper?
Children. Decorated Christmas tree.
(Children look at the picture, say what color the tree is, what toys hang on it.)
- Let's draw balls on the lower branches.
(Children “draw, in the air, then on paper. Next, the teacher suggests drawing multi-colored dots around the tree - confetti. First you need to draw several red dots, then yellow and green. After that, the children draw the floor - draw a straight horizontal line.
Summing up the lesson.
- What interesting things did you learn today?
- What did you like most?
- What holiday is coming?
Guys, you all did great today!

Target: teach hand warm-up skills;

develop fine motor skills, hearing, memory, imagination, thinking, attention,

spatial orientation;

foster a sense of camaraderie and neatness.

Form: correctional group lesson

Equipment: a drawing of an aquarium and fish, a checkered piece of paper for each child, beads, various threads, sheets with drawings, colored pencils, a color picture and the same cut one for each child.

Progress of the lesson

1. Psychological attitude.

Every day - always, everywhere,

In class, in play

We speak boldly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

2. Warm up for fingers:

1) rotation of the hands;

2) clenching and unclenching your fingers into a fist;

3) pet the kitten (stroking hand movements);

4) ring (connect the thumb and index fingers);

5) palm-rib-fist;

6) relaxation (put your hands down, shake them).

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Today we will work on exercises that require you to be active with your hands, eyes, and ears. We will gradually fill the aquarium with fish - this is our goal. If you try, then for each correctly completed task a new fish will appear in the aquarium.

1) draw the tracks that lead to the house (hang a picture):

Footprints can be drawn in different ways, as children imagine them. Each new trace is drawn by the next child. Traces should not be repeated:

2) playback time 5-10 seconds. Then check.

4. Remember and draw the figures.

5. Copy by points.

To do this, take 15 dots on a line across a cell, go down 2 cells, put the same dots, again go down 2 cells and put dots.

Then we “print” numbers and letters dotted according to the model or (if the children are able to do this) under dictation.

The aquarium is replenished with a second fish.

6. A minute of rest.

Tap just like me (rhythm accessible to children)

7. Guess the encrypted word.

It was not by chance that I thought of this puzzle, since the next task is

8. Stringing beads on a thread.

Children string beads. At this stage there is still a task: collect the word.

KITIN - (threads)

Tie the threads that are on your tables into a knot.

For completed work, another fish appears in the aquarium.

9. Muscle relaxation.

Eyelashes droop...

The eyes close...

We are resting peacefully. (2 times)

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest,...

They rest...they fall asleep. (2 times)

The neck is not tense.

And rassl-a-ble-na,...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing. (2 times)

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

(Pause 1 minute)

We rested peacefully

We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

It's good for us to rest,

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Everyone open your eyes and sit down nicely!

There is a new fish in the aquarium.

X. Coloring pictures with colored pencils.

There are sheets of drawings on the tables in front of the children.

What is written in the middle of the sheet? (spiral)

Place a dot in the middle of the spiral with a pencil and unwind the spiral.

Take a yellow pencil and color the spiral with it.

Find the circles small size. Count how many there are in total? (7)

Fill in the small circles with blue.

Find the petals and paint them green.

Then the teacher shows his sample, and the children compare it with theirs.

Another fish enters the aquarium. There are now 6 of them!

XI. Working with mosaics.

Each child is given a non-color picture and a color picture cut along the lines.

The child places in front of him color picture and lays on it cut colored squares and rectangles with the image of a frog or other animals.

The teacher checks.

XII. Summary of the lesson.

What did you do today? What did you like most?

Thank you all for your work.