All about religion and faith - "prayer for neighbors to sell their house" with detailed description and photographs.

As our ancestors used to say: "Don't choose your house - choose your neighbors!". There is truth in these words. When buying a house, we first of all choose a living space, we get acquainted with people living nearby only after moving. But, knowing in advance about noisy, evil or envious neighbors, we would think more carefully about our decision to buy a particular home.

If, in spite of everything, you have acquired a long-awaited living space and your neighbors turned out to be evil, unfriendly people, apply the conspiracy and everything will work out.

A conspiracy from evil neighbors is a great way to help you make contact with your neighbors, reconcile you or get rid of noisy and conflicting people, make you change your place of residence.

Conspiracy on the neighbor's door

To make the neighbors move out at midnight, stand in front of the door of annoying neighbors, take a candle with a lit flame in your right hand. A lit candle is driven clockwise in front of the door, and the following plot is read:

“My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble. Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

After the ceremony is completed, you need to imperceptibly drip wax from a candle in front of a neighbor's door.

Prayer to George the Victorious

To tame neighborly enmity, you can apply the prayer to George the Victorious.

“Holy passion-bearer George the Victorious! As you cast down your evil enemies, so may my enemies be cast down. Protect me, servant of the Lord (name), from the machinations of my enemies, from evil deeds, from an unkind word, from an envious thought. Let them leave their unclean plans, may the Lord's forgiveness be to them for their sins. May my word be strong, may the Lord be merciful to my requests. Amen!"

So that the neighbors do not bother

A very simple ritual to get rid of evil people. Read these words:

“It’s not you who spit in me, but I spit in your eyes (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“I spit on all my enemies. Go, my drools, to them forever, close their eyes to me forever. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Collective amulet

When not only you, but also other people suffer from a hated neighbor, you can apply such a conspiracy. It is necessary to write the name of the impudent woman on a piece of paper, write below "good soul". Roll the paper tightly and place it in a plastic bag, secure with tape.

Then you need to find a house where no one lives, or an apartment, put the packed leaf in the mailbox. As long as the amulet is in the mailbox, the annoying neighbor will not bother you.

Strong conspiracy on the photo

Such a ceremony is performed only as a last resort, when all measures to calm a bad person are no longer in effect.

Take a photo of your neighbor who is bothering you. The ceremony is performed with a waning moon. The photo is wrapped in a piece of black fabric. When the sun goes down, you need to light three candles (necessarily the same), arrange them in the shape of a triangle. A piece of fabric is spread out in front of you, the photo is placed in the middle. Read the following words twelve times:

“As the candles burn, and the wax melts from them, so let the anger of the servant of God (name) melt. The servant of God (name) will not touch me in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks, spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

When the candles burn out, they need to be removed in a bag. A photograph wrapped in a piece of cloth is placed in the same package. The package must be removed to a secluded place on the west side. For three days you can not take out or give anything from the apartment. As long as the photo is hidden from prying eyes, the neighbor will not bother you.

For the neighbors to move out of the house

This simple ritual will help you get rid of the bad person living next to you and help him move to another place as soon as possible. For the ceremony, you need to prepare the following ingredients: buy a yellow church candle, pour half a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt and a chicken feather. You need to go to a deserted place. The candle is set in the ground, salt, pour the salt into a cup of olive oil. The cup is placed near a burning candle. Then they take a chicken feather in their hand and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. Let it be in my house. The servants of God (name) will always be quiet, but peace. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When the words have been spoken, the pen is dipped in olive oil. With such a pen, a line is drawn between the neighbor's apartment and your apartment.

Charms for the home

Having moved to a new home, you can also get rid of bad neighbors with the help of amulets:

  • Buy a decorative whisk in the souvenir shop. To make a charm out of a panicle, weave a willow branch with a stem of sedge grass. Hang a broom over the entrance to your house.
  • Take a juniper twig and place it in a vase. Such a talisman will help neutralize the bad energy emanating from the hated neighbors.

A conspiracy from neighbors will be useless if you yourself behave impolitely towards others. No matter how the relationship between you and your neighbors develops, it is better not to quarrel, but to try to find a compromise. Radiate more goodness and everything will be fine.

Visitor reviews


I thank you for providing the information.

But how to draw a line if the vile neighbor lives upstairs?

And what to do with the pen and everything that was for the ritual when it was finished?

... I think I need to bury it somewhere. Did they answer you? Tell me too, I have the same question.

And what to do with a pen, oil, a candle, what was for the ritual when he finished it?

Our neighbors below, instead of etching cockroaches, read conspiracies and hung amulets so that cockroaches would not crawl into the ears of small children.

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How to influence noisy neighbors without entering into long negotiations with them? How to make yourself heard, without unnecessary emotions? Turning to magical rituals is the best option in order to get rid of ill-mannered people living nearby. They just turn off the music and stop being loud. A conspiracy from bad neighbors will not harm you, because the truth is on your side.

Salt Conspiracy

You will need a dry broom, collected by yourself, for example, birch or spruce, salt. At midnight, on the waning moon, sweep the rug at your door, away from it, saying:

“I dare all extraneous noises from myself, all harmful people I fence off from my apartment (house)!

Then fry salt in a shallow frying pan, saying:

"Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

Pour it in a thin strip under the threshold (in front of the door) to those who annoy and harm, with the words:

“May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

The salt will darken, and will not be evident.

You can also, passing through the myom of the doors of unloved people living nearby, pronounce:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

This will also be a kind of conspiracy against the neighbors.

You should accurately voice your desires: if you want silence, ask for it correctly, magic hears everything literally. For example, a grandmother living above you listens loudly to TV, you should not ask like this: "so that this demonic box burns down at a harmful grandmother." The result may be the most unexpected and the concept “burned out” is far from abstract, especially for those nearby. It’s better to ask like this: “I wish her hearing was restored” or “I wish that my grandmother would be tired of watching TV in the evening.” Perhaps she will have a hearing aid or an evening hobby.

A slander to make the evil neighbors move out

Ritual with a nail or needle

In a hardware store, buy a carnation, on the full moon, light a church candle and ignite it on fire, read the following words.

“I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

Then sprinkle your apartment with holy water:

“Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

On any other day, you will need to get into the house of people who harm you and stick (drive) carnations into their jamb, with the words:

“Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

In order for this action to be quickly completed, you need to choose a small carnation that can be imperceptibly stuck.

In this ritual, you can also use a needle, such a magical lining can be left completely unnoticed. But the ritual on the needle will take longer.

Conspiracy to make neighbors kinder

Sometimes the people next to you, not even noisy, cause great trouble with their arrogance, rudeness, and you want to make these harmful comrades kinder. In this case, there are strong conspiracies.

Salt ritual

For such a sacrament, you need to borrow salt from your neighbors. On the new moon, put garlic in a bottle (you can clove), sprinkle with this salt and read the following:

“We have exchanged salt, we have exhausted quarrels, may there be peace between our homes. Amen".

Rite in the cemetery

To pacify a neighbor who gathers a daily noisy company is possible only with the help of rituals aimed at his sober lifestyle. To do this, you will need a bottle of vodka, candles, food and sweets. You should visit the graves of his loved ones, if this is not possible, then find a few unkempt graves and clean them up. Before leaving, leave food, sweets there, saying:

“I take care of you, and you take care of the servant of God (name), so that he takes up his mind and stops drinking.”

On a full moon, put the bottle on the window so that the light hits it completely. Arrange candles around her and light, say these words:

“How disgusting you are to me, water of fire, so you would become disgusting to the servant of God (name), so that he would not look at you, would not think about you, would not want you, my words are strong as a stone!”.

Put out the candles, leave the bottle until dawn under the moon. The next day, under any pretext, give it to someone who gives you trouble. The same can be done with products, which you can then treat to a living person nearby, unless of course he accepts them. Such a ritual will not help to evict a neighbor, but he will behave more quietly and become more friendly with you.

Prayer for protection from harmful neighbors

You can perform a ritual on the husk from the seeds. You need to know that sunflower seed husks often lead to strong quarrels, such a conspiracy should be used as a last resort with the most scandalous and drinking people, with whom it was not possible to agree in a good way.

Seed husk conspiracy

Prepare the husk, scatter it in front of the door of the neighbors on the full moon, reading these words:

"Litter outside the threshold, quarrels in the house, there is no reason to stay here anymore."

There are cases of extreme necessity, and the family is socially stable, quite peaceful among themselves, in order to evict them, you can use the husk with such speeches:

“Just as there is a lot of husk, so let you have a lot of money so that you can buy yourself a house twice as much, twice as good and move out of here as soon as possible.”

Instead of the husk, you can conduct a ritual through the garbage. Pick up a lot of small pieces of paper, collect various cores and use the same text to speed up the move.

From floods and other damage

Often there are people who flood those who live on the floor below. Perhaps they are not evil, and it's not even their fault, but the fact remains, we must make sure that there are no more floods.

First of all, you should visit the church and light candles to your defenders, as well as to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to perform a miracle and put those who will not stop annoying you on the true path. Then, on the growing moon, stand under their door with a lit candle in your hands, let the wax drip onto the floor. Read the following:

“Lord, work a miracle, give them forever the memory to turn off the water in their absence, give them money to fix all the taps and pipes, help them establish relationships with those who monitor the condition of the house so that they always come to them on time. Amen".

A prayer read from the bottom of your heart cannot fail to bring happiness to your home. It will be useful to light church candles near the threshold and pass fire around the perimeter of your door with a request for humility.

When and how will rituals work?

Each ritual is effective and powerful, but reinforcing it with faith will bring much more success. Relocation conspiracies require patience, since neither physically nor legally can be carried out in a short time. A conspiracy from bad neighbors works much faster, about two weeks after reading.

They will be more effective if you devote not one day to the ritual, but several suitable for this number: 3, 9, 12, 33, 40, 90. Harmful people living nearby can be appeased by prayers and candles set for their health and cordiality. The more often you remember them with kindness, the really kinder they become.

Conspiracies and rituals to get rid of bad neighbors

Absolutely everyone has those people who surround them every day and it is simply impossible to refuse them. Among them are relatives and neighbors. And there are situations that it is simply impossible to live with people in the neighborhood. They constantly try to spoil or, as luck would have it, make noise. And the question immediately arises, how to get rid of bad neighbors.

Conspiracy from bad neighbors

It's very simple there is a special conspiracy from neighbors that will help influence their behavior. Modern magic provides a bunch of ways to do this, both with the help of prayers, and black magic has some methods.

How to get rid of bad neighbors

Almost every person worries about how to calm down the neighbors. This issue is especially relevant among those who live in an apartment. Many suffer from drunks, drug addicts who live nearby. There are those who try to poison your dog because it interferes with them. Situations may arise different, but for any of them there is a conspiracy. This method will allow you to survive scandalous, annoying, curious neighbors.

In order for your neighbors to move out, you can use the power of white magic. But to be more precise, this is white conspiracy on the neighbors. It will help to calm even the most violent inhabitants. Be that as it may, this rite will help you achieve what you want.

To do this, you need to prepare items such as:

  • salt, a pinch;
  • a small jar;
  • three leaves of lavrushka;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • a handful of dill seeds;
  • black peppercorns.

“Come together as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), protect my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. As you wish, so it will come true"

“In the name of all protective forces, help calm down noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm, do not wish bad things to me and close people living with me. Protect from the envious thought of those who think badly of me. Pacify the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think so of me. Help me find peace and quiet in my house. My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

This rite will allow you to calm or evict neighbors who are constantly trying to harm you. When the plot is read, it is necessary to hide the container somewhere far away so that no one can find it.

How to evict neighbors

What needs to be done so that the neighbors leave forever? This is of interest to many, because there are absolutely, everywhere such “special” ones. Get rid of noisy neighbors, those who live in a multi-storey building constantly dream. After all, a person cannot live normally when the neighbors cannot calm their dog, yell or smoke so that it smells all over the house.

If you dream of your neighbors moving, then a conspiracy from evil neighbors will help you. After all, it will allow you to influence the fact that those who interfere with you move out in the near future.

Such rituals are performed only when the sun begins to hide behind the horizon. It is best to read such words on the young moon, because experienced sorcerers say that during this period all rituals are of great power.

In order to conduct the ceremony, you need to prepare your thoughts and some items. Among them:

  • salt;
  • church candle;
  • small chicken feather;
  • a little olive oil;
  • tablespoon.

Choose a place to read the plot, where it will be quiet and calm. You can go to the country, nature or go out into the open field. Next, you need to set the candle on the floor and set it on fire. We take some kind of container and put oil and a little salt in it. Place this mixture near the candle. Take the pen and say these words:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil deeds of the neighbors, from which everyone is tired, so that they fall behind, do not go here anymore, so that they do not bother people to live normally. Help drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and everything will be against them living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen."

Don't worry, you won't hurt anyone. Indeed, there are often situations when the neighbors themselves make unkind conspiracies in order to leave you without a robot or try to poison the dog. Therefore, if you have such neighbors living through the wall, then be sure to put up protection and try to get rid of them.

How to improve relations with neighbors using white magic

There are various rituals that allow you to destroy, take revenge or survive your neighbors. Everyone can do this, but it is not always possible to resolve the issue peacefully. Therefore, before doing rituals that will allow you to punish or survive your neighbors, try to build relationships. You can do this with the help of baking, go to visit them, find out the name and what they are fond of, what is the name of their angry dog. So you can not only establish relationships with them, but also make friends.

In order to carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to light candles on Sunday morning and prepare pastries. In the process, read the words:

“Evil old woman shut up, like all other evil tongues. I made delicious pies, let our friendly speeches be just as sweet and tasty, let all hatred come from us. All I need is peace, joyful and peaceful relationships. My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

After the baking is ready, at the end of work, go visit your neighbors and treat them with pies. You can also treat the neighbor's angry dog. When they pick up the pastries, you need to mentally say the following words:

“I need only peace and friendship from you. You're in good health, and I'm in peace.

What to do if a neighbor harms you with magic

If you have ever found some strange objects near your dacha or under the door of your apartment, then this is a sign that your neighbor is slandering. Also consider if they came to you with something.

In such a situation, only a conspiracy from evil neighbors can help you. Make it so that the neighbors do not even think about the fact that you guessed everything. Try to behave peacefully. Head to the store and purchase some silver item. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the day when the full moon should come.

When buying, read these words:

“We need peace, we need friendship. Buying an item to reconcile with (neighbor's name)"

You need to say this not mentally, but out loud, the seller must hear it. Do not worry about what they think of you, because you are doing it for your own good. After that, do not talk to anyone, but just go home. What you bought must be given to the person who is trying to harm you. After all, sometimes such people try to get you out of the normal rut with a variety of magic, they also say to starve you to death. Therefore, do not spare money for the well-being of your family.

Believe me, you should beware of such people, because it is not known how everything will end, first they poison the dog, and then they will slip poison on you. If your neighbor tries to hurt you, make sure she ends up hurting herself.

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Hidden conspiracy from evil neighbors

There is a very necessary conspiracy that is recommended for everyone to do. He is not only against the neighbors, but also other bad people. To conduct the ceremony, you need to take a mirror. And keep it in such a position that your reflection can be seen in it and at this moment say the following:

"I'm walking, you can't see me.

I'm walking, you can't hear me.

As in glass I am not me, so all the malice is not mine.

People will argue with me, I will not find evil in anyone.

Around me are only those who are dear to me, the rest have no place here.

I will live without troubles and go without troubles,

Life will be clear, like a mirror light.

Even old people scattered the ashes, which were made from various herbs, and read the plot. Indeed, in order for the neighbors to fall behind, one has to go to extreme measures. And no one can help you but yourself.

Protection from neighbors

Neighbors surround us everywhere, because wherever you move, there will definitely be someone who will not be satisfied with the fact that you live here. Neighbors above, below, on the sides, it doesn’t matter, everyone or one person may be dissatisfied. Therefore, it is best to put protection on your house from a harmful neighbor or those who are trying to harm you. If she is already harming, then everyone simply has to do such a rite. Help will not come on its own until you put some effort into it.

Experienced magicians offer to use special amulets, among them:

  1. A small panicle that can be bought at any gift shop.
  2. The most powerful amulet is juniper.

Cunning neighbors should beware, and the bad ones should be answered with the same coin. Always repeat the words, I can do anything, no one will offend me. The universe will hear these words and everything will be as you wished for yourself.

When the conspiracy begins

Slanders from neighbors can be different, and they have different strengths. If you used a needle or fish for the ritual, then in the first version you protected yourself, and in the second you harmed others. So consider if I can hurt bad people, maybe they need to be approached from the other side. It is better to conduct rituals that do not cause harm, but those that allow you to make people move. So you will have a clear conscience and a peaceful life.

After all, why do evil to people, even if they do it to you. Try to make peace with your neighbors, and maybe you will still have a good friendship.

Most people do not have the opportunity to acquire a country house, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the millions of people who have to deal with every day. It doesn't matter if you live in a high-rise building in a big and noisy city, or in a cozy country house, you will always be surrounded by people. Some live behind the wall, others through a small fence, but no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to get away from people. In most cases, your life can turn into a minefield, you will be surrounded by annoying and angry neighbors. A conspiracy from evil neighbors will come to the rescue.

A few simple tips will help you forget about annoying neighbors

Conspiracy options

Not always to act means to run, to perform complex schemes for a long time. A few simple tips will help you forget about annoying neighbors:

  1. Protection to reduce the mischief of neighbors. When you can’t stop everything that happens that disturbs your peace, then prayer will come to the rescue. It becomes a kind of protection that will not only be able to stop all quarrels and disagreements, but will also help to resume the old relationship between you. It will be necessary to prepare water for a conspiracy and say eight times:

    “The Mother of God-castle, the cross is on me, the cross is in front of me. I fence myself with the cross, I drive away the enemy, I listen to my angel. My angel, keep me, my head, my heart, my hands, my feet. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Then, for eight days, it is necessary to pour water to the neighbors on the threshold. Try to do it discreetly late in the evening or at night. Make sure that the neighbors do not go outside after the ritual you performed.

  2. A prayer that will bring back peace and respect. It often happens that you have learned from strangers about how gossip accidentally blossoms in your direction. Most of you can intuitively feel the slightest change in your life. Select right time, it should be early morning, then lunchtime and, of course, sunset, combined with the waning moon. For a result, the prayer should sound like this:

    “Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There they are free, but we are calm. Amen".

    After each reading of these words must be crossed three times and bow the same number of times. The final stage will be "hello" sounding from you towards the neighbors.

  3. For believers, the most powerful thing is prayer. For his own protection, it will be enough to pray every Wednesday at dawn and dusk. So that evil intentions do not affect you and your family, read three times:

    “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Trinity lives in peace and harmony, so would (the name of a neighbor, neighbor) would live in peace and harmony with the servant of God (her name). Amen".

    Use the icon of the Mother of God and a lit lamp. Let your imagination run wild and imagine a white dove hovering above you. It is important to carry the icon with you, and that the image is at home. This will enhance protection.

For a conspiracy, you need to use the icon of the Mother of God and a lit lamp

Getting rid of evil

For prayer to work, you should approach this issue with all seriousness. After all, the belief of the person himself in the best, this is already great power as the main component of any technique. Not only the neighbors with whom you live in the same house can become a person who has evil intentions against you. It could be fellow neighbors sitting in the same office as you and gloating over your success. If there is no explanation for their actions, then you should act immediately. There are a couple of options that will help protect from others. The first prayer goes like this:

“Eat up and eat up, but don’t touch me (your name). (List the malefactors by name), otherwise the toothy creature will eat. Let it be so!".

It is necessary to say these words a little audibly, giving half the breakfast to your pet and pronouncing the words without blinking. The next prayer should be said at lunchtime while feeding the pigeons or ravens. For the best result, try to make everything believable and not feigned.

“Peck, but peck, eat up, but don’t touch me (your name). (Name your offenders by name), otherwise the sharp-beaked creature will peck at food. Let it be so! Let it be so!".

For prayer to work, you should approach this issue with all seriousness.

And finally, leave some of the food from dinner and go to a sparsely populated place. You must bury leftover food with the words on your lips:

“Come on, eat up, but don’t touch me (your name). (List offenders by name.) Otherwise, I’ll dig deep into the depths, worms, goosebumps, which will worm you (you), goosebumps, drink white juices from the body. Let it be so! Let it be so!! Let it be so!!!".

After that, without looking back, hurry home to wash away all the insults and bad wishes of the neighbors. Simple Tips sure to bring results.

When problems with neighbors arise, it is important to find options on how to protect yourself and your entire family from annoying neighbors. It's one thing if they're just noisy and not maliciously throwing noisy parties or swearing loudly in the kitchen at dinner. But when ill-wishers come into play, only reliable protection remains. Putting a plot on the neighbors is the only right choice.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Good friends housemates are extremely rare. As a rule, everything is exactly the opposite. Neighbors wear us out with endless repairs and loud music, do not let our children sleep, smoke in the porches, flood the stretched ceilings “yesterday”, park under our windows, etc. Persuasion, requests and demands do not work, and all that remains is to powerlessly wave our fists because of curtains in your apartment.

Does the neighbor always keep watch at the peephole?

On duty day and night? And then he discusses with his girlfriends on a bench - with whom did you come, at what time and to what extent in an uncultured state?

Make a fake CCTV camera or buy this fake equipment and hang it on the stairwell so that the entire neighbor's door falls into the "field of view" of the camera. Now you will "look" at each other. Do not forget to stick a poster - "We are watching you", tear up the granny "templates".

Might as well cover up her peephole with ordinary adhesive tape or to act even more cruelly - fill the eye with silicate glue (it is impossible to wash and tear it off).

Neighbors have bothered you so much that you want to walk the dog under their door?

Put up an advertisement (or submit it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, “We need tenants for six months to look after the apartment. Pay only for com/services. Let them be tortured with calls. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve anything, but your heart will become a little warmer from a little dirty trick.

Be sure to indicate that you should call from 6 to 8 am on weekends or from 11 to 12 am on weekdays.

If there is no phone, write their address. So even more interesting.

A young couple has moved into the next apartment and has already managed to bore you pretty much with their nightly "sabantuychiks" with guests and a sea of ​​​​alcohol?

Do they not respond to your requests “let people sleep” and are even rude?

Buy a GSM signal jammer. Cell phones stop working in their apartment. True, there is one minus - they will not work in your apartment either.

Neighbors get drunk, drop cabinets, dance at 3 o'clock in the morning under Verka-Serduchka?

And they are so actively knocking with forks on plates that your chandelier is swinging? And the doors don't open? And they don't respond to knocks?

Unscrew the plugs (if the shield is on the stairs), let them sit in the dark.

Will continue - repeat the action.

A young neighbor can't imagine his life without Chanson radio?

To the fullest every night? Just when, after a delicious dinner, wrapped in soft pajamas, are you going to lie down and read a newspaper?

Buy your child a synthesizer. Or a guitar. In general, it doesn’t matter what kind of instrument, it is important that it be loud, and training in the morning is regular.

If the impudent people settled right under you, and the fight against them gives nothing ...

... then, in addition to the musical impact, the constant transportation of sofas around the room, dancing until you drop and building appliances turned on for 2-3 hours, you can use it as revenge and flood . Pour the neighbors well and before they come running to you with screams, wipe the floor dry.

Do not forget to make big eyes (“Oh, we have such terrible ceilings here! They haven’t changed them since the time of Tsar Peas!”) And offer to climb up to the neighbors above or call the plumbers.

The neighbor has finally become insolent, is he parking right at the exit from the yard or on the playground?

And in the evenings, right under your window, turns on the radio at full power and drinks beer with friends?

All your timid requests rest on the promise of this insolent man to break your legs if you ask for anything again.

How to punish a boor?

If the grannies and kids in your yard love to feed the pigeons, then just throw a handful of millet or breadcrumbs on the hood and roof of a neighbor's car . He won't put it here again.

Did the neighbors in the dacha get tired of their drunken companies, barbecues and musical girls?

The flow of guests is endless and does not want to stop?

Under the cover of darkness, stealthily and silently, like a ninja, sneak into the "triss booth" (street toilet) of a hospitable neighbor and throw a packet of yeast into the hole . In the morning, the neighbor and his guests are waiting not only for an incomparable aroma, but also for the contents of the toilet significantly increased under the influence of yeast.

In the near future, no one will break the silence in your country house.

Did the neighbors raise the whole house on their ears for a month with their repairs?

Did they break, rebuild and ditch the walls, lay the floors, without turning off the hammers, drills and jigsaws for hours on end?

Give them a housewarming gift have a karaoke night with friends !

And if angry new settlers break into you at 4-5 in the morning with a demand to “shut up”, you can laugh in their face and tell them that this is your gratitude for a month of headache, plaster falling on your head and overlooked.

Does the neighbor's dog bother you?

Buy a special whistle (or device) , which only animals react to, and start communicating with the dog at the moment when its owners go to bed.

Are your upstairs neighbors too loving?

Are you tired of smoking on the balcony at night until the moans and creaking of the bed subside?

Write a love note for the neighbor's wife in beautiful handwriting (from, for example, a certain Vasya) and throw it in the mailbox (or stick it in the door). It's great if Vasya turns out to be your other nasty and vile neighbor - you will kill two birds with one stone.

All. You are gorgeous. You can sleep well for the next week.

Do your neighbor and his not always sober friends constantly smoke on your stairs?

Do you hate smokers and start coughing long and tedious from the smoke? There is a great way to wean a neighbor to smoke!

At the bottom of the jar, which is usually placed "under the cigarette butts" on the stairs, pour sulfur planed from matches . The neighbor will not smoke here anymore.

If in terms of physical parameters you overtake your neighbor by 20-40 kg (and in the past you were engaged in karate, sambo or at least capoeira), you can jump out of the apartment at the moment he finished smoking a cigarette and put out a neighbor with a cigarette from a fire extinguisher . The effect may not be, but the stormy applause of the wife is guaranteed.

Another, quite peaceful and, oddly enough, effective way to wean neighbors from smoking in the stairwell.

Throw away all their "jars for cigarette butts" and put up an ad instead “Whoever smokes here again will deal with me personally.”

Who is this terrible "with me personally" - no one knows, but it will be scary to smoke.

Every morning your neighbor's music center becomes your alarm clock?

And the walls between the apartments are thin? And you want to shoot him from a slingshot with wolfberries?

Sprinkle (if he lives on the 1st floor) at night millet and seeds on his windowsill. Let him also have a “favorite” alarm clock.

A very cute way to take revenge on the neighbors...

… — hang ads in your area (not along the neighbor's path!) with the following content: “My daughter's beloved cat has disappeared. Red, skinny. He responds to the nickname Kysia. Please bring it to ****. The reward is guaranteed (3,000 rubles)."

Any cat of a red (and not only) color will react to this nickname. The flow of "suffering" (grandmothers, children and homeless townspeople) with red cats will be drawn to your neighbors immediately and for a long time.

Fun guaranteed!

Ways to "poison life" for neighbors - a wagon and a small cart. Some masters even write whole multi-page manuals on "revenge" on neighbors.

But it should be noted that sometimes it is much more effective to invite neighbors to your housewarming party (or just to visit) for kebabs and a “glass of tea”, than to arrange battles and competitions on the topic “who will take revenge on whom more gracefully”.

Also, do not forget that private property is inviolable. Like silence at night. And for any “revenge” they can be “administratively”, or even criminally punished.

Be kind, and don't forget to put yourself in the shoes of your neighbors!

How to get rid of neighbors who make noise and insult you, and can also slip magic pads under your threshold? A conspiracy from neighbors will come to your aid - for reconciliation or their speedy eviction, from witchcraft.

As practicing magicians say, the main thing is to conspire from noisy neighbors with positive emotions - namely good words and thoughts will help smooth out the negative from the neighborhood with noisy residents. We suggest at the very beginning to consider and apply the following simple ritual from noisy neighbors.

On the full moon, buy the most common nail and bring it home - sprinkle it with holy water. After that - read above it Orthodox prayer"Our Father" and you can proceed directly to the ritual itself. And the ritual itself consists in the fact that in the flame church candle singe the nail and then read:

“Holy with fire, I heat that nail - let it endow it with the power of prayer, let the neighbors not harm my house, neither by shouting, nor by noise, nor by loud sound. May the servant of God .... the names of all the loud neighbors ... .. forget about the cry, but live in peace and quiet.

You can also talk about salt - it absorbs and takes on all the negativity, allows you to calm down noisy neighbors. Because it has such an active use - the main thing is that it gets into the house of a neighbor who constantly pesters you with constant noise and scandals behind the wall. Therefore, after the ritual, it is worthwhile, under any pretext, to get into the apartment or house of noisy neighbors and pour salt on them.

To begin with, buy a pack of salt and, having come home, we begin to perform the rite itself. Pour salt from a pack in a saucer and say the words of the following conspiracy:

“I read the salt of the word over you - I wish peace to my neighbors, but I wish you well. You live peacefully and amicably, do not create unnecessary noise for your neighbors - where there is salt, there is silence.

Saying such words 40 times, and after that you can already carry it to the house to noisy and scandalous neighbors.

If a neighbor is conjuring on you

Often find a puddle of water on your doorstep or a handful of earth, garbage or burnt matches - you are spoiled and a dark evil eye and this is most likely done by your neighbor. If you don’t want a friendly old woman who does evil to you to change your life for the worse, it’s worth conducting a ritual from such “well-wishers”.

It is held on the full moon, and you need an object made of silver for the ritual - it can be anything, such as a cross and a brooch, a pendant or a horseshoe. It is best to buy a new item and not take jewelry from your own stocks - when purchasing it, giving money to the seller, you should say:

“I need peace and friendship - I buy you to reconcile with ... .. the name of a neighbor ... ..”

It’s worth saying these words out loud - it’s not so important what the seller thinks about you, because your life and well-being are at stake. After that, without turning around, go home without speaking to anyone, and when you come home, give a present to your neighbor. If she refuses to accept it, it is worth making sure that she at least touches him. Everything, nothing more is required of you, while you can apply it to both neighbors and household members, while maintaining family well-being.

Building Friendships Through Conspiracy

If you want to make peace with your neighbors and find helpers and comrades-in-arms in their person, try performing a ritual with charmed honey. It is they who should treat the neighbors - the main thing is that you yourself radiate kindness and not a drop of negativity.

So, let's get started - on the full moon by lunar calendar buy a barrel of honey, bring it home, put it on the windowsill, so that moonlight falls on it. So the honey will nourish the light of the moon and begin to radiate the blessed light itself - watch how the night star moves and when the moon wanes, read the following words over the honey:

“Like honey is viscous, so is the power of kindness in it viscous, it will make hearts soft. Calm the honey of the hearts of God's servants .... names .... and reconcile us among ourselves - let now and forever be between us peace and grace.

In order for the warring apartments and houses to reconcile with each other, you can apply a rite with a pin, which is simple in its implementation and operates without failures and failures. If you conduct it strictly according to the rules, the neighbors will reconcile in a short time and you can forget about quarrels for a long time.

So let's get started. Buy a new safety pin and put it right away at home in a glass of holy water - the container is placed on the window and so that sunlight falls on it. Leave it in such a place for 3 days and 3 nights - it will be saturated alternately with sunshine and moonlight, their energy.

After this period, we proceed to the conspiracy of the English metal pin. Words magic conspiracy the following:

“You are a steel pin - I order you .... name ... let the neighbors be noisy and evil, become kind and quiet, let their souls be filled with love for me and all household members. Yes, be on that.

This is repeated three times and then they stick it into the door frame of the warring neighbor.

For the neighbors to move out

If you have ever been interested in and heard about the methods of using White Magic, it is beneficial both to those who resort to its help, and to those whom it is directed in its influence. This is achieved due to the fact that you turn to the Higher forces in your conspiracies.

When you want with the help of magic to ensure that the neighbors move out of your house, it is worth spending a small magical ritual white magic. It is held in front of the new moon, and for this you should first prepare the following attributes:

  • - a yellow, wax candle from the temple.
  • - half a cup of the most common olive oil.
  • - a small teaspoon and one white chicken feather.

You should take all this with you and go to a separate place, always without strangers - a room or to nature. Place the candle on a flat surface, then pour a pinch of salt into a cup, fill it with oil and place the container with a lit temple candle. Your next step is to pick up a white chicken feather and say out loud:

“Help me, holy our Lord - protect me in times of need. Yes, let them leave their home and, like chickens, build a nest in a new place. Peace and quiet be there.”

Against harmful neighbors

A ritual from evil neighbors will help you quickly extinguish their anger towards you and your neighbors - the ceremony itself is quite simple and effective in its implementation. To do this, it is worth preparing a wax candle from the temple and matches in advance.

They perform the ritual at midnight, the main thing is to retire in a separate room, so that you are not disturbed. First of all, in the room you light a candle from a match and go with it under the door of your neighbors - it is under it that you should draw circles, moving clockwise, and at the same time you should say:

“Yes, my little head doesn’t hurt - my neighbors don’t make noise. As quiet as that river is, so are the neighbors. The heavenly path shines for everyone, so you be a good neighbor - there is nothing for us to share, there is good to be between us. If you are my neighbor .... name .... quieter than water and lower than grass - there will be no quarrels and evil between us.

After that, drip hot wax from a candle near the very threshold of the door of harmful and hostile neighbors with you - this is how you complete the ritual. As a rule, after a maximum of a week, a positive result will already be noticeable.

Noise at night, garbage in the stairwell and a warehouse of unnecessary things, the stench of numerous pets, floods due to problems with plumbing - a short list of what you can encounter thanks to neighbors. To get rid of such troubles, you can contact the police, but will this give the desired result? Doubtful.

Magic is exactly what will help solve any problems with neighbors (for example, constant noise)

But there is an opportunity to acquire new problems and exhaust them by feeding the bureaucratic apparatuses. What to do in this case? Magic, which has been serving people faithfully for thousands of years, will help get rid of bad neighbors.

A variety of rituals for neighbors

Despite the fact that all the following rites from neighbors are aimed either at getting rid of them or at establishing relations with them, they differ in methods, the necessary ingredients, and even the days on which they must be performed.

However, since they are united by one goal - the desire to live comfortably and calmly in own house– there is a need to unite and describe them. The main rites that protect against evil neighbors include:

  1. Neighbor protection.
  2. Conspiracy to move neighbors.
  3. Against harmful neighbors.
  4. Powerful conspiracy to photography.
  5. Conspiracy against neighborly noise.
  6. Conspiracy on a nail.
  7. Conspiracy for respect.
  8. Curse protection.
  9. Protective plot on fish.
  10. A charm from a neighbor's witch.

Protection from neighbors

This ritual can force the neighbors to move out, or at least cool their ardor in order to improve the quality of life of the conspirator.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

Salt is one of the necessary products for the ritual.

  • salt;
  • Glass bottle;
  • 3 leaves of laurel;
  • 3 garlic heads;
  • 3 dill seeds;
  • 3 black peppercorns.

How to conduct a ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician must wait until sunset and perform the ritual in the following sequence:

  1. A tablespoon of table salt, 3 bay leaves, 3 garlic heads, 3 dill seeds and 3 black peppercorns are thrown into the bottle, saying:

    “Unite into a single whole to protect me, the servant of God (name), protect my house, protect my family, and everything that is in my house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  2. Having collected all the components in the vessel, it must be shaken off three times, saying:

    “In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not interfere with me, the servant of God (name), me and my family. So that neither rain nor thunder breaks the peace and silence. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

The charmed bottle is hidden at home in a quiet place away from prying eyes. Thus, it will work as a home amulet.

Conspiracy to move neighbors

If the neighbors are already completely baked, there is a way to get rid of them forever. This magical ritual will help them say goodbye. It is held on the last day of the waning moon during sunset.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • wax candle bought in the temple;
  • 200 ml cup;
  • matches;
  • salt;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • chicken feather.

How to conduct a ritual

In order for the annoying neighbors to move out, you need to carry out the ceremony in this way:

  1. A secluded place is selected in advance, where other people will not disturb during the ceremony. No one should see or hear how a person conducts a ritual. If there is a forest nearby - great, it is ideal.
  2. As soon as the sun sets behind the sky, you need to go to the chosen place with the above ingredients.
  3. A wax candle is placed in the soil so that it is stable, lit, and salt is poured into a cup of oil, after which it is placed so that the flame of the candle illuminates the vessel.
  4. Holding a chicken feather right hand, they say:

    “Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. May there always be peace and quiet in my house of the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  5. After reading the plot, the feather must be dipped in olive oil.
  6. They're heading home. Approaching their monastery, they draw a line with a charmed pen between the neighbor's "nest" and their own.

Against harmful neighbors

In the fight against neighborly anger, this simple and effective conspiracy can come to the rescue.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator only needs to have:

A wax candle will help in the fight against harmful neighbors

  • wax candle;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual to perform is unusually simple and is performed as follows:

  1. The conspiracy is carried out at midnight, but you need to make sure that no one notices the ceremony.
  2. They approach the neighbor’s door with a lit wax candle and “draw” circles for it in a clockwise direction, saying:

    “My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble. Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

  3. After reading the plot, they drip candles near the door with wax on the floor or on the door itself. It is important that no one notices this spot.

Powerful conspiracy on the photo

Usually, this conspiracy is resorted to only if other rituals turned out to be weak in the face of neighborly arrogance and the pressure of ignorance.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • photo of an angry neighbor;
  • a piece of black cloth;
  • three identical wax candles;
  • matches;
  • plastic bag.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is carried out strictly during the waning moon at sunset according to the following algorithm:

  1. photograph bad neighbor wrapped in a piece of black cloth.
  2. Wax candles are lit and placed in a triangle around a photograph wrapped in cloth.
  3. When all the above conditions are met, the words of the conspiracy are read:

    “As the candles burn, and the wax melts from them, so let the anger of the servant of God (name) melt. The servant of God (name) will not touch me in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks, spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

  4. After reading the text, the candles are left to burn out.
  5. Candle stubs and a photograph of a neighbor in a cloth are placed in one bag, which is subsequently hidden in the western side of the house away from prying eyes.

For three days after the ritual, nothing can be taken out of the house.

Conspiracy against neighborhood noise

This ritual is well suited for people whose neighbors ruin their lives exclusively with noise: turn on the TV or music loudly, walk noisily or shout regularly. The ceremony is performed on the waning moon.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator needs:

For the ritual, you need a broom made by yourself

  • a broom that was made by hand (you can use oak, spruce or birch - as you prefer);
  • salt.

How to conduct a ritual

Getting rid of the noise of neighbors with the help of magic is many times easier than in any other way, and will not make anyone nervous again. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. With a broom, previously self-tied, they sweep all the dirt and dust from their door in the opposite direction, speaking:

    “I dare all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house!”).

  2. After the noise is swept out of the monastery along with the dust, they return home to strengthen and increase the effect. To do this, fry a little salt, reading:

    "Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

  3. Taking the fried food, they go to the apartment or house of a noisy neighbor and pour salt near the door (or threshold), drawing a line.
  4. Shutting off the noise with a salt barrier, they slander:

    “May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

This completes the ritual, but in order to avoid relapses, passing by the doors of interfering neighbors, they say in a half whisper:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

Conspiracy on a nail

If you can't wait to get rid of the evil neighbors, you can perform a ritual with a charmed nail. It acts swiftly and effectively, however, it will not be an easy task to complete it, because, like other conspiracies, it must pass in strict secrecy from everyone.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

Holy water is a necessary attribute of the ritual

  • small carnation;
  • Holy water;
  • matches;
  • a candle purchased in the temple.

How to conduct a ritual

For everything to be successful, you need to get rid of annoying neighbors in the following order:

  1. On the full moon, they light a candle, bought in advance in the temple, and temper a carnation on its flame, saying:

    “I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

  2. Having spoken carnations, they sprinkle their monastery with holy water, saying:

    “Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

  3. On any of the following days, under any pretext, you need to get into the apartment of unloved neighbors with a charmed carnation and drive it into their joint, saying:

    “Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

Considering how difficult such a task can be - to drive a nail into a joint imperceptibly - it is allowed to use a needle, spoken in the same way. However, in the case of her, it will take much longer to wait for the result.

Conspiracy for respect

It happens that relations with neighbors were neutral or completely positive, but at some point everything deteriorated: quarrels, scandals, gossip and others began unpleasant problems with them. In this case, a special conspiracy can restore good relationships and sow peace.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon according to the following algorithm:

  1. Early in the morning they come to the neighbors' doors and read:

    “Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There they are free, but we are calm. Amen".

  2. After reading, you need to cross yourself three times and bow three times.
  3. Having thus bypassed all the neighbors with whom they do not get along, they approach their doors, read the same plot, cross themselves and bow.
  4. The same is repeated at noon and at sunset.

Amulet from the curses of neighbors

If the neighbors do not shy away from evil rumors and curses, you need to protect yourself with a special conspiracy in order to protect your own life and health, as well as the life and health of loved ones living in the same apartment or house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician will need:

For magical action need a container of water

  • 3 candles purchased in the temple;
  • a vessel with water;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is quite simple, but it can effectively protect the monastery from the curses of its neighbors. To successfully carry it out, you need to perform the following steps in the evening on the waning moon:

  1. Candles are placed on a hard surface with a triangle, and a vessel filled with water is placed in the very center between them.
  2. They light candles and bend down in front of the water in such a way that you can touch the surface of the water with your breath, repeating the words twelve times:

    “I light three candles, I destroy all evil, so that an evil, dashing person can neither think evil nor think and say evil against me, the servant (s) of God (y) (your name). Turn to him at the root, put an iron knitting needle between your tongue and cheeks. And put three tyns near me: one iron, another copper, the third damask from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. After the conspiracy, they wash their face with water and say:

    “What I picked up (a) from my tongue - I washed it off (a), gave it back (a), removed all curses (a) now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

  4. Candle stubs are collected and carried to the nearest crossroads, where they are left, saying:

    “How many people here go back and forth, and as not one of these pedestrians enters my house, so the slaves (names of neighbors) of God’s servant (y) (your name) from now on forever do not know, do not curse , do not trample my thresholds, put your corner in the tongue on an iron knitting needle. Finished business. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protective plot on fish

Another good and simple conspiracy that will help protect your home from neighbor's slander and all sorts of negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator will need:

  • a pot of water;
  • fish;
  • needles;
  • gauze.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Put a pot of water on the stove and put the fish in it. Leave it to cook for an hour and a half.
  2. When the fish is boiled, needles wrapped in gauze are thrown into the pan and left to boil with the fish.
  3. At the end of the term, they say to the vessel:

    “Just as fish swim in the water, dumb, so let my neighbors go dumb, but don’t open their filthy mouths in vain. They only smile, but let them forget about quarrels and swearing with me forever. Amen, amen, amen."

  4. Having spoken all the contents, needles in gauze are carefully removed from the pan.
  5. Everything else - fish and broth - is attributed to a living source of water and poured into it, saying: "Not only fish, it is also useful for people to be silent."
  6. Returning home, you need to take the charmed needles and carefully, so that no one notices, insert harmful neighbors into the door jambs. If the jamb cannot be pierced, the needle is pushed behind it or thrown from above. The main thing is that the needle is discreetly behind the neighbors' door jamb.
  7. Inserting the needle, say in a whisper:

    “But now you will be dumb as fish, but agree with me in everything. Amen".

Charm from the neighbor's witch

If one of the neighbors is doing magic, it immediately becomes noticeable: various kinds of linings appear, like needles, puddles at the door, and sometimes even soil. In this case, in order to avoid a negative impact, it is recommended to conduct a special ceremony.

What is needed for the ritual

You can protect yourself from a neighbor's witch with a purchased silver item.

To perform the ceremony, you will need to buy any silver item.

How to conduct a ritual

It is advisable to perform the rite on the days of the full moon in order to extract the maximum benefit from it. The sequence of actions is simple:

  1. You need to pretend that relations with the neighbor witch are improving.
  2. Then you need to go to the store and buy any item made of silver. When paying, you need to casually say:

    "I'm taking the world for (neighbor's name)."

  3. The seller must hear these words, but if he asks something or tries to clarify, he must remain silent and ignore it, quickly leaving the store.

The purchased item is presented to a neighbor witch. If she suspects something or refuses a gift, something must be done so that she at least touches the silver.