Kinetic sand is a fun activity for adults and children that is rapidly gaining popularity. This wide adoption is due to the safety of the product and the variety of entertainment that can be played using it. Why is it necessary, and is it really that good? Let us dwell in more detail on the composition, types, advantages and disadvantages of this product. Also pay attention to photos of products from various manufacturers.

Kinetic sand is a unique material for developing a child’s creative abilities

Composition of kinetic sand

The composition of kinetic sand is absolutely safe. 98% of the substance is ordinary quartz sand, and the remaining 2% is silicone polymer, which is not harmful and is often used as a food additive. Due to the high quartz content, the final product has a sandy color and a porous viscous consistency, different from natural sand. This consistency allows you to form a variety of crafts from it.

Advantages and disadvantages of kinetic sand

The main advantage of kinetic sand is that it is plastic, hypoallergenic and absolutely safe for children. The consistency is pleasant to the touch and allows you to make many different figures from the product. Having studied it in more detail and monitored reviews of the wonderful game, you can find many other advantages. Check out some of the benefits noted by parents who have already taken part in children's sand activities:

  • The sand doesn't dry out. The composition of the substance allows it to remain viscous for a long time. The stated shelf life is 3 years, but in reality, the operation of kinetic sand can be longer.
  • Kinetic sand does not require special storage conditions. When exposed to air, it will not lose its properties.
  • The environment of the substance is unfavorable for the development of bacteria.
  • If necessary, sand is easy to clean: when exposed to moisture, it does not lose its integrity.
  • Your child will never be bored with this toy. You can come up with new games and activities every day.
  • There are no difficulties during cleaning. Scattered grains of sand can be collected by moving a sand lump over the contaminated surface - it has an effect on the substance akin to a magnet.

The disadvantages of the composition are due to some of its physical properties:

  • Smell. You will encounter this quality as soon as you unbox the product. Chemical polymers have a specific odor, similar to vinegar or glue. Don't worry - it will soon disappear.
  • Density. The product is not too free-flowing. This quality does not allow playing with it as with ordinary sand (building mills, sifting, etc.).
  • The inability of a substance to hold its shape for a long time. The larger the figure sculpted from sand, the faster it will spread.

What age is this toy intended for?

The manufacturer indicates only the lower limit for the age when using the product - three years. However, this is more a way to be on the safe side than a warning about a real threat. There is no danger in getting small particles of sand into the esophagus. Under parental supervision, children can play with kinetic sand from the age of one and a half years. You just need to make sure that large pieces of the product do not get into the baby’s respiratory tract.

The upper limit for the age of using kinetic sand has not been determined by the manufacturer - everyone can play. The toy is suitable for both children and adults.

Games will help teenagers in self-expression and development of imagination. For adults, this is an anti-stress option. A bright substance that can be sculpted helps get rid of depression, as well as relieve fatigue at home after a working day.

What is the toy for?

Main useful features such a product for children is:

  • development of tactile sensitivity;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • the baby’s acquisition of communication skills during group games;
  • teaching a child to be creative;
  • harmonization of the baby’s internal emotional state.

In addition, the toy is also needed for the peace of mind of parents. As already noted, unlike ordinary sand, pathogenic microflora does not develop in kinetic sand. Compared to a regular sandbox, playing at home is absolutely safe. If you don't want to deprive your child creative joys from sculpting figures, but are worried about his health, non-scattering kinetic sand is what you need.

Children don't get tired of playing with kinetic sand; kids can turn their creative ideas into reality for hours on end.

What games can you come up with with sand?

Games using kinetic sand have a variety of methods and purposes. Interactive leisure will help both physical and mental health. The substance is often used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of fine motor disorders or psychosomatic diseases. Sand is also ideal as an educational game - it can help, for example, learn colors or animals. We bring to your attention game options:

  • Invite your baby to sprinkle the product, knead it or pass it between his fingers. This activity will especially appeal to younger children. The game helps to harmonize the internal state.
  • The mixture can be poured into molds and then back into the general container. This not only develops fine motor skills, but also teaches the child to clean up after himself.
  • From the substance you can get a variety of small items(bright ones are better). By picking them out of the sand, the baby develops attention, perseverance and fine motor skills.
  • Traditional creation of figurines (Kulichik, towers, etc.).
  • You can teach your child to imitate the tracks of various animals in the sand.

Regular sand sets (buckets and beads) are also suitable for playing with kinetic material

Which sand to choose and what is best for a child?

Great demand for the product caused an increase in supply. Currently on the market a wide range of goods. It is very easy to get confused in the choice. We will tell you which product is best to purchase. We present to your attention the TOP 3 manufacturing companies that have the best price-quality ratio and received the largest number of positive reviews from parents:

  1. Smart sand Kinetic sand (Switzerland);
  2. Space sand (Russia);
  3. Living sand Living Sands (South Korea).

Kinetic sand Swiss company

The most popular is the Swiss Kinetic sand. The product can be found in any store for children's creativity. Price 1000-1500 rubles. The cost depends on the individual quality of the product: color palette, size and weight of packaging. On sale you can find sand complete with sets for children's creativity, including shovels, figurines, etc. As you can see, the product is quite expensive, which is explained by the presence of export costs, as well as the popularity of the brand.

Russian-made space sand

Cosmic (magic, magical) sand is essentially an analogue of Swiss kinetic sand. The product is inferior to the original only in price. Space sand can be found at a cost of 500 rubles. The names “cybernetic”, “telescopic”, “polymer” are often used - in fact, these are the same product. The remaining qualities completely repeat their Swiss prototype.

Plasticity, brightness - everything is at the proper level, there are no differences from the Western brand. As in the first example, there are large modeling kits. How much the gift will cost depends on the volume and number of figures (1000-1500 rubles).

Living Sands

Korean synthetic play sand is the most expensive in the category of these products for children. In addition to quartz and polymer, it contains aromatic oils, crushed shell rock and other non-toxic substances. The lower limit of the cost of live sand is 1,500 rubles. It differs from its “colleagues” in its light fluffy consistency and ability for aromatic therapy. The color of the sand is white, it feels pleasant and soft to the touch. Storage conditions are specified in the instructions.

Plasticine (modeling mass) Play Doh

Our hit parade does not include another version of the toy from Play Doh, which deserves attention. The fact is that the manufacturer presents the product not as kinetic sand, but as a modeling mass (plasticine), although the difference is not great. The composition is simple and safe: flour, water and salt. Some enthusiastic parents even try to make such plasticine at home.

"Ice Cream Factory" from Play doh(mass for modeling and themed molds for the game)

Plasticine has many advantages:

  • non-sticky - does not remain on hands, nails, home surfaces);
  • economical consumption - a couple of small jars can be used for continuous games for 2-3 months;
  • mixes poorly - if a child has formed all the colors into a big lump, you can easily separate them back;
  • does not crumble - fallen plasticine dries quickly and is easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.

All the pros and cons of colored sand for children

So, if everything has become clear with the manufacturing company, it’s time to talk about colors. Artificial play sand is produced both in a single color range and in sets of 5 or more colors. With plain sand everything is clear: it is a practical and cheap option. If you want to purchase multi-colored sand for your child, then it will be useful for you to learn about the pros and cons of such a purchase. Let's start with the pros:

  • Brightness and beauty. The rich color palette is, as they say, pleasing to the eye.
  • Helps the child find interesting color solutions. Who knows, maybe your baby will become an artist or designer in the future.
  • A bright palette will immediately capture and hold the child’s attention. Colored kinetic sand will not get boring soon.

Colored sand has only one serious drawback: the ability for children to mix all shades into a homogeneous mass of dirty color. Children can be very curious, so they love to sculpt from all shades at once.

If your child likes to mix all the shades, but you don’t have time to keep an eye on him, you can buy colored sand, but give it out in portions: one or two colors at a time.

How to store and care for a toy?

Kinetic sand does not dry out quickly in the open air. Sand also tolerates exposure to direct sunlight calmly. During the entire period of operation, it retains moisture and ductility. Simple rules prescribed in the official instructions for the product will help to extend the time of its use. So, you need to store and use sand, observing the following rules:

  • If the kinetic sand gets rough, play with it with wet hands. You should not get the product wet; the necessary moisture will be transferred through touch.
  • If liquid gets on the sand, let it dry on its own. Do not expose the substance to heat - it can easily dry out at room temperature.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before handling sand. Silicone polymer absorbs foreign odors well.
  • After use, place the sand in a special, tightly closed container. This will help prevent exposure to moisture, small particles of dust and other foreign objects.
  • Do not add coloring agents to the sand. You will get a mass that will be ugly and will lose its original properties.
  • Keep kinetic sand in a place where pets cannot get into it.
  • To remove spilled sand from a carpet or any other surface, you can use your hands or a vacuum cleaner. Kinetic particles do not stick to surfaces. Sand spilled on the floor is stored in the form of a compact mass that is easy to collect and reuse.
  • The shelf life of the product is unlimited if used properly.

Olga Smolina
Work experience on the topic “Kinetic sand as a means of developing the cognitive and emotional sphere of a preschooler”

Pedagogical experience on the topic: « Kinetic sand - as a means of developing the cognitive and emotional sphere of a preschooler»

Term work in this direction 6 months.

My work experience is called: « Kinetic sand as a means of developing the cognitive and emotional sphere of a preschooler».

Development of cognitive activity in preschool children age is especially relevant at the present stage, since it is cognitive activity develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of mind and forms sustainable educational interests through research activities. Everyday children will know more and more new objects, they strive to name not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. While maintaining children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance with nature to understanding it. When a child acts with objects himself, he is better learns the world , so priority is work with children it is better to use practical methods training: experiments, projects, experiments.

Teaching children preschool age is most productive if it comes in the context of practical and play activities. Also in progress development changes are taking place in emotional sphere of the child. His views on the world and relationships with others change. The child's ability to recognize and control his emotions increase. But on my own the emotional sphere does not develop qualitatively, it is necessary develop.

We must not forget about the role of communication in shaping the personality of children. It is the early forms of communication that largely determine their further development and influence on a person’s personality, on his attitude towards people around him, towards himself, towards the world. In almost every group of any kindergarten there are children who are called "difficult". These include aggressive, hyperactive, anxious and withdrawn. Working with such children, the teacher needs to make a lot of effort and ingenuity in order to interest and organize them. Job with sand is one of the forms of natural activity of a child. That is why it can be used in developing and training sessions. While playing with sand, a child has the opportunity to express his deepest feelings. emotional experiences. Sandbox has a psychotherapeutic effect, helping the child get rid of shyness, conflict in communication and many other problems.

Sand Therapy is primarily an opportunity for self-expression. The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung.

It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself has created, and builds again...By living this secret many times, the child reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy-tale world, the child is given the opportunity to change a situation that is uncomfortable for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own. On the one hand, the child’s motivation for classes increases significantly. On the other hand, it occurs more intensely and harmoniously development cognitive processes . And if you consider that sand has a remarkable property "to ground" negative mental energy, then in the process of educational work harmonization occurs psycho-emotional state baby.

In his work with children I preferred working with kinetic sand. Children love to play with sand and sculpt with plasticine. Kinetic sand successfully combines the properties of these two materials and is a universal toy for children's creativity. Kinetic sand 98% consists of ordinary quartz sand and 2% silicone polymer. At first glance it resembles a wet sea sand, but as soon as you take it in your hands, its unusual properties appear. Polymer materials and quartz provide the viscosity necessary for modeling; it is plastic – on the one hand, and “fluid” on the other. You touch him sand“moves”, “comes to life”, flows through the fingers and at the same time remains dry. It is loose, but you can build a variety of shapes from it, it is pleasant to the touch, and does not leave marks on your hands. Can be used as a relaxant means. WITH you can use kinetic sand on any surface. Material spilled on the floor does not scatter into separate particles, but is stored in the form of a compact mass that is easy to collect and reuse. Sand is absolutely harmless, has antibacterial properties, does not contain toxic substances and does not cause allergies, therefore can be used in work with the youngest children, both at home and in kindergarten. Kinetic sand– fabulous material for working with a child.

For work I chose space sand. 3 sets of colored sand were purchased, 1 kg each. For each set of sand there is an inflatable sandbox. The amount of sand used during games and activities depends on the form of the exercise (individually or frontally, as well as on the direction work.

To organize games with sand, you need plastic molds of various sizes and themes, dough molds, stacks or wooden spatulas, a large set of miniature objects and toys, which together symbolize the world around us and reflect work By lexical topics. In classical sandy therapy there is the following classification of objects used in the process sand work:

Human characters;

-building: houses, schools, churches, castles;

-animals: domestic, wild, prehistoric, marine, etc.;

-cars: land, water, space, combat;

-plants: trees, bushes, flowers, vegetables, etc.;

-the buildings: bridges, fences, gates, portals, cattle pens;

-natural objects: shells, strings, stones, eggs, etc.;

-symbolic objects: sources for making wishes, treasure boxes, jewelry, etc.;

-fairy-tale heroes: evil and good;

Plastic or wooden letters and numbers, various geometric figures (circles, triangles, rectangles, pyramids, etc.)

A set of gaming equipment is stored in plastic containers and located on shelves. The collection is constantly updated and periodically processed. To enhance the impact sandy therapy during games and exercises we use musical works, For example: relaxation and classical music recommended for children preschool age .

Now we have everything to go on an exciting trip around the country with our children Sand Games.

In his work I try to use different forms and methods sandy therapy based on the following principles of education and training: -creation of stimulating environment, in which the child feels comfortable and protected and can be creative;

Spontaneity of the child's manifestations while playing with sand;

Elimination of negative assessment of the child’s actions and results;

Maximum encouragement of imagination and creativity;

Playing out situations together with the heroes of fairy tales; - friendly attitude towards children.

Lesson system with kinetic sand sanding combines several methods impact: sandy therapy – promotes self-expression, gives facilities to resolve conflicts and convey feelings; fairytale therapy - fairy tales in a fascinating form and in accessible words show children the world around them, the actions of people, choose the criteria of moral values, help the child feel like a creator and creator; play therapy is part of a whole complex of various influences on the child.

Creating compositions from kinetic sand involves various methods knowledge: 1) comparison by contrast and similarity (cold-warm, smooth-rough); 2)research activity: touch, press, grind, scatter sand; 3) reasoning; 4) generalization and description.

The main tasks are: 1. Improving the skills of practical communication. 2. Reducing anxiety levels. 3. Development fantasies and imaginative thinking. 4. Promoting empathy. 5. Decline psycho-emotional stress.

Working with kinetic I started sanding in 2016, when my children and I moved to middle group . We got acquainted with kinetic sand and with a toy - intermediary. He turned out to be a resident of the country sand games Sandman. Sand the man invited the children to play with the sand, but outlined some rules of behavior.

You can't push or fight here

And throw sand at your friends!

Can be wrinkled sand, ride,

You can write fairy tales.

Build, draw, sculpt,

And, of course, talk!

The children were very enthusiastic new material. We crumpled with pleasure sand, created new unusual forms, invented and built their own worlds. Some preschoolers The tactile touches of the cosmic sand at the first tests were enchanting, they could not tear themselves away, they simply fingered the grains of sand for a long time. I asked the children to describe their impressions of meeting space sand. I asked what it looked like, what it reminded me of? Selection of exercises for sand:

- "to walk" palms on the sand, leaving their traces;

- "travel" palms or edge of the palm, performing zigzag and circular movements;

Create various designs with palm and fist prints (flowers, trees, grass, sun, rain);

With your fingers folded, draw the mysterious tracks of birds, animals that do not exist;

- "sift" sand between fingers.

The process of getting to know the sand will take several days. Every evening the guys asked to play with the miracle material again and again. Next, through the organization of basic games, we studied the properties kinetic sand.

I noted that in the process of using games with kinetic sand formed trusting relationships, stabilized emotional background, and positive motivation appeared for a new subject to study. Also to our work we involved parents. The children spoke with great delight at home about kinetic sand, so the parents showed sincere interest.

Job included with parents myself:

involvement in the acquisition of attributes, making characters for games with sand;

consultation at the stand "Secrets kinetic sand» ;

individual consultation Job.

As a result, we were able to establish partnerships with families and join forces to development and education of children.

Among preschool teachers institutions direction of my work I also found understanding and support. In every group there are children who find it difficult to sit still. Such preschoolers create additional difficulties in teacher's work. Therefore, consultations and individual conversations were held.

Thus, work experience has shown, What kinetic sand is that effective means, which allows:

1) form trusting, partnership relationships;

2) harmonize emotional state of the child

3) save longer child's performance;

4) develop communication skills;

5) develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills;

6) activate the child’s potential creative abilities. In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of games with kinetic sand cannot be considered as an independent and self-sufficient method development of the cognitive and emotional sphere of a preschooler. Its use most likely acts as an auxiliary facilities, but allowing you to stimulate the child, create a favorable emotional background.

Kinetic sand at work can be used by any teacher when the issue of interaction with children who require special attention arises.

Experimental activity in 2 younger group on the topic: “Sand. Properties of sand. Making Easter cakes from sand."

Target: To develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation. Help expand children's knowledge about the properties of dry and wet sand, activate speech and enrich children's vocabulary. Training tasks: Introduce children to the properties of sand. Learn to handle sand carefully, do not spill it. Renew your interest in working with sand. Develop the ability to put forward hypotheses, compare and draw conclusions. Teach with children new game"Grains of Sand." Developmental tasks: Develop children's hand motor skills. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop skills for interacting with peers in the process joint activities. Educational tasks: Cultivate feelings of empathy and compassion. To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children (neatness, neatness). Material: large children's sandbox, set of molds, scoops, watering cans, napkins.

Move The teacher shows the sand to the children: - Look what I have in my hands? (Sand.) - Correct. This is sand. Tell me, do you like to play with sand? (Answers.) Let's play with it a little and get acquainted with its properties. But first, let's agree that during the game: - we don't put sand in our mouth; - don’t rub your eyes with dirty hands; - We don’t cover ourselves with sand. Go to the sandbox and touch the sand with your hands. - What color is the sand? (Brown). Educator: I’m pleased, I feel the coolness of the sand. What do you feel (children’s statements). Educator: Guys, can you hear the phone ringing, let's find out who's calling us?! Hello... (talks to the doll Katya) The doll Katya said that today is her birthday and that guests should come to her, but there are many guests and she alone will not have time to prepare a treat for everyone. Let's help her? But before we get started, let's look at our sand and think about what we can make from it. (children's answers) Experiment 1 “Dry bulk sand” Target: introduce children to the properties of sand.

Children examine the sand: what color, try it by touch (loose, dry). What is sand made of? What do grains of sand look like? The grains of sand are small, translucent, round, and do not stick to each other. Is it possible to sculpt from sand? Why can't we make anything out of dry sand? Invite children to pour sand from one palm to another. Outdoor game "Grains of Sand" (repeated 2-3 times). Educator: Let's play, everyone stand in a circle. Turn around yourself and turn into grains of sand. Everyone squatted down. Oh, how much sand we have. But then the wind blew, picked up grains of sand, and they flew in different directions. (Children imitate the flight of grains of sand.) The wind died down and the grains of sand fell to the ground. (Children stop moving and squat down.) Well done boys! We played well.

Experiment 2 “Wet sand” Target. Introduce children to the properties of wet sand.

Educator: Well, now it’s time to get to work, the guests will arrive soon, but our treat is not ready. You have molds lying around, let's pour sand in there and make Easter cakes. Work carefully and carefully pour the sand into the molds. The Easter cakes turned out (Children's answers) Why didn't they work out? (The sand is dry) What needs to be done so that you can sculpt from sand? (children's assumptions) Who knows what will happen if you pour water into the sand (children's answers) Let's check. The teacher, with the help of 1-2 children, waters the sand from a watering can. Touch it and tell me - is it dry or wet? (Wet) That's right, this sand is damp, wet. Look, does wet sand flow as well as dry sand? (Show to children). Of course, wet sand doesn't fall out. You can make Easter cakes from wet sand. Let's try. Take the molds and carefully place wet sand into them. Tap the sand like this with a scoop and compact it. Carefully invert the mold with sand onto the stand. Tap the bottom again with the scoop. Remove the mold. Educator: Well done! How beautiful your Easter cakes turned out, doll Katya and her friends will definitely love them! What else can you bake for guests? Pies: children scoop up a handful of sand, clap them with their palms, and say together with the teacher: “ I bake, bake, bake, everyone has a pie!» Educator: “Oh, what a miracle pie, it’s just asking to be put into your mouth!” Guys, do you think we can go visit now? (children's answers) Educator: Guys, do you think we can go visit now? (children's answers) Of course, you need to come with gifts to your birthday. Shall we make a gift for Katyusha?

Experience 3 “Sand Country” Target: highlight the properties of sand: flowability; introduce the method of making a picture from sand. Material: sand, water, a sheet of white paper, a glue stick.

Educator: Is it possible to draw with dry sand? Draw something on thick paper with a glue stick, and then pour sand onto the glue. Shake off excess sand and see what happens. Educator: And now we’re going on the road (to the song from the cartoon “A Gift for an Elephant”) (the children are met by the Katya doll, with a treat) The children congratulate her on her birthday and give her gifts. The doll Katya invites the children to dance.

Result: Educator: Guys, let's remember everything we learned about sand. The teacher begins the phrase, the children finish. - We learned that the sand is dry... (light, free-flowing, you cannot make Easter cakes from it). - The sand is wet... (dark, cold, you can make Easter cakes from it). Well done boys!

Pure sand is a mixture of small grains of various rocks (mainly quartz). When sand gets wet, quartz crystals are attracted to each other due to the forces of surface tension of water, and therefore quite stable structures can be built from wet sand. When the water evaporates, the forces holding the system together are not enough, and the sand castle collapses.

But the water film covering the particles has a number of disadvantages. In particular, wet grains of sand stick not only to each other, but also to the skin. And you can’t play on the floor with wet sand at home - dirt will remain, the consequences of the game will creak under your feet. In general, the Swedes from the company WABAfun proposed an original solution.

Friability test

It's hard to believe, but in these photos the tester holds his hands completely still. Once removed from the mold, the lump of sand begins to spread on its own. Between frames - approximately 10-15 seconds.

Sand that won't dry

Kinetic sand appeared on the market in 2013 and quickly gained some popularity. A child can play with it at home (however, not on a carpet, but on a smooth floor), and the consequences of the game can be collected in half a minute with your hands, which don’t even need to be washed after that. It’s strange - it feels like sand and looks like sand, but the physical properties are completely different. How does this happen?

98% of Kinetic Sand consists of ordinary pure sand and evenly ground quartz crystals. The remaining 2% of the mixture is a viscous substance that does not allow the sand to dry out and constantly maintains it in a “working” condition. The developers keep the composition of the substance secret, but most likely it is an analogue of a non-Newtonian liquid obtained by dissolving ordinary starch in water (we did this experiment in the May 2012 issue).

What does it cost us... a house. Oddly enough, building a more or less normal castle from kinetic sand is quite difficult, if not impossible. Professional sand sculptors work with wet sand, which sticks together much better and holds its shape until the water evaporates. In order for the sculpture to stand for a long time, it must be coated with a stabilizing compound at the end of the work.

It does not stain your hands, does not crumble, is pleasant to the touch, but is not suitable for building castles or any other tall and complex sculptures. A good toy for children under five years old, and due to safety precautions it can only be given to children from the age of three, so the total “window of interest” is quite narrow.

Sculptures made from kinetic sand begin to crumble quite quickly, especially tall ones, and you can only sculpt something meaningful out of it using molds.

Commercials for Kinetic Sand show how it can be effectively cut with a knife - but this effect only lasts for exactly two minutes, after which it becomes boring. Small child may be happy to “sculpt money,” but a third-grader will get bored with the entertaining substance from which it is impossible to build a knight’s castle of sufficient height.